What nationalities are there in the world? The largest nations of the world in faces

Planet Earth is a multinational community, inhabited by a large number of different nationalities. How many peoples live in the world? Surely every person has asked a similar question at least once in his life. At the same time, the exact answer is practically unknown, since even historians find it difficult to give exact figures. In Russia alone there are more than 1194 nationalities, and if we take into account how many peoples are in the CIS countries, then the number will be several times larger.

General classification of nationalities

Most people are interested in a quantitative indicator, but if you collect all the data on how many peoples exist, the list can turn out to be almost endless. Most often the association different nations into groups occurs either according to species characteristics, or according to the language spoken by one or another group, or according to the territory of residence.

Sometimes division into groups can occur in accordance with cultural traditions and foundations

In total, there are 20 language families on the planet, which include different peoples.

In 2016, the largest language families were the following 4 groups:

  • Indo-European. In total, this group includes 150 nations, which are located in Asia and Europe. The total population of this group is 2.8 billion people.
  • Sino-Tibetan. This group includes the entire population of China and neighboring countries that share common language and culture. In total, there are almost 1.5 billion people in this group.
  • Afro-Asian. A language family that includes the peoples of South-West Asia and North Africa.
  • Niger-Kordofanian. The remaining peoples inhabiting the African continent, including the regions of Central and Southern Africa.

The largest nations of the world

Over the entire history of existence on Earth, a large number of nationalities have emerged

Some of the nationalities are small by historical standards and number no more than a million people (there are only 330 peoples). There are numerous ones where the number of people exceeds 100 million. There are only 11 such nationalities:

  • Chinese. The top spot is occupied by the Chinese, who number 1 billion 17 million people on the planet.
  • Hindustani. In second place are the Indian nationalities, which number 265 million people.
  • Bengalis. Their number is 225 million.
  • Americans. There are more than 200 million people in the United States.
  • Brazilians. There are 175 million indigenous people living in Brazil.
  • Russians. If we talk about how much Slavic peoples there are, then we can note the number of Russians, who form a large group and number 140 million.
  • Japanese. Despite the limited territory of the islands, their population numbers 125 million people.
  • Punjabis. Another Indian nationality, numbering 115 million people.
  • Biharis. A people also living in India and numbering 115 million.
  • Mexicans. There are 105 million of them worldwide.
  • Javanese. Latest of 11 large nationalities, which number 105 million people.

Let's sum it up

When talking about the concept of “people”, it is very difficult to achieve a unified interpretation.

Also, do not forget that the planet is home to several endangered peoples, some of which number only 280 people. In any case, each nationality is original and unique.

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Despite the efforts of historians and ethnographers, the history of these peoples still keeps its mysteries.

1. Russians

Yes, Russians are one of the most mysterious peoples. Scientists still cannot come to a consensus either about when Russians became “Russians” or about where this word actually came from. The question of the origin of the people remains controversial. The ancestors of the Russians included the Normans, the Scythians, the Sarmatians, the Wends, and even the South Siberian Usun people.

We do not know the origins of the Maya people, nor where they disappeared to. Some scientists trace the roots of the Mayans to the legendary Atlanteans, others believe that their ancestors were the Egyptians. The Mayans created an effective farming system and had deep knowledge of astronomy. The calendar developed by the Mayans was also used by other peoples of Central America. They used a hieroglyphic writing system, partially deciphered. The Mayan civilization was very developed, but by the time the conquistadors arrived it was in deep decline, and the Mayans themselves seemed to have disappeared into history.

3. Laplanders

Laplanders are also called Sami and Lapps. The age of this ethnic group is at least 5000 years. Scientists are still arguing about who the Laplanders are and where they came from. Some consider this people to be Mongoloid, others argue that the Laplanders are Paleo-Europeans. The Sami language is classified as a Finno-Ugric language, but the Laplanders have 10 dialects of the Sami language, which are so different from each other that they can be called independent. This even makes it difficult for some Laplanders to communicate with others.

4. Prussians

The very origin of the Prussian name is shrouded in mystery. The first time it is found only in the 9th century in the form Brusi in a draft by an anonymous merchant, and later in Polish and German chronicles. Linguists find analogies for it in many Indo-European languages ​​and believe that it goes back to the Sanskrit purusa - “man”. There is also no sufficient information preserved about the language of the Prussians. Its last bearer died in 1677, and the plague of 1709-1711 exterminated the last Prussians in Prussia itself. Already in the 17th century, instead of Prussian history, the history of “Prussianism” and the kingdom of Prussia began, the local population of which had little in common with the Baltic name of the Prussians.

5. Cossacks

The question of where the Cossacks came from still remains unresolved. Their homeland is found in the North Caucasus, the Azov region, and Western Turkestan. The ancestry of the Cossacks is traced back to the Scythians, to the Alans, to the Circassians, to the Khazars, to the Goths, to the Brodniks. Supporters of all versions have their own arguments. Today the Cossacks are poly ethnic community, but they themselves like to insist that the Cossacks are a separate people.

6. Parsis

Parsis are an ethno-religious group of followers of Zoroastrianism in South Asia, of Iranian origin. Its number now amounts to less than 130 thousand people. Parsis have their own temples and so-called “towers of silence”, where, in order not to desecrate the sacred elements (earth, fire, water), they bury the dead (the corpses are pecked by vultures). Parsis are often compared to Jews; they were also forced to leave their homeland and are meticulous in matters of religious observance. The Iran League in India at the beginning of the 20th century promoted the return of Parsis to their homeland, reminiscent of the Zionism of the Jews.

7. Hutsuls

There is still debate about the meaning of the word “hutsul”. Some scientists believe that the etymology of the word goes back to the Moldavian “gots” or “guts”, which means “robber”, others - to the word “kochul”, which means “shepherd”. The Hutsuls are also called “Ukrainian highlanders.” Among them, the traditions of witchcraft are still strong. Hutsul sorcerers are called molfars. They can be white or black. Molfars enjoy unquestioned authority.

8. Hittites

The Hittite power was one of the most influential forces on the geopolitical map Ancient world. The first constitution appeared here, the Hittites were the first to use war chariots and revered the double-headed eagle, but information about the Hittites is still fragmentary. In their “tables of the courageous deeds” of the kings there are many notes “for the next year,” but the year of the report is unknown. We know the chronology of the Hittite state from the sources of its neighbors. The question remains open: where did the Hittites disappear? Johann Lehmann in his book “Hittites. People of a Thousand Gods" gives a version that the Hittites went north, where they assimilated with Germanic tribes. But this is just a version.

9. Sumerians

The Sumerians are the most interesting and still one of the most mysterious peoples of the Ancient World. We don't know where they came from or what language family their language belonged to. A large number of homonyms suggests that it was tonal (like, for example, modern Chinese), which means that the meaning of what was said often depended on intonation. The Sumerians were one of the most advanced peoples of their time, they were the first in the entire Middle East to use the wheel, create an irrigation system, invent a unique writing system, and the Sumerians’ knowledge of mathematics and astronomy is still amazing.

10. Etruscans

The ancient people of the Etruscans unexpectedly arose in human history, but also suddenly disappeared into it. According to archaeologists, the Etruscans inhabited the northwestern part of the Apennine Peninsula and created a fairly developed civilization there. It was the Etruscans who founded the first cities in Italy. Historians also believe that Roman numerals can also be called Etruscan. It is unknown where the Etruscans disappeared to. According to one version, they moved to the east and became the founders of the Slavic ethnic group. Some scientists argue that the Etruscan language is very close in structure to the Slavic ones.

11. Armenians

The origin of the Armenians remains a mystery. There are many versions. Some scholars correlate Armenians with the people ancient state Urartu, but the genetic component of the Urartians is present in the genetic code of the Armenians in the same way as the genetic component of the same Hurrians and Luwians, not to mention the proto-Armenians. There are Greek versions of the origin of the Armenians, as well as the so-called “Hayasian hypotheses”, in which Hayas, the territory east of the Hittite kingdom, becomes the original homeland of the Armenians. Scientists have never given a final answer to the question of the origin of the Armenians and most often adhere to the migration-mixed hypothesis of Armenian ethnogenesis.

12. Gypsies

According to linguistic and genetic studies, the ancestors of the Roma left Indian territory in numbers not exceeding 1,000 people. Today there are about 10 million Roma in the world. In the Middle Ages, Gypsies in Europe were considered Egyptians. The word Gitanes itself is a derivative of the Egyptian. Tarot cards, considered the last surviving remnant of the cult of the Egyptian god Thoth, were brought to Europe by the gypsies. It was not for nothing that they were called “Pharaoh’s tribe.” It was also amazing for Europeans that the gypsies embalmed their dead and buried them in crypts, where they placed everything necessary for life after death. These funeral traditions are still alive among the Roma today.

13. Jews

Jews are one of the most mysterious living peoples. For a long time it was believed that the very concept of “Jews” was cultural rather than ethnic. That is, that “Jews” were created by Judaism, and not vice versa. There are still fierce discussions in science about what the Jews originally were - a people, a social class or a religious denomination.

There are many mysteries in the history of the Jewish people. At the end of the 8th century BC, five-sixths of Jews disappeared completely - 10 out of 12 ethnic groups. Where they disappeared to is the big question. There is a version that from the Scythians and Cimmerians, as descendants of 10 tribes, come the Finns, Swiss, Swedes, Norwegians, Irish, Welsh, French, Belgians, Dutch, Danes, Irish and Welsh, that is, almost all European peoples. The question of the origin of the Ashkenazim and their closeness to Middle Eastern Jews also remains debatable.

14. Guanches

Guanches are the natives of Tenerife. The mystery of how they ended up in the Canary Islands has not yet been solved, since they did not have a fleet and did not have seafaring skills. Their anthropological type did not correspond to the latitudes where they lived. The rectangular pyramids on the island of Tenerife, similar to the Mayan and Aztec pyramids in Mexico, are also controversial. Neither the time of their construction nor the purpose for which they were erected is known.

15. Khazars

Neighboring peoples wrote a lot about the Khazars, but they themselves left virtually no information about themselves. How unexpectedly the Khazars appeared on historical scene, just as suddenly they left her. Historians still do not have sufficient archaeological data about what Khazaria was like, nor an understanding of what language the Khazars spoke. It is also unknown where they eventually disappeared. There are many versions. There is no clarity.

16. Basque

The age, origin and language of the Basques is one of the main mysteries of modern history. The Basque language, Euskara, is considered the only relict pre-Indo-European language that does not belong to any currently existing language family. When it comes to genetics, according to a 2012 study by the National Geographic Society, all Basques contain a set of genes that significantly distinguishes them from other peoples around them.

17. Chaldeans

The Chaldeans are a Semitic-Aramaic people who lived at the end of the 2nd - beginning of the 1st millennium BC. in the territory of Southern and Central Mesopotamia. In 626-538 BC. Babylon was ruled by the Chaldean dynasty, which founded the Neo-Babylonian kingdom. The Chaldeans were a people who are still associated with magic and astrology. IN Ancient Greece And Ancient Rome Chaldeans were the name given to priests and fortune-tellers of Babylonian origin. The Chaldeans made predictions to Alexander the Great and his successors Antigonus and Seleucus.

18. Sarmatians

Sarmatians are one of the most mysterious peoples in world history. Herodotus called them “lizard-headed,” Lomonosov believed that the Slavs descended from the Sarmatians, and the Polish gentry called themselves their direct descendants. The Sarmatians left a lot of mysteries. They probably had a matriarchy. Some scientists trace the roots of the Russian kokoshnik to the Sarmatians. Among them, the custom of artificially deforming the skull was widespread, thanks to which a person’s head took on the shape of an elongated egg.

19. Kalash

The Kalash are a small people living in the north of Pakistan in the Hindu Kush mountains. They are probably the most famous "white" people in Asia. Disputes about the origins of the Kalash continue today. The Kalash themselves are sure that they are the descendants of Macedonian himself. The Kalash language is called phonologically atypical; it has retained the basic composition of Sanskrit. Despite attempts at Islamization, many Kalash retain polytheism.

20. Philistines

The modern name "Palestine" comes from "Philistia". The Philistines are the most mysterious people of those mentioned in the Bible. In the Middle East, only they and the Hittites mastered the technology of steel smelting, marking the beginning of the Iron Age. The Bible says that these people originate from the island of Caphtor (Crete), although some historians correlate the Philistines with the Pelasgians. Egyptian manuscripts and archaeological finds. It is still not clear where the Philistines disappeared to. Most likely, they were assimilated by the peoples of the Eastern Mediterranean.

The concept of “ethnicity” includes a historically established stable group of people who have a certain number of common subjective or objective characteristics. Ethnographic scientists include these characteristics as origin, language, cultural and economic characteristics, mentality and self-awareness, phenotypic and genotypic data, as well as the territory of long-term residence.

The word "ethnicity" has Greek roots and is literally translated as “people”. The word “nationality” can be considered a synonym for this definition in Russian. The term “ethnos” was introduced into scientific terminology in 1923 by the Russian scientist S.M. Shirokogorov. He gave the first definition of this word.

How does the formation of an ethnic group occur?

The ancient Greeks adopted the word “ethnos” designate other peoples who were not Greeks. For a long time, the word “people” was used in the Russian language as an analogue. Definition of S.M. Shirokogorova made it possible to emphasize the commonality of culture, relationships, traditions, way of life and language.

Modern science allows us to interpret this concept from 2 points of view:

The origin and formation of any ethnic group implies great length of time. Most often this formation occurs around specific language or religious beliefs. Based on this, we often pronounce such phrases as “Christian culture”, “Islamic world”, “Romance group of languages”.

The main conditions for the emergence of an ethnic group are the presence common territory and language. These same factors further serve as supporting factors and main distinctive features one or another ethnic group.

Additional factors influencing the formation of an ethnic group include:

  1. General religious beliefs.
  2. Intimacy from a racial perspective.
  3. The presence of transitional interracial groups (mestizo).

Factors that unite an ethnic group include:

  1. Specific features material and spiritual culture.
  2. Community of life.
  3. Group psychological characteristics.
  4. General awareness of oneself and the idea of ​​a common origin.
  5. The presence of an ethnonym - a self-name.

Ethnicity is essentially a complex dynamic system that is constantly undergoing processes of transformation and at the same time maintains its stability.

The culture of each ethnic group maintains a certain constancy and at the same time changes over time from one era to another. Features of national culture and self-knowledge, religious and spiritual-moral values ​​leave an imprint on the nature of the biological self-reproduction of an ethnic group.

Features of the existence of ethnic groups and their patterns

The historically formed ethnos acts as an integral social organism and has the following ethnic relations:

  1. Self-reproduction occurs through repeated homogeneous marriages and the transmission from generation to generation of traditions, identity, cultural values, language and religious characteristics.
  2. In the course of their existence, all ethnic groups undergo a number of processes within themselves - assimilation, consolidation, etc.
  3. In order to strengthen their existence, most ethnic groups strive to create own state, allowing you to regulate relations both within yourself and with other groups of peoples.

The laws of peoples can be considered behavioral models of relationships, which are typical for individual representatives. This also includes behavioral models that characterize individual social groups emerging within a nation.

Ethnicity can simultaneously be considered as a natural-territorial and sociocultural phenomenon. Some researchers propose to consider the hereditary factor and endogamy as a kind of connecting link that supports the existence of a particular ethnic group. However, it cannot be denied that the quality of a nation’s gene pool is significantly influenced by conquests, living standards, and historical and cultural traditions.

The hereditary factor is tracked primarily in anthropometric and phenotypic data. However, anthropometric indicators do not always completely coincide with ethnicity. According to another group of researchers, the constancy of an ethnic group is due to national identity. However, such self-awareness can simultaneously act as an indicator of collective activity.

The unique self-awareness and perception of the world of a particular ethnic group may directly depend on what its activities in developing environment. The same type of activity can be perceived and evaluated differently in the minds of different ethnic groups.

The most stable mechanism that allows preserving the uniqueness, integrity and stability of an ethnic group is its culture and common historical destiny.

Ethnicity and its types

Traditionally, ethnicity is considered primarily as a generic concept. Based on this idea, it is customary to distinguish three types of ethnic groups:

  1. Clan-tribe (species characteristic of primitive society).
  2. Nationality (a characteristic type in the slave and feudal centuries).
  3. Capitalist society is characterized by the concept of nation.

There are basic factors that unite representatives of one people:

Clans and tribes historically were the very first types of ethnic groups. Their existence lasted several tens of thousands of years. As lifestyle and the structure of humanity developed and became more complex, the concept of nationality appeared. Their appearance is associated with the formation of tribal unions in the common territory of residence.

Factors in the development of nations

Today in the world there are several thousand ethnic groups. They all differ in level of development, mentality, numbers, culture and language. There may be significant differences based on race and physical appearance.

For example, the number of ethnic groups such as Chinese, Russians, and Brazilians exceeds 100 million people. Along with such gigantic peoples, there are varieties in the world whose number does not always reach ten people. The level of development of different groups can also vary from the most highly developed to those living according to primitive communal principles. For every nation it is inherent own language However, there are also ethnic groups that simultaneously use several languages.

In the process of interethnic interactions, processes of assimilation and consolidation are launched, as a result of which a new ethnic group can gradually form. The socialization of an ethnic group occurs through the development of such social institutions as family, religion, school, etc.

The unfavorable factors for the development of a nation include the following:

  1. High mortality rate among the population, especially in childhood.
  2. High prevalence of respiratory infections.
  3. Alcohol and drug addiction.
  4. Destruction of the family institution - a high number of single-parent families, divorces, abortions, and parental abandonment of children.
  5. Low quality of life.
  6. High unemployment rate.
  7. High crime rate.
  8. Social passivity of the population.

Classification and examples of ethnicity

Classification is carried out according to a variety of parameters, the simplest of which is number. This indicator not only characterizes the state of the ethnic group at the current moment, but also reflects the nature of its historical development. Usually, formation of large and small ethnic groups proceeds along completely different paths. The level and nature of interethnic interactions depends on the size of a particular ethnic group.

Examples of the largest ethnic groups include the following (according to data from 1993):

The total number of these peoples is 40% of the total population globe. There is also a group of ethnic groups with a population of 1 to 5 million people. They make up about 8% of the total population.

Most small ethnic groups may number several hundred people. As an example, we can cite the Yukaghir, an ethnic group living in Yakutia, and the Izhorians, a Finnish ethnic group inhabiting territories in the Leningrad region.

Another classification criterion is population dynamics in ethnic groups. Minimal population growth is observed in Western European ethnic groups. The maximum growth is observed in the countries of Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

National composition population– distribution of people based on ethnicity. An ethnos (or people) is a historically established stable community of people, united by the unity of language, territory, economic life and culture, and national identity. The forms of ethnic community change and become more complex in the process of development of human society - from clan and tribal associations in the primitive system, nationalities in early class societies to independent nations - in the context of the merger of local markets into a single national market. If, for example, the formation of nations has long been completed, then in some underdeveloped countries, and (, etc.) tribal associations are widely represented.

Today there are 2200 – 2400 ethnic groups in the world. Their numbers vary greatly - from several dozen people to hundreds of millions. The largest nations include (in million people):

  • Chinese – 11 70,
  • Hindustani (the main people of India) – 265,
  • Bengalis (in India and) – 225,
  • Americans - 200,
  • Brazilians – 175,
  • Russians – 150,
  • Japanese – 130,
  • Punjabis (main people) – 115,
  • Mexicans – 115,
  • Biharis - 105.

Thus, at the beginning of the 21st century, 10 ethnic groups account for about 45% of all humanity.

In many countries and regions of the world, different ethnic groups are represented unequally. Therefore, they usually distinguish between the main peoples, i.e., the ethnic groups that make up the bulk of the population, and national minorities.

According to their origin and social status, national minorities are usually divided into two types:
autochthonous, i.e. indigenous peoples, ethnic groups born of immigration.

Thus, the following proportions are characteristic of the modern national composition. The main ethnic group - the British - make up 77% of the total population; autochthonous ethnic groups, including the Scots, Irish, etc. - 14% and immigrants from different countries – 9 %.

Constantly evolving as a result of territorial heterogeneity of natural population movements, migration, as well as processes of consolidation and assimilation of ethnic groups.
Consolidation of ethnic groups is the merging of several related ethnic groups into one, larger ethnic community.

Assimilation of ethnic groups- this is the loss of the peoples native language and national identity as a result of long-term communication with other ethnic groups, that is, a kind of dissolution of ethnic groups in a multinational environment. This process is especially widespread in immigration countries, which include the USA, Australia, and many European countries. As a result of the processes of consolidation and assimilation of ethnic groups, the total number of peoples is gradually decreasing.

One of the main signs of ethnic unity is colloquial. On this basis, all the peoples of the world are divided into 15 language families and more than 45 language groups, which, in turn, are divided into language branches. In addition, there are separate languages ​​that are not included in any language family. These include, for example, Japanese, Korean, Basque and some others.

More than 40% of the world's population speaks languages ​​of the Indo-European family, which includes 11 language groups: Romance (French, Italians, Spaniards, Moldovans, Romanians, Latin Americans); Germanic (Germans, English, Swedes, Danes, Americans); Slavic (Russians, Poles, Czechs, Bulgarians, Slovenes); Baltic ( , ); Iranian (Kurds, Afghans, Tatars, etc.).

About 20% of the world's population speaks languages ​​of the Sino-Tibetan or Sino-Tibetan family. Its weight is determined by the Chinese language group. The distribution of these languages ​​is almost entirely localized to the Asian continent.

About 8% of humanity uses the languages ​​of the Niger-Cordofenian family, which are represented exclusively in Africa. Within this family, the main language group is the Niger-Congo group.

Another 5 - 7% of the world's population speaks languages ​​of the Afroasiatic (or Semitic-Hamitic) family, which are widespread mainly in Africa and Asia. The main language of this family is Arabic.

Thus, the languages ​​of these four families are spoken by almost 4/5 of all humanity.

The exact number of languages ​​in the world has not been determined. Some experts believe that there are about 3 thousand of them, others - more than 5 thousand. This discrepancy is explained by the fact that some linguists consider the same dialects as different languages, and another part of scientists recognizes them as dialects of the same language. The problem of classifying ethnic groups and languages ​​is largely complicated by the fact that many peoples speak the same languages. For example, English is spoken not only by the British, but also by many Australians, New Zealanders, US Americans, Canadians, many peoples of the Caribbean, etc. Spanish is the native language not only of the Spaniards, but of most of the peoples of Latin America . The same language is spoken by Germans, Austrians, and part of the population of Switzerland. These, the most common languages, serve as a means of interethnic communication.
Some languages ​​develop and become more widespread, others die and lose their former meaning. For example, in Africa, the languages ​​of Swahili, Hausa, and Yoruba are becoming increasingly widespread, which are used as a means of communication by many tribes and nationalities, gradually displacing the languages ​​of the colonialists that have taken root here. The highest concentration of languages ​​(up to 1 thousand) is on Novaya Island, where a large number of distinctive tribes live.

A significant part of all the world's languages ​​does not have a written language. In order to facilitate communication between representatives of different ethnic groups, the number of attempts to create an artificial international language is growing. The most famous of them is Esperanto.

The most common languages ​​of the world include the following:

  • Chinese – more than 1 billion people,
  • English – 400 – 500 million people,
  • Hindi – more than 350,
  • Spanish – about 300,
  • Russian – about 200,
  • Bengali – about 170,
  • Indonesian – about 170,
  • Arabic – 160,
  • Portuguese – 140,
  • Japanese – 125,
  • German – about 100,
  • French – more than 100 million people.

Thus, only 12 languages ​​are spoken by almost 2/3 of all humanity. Of these most widely spoken languages, six are official and working languages ​​of the UN (English, French, Russian, Spanish, Arabic and Chinese).

In accordance with the nature of the national (ethnic) composition of the population, five types of states can be distinguished.

1 type These are single-national states. The majority of such states are in Europe, the Middle East and Latin America.

And Russia, although some countries of Western and Southern Africa can also be included.

IN last years In countries with a complex national composition, interethnic contradictions have intensified.

ABAZINS(self-named - Abaza) - a people in the Russian Federation, in Karachay-Cherkessia (27 thousand people). In total there are 33 thousand people in the Russian Federation. (1992). They also live in Turkey (10 thousand people) and Arab countries. Total number 44 thousand people. (1992). Abaza language. The believers are Sunni Muslims.

ABELAM(self-designated) - Papuan people in Papua New Guinea. Number of people: 70 thousand people. (1992). Abelam language. Believers are Catholics, Protestants, some adhere to traditional beliefs.

ABUNG(self-designated) - people in Indonesia. Number of people: 300 thousand people. (1992). Lampung language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

ABKHAZIANS(self-named - Apsua) - a people in Georgia, the indigenous population of Abkhazia. The population in Georgia is 96 thousand people, incl. in Abkhazia 93 thousand people. (1992). They also live in the Russian Federation (6 thousand people), Turkey (6 thousand people) and Arab countries. Total number 115 thousand people. The language is Abkhazian. The believers are mostly Sunni Muslims, with some Orthodox Christians.

AVAR(self-named - maarulal) - people in the Russian Federation (mainly in Dagestan, 496 thousand people) and in the north of Azerbaijan (44 thousand people). The population in the Russian Federation (including Ando-Tsez peoples and Archin people) is 544 thousand people. (1992). The language is Avar. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

AUSTRALIANS— indigenous population of Australia, 170 thousand people. (1992). IN to a large extent exterminated by the colonialists. Linguistically and racially they form a special group. Believers are Presbyterians and Catholics; traditional cults are preserved.

AUSTRIANS(self-named - esterreicher) - people, the main population of Austria (7.15 million people). Total number 8.8 million people. (1992). They also live in the USA (1,270 thousand people), Germany (180 thousand people), Canada (40 thousand people) and other countries. Language is German. Believers are mostly Catholics.

ASAU(self-named Agave) - a group of Cushitic peoples in Ethiopia and Erie. Number of people: 420 thousand people. (1992), incl. in Ethiopia 350 thousand people. Agau language. The believers are Monophysite Christians, some are Judaists and followers of a local syncretic religion.

AGULS(self-named - Agul) - people in the Russian Federation, mainly in Dagestan (14 thousand people). The number of radios in the Russian Federation is 18 thousand people. (1992). Agul language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

ADANGME(self-named - adangbe, dangmeli) - people in Ghana. Number of people: 700 thousand people. (1992). Adangme language. They adhere to traditional beliefs; there are Protestants and Catholics.

ADYGEANS(self-named Adyge) - people in the Russian Federation, mainly in Adygea (95 thousand people). The population in the Russian Federation is 123 thousand people. (1992). They also live in Turkey (5 thousand people) and Arab countries. Adyghe language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

AZERBAIJANIANS(self-name - azerbaijanlilar, azeriler) - people, the main population of Azerbaijan (5.8 million people, 1992). They also live in Iran (10.43 million people). Russian Federation (336 thousand people), Georgia (307 thousand people), Kazakhstan (90 thousand people), Armenia and other countries. The total number is 17.2 million people. (1992). The language is Azerbaijani. Believers are mostly Shiite Muslims.

AYMARA- Indian people in Bolivia, Peru and Chile. Total population: 2.55 million people. (1992). Aymara language. Believers are Catholics.

AIN- people on the island Hokkaido, in Japan, 20 thousand people. (1992). Ainu language. Believers are Buddhists.

AQUAPIM(self-designated) - people in Ghana. Number of people: 650 thousand people. (1992). Akwapim, Chwi (Twi) languages. Believers - Presbyterians, Methodists.

ALBANIANS(self-named - shkiptar) - people, the main population of Albania (3.25 million people, 1992). The population in Yugoslavia is 1.985 million people, Macedonia is 500 thousand people. Total number 6.1 million people. Albanian language. Believers are mainly Sunni Muslims, there are Christians (Catholics and Orthodox).

ALGONQUIN- a group of Indian peoples (Ojibwe, Mi'kmak, Dela Wara, Cree, Montagnais, Naskapi, Cheyenne, etc.) in the USA and Canada, 260 thousand people. (1992). They speak Algonquian languages.

ALEUTS(self-named - Unangan) - people, indigenous population of the Aleutian Islands and the Alaska Peninsula (USA) and the Commander Islands (Russian Federation). Total number 3 thousand people. (1990), incl. 2 thousand people in USA. Aleutian language. Believers are mostly Orthodox.

ALGERIANS(Arabs of Algeria) - people, the main population of Algeria (21.2 million people). Total population: 22.2 million people. (1992), incl. in France 820 thousand people. Language is Arabic. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

ALORTS(self-called Orang Alor) are a people in Indonesia. Number of people: 100 thousand people. (1992). Alorian language. The believers are Sunni Muslims; traditional beliefs are preserved.

ALTAIANS(self-name - Altai-Kizhi) - people in the Altai Republic (59 thousand people). The number of people in the Russian Federation is 69 thousand people. (1992). They are divided into ethnographic groups: Altai-Kizhi, Telengits, Teles, Teleuts, Tubalars, Chelkans, Kumandins. Altai language. Believers are Orthodox, some are Baptist; traditional beliefs are preserved.

ALUR(self-named - Joalur) - Nilotic people in the Congo (450 thousand people) and Uganda (300 thousand people, 1992). Dho Alur language. They adhere to traditional beliefs.

ALUTERS- a nationality in the Russian Federation (about 3 thousand people, 1992), on the northeastern coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula. The language is Alyutor.

AMBONS(self-named Amboins) - people in Indonesia (600 thousand people, 1992), total number 635 thousand people. Language Malay. Believers are Reformed Christians, Sunni Muslims.

AMBUNDU(Mbundu, self-called Kimbundu) - people of the Bantu group in Angola, 2.15 million people. (1992). Kimbundu language. Mainly adhere to traditional cults; There are Catholics and adherents of syncretic cults.

AMERICANS USA- people, the main population of the United States. The total number is 194.2 million people. (1992), incl. in the USA 193 million people. The population in Canada is 350 thousand people, in Mexico 135 thousand people, in Great Britain 120 thousand people. They speak American in English. Believers are mainly Protestants and Catholics.

AMHARA(self-named - Amara) - people in Ethiopia. Total population: 21 million people. (1992), incl. in Ethiopia 20.8 million people, Eritrea 180 thousand people, Yemen 15 thousand people. The language is Amharic. By religion they are mainly Monophysite Christians.

BRITISH(self-named - English) - people, the main population of Great Britain. Total population 48.5 million people. (1992). incl. in the UK 44.7 million people, Canada 1 million people, Australia 940 thousand people, USA 650 thousand people, South Africa 230 thousand people, India 200 thousand people, New Zealand 188 thousand people English language. The believers are mostly Anglicans.

ENGLO-AUSTRALIANS- people, the main population of Australia. Total population 13.4 million people. (1992). They speak Australian English. Believers are mostly Protestants.

ENGLO-AFRICANS- people in South Africa (1.75 million people, 1992). Total population 1.95 million people. They speak the South African dialect of English. Believers - Anglicans, Methodists, Presbyterians, Catholics.

ENGLISH-CANADIANS- people in Canada (10.8 million people). The total number is 11.67 million people. (1992). They speak Canadian English. The believers are mostly Protestants, some are Catholics.

ENGLO-NEW ZEALANDERS(New Zealanders, Pakeha) - people, the main population of New Zealand (2.6 million people). Total population: 2.76 million people. (1992). English language. The believers are mostly Anglicans.

ANDAMANS- indigenous population of the Andaman Islands (India). Number of approx. 100 people Languages ​​form an isolated family. The An Damans adhere mainly to traditional beliefs.

ANDIANS(self-named - Andal) - people in the Russian Federation, in Dagestan. Number of approx. 30 thousand people (1992). Andean language. The believers are Sunni Muslims.

APACHE(self-named Diné) - a group of Athabaskan peoples (Navajo, Mes Calero, Jicarilla, etc.) in the USA (Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma), 20 thousand people. (no Navajo, 1992). The languages ​​make up the southern branch of the Athapaskan languages. Believers are Christians.

ARAB(self-named al-Arab) - a group of peoples (Algerians, Egyptians, Moroccans, etc.) - the main population of the Arab countries of Western Asia and North Africa. Total population 199 million people. (1992). Language is Arabic. The majority are Muslims.

ARAWAKI- a group of Indian peoples (Guajiro, Campa, Baniwa, Arawaks proper, etc.) in South America and the West Indies, 400 thousand people. (1992). Arawakan languages. Believers adhere to traditional beliefs, some are Catholics.

ARAUCANA(self-named Mapuche) - Indian people in Chile (800 thousand people, 1992) and in the west of Argentina (70 thousand people). The language is Araucanian. They retain traditional beliefs, some are Catholics.

ARGENTINES- people, the main population of Argentina (28 million people). Total population: 28.3 million people. (1992). They speak the Argentine dialect of Spanish. Believers are mostly Catholics.

ARMENIANS(self-named - hai) - people, the main population of Armenia (3.08 million people, 1992). They also live in the Russian Federation (532 thousand people), Georgia (437 thousand people), USA (700 thousand people), France (270 thousand people), Iran (200 thousand people), Syria (170 thousand people), Nagarno-Karabakh (146 thousand people), Libya and Turkey (150 thousand people each), etc. The total number is 6.55 million people. The language is Armenian. Believers are mostly Monophysite Christians.

ARCHINTS(self-named - arshishtib) - people in the Russian Federation, in Dagestan; St. 1 thousand people (1992). Archin language. The believers are Sunni Muslims.

ASSAMANS(self-name - Ahomiya, Assamiya) - people, the main population of the state of Assam (India); 14.55 million people (1992). They also live in Bhutan (220 thousand people) and other countries. Assamese language. Believers are Hindus, some are Muslims and Christians

ASSYRIANS(Aisors, self-named - Athuraya) - people in the countries of the Middle East, in the USA, etc. The total number is 350 thousand people. (1992), incl. in the Russian Federation 10.6 thousand people, Iraq 120 thousand people, Iran 100 thousand people, Turkey 70 thousand people. The language is Assyrian. The believers are mostly Nestorians.

ATAPASCA(Athabascans, self-name - Dene, Na-Dene) - a group of Indian tribes (Apaches, Chipewayas, Dogrib, etc.) in the USA and Canada; 220 thousand people (1992), tu. h. 210 thousand people in the USA - Athapaskan languages. Believers are Protestants, Catholics, some adhere to traditional beliefs.

AFAR(self-named - danakil, adalo) - people in Ethiopia (670 thousand people, 1992), Eritrea (180 thousand people), Djibouti (150 thousand people). Afar-sa ho language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

AFGHANS(self-named Pashtun, Pathan) - the people, the main population of Afghanistan (over 10 million people, 1992). St. 19 million people (mostly nomads and semi-nomads) live in northwestern Pakistan. Tribal associations are preserved (Afridis, Wazirs, Ghilzais, Durranis, etc.). Pashto language. Believers are mostly Sunni Muslims.

AFRICANERS(Boers) - people in South Africa (3 million people). They also live in Moldova, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Great Britain, the USA and Yar. The total number of St. 3 million people (1992). Afrikaners are descendants of Dutch, French and German colonists. Afrikaans language. Believers - Mainly Protestants (Reformed).

AFRO- AMERICANS- an ethnoracial group in the United States, part of the Americans in the United States. African Americans are the descendants of African slaves brought to North America in the 17th - 19th centuries; 30 million people (1992).

Aztecs(Asteca, Nahua) - Indian people in Mexico; 1.2 million people (1992). Aztec language. Believers are Catholics. Until the 16th century On the territory of modern Mexico there was an Aztec state with its capital in Tenochtitlan. The Aztecs created a civilization that was destroyed by the Spanish conquerors in the 16th century.

WITH WHAT(self-named - achim, akim) - people in Ghana. Number of people: 650 thousand people. (1992). Chwi language (Twi). They adhere to traditional beliefs, some are Protestants and Catholics.

ACHEH(ache, achin) - a people in Indonesia, in the north of the island. Sumatra; OK. 3 million people (1992). They also live in Malaysia. Acehnese language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

ACHOLI(Akoli, Gang) - people in Uganda (780 thousand people, 1992). They also live in Sudan (20 thousand people). Acholi language. They adhere to traditional beliefs, some are Sunni Muslims.

ASHANTI(self-name - Asante, Asantefo) - people in Ghana, 4 million people. (1992). They retain traditional beliefs, there are Christians and Sunni Muslims.

BAGIRMI(self-named - Barma-ge) - people in Chad (530 thousand people, 1992) and Sudan (20 thousand people). Bagirmi language. By religion, Muslims are mostly Sunni.

BYE(Baizi, Bayni) - people in China. Population 1.67 million people. (1992). Language bai. Believers are Buddhists, some are Taoists.

BAKWE- a group of peoples in Liberia (500 thousand people, 1992) and Cote d'Ivoire (400 thousand people). The Bakwe language. The majority retain traditional beliefs, some are Christians.

BALANTE- people in Guinea-Bissau, 600 thousand people. They also live in Cape Verde and Senegal. Total number 690 thousand people. (1992). Ba Lante language. Preserve traditional beliefs.

BALIANS- people in Indonesia, on the island. Bali and in the west of the island. Lombok; 3.65 million people (1992). The language of the Indonesian branch. The believers are Hindus.

BALKARIANS(self-named - Taulula) - people in the Russian Federation, in Kabardino-Balkaria (71 thousand people). In total there are 78 thousand people in the Russian Federation. (1992). The language is Karachay-Balkar. The believers are Sunni Muslims.

BAMBARA(Bamana) - the people of the Mandingo group in Mali (2.7 million people), Cote d'Ivoire, Guinea, Gambia, etc. Total number 3.49 million people (1992). Bamana language. By religion in Mostly Sunni Muslims, some retain traditional beliefs.

GANG- people in the Central African Republic (950 thousand people) and Congo (600 thousand people, 1992). Language gang. Preserve traditional beliefs.

BANJAR- people in Indonesia (about 3 million people, mainly on the island of Kalimantan) and Malaysia. Total population 3.15 million people. (1992). They speak a dialect of Malay. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

BANTU- a group of peoples in Central and Southern Africa (Rwanda, Ma Kua, Shona, Congo, Malawi, Rundi, Zulu, Xhosa, etc.), approx. 200 million people (1992). Bantu languages. They settled widely (from the 1st millennium BC to the 19th century), assimilating the indigenous population (pygmies, speakers of Khoi-San languages).

BARBADISTS(self-named - badges) - people, the main population of Barbados (250 thousand people), mainly descendants of slaves taken from Africa in the 17th - early 19th centuries. Total number 350 thousand people. (1992), incl. in the USA 35 thousand people, Great Britain 35 thousand people, Canada 30 thousand people. They speak a dialect of English. The majority of believers are Anglicans, there are Methodists, Moravian Brothers, and Catholics.

BASQUES(self-named - Euskaldunak) - a people in Spain (950 thousand people) and France (140 thousand people). They also live in Latin American countries. Total population 1.25 million people. (1992). Basque language. Believers are Catholics.

BAKHTIARS- people in Iran (mainly in the southwest, in the historical region of Greater Luristan, or Bakhtiaria), 1 million people. (1992). They are divided into groups Haftleng and Cheharleng. They speak dialects of the Western subgroup of Iranian languages. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

BASHKIRS(self-named Bashkort) - a people in the Russian Federation, the indigenous population of Bashkiria (864 thousand people). In total in the Russian Federation approx. 1.35 million people (1992). They also live in Kazakhstan (42 thousand people), Uzbekistan (35 thousand people), etc. The language is Bashkir. The believers are Sunni Muslims.

BADGE(Bedauye) are a people of the Cushite group in the northeast of Sudan (1.75 million people) and in neighboring areas of Eritrea and Egypt. Total population: 1.85 million people. (1992). Bedauye language. By religion they are Sunni Muslims.

BELARUSIANS- people, the main population of Belarus (over 7.9 million people, 1992). They also live in the Russian Federation (1.2 million people), Ukraine (440 thousand people), Kazakhstan (183 thousand people), Latvia (120 thousand people), Lithuania (63 thousand people) , Uzbekistan (63 thousand people), Estonia (27.7 thousand people), Poland (approx. 300 thousand people). The language is Belarusian. The believers are mostly Orthodox, with some Catholics.

BALUCHI(self-named - Baloch) - a people in Pakistan (4 million people) and Iran (1.4 million people, 1992). They also live in Afghanistan, Turkmenistan (28.3 thousand people 1989) and Arab countries. Total population 5.7 million people. (1992). Balochi language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

BENGALIS— people, the main population of Bangladesh (109.5 million people). They also live in India (80 million people), Nepal, Bhutan, Singapore, etc. The total number is 189.65 million people. (1992). The language is Bengali. The believers in Bangladesh are mostly Sunni Muslims, in India they are mostly Hindus.

BERBERS(self-named - Amahag) - a group of peoples (Tamazight, Rif, Shilkh, Tuareg, Kabyle, Shauya, etc.), indigenous population of North Africa, Central and Western Sudan; St. 11.52 million people (1992). They speak Berber-Libyan languages. By religion they are mainly Sunni Muslims.

BICOL(self-named) - people in the Philippines (mainly on the Bicol Peninsula and Luzon Island), 4.5 million people. (1992). The language of the Indonesian branch. Believers are mostly Catholics.

BIMA- SUMBANIPEOPLES- a group of peoples in the east of Indonesia (Bima, Sumbanese, Manggarai, Hawu, etc.), on the islands of the Lesser Sunda archipelago; 3.1 million people (1992). Languages ​​of the Indonesian branch. By religion they are Christians, Sunni Muslims and adherents of traditional beliefs.

BINI(edo, edo) - people in Nigeria, 4.27 million people. (1992). Bini tongue. Believers are mostly Christians.

BISA- people in Burkina Faso, Ghana (150 thousand people each) and Nigeria (70 thousand people, 1992). Encore language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

BIHARIANS- a group of peoples (Maithils, Magahs, Bhajpurs) in India (92.5 million people, Bihar state) and neighboring areas of Nepal (3.64 million people), Bangladesh (1.45 million people) and Bhutan. Total population 97.6 million people. (1992). Languages ​​of the Indo-Iranian branch. The believers are mostly Hindus.

BOA- people in the Congo. Population 1 million people. (1992). Liboa language. They adhere to traditional beliefs.

BOBO(self-named - Bua) - people in Burkina Faso (600 thousand people, 1992) and neighboring regions of Mali (220 thousand people) and Cote d'Ivoire (100 thousand people). Gbe language. Preserved traditional beliefs, some are Catholics.

BULGARIANS- people, the main population of Bulgaria (7.85 million people). They also live in Ukraine (234 thousand people), Moldova (88 thousand people), the Russian Federation (32.8 thousand people) and other countries. Total number 8.45 million people. (1992). Language is Bulgarian. The believers are mostly Orthodox, some are Sunni Muslims.

BOLIVIANS- people, the main population of Bolivia (3 million people). They also live in Argentina (150 thousand people), Brazil, USA, Peru and Chile. Total number 3.2 million people. (1992). Mostly Spanish-Indian mestizos. They speak Spanish and Guarani. Believers are Catholics.

BORORO(self-named - Orarimugudoge) - an Indian people group in Bolivia (2 thousand people) and Brazil (1 thousand people, 1992). They retain traditional beliefs, some are Catholics.

BOSNIANS(self-named - Muslims, Muslims, Bosans) - the people, population of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Population 1.8 million people. (1992). They also live in Yugoslavia (220 thousand people), Croatia (14 thousand people), Turkey (30 thousand people), and the USA (30 thousand people). Total number 2.1 million people. Bosniaks are the former population (mostly Serbs and Croats) of the historical region of Bosnia and Herzegovina who converted to Islam during Ottoman rule. Language Serbo-Croatian. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

BRAGUI(self-named - Brahui) - a people in Pakistan (750 thousand people, mainly in the provinces of Balochistan and Sindh). They also live in Afghanistan, Iran, etc. The total number is 835 thousand people. (1992). Bragui language. By religion - Sunni Muslims.

BRAZILIANS- people, the main population of Brazil; 149 million people (1992). They also live in Argentina, Paraguay, USA, Portugal. The total number is 149.4 million people. Language is Portuguese. Believers are mostly Catholics.

BRETONS- people in France (Brittany), 1.05 million people. (1992). Breton language. Believers are Catholics.

BUGIS(self-named - tougik) - a people in Indonesia (mainly in the southwest of Sulawesi); population 4.55 million people. They also live in Malaysia and Singapore. Total population: 4.6 million people. (1992). Buginese language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

BUI(Buei, Zhongjia, self-name - Yoi) - people in southern China, 2.7 million people. (1992). Thai family language. Believers are Buddhists, some are Christians.

BURISHI(Burishki, Burushaski, Vershiki) are a people in the highlands of northwestern India. OK. 50 thousand people (1987). The tongue is isolated. Believers are mostly Shiite Muslims.

BURYATS(self-named baryaat) - a people in the Russian Federation, the main population of Buryatia (250 thousand people). In total, there are 421 thousand people with radios in the Russian Federation. They also live in northern Mongolia and northeastern China. Total number 520 thousand people. (1992). Buryat language. Believers are Buddhists, shamanists.

BUSHMEN(from Dutch bosjesman, lit. - forest man) - a people, the indigenous population of South and East Africa. Suppressed in the 16th - 10th centuries. Bantu peoples to the desert regions of Namibia (85 thousand people, 1992), Botswana (35 thousand people), Angola (8 thousand people) and Zimbabwe (1 thousand people). They belong to the Bushman race. Bushman languages. They preserve traditional beliefs.

BHILI- a group of peoples in India, indigenous to the mountainous regions of the states of Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Rajasthan and Maharashta. Population 3.7 million people. (1992). The language of the Indo-Iranian branch. The believers are mostly Hindus.

BHOTIA—people, the main population of Bhutan (1 million people, 1991). They also live in Nepal (110 thousand people) and India (90 thousand people). The language of the Sinoti Beta family. Believers are mainly Buddhists, in India - Hindus.

WALLONS- people in Belgium (3.92 million people). They also live in France, the USA, etc. The total number is 4.1 million people. (1992). They speak the Walloon dialect of French. Believers are Catholics.

WARRAU(huarao, guarao) - Indian people in Venezuela (17 thousand people). They also live in Suriname and Guyana. Total number 20 thousand people. (1992). Tongue isolated. Believers are Catholics.

VAKHANI- one of the Pamir peoples.

VEDDAS- people, indigenous population of Sri Lanka (mainly the Eastern Provinces), approx. 1 thousand people (1992). They belong to the Veddo race. Language of the Indo-Iranian group. Believers are mainly Buddhists and Hindus.

HUNGARIANS(self-named Magyars) - people, the main population of Hungary (9.95 million people). They also live in Romania (1.86 million people), Slovakia (580 thousand people). Yugoslavia (400 thousand people), USA (600 thousand people), Canada (120 thousand people). The total number is 13.83 million people. (1992). Language Hungarian. Believers are mostly Catholics.

VENDA(self-named Bavenda) - the people of the Bantu group in South Africa (910 thousand people) and Zimbabwe (320 thousand people, 1992). Believers are mostly Protestants; there are adherents of traditional and syncretic cults.

VENEZUELANS— people, the main population of Venezuela (17.3 million people). The total number is 17.4 million people. (1992). OK. 80% - mestizos, mulattoes, sambo, approx. 5% are blacks. Language Spanish. Believers are mostly Catholics.

VEPSY(veps, vepsya, self-named - bepsya) - people in Leningrad and Vologda regions and Karelia; 13 thousand people (1992). Vepsian language. Believers are Orthodox.

VISAYA(Bisaya) - people in the Philippines. Population 26.75 million people. (1992). Visayan language. Believers are mostly Catholics, some adhere to traditional beliefs.

VOD(self-named - vadyalayn) - people in the Russian Federation. Number of members: less than one hundred people (1992). Votic language. Believers are Orthodox.

WOLOF(Wolof) - people in Senegal (4.1 million people). They also live in Mauritania, Gambia, Mali, etc. The total number is 4.36 million people. (1992). Wolof language. Believers are mostly Sunni Muslims.

VIETNAMESE(self-named - Kinh, Viet) - people, the main population of Vietnam (61 million people). They also live in Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, the USA, etc. The total number is 62.15 million people. (1992). Language Vietnamese. Believers are mainly Buddhists, Taoists, Confucians, some Catholics and adherents of the cult of ancestors and syncretic religions.

HAWAIIANS— people, indigenous population of the Hawaiian Islands (USA), 170 thousand people. (1992). Hawaiian language. Believers are Protestants and Catholics.

GAGAUZ- people in Moldova (153 thousand people) and Ukraine (32 thousand people, 1992). They also live in the Russian Federation (approx. 10 thousand people), Bulgaria, Romania, Greece and Turkey. Total number 220 thousand people. (1992). The language is Gagauz. Believers are Orthodox.

HAITIANS(Haitians) - people, the main population of Haiti (6.6 million people). They also live in the Dominican Republic, the USA, Cuba, the Bahamas, etc. The total number is 7.2 million people. (1992). They speak creolized French. The believers are Catholics, and there are also adherents of the syncretic cult of “water.”

GALICIANS(self-named - Gallego) - a people in Spain, the main population of Galicia. They also live in Argentina, Brazil and other American countries. Total population 4.2 million people. (1992). The language is Galician. Believers are Catholics.

GANDA(Baganda) - a Bantu people in Uganda (3.25 million people, 1992). They also live in Tanzania. By religion, they are mainly Christians, there are Sunni Muslims, and some retain traditional beliefs.

GAOSHAN(Chinese - highlanders) - a group of peoples (Atayal, Tsou, Amey, Bunun, etc.) on the island. Taiwan, 340 thousand people. (1992). Languages ​​of the Indonesian group. Preserve traditional beliefs.

GUATEMALANTS- people, the main population of Guatemala (over 5.6 million people). Total population 5.68 million people. (1992). Mainly Pan-Indian mestizo (Ladino). They speak the Guatemalan dialect of Spanish. Believers are mostly Catholics.

HERERO(Ovagerero) - the people of the Bantu group in Namibia (200 thousand people), Angola, Botswana and South Africa. The total number is 270 thousand people. (1992). By religion, some are Protestants, some retain traditional beliefs.

GERMANO- SWISS- people in Switzerland (4.22 million people, 1992). They also live in the USA (200 thousand people), Germany, Canada, Great Britain, France, etc. The total number is 4.58 million people. The language is the Swiss version of the German language. Believers are Calvinists, some are Catholics.

GILYANTS- people in Iran (historical region of Gilan); 3.3 million people (1992). Language of the Iranian group. Believers are mostly Shiite Muslims.

DUTCH(Dutch) - people, the main population of the Netherlands (12.05 million people). The total number is 13.27 million people. (1992). Language is Dutch. Believers are mainly Protestants (Calvinists, Mennonites), Catholics.

HONDURAS- people, the main population of Honduras (5.15 million people). Total population 5.24 million people. (1992). Mainly Spanish-Indian mestizos (Ladinos). They speak the local version of Spanish. Believers are mostly Catholics.

GONDS- people of the Dravidian group in India; 3.8 million people (1992). The believers are mostly Hindus, some adhere to traditional beliefs.

HOTTENTOTS(self-named - Khoikhoin) - a people in Namibia, Botswana and South Africa, the indigenous population of South Africa. The total number is 130 thousand people, incl. in Namibia 102 thousand people. (1992). They speak Gotten Totish languages. Believers are mostly Protestants.

GREEKS(self-named Hellines) - people, the main population of Greece (9.72 million people). Total population 12.4 million people. (1992). They also live in Cyprus (570 thousand people), in the USA (550 thousand people), Germany (300 thousand people), in the Russian Federation (92 thousand people), etc. The language is Greek (Modern Greek ). Believers are mostly Orthodox.

GRENADIANS- the people, the main population of Grenada. Number of people: 105 thousand people. (1992). The language is Grenadian Creole (based on English). Believers are mostly Catholics, with some Protestants.

GEORGIANS(self-named - Kartveli) - people, the main population of Georgia (3.787 million people). In the Russian Federation there are 130.7 thousand people. (1992). Total number 4.14 million people. Ethnographic groups: Adjarians, Gurians, Imeretians, Kartlians, Kakhetians, Khevsurs, Mingrelians, Svans, Laz, Javakhs, etc. The language is Georgian. Believers are mostly Orthodox.

GUARANI- Indian people of the Tupi-Guarani group in Paraguay; 30 thousand people (1987). Participate in the formation of modern Paraguayans. Guarani language. Catholic by religion.

GUAJIRO(Goajiro, self-named Vayuu) is an Indian people of the Arawaks group living on the Guajira Peninsula. The population in Colombia is 200 thousand people. (1992), Venezuela 65 thousand people, small groups in Panama and the Antilles. They mostly adhere to traditional beliefs; there are Catholics.

GUJAR(self-named) - an ethnic community in India and eastern Pakistan, 1 million people. (1992). Language of the Indo-Iranian group. The believers are mostly Ikduists, there are Sunni Muslims.

GUJARATIANS- people in India (46 million people), the main population of the state of Gujarat. They also live in Pakistan. Total population: 47 million people. (1992). The language is Gujarati. Believers are mainly Hindus, there are Sunni Muslims and Jains.

GURAGE(self-named) - a group of peoples in Ethiopia; 2.6 million people (1992). The language of the Semitic branch. By religion, they are mainly Sunni Muslims, there are Christians (mostly Monophysites) and adherents of other religious beliefs.

GOURMA(gurmantche, self-name - binumba) - people in Togo, Ghana, Burki na Faso and the border areas of Benin and Niger; 1.52 million people (1992). Language of the Gur subfamily. They adhere to traditional beliefs, there are Sunni Muslims.

HURON(self-named Wendat) - an Indian people of the Iroquois group in Canada (mainly the Loretville reservation in the province of Quebec); OK. 1 thousand people Catholic by religion. They formed an alliance of tribes that entered in the middle of the 17th century. to the Iroquois League.

GURUNG- people in Nepal (300 thousand people, 1992) and Bhutan (250 thousand people), small groups - in India. Language of the Sino-Tibetan family. The believers are Buddhists.

HUTSULS- an ethnographic group of Ukrainians. They live in the Carpathians (Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi and Transcarpathian regions of Ukraine).

GALES(Gaels, Goidels, Highlanders) - an ethnographic group of Scottish Landians in the mountainous regions of north-west Scotland and the Hebrides; 80 thousand people (1992). The language is Gaelic. Believers are Catholics.

DAKOTA(self-named) - Indian people of the Sioux group in the USA (reservations in the states of South and North Dakota, Minnesota and Nebraska, 10 thousand people, 1992) and Canada (3 thousand people). Believers are mainly Christians (Protestants and Catholics).

DARGINS(self-named - Dargan) - people in Dagestan (over 280.4 thousand people, 1992). In total there are 353 thousand people in the Russian Federation. The total number (including Kaitag and Kubachi residents) is 365 thousand people. Dargin language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

DANE- people, the main population of Denmark (approx. 5 million people). They also live in the USA, Canada, Germany, Sweden, Norway, etc. The total number is 5.6 million people. (1992). Language Danish. The believers are mostly Lutherans.

DAURS(Daturs, Dahurs) - people in northern China, 125 thousand people, (1992). Until the middle of the 17th century. lived in the upper reaches of the river. Amur and in the valleys pp. Argun and Zeya. Language of the Mongolian group. Believers are shamanists.

DAYAKS- a group of peoples (Ngaju, Clementans, Ibans, Kenya, etc.) in Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei, the indigenous population of the island. Kaliman tan; 3.7 million people (1992). Languages ​​of the Indonesian group. They adhere to traditional beliefs; there are Christians and Sunni Muslims.

DELAWARE(self-named - Lenape) - Indian people of the Algonquian New group in the USA (states of New York, Wisconsin, Kansas, Oklahoma; 3 thousand people, 1992) and in Canada (reservations in the south of Ontario, 1 thousand people). Believers are Protestants (Moravian Brethren).

JATS- a group of tribes, at the beginning of AD. inhabited the western regions of Punjab, who later formed the ethnic basis of the Punjabis and became part of the Sikh community. In India, the Jats form an agricultural caste. Major uprisings of the Jats are known in the 17th - 18th centuries. Modern Jats live in northern India and Pakistan, 10 thousand people. (1992).

DEBT(self-name - Dolgan, Tya-kikhi, Sakha) - people in the Taimyr Autonomous Okrug (approx. 5 thousand people). In total there are 7 thousand people in the Russian Federation. (1992). Dolgan language.

DOMINICANS- the people, the main population of the Dominican Republic. Total population 7.4 million people. (1992), incl. in the Dominican Republic 7.1 million people. They also live in the USA, Haiti, etc. The language is the local version of Spanish. Believers are mostly Catholics.

DOMINICANS- people, the main population of Dominica; 70 thousand people (1992). Language - local dialect in English. Believers are mostly Catholics.

DRAVIDIANS- a group of peoples (Telugu, Tamil, Malayali, Kannar, Gond, Oraon, etc.) in India, mainly in the south, as well as in Pakistan and neighboring regions of Iran and Afghanistan (Brahui). They belong to the South Indian race. Dravidian languages. Indigenous population of Hindustan.

DUALA(diwala, duela) - a Bantu people in Cameroon; 1.4 million people (1992). They retain traditional beliefs, some are Catholics.

DUN(self-name - din, butam) ~ people in southern China; 2.6 million people (1992). Thai family language.

DUNGANE(self-named - Hui) - people in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, a small part - in Uzbekistan; 70 thousand people (1992). Dungan language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

DONGIAN- people in China (Gansu province), 295 thousand people. (1987). Language of the Mongolian group. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

JEWS(self-designated - Yehudim, idn) - people. Population 13.62 million people. (1992), incl. in the USA approx. 6 million, Israel 4 million, in the Russian Federation 551 thousand people. (1992). Most speak the language of the country in which they live. Some Jews also speak Hebrew, Yiddish and other ethnic modifications of the languages ​​of neighboring peoples (Spanish, Arabic, Persian, etc.). Believers are mostly Jewish. In the Diaspora, a division has developed into Ashkenazim and Sephardim.

EGYPTIANS(Arabs of Egypt) - people, the main population of Egypt (54.2 million people). Total population 54.6 million people. (1992). Language Arabic. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

SAME- a group of Indian peoples (Bororo, Komngang, Conela, etc.) in Brazil; OK. 40 thousand people (1992). Family languages.

ZANDE(self-named Azande) - people in the Congo and the border areas of the Central African Republic and Sudan; 3.52 million people (1992), incl. 2.5 million people in Congo. Zande language. Preserve traditional beliefs.

ZULU(Zulus, self-named - AmaZulu) - people in South Africa. They also live in Le Sotho, Mozambique and Swaziland; 8.22 million people, incl. in South Africa 7.9 million people. (1992). Zulu language. They adhere to traditional beliefs, and there are adherents of syncretic cults.

IBIBIO(Agbishera) - a people in the southeast of Nigeria (6.75 million people). Total population 6.77 million people. (1992). The language is Ibibno. By religion they are Christians, there are adherents of traditional beliefs.

IGBO(for) are the people in Nigeria. Total population: 21.6 million people. (1992). Igbo language. Believers are Christians (Protestants and Catholics), some adhere to traditional beliefs.

IJO(Ijaw) - people in Nigeria (2.15 million people). Total population: 2.17 million people. (1992). The language of the Kwa family. Believers are mostly Christians (Protestants, some Catholics).

IZHORTS(self-styled - izuri) - people in the Russian Federation (in the Leningrad region, 449 people, 1992) and Estonia (306 people). Izhorian language. Believers are Orthodox.

ILOKI(Ilocanos) are a people in the Philippines (7.1 million people, 1992). Ilocano language. Believers are Catholics.

INGUSHI(self-named - Galgai) - people in the Russian Federation. They live mainly in Ingushetia (over 215 thousand people, 1992), Chechnya, and North Ossetia. The total number is 237 thousand people. (1992). The language is Ingush. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

INDIANS- the indigenous population of America (except for the Eskimos and Aleuts); 35 million people (1992). The largest peoples are the Quechua, Aymara, Aztecs, Mayans, Guarani, Araucanians, etc. As a result of the European colonization of America, many tribes were completely or partially exterminated and pushed into other areas. In the USA and Canada they live mainly on reservations. In Bolivia and Guatemala they make up the majority of the population. Heavily mixed. They speak Indian languages, a significant part also speak Spanish ( Latin America) and English ( North America) languages. Believers are Catholics, Protestants, there are adherents of syncretic cults and traditional beliefs.

INDO- PAKMETHANEScommon name people from South Asia (mainly India and Pakistan) outside Hindustan. They speak mainly the language of the country of residence, Hindi, Tamil. Believers are mainly Hindus, Sunni Muslims, Sikhs, Jains.

JORDANES(Arabs of Jordan) - the people, the main population of Jordan. The total population in Jordan is 2 million people. (1992), there are 350 thousand people in Kuwait. Language is Arabic. Believers are Sunni Muslims, some are Christians.

IRAQI(Arabs of Iraq) - people, the main population of Iraq (14.5 million people). The total number is 14.6 million people. (1992). They speak the Iraqi dialect of Arabic. Believers are Sunni Muslims (mainly in the north) and Shiites (in the south).

IRISH(self-named - Erinnah) - people, the main population of Ireland (3.4 million people). They also live in the UK (2.5 million people), the USA, Canada, etc. The total number is 7.8 million people. (1992). Irish language. Believers are mostly Catholics.

IROQUOIS— 1) a group of Indian peoples in the USA and Canada (actually Iroquois, Petuns, Hurons, Cherokees, etc.). Iroquois languages. Most of the peoples were assimilated in the 17th - 18th centuries. actually Iroquois. 2) The Iroquois proper (self-called Khodenosaunee), the people of the Iroquois group in the USA (60 thousand people, 1992, states of New York and Oklahoma) and Canada (30 thousand people, provinces of Ontario and Quebec). There are Christians who adhere to syncretic cults. In the XVI - XVII centuries. formed an alliance of the Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga, Onenla, and Mohawk tribes (the so-called Iroquois League).

ICELANDERS- people, the main population of Iceland, 255 thousand people. (1992). They also live in Canada (30 thousand people), the USA (5 thousand people) and European countries. Icelandic language. Believers are Lutherans.

SPANISH- people, the main population of Spain (27.6 million people). Total number 29.0 million people. (1992). Language Spanish. Believers are mostly Catholics.

ITALO- SWISS- people in Switzerland (230 thousand people, 1992). They also live in France, the USA, and Argentina. Total number 265 thousand people. Language Italian. Believers are Catholics.

ITALIANS- people, the main population of Italy (54.35 million people). Total population 66.5 million people. (1992). Language Italian. Ethnographic groups: Venetians, Piedmontese, Tuscans, Lombards, Ligurians, Calabrians, Sicilians, etc. They also live in the USA (8.5 million people), Argentina (1.35 million people), France (1.1 million people) and other countries. The believers are mostly Catholics.

ITELMENS— people in the Russian Federation, in the Kamchatka region; 2.4 thousand people (1992). Itelmen language. Believers are truly glorious

IZZU(ii) - people in southern China; 6.9 million people (1992). Language of the Sino-Tibetan family. Believers are Taoists, Confucians, and some adhere to Traditional beliefs.

YEMENI(Arabs of Yemen) - the people, the main population of Yemen (12.3 million people, 1992); 1.4 million people live in Saudi Arabia. Language is Arabic. Believers are Muslims (Sunnis and Shiites).

YORUBA- the people of Nigeria (25.5 million people, 1992). They also live in Benin, Ghana, Togo and others African countries. Total number 26.2 million people. (1992). Yoruba. By religion they are Christians, there are Sunni Muslims and adherents of traditional beliefs.

KABARDINS(self-named Adyghe) - people in the Russian Federation, Kabardino-Balkaria (364 thousand people). They also live in the Krasnodar and Stavropol territories and North Ossetia. In total there are 386 thousand people in the Russian Federation. (1992). The language is Kabardino-Circassian. The believers are mostly Sunni Muslims, with some Orthodox Christians.

KABILES- people of the Berber group in the mountainous regions of Northern Algeria, 3 million people. (1992). The language is Kabyle. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

KAJARS- people in northern Iran. Goes back to one of the Qizilbash tribes, 30 thousand people. (1987). Language of the Turkic group. By religion they are Shia Muslims, some are Sunnis.

COSSACKS- ethnic class groups consisting of Russian and some other peoples. The total number in the Russian Federation is approx. 5 million people The language is Russian, bilingualism is common. The believers are Orthodox, there are representatives of other faiths.

KAZAKHS(self-named - Cossack) - people, the main population of Kazakhstan (over 6.54 million people, 1992). They also live in Uzbekistan (808 thousand people), Turkmenistan (87 thousand people), Kyrgyzstan (37 thousand people), Tajikistan and the Russian Federation (635.9 thousand people); in China (1.115 million people, 1992), Mongolia (125 thousand people), etc. The total number is 9.42 million people. Language Kazakh. The believers are non-Sunni Muslims.

KAINGANG- Indian peoples of the group in Brazil, some in Paraguay, 20 thousand people. (1992). Believers are Catholics.

KAINGUA(Mbua) - Indian people of the Tupi-Guarani group in Paraguay (30 thousand people), in the south of Brazil and the north of Argentina. Total number 55 thousand people. (1992). Believers are Catholics.

KAKCHIKELI- people in Guatemala, 350 thousand people. (1992). What language is it? Believers are Catholics.

KALMYKS(self-named - khalmg) - people, the main population of Kalmykia (over 146 thousand people); in total there are 166 thousand people in the Russian Federation. (1992). Kalmyk language. Believers are Buddhists, some are Orthodox.

KAMBA(Akamba) - people in Kenya; 3.25 million people (1992). They adhere to traditional beliefs, and there are Christians.

CAMPA- Indian peoples of the Arawaks group in Peru, 50 thousand people. (1993). Campa language. Believers are Catholics.

KANAKA(New Caledonians) - Melanesian people, the main population of New Caledonia, 60 thousand people. (1992). The believers are mostly Catholics, there are Calvinists and others.

CANNARA(Kannada, self-name - Kannadiga) - a people in India, the main population of the state of Karnataka, 35 million people. (1992). Kannada language. Believers are mainly Hindus, there are Sunni Muslims and Jains.

KANURI(beri-beri) are a people in Nigeria, Niger, Cameroon and Chad. The total number is 6 million people, incl. in Nigeria 5.1 million people. (1992). Kanuri language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

KARAIMS(self-named - karaylar) - people in Ukraine (mainly in Crimea) and in Lithuania; 2.6 thousand people (1989). Small groups also live in Poland. Karaite language.

KARAKALPAKI- people in Central Asia, mainly in Uzbekistan, in Karakalpakstan (412 thousand people, 1992); 5 thousand people also live in Afghanistan (1992). In the Russian Federation - 6 thousand people. The language is Rakalpak. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

KARATAM- ethnographic group of Mordovians in Tataria.

KARACHAYS(self-named - Karachailyla) - a people in Karachay-Cherkessia (129 thousand people) and the Stavropol Territory. In total there are 150 thousand people in the Russian Federation. (1992). The language is Karachay-Balkar. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

KARELIANS(self-named - Karjala) - a people in the Russian Federation, the indigenous population of Karelia (79 thousand people). They also live in Tver (23.2 thousand people) and some other regions. Total number 131 thousand people. (1992). The language is Karelian. Believing Karelians are truly glorious.

KARENS(self-named - pghanyo) - people in Myanmar and in the west of Thailand; 3.7 million people, incl. in Myanmar St. 3.5 million people (1992). Language of the Sino-Tibetan family. Believers are mainly Buddhists, there are Christians (Baptists).

CATALANS- people in Spain (mainly in Catalonia); 7.5 million people They also live in Fraction, Italy and the countries of America. The total number is 8.16 million people. (1992). Language Catalan. Believers are Catholics.

KACHARI- people in India (state of Assam), 1 million people. (1992). Language of the Tibeto-Burman group. Mostly Hindus.

KACHIN(Jingpo, self-name - Jingpo) - people in Myanmar (675 thousand people, Kachin national region) and China, small groups - in Thailand, Laos and northeast India. Total number 810 thousand people. (1992). Kachin language. Traditional beliefs are preserved; there are Buddhists and Christians (Baptists).

QASQUIANS(self-named Qashqai) - people in Iran (Fars province), 780 thousand people. (1992), They speak a dialect of the Azerbaijani language. They are divided into tribes and groups, about half are nomads. Muslims are Shiites.

KASHMIRI(self-named Kashmiri) - a people in India, the main population of the states of Jammu and Kashmir, 4 million people. (1992). Kashmiri language. Mostly Sunni Muslims, some Hindus.

KASHUBY- an ethnographic group of Poles, they live in the coastal part of Poland; They speak Kashubian dialects of Polish.

KVAKIUTLI(self-named Kwakiutl) - Indian people of the Wa Kashey group in Canada, 1 thousand people. (1992). Protestant by religion.

QEKCHI- - Indian people in Guatemala (310 thousand people). They also live in El Salvador and Belize. Total number 325 thousand people. (1992). Language of the Maya-Kiche family. Believers are Catholics.

KETY(former name - Yenisei Ostyaks, Yeniseis) - a people living in the Krasnoyarsk Territory (Russian Federation), along the middle and lower reaches of the Yenisei; 1.1 thousand people (1992). Ket language. Believers are Orthodox.

QUECHUA(Kichua) - Indian people in Peru (7.7 million people), Ecuador (4.3 million people) and Bolivia (2.47 million people). They also live in Argentina, Chile and Colombia. The total number is 14.87 million people. (1987). Descendants of the creators of the Inca civilization. Quechua language. Believers are Catholics.

KIKUYU(Gikuyu, Agikuyu) - the people of the Bantu group in Kenya, 6 million people. (1992). Kikuyu language. The majority adhere to traditional beliefs, some are Catholics and adherents of syncretic cults.

KYRGYZZ(self-named Kyrgyz) - people, the main population of Kyrgyzstan (2.23 million people). In Uzbekistan there are 175 thousand people, in Tajikistan 64 thousand people, in the Russian Federation 42 thousand people. (1992); in China there are 150 thousand people. (1987). Language is Kyrgyz. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

KIRIBATI(self-named Tungar) - Melanesian people, the main population of Kiribati (72 thousand people). They also live on neighboring islands. Total number 78 thousand people. (1993). Believers are protestants.

CHINESE(self-named - Han, Hanren) - people, the main population of the People's Republic of China (over 1.093 billion people). Total number approx. 1.125 billion people (1992). Language Chinese. Believers are Buddhists, Taoists, Confucians, there are Christians, etc.

QUICHE(self-named - kechelah) - Indian people in Guatemala, 300 thousand people. (1992). Language of the Maya-Kiche family. Believers are mostly Catholics.

COLOMBIANS- people, the main population of Colombia (32.5 million people). Total population 34.5 million people. (1992). Mostly mestizos, some mulattoes, Creoles. They speak the Colombian dialect of Spanish. Believers are mostly Catholics.

COMANCHE(self-named Pemena) - Indian people of the Shoshone group in the USA (reservations in the southwest of Oklahoma), 6 thousand people. (1992). Believers are Protestants.

KOMI(outdated name - Zyryans) - the people, the indigenous population of the Komi Republic (292 thousand people), in total there are 336 thousand people in the Russian Federation. (1992). Komi-Zyryan language. Believers are Orthodox.

KOMI- PERMYAKI— people in the Russian Federation (147 thousand people, 1992), incl. in the Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug 95 thousand people. Komi-Permyak language. Believers are Orthodox.

CONGO(Bakongo) - the people of the Bantu group, in the Congo (7.83 million people) and Angola (1.3 million people). They also live in Uganda, Gabon, etc. The total number is 9.2 million people. (1987). Congo language. Believers are mostly Christians (Catholics, some Protestants); there are adherents of traditional and syncretic cults.

COPTS- an ethno-confessional group of Egyptian Arabs who profess Christianity (mostly Monophysites, there are Unites and Protestants). They live mainly in the cities of Upper Egypt, also in other countries of the Middle East; over 4 million people (1992). Then the Ki pre-Arab population of Egypt.

KORDOFANPEOPLES- a group of peoples (Kalib, Tegali, Tagoi, Kadugli-Krongo, etc.) in Sudan (Kordofan Plateau), 600 thousand people. (1992). Kordofanian languages. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

KOREANS(self-named - Cho Son Saram) - people, the main population of the DPRK (22.5 million people) and the Republic of Korea (44 million people). Total population 70.2 million people (1992). In the Russian Federation there are 107 thousand people, Uzbekistan 183 thousand people, Kazakhstan 103.3 thousand people. (1992). Language is Korean. Believers are Buddhists, Confucians, and there are Christians (Presbyterians).

CORSICANS- people, the main population of the island. Corsica, 300 thousand people. (1992). They speak dialects of Italian and French. Believers are Catholics.

KORYAKS— people, indigenous population of the Koryak Autonomous Okrug of the Russian Federation (7 thousand people). They also live in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug and the Magadan Region. Total number 9 thousand people. (1992). Koryak language. Believers are Orthodox.

SPIT(AmaXhosa, Southern Zulu, Kaffirs) - the people of the Bantu group in South Africa; 7.39 million people (1992). Xhosa language. Believers are Christians.

COSTARICANS- people, the main population of Costa Rica (over 2.94 million people). Total population: 2.98 million people. (1992). Mainly descendants of immigrants from Spain, some are mestizos, blacks and mules. They speak mostly Spanish. Believers are mostly Catholics, blacks and mulattoes are Protestants.

KPELLE(Kpese, Gerze, Pessi) - people in Liberia (600 thousand people, 1992) and Guinea (280 thousand people). Language of the Mande group. They adhere to traditional beliefs, some are Sunni Muslims, Christians and adherents of syncretic cults.

KRI- people of the Algonquin group in Canada (provinces of Ontario, Money Toba, Saskatchewan, Alberta), 70 thousand people. (1992). Believers are Catholics and Protestants (Anglicans).

SCREAMING- Indian people of the Muscogee group in the USA, 26 thousand people. (1992). Believers are Protestants.

CRIMEANTATARS- people in Ukraine (Crimea, Kherson region), as well as in Uzbekistan, the Russian Federation (Krasnodar and Stavropol territories). OK. 272 thousand people (1992), Crimean Tatar language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

KRYMCHAK- people in Crimea (Ukraine, 679 people, 1992) and the Russian Federation (approx. 330 people, mainly on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus). They speak a dialect of the Crimean Tatar language. Believers are Judaists.

KUBACHINS(self-named - urbugan) - people in the Russian Federation (4 thousand, people, 1992), incl. in Dagestan (2 thousand people). Dargin language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

CUBANS- people, the main population of Cuba (over 10.6 million people). The total number is 11.7 million people. (1992). They speak the Cuban variety of Spanish. Believers are mostly Catholics.

KUMYKS- people in Dagestan (232 thousand people). In total there are 282 thousand people in the Russian Federation. (1992). Kumyk language. The believers are Sunni Muslims.

KUNA(self-named - Thule) - Indian people of the Chibcha group in Panama, St. 50 thousand people (1992). Believers are Christians (Catholics and Protestants).

KURDS(self-named Kurd, Kurmanj) - people in Turkey (over 7.5 million people), Iran (about 5.6 million people), Iraq (mainly the Kurdish Autonomous Region, 3.7 million . people), Syria (over 745 thousand people, 1992) and in other countries. The total number is 18 million people. (1992). The language is Kurdish. The believers are mostly Sunni Muslims; there are adherents of syncretic cults (Yazidis, etc.).

KHASI- people in India (Meghalaya state) and neighboring areas of Bang Ladesh. Total number 860 thousand people, incl. in India there are 770 thousand people. (1992). Khasi language. Believers are about half Protestant Christians, the rest are Hindus and adherents of traditional beliefs.

KHMER(self-name - Khmer, Khmae) - people, the main population of Cambodia (8.6 million people). They also live in Vietnam, Thailand and other countries. Total population 10.35 million people. (1992). Khmer language. Believers are Buddhists.

KHMERMOUNTAIN- a group of peoples (Kui, Sui, Banar, Sedang, etc.) in Cambodia, southern Vietnam and Laos and Thailand, St. 1.6 million people (1992). Languages ​​of the Mon-Khmer group. Believers are mostly Buddhists.

KHOND(kandha, self-name - kuienja) - people in India (state of Orisa), 920 thousand people. (1992). Language of the Dravidian family. They adhere to traditional beliefs.

LACKS(Lakis, Kazikumukhs) - people in Dagestan (92 thousand people). In total there are 106 thousand people in the Russian Federation. (1992). Lak language. The believers are Sunni Muslims.

LAO(Laotians) - people, the main population of Laos (2.95 million people). They also live in the north and northeast of Thailand (15 million people) and in other countries of Indochina. The total number is 18 million people. (1992). The language is Laotian. Believers are Buddhists.

LATVIANS(self-named Latvieshi) - people, the main population of Latvia (1.39 million people, 1992). There are 47 thousand people in the Russian Federation. The total number is 1.54 million people. (1992). Language Latvian. The believers are mostly Protestants, some are Catholics.

LEVANTINES- an ethnographic group consisting of Lebanese and Syrian Arabs, descendants of European settlers from the era of the Crusades who mixed with the local population. Language is Arabic.

LEZGINS(self-named Lezgiar) - a people in Dagestan (204 thousand people) and Azerbaijan (171 thousand people). There are 257 thousand people in the Russian Federation. (1992). Lezgin language. Believers are Sunni Muslims and some are Shiites.

LENKA(self-named) - Indian people of the Chibcha group in the southwest of Honduras (100 thousand people, 1992) and the north of El Salvador (10 thousand people). Language Spanish. Believers are Catholics.

LI(self-named - bark) - a people in China, the indigenous population of the island. Hainan, 860 thousand people. (1992). Is it language? They adhere to traditional beliefs.

LEBANESE(Lebanese Arabs) - people, the main population of Lebanon (2.25 million people). The total number is 2.36 million people. (1992). They speak the Syro-Lebanese dialect of Arabic. Believers are Christians (Maronites, Melkites, Greek Orthodox, etc.) and Muslims (Sunnites, Shiites).

LIBYANS(Libyan Arabs) - people, the main population of Libya (4.16 million people). Total number 4.18 million people. (1992). They speak the Libyan dialect of Arabic. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

DO YOU- an ethnic group (135 people) in the Ventspils region of Latvia and in the Russian Federation (64 people, 1992). Livonian language. Believers are Christians (Lutherans).

LITHUANians(self-named - letuviai) - people, the main population of Lithuania (2.924 million people, 1992). In the Russian Federation there are 70 thousand people, in Latvia 34.6 thousand people; in the USA St. 300 thousand people Total population 3.45 million people. (1992). Language Lithuanian. Believers are mostly Catholics.

LIECHTENSTEINS- people, the main population of Liechtenstein, approx. 30 thousand people (1993). Language is German. The majority of believers are Catholics.

LOZI(Balozi, Rotse, Barotse) - people in Zambia, 850 thousand people. (1992). They also live in Botswana (10 thousand people). They adhere to traditional beliefs; there are Christians who are adherents of syncretic cults.

LUBA(Baluba) - people in the Congo (7.1 million people). They also live in northern Zambia, Tanzania and Rwanda. Total population: 7.15 million people. (1992). Luba tongue. Believers are mostly Catholics, there are non-Sunni Muslims and adherents of traditional beliefs.

LUSIAN(Lusatian Serbs, Sorbs, Vends) - people in Germany, 100 thousand people. (1992). Lusatian language. The believers are mostly Lutherans, with some Catholics.

LUNDA(Balunda) - people in the Congo, Zambia and Angola; 1.03 million people (1992). Believers are mostly Christians; some retain traditional beliefs.

LUO- 1) a group of peoples in Africa. They are divided into northern Luo (Shilluk, Anuak, etc.) - in the south of Sudan, and southern Luo (actually Luo, Alur, Acholi, etc.) - in Uganda, Congo, Tanzania, Kenya, etc. The languages ​​of the Sharinil branch of Nilo- Saharan languages. 2) Actually, the Luo (their name is Joluo) are the people of the Luo group in Kenya (3.25 million people) and Tanzania. The total number is 3.47 million people. (1992). They adhere to traditional beliefs, there are Christians (mostly Catholics) and Sunni Muslims.

LURY- people in Iran (2.8 million people, mainly in the historical regions of Lesser Luristan and Fars). They also live in Iraq. Total population: 2.86 million people. (1992). Language of the Iranian group. Believers are Muslims - Shiites.

LUHYA(self-named - Abaluya) - a people in Kenya (4 million people). They also live in Tanzania. Total population 4.75 million people. (1992). They adhere to traditional beliefs. There are Catholics.

LUXEMBOURGERS- people, the main population of Luxembourg. They also live in Italy, Germany and France. Total number 285 thousand people. (1992). Believers are mostly Catholics, with some Protestants.

MOORS(Mauritanians, self-name - Beydan) - people, the main population of Mauritania (1.75 million people). They also live in Western Sahara, Mali, Niger, etc. The total number is 2.46 million people. (1992). Descendants of Berbers who mixed with Arabs. They speak a dialect of Arabic (Hasaniya). Believers are Sunni Muslims.

MOORSLANKA(Larakalla) - an ethnic group in Sri Lanka (mainly in cities) - descendants from marriages of Arabs (who moved in the 7th - 12th centuries) with Sinhalese and Tamil women; 1.25 million people (1992). They speak Sinhala, Tamil and Arabic. The believers are Sunni Muslims.

MADURES- people in Indonesia (Madura Island and the eastern part of Java); 10.8 million people (1987). The language of the Indonesian branch. The believers are Sunni Muslims.

MAZENDERANS(Mazandaran) - people in Iran (Mazandaran); 2.2 million people (1992). Language of the Iranian group. The believers are non-Shiite Muslims.

MAYAN(Yucatec) are an Indian people in Mexico, Guatemala (Yucatan Peninsula) and Belize. Total 700 thousand people, incl. in Mexico there are 670 thousand people. (1992). Language of the Maya branch of the Maya-Kiche family. Believers are Catholics. The ancestors of the Mayans were the creators of one of the most ancient civilizations in America (associated with the Olmec culture), which existed in the territory of southeastern Mexico, Honduras, and Guatemala.

MAKASAR(self-named - Mangkasarak) - people in Indonesia (southwest of Sulawesi); 2.6 million people (1992). The language of the Indonesian branch. The believers are Sunni Muslims.

MACEDONIANS- people, the main population of Macedonia. Total population: 1.77 million people. (1992), incl. in Macedonia 1.63 million people. Language Macedonian. Believers are Orthodox, there are Sunni Muslims.

MAKUA(Wamakua) - the people of the Bantu group in Mozambique (over 6.9 million people, 1992), neighboring areas of Malawi (over 1.3 million people) and Tanzania (300 thousand people). Makua language. They retain traditional beliefs, there are Sunni Muslims and Christians (mostly Catholics).

MALAWI- a group of Bantu peoples, the main population of Malawi (over 6 million people). They also live in Mozambique, Zambia, etc. The total number is 9.35 million people. (1992). Language of Malawi. They adhere to traditional beliefs, there are Christians, Sunni Muslims and adherents of syncretic cults.

MALAGASY(Malgashes) - people, the main population of Madagascar; 12.79 million people (1992). Small groups live in Reunion, the Seychelles, Comoros, etc. The language is Malagasy. The majority retain traditional beliefs; there are Christians and Sunni Muslims.

MALAYS- an ethnic community in Malaysia (over 12.8 million people), Indonesia (mainly Kalimantan and Sumatra), Thailand, Singapore and Brunei. Total number approx. 21.3 million people (1992). Language Malay. Believers are mostly Sunni Muslims.

MALAYALI- people in India, the main population of the state of Kerala. Total population: 35 million people. (1992). Malayalam language. The believers are mostly Hindus, there are Christians and Muslims.

MALDIVANS(self-named Dhivehi) - people, the main population of the Maldives, 225 thousand people. (1992). The language of the Indo-Iranian branch. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

MALTESE— people, the main population of Malta (355 thousand people). Total number 490 thousand people. (1987). Language Maltese. Believers are Catholics.

MAME(self-named - mom) - Indian people in Guatemala (290 thousand people, 1992) and neighboring areas of Mexico (10 thousand people). The language of the Mayan Quiché family. Believers are mostly Catholics.

MANIPURI(Meithei) - the people of the Kukichin group in India, the main population of the state of Manipur; 1.4 million people (1992). Manipuri language. The believers are mostly Hindus, there are Christians (Protestants) and Sunni Muslims.

MUNCIE(obsolete - Voguls) - people in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug (6.6 thousand people). In total there are 8.3 thousand people in the Russian Federation. (1999). Mansi language. Believers are Orthodox.

MANCHURS(self-name - Manchu Nyalma) - people, indigenous population of Northeast China, 10 million people. (1992). Manchu language. Believers are Buddhists and Taoists, Confucians.

MAORI(self-named) - Polynesian people in New Zealand, 320 thousand people. (1992). The language is Maori. Believers are Christians (about Protestants and Catholics).

MARATHI(self-named Maratha) - a people in India, the main population of the state of Maharashtra; 66.5 million people (1992). Marathi language. Most of them are mostly Hindus, there are Muslims (mostly Shiites), Buddhists, and Catholics.

MARI(self-named - Mari, obsolete - Cheremis) - the people, the indigenous population of the Mari Republic (324 thousand people) and neighboring regions of the Volga region and the Urals. In total there are 644 thousand people in the Russian Federation. (1992). Mari language. Believers are Orthodox.

MOROCCANS(Moroccan Arabs) - people, the main population of Morocco (19.4 million people). The total number is 20.35 million people. (1992). They speak a dialect of Arabic. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

MASAI(Maasai) - the people of the Nilotic group in Kenya and Tanzania, 670 thousand people. (1992). Maasai language. They adhere to traditional beliefs.

MAZATECA- Indian people in Mexico (mountainous regions of Oaxaca), 130 thousand people. (1992). Language of the Otomi-Mixteco-Zapotec family. Religion is mainly Catholic.

MASAHUA(self-named - Nyatko) - Indian people in Mexico (mountainous areas in the west of the state of Mexico and the east of the state of Michoacan), 120 thousand people. (1992). Language of the Otomi-Mixteco-Zapotec family. Religion is mainly Catholic.

MATABELE(Matebele, self-name - amandebele) - people in Zimbabwe; 1.65 million people (1992) and South Africa (910 thousand people). Xin-Debele language. They adhere to traditional beliefs, and there are Christians.

MEXICANS- people, the main population of Mexico (78 million people. 1992) and neighboring areas of the USA (13 million people); mostly mestizos. Language Spanish. Believers are mostly Catholics.

MELANESIANS- a group of peoples (the largest are Fijians, Kanaks, etc.), the indigenous population of Melanesia; 1.7 million people (1992). Melanesian languages. Believers are Protestants, Catholics, and there are adherents of traditional beliefs.

MENDE- people in the east of Sierra Leone (about 1.32 million people, 1987) and the border regions of Liberia (over 10 thousand people). Language of the Mande group. The majority adhere to traditional beliefs; there are Sunni and Protestant Muslims.

MENOMINEE(self-named) - Indian people of the Algonquin group in the USA (reservation in Wisconsin, about half in cities), St. 43 thousand people (1987). Catholic by religion.

MI'KMAKI- Indian people of the Algonquin group in Canada (reservations in the provinces of Quebec, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island), 12.5 thousand people. (1987). Believers are Protestants and Catholics.

MICRONESIANS- a group of peoples (Kiribati, Truk, Marshallese, etc.), the indigenous population of Micronesia; 220 thousand people (1992). Micronesian languages. Believers - Catholics, Protestants, adhere to traditional beliefs.

MINANGKABAU(self-named) - a people in Indonesia (6.98 million people, mainly in the west of Sumatra). Total number 7 million people. (1992). The language of the Indonesian branch. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

MISKITO(mosquito) - Indian people in Nicaragua (150 thousand people, 4992) and Honduras (10 thousand people). Language of the Miskito-Matagalpa family. Believers are Christians (mostly Moravian brothers).

MISHTEQ- Indian people in Mexico (mainly in the north and west of the state of Oaxaca). 260 thousand people (1992). Language of the Otomi-Mixteco-Zapotec family. Believers are Catholics.

MOHICANS- Indian people of the Algonquin group in the United States (several hundred people on the Stockbridge reservation, Wisconsin).

MOGHALS- people in northern Afghanistan, 20 thousand people. (1992). Descendants of the Mongol conquerors of the 13th century who mixed with the local population. Language of the Mongolian group. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

MOKSHA- ethnographic group of Mordovians. The language is Moksha.

MOLDAVANS(self-named Moldoven) - the people, the main population of Moldova (2.8 million people). They also live in Ukraine (324.5 thousand people), in the Russian Federation (172.7 thousand people, 1992). Total population 3.35 million people. The language is Moldovan. Believers are Orthodox.

MONGO(Mongo-Ikundo) - people in Zaire. Population 4.75 million people. (1992). By religion, some are Catholics, the rest adhere to traditional beliefs.

MONGOLS(Khalkha Mongols) - people, the main population of Mongolia; 1.64 million people (1992). The language is Mongolian. They also live in China (Chinese Mongols; 5.24 million people). Believers are Buddhists.

MONTAGNIER-NASCAPI- Indian people of the Algonquin group in Canada (provinces of Quebec and Newfoundland), 15 thousand people. (1992). They retain traditional beliefs, there are Christians (Catholics and Anglicans).

MONS(Talain) - people in the south of Myanmar and southwest Thailand, 820 thousand people. (1992). Language of the Mon-Khmer group. Believers are Buddhists.

MOUNTAIN MONS- a group of peoples in the north of Indochina (Pala-ung, Wa, Banar, Mang. Sedang, etc.); 4.4 million people (1992). Mon-Khmer languages.

MORDVA (Mordovians) are the people, the indigenous population of Mordovia (313 thousand people). The population in the Russian Federation is 1.073 million people. (1992). Total population: 1.15 million people. They are divided into ethnographic groups Erzya and Moksha, Karataev and Teryukhan. Mordovian languages. Believers are Orthodox.

MORO- a group of peoples (Sulu, Samal, Maguindanao, Maranao, Yakan, etc.) in the south of the Philippines; 1.97 million people (1992). Languages ​​of the Indonesian group. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

MORU-MANGBETU- a group of peoples (Moru, Mal and Logo, Lendu, Mangbetu, etc.) in Zaire (1.25 million people, 1992) and Uganda (950 thousand people). Total population 2.35 million people. The language of the Shari-Nile branch of the Nilo-Saharan family. They adhere mainly to traditional beliefs.

MOSI(Mossi) - people in Burkina Faso (4.9 million people, 1992), Ghana (2.5 million people) and Cote d'Ivoire (150 thousand people). Total number 7.6 million people Language of the Gur subfamily Most adhere to traditional beliefs, some are Sunni Muslims.

MUNDA(self-named - Khoroko) - the people of the Munda group in India (mainly the state of Bihar); 2.03 million people (1992). OK. 20 thousand people They also live in Bangladesh. Mundari language. They adhere to traditional beliefs, there are Hindus and Christians.

MUSKOGEE- Indian people in the USA, 8 thousand people. (1992). Muskogean language. Believers are Protestants.

MYANMAR(Burmese) - people, the main population of Myanmar (30 million people). They also live in India, Cambodia, Laos, etc. The total number is 30.28 million people. (1987). Language Burmese. Believers are mostly Buddhists.

MNA(Meo, self-name - Hmong) - people in southern China, northern Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand; 8.53 million people, incl. in China 7.65 million people. (1992). Language of the Miao-Yao group. They adhere to traditional beliefs.

NAVAJO(self-named Dene) - Indian people of the Athapas-KBV group in the USA, 170 thousand people. (1987). Believers are Christians; there are followers of syncretic cults.

NAGA is a group of peoples (Ao. Sema, Angama, etc.) in India, the main population of the state of Nagaland. They also live in the states of Manipur and Assam and neighboring areas of Myanmar. Total number 1.12 thousand people. (1992). Naga language. By religion, some are Christians, the rest adhere to traditional beliefs.

NAGAIBAKI- an ethnographic group of Tatars, descendants of those baptized in the 16th century. Nogais. They live in Bashkiria and the Chelyabinsk region (Russian Federation). Number of people: 6 thousand people. (1992). The language is Tatar. Believers are Orthodox.

NAMBIKWARA- Indian peoples of the group in Brazil (in the north of the state of Mato Grosso), 8 thousand people. (1987). They adhere to traditional beliefs.

NANAITS ( self-described - nani, outdated. name - Golds) - people, mainly in the Khabarovsk Territory (Russian Federation), 12 thousand people. (1992). The total number is 17 thousand people. The language is Nanai.

NGANASANY(self-designated - nya) - people in the Krasnoyarsk Territory (Russian Federation); 1.3 thousand people (1992). Nganasan language. The believers are Orthodox, some adhere to traditional beliefs.

NGONI(Angoni. Mombera, Mgwangara) - people in Malawi. Tanzania, Zambia, etc. (1.4 million people, 1992). Ngoni language. They adhere to traditional beliefs, some are Christians. NEVARS are a people in Nepal (900 thousand people. 1992), some in India (10 thousand people). Nswari language. By religion - Hindus and Buddhists, some adhere to traditional beliefs. NEGIDALTS (self-named - Elkan Beyenin, obsolete - Orochons, Gilyaks) - a people in the Khabarovsk Territory (Russian Federation). 587 people (1992). The language is Negidal. They adhere to traditional beliefs.

GERMANS- people, the main population of Germany (over 74.6 million people). Total number 86.0 million people. (1992), incl. in the Russian Federation 843 thousand people, in Kazakhstan 958 thousand people. (1992). Language is German. Believers are Protestants (mainly Lutherans) and Catholics.

NENETS(self-named - Khasova, obsolete - Samoyeds, Yuraks) - people in the Arkhangelsk and Tyumen regions, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory (Russian Federation). Total number 34 thousand people. (1992). The language is Nenets. The believers are Orthodox, some adhere to traditional beliefs.

NEPALIS(Khas, self-name - Nepali) - people, the main population of Nepal (11.3 million people. 1992). They also live in India (2.1 million people). Language Nepali. The believers are Hindus.

NIVKHI(self-named - Nivkh, obsolete -^ Gilyaks) - people in the Russian Federation^ indigenous population of the lower reaches of the river. Amur (Khabarovsk Territory) and about. Sakhalin; 4.6 thousand people (1992). Nivkh language. Believers are Orthodox, there are traditional beliefs.

NICARAGUAANS- people, the main population of Nicaragua (3.5 million people). Total population 3.6 million people. (1992). Mostly mestizos and creoles. Language Spanish. Believers are mostly Catholics, some are Protestants (mainly in the east of the country).

NILOTS- a group of peoples (Yayinka, Nuer, Southern Luo, Bari, Lotu-ko, Maasai, Naydi, Pokot, etc.) in East Africa; 20.25 million people (1987). Nilotic languages.

NOGAI(self-designated - Nogai) - people in the Russian Federation, mainly in the Stavropol Territory, in Dagestan, as well as in Karachay-Cherkessia, Chechnya and Ingushetia; 75.2 thousand people (1992). Nogai language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

NORSE- people, the main population of Norway (4.15 million people). Total number 5 million people. (1992). Language is Norwegian. The believers are mostly Lutherans, with some Catholics.

NUBIANS(self-named Nuba) - a people in the south of Egypt (350 thousand people. 1992) and the north of Sudan (2.2 million people), the indigenous population of Nubia. The language is Nubian. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

NUPE(self-named - Nupensisi) - people in Nigeria; 1.5 million people, (1992). Language of the Kwa group. Believers are mostly Sunni Muslims.

NURISTANI(kafirs) - a group of related tribes (Kati, Weigali, Ashkuni, Prasun) in the northeast of Afghanistan (150 thousand people, 1992) and in neighboring areas of Pakistan (10 thousand people). Nuristani languages. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

NOOTKA- Indian people of the Wakash group in Canada (the coast of Vancouver Island), partly in the USA (Washington State). Total number 2 thousand people. (1992). Believers are Christians.

NUER(self-named - Naas) - the people of the Nilotes group in the south of Sudan (1.6 million people. 1992) and in neighboring areas of Ethiopia (100 thousand people). Nuer language. They adhere to traditional beliefs.

NYAMWEZI(self-named - Vanyamvszi) - people in Tanzania. The population, together with the related sukuma and nyaturu, is 4.5 million people. (1992). They adhere to traditional beliefs, there are Sunni Muslims and Christians (mainly Catholics).

NYANKOLE(Hima) - a Bantu people in Uganda; 1.5 million people (1992). They adhere to traditional beliefs, and there are Christians.

OVAMBO(ambo) - the people of the Bantu group in Namibia (750 thousand people. 1992) and Angola (240 thousand people). Believers are Christians (mostly Lutherans).

OVIMBUNDU(Mbundu) - the people of the Bantu group in Angola; 3.7 million people (1992). Believers are Catholics and Protestants, some retain traditional beliefs.

OJIBWE(Chippewa) - Indian people of the Algonquin group in the USA (10 thousand people, 1992) and Canada (20 thousand people). Believers are mostly Catholics.

OIRATS- a group of Western Mongolian peoples (Derbets, Bayats, Torguts, Olets, Zakhchins, etc.). The population in Mongolia is 145 thousand people. (1992), in China there are 25 thousand people. Oirat language. Believers are Buddhists.

OMANIS(Arabs of Oman) - the people, the main population of Oman. Population 1.5 million people. (1992). They also live in Kuwait (100 thousand people). Language is Arabic. Believers are Muslims (Kharij-Ibalites, Sunnis, adherents of Wahhabism).

ORAONS(self-named - Kurukh) - people in India (2 million people, 1992). Over 10 thousand people lives in Bangladesh. Language of the Dravidian family. Most believers adhere to traditional beliefs, some are Christians.

ORIA(Utkali) - a people in India, the main population of the state of Orissa (32.2 million people. 1992). OK. 50 thousand people live in Bangladesh. Oriya language. The believers are Hindus.

OROCKS(self-named - ulta, ulcha) - people in the Russian Federation (on Sakhalin Island): 0.2 thousand people. (1992). Orok language. Believers are Orthodox.

OROMO(Galla) are the people of the Cushite group in Ethiopia (20.3 million people, 1992) and neighboring areas of Kenya (over 200 thousand people), Eritrea and Sudan. The total number is 20.6 million people. (1992). Oromo language. Believers are mainly Sunni Muslims, there are Christians (Monophysites, Lutherans, Catholics).

OROCHI ( self-described - Orochisel) - people in the Russian Federation (Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories), 883 thousand people. (1992). Oroch language. The believers are Orthodox, some adhere to traditional beliefs.

OSSETINS(self-named - Iron, Digoron) - people in the Russian Federation (402.6 thousand people, including 335 thousand people in North Ossetia) and Georgia (164 thousand people, including in South Ossetia 65 thousand people, 1992). Total number 598 thousand people. (1992). The language is Ossetian. Believers are mostly Orthodox, with some Sunni Muslims.

OTOMI(self-named - nian niu) - Indian people in Mexico (300 thousand people, 1992). Language of the Otomi-Mixteco-Zapote family. Believers are mostly Catholics, with some Protestants.

PALESTINIAN ARAB(Palestinians) - the people, the indigenous population of Palestine. Total population: 5.5 million people. (1992): in Israel St. 826 thousand people, on the West Bank of the river. Jordan 973 thousand people, Gaza Strip St. 645 thousand people, in Jordan 2.23 million people, as well as refugees in a number of countries. Language is Arabic. Believers are mostly Sunni Muslims.

PAMIR PEOPLES(Pamir Tajiks, Pamirs) - ethnographic groups of Tajiks in Tajikistan (Yazgulsmiy, Rushans, Bartangs, Shugnans, Ishkaishmians, Wakhans). Afghanistan (Mundzhans, Zsbashs, etc.), Pakistan (Yidga and Mundzhans) and China (Sarykolysh and Vakhanis). Number of people: 300 thousand people. (1992). Pamir languages. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

PAMPANGANA- people in the Philippines (central and southwestern parts of Luzon), 2 million people. (1992). The language of the Indonesian branch. Believers are mostly Catholics.

PANAMANIANS- people, the main population of Panama (approx. 2.23 million people). Total population: 2.3 million people. (1992). Mostly mestizos and mulattoes. Language Spanish. Believers are mostly Catholics.

PANGASINAN- people in the Philippines (Pangasinan province, Luzon island); 1.45 million people (1992). The language of the Indonesian branch. Believers are mostly Catholics.

PUNJABI(Punjabis) are a people in Pakistan (Punjab province, 82 million people, 1992) and India (Punjab state). Total number approx. 90 million people Punjabi. The Punjabi believers of India are mostly Hindus, while those of Pakistan are mostly Sunni Muslims.

ANSP- a group of Indian peoples of the upper Amazon (Guaycuru, Chama, Cashinahua, Chacobo, etc.). They live in the east of Peru (30 thousand people, 1992), the west of Brazil (up to 1 thousand people) and the north of Bolivia (1 thousand people). Pano languages. They adhere to traditional beliefs.

PAPUANS- a group of peoples, the indigenous population of Western Melanesia (Enga, Chimbu, Hagen, Kamano, Huli, etc.); 4.8 million people (1992). They speak Papuan languages. First studied by N.N. Miklouho-Maclay.

PARAGUAYANS- people, the main population of Paraguay (4.12 million people). Total population 4.5 million people. (1992). Mostly mestizos. They speak Spanish and Guarani. Believers are Catholics.

PLOWERS- a group of peoples in the north-west of India (Kumaoni, Garkhwali, etc.), 3 million people. (1992). Language of the Indian group. The believers are mostly Hindus.

PEDI(Bapsdi, Northern Sutho) are a Bantu people of South Africa and neighboring areas of Zimbabwe and Botswana. Population 2.85 million people. (1987), incl. in South Africa approx. 2.76 million people They adhere to traditional beliefs, some are Christians (Protestants).

PENUTI- a group of Indian peoples (Tsimshians, Sahaptins, etc.) in the western USA (10 thousand people. 1992). Penuti language. They adhere to traditional beliefs.

PERSIANS(Farsi, self-name - Irani) - people in Iran (21.3 million people). The total number of St. 21.9 million people (1987). Language Persian. By religion they are Shiite Muslims.

PERUANS- people, the main population of Peru (approx. 13.7 million people). The total number is 13.82 million people. (1992). Mostly mestizos and mulattoes. Languages ​​Spanish and Quechua. Believers are mostly Catholics.

PIPIL(self-named - Macehual) - Indian people in El Salvador. 155 thousand people (1992). Language of the Azteco-Tanoan family. By religion - Catholics.

POLYNESIANS- a group of peoples (Maori, Samoans, Tongans, Tahitians, etc.), the indigenous population of Polynesia; 1.12 million people (1992). Polynesian languages. Believers are Catholics, some adhere to traditional beliefs.

POLES- people, the main population of Poland (over 37.75 million people). Total number 44.2 million people. (1992), incl. in the Russian Federation 94.6 thousand people, in Ukraine 219.2 thousand people, in Lithuania 258 thousand people, Belarus 417.7 thousand people. Language: Polish. Believers are mostly Catholics.

PORTUGUESE- people, the main population of Portugal (9.8 million people). The total number is 13.44 million people. (1992). Language is Portuguese. Believers are mostly Catholics.

PUEBLO- a group of Indian peoples (Hopi, Zuni, Keres, Tano) in the southwestern United States (New Mexico and Arizona), 32 thousand people. (1987). Languages ​​of the Uto-Aztecan family, the XRSS language is close to the Jocaltec languages.

PUER RICANS- the people, the main population of Puerto Rico; 3.55 million people (1992). They also live in the USA (2.22 million people). Mainly Creoles, mulattoes and blacks. They speak a local variety of Spanish. Believers are mostly Catholics.

RAJASTHANIANS- people in India, the main population of the state of Rajasthan (19.9 million people, 1992). They also live in Pakistan (400 thousand people). Language of the Indo-Iranian group. The believers are mostly Hindus.

RAHATOMANS- a group of peoples in Italy (Ladins and Friuls, 740 thousand people, 1992) and Switzerland (Romanchi, 60 thousand people). The language is Romansh. Believers are Catholics and Protestants.

REUNION CREOLES- people, the main population of Reunion (400 thousand people.. 1992). The language is creolized French. Believers are Catholics.

REEFS- people in Morocco. Population 1.25 million people. (1992). Language Riff. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

RWANDA(Nyarwanda, Banyarwanda) - the people of the Bantu group, the main population of Rwanda (7.1 million people). They also live in Zaire (over 3.9 million people), Uganda (1.1 million people), etc. The total number is 12.35 million people. (1992). Believers are mostly Catholics, some adhere to traditional beliefs.

ROMANIANS- people, the main population of Romania (20.66 million people). Total population: 21 million people. (1992), incl. in the Russian Federation approx. 6 thousand people Language is Romanian. Believers are mostly Orthodox.

RUNDI(self-name - Barundi) - people of the Bantu group, mainly. population of Burundi (4.5 million people). They also live in Zaire, Uganda and Rwanda. Total number 8 million people. (1992). Some of them reject traditional beliefs, some are Christians (mostly Catholics).

RUSSIANS— people, the main population of the Russian Federation (over 119.87 million people). In Ukraine 11.35 million people, in Kazakhstan 6.23 million people, Uzbekistan 1.65 million people, Belarus 1.34 million people, Kyrgyzstan 916.6 thousand people, Latvia 905.5 thousand people, Moldova 562 thousand people, Estonia 474.8 thousand people, Azerbaijan 392.3 thousand people, Tajikistan 388.5 thousand people, Lithuania 344.5 thousand people, Georgia 341, 2 thousand people, Turkmenistan 333.9 thousand people, Armenia 51.5 thousand people. (1989). They also live in America (mainly the USA) and Western Europe. Total population 146.5 million people. (1992). Russian language. Believers are mostly Orthodox.

RUTULYDS(self-named - mykh abdyr) - people in Dagestan (Rutulsky and Akhtynsky districts) and Azerbaijan (Nukhinsky district), 20 thousand people. (1992). Rutulian language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

SAMI(Lapps) are the people of the northern regions of Norway (30 thousand people, 1992), Sweden (15 thousand people), Finland (5 thousand people) and the Russian Federation (2 thousand people). Sami language. Sami believers in the Russian Federation are Orthodox, in Scandinavia they are Lutherans).

SALARS(self-named - salyr) - people in China (mainly in Qinghai province), 90 thousand people. (1992). Salar language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

SALVADORANS- people, the main population of El Salvador (over 4.84 million people). Total population 5.3 million people. (1992). Language Spanish. Believers are Catholics.

SAMOANS- Polynesian people, the main population of the Samoan Islands (190 thousand people). They also live in New Zealand, Australia, etc. The total population is 335 thousand people. (1992). Believers are mostly Protestants.

SANTALS- people of the Munda group in India (6.2 million people, mainly in the states of Bihar and West Bengal). They also live in Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan. Total population 6.3 million people. (1992). Santali language. They retain traditional beliefs, some of them are Hindus.

SALOTEKI- Indian people in Mexico (Oaxaca state), 350 thousand people. (1992). Zapotec language. Believers are Catholics.

SASAKI- people in Indonesia (Lombok Island); 1.75 million people (1992). Sasak language. Believers are mostly Sunni Muslims, some retain traditional beliefs.

SAUDIANS(Arabs of Saudi Arabia) - people, the main population of Saudi Arabia (13.25 million people, 1992). They also live in Kuwait (50 thousand people). Language is Arabic. Believers are Muslims (Sunnis and Shiites).

SWAZI(self-named - Ama-Swazi. Ama-Ngwane) - the people of the Bantu group, the main population of Swaziland (660 thousand people) and neighboring regions of South Africa (1.2 million people). They also live in Mozambique. The total number is 1.87 million people. (1992). Swazi language. They retain traditional beliefs, some are Baptists.

SEYCHELLAS(Creoles of Seychelles) - the people, the main population of the Republic of Seychelles. Number of people: 65 thousand people. (1992). Kriol language. Believers - Catholics, Anglicans.

SECKLERS(Székelys) - an ethnographic group of Hungarians in Transylvania (Romania); 1.7 million people (1987).

SELISH- a group of Indian peoples in southwestern Canada and northwestern United States. St. 20 thousand people (1992). Slish languages. Believers are Christians.

SELKUPY(outdated name - Ostyak-Samoyeds) - people in the Russian Federation, Tyumen and Tomsk regions and Krasnoyarsk Territory; 3.6 thousand people (1992). Selkup language. Believers are Orthodox.

SEMANGI- a group of Negrito peoples (Msnik, Mendi, etc.) in Malaysia and Thailand, ca. 8 thousand people (1992). Semang language. Preserve traditional beliefs.

SEMINOLE- Indian people of the Muskogee group in the states of Oklahoma and Florida (USA), St. 4 thousand people (1992). Christians.

SENOI- a group of peoples (Semai, Timiar, Besisi, etc.) in Malaysia and Thailand, ca. 40 thousand people (1992). Languages ​​of the Malaccan group of the Austroasiatic family. They retain traditional beliefs, there are Sunni Muslims.

Saint Vincentians- people, the main population of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (105 thousand people. 1992). Language is a local dialect of English. The believers are Anglicans. Methodists, some are Catholics, there are adherents of traditional beliefs.

SAINTLUCIANS- people, the main population of Saint Lucia (135 thousand people. 1992). Language is a local dialect of English. Believers are Catholics, some are Protestants, adherents of traditional beliefs.

SENUFO- people in Mali. Burkina Faso and Cote d'Ivoire; 3.8 million people (1992). Senufo language. They retain traditional beliefs, there are Sunni Muslims.

SERBIANS(self-named Srbi) - the people, the main population of Serbia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. The total number is 10.16 million people, incl. in Serbia St. 6.7 million people (1992). Language Serbo-Croatian. Serbian believers are Orthodox, there are Catholics and Protestants, and Sunni Muslims.

SERER- people in Senegal (1.32 million people, 1992) and Gambia (over 10 thousand people). Language serr. Preserve traditional beliefs.

SETU- an ethnographic group of Estonians in the southeast of Estonia and in the Pechersky district of the Pskov region. Believers are Orthodox.

SEPHARDI- a subethnic group of Jews who use the Ladino (Ssfardic) language, which is close to Spanish. Descendants of immigrants from the Iberian Peninsula live in the countries of North Africa, Asia Minor, the Balkan Peninsula, and Israel.

SIAMESE(Khontai) - the people of the Thai group, the main population of Thailand (29.5 million people). The total number is 29.7 million people. (1992). The language is Siamese. Buddhists.

SIKHI- a people who separated from the Punjabis. Total population: 16.7 million people. (1992), incl. in India there are 16.5 million people. Punjabi language. Believers are Sikhs.

SINGALAS(Sinhalese) - people, the main population of the Republic of Sri Lanka (13.2 million people. 1992). Language - Sinhala. Believers are Buddhists

SINDHI- people, the main population of the Sindh province in Pakistan (16.8 million people), in the neighboring regions of India, St. 2 million people (1992). Sindhi language. Believers are Sunni Muslims; in India they are mostly Hindus.

SYRIANS(Arabs of Syria) - the people, the main population of Syria. The population in Syria is 11.75 million people. (1992). They also live in Kuwait (100 thousand people). The total number is 11.85 million people. Language is Arabic. Believers are Sunni Muslims, there are Shiites and Christians.

SNU- a group of Indian peoples (Dakota, Assiniboine, Crow, Ossge, etc.) in the USA and Canada. 70 thousand people (1992). They speak Sioux languages. Believers are Christians; there are adherents of traditional beliefs.

SLAVS- a group of peoples in Europe: eastern (Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians), western (Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Lusatians), southern (Bulgarians, Serbs, Croats, Slovenes, Macedonians, Bosnians, Montenegrins). Number 293.5 million people. (1992), incl. in the Russian Federation 125.5 million people. Believers are Orthodox, Catholics, and some Protestants. They speak Slavic languages.

SLOVAKS(self-named - Slovakia) - people, the main population of Slovakia. Number of people: 5.6 million people, incl. in Slovakia approx. 4.5 million people (1992). Language Slovak. Believers are Catholics, there are Protestants and Uniates.

SLOVENES(self-name - Slovenia) - the people, the main population of Slovenia. Population 2.3 million people. (1992), of which 1.7 million people are in Slovenia. Language Slovenian. Believers are Catholics, there are Protestants and Orthodox.

SOMALIANS(Somali) - people, the main population of Somalia (6.1 million people). They also live in Ethiopia, Kenya, etc. The total number is 7.7 million people. (1992). Somali language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

SONGHAI- people in Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso, Nigeria and Benin; 1.6 million people (1992). Songhei language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

SONINKA- one of the Mandingo peoples in Mali, Burkina Faso, Senegal, Mauritania, Gambia; 1.37 million people (1992). Language of the Mande group. Believers are Sunni Muslims, some are Catholics.

SWAHILI(Waswahili) - the people of the Bantu group in Tanzania (2.06 million people), Mozambique, Zaire, etc. The total number is 2.4 million people. (1992). Swahili language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

SUDANESE(Arabs of Sudan) - people, the main population of Sudan (approx. 13 million people). They also live in Chad (1.29 million people) and other countries. The total number is 14.3 million people. (1992). Believers are Sunni Muslims.

SUNDAS(Sundanese, self-named Sunda) - a people in Indonesia, mainly in the west of the island. Java; 24.5 million people (1992). The language is Sundanese. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

SUSU(self-named - coco) - the people of the Mandingo group in Guinea, Sierra Leone; OK. 1.16 million people (1992). Susu language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

S.S.U.T.(Basutho) are a Bantu people, the main population of Lesotho and neighboring regions of South Africa. The number of St. 4 million people (1992), of which 2.44 million people in South Africa, 1.6 million people in Lesotho. They also live in Botswana. Suto language. Believers are Christians, some adhere to traditional beliefs.

TABASARANS- people in Dagestan (78.2 thousand people), in total in the Russian Federation 93.6 thousand people. (1992). Total number 98 thousand people. The language is Tabasaran. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

TAGAL(self-named - Tagail) - a people in the Philippines, the main population of the central and southern parts of the island. Luzon; 15.4 million people (1992). Language Tagalog. Believers are Catholics.

TAJIKS— people, the main population of Tajikistan (3.172 million people), in the Russian Federation 38.2 thousand people. (1992). Language Tajik. Believers are mostly Sunni Muslims.

TAI- a group of peoples (Siamese, Zhuang, Lao, Bui, Shan, Tai, etc.) in the countries of Indochina, Southern China and Northeast India; 70 million people (1992). Languages ​​of the Thai group.

TAHITIANS- people, the main population of the island. Tahiti and other islands of the Society; 130 thousand people (1992). The Tahitian language belongs to the Polynesian group. Believers are Calvinists, some are Catholics.

THAI(bo) - people in Southern China, 1 million people. (1992). Language Thai. Believers are Buddhists.

TALYSH- people in the southeast of Azerbaijan (21.1 thousand people, 1989) and in the north of Iran (100 thousand people, 1992). Language Talysh. Believers are Shiite Muslims, some are Sunni.

TAMIL- people in India (the main population of the state of Tamil Nadu). 61 million people (1992); in the north of Sri Lanka approx. 2.8 million people They also live in Singapore and others. The total number is 64.1 million people. Language is Tamil. Believers are Hindus, there are Sunni Muslims and Christians.

TARASCANS(self-named - Purepecha) - Indian people in Mexico, 65 thousand people. (1992). Tarasco language. Believers are Catholics.

TATARS(self-named Tatars) - people, the main population of Tatarstan (1.765 million people, 1992). They also live in Bashkiria, the Mari Republic, Mordovia, Udmurtia, Chuvashia, Nizhny Novgorod, Kirov, Penza and other regions of the Russian Federation. Tatars are also called Turkic-speaking communities of Siberia ( Siberian Tatars), Crimea (Crimean Tatars), etc. The total number is 6.71 million people, of which in the Russian Federation (without Crimean Tatars) 5.52 million people. (1992). The language is Tatar. Believing Tatars are Sunni Muslims.

TATS- people in the Russian Federation (mainly in Dagestan - 12.9 thousand people; total 19.4 thousand people, 1992) and Azerbaijan (10.2 thousand people). The language is Tat. Believers are Judaists, Sunni Muslims, Monophysite Christians.

TEKE(Bateke, self-named - Tio) - the people of the Bantu group in Zaire (1.05 million people, 1992), Congo (410 thousand people) and Gabon (about 20 thousand people). Believers are mostly Catholics, some retain traditional beliefs.

TELUGU(Andhra) - a people in India, the main population of the state of Andhra Pradesh. They also live in the states of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka; 74.5 million people (1992). Telugu. The believers are mostly Hindus, some are Sunni Muslims.

DARK(self-named - atemne) - people in Sierra Leone; 1.55 million people (1992). Language of the Niger-Congo branch. Most adhere to traditional beliefs.

TECO(self-named - Iteso) - the people of the Nilotes group in Uganda (1.55 million people, 1992) and neighboring areas of Kenya (270 thousand people) and Sudan (approx. 100 thousand people). Teso tongue. The majority retain traditional beliefs, some are Christians.

TIBETAN(self-named - Peba) - a people in the southwest of China (Tibet and neighboring areas; 4.75 million people). They also live in India and Bhutan. Total population 4.83 million people. (1992). The language is Tibetan. Believers are Buddhists.

TIV(self-named - Munshi) - a people in Nigeria (2.7 million people, 1992) and Cameroon (300 thousand people). Tiv language. The majority retain traditional beliefs; there are Christians and Sunni Muslims.

TIGRAI- people in Ethiopia and Eritrea. Total number 4 million people. (1992), incl. in Ethiopia 2.2 million people. Tigrayan language. The believers are mostly Monophysite Christians, with some Sunni Muslims.

TIGER- people in Eritrea (1.2 million people, 1992). Tigre tongue. Believers are mostly Sunni Muslims, some are Christians.

TLINKITS(self-name - Tlingit) - Indian people in the USA (southeast of Alaska) and Canada (Yukon Territory), total approx. 1 thousand people (1992). The language of the family is Na-Dene. Believers are Christians (mostly Orthodox).

TONGA- Bantu people in Zambia and Zimbabwe; 1.65 million people (1992). The majority of believers retain traditional beliefs; there are Christians and Sunni Muslims.

TONGA— people, the main population of Tonga, 105 thousand people. (1992). They also live in Australia. Language of the Polynesian group. Believers are Christians (mostly Methodists), some are Catholics.

TORAJI- a group of peoples (Sadang, Poso, Koro, Palu, etc.) in Indonesia (the central part of Sulawesi); 1.5 million people (1992). They speak Indonesian languages. Believers are mainly Sunni Muslims and Protestant Christians.

TOTONACA- Indian people in Mexico, 200 thousand people. (1992). The language is related to the Penuti languages. Believers are Catholics.

TOFALARY(self-name - tofa, outdated name - karagasy) - people in the Nizhneudinsky district of the Irkutsk region; OK. 700 people (1992). Language of the Turkic group. Believers are Orthodox.

TSWANA(chuana. bschuan) - the people of the Bantu group, the main population of Botswana, 1 million people. (1992). They also live in neighboring areas of South Africa (about 3.7 million people), in Zimbabwe and Namibia. Setswana language. The majority retain traditional beliefs, some are Christians.

TSONGA(self-named Batsonga) - the people of the Bantu group in the south of Mozambique (3.5 million people, 1992), in neighboring regions of South Africa (1.4 million people), etc. The total number is 5.3 million people. Tsonga language. Some are Catholics, some adhere to traditional beliefs.

TUAREG(self-named - imoschag) - the people of the Berber group in Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso, Algeria and Libya; 1.15 million people (1992), etc. in Mali St. 610 thousand people Tuareg languages. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

Tuvans(self-named - Tuva, outdated names - Soyots, Uriankhians, Tannu-Tuvians) - people, the main population of Tuva (198.4 thousand people). In total there are 206.2 thousand people in the Russian Federation. (1992). Total number 207 thousand people. (1992), also live in Mongolia and China. The language is Tuvan. Believers are Lamaists.

TOUCAN(Betoya) - a group of Indian peoples (Corsguaje, Cuteo, Macuna, etc.) in Colombia, Brazil. Peru and Ecuador, 51 thousand people. (1992), incl. 30 thousand people in Colombia. They speak Tucano languages. Most believers retain traditional beliefs; there are Christians.

TULU- people in India, mainly in the west of the state of Tamil Nadu; 1.9 million people (1992). Language of the Dravidian family. The believers are Hindus.

TUNISTS(Arabs of Tunisia) - people, the main population of Tunisia (8.2 million people). Total number 8.6 million people. (1992). Language is Arabic. Believers are mostly Sunni Muslims.

TUPI-GUARANI- a group of Indian peoples (Guarani, Caingua, Guayaki, Tupinamba, Munduruku, Siriono, etc.) in Paraguay, Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Guyana, etc., ISO thousand people. (1992). Tupi-Guarani languages. Believers adhere to traditional beliefs.

TURKS(self-named Turk) - the people, the main population of Turkey (50 million people). Total population 53.3 million people (1992). Language: Turkish. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

TURKMEN(self-named Turkmen) - the people, the main population of Turkmenistan (2.537 million people, 1992). They also live in Afghanistan, Iran, Turkey and other countries. Total population: 4.6 million people. Language Turkmen. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

TUJIA(self-named - biseka) - people in China (Hunan and Hubei provinces); 5.9 million people (1992). Language of the Sino-Tibetan family.

TYAMY(Chams, Tyams) - people in Cambodia, Vietnam and Thailand, 290 thousand people. (1992). Language of the Indonesian group. Believers are mainly Hindu, but there are Sunni Muslims in Cambodia.

UGR- a general name for peoples related in language - the Trans-Ural Mansi and Khanty, the Danube Hungarians (Magyars). They speak Ugric languages Finno-Ugric group.

UDINS(self-named - Udi) - people in Azerbaijan (6.1 thousand people). Total number 8 thousand people. (1992). In the Russian Federation there are 1 thousand people. The language is Udin. Udin believers are Christians (Monofisites and Orthodox).

UDMURTS(self-name - Udmurt, outdated name - Votyak) - people, indigenous population of Udmurtia (497 thousand people). Total number 747 thousand people. (1992). The language is Udmurt. Believers are Orthodox.

UDEGE(self-named - udee, udekhe) - people in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories of the Russian Federation (2 thousand people, 1992). The language is Udege.

UZBEKS(self-named Uzbek) - people, the main population of Uzbekistan (14.145 million people, 1992). They also live in Afghanistan (over 1.7 million people), Tajikistan (about 1.2 million people). Kazakhstan (332 thousand people), etc. The total number is 18.5 million people. Language Uzbek. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

UYGURS(self-named Uyghur) - a people in China (7.5 million people, 1992). They also live in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, etc. The total number is 7.77 million people. The language is Uyghur. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

UKRAINIANS— people, the main population of Ukraine (37.42 million people). In the Russian Federation 4362.8 thousand people, Kazakhstan 896.2 thousand people, Moldova 600.3 thousand people, Belarus 291 thousand people, Uzbekistan 153.2 thousand people, Kyrgyzstan 108 thousand people ., Latvia 92.1 thousand people; in Canada 530 thousand people, USA 500 thousand people. Poland 300 thousand people, Argentina 100 thousand people. Total population 46 million people. (1992). The language is Ukrainian. Believers are Orthodox, part of the Uniate.

ULCHI(self-named - Nani) - people in the Khabarovsk Territory of the Russian Federation (3.2 thousand people, 1992). Ulch language. Believers are mostly Orthodox.

URUGUAYANS- people, the main population of Uruguay (2.7 million people). Total population: 2.83 million people. (1992). Language Spanish. Believers are mostly Catholics.

WELSH(Welsh) - people in Great Britain, the main population of Wales (880 thousand people). They also live in the USA, Canada, etc. The total number is 1 million people. (1992). The language is Welsh. The believers are mostly Anglicans.

FANG(Pangwe, Pahuin) - a group of Bantu peoples (actually Fang, Yaounde, Mwele, etc.) in Cameroon (2.53 million people), Gabon and Equatorial Guinea. Total population 3.25 million people. (1992). Mostly they retain traditional beliefs; there are Christians.

Faroese- people, the main population of the Faroe Islands (40 thousand people, 1992). Faroese language. Believers are Lutherans.

Fijians- people, indigenous population of the Fiji Islands (340 thousand people, 1992). The language is Fijian. Believers are Protestants.

FINNS(self-named - Suomalayset) - people, the main population of Finland (4.65 million people). Total population 5.43 million people. (1992), incl. in the Russian Federation 47.1 thousand people. (1989). Language Finnish. Believers are Protestants (Lutherans).

FLEMINGS- people in the north of Belgium (over 5.1 million people, 1992), in the Netherlands (1.72 million people), in other countries (about 250 thousand people). The language is Flemish. Believers are Catholics.

FRANCO CANADIANS- people in Canada (province of Quebec, part of the provinces of Ontario and New Brunswick; 7.2 million people, 1992). They also live in the USA (over 2 million people). They speak Canadian French. Believers are mostly Catholics.

FRENCH PEOPLE- the people, the main population of France. OK. 47 million people (1992). Language French. Believers are Catholics.

FRIULS(self-named - Furlans) - people in Italy. Number of people: 720 thousand people. (1992). The language is Romansh. Believers are Catholics.

FULNI(Afuli, Fulani, Pel) are a people in Nigeria. Guinea. Senegal. Mali, Niger, Cameroon, Burkina Faso, Benin, Guinea-Bissau, etc. Total 22.7 million people. (1992). incl. There are 14 million people in Nigeria. Fula language. Believers are mostly Sunni Muslims.

HAZAREAS(self-named Khazars) - a people in Afghanistan (1.7 million people, 1992) and Iran (220 thousand people). Language of the Iranian group. Believers are Shiite Muslims.

KHAKASS(self-name - Khakass, outdated name - Abakan or Minusinsk Tatars) - people in Khakassia (62.9 thousand people), a total of 79 thousand people in the Russian Federation. (1989). Khakass language. Believers are Orthodox, traditional beliefs are preserved.

KHALKHA(Khalkhas) - the people of the Mongols of modern Mongolia.

HANI- a group of peoples in China (over 1.3 million people) and the countries of Indochina. Total population 1.48 million people. (1992). The languages ​​are Lolo-Burmese.

KHANTY(self-named - Khante, outdated name - Ostyaks) - people in the Khanty-Mansiysk (11.9 thousand people) and Yamalo-Nenets (7.2 thousand people) autonomous okrugs and the Tomsk region. In total there are 22.3 thousand people in the Russian Federation. (1989). Khanty language. Believers are Orthodox.

HAUSA- people in Nigeria (26 million people). Niger (4.3 million people), etc. The total number is 30.8 million people. (1992). Hausa language. Believers are mostly Sunni Muslims.

HIBARO(Shuara) - a group of Indian peoples in Peru (40 thousand people, 1992) and Ecuador (35 thousand people). Languages ​​of the Ando-equatorial macrofamily. Believers are Catholics.

HINDUSTANI(Hindustani) is an ethnic community, the main population of India (over 245 million people, 1992). St. 656 thousand people. outside India. Consist of many local groups. Hindi. The believers are mostly Hindus. some adhere to traditional beliefs.

XO- the people of the Munda group in India (Bihar state); 1.2 million people (1992). The believers are mostly Hindus.

HOKA- a group of Indian peoples in the USA (California) and Mexico. Total approx. 70 thousand people (1992). The languages ​​are Jocaltec. They adhere to traditional beliefs.

CROATians- people, the main population of Croatia (3.8 million people). They also live in Serbia (200 thousand people). Bosnia and Herzegovina (830 thousand people). Total population 5.65 million people. (1992). The language is Croatian-Serbian. Believers are mostly Catholics.

HUI(Huizu, Tungan. Dungan) - people in China (mainly in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region); 8.9 million people (1992). Dialects of the Chinese language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

TSAKHUR- people in Dagestan (5.2 thousand people) and Azerbaijan (13 thousand people. 1992). The language is Tsakhur. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

TSIMSHIANS- Indian people in the USA (Alaska, 30 thousand people, 1992) and Canada (2 thousand people). Language of the Penutian family. Believers are Christians.

GYPSIES(self-called Roma) - ethnic community; live in many countries. Ancestors came from India (late 1st millennium AD). Total population: 2.62 million people. (1992); in the Russian Federation 153 thousand people. (1989). The language is Gypsy.

CHAMORRO- people, the main population of the Mariana Islands. Number of people: 98 thousand people. (1992), incl. on o. Guam 80 thousand people Language of the Indonesian group. Believers are Christians.

CHARAYMAKI- a group of peoples (Jsmschids, Firyuzkuhi, Taima-ni. Teimuri) in the north-west of Afghanistan (600 thousand people, 1992) and north-east of Iran (260 thousand people). Languages ​​of the Iranian group. Believers are mostly Sunni Muslims, some in Iran are Shiites.

CHEYENNA(self-name - dzi-tsis-tas) - Indian people of the Algonquin group in the USA (reservations in the states of Montana and Oklahoma), 8 thousand people. (1992). Believers are Christians (Protestants).

CIRCASSIANS(self-named Adyghe) - people in Karachay-Cherkessia (40.2 thousand people). In total there are 50.7 thousand people in the Russian Federation. (1992). In Turkey and other countries of Western Asia, Circassians are also called all people from the North Caucasus. The total number is 270 thousand people. (1992). The language is Kabardino-Circassian. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

MONTENEGINERS— people, the main population of Montenegro (460 thousand people); in Serbia there are 140 thousand people. (1992). They also live in the USA and Albania. Total number 620 thousand people. They speak the Shto-Kavian dialect of the Serbo-Croatian language. Believers are mostly Orthodox.

CZECHES- people, the main population of the Czech Republic (9.55 million people, 1992). The total number is 10.38 million people. Language Czech. Believers are mostly Catholics, with some Protestants.

CHECHENS(self-named Nokhchi) - people in Chechnya and Ingushetia (734.5 thousand people) and Dagestan (57.9 thousand people). In total there are 899 thousand people in the Russian Federation. (1992). Total number 957 thousand people. The language is Chechen. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

ZHUANG(self-named - Bunun) - people in China (Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Yunnan Province), 16 million people. (1992). Zhuang language. Traditional beliefs, Taoists.

CHIBCHA- a group of Indian peoples (Kuna, Guaimi, Muisca, Pas-to, etc.) in South and Central America, 635 thousand people. (1992). Chibchan languages. Believers are Catholics.

CHILEANS- people, the main population of Chile (over 11.4 million people). Total population 11.78 million people. (1992). Language Spanish. Believers are Catholics.

CHIROKEE ( Cherokee) - Indian people of the Iroquois group in the USA (reservations in the states of North Carolina and Oklahoma), 66 thousand people. (1992).

CHUVANTS(shelags, self-named - etel) - people in Chukotka (Anadyr River basin), ca. 1.5 thousand people (1992). They speak a dialect of the Yukaghir language. Believers are Orthodox.

CHUVASH(self-named - Chavash) - people, the main population of Chuvashia (907.6 thousand people), also live in Bashkiria, Tataria, Ulyanovsk and Samara regions etc. In total there are 1773.6 thousand people in the Russian Federation. (1992). Chuvash language. Believers are Orthodox.

CHUKCHI- people in the Chukotka (approx. 12 thousand people) and Koryak (1.5 thousand people) autonomous okrugs. In total there are 15.1 thousand people in the Russian Federation. (1992). Chukchi language. Believers are Orthodox.

SHAN(self-named Thai Nyo) are the people of the Thai group in the northeast of Myanmar (2.85 million people), in Thailand and Laos. Total population: 2.93 million people. (1987). Believers are mostly Buddhists.

SWEDES- people, the main population of Sweden (over 8.06 million people). Total number 9.4 million, people. (1992). Language Swedish. Believers are Christians (mostly Lutherans).

SWISS is the general name for the population of Switzerland. Includes German-Swiss (4.22 million people, 1992), French-Swiss-Tsars (1.16 million people), Italian-Swiss (230 thousand people) and Romansh (60 thousand people). They speak German, French, Italian and Romansh respectively. Believers are Protestants (most of the German-Swiss, French-Swiss and Romansh) and Catholics (Italian-Swiss-Tsars, etc.).

SHERPAS(Sherpa) - people in the east of Nepal (100 thousand people, 1992) and in neighboring areas of India (15 thousand people). Language of the Tibeto-Burman group. Believers are Buddhists.

SHILLUK(self-named - cholo) - people in Sudan. Number of people: 430 thousand people. (1992). Shilluk language. Traditional beliefs are preserved.

SHAUNA(Mashona) - the people of the Bantu group in Zimbabwe (7.5 million people). Mozambique (approx. 1 million people), Botswana and South Africa. The total number is 8.68 million people. (1992). Shona language. They adhere to traditional beliefs, and there are Christians.

SHORTS(self-named - shor) - people in the Russian Federation, in the Kemerovo region (Gornaya Shoria); 16 thousand people (1992). Shor language.

SCOTTS- people, the main population of Scotland and the surrounding islands (5.18 million people). Total number 6.1 million people. (1992). The language is Scottish. Believers are mainly Presbyterians (except for the ethnographic group of Gaels).

SHOSHONE- a group of Indian peoples (actually Shoshone, Comanche, Utah, Hopi, etc.) in the USA. Total approx. 70 thousand people (1992). Languages ​​of the Uto-Aztecan family. Traditional beliefs.

EVE(self-named - evegbe) - a people in Ghana (1.9 million people, 1992), Togo (1.71 million people) and Nigeria (50 thousand people). Ewe language. They retain traditional beliefs; there are Christians and Sunni Muslims.

EVENKI(self-named - Orochon, obsolete - Tungus) - a people in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and other regions of Siberia. In total there are 29.9 thousand people in the Russian Federation. (1992). They also live in China (35 thousand people, 1992). Evenki language. Believers are adherents of traditional beliefs, Orthodox.

EVENS(self-named - Even, obsolete - Lamut) - people in Yakutia, Magadan and Kamchatka regions, Khabarovsk Territory. Number of people: 17.0 thousand people. (1992). Even language.

ECUADORANS- people, the main population of Ecuador (6.6 million people). Total population 6.73 million people. (1992). Language Spanish. Believers are mostly Catholics.

ENTZ(obsolete - Yenisei Samoyeds) - a people in the Taimyr (Dolganr-Nenets) Autonomous Okrug. Number of approx. 200 people (1992). The language is Enets. Believers are Orthodox.

ERZYA- ethnographic group of Mordovians. Erzya language.

Eskimos(self-named Inuit) - a group of peoples in Alaska (USA, 38 thousand people, 1992), northern Canada (28 thousand people), o. Greenland (Greenlanders, 47 thousand people) and in the Russian Federation (Magadan region and Wrangel Island; 1.7 thousand people, 1992). Eskimo language.

ESTONIANS(self-named - eestlased) - people, the main population of Estonia (963 thousand people); in the Russian Federation 46.4 thousand people. (1992). They also live in the USA and Canada. Sweden and Australia. Total number approx. 1.1 million people (1992). Language Estonian. Believers are mostly Lutherans, there are Orthodox (mostly Seto).

ETHIOPIANS- name of the population of Ethiopia.

YUKAGIRS(self-named - detkil) - people in Yakutia and the Magadan region (Russian Federation). Number of people: 1.1 thousand. (1992). Yukaghir language.

JAVANESE- people in Indonesia (89.0 million people), the main population of the central part of the island. Java. They also live in Malaysia, Australia, the Netherlands, etc. The total population is 89.6 million people. (1992). Javanese language. Believers are mostly Sunni Muslims.

YAKUTS(self-named Sakha) - people, indigenous population of Yakutia (365 thousand people), total number 382 thousand people. (1992). Yakut language. Believers - Orthodox

JAMAICANIANS- the people, the main population of Jamaica (2.37 million people. Total number 3.47 million people (1992). Mostly blacks and mulattoes, They speak a dialect of English. Believers are mostly Protestants.

YANOMAMA- a group of Indian peoples (Shiriana, Vaika, etc.) in the south of Venezuela (15 thousand people, 1992) and the north of Brazil (12 thousand people). The languages ​​are close to the Chibchan languages. There are Christians who retain traditional beliefs.

nuclear weapons(self-named - min, man, zao) - people in southern China (2.2 million people, 1992), northern Vietnam (460 thousand people) and Laos (approx. 90 thousand people). Language of the Miao-Yao group. Believers are adherents of traditional beliefs.

nuclear weapons(Vayao) are a Bantu people in western Malawi (about 1.4 million people, 1992), southern Tanzania (over 571 thousand people) and northern Mozambique (over 560 thousand people). Believers are Sunni Muslims and there are Christians.

JAPANESE(self-named - nihonjin) - people, the main population of Japan (123.6 million people). Total population 125.6 million people. (1992). Language: Japanese. Believers are mainly Shintoists and Buddhists, there are Christians and followers of syncretic cults.

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