How to take a panoramic photo. Step-by-step instruction! Simple, easy, fast

Typically, panoramic photography is a frame with high angle review. A 3D image, in turn, must be projected onto a cube or sphere, providing the opportunity to view all its details with a shift in the viewing point.

Even ordinary cameras have a mode, but equipment manufacturers are for last years This concept has been expanded somewhat. It is not necessary to use special settings to create a spherical panorama. You can take several successful shots, and then “sew” them into a single composition. The method of scanning matrix pixels when rotating the camera is also widely used.

Creating spherical panoramas various methods gives different results. In this article, we'll look at how you can create 3D images and discuss the best programs to use for this.

A spherical panorama is one of those that is intended for demonstration on a computer using a special software.

It is based on an image in a cubic or spherical projection, created from a huge number of individual pictures. Characteristic Frames of this type have a huge coverage angle, which makes it possible to capture the entire environment.

Virtual tours and 3D panoramas

It’s very easy to get a 3D panorama; just apply a cubic or spherical projection to a cube or sphere, respectively.

Several composite panoramas turn into a virtual tour. Surely you have already seen something similar on the websites of educational institutions or libraries. A virtual tour is an online excursion in which movement occurs by clicking on transition points. They are the ones who move the user to the next panorama.

Step-by-step creation of a spherical panorama

Creating a classic 3D panorama occurs in several stages:

  1. the area from which you plan to create a spherical panorama.
  2. Stitching frames. This procedure involves combining all photos in the PTGui program for further processing.
  3. Converting a panorama to Flash format. Converting the finished projection into the required format for viewing in 3D mode.

Preparing for shooting

A spherical panorama is an image that requires some skill and preparation. Before we begin the process of creating it, let’s consider the nuances that deserve special attention.

First you need to select interesting place for shooting and place a tripod at the central point of the composition. The basis is a photo of the ground. Next, the bottom, middle, and top rows are shot, and the composition ends with shooting the sky. Remember that all subsequent frames should overlap the previous ones by a third - this will facilitate the panorama stitching stage.

Camera settings

First of all, you need to make adjustments on the lens. It should be minimal, and the viewing angle of the device should be maximum.

It is best to set the focusing of the camera lens to manual mode and concentrate it on the middle ground of the panorama. This will prevent you from changing focus with each subsequent frame.

For the desired image sharpness, the aperture value should be in the range of f/7 - f/11. You should not take pictures at its maximum value, as it will decrease to a minimum and many elements will fall out of focus.

Photosensitivity parameters should be selected based on the set aperture and the illumination of the location.

The shutter speed is also selected according to the illumination of the composition. Make sure there are no overexposures or too dark areas in the photographs.

For shooting, select RAW mode. This will allow you to correct the exposure, color balance, remove noise and add sharpness at the end of the work.

Shooting a panorama

After installing the equipment and setting it up, you can proceed directly to shooting. A spherical 3D panorama is a composition that requires several consecutive frames that partially replace each other. When changing lighting during work, you will have to adjust the shutter speed.

The most difficult part of shooting a spherical panorama is the surfaces under the tripod. To do this, you will have to pick up the camera, holding it at the same point, extend your arm up and take a frame below you. Be sure to watch your legs - they should not be in the picture.

To capture the sky, the camera must be tilted upward on a tripod, or a frame must be taken using the same technology as when photographing the ground.

After successful completion After all these steps, all you have to do is combine the photos and convert them into the desired 3D product.

How to make a spherical panorama on Android

Let's step back a little from classical concept spherical panorama and move on to studying the technology that every owner of a device with the Android operating system can use. And the Google Camera program will help you do this, and more specifically, the Photo Sphere mode in it.

The spherical panorama must be of high quality. To do this, you need to take a stable position and hold the tablet or phone at face level. The lens should be centered on the blue dot that appears on the screen.

When shooting a spherical panorama, you need to follow the point of blue color, carefully turning along with the device. An audio alert will tell you when to make your next turn. Clicking on the green check mark after completing the circle will automatically start processing the captured frames.

Creating 3D panoramas on iOS devices

You already know how to create a three-dimensional image on Android, and now owners of iOS devices will learn how to create a spherical panorama.

In this case it is worth using Google app Street View, which is identical to the Google Camera program. At the end of the circle you need to press the "Stop" button. The result can be viewed by opening standard gallery Apple Photos.

View and share a panoramic image

You can take a new photosphere immediately after processing the previous composition, but if you want to view the panorama you just created, swipe from right to left on the screen.

Useful tips to help make your photography more successful

The photo will look much better if the surrounding picture is not too colorful and contrasting. Make sure that cars and people do not get into the camera lens, because the mark they leave on the picture will ruin the entire composition.

But this does not mean at all that a spherical panorama cannot contain third-party objects. For example, a person can become part of a composition. In order for him to fit into it well, you just need to ask him not to move for a while. But, on the other hand, if the person in the frame moves in the same direction as you, it will create a certain magical effect.

Shooting spherical panoramas is creative process, to which you need to put a little effort and imagination. Unfinished photospheres, duplicated people, interesting compositions- that's all that can be created with my own hands using a camera.

This article told you how to make spherical panoramas in different ways. Use this knowledge for good and develop!

How to make a panorama - sooner or later every photography enthusiast asks this question. So he visited me this question when I decided to take a photo of someone memorial place, so that you can then place it on the wall in your apartment. Having a fair amount of experience in amateur photography behind me, I scoured the Internet in search of information about what and how to do to get the result and so that this result would not be embarrassing to show to the guests of my home. In this article I will share my experience and tell you a couple of secrets about how best to shoot and how to set up the camera to get pictures that you can then use without special effort can be combined into a panorama.

Before you start shooting a panorama, you should make sure that your camera has:

If the functions listed above are available for your camera, then you need to decide on the theme for the frame and find a place where you can realize the frame of your dreams. Once in place, configure your camera to take a panorama according to the instructions below:

  1. Install the camera on a tripod and adjust its position relative to the horizon according to the level on the tripod; if you do not have a tripod, proceed to the next step;
  2. To select the optimal shutter speed and aperture values, switch to aperture priority mode. Set it to f/8-11, focus on the central subject of the panorama and take the photo. In photo viewing mode, you need to see what ISO and shutter speed values ​​(in addition to the aperture you manually set) the camera has set;
  3. Set the shooting mode switch to the manual settings position (letter M in the camera settings) and set the shutter speed and aperture values ​​obtained in the previous paragraph;
  4. Set the white balance settings to the mode that best suits your surroundings (sunny, cloudy, etc.). This must be done so that when shooting several frames for panoramas the photographs did not differ from each other in color balance due to different exposures in different frames;
  5. Disable autofocus;
  6. Turn off image stabilization;
  7. Focus on a point corresponding to the distance for your camera, take a couple of test photos and evaluate the result. If necessary, make adjustments to the settings;
  8. start shooting.

High quality? They will help you answer this question general recommendations listed below.

  1. To shoot a panorama preference should be given to medium and long focal lenses, this is when we talk about “fixes” or if you are shooting with a lens that has variable focal length, then when shooting a panorama it is necessary to change the focal length of the lens to a distance corresponding to 50 mm and above. These measures will make it possible to high quality photos, maximally suitable for creating panoramas based on them, since in most cases they will have minimal geometric distortions and minimal distortion;
  2. Avoid getting hit foreground into the panorama frame
  3. Do not change the focal length and shooting parameters during shooting until the entire series panorama shots will not be filmed.
  4. To get a panorama With good resolution, it is better to place the camera in a vertical position relative to the horizon.
  5. Overlapping frames (overlapping) should be done from one quarter of the frame and higher (up to 30 - 40%). In the future, this will allow you to more accurately combine the resulting photos with each other.
  6. If you are shooting without a tripod, you should avoid long shutter speeds, which will lead to blurred frames. Try to keep the horizon in exactly the same place in your photos.
  7. Selecting the focus point according to the distance will allow you to take the photo with maximum .
  8. Take photos quickly before the lighting, shadows, weather, etc. change.

That's all, you managed to take the photos correctly for panoramas and you know how to make a panorama, all that remains is to combine the resulting frames for the panorama into a single image. This can be done either manually or automatically, but I will talk about this in the next article.

For your first panorama shoot, print and use my panorama shooting cheat sheet.

Below, for convenience, I have given short description Togo, how to make a panorama. So that you don’t forget at the right time how to make a panorama, print out the cheat sheet and use it.

How to make a panorama - cheat sheet

Photo panoramas are one of the best ways demonstrate to users all the nuances of what is happening, show the object “from the inside,” and so on. Introducing 6 free tools for creating photo panoramas.

Image Composite Editor, created by Microsoft, is the most simple program in use. Image Composite Editor can create panoramas from both photos and videos.

The program contains four buttons at the top that guide you through each stage of the process - Import, Splice, Trim and Export. On the right you will see options that can further enhance the panorama. You can export your file to a variety of file formats with different quality settings. Remember to change the Quality in the drop-down menu to Superb before exporting your panorama.

Ease of use: 5
Capabilities: 6
Result: 5

The photo gallery built into Windows 7 and 8 is primarily an organization program with useful tagging features and basic editing capabilities.

One feature that is not usually associated with Photo Gallery is the creation of panoramic images. Surprisingly, this program is one of the simplest to create them.

To create a panorama, drag and drop individual photos into the Photo Gallery. Then select them, click the Create tab at the top, and then click Panorama and wait for the program to merge the photos. You will be prompted to save the panorama to your computer without any preview.

Ease of use: 5
Possibilities: 2
Result: 4

After launching Autostitch, click on the folder icon and upload your photos. The program will automatically stitch them together to create a panorama.

Ease of use: 4
Possibilities: 3
Result: 3

Hugin is an advanced panorama editing program. It allows you to stitch together photos taken with different cameras, and even several rows of photos (top and bottom) to create a large panorama. There are also options for calibrating lenses and creating 360° panoramas.

No other program has such capabilities.

After importing images, you need to accurately align them, then manually clear them of errors that the program itself will find. Only after this Hugin will start working.

Ease of use: 2
Possibilities: 5
Result: 5

Dermandar is a website that stitches your photos together in a couple of clicks.

Go to the website and choose from two options (360-degree view or wide-angle). Now select and upload your photos, then wait a few seconds for the tool to stitch them together. As a result, you will get an excellent result that you can drag with your mouse from one edge to the other. Click the Fullscreen icon to expand the image. The Options button allows you to download the file to your computer in JPEG format.

Ease of use: 5
Possibilities: 2
Result: 5

Google Photos has quickly become the default photo storage service for millions of users. It works on Android, iOS, as a website and even as a computer program. After uploading photos, a useful assistant function appears. The assistant analyzes your photos and looks for ways to improve them - whether it's creating a story from photos taken from around the same location, or adding effects to individual photos.

The assistant automatically detects adjacent photos taken from the same point and stitches them together to create a panorama.

Ease of use: 0
Possibilities: 0

Easily and quickly turn your panoramas into attractive, miniature planets using Photoshop or your favorite graphics editor.

Panoramas are one of my favorite ways to show a scene. They are so interesting and detailed that I advise you to pay attention to them. This little tip adds an extra pinch of creativity, turning standard panoramas into miniature planets that really have a "wow" factor.

The technical name for this technique is "stereographic projection", but don't be intimidated by it compound word, in fact, everything is much simpler. In this example I'll use Photoshop, but you can use any other editor, including GIMP which is free.

Selecting a suitable photo.

Almost any panorama will suit us, but there are moments that will improve the final result.

  • Viewing angle- 360 degree panoramas are best because their edges merge together. Narrower angles will also work, but you may need to extra work so that the colors and textures are consistent at the edges of the panorama and match each other.
  • Image width- The aspect ratio (width divided by height) of your photo affects the smoothness of your planet. Wider images tend to produce smoother planetary surfaces, while narrower panoramas can produce larger changes in elevation. Both options look great.
  • Sky- the panorama sky will be seriously distorted in the final image. Clear skies tend to produce the best results, although clouds can give an interesting stretched effect.
  • On the first - the bottom of your photo will be squished into a bunch to form the center of the planet, and this may cause some distortion. As with the sky, smooth textures such as grass or sand look better.
  • Horizon - must be perfectly aligned so that the edges meet neatly at the base of the steps. If your photo does not meet this parameter, then it can be corrected in a photo editor.

It may seem to you that there are many criteria in our business, but after trying, you will understand that almost any panoramas will do. If you still have doubts, take any panorama that does not fall under the above-mentioned “rules” and try what happens. The result may be interesting and unusual, and under normal conditions this would not happen. So don't be afraid to experiment.

Transformation of the planet.

Found a suitable image? Fine. Time to turn it into a planet.

1. Making a square image.
First, let's move on to the image sizes. Go to the >image “image” tab. Select the image size. In the window that appears, uncheck “maintain proportions” and set the height to match the width.

This procedure will distort your panorama a little, but don't worry that's how it should be.

2. Apply a gradient to the sky.
This step is optional, but without it, the final image may look warped and pulled at the corners. Select the gradient tool and set the edges to colors that match the prevailing colors of the sky. Set the opacity slider on the left side to 100%, and on the right side to 0%.

Drag the gradient from the top of the photo down as far as possible to create a smooth transition to a solid color.

3. Turn the photo upside down
Go to the Image tab > Rotate Image 180° to flip your image upside down. This ensures that the twisting happens correctly when we turn our panorama into a planet.

4. Applyfilter, polar coordinates
Go to Filters > Distort > Polar Coordinates. In the window that appears, select the “Rectangular to Polar” option and click “ok”.

Voila! Your panorama is now folded into a circle and looks like a small planet photographed from above using a fisheye lens.

5. The finishing touch
Check the top center of your photo, it should be smooth and the joint should not be visible. A stamp or healing brush will help here.
If you prefer your own planet, now is the time to create it. You may still have white corners, but you can fill them with the same color you used in the gradient. Re-crop your image and you're done.

Creating small planets is extremely easy, you will understand it as soon as you try. In the future, you can experiment and get unusual, interesting effects. Therefore, do not think that you need to be rigidly attached to the above rules. If you come up with something unusual and interesting, be sure to share it in the comments.

Examples for inspiration.

Here are some examples to show what's possible when you add a little creativity and imagination to this technique.

Use a photograph of different terrain to create the jagged effect of the asteroids.

Hello, friends. In this material I will briefly outline the main points of creating a 3D panorama at home. We will walk you through the process of creating a cylindrical panorama from individual photographs on real example. And to begin with, I would like to load you with at least the basic theoretical part on this topic. Any cylindrical panorama is a large-format photograph with an angle of 360 degrees horizontally. Below you can see an example of such a panorama.

In full screen

Creating panoramas usually takes place in several stages. The first thing you need to do is prepare your photos. For this we need a camera or smartphone. Ideally, a DSLR, but if you don’t show off, then any point-and-shoot camera will do. We fix the device on a tripod and take pictures around its axis. The smaller the step, the better the quality of the panorama. It is very important to carry out all actions with a tripod. It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to shoot high-quality material hand-held. As a result, you should have a folder with similar photos.

Next we need to stitch all these images into a single panorama. To do this, we will use the popular software product PTGui Pro. This program will allow us to easily merge our frames into a single file. After that, we will convert the panorama to Flash format. This conversion is needed in order to make a full-fledged cylindrical panorama from our image. It is after processing in the second Pano2VR program that our work will take on its final form and become available for viewing in 3D mode. All necessary programs you can download link or find them yourself on the Internet.

Installation and activation of PTGui Pro

Step 1. Run the file fo-pt10.exe and click on “Next” in all windows. We wait for the installation process to complete and click “Finish”.

Step 2. Next, we need to prevent the program from accessing its home site and checking the activation status. To do this, you need to make changes to the “hosts” file. First, go to the following path “C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\”.

Step 3. Next, launch notepad and drag the “hosts” file onto the notepad work area to make changes. This is one of the simplest ways to open this file. We indent and add 2 lines at the end of the document:

Step 4. Great. Now there will be no PTGui once again break into your servers. And we proceed directly to activating the program. We launch the shortcut of the same name on the desktop, accept the license agreement and copy the data from the reg.txt file in the registration window. It is in our installation folder. If you do everything correctly, you will see the inscription: "Thanks! Your cope of PTGui Pro is now registered." Click “OK” and move on.

Step 5. After opening the program will offer to update to latest version. This should not be done. We put a tick in the box stating that there is no need to check for updates in the future and click on “No”.

That's all. Installation of the first program necessary for stitching photos into panoramas is complete. Let's move on to installing Pano2VR. This software will allow us to create 3D panoramas from simple JPG images.

Installation and activation of Pano2VR

Step 1. From the folder “Pano2VR Pro v4.5.0.10633 Final” we run the installation file depending on the bit depth operating system. I have 64-bit Windows 7, so I boldly click on “pano2vr_install64_4_5_0.exe” and, without further ado, click “Next” in all windows. The installation is quite long, so you will have to be patient.

Step 2. The next step is to activate the program. Everything here is much simpler than with PTGui Pro. To activate Pano2VR, just replace one file in the folder with the installed program. Having opened the BEAN folder, select the desired bit depth and copy pano2vr.exe to the following path “C:\Program Files\Pano2VR”. If you request a replacement, we agree immediately.

This completes the installation of the necessary software to create virtual tour completed. We proceed directly to the first stage of work - gluing photographs into panoramas.

Gluing photos

Step 1. Open the PTGui shortcut and click on the “Load images...” button

Step 2. Select the folder with the original photos for the future panorama. As an example for of this material I prepared photographs of the teachers' lounge in my educational institution. If you don’t have your own photos yet, you can use these. Select all the photos from the folder and click “Open”.


Step 3. After loading all the photos, click on the “Align images” button and wait for the program to process each image and create a single panorama.

Step 4. If the gluing is completed successfully, click “Create panorama...”.

If the gluing attempt fails, repeat the operation again

Step 5. In the new window, click on “Create panorama” again.

The finished panorama will appear in the folder with the original photos and will be labeled “Panorama”.

Creating a 3D panorama

Step 1. Launch Pano2VR and in the main program window click on the “Select” button.

Step 2. In the window that appears, indicate the path to our first panorama and in the settings of its type, set the “Cylindrical” parameter.

Step 3. Great. Now let's move on to saving our 3D panorama. To do this, in the “Export” section, select “Flash” as the format and click “Add”.

Step 4. In the window that appears with many settings, we do not touch anything. Just click on “OK”.

Step 5. We agree to export the file.

Step 6. Before outputting the panorama to the finished swf file, we are asked to save the project. Click “OK” and select the desired folder. I'll probably indicate the root folder with the original photos.

Step 7 After waiting for the tour to be saved, go to the output folder and look for a file with the extension “.swf”. Open it in any browser.

By moving the cursor you can look around you. So, before our eyes, a simple set of photographs in 10 minutes turned into a beautiful 3D panorama, which conveys the feeling of the space around much better than simple photographs. In our educational institution, such panoramas are even used to create a 3D tour of classrooms and workshops. However, creating such a tour requires great effort. A slightly different software package is used. The creator must have basic skills in Photoshop and several other editors.

However, in general, implementing a 3D tour within the same building, street or even city is a very interesting activity. In the near future I will try to make an issue in which I will outline in detail the basic principles of creating a virtual 3D tour using an example educational institution. Interesting? Then don't forget to subscribe immediately after watching. There are still many instructive stories ahead. Give thanks with a like if you liked the video. Denis Kurets was with you.. See you in a week. Bye bye!

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1 Set the aperture priority mode to f/8-11, focus on the central object of the panorama and take a picture. Remember the values ​​of the received photo.
2 Switch the settings mode to the “M” position and set the shutter speed and aperture values ​​obtained in the previous paragraph.
3 Select a preset white balance (sunny, cloudy, etc.).
4 Turn off autofocus and image stabilization.
5 Manually focus on central point panoramas or at a point corresponding to the hyperfocal distance of the lens.