Katya is the presenter of Channel 1. Ekaterina Andreeva spoke about her dismissal from Channel One. Work in the Prosecutor General's Office

Ekaterina Andreeva is the host of the “Time” program on Channel One. Probably every resident of our country knows her. Many people note how wonderful Ekaterina Andreeva looks. The presenter's date of birth is November 27, 1961. Amazing, isn't it?

Study and work on television

The presenter studied at the capital's pedagogical institute in the evening department.

Then she worked in the Investigation Department, as well as in the Prosecutor General's Office, under her department were the most crime-prone places - Stavropol and Krasnodar region. Then Andreeva heard that a competition was being held for the position of announcer on central television, and decided to try her hand. As you can see, she succeeded. After that, she studied at the Institute for Advanced Studies for Television and Radio Employees. For some time, Andreeva hosted the “Morning” program. In addition, she studied at the “School of Speakers”, her mentor was Igor Kirillov. It is not known exactly how old Ekaterina Andreeva was at that time.

Difficult responsibilities and undoubted talent

The life of the presenter is divided into two parts: professional activity And all the rest. The first is the “Time” program. And the second is family, friends, travel, training and much more that is not shown on air. The famous presenter began working on television in 1991. Soon she was entrusted with leading the news. And in 1998, viewers began to regularly see her on the TV show “Time,” which is perhaps the most informative and interesting program of all those broadcast on Channel One. How old was Ekaterina Andreeva then? Already 37.

Andreeva is forced to notify the country about a variety of events, including very sad ones. She told us about the city of Budennovsk, about the explosions of buildings in the capital and Volgodonsk, about the invasion of militants in Dagestan, about Beslan, about “Nord-Ost”, and also about “Kursk”. You need to be able to speak with restraint and calmly, and Catherine always succeeded in this.

Sense of time and age of TV presenter

The presenter has been working on television for 20 years, on the screen we have seen her for 15, and in the program “Time” she has been appearing for a whole decade. But Catherine did not even notice how time passed. She feels it differently than other people. Perhaps this is the secret of why the presenter has not changed at all over all these years. Many people are interested in how old TV presenter Ekaterina Andreeva is. Surprisingly, she is 52 now.

How good is the TV presenter's memory?

Anyone would say that 20 years on television is a huge period of time, but not Ekaterina. She is surprised that for some people even four years is already a long time. She doesn't think so at all. She is not used to counting time: minutes, hours, days... Most likely, for this reason, she does not keep any memorable dates in her head, for example, her friends’ name days.

Yes, and about your own memorable dates she sometimes forgets. However, none of the relatives are offended by her; everyone is aware of this small feature of Catherine. Despite the fact that she doesn’t remember dates, she always easily dials phone numbers from memory. She doesn't need to look at her notepad to call someone. In addition, she only needs to read the text once to remember it, so she can do just fine without a prompter.

The illusion of immutability

No one will argue with the fact that Ekaterina Andreeva, whose year of birth you already know, has been on television for a long time. Her bosses have changed more than once, and Russia is already completely different. And the presenter remains the same as twenty years ago. Many people are interested in how she does it. And Ekaterina agrees that everything has changed; she believes that time is generally difficult to understand. It lives according to its own, beyond its control ordinary people laws The same, in her opinion, can be said about the program “Time”.

Sometimes it seems that this project itself chooses its presenters. And regarding her immutability, Andreeva says that this is just an illusion. She is also completely different.

What has changed over time?

Ekaterina established strong contacts with people who began to play in her life significant role. She also became much more confident, calmer, stronger. Looking at the photo of Ekaterina Andreeva, you understand that she is a reliable person with a stable psyche.

Iron grit

Many might have noticed that live broadcasting is always very stressful. It can hardly make a person calmer. Ekaterina says that it is indeed stressful, but she has learned not to overreact to it. Nevertheless, the presenter says that she still experiences some tension, but the audience, of course, does not notice it. And you have to face unpleasant consequences. For example, sometimes after work she sees that small blood vessels have burst on her hands. Of course, the reason is quite a lot of tension. It’s hard for Catherine to talk about very sad incidents. It happens that a story is shown on the screen, and the presenter tries her best to control herself, throws back her head so that the tears do not flow down her cheeks, and after a few seconds again appears before the audience in excellent shape.

She belongs to the category of people who can control themselves. The presenter can only allow herself to relax in a calm environment, for example, forgetting the key in the apartment, leaving an umbrella somewhere, etc. And when she is in the studio, she keeps everything under control. All TV presenters should be like this. Ekaterina Andreeva is no exception.

Twists of fate

The girl could become an actress, historian or lawyer. But she wanted to be the leader.

Initially, Ekaterina entered the Faculty of Law, but soon realized that this specialty was not suitable for her, and switched to history, as she thought that this field was quite close to her.

We can say that fate smiled on the future presenter when she came to advanced training courses for radio and television employees, because it was thanks to them that she got on the screen. But Catherine never thought that she would become famous, as she was constantly criticized. According to the professors, the girl seemed too proud and unapproachable, as if The Snow Queen. By the way, the celebrity studied with Igor Kirillov, she was one of the last to go through his school.

Then Ekaterina became an announcer for Central Television and the Ostankino company, then viewers regularly saw her on Good Morning. And after that she switched to ORT and became an editor and news anchor. Then came “Time” - a TV show that everyone watches. By the way, in 1999, a survey was conducted - they wanted to find out which presenter viewers considered the most beautiful. As you might guess, Ekaterina took first place.

By that time, Andreeva had already graduated from the Institute for Advanced Studies and wrote a dissertation on the topic How old Ekaterina Andreeva was then can be calculated by knowing her date of birth.

Excitement and fatigue

The presenter said that during the first broadcast her heart was beating so bad that she was suffocating. But now nothing can scare her anymore, she always tries to remain calm and can report news in any conditions. The presenter's job is hard, you can't argue with that.

Dressing style

Catherine does not have a stylist; she chooses her own clothes.

Everyone comments on how impeccable her taste is. Andreeva is better dressed than all the other presenters, there is no doubt about that. Ekaterina loves a businesslike but elegant style. This applies to everything - things, cosmetics, and behavior. The presenter buys clothes for the broadcast herself and does her makeup and hair without any help. People calculate how old Ekaterina Andreeva is and are surprised when they find out her true age, because she looks very young. Many women envy the presenter, because few people manage to preserve themselves so well. Most likely, heredity played a role here and proper care behind you. Ekaterina understands cosmetics and always carefully monitors her appearance. The profession obliges me, and I just always want to be young and beautiful.


The presenter loves to visit antique shops. She says that some invisible force is drawing her to antiques. At the same time, the presenter has never been deceived; she has an excellent knowledge of antiques. If she really likes the item, she can always bargain for it at a lower price.

Now you know how old the presenter Ekaterina Andreeva is, and you also know some facts from her biography.

The highest-rated news TV show “Vremya” on Channel One is changing its presenter. Instead of the famous TV presenter Ekaterina Andreeva, Kirill Kleimenov became the host of the federal edition of the “Time” program for Western time zones. Sources from the BBC Russian Service assure that Andreeva may soon finally cease to be the face of Channel One news.
The press service of Channel One confirmed that such a replacement did take place, but it is temporary and limited in nature. Andreeva will conduct news in the regions (four broadcast zones for Far East and Siberia) and in the Saturday edition. A BBC source close to the channel’s management assures that Kleymenov will broadcast the program at least until the presidential elections on March 18, 2018.

The reason for replacing the presenter is the new format of news, which will be launched on Monday, explained the press service of Channel One.

— Today the “Time” program will begin to emerge from a new studio equipped with the most modern technologies, which will appear on domestic television for the first time. Changes in the studio will also change the work of presenters - now they can not only report news, but also interact with graphics while moving around the studio. The launch of the new, highly complex technology was taken over by the news chief of Channel One, Kirill Kleimenov, and it is he who will host the first episodes of the Vremya program into European orbit, said a representative of the channel.

On Monday evening, the first episode of Vremya with the new presenter Kleimenov actually went on air. The studio looks different: the presenter has a new screen on his desk and a large touchscreen in the studio. But most release, the announcer sits - just like his predecessors.

Andreeva is 56 years old, she became the host of the Vremya program more than twenty years ago, in 1997, and since then has been one of the faces of the channel. In 1999, according to the results of an Internet survey, she was recognized as the most beautiful presenter. Russian television. Rumors about her departure have been circulating for a long time. The reason is tense relations with the general director of the TV channel, Konstantin Ernst, assures one of the BBC sources. In 2009, the media reported that the general director had already decided to fire Andreeva.

“However, when the information reached Vladimir Putin, he canceled these decisions and everything was returned to normal. Andreeva is his favorite presenter,” he claims. - Now Putin is sick and busy with elections, apparently, at the First they decided that now they can return to this issue.

Information: “Time” is one of the most popular Russian television programs on federal television channels. For example, according to Mediascope, the evening Vremya became the third most popular program in the second week of February (Vremya’s rating for February 8 was 5.6%, audience share was 15.6%). This is the most popular of the daily evening news broadcasts of federal television channels.

Ekaterina Andreeva is a popular TV presenter, announcer of the “Time” program, a native Muscovite, born on November 27, 1961 in a fairly wealthy family.

Her father occupied a high position in the USSR State Supply Committee and her mother could afford to devote herself entirely to her daughters - Ekaterina and her younger sister Svetlana.

In childhood and youth

Catherine spent her childhood in an ordinary Moscow school. She studied well and devoted a lot of time to sports activities. For some time, she became so seriously interested in playing basketball that she even transferred to the Olympic reserve school. However, the girl did not dream of a sports future, so after graduating from school she entered the pedagogical school.

Carier start

Young Catherine always had a keen sense of justice. She loved to help the weak and protect them. Perhaps this was one of the reasons that the law institute was chosen as another place of study, while studying in the correspondence department of which Ekaterina worked in the State Prosecutor's Office.

In 1991, Ekaterina Andreeva took part in the competition of the State Television and Radio Company and, as a result, passed and was approved to work as an announcer. New job required new skills, so I had to study again, this time at the “School of Announcers” from the famous news anchor Igor Kirilov.

Catherine’s first live broadcast took place in 1995. She tried her hand at the Morning program, and also began working in the announcer department, often hosting news programs. The new work completely captured Catherine. She enjoyed keeping up to date with all the newest events and sharing them with people.

Program "Time"

For almost everyone, the name of Ekaterina Andreeva is inextricably linked with the “Time” program, of which she has been the permanent host since 1998. Intelligent and charming, Ekaterina was so beloved by the audience that a year later, according to the results of an Internet vote, she was recognized as the most beautiful TV presenter Russia.

But still, her main trump card is not her appearance, but the highest professionalism in presenting information and the ability to behave in front of the camera and cope with emergency situations, which rarely happen in such a job.

By the way, when Ekaterina is asked questions about what achievements she is proud of, one of the most important things she considers is that she managed to remain calm and self-possessed on the air that talked about the events in Nord-Ost. She expressed all her experiences that day behind the scenes, and while appearing on air she demonstrated restraint and confidence that the situation would be resolved as safely as possible.

History repeats itself, and everything that a person is destined to go through, he goes through. There was already a similar situation in Catherine’s life, which she was unable to cope with then. Few people know that its first broadcast was scheduled for the summer of 1995. But on that day, everyone was shocked by other tragic events - the hostage-taking in Budennovsk. Young Catherine was unable to control her emotions and go on air. When the situation repeated itself a few years later, she was able to pass the test with honor.

Beauty will save the world

To this day, despite her age, Ekaterina Andreeva remains one of the most beautiful women on Russian channels. And she is quite often invited as a guest to various women’s programs with the same question - how she manages to maintain her beautiful appearance and excellent figure for so many years.

In one of the interviews, Ekaterina revealed her little secret. It turns out she wasn't always slim. No, she was never fat either, and she couldn’t have been, considering how long it was in school years she spent on the basketball court.

But while studying at the institute, she relaxed a little. Moreover, Catherine is used to taking everything she does as seriously as possible - this trait she inherited from her father. The years spent reading books unexpectedly put on extra pounds in the literal sense - my hips became rounder, my gait became heavy, my neck and arms became fuller.

Like many women, Catherine felt that she was getting better, but did not pay much attention to it... until she stepped on the scale. The number 80 really scared her. Given her height, she was not yet terribly fat, but that was not the point. Compared to her usual weight, Ekaterina became almost 20 kilograms heavier. And this is out of the blue - no pregnancy, no hormonal disorders.

That day forever changed her attitude towards herself and her own body. She returned to the gym again and completely revised her diet. The hardest thing was to give up fried potatoes, with which she could eat a whole frying pan herself. But Ekaterina got used to achieving her goals and the weight gave up. 20 kilograms went away in almost 4 years. But Catherine did not leave them a chance to return.

Diet of Ekaterina Andreeva

Andreeva’s diet is not a diet – it’s healthy image life. She uses only fresh foods and prepares them as simply as possible, so that long-term heat treatment does not destroy vitamins. Prefers small portions, but does not adhere to vegetarianism or other new-fangled diets. The main principle is everything, but little by little.

Her favorite cuisine is Japanese; she loves sushi and seafood. Considered an indispensable dish in the diet beautiful woman porridge. Fried potatoes are now a delicacy, although sometimes she allows herself to eat them.

In 2018, Ekaterina Andreeva was relegated to the background in the TV program “Time”. While her colleague, Kirill Kleimenov, after a 10-year break, returned to the news studio. Now Kleimenov will conduct news for the “European” part of the audience, and Andreeva for the rest.

Also, Andreeva, together with Vitaly Eliseev, will record Saturday editions of “Time” for the entire audience of Channel One.

As stated on Channel One, such personnel changes temporary. Andreeva will definitely return “to the main screen.”

Ekaterina herself is not afraid to sit without work. She is confident that even if she is fired from Vesti, there will be another place for her.

And indeed, in May, residents of all Russia again saw Vremya as the main news anchor on their television screens.

Many of Catherine’s followers on Instagram repeatedly note her striking resemblance to her daughter. Andreeva looks so young that you can’t even tell that the photo shows a mother and daughter. Rather, in the photo they look like sisters.

Katerina herself considers the secret of her youth to be love for herself and for people in general. Of course, it is also necessary proper nutrition and physical activity. But if there is no love, then all this will not be particularly effective.

Husband and children of Ekaterina Andreeva

Catherine's first marriage was unsuccessful, and she does not like to talk about it. But in the second, she is absolutely happy with Serbian businessman Dusko Perovic. He accepted Catherine’s daughter from her first marriage, Natasha, and raised her as his own.

With husband

Numerous fans on Instagram literally bombarded Ekaterina Andreeva with questions regarding her future on Channel One, after the TV presenter was suddenly replaced by Kirill Kleimenov. In the comments to one of the posts, Ekaterina spoke about the current situation.


“My “Time” cannot end. From the Volga to the Yenisei, I take “Time” to the whole country. And Moscow, as you know, is not all of Russia. All of Russia is much larger than Moscow,” Andreeva stated categorically.

Let us note that the people reacted ambiguously to the absence (albeit temporary) of Ekaterina Andreeva. Some were happy about the transformations in the studio, which should now be ultra-modern and even newfangled, others were upset and asked to return the TV presenter.

However, on the sidelines of Channel One, many do not like Andreeva and do not even greet her, considering her arrogant, arrogant and harmful. In addition, according to rumors, as the face of the channel, she receives more than other employees - about 14 thousand dollars a month.

Publication from Ekaterina Andreeva (@ekaterinaandreeva_official) Jan 3, 2018 at 7:33 PST

Let us recall that Ekaterina Andreeva has been working as the host of the Vremya information program since the beginning of 1997. During this time, Channel One, as they say on the sidelines, received more than one bag of letters asking to remove her from the air. Russian language teachers were surprised by their lack of knowledge of leading orthoepy (stress rules) and intonation. And fellow TV crews laughed at Katya’s manner of swaying in the frame, for which they called her “running on the waves.”

The girl’s father worked as deputy chairman of the USSR State Supply Committee, and her mother was a housewife. By the way, Catherine has younger sister Svetlana.

Unknown childhood

At first, Ekaterina Andreeva lived on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, later on Leninsky, and then in the center. One way or another, the Kremlin has always been nearby. As a child, the girl even thought that she lived in the Spasskaya Tower. When Katya first came to kindergarten, then she told the teacher so. The kindergarten workers became alarmed and began to find out who the new girl’s parents were and whether she needed special care. By the way, when it turned out that Andreeva had lied about her position in society, then, in her own words, she got it badly. However, Catherine herself is sure that she was not lying, because it actually seemed to her that she was living in the Kremlin.

As a child, Katya Andreeva was quite slim. She was fond of basketball, and even studied for some time at an Olympic reserve school. By the way, pregnancy and childbirth did not affect the presenter’s figure in any way.

However, in her fifth year at the institute, while Ekaterina was writing her diploma and leading a fairly sedentary lifestyle, something terrible happened. The journalist herself recalls this nightmare with a shudder. She weighed about 80 kilograms. However, for her height (at that time about 170 cm), she did not look at all ugly fat, at least it seemed so to her.

“I was big: large face, powerful neck and arms. I realized that I’m not big, but simply huge, after weighing myself,” the presenter grins.

“I could easily sit in the kitchen in the evening, eat a frying pan of fried potatoes with chicken, eat it all with a jar of pattisons, for example, and wash it down with tea and my mother’s pies. I didn’t realize that I was getting better. There were no scales in the house. If someone wants to keep themselves “in the body,” then scales are a must at home; you can’t rely on clothes,” says Ekaterina Andreeva.

Then Catherine started going to the gym and went on a diet. In four years she lost 20 kilograms. By the way, the old weight never returned. Now Andreeva knows better than ever what patience means. And diet and fitness have already become firmly established in her life.

It is worth noting that Ekaterina Andreeva graduated from the Krupskaya Moscow Pedagogical Institute in 1990, and also studied at the All-Union Legal Correspondence Institute, and after that she even worked at General Prosecutor's Office. There she was listed in the records management department of the investigative department.

Television career

Ekaterina Andreeva had a direct path to the profession of a lawyer, historian, or into the acting environment. However, she chose television.

At the institute, the celebrity first studied at the Faculty of Law, but when she realized that jurisprudence was not working out, she switched to the history department, because she had always been interested in history.

It was easy for Andreeva to get on television. She learned about recruitment for advanced training courses for television and radio broadcasting workers. But during her studies, the girl did not believe in her strength. Simply because she was often scolded. The teachers believed that Catherine, cold and arrogant on the screen, was a kind of “Snow Queen”. By the way, Andreeva studied with Igor Kirillov and became one of the last television personalities to go through announcer school.

Ekaterina Andreeva began working on television in 1991. At first she was an announcer Central television and the Ostankino television company, then leading “ Good morning”, and since 1995 she worked at the ORT television company as an editor of information programs and presenter of “News”. She has been with the Directorate of Information Programs since 1995, and went on air in 1995.

Ekaterina Andreeva on video

Andreeva became the permanent and permanent host of the “Time” program on Channel One in 1998. By the way, in 1999, according to the results of an online survey, she was recognized as the most beautiful TV presenter in Russia.

By this time, Ekaterina Andreeva had already graduated from the Faculty of History and the All-Union Institute for Advanced Training of Radio and Television Workers. And besides, she wrote a dissertation on the Nuremberg trials.

“When I first went on air, my pulse was beating so fast that I could barely breathe,” recalls Katya, but now there is little that can unsettle her and she can work in any conditions. But Andreeva fights fatigue easily; she simply lies down on the nearest sofa and dozes for about twenty minutes.


The TV presenter is very careful about her diet. She can no longer eat more than her body needs. Katya does not consider herself a gourmet and does not welcome any specialties in food.

“Everything should be simple,” says Andreeva. And he claims that the most ideal is Japanese cuisine. They contain only natural products and maximum vitamins. And the products are cooked at maximum heat and quickly so that the vitamins remain “alive.” In the morning, the celebrity eats porridge, at lunch - soup with meat broth, and in the evening he eats something light.

Bad habits, style and hobbies

Perfect on screen, perfect in life bad habits. Catherine cannot live without chocolate and cigarettes. And if the passion for sweets can be explained, then Ekaterina Andreeva was already desperate to quit smoking. True, the TV presenter prefers ultra-light cigarettes and certainly Muratti. By the way, in Moscow they don’t sell your favorite brand with a carbon filter, and tobacco has to be transported from Italy.

The TV presenter is her own stylist. And at the same time she is considered one of the most stylish television workers. She prefers strict and sophisticated style. And in everything, be it clothes, cosmetics or manners. Katya buys essential clothes herself, does her own hair and applies essential makeup.

Ekaterina Andreeva loves going to antique stores. According to her, she has a keen nose for old things. It is impossible to deceive the presenter or sell her a fake. At the same time, she knows how to bargain if she knows that the thing is really hers.

Film roles

Ekaterina Andreeva can be seen on screens and not as a TV presenter. She acted in films. The first film with her participation was released in 1990. It was called “Unknown Pages from the Life of a Scout”

Ekaterina says that her husband Dusan, having seen her for the first time on TV, found her through journalist acquaintances. For three years the young man courted his beloved. All this time, he intensively studied the Russian language; when he met Catherine, he knew literally ten words in Russian. And at one fine moment Andreeva realized that this was exactly the person she had been waiting for all her life.

By the way, my daughter Natalya graduated from the MGIMO Faculty of Law and does not intend to follow in her mother’s footsteps.

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