How to make your husband generous. How to teach a man to be generous

Many women resentfully say that their man is not capable of creativity, and in general, he is a complete dunce and cannot choose a gift that I will definitely like. And why all? You're saying it wrong. There are 6 techniques, using which, your husband will become more observant and courteous, and gifts will become a pleasant regularity.

1. Ask for help

Generosity goes hand in hand with the desire to care and protect. If your man does not quite fit the image of a knight-defender, you should think: are you giving him such an opportunity? The image of a self-sufficient and independent “iron lady” can become so familiar that we gradually lose the habit of showing feminine fragility and weakness - and if so, then a man sometimes does not even assume that we expect him to show attention. Start asking your loved one for help - even if at first it will be difficult for you to do it, but inner voice will persistently whisper: “I can handle it myself!” One of a man's basic needs is to feel needed, and if you give him this feeling, he will respond with generosity and genuine care.

2. Enjoy gifts

Why do we love to spoil little children with gifts? They know how to sincerely enjoy them! Wanting to once again see the delight from the next surprise on the baby’s face, we will not be too lazy to spend money and time and buy another (even one hundred and twenty-fifth and not very necessary) toy, book, or whatever! Childlike spontaneity and the ability to enjoy little things are worth learning: the more joyfully you react to every, even very small, gift from your loved one, the more he will want to please you again. Of course, we are not talking about pretense - insincerity is always felt and will do a disservice. But sometimes it is possible and necessary to learn to “turn on” the little girl in you who accepts gifts with admiration and joy.

3. Give thanks

A woman who, with enviable enthusiasm, scolds her chosen one for greed, but does not know how to thank her from the bottom of her heart, only contributes to the fact that her man will become more and more greedy and stingy day by day. In order for your loved one to want to spend money on you, appreciate the efforts he has made and be sure to praise his generosity - tell him how important this quality is to you and how you admire his masculine care and attention to you. Sincere gratitude and admiration can work wonders - even the most thrifty man will want to endlessly surround you with care and surprise you with gifts just like that, without any reason.

4. Be generous

Generosity is a quality that can be developed fairly quickly if you just create the appropriate atmosphere. For a man to become generous to you, show your emotions yourself, talk more nice words, do something nice for him just like that, for free. Understand that how you treat him will greatly affect the opposing possibilities. And how can you refuse a woman who does so much for a man. They notice everything.

5. Allow yourself to dream

A woman should build goals, keep wish diaries and visualization cards. Why? Because daydreaming is a female trait; she has more energy to carry out her plans. Your goals motivate a man, he will want to do more for you, more often and better, he will strive for the ideal man in your eyes.

Don’t suppress your desires when your husband asks: “Darling, what should I give you?” Don’t be modest and don’t say: “Oh, I already have everything.” Such behavior blocks a man’s ability and desire to make pleasant things happen, so be careful what you say.

6. Talk about your desires

Men, unfortunately (or fortunately?), do not know how to read minds, and, as a rule, they understand hints with difficulty. Therefore, if your chosen one is alien to manifestations of generosity, and this upsets you, do not expect him to “guess himself” about the reasons for your dissatisfaction - he won’t! Tell your loved one about your desires - but not in the form of reproaches (“you always feel sorry for my money”), comparisons (“but Ole’s husband gives flowers for no reason”) or uncompromising demands (“I want you to buy me a coat”). . The best way- do not criticize or manipulate, but talk about your feelings. To a loving man I will definitely want to please you with at least a bouquet of flowers if you sincerely admit: “I would be very pleased if you gave me gifts more often - your attention means so much to me!”

The most Full description in every detail - read a love spell on a man’s generosity yourself with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.

From the letter: “...I’ve been dating for five years now, I don’t know if it’s love or not, but the habit is already quite strong. He is happy, and so am I, that we live separately. I have children, but he doesn’t seem to like children at all. But I don’t want such a family. So we meet three times a week. It’s just a shame that she has to feed him and give him something to drink from her children. He hasn’t brought a dry crust into the house in five years. He is very greedy, he saves everything for something. Now everything is expensive, a bag of coffee is only 1.5 rubles, but you need sugar, bread, butter to go with it. Fry three eggs and then take them out and put them in. Sometimes I won’t eat it myself, it’s all for the children and him. Once I got into a conversation with a neighbor. She told me that she would bring me a prayer and then he would carry everything to my house. She left for prayer and came back an hour later. She says she's looked through everything and can't find it.

Someone will probably laugh at my letter. But I think that anyone who has been in my shoes with three children and no money will understand me and will not judge me. Again, you can give me advice to leave him. And who needs me with children? And I'm only 35 years old."

There are such prayers, and I will now teach you two of them. But first, turn with a prayer of gratitude to our Creator Jesus Christ:

Your body is holy,

Lord Jesus Christ,

Our God, may there be eternal blood in my belly and blood

Your honor for the remission of sins:

May this thanksgiving be my joy,

health and joy; in a terrible way

and the second coming

Thine vouchsafe me, a sinner, to the right hand of glory

Yours, through the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother

I pray to you, Holy Prophet Elijah,

Send me 12 angels

with white wings,

with gilded candles.

Surround them oppositely and crosswise.

Let all 12 go and find the servant of God (name),

They will drive three nails into his heart.

First - you can’t be greedy,

The second is a dear gift,

The third is a generous soul,

from the last penny he buys me everything I want.

The word is mine. The matter, Ilya, is yours.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Another conspiracy.

They take a hop stalk, put it in their bosom and walk around their loved one. The stem is spoken like this:

You twisted, entwined, with your pole

did not part, but clung to his pole.

Let the slave (name) not squeeze, give me his money

does not regret, pampers me and cherishes me.

Just as a mother spares her daughter neither bread nor brocade,

slave (name) all swords on my table...

Carry it like a mother bird carries it to the nest,

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love spell for generosity (for sugar)

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    Dear forum users, don’t immediately throw slippers at me, this is the material of one of the “white” practitioners (alas, I don’t know the name, from notebook notes), in the original the appeal was to a saint. Not plagiarism clean water, rather a reworking into a “dark style” What happened - I’m attaching + my personal comments on use, please discuss.

    Speak on sugar for three nights, during a meeting with the object, throw it into a cup to drink, you can add blood, but it will be binary. Payback based on what was done + payback from the first gift. As an addition to the size of requests, put runes on sugar for generosity + gifts, respectively

    for me: Works one-time for large requests, or for small ones, but in large quantities

    A conspiracy so that the beloved man: husband or lover gives money and is generous

    A loved one does not give money to fix it, magic and a conspiracy will help, which is read for a husband or lover who is greedy and stingy with money. It happens that the man you love counts every penny and you can’t ask him for an extra ruble, but he always grumbles and swears about new and necessary purchases. Don’t be afraid, magic will help remove greed from a person and immediately after reading the plot, your beloved man will become generous and flexible. The words of the spell need to be learned by heart and when a man comes to your home, closing the door (of a house or room) behind him, say in a barely audible voice a conspiracy to get a man to be generous so that he will give you more money and not demand an account :

    How a good mother does not regret

    For my children, no bread, no honey,

    No money, no energy, no time,

    So would my husband and servant of God (name),

    Wouldn't be stingy, wouldn't be sorry for me

    Nothing and never, everywhere and always.

    So my words will come true and be accomplished.

    This conspiracy allows you to cheat men out of money and gifts, and if you ask him for money, he will definitely give it in the right amount.

    A conspiracy for money and wealth is read on the night of Monday to Tuesday in the kitchen at home. On Monday after 10 pm but before midnight at the dinner table, perform the following magical ritual that will attract money, wealth and good luck into your home and your life. This ritual can be performed no more than once a year, so try to work it out in such a way that no one distracts you while reading the prayer spell and thereby interrupts the performance of the money ritual. An interrupted ritual cannot be redone within a year! Pour a full cup of milk and place it on the dining table, cover the glass with a piece of black bread, say the words of the prayer spell to attract money and

    There are gypsies in money magic good plot– a spell for money and if you perform a gypsy ritual to attract money you can quickly get a large sum money and live in abundance and wealth. On the waxing moon, you need to go to the oak tree and take seven yellow acorns near it. Near the place where the oak grows you need to find three white pebbles and a piece of moss the size of your palm. The moss must be in one piece. Place acorns and pebbles on the green side of the moss and wrap it up, tying it with red thread; this is done on the street, hidden from prying eyes. When you come home with the moss, place the bundle under your pillow and go to bed. You need to sleep until midnight, even if you can’t sleep, you need to lie down

    Vanga gave to people practical advice for every day for luck, money and prosperity so that life is filled with joy, luck and prosperity. Today, conspiracies will tell you one very good conspiracy told by Vanga to attract money into your life, diverting the poor and destitution from your home. Following the advice of the Bulgarian clairvoyant, the money in your wallet will always be in abundance and you will not experience any problems.

    If your beloved man, husband or lover spares money for you, a special conspiracy will help correct this. Read the plot so that a man gives all the money and is not stingy; cook meat on the bone, you can use chicken and say the following words to the treat to remove greed and stinginess from a person. Feed a greedy man a charmed piece of meat and as soon as he tastes the food, his greed towards you will subside and he will become more talkative and loyal to your spending, giving more money for

    How to force a debtor to quickly and completely return the money borrowed. Magic will help you repay the debt with the help of a ritual for the debtor and reading a conspiracy - prayers for debt repayment, today they will tell you in detail how to do this with the help of magic, conspiracies. If the debtor does not want to repay the money borrowed, this will help force him to pay his debts strong conspiracy for debt recovery and refund borrowed money. Conspiracy - a prayer for debt repayment can be read on a box of matches and a church candle of any color on any day of the week and convenient for you evening time at home. After waiting until evening, read the Lord’s Prayer and wrap the black thread you previously bought in the church

    In white magic, a conspiracy for good luck and money so that it grows is usually read on the waxing moon, and now conspiracies will not tell you about one very strong money conspiracy - a magnet that will attract money and good luck to you in all matters, at home and at work. Not many people know what conspiracies they read on the waxing moon to cast a love spell on a house, but in vain. If you read a spell for money at home, you need to read it on the waxing moon, then the ritual to attract money will work very quickly. After you have read the lunar money plot, you can quickly get rich by attracting good luck and wealth to yourself with the help of money magic, you only need to read the spell once

    To attract constant good luck in any business, read a good luck plot that will help you become more successful. Most ancient rite bringing good luck is done on the thing. You can cast a spell on any new things or objects; most often, the spell is cast on jewelry that you will wear every day; this jewelry becomes an amulet that brings good luck to its owner. It is customary for magicians to spell a ring for good luck and wealth and wear it on the left hand without removing it. A thing charmed for good luck becomes the best talisman that makes its owner lucky, about whom many say: “he was born with a shirt on and that’s why he is always lucky in everything.” But the secret of constant

    Money conspiracies for Easter have always been popular, and the poor and the rich have all read conspiracies to attract money and wealth on Easter Day in order to ward off poverty and live a year in prosperity and wealth. In villages to this day, Easter money spells are known and every year with the arrival of Easter they perform this easy ritual to attract money and wealth to their home. Do you want to live richly and always have money in your wallet? On Easter week, “Bright Week”, read this spell for money in your wallet and all year you and your family will not know the need, and wealth and prosperity will always be in your home. Early in the morning on Easter with no one to talk to

    All the conspiracies that need to be read for Easter really work and quickly give the expected result, provided that they are carried out accurately and believe in the power of white Easter magic. Luck has always been a good thing, and in order for it to accompany you all year on Easter Day, you need to read the Easter spell for good luck. Like all conspiracies read at Easter, luck is attracted to a painted egg. Immediately after performing a ritual to attract good luck, a person becomes completely lucky; luck will literally accompany him in any matter at home and at work. A person charmed for good luck will be able to receive benefits that he could not even dream of. Easter is coming and that means it's time to have a good time

    If you read this plot for Easter, then wealth and money will be found in your house all year. In ancient times, thanks to the Easter spell and an easy ritual using money to attract wealth, people who knew the signs and customs got rid of poverty and lack of money in one day of Holy Easter! Nowadays, anyone knows how important this day is in the Orthodox world. White magic carrying out rituals and reading Easter conspiracies for wealth actually contribute to quick enrichment, so what is this mysterious conspiracy that attracts wealth and big money into the life of an Orthodox person and what is needed to independently carry out a magical ritual for Easter and

    If you are looking real way how to use magic to quickly become a rich person and quickly get a lot of money, spend this magic ritual with reading a strong spell to call big money and wealth into your life. To carry out a ritual to attract money, you need a bowl made of natural clay, which should be placed on the floor near the door to your bedroom. From the moment the bowl is placed, for six days, every day at five o’clock in the evening, put a coin in the bowl yellow color the same dignity while saying a conspiracy

    The money plot must be read on the waxing moon, reading is allowed money conspiracy and on the full moon. Before reading the plot, you need to find a tree that you can easily fully embrace and there should be leaves on the tree. Having waited for a ritual suitable for attracting money and wealth lunar day, prepare a linen bag in which put ten white coins, ten yellow coins and one of any paper bill. Seal the edges of a linen bag with money yourself with red thread so that your money is not flattered devilry and did not jinx your monetary wealth. Approach the previously noted tree closely, closing your eyes and hugging the tree to the floor, three voices

    This powerful spell for wealth, read on an egg from a “ripple hen” - brown, will help you gain wealth and attract big money. egg with white spots. You can find this in the market, but you will have to walk around, although the luckiest ones find such eggs very quickly and, after reading the plot, quickly become rich and self-sufficient people, living their whole lives in wealth and luxury. Having found such an egg on the market, without haggling, buy the whole ten from the seller and leave all the change, if any, to the seller. At home, choose an egg that is unevenly colored or has some inclusions on its shell and hard-boil it for 5 minutes. While the egg is hot

    A conspiracy against poverty allows you to quickly find money and get rid of lack of money in a very short time. In difficult times, when there is not enough money even for the most necessary things, in the old days we read this good white conspiracy from poverty, which very quickly restored monetary wealth by attracting and luring money from a variety of sources (extra change in a store, finding money on the street, and so on). The conspiracy against lack of money should be read on a green scarf and grains of wheat (one glass). Calcine the wheat in a frying pan, reading the Lord's Prayer nine times while calcining. Remove the pan from the heat and cool the roasted wheat in it. At midnight on a full moon or on a new moon

    The desire to “squeeze” more resources out of a person is not considered noble, but is nevertheless present in many women. Magic helps to realize it. Conspiracies for the generosity of a beloved man will inspire the object to be generous: he will not spare anything to please the sorcerer.

    The ritual is performed at night during the full month.

    • photograph of a man;
    • flower pot;
    • soil and any seeds.

    You need to open the window and sit on the windowsill. You should put a photograph on the bottom of the pot (you can roll it several times), pour some soil there and plant the seeds of any plant in the soil. Then it is recommended, looking at the moon, to say the following spell:

    “In the palace, in the royal chambers, there are huge chests, containing precious stones - diamonds and rubies, sapphires and tourmalines, emeralds and garnets. Just as there are so many precious stones in those royal chambers, I receive endless and endless gifts from (name): from silk and silver, from gold and crystal, from gardens overseas and from distant cities. Open (name)'s wallet, open his pockets, open the caskets that are in the house, that they keep different money - and spend coins on me, pamper me, make me happy, give me gifts, do not know stinginess. I conjure (name) for irrepressible generosity towards me, for faithful generosity towards me, so that (name) will favor me, so that he does not try to contradict me, so that he does not cancel my words. Just as this sprout grows, feeds on the light of the moon, so (name) be generous to me - in summer and winter, in cold and warm, in satiety and hunger! It will be so!”

    The pot with the planted seed should be left on the windowsill. As the plant develops, the spell will take effect. The first results are usually noticeable within two weeks. To ensure that the effectiveness of the ritual does not decrease, the plant must be carefully cared for.

    A quick plot to get a boyfriend to be generous

    The ritual is performed whenever you want. You need to look at the photograph of the man and monotonously read the plot:

    “So that he loves, that he is generous, that he does not open his eyes, but only gives: any money, expensive gifts, attention beyond measure. So that he doesn’t skimp on me, so that he doesn’t huddle over the coin, so that he doesn’t listen to his mind and others, but he’s generous to me: he presented the last thing, fulfilled all requests, calmed down any prayer.”

    A strong spell for generosity on a candle

    It is preferable to carry out the ritual during the waxing moon. You need to light a candle, focus on the image of a man and, until the fire goes out, say:

    “Just as someone else’s hiccups fell on Fedot, so I will speak to (name) for generosity, for caring for me. So that he brings gifts to me, so that he throws them at my feet, so that he treats and dresses me like a queen, so that he takes me around the world like a lady, so that I don’t know refusal, so that I don’t know sorrows, so that I don’t get my hands dirty, so that I don’t scream out loud, and receive everything on a saucer - from (name), from a dear one, and from anyone who is generous with me, like a mother with a small child, like the sun with a distant land.”

    The cinder is buried under the threshold of the object. After about a week, the spell will work. The ritual is safe and harmless, so it is recommended to repeat it periodically. As a rule, counterfeiting is required no more than once every three months.

    Any conspiracy for generosity is effective way push a man to do beautiful things. The object of influence will forget about any restrictions, caring for the contentment and happiness of the sorcerer.

    Love spells at home for a man's love

    In this article you will get acquainted with a collection of simple love spells that you can easily do yourself at home.

    For love spells to take effect, it will be enough to pronounce a special spell that determines the target direction of the effect.

    I got all the love spell methods that were put together from a familiar village healer who has been practicing occult methods for solving heart problems for many years.

    Personally, I am firmly convinced that any love spells and sugar spells are nothing more than an attempt to force specific person live according to your rules.

    As a result of the love potion, your loved one will turn into a law-abiding slave, in whose eyes the light will forever fade.

    Therefore, before you decide to use a love spell, think about whether you need a person with a “dead soul”.

    Love spell for a gift

    Buy a small trinket and give it to your loved one on the occasion of a special occasion.

    Before giving a gift to a man, say the following love lines seven times:

    I give you a gift, I love you. Deck card, fly love spell. Take the little thing and come straight away. You will sink into me like a worm into the earth. Amen! Amen! Amen!

    Spell to meet a person

    Get up early in the morning and looking to the east, pronounce a love spell to meet your loved one:

    I look to the east, God bless you. If you come to me, you will live in warmth. You won’t go to someone else, you’ll go to me. Amen! Amen! Amen!

    A very strong love spell at a crossroads

    Late in the evening you go to an abandoned intersection and read love words to the wind. After reading the love spell, you go back without talking to anyone or turning around. To strengthen the love spell, you need to go to the crossroads for three days in a row.

    Cross on cross roads, worn out feet. I invite you, I curse your enemies. I will dare my rivals, I will shit them in their faces. I will call on the wind, I will increase love. You will be with me all your life, under strict scrutiny. Amen! Amen! Amen!

    Love spell to return love

    If you want to use a love spell to return your former love, then read the magic plot suggested below as often as possible. You should bewitch your lost love within seven days, after which a return is guaranteed.

    When God's servant (name) wakes up in the morning, he will be mad at me. He will not be able to calm down, but will fall in love. He will return to the threshold and remember the road. He won’t be able to leave, for me he’ll be exhausted. Amen! Amen! Amen!

    Strong love spell for generosity

    Exactly at midnight, secretly retiring, read a magic spell for love spell generosity from a page seven times in a row. If you want the groom not to skimp on gifts, then try to attract irrepressible spending to him.

    You will receive a salary, not by stinginess, but by spending. If you obediently give in, you will buy me a gift. If you give me all the money, it will be a whim. There will be a lot of generosity, in full, not shabby. Amen! Amen! Amen!

    Easter love spell

    On Easter, you read a love spell on an unblessed Easter cake seven times. After this, you treat your lover to it. The love spell begins to work almost instantly.

    Just as God gave everyone a soul mate, so the servant of God (name your name) will toil for me and be sad, be satisfied with Easter bread, disown them, dry up to me, and be in a knot forever. Amen! Amen! Amen!

    Eternal love spell

    To cast an eternal love spell, you must read it seven times in a row. rotten egg occult plot on the grave with the name of your beloved. After reading the love phrases, you should secretly bury the egg in the cemetery soil. Such a love spell, according to adherents, can never be removed.

    Damp earth and dead man's power, I want to steal you without asking. You will grieve for me forever, no one will dare take you away. You will be overcome with longing, you will love forever, you will have to bury my happiness in the ground. Now I will lock up your life forever, no one will know what I hide. Amen! Amen! Amen!

    Love spell for Christmas

    This love spell is done on Christmas Eve, namely the last night before the holiday. You say love words on a photograph of your loved one, and then hide it in a secluded place from prying eyes. After some time, the Christmas love spell begins to work, but as long as you keep the occult reprimand secret.

    Eyebrows, eyes and beloved face, so that you droop from melancholy and suffering. Just as God was reborn and entered souls, so should you, good-for-nothing, come to me. You won’t be with someone else, you’ll forget all your friends, you’ll suddenly feel a strong attraction. No one will be able to drive away the love spell, we will have a wedding, and somewhere - a divorce. Amen! Amen! Amen!

    Love spell in the bathhouse

    A love spell on bath water is considered one of the most powerful. Fill a basin with water and secretly read a strong spell on bath water over it. When your loved one washes himself with this water, the love spell will begin to work almost instantly.

    Steam and heat, sweat and water, now you, my love, are with me forever. You will wash your lips and sprinkle the edges, and you will come running to me like a helpless slave. You will fall asleep, you will fall asleep and you will wake up naked, forever now you are my beloved. Amen! Amen! Amen!

    These are just the most common love spells. In fact, there are many more of them. In order for any love spell to take effect, it is necessary to involve your own energy in its mechanism, which is a good help for a magical conspiracy.

    The material was prepared by me, Edwin Vostryakovsky.

    So that the suitor and lover is generous with gifts

    First, turn with a prayer of gratitude to our Creator Jesus Christ:

    Your holy body, Lord Jesus Christ,

    Our God, may he be in my eternal life,

    and Your venerable blood for the remission of sins:

    May this thanksgiving bring me joy, health and joy;

    in the terrible life and Thy second coming, grant me, a sinner,

    stand at the right hand of Your glory, through the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother and all the saints.

    Conspiracy for a man's generosity.

    A generous, attentive man is the dream of any woman. What to do if your beloved man is not generous? Try reading the generosity plot regularly. Soon you will see that your man has become more generous with gifts and money.

    So, the words of the conspiracy for the generosity of a man.

    “Be my words not for an hour,

    not for a day, not for a month, but

    For the whole century. Amen.

    I will not go by thresholds, not by doors,

    Not with gates, not with forests, but with fields.

    There is a miser sitting in a clearing.

    Day and night he guards his gold.

    Doesn't let anyone near him

    He doesn’t give it to his hands, he doesn’t show it to his eyes.

    Sits and whispers: “I have no friends,

    No relatives, only my greed and stinginess.”

    The miser sits on gold and eats the stale crust,

    Yes muddy water washes it down

    He doesn’t want to spend every penny.

    God help me! To the point

    Bless my words!

    How youth comes

    And then it goes away forever,

    So let stinginess and greed

    God's servant (name) will leave him forever

    And he won’t find his way back.

    Key. Lock. Language.

    Amen. Amen. Amen"

    There are many love spells to separate a husband from his rival. One of these conspiracies.

  • /li>

    Dryness is small love spells, which do not require special training and implementation.


    This plot will help eliminate your rival from the life of your loved one. He is good because he delivers.

    Login to write a review.

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    Difficulty level: Not easy

    What you will need:

    • normal self-esteem
    • ability to accept gifts
    • auto-training
    • generous man

    1 step

    Turns out, a lot depends on the woman herself. From her attitude towards herself, her self-esteem, her ability to accept gifts, etc. Most women are embarrassed to accept expensive gifts, considering themselves obligated to the giver. They prefer to buy for themselves what they can afford. This is one of the main problems. And therefore, the first step of every woman should be to understand that she is worthy those expensive gifts that a man gives her! This ability to accept gifts with dignity needs to be instilled in girls from childhood.

    Step 2

    Next, every woman needs raise self-esteem. To do this you can look like psychological trainings or do auto training. Is not empty words- there will definitely be an effect. Start by writing in the evening before bed. Nice words address yourself and more, don’t be modest. Pin the list on the wall and read it every morning, maybe out loud. At first it may just be funny to you, but then you will be imbued with the fact that you are really “the kindest, the best, the most faithful, the most charming, the most...”. When you go to the mirror, smile at yourself. Don't forget to praise yourself for your achievements.

    Step 3

    At the same time, write, whatever you wanted as gifts from a man. And after a while you will notice that you will want to change your desire. The price of the gift will increase! Because you will love, respect and value yourself more).

    Step 4

    More learn to ask! Yes, yes, you need to learn this. The request should not sound boring, monotonous, annoying, whiny, from which any man would simply want to run away. The request should sound emotional, fun, and easy. And very specific! You should not hint at the desired gift, but specifically voice it. And you need to learn to do all this interspersed with love game, affection, delicious dinner and evening massage). It is not forbidden to tell a man about the joys that await him thanks to this gift)

    Step 5

    And having received a gift, do not hold back your emotions, rejoice sincerely, hug and kiss your man, repeating that he is the kindest, most generous, attentive and simply... loved by you) You can spin around the room, flutter, dance - let him see how happy you are thanks to to him! And don’t put off the gift until a special case, and use it now.
    Well, in turn, reward your generous man unforgettable evening (or night))!

    Step 6

    There is also this option: your man cannot give you the gifts you dream of. For example, a cool car, villa and yacht are simply beyond his means. Then you have two options:
    1. exchange a man for a much wealthier one;
    2. make your desires more realistic, so as not to poison the soul of yourself and your loved one.
    Only you can choose)

    • I don’t know how to ask for expensive gifts)) And I consider this inappropriate for myself. But psychologists recommend exactly these steps, which I gave in the instructions)

    I started asking these questions when I was sixteen. And certainly not to simply “profit” at someone else’s expense. But then, in order to evoke even stronger and more obvious feelings in my man.

    I never liked bouquets of cut flowers, but passing by a flower shop, I shamelessly demanded that my future husband buy me another broom of roses. I understood that he had a modest salary and no extra money, but I also understood that it should always be on me. Let him spend it on me, let him make it a habit to please me! If there is a desire, the means will arrive in time.

    Learn to ask correctly

    If you want to teach a man to be generous, the first thing you should be able to do is ask correctly. Not everyone is capable of asking shamelessly and at the same time delicately. This works best for a spoiled child. When “their spontaneity” says the unfailing “Dad, buy it!”, it is never perceived as vulgar. The success of such a request lies in the fact that the child does not doubt the love of his parent, and is also confident that he really needs the required thing, that he deserves it. Therefore, when the “beloved child” asks, he does not feel any fear that he will be “sent away”.

    In the process of such a relationship with daddy, a pleasant reflex is reinforced - “asked and received.” Thus, the child develops a fearless character, which is why they say: “Children must be pampered, then they will grow up to be real robbers.”

    In contrast to this example, most women either do not know how to ask at all, or do it, damaging their feelings self-esteem, which fundamentally contradicts our postulate that men should be treated easily and without tension.

    So why do many of you, so beautiful and smart, still not teach your men to be generous? The most popular answer: “Pride does not allow us to ask; we want to be independent of men.” But this is self-deception! In fact, when you created a couple, you already became dependent on each other. And the point here is different - that you consider yourself unworthy to “take.”

    Where did you get this disease? It's all from there! From the unforgettable family charter. Most likely, your beloved daddies were big stingy people, and you learned from childhood: ask or ask, you still won’t get anything. And if he does, then only with the obligatory condition - to work it out! And this “condition” now becomes like a bone across your throat, preventing you from establishing a normal dialogue with your loved one, with a slight movement of your hand, laying out all his material values ​​in front of you.

    Then they would certainly remind you, they say, I gave you “this”, and you, so ungrateful, did not live up to my hopes, that is, “did not work.” IN unconditional love To this day, you don’t have faith in you from a man, so you are forced to curry favor. And even now, when you have become an adult, the mere thought of asking a man for something makes you feel a little nauseous.

    His fifteen-year-old daughter became addicted to going to cafes with her friend. Her father didn’t like this and one day, by chance, he casually dropped the phrase in front of her: “It’s funny to look at these decorated beggars in the Vesna cafe.” They sit all evening with some kind of juice and pull, pull, pull it for three hours, until, out of pity, some sucker treats them to something more substantial.” The daughter turned out to be smart. When she became an adult, she treats men herself.

    One day Larisa's boyfriend told her a heartbreaking story about his ex-girlfriend, whom he “loved very much,” while she was “so shameless, all she did was constantly twist him into money.” We must give him his due - he never was stingy with his ex. Rings, bracelets - gold, diamonds. The story of their breakup alone is worth it: he just didn’t have enough for the diamond necklace that the “mercantile creature” ordered for her anniversary.

    Impressed by his story, Larisa decided: I will definitely prove to him that “I’m not like that.” She kept her promise to herself - her beloved, apparently sensing her monastic indifference to the material side of the relationship, gave her more than modest gifts. So she reveled in the feeling of her high morality until she was sent home in a taxi, which they did not even bother to pay for.

    After such “adventures” you join the ranks of ladies emancipated beyond the norm, for whom it is easier to take a man for support, “lowering” him to the level of a gigolo, than to interact with a normal man. Strong women, deprived of the opportunity to “take easily” from childhood, automatically reject potential patrons throughout their lives.

    However, sometimes it can be worse - unloved daughters grow up to be chronic losers and victims of despots, who also reject all potential “givers.” Outwardly, this can manifest itself like this: as soon as a man promises such a lady something “good,” she, instead of smiling approvingly and “thanking him in advance,” frowns and begins to play at being independent and incorruptible.

    A kind of kicking horse, which, due to its own “kicking”, does not allow itself to be properly fed. Well, if she is too zealous, sooner or later she will attract those who will cynically turn her into a draft horse. Independence is always good, but sometimes flaunting it is just stupid.

    I think it would be better to do this: for all the good things that a man promised to do to you, you need to look at him kindly and thank him in advance. For a woman, this is non-binding flirting, and for a man, such behavior is an excellent incentive to continue to communicate with her, and even “appease” her with something more tangible than “just words.”

    There is no need to be indifferent towards the material side of life - you need to purposefully teach your man to be “gift-giving” in the name of strengthening his own feelings.

    In fact, a “giving” man values ​​more a woman who “takes with pleasure” than one who loves him “for nothing.” The more time, money and effort is spent on a person, the further the giving side tends to go in their feelings. It's like building a house. He says: “I put my soul into it, how can I sell it!” The receiving party usually takes a “cooler” position.

    Nietzsche said it well: “Truly just people do not accept gifts. They bring everything back. That is why they disgust those who love them.”

    Demanding as a lifestyle

    So, be generous. Teach your man to be generous and give you gifts. And if he tells you: “Ask for whatever you want,” “wish” the most precious thing. Within reasonable limits, of course. If you are accustomed to cheap cosmetics and clothes, to the cheapest dishes from the menu of cheap cafes, this is also an indicator for a man.

    You will say, how can this be, we are not prostitutes to charge men for our company! We are decent women. By the way, regarding venality, one way or another, we all put ourselves up for auction. Whether we are getting a job or looking for a life partner, we always dream of being appreciated. And this is good, it means we have healthy ambition.

    In order to declare yourself as a luxury woman, it is not necessary to be beautiful, it is more important to be well-groomed. But true grooming is not one-time visits to a cosmetologist, but daily self-control, which comes from being demanding of yourself. Figuratively speaking, you can indifferently increase fat and ignore wrinkles, or you can solve these problems.

    It is useful to develop demandingness as a lifestyle not only in relation to yourself, but also in relation to your man. And you don’t have to spend a lot to create an “expensive image.” Why hang yourself with numerous shiny trinkets? Rather than create an image of “cheapness”, it is better to do without any decorations at all. You know, as noble ladies at court said: “You have to come for alms in your own carriage.”

    Your “carriage” is not only your “psychological attitude”, it is also, to some extent, your appearance. And your appearance is an indicator of what is the norm for you, and most importantly, what you are ready to accept from your man with your dear soul. If today you agree to wear cheap jewelry, you most likely will not be given diamonds.

    By and large, it all depends on the recipient, and not on the donor. Life shows that the same men with different women they act completely differently: when buying a diamond necklace for one - parallel mistress, with a clear conscience they present it with a discounted stainless steel ring. Take it as a fact, your beloved men are people like everyone else - they perfectly see where and with whom you can save a lot of money. What about justice? – you exclaim indignantly. And I will answer you that in fact, this is fair... because like always attracts like: Diamonds are only suitable for gold, but not for stainless steel!

    Twenty-year-old Masha's lover was her sixty-year-old boss, the director of the restaurant where she worked. She needed material support - he needed a vivid demonstration of his persistent masculine strength. At first, he regularly gave her gifts and gave her significant sums, but one day everything changed.
    That day they were going to the sauna, and on the way, in order to save money, she asked him to buy her shampoo and shower gel. To once again does not spend from her own pocket, after the “entertainment” the practical girl put the wet bottles in a bag and took them home.
    It would seem that it’s time to feel sorry for Mashenka and start giving her more needles and pins. Ah, no! From that very day, “investments” in the young mistress began to come only in products and household chemicals. And to a minimum. And when the girl expressed indignation, her lover “came to his senses” and began to pay for each intimacy at the price of... a modest food package.
    It’s just that he decided that someone like Masha was enough. Why overpay above the indicated cost?

    It is important to understand that the handout you accept from him lowers you to a level from which it is already very difficult to scrape off your self-esteem. Picking up “the master’s change” is the same as finishing his dish in a cafe - all these are the habits of the poor and fools. You only need to take it big, or even sleep with him without money and without gifts and not give him anything yourself!

    Of course, everyone has their own price level. To whom more is given, more is due. It is not appropriate for an oil tycoon to give his beloved woman a lonely coffee cup on Valentine's Day if she is not from pure gold with inlay of precious stones.

    Since ancient times, a man has made offerings to a woman as a sign of his adoration. Centuries have passed and... nothing has changed! Don't deprive him of the pleasure of being a generous “giver”! Awaken in a born money-grubber the desire to feel like a patron or just a “daddy.” Love for a woman, which results in big expenses for a man, only benefits him, because it forces him to be active: earn money, make a career, overcome difficulties. And if you directly tell him: “You know, I don’t need anything from you, I love you anyway and any hut of your choice will suit me,” then he remains passive and becomes bored. You don’t “charge” him, he doesn’t get his adrenaline.

    When you put yourself in the position of a loser, you only make it worse for him! He will not strive to shower you with gold and diamonds and change something in his life for this - you do not give him the motivation for this. Do you console yourself with the fact that you are so selfless, soft and fluffy? In vain.
    I’ll tell you one on this topic true story, more like a joke.

    A couple in love passes by the stadium.
    - Darling, in the name of our love I will win the Golden Cup!
    _Whether you win it or not is not that important to me. I am ready to love you without any cups!
    He didn't win the gold cup...
    A couple in love passes by the stadium again.
    - Darling, it seems I’m losing shape; time to resume training...
    - Don't worry, I will love you even if your belly grows.
    Time passes. The guy quits sports, quits training and begins to rapidly get fat... Again they waddle past the stadium. He buys a bottle of beer and drinks it on the go.
    - How much can you drink? If you love me, you should leave me! she protests, taking the bottle from him.
    - Is it true? Do you remember when I was a budding athlete, you said that you would love me no matter who I was or what I did? In the name of our love, love me as I am. And... uh, give me my beer here!

    How to teach a man to give gifts (very concisely)

    The issue of “spending on you” is simply a matter of prioritizing. Quite a lot of things may be much “more important” to him than you: alcohol, friends, entertainment or even “girlfriends”. When it occurs to you to enter into his “plight” situation, think about this.

    1. Test the waters: borrow some significant amount of money from him and pay back. If he reminds you, draw your own conclusions.

    2. In the vocabulary of some “especially gifted” ladies, the word “buy” does not exist at all - it is replaced by the tactful word: “needed”. Men listen to the words “I want” and “need” much more; they don’t irritate them as much as “buy.”
    Work with the word proceeds according to the following scheme. From time to time, in conjunction with this “magic” word, you mention the desired thing, as if accidentally remembering it. You remind about this often, but briefly. Under no circumstances allow any whining! Moreover, he should not have the impression that these words are addressed directly to him. Remember: you simply voice your desires out loud, without asking him for anything and without being embarrassed.

    If he is not a pathological miser and has feelings for you, he will do what you need. And if he doesn’t have such an opportunity now, he’ll think about how to find it. Thus, you will kill two birds with one stone: you will give a person an impetus to development and get the desired thing from him.

    There is one important nuance in this method - men catch the word “need” mainly from women with whom relationships are already “boiling”, but are not yet “ready” to the end. That is, if all you do is look into his mouth and try to keep up with him, if you have pleased him in all the ways you already know, rest, he won’t spend too much on you. Because you are already a conquered object for him. In this case, look through my book and reconsider your belief system.

    3. Give gifts to men first, and they will definitely give back. And if not, then these are not your men.
    The greatest effect on a person is produced not by gifts “on occasion,” but by “the dictates of the soul.” If you don’t know when to give such a gift, scroll through the calendar - there is a holiday listed there for every day. There are days for trade workers, doctors and even astronauts! In addition, there are also name days - days when everyone is congratulated by Georgiev, Andreev, Alexandrov, etc. He will appreciate your attention and sense of humor. In any case, in the eyes of your man, this will add points to you. After all, you must admit, not everyone would have thought of such a thing. This is exactly the case when you can make the smallest monetary contribution, but make the maximum impression with your gift. .

    4. Let the man understand that you need money not to satisfy primary needs, but to obtain various pleasures. Even if that's not really the case. Don’t need these sickening phrases: “Put it on my phone, otherwise I’m out of money” or “Buy me a bottle of mineral water, otherwise I forgot my wallet.” The rich man does not like to give alms, he likes to spend his money tastefully. Show that you have this very taste, and he will gladly empty his pockets and “boo” with you.

    5. Don’t feel the false sense of guilt of being “the daughter of a stingy father.” Remember, spending your man’s money with or without him is an honor for any woman. You have the right to do so. Because according to the law of attraction of two hearts, you are him. By doing this, you will only become closer to each other.

    6. Show your man that spending large amounts of money on you is okay. How to show? Make it normal inside yourself. If you “understand everything, but you can’t help yourself” - break the “Cinderella” stereotype: throwing away embarrassment, quickly go to your dear daddy and treacherously empty HIS pockets. If it works out with my father, it will be much easier with other men. Thus, you will honorably return all your father’s “debts.”

    7. From time to time, remind yourself of an important thing: I am a gift in myself, I deserve not to be curried!

    Website Matriarchy.Light. gives a gift: the book "Male Psychology for Intellectual Women" download for free right now/

    Py.Sy. On my own behalf, I will add that I do not agree with all of the author’s conclusions, since I am against manipulation in principle. However, this article has several smart thoughts. Let's discuss, friends. Your Zhanna

    How to teach a man to be generous?

    How to get him to give gifts?

    I started asking these questions when I was sixteen. And certainly not to simply “profit” at someone else’s expense. But then, in order to evoke even stronger and more obvious feelings in my man.

    I never liked bouquets of cut flowers, but passing by a flower shop, I shamelessly demanded that my future husband buy me another broom of roses. I understood that he had a modest salary and no extra money, but I also understood that it should always be on me. Let him spend it on me, let him make it a habit to please me! If there is a desire, the means will arrive in time.

    Learn to ask correctly

    If you want to teach a man to be generous, the first thing you should be able to do is. Not everyone is capable of asking shamelessly and at the same time delicately. This works best for a spoiled child. When “their spontaneity” says the unfailing “Dad, buy it!”, it is never perceived as vulgar. The success of such a request lies in the fact that the child does not doubt the love of his parent, and is also confident that he really needs the required thing, that he deserves it. Therefore, when the “beloved child” asks, he does not feel any fear that he will be “sent away”.

    In the process of such a relationship with daddy, a pleasant reflex is reinforced - “asked and received.” Thus, the child develops a fearless character, which is why they say: “Children must be pampered, then they will grow up to be real robbers.”

    In contrast to this example, most women either do not know how to do it at all, or do it, damaging their self-esteem, which fundamentally contradicts our postulate that men should be treated easily and without tension.

    So why do many of you, so beautiful and smart, still not teach your men to be generous?

    The most popular answer: “Pride does not allow us to ask; we want to be independent of men.” If your pride supposedly does not allow you to put your desires into verbal form, then!

    Regarding venality: one way or another, we all put ourselves up for auction. Whether we are getting a job or looking for a life partner, we always dream of being appreciated. And this is good, it means they are present in us.

    There is no need to be indifferent towards the material side of life - you need to purposefully teach your man to be “gift-giving” in the name of strengthening his own feelings.

    In fact, a “giving” man values ​​more a woman who “takes with pleasure” than one who loves him “for nothing.” The more time, money and effort is spent on a person, the further the giving side tends to go in their feelings. It's like building a house. He says: “I put my soul into it, how can I sell it!” The receiving party usually takes a “cooler” position.

    Nietzsche said it well: “Truly just people do not accept gifts. They bring everything back. That is why they disgust those who love them.”

    Demanding as a lifestyle

    2. Give gifts to men first, and they will definitely give back. And if not, then these are not your men.
    The greatest effect on a person is produced not by gifts “on occasion,” but by “the dictates of the soul.” If you don’t know when to give such a gift, scroll through the calendar - there is a holiday listed there for every day. There are days for trade workers, doctors and even astronauts! In addition, there are also name days - days when all Georgievs, Andreevs, Alexandrovs, etc. are congratulated. He will appreciate your attention and sense of humor. In any case, in the eyes of your man, this will add points to you. After all, you must admit, not everyone would have thought of such a thing. This is exactly the case when you can make the smallest monetary contribution, but make the maximum impression with your gift.

    Under no circumstances, do not spend a lot of money on a gift for a man, even if it is his birthday, it is better to do something with your own hands. It will be cute and exclusive at the same time. A strong man will buy expensive status items for himself, and will not expect a gift from a woman. Remember: a man does not value material investments from a woman - he values ​​his own investments in her!

    3. Let the man understand that you need money not to satisfy primary needs, but to obtain various pleasures. Even if that's not really the case. Don’t need these sickening phrases: “Put it on my phone, otherwise I’m out of money” or “Buy me a bottle of mineral water, otherwise I forgot my wallet.” The rich man does not like to give alms, he likes to spend his money tastefully. Show that you have this very taste, and he will gladly empty his pockets and “boo” with you.

    4. Don’t feel the false sense of guilt of being “the daughter of a stingy father.” Remember, spending your man’s money with or without him is an honor for any woman. You have the right to do so. Because according to the law of attraction of two hearts, you are him. By doing this, you will only become closer to each other.

    5. Show your man that spending large amounts of money on you is okay. How to show? Make it normal inside yourself. If you “understand everything, but you can’t help yourself” - break the “Cinderella” stereotype: throwing away embarrassment, quickly go to your dear daddy and treacherously empty HIS pockets. If it works out with my father, it will be much easier with other men. Thus, you will honorably return all your father’s “debts.”

    6. From time to time, remind yourself of an important thing: I am a gift in myself, I deserve not to be curried!

    P.S: When you start doing everything according to this article and you have success, you will ask yourself the question: “Does a woman need to work if men already give everything?” We have a video on this topic on our website called that?

    Soul and soul have been put into this article. personal experience. The video explains how personal experience influences the value of the materials offered.

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