How to draw a birch grove. Step-by-step drawing: how to draw a birch tree? Draw the trunk and main branches of the birch

Master class on drawing "Autumn birch tree" for 1st grade children.

Sagitova Zoya Adolfovna, teacher additional education MKU DO "TsVR" rp. Mikhailovka.
Target: Teach children to draw pictures with gouache without first drawing with a pencil.
Introduce children to the features of gouache painting techniques.
Develop the ability to notice the beauty of the world around you; desire to express one's impressions and emotional condition in the drawing.
Develop the ability to organize your workplace.
Nurture love and careful attitude to the nature of his native land.

At first glance, this work may seem simple, but its advantages are brightness and accessibility. After all, every child wants to get a positive result from their creativity in a relatively short time.

Materials : Gouache, brushes No. 1, No. 4-5, album, jar of water.

First we color the background. To paint the earth we choose colors: green, yellow, white. We begin to paint the bottom of the leaf with green paint.

After rinsing the brush, put yellow paint on the tip of the brush, add it to the lid with green paint, and mix. Use the resulting color to draw the next stripe.

We wash the brush. We put white paint on the tip of the brush, add it to the lid with green-yellow paint, and mix. Use the resulting color to draw the next stripe.

Now we will draw the sky. We will need blue and white paint. Mix in a lid and get a soft blue color. Draw the next strip.

As we continue to add blue paint, we get new shades for the blue sky.

Using a wide brush and white paint, paint a tree trunk. At the top we make the trunk thinner. We convey the nature of the location of the branches.

Now let's change the brush. To draw thin branches we use black paint. Don't forget to show the cracks in the bark of the trunk.

Then we decorate our birch tree with leaves. Using a wide brush, poke the paint onto the drawing.

Be sure to use different shades of paint, because the leaves also turn yellow unevenly.

This work can be framed and hung on the wall or given to a friend!

Birch is an amazing and very useful tree for people. In the old days, birch was used not only for various crafts and building houses, but also in medicinal purposes. Bast shoes were woven from the bark, and birch sap was collected in the spring. And besides, you will agree that birch is also amazing beautiful tree, so they are often planted near the house.
Draw a birch not difficult, since only birch trees have a white trunk with black stripes. There is no need to observe any special “geometry” in the drawing of a birch; it is only important to draw the trunk and branches correctly so that they do not turn out to be the same thickness and taper towards the edge and top of the crown. And to make it easier for you to draw a birch, you can use this step by step lesson. Step by step, first draw the trunk and main branches, then determine the size of the birch tree crown and draw the leaves.

1. Draw the trunk and main branches of the birch

First draw this simple diagram for the trunk and main branches of the birch tree. Do not press too hard on the pencil as we will be erasing these lines in the next step.

2. General outline of a birch tree

Circle with a simple pencil general outline and remove the original markup. Make sure that the branches and trunk taper towards the edge, otherwise the birch pattern will be too implausible. One part of the birch grows directly from the base of the tree, pay attention to this immediately.

3. Draw birch branches without leaves

It is not necessary to observe the size and number of birch branches. You can draw a birch otherwise, however, do not draw the branches too straight, otherwise it will look more like a Christmas tree.

4. Draw the general contour of the birch crown

If drawing branches and a trunk is not so difficult, then drawing numerous small birch leaves is quite boring and time-consuming. Let's just draw the general outline of the birch tree's crown, and then use shadows and color to create the effect of leaves.

5. How to draw a birch tree with a simple pencil

First of all, draw the bark characteristic of a birch - White background with black stripes. Then, take a soft pencil and draw birch foliage with “ripples”. This effect will even slightly “revive” your picture; the crown in the picture will seem to be rustling from the wind.

6. Drawing of a birch tree on a graphics tablet

Of course, when you need to draw a winter birch tree, you don’t need to draw the leaves and paint the tree either. But the winter birch is a rather dull subject for children's drawing, so let's draw a birch tree with leaves. And if you like drawing a birch tree, you can draw a few more birch trees nearby, the surrounding forest landscape, the sky, the sun. Then yours birch tree drawing It will be very beautiful and in good spirits.

This tutorial is about how to draw maple leaves. The leaves of birch are not at all like that and even in a weak wind they make “noise”.

Various mushrooms grow in the birch forest, but porcini mushrooms and boletus mushrooms are the most common.

A hare doesn't always have fur white. He changes his gray “fur coat” to white only in winter, so as not to stand out in the snow and be invisible to foxes and wolves.

IN present century Open self-expression has become fashionable to violate generally accepted standards. This is especially true in design various rooms, as well as the landscape. Paper wallpaper pasted on newspaper replaced colorful wall decoration various designs. Due to the fact that the services of specialists are not cheap, the owners try to transform the premises on their own. Most often, nature, trees, plants, and flowers are depicted on the walls. In this article we will provide a description of how to paint a birch tree on a wall. We will also teach you how to create a sketch with a pencil on paper, from which you can later make a panel and decorate the wall with it.

Features of birch

Before you draw a birch tree, you need to study it on a walk. Take a close look at the tree trunk, the leaves, and the arrangement of the branches. Examine the tree up close, then from a distance. The peculiarities of birch are branches in which thinner shoots stretch to the ground under the weight of buds and leaves, as well as a white trunk with dark spots. The leaf is wide with serrations and sharp at the end. The trunk is often straight and rarely curved. During the flowering period, the tree is strewn with yellow catkins. With the onset of autumn, birch leaves turn yellow.

Decorating the wall

Let's look at how to draw a birch tree step by step. When starting work, paint vertical lines on the wall with white paint. Don't stick perfect proportions, it’s not scary if the trunk is not completely straight. The main thing is that it tapers a little at the top. In addition, birch trunks often bifurcate. At the next stage, in a chaotic manner, draw dark spots on the tree bark - the main difference between birch. They should not be too large with uneven edges. Also cover the birch bark with characteristic black horizontal strokes. Next, starting from the middle of the trunk, draw large short branches in different directions in the same color, and from them thinner and more flexible shoots inclined towards the ground. If you are wondering how to draw a birch tree in bloom, then draw bunches of hanging gold earrings. On final stage color the large diamond-shaped leaves with serrated edges in rich green.

Sketch on paper

Let's give an example of how to draw a birch leaf. First you need to make a sketch. The tree should be thin and fragile, with branches falling down. Initially, you need to determine where the birch tree will be located: at the edge of the leaf or in the middle. The trunk should be drawn vertically with a slightly inclined crown. You can add a little curvature - this will make the drawing more realistic. Don't forget to narrow the trunk towards the top. Please note that the lower branches of the birch are longer than the rest. Draw them stretching downwards. Next, mark the places on the bark where the black spots will be located. Then draw leaves on the branches. When the sketch is ready, you can start coloring it.

Drawing with watercolors

Here is another interesting way to draw a birch tree beautifully. Using this technique, not only a novice artist, but also an amateur can draw an image.

We will need paper, brushes different sizes, water and watercolor. Draw the trunk and branches with a pencil as described above. To avoid staining the table with paints in the future, cover it with newspaper. Next, take a large brush and dip it in a container of water, then into paint. Remember, there should be less paint on the brush than water. Now place the tool over the place where the birch leaves should be and lightly hit your fingers with it. Colorful splashes from the brush will fly onto the paper. Change colors, mix paints, and your birch tree will be the most beautiful!

You can decorate walls with similar drawings on paper, frame them, or create an original panel.

Thin, slender birch has always been a symbol of beauty and shyness. This beautiful and healthy tree produces delicious sweet juice, is very graceful and a pleasure to draw. Birch is especially magnificent in summer, when lush foliage and birch “catkins” appear. Be sure to make a few sketches in nature with a simple pencil, watercolor or watercolor pencils, crayons and watch how the wind sways its thin branches, how the shiny carved leaves shimmer in the sun, touch the warm trunk. Now let's try to draw a birch tree in watercolors.

How to draw a birch tree step by step?
  1. Take a thick sheet watercolor paper A4 format. We draw on its rough side, not on the smooth side. You will also need a hard, sharply sharpened pencil. Just don’t try to make the lead as sharp as a needle, it will scratch the surface of the paper and watercolor paint, getting into these scratches, will eat away tightly and all of them will be very noticeable in the drawing. Let's do easy pencil sketch of a future birch tree. Its features are a thin trunk and flexible branches that bend under the weight of the foliage. The leaves are small, so we will depict them only as a hint, without drawing them carefully.

  2. We outline with a pencil the areas where the birch foliage will be. Since it is small, from a distance it will seem that it is a dense volumetric mass. The areas are uneven, in some places some of the branches descend lower, in others they lie in an even layer, especially at the top. The birch foliage descends as if in a cascade or a large green waterfall.

  3. Now watercolor comes into use, and let's try to paint a birch tree with paints. Use transparent green-yellow paint to paint the surfaces where the foliage will be. We outline the sky with a gentle blue - the darkest paint will be on top, and the lightest below. We make a smooth gradient transition by adding more water, the result is a gentle summer sky. We designate the grass under the tree.

  4. We enhance the color of the sky, you can add either warm violet or cold blue, outline the shadows. Each branch is like a large bunch, it has volume. Because the sunlight falls at an angle from above, then the shadow will be below. We do not completely paint over the surface, but as if we were making light strokes with a brush, indicating small clusters of birch leaves. In the lightest areas, the leaves can be drawn with small dashes or dots, just outline them.

  5. In the shadows, add more dark to give the foliage volume. Notice how the layers of paint overlap - with slight indentations. First came the lightest layer of watercolor, then a little darker and the last one was the darkest. You can make another one, darker than the previous one and also draw it with a slight indentation. We draw the leaves with dots or small “droplets”. Look at how the birch leaves are arranged.

  6. We draw a birch trunk and its branches. Using a thin brush, paint small dark stripes on the trunk. Please note that they are very different and uneven - some are small, some are larger. It’s better to take not thick black watercolor, but blue and red to make it rich Brown color with a cold tint. Some of the birch branches are hidden by foliage, so do not draw solid lines, make them intermittent. This is especially noticeable in the figure in the lower branch on the left. We draw hanging thin branches. Make a shadow under the branches - brown paint + blue or light blue. The branches near the trunk will be darker. Add blue to the sky, you can leave spots and stains, they look like clouds. Below at the base of the tree we will enhance the shadow - green + blue.

  7. We complete the drawing. Using a thin brush we work out the details, enhancing the shadows for contrast on the branches, tree trunk and on the ground. Pure black paint should not be used, it will look rather rough. It is better to take a combination of dark blue and red or dilute black with blue watercolors.

Now you can move a distance away from the drawing and look at it from afar, check if you missed anything and what needs to be corrected. Following these not very complicated instructions for you, it will be quite easy to paint a birch tree in watercolor yourself.

Of course, graceful white birches are one of the most common and beloved trees. Poets often devote lines of their beautiful poems to them, and artists depict their black and white trunks on their colorful canvases. Therefore, in order to understand how to draw a birch, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the work of the most famous painters by visiting the nearest museum visual arts. You can also draw a birch tree with a pencil directly from life, by going to some park or even to a deciduous forest.
Before you draw a birch you should prepare:
1). Eraser;
2). Album leaf;
3). Pencil;
4). Liner;
5). Multi-colored pencils.

The easiest way to understand how to draw a birch tree with a pencil step by step is if you don’t rush, but slowly draw each tree step by step:
1. Draw a horizon line. Draw a thin path approximately in the middle. Mark five birch tree trunks. Try to keep the trees of different sizes;
2. Draw tree trunks, depict branches and outline the stripes characteristic of birch trees;
3. In the distance, mark the outlines of the forest. Draw on foreground a couple of stones;
4. Mark the foliage of the trees;
5. Now you know how to draw a birch tree step by step using a pencil. But this is just a sketch that needs to be colored. But first, outline the sketch with a liner. Also shade the birch trees with a liner, using it to depict a pattern characteristic of them;
6. Use an eraser to delete the original sketch;
7. Use a dark gray pencil to paint over the stripes, as well as the birch branches;
8. Shade the stones with brown and gray pencils;
9. Color the birch foliage green;
10. Use blue to indicate the clouds and shade the sky;
11. Paint the forest dark green and the grass bright green;
12. Tint the path with brown shades.
Now the birch tree is drawn and painted with a pencil. To make the landscape more realistic and colorful, it is better to use gouache or watercolor. Birch trees can also be drawn with a regular pencil, working out the drawing in more detail using shading. You can create very beautiful picture, if depicted with bright colors autumn landscape, because in September the foliage of these wonderful trees acquires a magnificent golden yellow hue. Birch trees also look wonderful in winter, when their bare branches are decorated with lush snowdrifts.
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