Captain's daughter. Performance Captain's Daughter Performance Captain's Daughter in theaters

ATTENTION! Booking time for this performance is 30 minutes!

Performance by the Galaktika Theater

A.S. Pushkin

(Notes of Pyotr Andreevich Grinev)
based on the story of the same name by A.S. Pushkin

Stage director - Sergei Yashin

The work of the classic of Russian literature, well known since childhood, will again appear before the Moscow public.

Performance " Captain's daughter"is a story about historical figure Pugachev, and about tender and true love young officer Pyotr Grinev and the daughter of captain Mironov Masha, and a reminder to posterity of the main human values: honor, dignity, nobility. The performance is staged in a classical way, clearly according to the text of A. S. Pushkin, accessible and understandable to any viewer.

The work of director People's Artist of Russia, Honored Art Worker Sergei Ivanovich Yashin.

Bright, historical costumes created by the Honored Artist of Russia Elena Fedorovna Kachelaeva, music by Sviridov, and of course a talented ensemble of actors create a unique performance that will be of interest not only to teenagers studying this work at school, to all admirers of A.S. Pushkin, but also for lovers of good, classic theatrical productions.

Leading theater and film actors, Honored Artists of Russia are involved in the performance.

"The Captain's Daughter"...definitely the best Russian work in a narrative way."

N.V. Gogol

After a long study of the topic of peasant unrest and the publication of a serious scientific work"History of the Pugachev Rebellion", Pushkin the historian gives way to Pushkin the artist: he returns to his old plan - "The Captain's Daughter". One of the true masterpieces of Pushkin's prose, the story "The Captain's Daughter" was completed on October 19, 1836 and three months before the poet's death was published in the Sovremennik magazine. The story was the last big finished creation of A.S. Pushkin. For the first time, the leader of a bloody and long war, Yemelyan Pugachev, is portrayed as a powerful, controversial personality who embodies many traits of the Russian character: a rebellious thirst for will, broad prowess, and a lively mocking mind. But "The Captain's Daughter" is not only a story about a historical figure. This is both a poetic story about the tender and true love of the young officer Pyotr Grinev and the daughter of Captain Mironov Masha, and a reminder to posterity of the main human values: honor, dignity, nobility. The heroes of The Captain's Daughter will come to life in front of you today.

Actors and performers:

Grinev Petr Andreevich - Daniil Korobeinikov / Anatoly Prosalov
Savelich - Janis Jacobsons
Pugachev - Andrey Alekseev / Eduard Zinoviev
Shvabrin Alexey Ivanovich - Alexey Safonov / Sergey Ivanyuk
The owner of the inn Sergey Ivanyuk / Alexey Safonov
Masha (Maria Ivanovna Mironova) -Evgenia Lapina-Porvatova /Maria Pomerantseva
Father Andrey Petrovich - Alexander Bordukov
Ivan Ignatievich -
Coachman (meeting with Pugachev) - Vladimir Pryanchin / Viktor Gunin
Mother, Avdotya Vasilievna - Ekaterina Lisovaya /Nataliya Voronin
Palashka - Nataliya Voronin / Ekaterina Lisovaya
Captain Zurin Ivan Ivanovich - Andrey Umnov / Dmitry Burkhankin
Officer - Dmitry Burkhankin / Andrey Umnov
Andrey Karlovich (General in Orenburg) -Andrey Zaikov / Nikolay Drozdovsky
General under interrogation in Kazan - Nikolay Drozdovsky / Andrey Zaikov
captain, Vasilisa Egorovna Mironova -Irina Vybornova / Ekaterina Katyukhina
Catherine, queen - Ekaterina Katyukhina / Irina Vybornova

The performance is intended for family viewing.

Duration:2 hours 20 minutes (with intermission)

Photo and video

Tatyana Barlas reviews: 19 ratings: 21 rating: 5

Russian rebellion by means of a Russian musical

A musical based on Russian classics is always a risk. And even a challenge, I would say. This is a conflict between the genre, one way or another, suggesting lightness, and material that requires depth, pain, and philosophical reflection. You can resolve the conflict if you abandon the "Broadway" musical and make your own, Russian version.
Did the theater at the Nikitsky Gate succeed? My Subjective opinion- not a connoisseur, not a critic, but simply an interested viewer - yes and no at the same time. In any case, the result is impressive.
There are conditionally three lines in the performance: love, rebellion and a dotted line of the planned courtyard.
The last line, although very short, is simply brilliant - literally one dance (what costumes ... what plasticity ...) and one scene with the magnificent Natalya Koretskaya - the empress is created the whole world- very beautiful, soulless and fake.
The world of rebellion also turned out - integral and terrible - and at the same time superbly staged in terms of light, color, plasticity, stage solutions. "Pugachev's" scenes allow us to believe that the Russian musical really exists. The performance draws no less than half, Alexander Masalov - Pugachev. He creates very strong image in all his familiar contradictions from Pushkin's text, like an atlas, he "holds" the performance, providing it with nerve, drive and tragedy.
It would be unfair not to mention the brilliant performance of the role of Savelich by Yuri Golubtsov, but this is still a minor role.
But with the world of love, something was missing for me. It is clear that in the beginning he is all so traditionally frivolously pink and blue, slightly reminiscent of a parody of himself. But ... it remains almost the same until the end. The heroes have gone through death, threats, cruelty and... have not changed. And although White dress Wave and Grinev's neat light uniform corresponds to color scheme performance, you still experience a certain dissonance: Masha's parents were killed, Grinev went through battles and casemates.
From the light and bright world of love, one musical number of Masha is knocked out, which is not a song, not a zong, but a cry - desperate and sorrowful. It is appropriate and fits into the overall tragic context of the play.
Grinev has good dialogue scenes with Pugachev. Pushkin, through the mouth of actors, allows us to come to the idea that in critical situation, although it is paradoxical, the chance for salvation is to remain yourself, not to lie and not to make ethically vulnerable compromises. This is important, eternally relevant, but passed by earlier.
Igor Skripko (Grinev) and Nikolina Kaliberda (Masha) are nice and pretty, but I think they best roles- still ahead.
Bottom line: a well-spent evening, strong impressions and food for thought

Ekaterina Urzova reviews: 200 ratings: 199 rating: 109

Is it possible to stage Pushkin's prose as a musical? Moreover, a book that talks about the peasant war that swept through Russia, sweeping away everything in its path. Death, hunger, blood, the siege of the fortress, meanness and betrayal. How to convey all this through music? Is it possible to? It turned out it was possible. Here Peter Grinev is going to his destination with his servant Savelich. He still does not know what awaits him very soon and a calm warm inn seems to be a safe haven when a snowstorm rages around. But then the dance begins and the audience understands: not everything is calm in this world.

A little more time passes and red will become the predominant color on the stage. Russia will be covered with the blood of the guilty and the innocent. The creators of the musical show how terrible the Pugachev region was very clearly. I thought for half the performance that it could hardly have taken place in this form 30 years ago. Pugachev is formidable and strong, but the sympathy of the audience is on the side of Grinev, Masha, Captain Mironov and Vasilisa Yegorovna.

Highly good staging(music by M. Dunayevsky, direction by M. Rozovsky), the actors played excellently, both the younger generation and the old guard. A separate bow to the costume designers (Maria Danilova, Denis Shevchenko) and the lighting designer (Irina Vtornikova). These are super-professionals, without whom the performance would not be the way it is.

The image of Catherine.

No, I understand what you mean. Gray-white-black clothes of the people and the army, red - Pugachevites and dazzling gold - courtiers. But Pushkin has a completely different image.

"At that very moment there was a pleasant female voice: "Don't be afraid, she won't bite." And Marya Ivanovna saw a lady sitting on a bench opposite the monument. Marya Ivanovna sat down at the other end of the bench. The lady looked at her intently; and Marya Ivanovna, for her part, casting a few oblique glances, managed to examine her from head to toe. She was in a white morning dress, a night cap and a shower jacket. She seemed to be forty years old. Her face, full and ruddy, expressed importance and calmness, and her blue eyes and a slight smile had an inexplicable charm.

Well, the whole number "We are palace toys", in my opinion, is out of place. Firstly, Catherine was not a fool and, as such, she did not have "palace toys". Usually she knew how to put her favorites to work. Secondly, this number is frankly secondary in relation to the film "The King is dancing".

An Moi reviews: 16 ratings: 16 rating: 8

Great rendition of a classic

Musical "The Captain's Daughter"
Libretto, poetry and staging National artist Russia - Mark Rozovsky.
Composer - People's Artist of Russia Maxim Dunayevsky.
I sincerely recommend going to the new musical of the Theater at the Nikitsky Gates.
Mark Rozovsky staged a new musical, this is a classic, a wonderful story by Pushkin, familiar to all of us. The director revived Pushkin's plot with understandable and lively emotions, new meanings. This is a full-fledged large poetic picture of our Rus'. Close, filled with screams, songs, dances and the infinity of our roads Russian empire- how could actors and theater specialists create such an epic canvas on such a small stage?
Starring: Igor Skripko - Pyotr Grinev. Exceptionally successful touching image young nobleman. Marya Mironova - Nikolina Kaliberda. strong and beautiful voice. Konstantin Ivanov - Shvabrin. Emelyan Pugachev - Alexander Masalov (Pugachev is exceptionally good).
The music of Maxim Dunayevsky is very beautiful, memorable, then you will walk and sing these melodies for another two days for sure.
Excellent work with costumes: they work both as scenery and as self-sufficient symbols of events. For example, swinging blood-red robes, which at once become a pile of corpses, being thrown onto the stage.
Work with light (light designer - Irina Vtornikova): just fine! So skillfully fill the scene with space, instantly pull the characters out of the environment, change everything at once on this small stage.
The director has assembled an excellent talented team. "The Theater at the Nikitsky Gate" - well done!

Natalya Tukan reviews: 12 ratings: 12 rating: 6

The production did not disappoint, the theater is full of ideas!

Captain's daughter, all hope is on you...
Theater "At the Nikitsky Gate" special atmosphere and intelligent public. I come here often and I want to watch each of the performances I have visited again, but there is a minus in this - you start to present the actors in certain roles.
The plot of "The Captain's Daughter", as it turned out, I completely forgot, I really thought that in the end everyone would die!
Studying the Catherine era, with the personal permission of the emperor, Pushkin received wide access to the archives. Historical novel written as a memoir of an elderly officer. In the musical, this is the role of the historian played by Mikhail Ozornin, after his Romeo, it was him that I saw Grinev, but Grinev was Igor Skripko ... and rightly so, he managed to convey the character young man(according to the book, he is only 16!!! years old) - disinterested, trusting, noble, brave romantic, somewhere angular, eccentric, but stately and handsome! Masha - Daria Shcherbakova is also an exact hit in the image, an interesting timbre of voice, the strength of which, in tune with the strength of character, is revealed in the second act. Irina Morozova presented another bright, memorable character - Masha's mother - Vasilisa Yegorovna, this woman combines wisdom, love for her daughter and husband, courage and selflessness. Shvabrin aroused not antipathy in me, but rather pity for the hopelessly in love, perhaps because this role went to such a charming and beautifully singing Konstantin Ivanov. The music for the performance was written by Maxim Dunayevsky, the play, poetry, production - by Mark Rozovsky. On the Internet, I could not find the libretto ...)) but, take my word for it, many rhymes and melodies then scroll through my head. Choral numbers and especially dramatic scenes sounded strongly, emotionally. Pugachev rebellion, Pugachev performed by Denis Yuchenkov is an impressive figure!
The production did not disappoint, the theater is full of ideas, the performances are diverse, the actors are masters of impersonation. Especially useful for teenagers, there is no time to read - at least look!

Mikhail Bratsilo reviews: 62 ratings: 61 rating: 28

Great performance

The theater "At the Nikitsky Gates" turned to the Russian rebellion, senseless and merciless. Love that conquers death in this rebellion is like a fairy tale. Does this really happen? "The Captain's Daughter" - the story of our everything and everything, Mr. Pushkin, which, in my memory, was interpreted in different ways. At school, Pugachev was presented as a defender common people. But when the party was crushed by "manenichka of that one", it turned out that there was Emelka an ordinary bandit with good organizational skills. And so the theater "At the Nikitsky Gate" presented its vision of the legendary work.
What can I say right now. This is a fantastic game and the undoubted success of Denis Yuchenkov, who played Pugachev. His Pugach is a rude, stern fanatic man who will do everything possible and impossible for the sake of his victory. A furious game with a whip that disperses the girls, the desire to kill and kill again shows Emelka as a person with a disturbed psyche. What is it worth sending a harmless astrologer scientist to execution. "Let him go to the stars," orders Pugachev. And the alleged nobility that he shows to Grinev and Masha is just a memory of the fur coat once presented to him from Grinev's shoulder when Pugachev was freezing. Well, good PR for the electorate. I wouldn’t have given it, I would have hung out on the gallows for a young man.
Let's walk along Shvabrin (Konstantin Ivanov). A cold, prudent young man without any remnants of conscience, who is ready to sell, buy and sell anyone again. Of course, he is more powerful than Grinev, which is why he wins the duel. He is cynical to the marrow of his bones, and in the scene when he proposes to Masha to marry, this can be seen especially clearly. But let's think about why Masha remained alive and unharmed in a gangster environment? Yes, that's why she stayed because Shvabrin loved her. If it were not for his "roof", then she would have gone through the dirty hands of the rebels and Grinev would hardly have been able to save her.
Masha (Daria Shcherbakova) and Grinev (Igor Skripko) - you see, goodies so positive that there is nothing to write about. They are sweet, young, pretty and played exactly what they should play - a romantic couple in love with gentle romances and hand-wringing.
But Arkhip Savelyich, performed by Yuri Golubtsov, turned out to be a much more colorful character, who is just like a father for Grinev: he will protect, laying his head on the chopping block instead of him, and snatch a glass from his hands and drink it himself, so as not to accustom the young man to potion and will help in everything. And as a result, he was completely unfairly hit in the face by Grinev when he accused him of telling his father that the young man wanted to marry Masha. And Arkhip, on the contrary, did not report this, covering Grinev in every possible way, having received a reprimand in a letter for this from Father Pyotr Andreevich.
Captain Mironov (Nikolai Glebov) and Vasilisa Egorovna, his wife (Irina Morozova) are a sweet couple who have lived together for many years, hospitable, hospitable. They even have similar personalities and complement each other wonderfully. And, at the same time, a heroic couple. They were not afraid to stay and tried to repel Pugachev's army in a hopeless situation. And even before his death last strength the captain tried to nail down Pugachev. But, of course, it didn't work out. Emelka executed them.
Catherine II (Natalya Koretskaya) is a real queen, with a proud profile. When she speaks, I already want to stand at attention. But she also knows how to intrigue, either for the sake of curiosity, or for the sake of entertainment. She did not introduce herself as the empress to Masha when she came to ask for the arrested person, again. slandered by Shvabrin Grinev. And this is where I thought. So many years have passed, but nothing in Russia has changed. It is necessary that the king interfere in every little thing, otherwise there is no sense. Manual control of Russia as it was and is.
The performance "The Captain's Daughter" is a full-fledged musical, where in the first act there are fifteen musical numbers, and in the second seventeen. The music was written by Maxim Dunayevsky and the libretto by Mark Rozovsky. But at the same time, there are no hits in the performance that would directly lie on the ear and spin in the head and which one would expect from such an eminent author. The music is definitely powerful. Of the songs, I would perhaps single out "Robber" in the first act and "Here is our Russian rebellion" of the choir about Pugach and his response "Silence, accomplices!". And another number "We are palace toys."
The musical produced very strong impression. It was powerful, it was beautiful, it made me think about what is happening now and see some prerequisites for an impending "Russian revolt". God forbid, of course, that this happens.
I recommend everyone to go to this show. This is a must see. I believe that the musical "The Captain's Daughter" will be one of the hits of the next theater seasons for several years ahead.

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