What is the name of Frozen Heart from the cartoon? The prototype for Kristoff's character was the representatives of the small Finno-Ugric people of the Sami, the indigenous inhabitants of Northern Europe. Frozen Dolls

In this article you will learn:

Kristoff Bjorgman - character from Disney's Frozen.


He was an orphan and grew up high in the mountains among ice miners. His best and only friend was a deer named Sven. Since childhood, Kristoff learned the craft of ice mining and wanted to become the best miner in order to earn a living.

Cartoon story:

Finding a family:

One day, Bjorgman noticed the king and queen Arendall and their daughters in the forest, who were hurrying to the valley where the trolls lived. Following them, the boy saw the king appear before the troll elder Pabbie. He asked for help in healing youngest daughter, who was injured by her older sister's magic. At the same moment, Kristoff and Sven were found by the troll Bulda, who decided to keep them with her. So the boy had an extraordinary family. Bulda became his adoptive mother, and the troll Cliff became his adoptive father.

Many years later, Kristoff finally became a rough ice miner. On the day of the princess's coronation, he and Sven were at the Arendelle market and bought a new sleigh for their business - ice mining.

Bulda finds Kristoff and Sven

Meeting with the princess:

A little later, in the midst of summer, winter suddenly came to the kingdom and Kristoff went to Trading shop tramps Oken to buy a rope, an ax and carrots for Sven. There he met the princess.

Anna bought Kristoff an ax and a rope, and Sven a carrot, since Bjorgman didn't have enough money. In return, she asked to be taken to the Northern Mountains, from which all the cold came. The princess promised her friends to bring back summer so that they could start their own business sooner.

Art Anna and Kristoff

Traveling with Anna:

Kristoff and Sven agreed and set off.

On the way, the princess said that it was her sister Elsa who arranged the winter because she became engaged to Prince Hans, whom she met in the morning. Kristoff agreed with the queen. Their reasoning ended when the sleigh began to be chased by wolves. Kristoff managed to break away from the wolves, but his sled was destroyed.

Anna promised that she would buy him new ones if he and Sven took her to the mountain.

At the foot of the mountains, Kristoff, Sven and Anna met the snowman they created. The snowman agreed to take the travelers to the Snow Queen's castle, where Anna tried to persuade her sister to return to Arendelle. Elsa flew into a rage and wounded Anna in the heart with magic. She summoned a snow monster who drove her friends out of the castle.

Kristoff noticed that Anna's hair was starting to lighten and took her to his family - the trolls. While traveling with Anna, Kristoff managed to fall in love with the girl.

Kristoff, Anna, Sven and Olaf

Bulda's adoptive mother accepted Anna as her son's friend and immediately began organizing the wedding. Anna announced that she was engaged, after which she fainted. Kristoff asked the trolls for help. The elder said that the girl’s heart can only be saved by manifestation true love.

Kristoff headed to Arendelle to deliver the princess into the hands of her fiancé. After breaking up with Anna, he left the castle.

Walking back, Kristoff thought he had done the right thing, but Sven insisted that he return to Anna. A sudden storm caused Kristoff to jump onto the deer and rush to the castle.


Kristoff already saw the image of Anna ahead, who turned into an ice cube and walked towards him, but suddenly she turned to the side and stood in the way of the sword of Hans, who betrayed her and wanted to kill Queen Elsa in order to take over the kingdom. Kristoff didn't have time. Anna turned to ice. But having shown true love for Elsa, the princess’s heart melted.

Having learned to control her powers, she returned summer to people. All the villains, including Hans, were escorted out of Arendelle.

The hero received from the new themselves for business, in exchange for their first kiss.

Art Kristoff and Anna

Meeting with Anna:

Meeting with Olaf:

Best songs from the cartoon Frozen
Star couple: Anna and Elsa Celebrity couple: Anna and Kristoff
How to become Elsa
Which Frozen character are you?
Frozen World

Here is a list of all the main and minor characters Disney cartoon " Cold heart", filmed in 2013.

Main characters: Anna, Elsa, Hans, Sven, Olaf, Kristoff.

Main characters


Princess Anne Rasengraffe(eng. Princess Anna) - the first main character cartoon "Frozen". Anna can hardly be called graceful; rather, she is characterized by such traits as courage, optimism and faith in the best in people. Anna acts first and only then thinks. She really wants to be reunited with her sister Elsa, with whom she was close as a child. When Elsa reveals her secret and simultaneously inadvertently traps the kingdom of Arendelle in centuries-old ice, Anna embarks on a long and dangerous journey to set the record straight. Armed only with her courage and her ability to never give up, Anna sets out to take back the kingdom and her sister.
Anna had red hair from birth, but after the incident with Elsa's magic, the girl got a white strand. When her sister accidentally froze Anna's heart, all of the girl's hair turned gray, but returned to its original color (without the white strand) after thawing at the end of the film. In the Russian box office she is voiced by Natalia Bystrova.


Queen Elsa Rasengraffe(eng. Queen Elsa) - Queen of Arendelle, from birth has the gift of creating snow and ice. The second main character of the cartoon. From the outside, she appears reserved and reserved. But a real storm of emotions is raging inside her - she has to live in fear and constantly suppress her magical gift. But one day, unable to control her powers, she endangered her younger sister Anna. Since then, Elsa has been forced to hide from outside world, keeping everyone she cares about at a distance, including her sister. At the ball after her coronation, Elsa again fails to cope with her magical gift and plunges Arendelle into the power of eternal winter. Fearing that she could cause even more harm, Queen Elsa flees her castle and hides high in the mountains, convinced that no one can help her. Left-handed (Does almost everything with his left hand). She was voiced at the Russian box office jazz singer Anna Buturlina.


As the script for Frozen developed, Kristoff's character underwent a lot of changes. According to the cartoon's head writer, Paul Briggs, Kristoff was originally "a man of few words, with a deep connection to nature, very tough, sullen and rude." But soon the writers decided that the character was very funny.



Minor characters


Sven is a reindeer, Kristoff's loyal friend, his conscience and his pulling power for the sleigh. With a confident snort, Sven is able to speak up and defend his opinion, and life would be just perfect for him if it weren't for that stupid deep voice that Kristoff uses when talking to Sven. He loves carrots very much, but always shares them with Kristoff. Sven eats first, then Kristoff. Kristoff doesn't disdain the carrots his friend ate. [ What?] [ ] .

Duke of Varava

Duke of Waraw(English: Duke of Weselton, Alan Tudyk) is the secondary antagonist of the film, the ruler of the duchy of the same name. Wanting to establish profitable trade relations with Arendelle, he is ready to do anything to gain the trust of new queen. But as soon as Elsa’s secret is revealed, he is the first to call her a “witch monster” and tries to turn his own subjects against her. For the greedy Duke, all means are good to get to the treasures of Arendelle. He does not like to be called Vorovsky (although this truly emphasizes his nature).


Marshmallow- a huge snow monster born with the help of Elsa's magic. He protects her palace from intruders and uninvited guests. Marshmallow doesn't say much, but he looks very menacing.


Oken- the owner of a shop selling goods for summer holidays (forced to open a “winter department” due to the sudden winter) and a sauna. He is kind and always ready to help, but you should not cross his path, he is not deprived of strength and will not hesitate to throw out any violator from his establishment.

I am writing these lines after repeatedly watching the world-famous touching animation called “Frozen,” which deservedly won a lot of awards and positive feedback critics.

I’ll say right away: 3D animation has never impressed me, so to new cartoons recent years from this studio I for a long time I didn’t touch it for fear of being disappointed. But who would have thought that after watching “Frozen” I would love Disney even more?!

Realism and details. This is the first thing I paid attention to. Fabric material, fur, leather, hair, tons of loose (real!) snow, ice, colors, interior and exterior of the castle - everything is so thought out and detailed that you want to believe in it. Believe that what is happening on the screen has a right to exist in real life. Of course, the doll-like faces of the main characters cannot claim realistic female features, but let's just ignore that and enjoy the well-drawn views that open up to Anna as she sets off on a dangerous journey in the hope of finding her sister. The skillfully created atmosphere is a huge plus.

Heroes. Everyone loved Elsa, right? And I’m crazy about Anna, honestly! Eccentric, restless, too clumsy for a royal person, naive, simple-minded at first, but she reveals herself to be somehow brave and sympathetic as the film progresses! She is so sincere and live that she can even be forgiven for her trick with Elsa at the coronation she first speaks, acts and only then thinks about the consequences, driven by her warm heart, guided by momentary emotions, without thinking about decency and banal etiquette. It is always open; she has no need to hide, nothing to keep silent, she always says what she thinks in any situation; such people do not know how to lie and are not capable of betrayal on the contrary, in the end we see how Anna selflessly throws herself under the sword, protecting Elsa simply because she sincerely loves and believes that her sister is not a monster and cannot be one.

Elsa is not a villain, but a complex one interesting character who bravely bore the burden permanent life in fear. Every step, every word, every action - everything must be clearly verified. No mistakes. Fear guides her throughout almost the entire film, and only at the end does Elsa let love into her heart, which stronger than fear, magic and snow storms. Disney really lacked such characters, strong, integral, complex - if Anna is drawn to the stereotyped frivolous princess who dreams of a prince on a white horse (at the beginning she creates exactly this impression of herself), then Elsa is a completely different kind of berry. Bravo to Disney.

I don’t perceive Hans as the main villain of this cartoon, at least kill him. Great hero! Yes, he betrayed, yes, he deceived, yes, he didn’t love, because he put his own interests above others, but he acted harmoniously and thoughtfully, because I believed him, really. She knew, of course, that Kristoff showed up on the horizon for a reason, but she believed it, yes. Love ia an open door was convincing, I love it very much. Hans is good because he is individual and atypical, like the rest of the Disney princes.

Kristoff is now my love, because the seemingly uncouth, reserved and utterly simple dork turned out to be a kind, reasonable, brave and devoted friend, not only for Sven, I must say. He makes up with Anna perfect couple I got nothing but pleasure from watching how they gradually became close. Touching! And again, this is atypical: they do not sing sentimental songs in a duet in a romantic setting, holding hands or dancing, but they love it when they help each other, act together, argue. The most touching scene for me is on the frozen fjord: it is unpredictable, but so cutting, you know. When he and she go towards each other, she is freezing, he is afraid of being late. The animators perfectly depicted the emotions, just wonderful.

Sven and Olaf unobtrusive elements of humor in the cartoon turned out to be funny, especially the snowman. I’m glad that Sven doesn’t talk, as usually happens with Disney animals (well, he was voiced by Kristoff anyway), Olaf was quite enough for a talkative joker, defusing the snowy situation with his sincerity and warmth. “For the sake of some, I don’t mind melting,” my facial expression at that moment was the same as that of freezing Anna.

Voice acting. It’s very difficult for me to say which voice acting I liked more: the original or the dub. I must say that the dubbing turned out to be strong and emotional; it immediately becomes clear that the actors approached this matter professionally. Anna Buturlina's voice suits Elsa more than Idina Menzel, who sounds rather old for a 21-year-old girl. Natalia Bystrova very accurately conveyed Anna's optimism and cheerfulness, and Andrei Birin's voice was ideal for Kristoff. It sounded unpretentious and sincere, so it was looked at with particular pleasure. I especially liked some moments in our dubbing, some in the original, so I will say that everyone did an equally good job dubbing the cartoon, putting their strength and patience into it. I’ll also add that Kristen Bell’s voice is touching - her Anna is just terribly pretty! And in our voice acting, some controversial jokes from the original version were omitted, which, apparently, allows children from 0+ to watch this cartoon, which also seems important to me. Commendable!

Music. I wasn't bothered by the abundance of songs in the film, even though I'm not a fan of musicals. All the songs turned out to be memorable and meaningful - it must be said, both in the original and in the translation. Emotional impact it's just wow; Let it go consistently gives me goosebumps. Reprise For the first time in forever seemed a little chaotic to me due to the fact that the sisters’ voices overlap each other (in particular Anna’s voice, which is practically inaudible in the background), but also strong, beautifully conveying the experiences of both heroines, the contrast and gap in their feelings towards to the current situation.

Bottom line. Overall, it turned out to be an amazing and exciting story about two sisters, which looks like a breeze. Disney violated their own principles from their own classic cartoons, placing emphasis in the XC on family love, the love of two sisters, which is shown extremely sensually and tenderly. I, as a person who has an older sister with whom I grew up side by side, who served and serves as an example and role model for me all my life, understands Anna’s pain, understands Elsa’s fear, understands the insane happiness of both when they can finally - hug each other.

We continue to get acquainted with Disney princesses. Today our choice fell on the youngest of all Disney beauties. She came to us from the movie "Frozen". A film amazing in its beauty and kindness, which captivates hearts from the very first minute. Thanks to beautiful drawings, funny and different characters characters, classical history love, friendship, the struggle between good and evil, this cartoon has gone down in the history of cinema.

« Cold heart"(English) Frozen) is a 2013 computer-animated film, the 53rd animated film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. In the story, the brave princess Anna and the simple guy Kristoff, along with the reindeer Sven and the snowman Olaf, embark on a deadly journey across the snowy mountain peaks to try to find Anna's older sister, Elsa, who accidentally cast a spell on their kingdom and thereby doomed its inhabitants to eternal winter. .

Although the film uses computer animation that is relatively new to the Walt Disney Company, the film continues in the tradition of classic Disney animated musicals.

Frozen became the highest-grossing animated film in Disney history, as well as the highest-grossing animated film in cinema history, and only the second animated film to exceed a billion dollars in worldwide box office receipts (the first being Toy Story 3).

The cartoon won two Oscar awards in the categories “Best Animated Film” and “Best Animated Film”. best song"Let It Go", as well as a number of other awards.

I won’t tell you the whole plot, you know it much better than me. Let me just remind you of the characters of this cartoon.

Anna- this is a favorite female type Disney studios. Bold and bold, she doesn't look like a princess at all. She acts quickly and makes decisions, driven by her heart rather than her mind. Once in her childhood, she was very close to her sister Elsa, until she, while practicing magic, almost killed Anna. And now Elsa is there, far away, alone... In contrast to her sister, Anna is an exceptionally warm character. Her look, smile, mood - everything radiates warmth and positivity. Anna is a great optimist and a very positive person. She doesn't believe in her sister's cruelty. And when eternal winter falls on the kingdom of Arendelle, Anna does not think twice. Who, if not she, will save the country? Who else can find an approach to his sister's heart?

Anna never loses her optimism. Even when she and Christophe were making their way through the domain of the snow queen, when there was frost and danger all around, she admired the icy rocks and found the true magic of beauty in every snowflake.

Armed only with fearlessness and faith in goodness, Anna sets off on a long and dangerous journey to save the kingdom and her family...

Olaf- uh that is a small humanoid snowman.

At one time it was created by the magic of the little princess Elsa. Snowman Olaf is incredibly kind, friendly and cheerful. He is slightly trusting, which is why he often finds himself in interesting incidents. But he is happy about this, because he is inquisitive and needs a change of scenery. And his most important desire is to meet the summer, because he is delighted with the warmth. One day, with his friends, he went on a very dangerous and possibly even deadly hike. But what is the outcome of these journeys and what else will this character delight the viewer with - you will see everything in the film itself.

Hans- elegant, refined, a real prince. He is the youngest of 12 brothers. Hans knows firsthand what it’s like to be the youngest, growing up in the shadow of his older brothers. He, like Anna, was almost invisible in his family. Perhaps that’s why she and Anna got along so quickly. Anna tries to find in Hans the attention that she has always lacked from her sister. A military bearing is immediately visible in him. At the first meeting, his gallantry and ideal manners attract attention. Hans and his family come to Arendelle for Elsa's coronation. It was at the coronation that he saw Anna, the prince immediately liked the girl and he promises her that for him Anna will always be the center of attention.

Kristoff- a nice guy and a real nature lover. He lives high in the mountains, extracts ice and sells it to the residents of the capital, Arendale. Anna accidentally meets this highlander on her way and he agrees to take her to the Snow Queen's castle. Although rough in appearance, Kristoff is actually strong, honest and loyal. Romantic Anna did not care about her safety at all during their trip. From the outside it might seem that she just went out for a walk. That is why Christophe had to be always on the alert. He knows exactly how treacherous and dangerous this beautiful ice can be! While he may seem like he's a hardcore loner at first, he's actually just not very good with people. But he is always with him best friend- a charming and very smart deer named Sven.

Sven - reindeer. If you remember the latest Disney cartoons, there was always a horse or donkey that was much smarter than its owner. Disney writers like this type. So it is in this cartoon. Reindeer Sven is Kristoff's wise assistant. But in this cartoon the authors did not give Sven a voice. But he is very smart and manages to suggest this or that idea to his owner without words. And Christophe, in turn, voices the deer’s thoughts in a funny voice, which greatly irritates Sven. He always takes the owner's side and encourages him when Christophe doubts. He is also strong, resilient - just an ideal comrade in the icy mountains. Until now, he had faithfully helped Christophe extract ice and take it to Arendelle. And now he will help the highlander lead Anna to the Snow Queen's castle. What would Christophe do without him?

At first glance, Elsa has a cold heart and a cold mind. It seems that she does not like the company of other people and in order to meet less with others, Elsa settled in a place far from human settlements. Her unsociable nature earned her the nickname "Snow Queen". But this is not true! In fact, Elsa lives in constant fear. After her coronation, she is given the amazing power of creating frost. This is the power that allows her to create beauty. But inept handling of this power can cause great harm to others. One day, Elsa almost killed her younger sister Anna. That is why she settled away from people, to protect them from herself. Elsa continues to practice. She tries to contain the growing power. But resentment, fear and anger do not allow her to concentrate, and she makes mistakes. By accident, Elsa plunges the entire country into eternal winter. She cannot correct the mistake and locks herself in her castle. She looks at herself in horror, realizing that she is turning into a monster, that there will never be a way back. She does not hope for anyone's help, and who can help her, and most importantly, will she want to.

A few facts about this cartoon and its main characters.

1. 50 people worked on the scene in which Elsa builds her palace. It took 30 hours to create one frame. But in the cartoon, it took Elsa 36 seconds to build the palace.

2. During the creation of the cartoon, the animators held a “sister meeting” in order to better understand the connection between the sisters and their relationship. This helped to better reveal the relationship between Anna and Elsa in the cartoon “Frozen”.

3. The official coat of arms of the Kingdom of Arendelle is the crocus. This flower symbolizes rebirth and the onset of spring.

4. The fairy tale “The Snow Queen” by Andersen, on which the cartoon is based, first attracted the attention of the Disney studio back in 1939. It was planned to create a short cartoon about Andersen's life, but this never happened.

5. Before starting work, the cartoon's creators had to take a crash course in meteorology to learn more about snow. The animators invited Dr. Ken Libbrecht from the Institute of Technology to tell them about the formation of snow crystals.

6. Elsa has more strands of hair than Rapunzel. The latter may have seventy meters of magical hair, but Elsa's hairstyle contains 420,000 individual strands.

7. The relationship between the main characters - sisters Anna and Elsa - was based on the real relationship between the film's artistic director - Brittney Lee - and her sister Jennifer Lee.

8. Notice the similarity with the fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen? Perhaps this was influenced not so much by the story about the Snow Queen as by the names of the main characters in the film. Hans, Christoph and Anna were named after the Danish writer.

9. Of the film's 109-minute running time, characters perform songs for 24 minutes.

10. Some of Olaf the snowman's dialogue was purely improvised by actor Josh Gad.

At first, the cartoon was planned to be drawn by hand, but John Lasseter, after reading the script, said that he would be better off using CGI/hand-drawn animation, like in Tangled. In an early version of the cartoon's plot, Elsa was a one-sided and clearly negative character. However, after negotiations between the filmmakers, it was decided to rework the character and complicate his character. The idea arose to add a sister to the Snow Queen - this is how a sisterly relationship was born, and at the same time it turned out to make the antagonist complex and unpredictable.

Also, the plot of the film did not include two snowmen, but a whole snow army, which the Snow Queen, embittered with the inhabitants of Arendelle, created to attack. Olaf was not a childhood snowman, but his first “experience” in creating a snow giant (not entirely successful). This was also changed during the script revision process.

Despite the fact that the cartoon was released in 2013, already in 2014 the American scriptwriters of the series “Once Upon a Time” in season 4 decided to introduce the main characters of “Frozen” Elsa and Anna, Kristoff and Hans into their plot.

Anna was played by aspiring actress Elizabeth Lail

Elsa was played by the star of the TV series “Beyond” Georgina Haig

The scriptwriters of the series, Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis, said that it was difficult for them to obtain the rights to use the characters from the Disney cartoon, since the Disney film company did not make contact.
“We literally fell in love with the characters from Frozen when we watched the cartoon,” Horowitz admitted in an interview with TVLine. “We saw for the first time what we needed to fit into our plot. Otherwise, this would gnaw at us until the end of our days - what would have happened if...? So we came up with a way to incorporate cartoon characters into our series. And when we presented our idea to the studio and the channel, they said they weren’t against it.”
Kitsis added his own opinion to Horowitz's words: "The whole beauty of Elsa is that she should be a classic villain, but in reality no one understands her, and this feature of her fits perfectly into our plot."

The writers of the series offer their version of what happens after the events in the cartoon. According to the plot of the series, Elsa and Anna have a forgotten aunt, aka The Snow Queen, she is also the main villain of the first half of the fourth season of the series. And so it is revealed where Elsa got her gift of ice. Hans is also trying to take over Arendelle, and he almost succeeds, since with the help of the pirate Blackbeard, he threw Anna and Kristoff into the sea, and Elsa was in Storybrooke at that time.


* Oh, look, I'm a kebab. (Olaf)

* - Can I ask something stupid? Will you marry me?
- Oh... ...can I answer something stupid? I agree! (Anna and Hans)

* For the sake of some, it’s not a pity to melt. (Olaf)

* - What kind of strange donkey is this?
- Sven.
- What's the deer's name?
- Oh, I see. Remember less. (Olaf)

* - You are beautiful.
- Thank you. And you are even more. I mean, no more. You don't look bigger, but more... more beautiful. (Anna and Elsa)

* - He wants to kiss me on the nose. What a naughty guy! (Olaf)

* Only a sign of true love can unfreeze a cold heart. (troll)

* Love is when you put the interests of another above your own. (Olaf)


I was with you

What are the characters from the cartoon "Frozen"? Their names?

    The wonderful Disney cartoon Frozen features the following characters:

    • Princess Anne is the main character;
    • Queen Elsa is the second main character of the cartoon;
    • Kristoff Bjorgman;
    • Hans (Hans);
    • snowman Olaf;
    • and others.
  • I just watched the cartoon Frozen, and it’s wonderful. The main characters of the cartoon are:

    • Elsa - older sister, queen and ice witch;
    • Anna - younger sister Elsa, a princess and just an amazingly kind and cheerful girl;
    • Hans - Prince of the Southern Isles;
    • Christoph Bjorgman - Anna's assistant, ice merchant, kind guy, who has his faithful reindeer Sven;
    • snowman Olaf - good creature, who loves hugs, was created by Elsa.
  • My favorite and, in my opinion, most colorful cartoon character was a snowman named Olaf. Although I also really liked Christophe’s deer - Sven))) But I didn’t really like Anna ((Although - yes, she’s cute)

    In 2012, the Walt Disney film studio surprised and truly delighted young and adult viewers with new animated film which is called Cold heart.

    There are quite a lot of characters in this cartoon, I will list some of them, the most, so to speak, characteristic ones:

    Anna- the main character of Frozen.

    Elsa- outwardly she seems very calm and balanced, but alas, this is not entirely true, because she constantly needs to control herself in order to restrain her amazing abilities.

    Christoph Bjorgman- a nice guy who has a deer named SVEN.

    **Hans- prince charming,

    Olaf** - funny snowman,

    Marshmallow- another snowman, only larger.

    Bulda, Soren and Cliff- cute trolls.

    In the cartoon Frozen we see the following characters:

    Princesses Anna and Elsa(later she became queen);

    Duke of Weselton(the most negative character);

    Prince Hans;

    Kristoff- another candidate for grooms;

    Olaf- snowman.

    I love these cartoons and play them for my child. The main characters of the cartoon Frozen:

    Princess Anne is the main character,

    Queen Elsa

    Kristoff Bjorgman

    Prince Hans

    Snowman Olaf

    Duke of Varava

    deer Sven

    I once saw a video clip with a funny snowman whose carrot nose came off when he sneezed, and then his head) I liked it, which prompted me to look for the name of the cartoon and the name of the snowman. Found-Olaf was his name.

    The main characters of the new Disney cartoon Frozen are:

    1.Queen Elsa-a kind girl with strong magic, sister of Princess Anna;

    2.Princess Anne-very romantic nature, incorrigible optimist, sister of Queen Elsa;

    3.Duke of Weselton-cowardly, terribly slippery, narcissistic type;

    4.Prince Hans-handsome, smart, noble - the dream of any girl;

    5.Kristoff- a simple hard worker who extracts ice, loving only his deer Sven;

    6.Olaf- a funny guy who dreams of summer;

    7.Sven-a deer, distinguished by the kindest soul, a faithful friend and partner of Kristoff;

    8.Marshmallow-a monster created by the power of Elsa’s magic to guard the palace;

    9.Okun-an experienced trader, possessor of remarkable strength.

    The main characters of the new popular full-length cartoon Frozen are two sisters Anna and Elsa.

    My kids just fell in love with Olaf the snowman and his song about summer. To me, the cutest thing in the film was the deer Sven, the best friend of the cheerful guy Kristoff Bjorgman. There is also the treacherous Prince Hans.

    The cartoon did not inspire me, but children are ready to watch it dozens of times, despite my lectures about a made-up problem, inflated by dreamy screenwriters to the point of absurdity.

    Apparently, the creators of modern fairy tale heroines with their empty but memorable songs have found the right approach to the hearts of today's girls.

  • The main characters of the cartoon Frozen:

    • Anna- princess, the main character of the cartoon. She is an incorrigible optimist and dreamer;
    • Elsa- that’s the name of Anna’s older sister. She is a kind ice witch and part-time queen.
    • Hans- a handsome, smart and brave prince;
    • Christoph Bjorgman- a cheerful guy who mines ice and has his own deer Sven;
    • Snowman Olaf- Elsa created this good creature with the help of magic;
    • Duke of Weselton- main negative character fairy tales;
    • Marshmallow- a monster created to protect the palace.

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