When the Gosloto draw is 6 out of 45. Secrets of forecasting in Gosloto: choosing numbers. Mathematical odds of winning

“Gosloto “6 out of 45” was launched in November 2008 and in the first year of its implementation not only gained enormous popularity, but also gave the country 12 millionaires. One of them, Albert Begrakyan, won more than 100 million rubles. In 2014, his achievement was almost doubled by Valery from Omsk, who won more than 184 million rubles. This achievement was also surpassed in the same year - Mikhail from Nizhny Novgorod won the 915th draw on August 9 202,441,116 rubles. And a year and a half later, on February 27, 2016, the largest super prize in the history of the game (and in modern history Russia) - 358,358,466 rubles.

The super prize of the Gosloto 6 out of 45 game is constantly growing and reaches tens of millions of rubles, and the number of Gosloto 6 out of 45 millionaires has reached 83.

How is the lottery conducted?

The Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery is held in real time. This means that information about each purchased ticket is instantly sent to the gaming combination database, where the parameters of all bets made are stored - from the cost to the place and time of their execution. Based on the results of the draw, this system allows us to instantly determine the number of winning bets and the size of the winnings in each category.

All information is duplicated on a special server of the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy, which guarantees the reliability and transparency of the lottery.

This is possible thanks to our partner - the Greek company Intralot, which is a leading supplier of high-tech lottery equipment for national lotteries Worldwide. Intralot equipment is used in the USA, Spain, Italy, Australia and other countries with a long history of holding lotteries.

Where can I buy Gosloto 6 out of 45 tickets?

You can place a bet in Gosloto “6 out of 45” in the following ways:

    • select numbers and pay the receipt on the website stoloto.ru online (a mobile version of the website is also available);
    • send an SMS with the text 645 to number 9999;
    • use mobile app Stoloto for iOS and Android;
    • scan the QR code using an iPhone or smartphone running Android OS and send the auto rate in one field via SMS;
    • check the availability of tickets in communication shops and Russian post offices;
    • contact the lottery distribution point in your locality.

Gosloto 6 out of 45 tickets are sold throughout Russia. Find your nearest sales point.

How to play Gosloto 6 out of 45?

To place a bet at the distribution point, you need to fill out a free gaming coupon.
To play on the site, go to the game coupon page.
If you want to take part in the lottery via SMS, follow the instructions.

The game coupon contains 6 playing fields: A, B, C, D, D, E. You can play in all 6 playing fields.
The lottery bet in the Gosloto “6 out of 45” game consists of 6 or more non-repeating numbers, from 1 to 45.
By purchasing just one receipt, you can participate in several draws at once. Please mark the required quantity at the bottom of the coupon. Maximum number of circulations: 9.

There are several ways to play Gosloto 6 out of 45:

  • Mark 6 numbers in the game coupon field.
  • When making an expanded bet in Gosloto “6 out of 45”, you can mark no more than 13 in one playing field when playing on the site, and up to 19 numbers on a paper ticket.
  • You can choose the automatic method of playing - in this case, the computer will randomly select a combination of numbers. When making a detailed automatic bet, you must check the “Automatic” box and mark in the game field the number of numbers you would like to select.

This table illustrates the cost of the bet depending on the number of marked numbers:

numbers in the field
Combinations received Cost, rub.
6 1 100
7 7 700
8 28 2800
9 84 8400
10 210 21 000
11 462 46 200
12 924 92 400
13 1 716 171 600
14 3 003 300 300
15 5 005 500 500
16 8 008 800 800
17 12 376 1 237 600
18 18 564 1 856 400
19 27 132 2 713 200

What is closing a sale?

Bets on the next draw are accepted until 10:40 and 22:40 (Moscow time). After the sales are closed, the bids made are counted and calculated prize fund circulation. Bets placed after 10:40 and 22:40 (Moscow time) are automatically transferred to the next draw.

The prize fund of the game is 50% of the proceeds from lottery bets sold for the draw.

How are the draws done?

Draws are held daily at 11:00 and 23:00 Moscow time. After calculating the size of the prize fund, a drawing is held. The winning combination is determined using lottery equipment “Random Number Generator” (RNG). Randomly it gives winning combination, consisting of 6 rooms.

In accordance with Article 18 of the Federal Law “On Lotteries”, for the drawing of the prize fund of each draw draw lottery The lottery organizer creates a drawing commission.

In function circulation commission includes:

  1. conducting a draw for the prize pool of the lottery;
  2. confirmation of the results of the drawing by signing the corresponding act and the official table of the results of the drawing, that is, the circulation protocol.

How is the prize fund distributed in the game?

The minimum guaranteed super prize is 50,000,000 rubles.

After determining the winning combination, the results are calculated. Bets in which 6 , 5 , 4 , 3 or 2 the numbers matched the winning numbers.

Winnings in the Gosloto 6 out of 45 game are distributed as follows:
Behind 2 If you guess the number you will receive 100 rubles. First of all, winnings are distributed for 2 guessed numbers, after which the prize fund is distributed in the following percentage:

Super prize for 6 The guessed numbers in the game “Gosloto “6 out of 45” accumulate and cannot be less than 50,000,000 rubles. If no one guesses correctly in the current draw 6 numbers, the accumulated amount goes to the next draw.

Winning amount expanded rate is determined as follows: the number of combinations of 6 numbers that can be made from the bet is calculated, after which the winnings for each combination are calculated and the total winnings are summed up.

To participate in the lottery you need to fill out a game coupon and pay the lottery bet. Price minimum rate(one playing field with 6 numbers) - 100 rubles. The game coupon includes 6 fields, in each of which you can choose from 6 to 19 numbers. You can participate in several draws at once. Bets in which you correctly guessed from 2 to 6 numbers in one playing field are considered winning.

The super prize is transferable. Depending on the circulation, its amount can be hundreds of millions of rubles! The biggest super prize was won in 1885 edition February 27, 2016. Its amount is 358,358,466 rubles. The winner is a resident of Novosibirsk.

— The drawings are broadcast on the Internet, on the website stoloto.ru.
— Detailed rules of the game on the lottery website.

IN Lately V state lotteries significant changes. October 18, 2017, in Moscow (Volgogradsky Prospekt, 43, building 3) opened lottery center"Stoloto". In installed in the center lottery machines Six lotteries will be drawn. All circulations broadcast in live on the website stoloto.ru - anyone can come to the center and see the process with their own eyes. Free admission.

Probability of winning

program for state lotteries 5 out of 36, 6 out of 45, 7 out of 49, Rapido,
Matchball, and many other foreign lotteries - formulas (from 5 to 8) x (from 20 to 78)

This lottery system can be used for lotteries with numbers ranging from 1-99
and the number of balls in the draw is 6. Popular numerical lotteries 6 out of 45 and 6 out of 50.
From the selected 18 numbers, 21 combinations are generated. All combinations must be used within one draw.

The formula for calculating the number of all combinations of lottery numbers is ↓

In the “6 out of 45” lottery the number of combinations is:
In the “7 out of 49” lottery the number of combinations is:

1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 x 7

= 85,900,584 combinations
Probability of winning in a number lottery.
Number of balls guessed Probability of guessing the number of balls

If you fill out 100 combinations, then on average the guess will be 12 (11.9) “twos” and 1 (1.2) “threes” and most likely not a single “four” and not a single “five”. But, if you play 100 combinations over 100 draws (i.e. a total of 10,000 combinations), then the average statistical guess will be: 1192 “twos”, 123 “threes” and as many as 4 “fours”. It is also possible to guess “five” with a 2% probability (1 chance in 50).

The occurrence of four “fours” in a given 100 draws may be distributed evenly (one “four” for every 25 draws), it may be that all “fours” will appear in the first draws or vice versa in the last ones, it may turn out that not a single one will match “ four” and the probability of this event is not so small.

Let's add another column to the table, with the average number of combinations that need to be completed in order to guess the given number of balls once. If you play with one combination, then given number shows how many runs, on average, it takes to guess a given number of balls.

Example: to guess “four” you need to cross out 2432.2 combinations. If you play only one combination in each draw, then the “three” will be guessed on average after 81 draws.

Table for lottery 5 of 36

Number of balls guessed

Probability of guessing


Added 2 more rows to the table (0 and 1). They show that there is a 45% chance of not matching any balls and a 41.7% chance of matching exactly 1 ball.

Table for lottery 6 of 45

Number of balls guessed

Probability of guessing

Required number of combinations

Table for lottery 7 of 49

Number of balls guessed

Probability of guessing

Required number of combinations


More accurately obtained values ​​should be expected at large quantities draws or when playing big amount combinations.

12 number system for 6 out of N lottery

Guarantees a winning “deuce” if 3 matching draw numbers out of 12 numbers of your choice.
In symbolic form, the system is denoted as: C(12,6,2,3,1,12)
Detailed description of lottery systems on the page - "FifteenEr"

Number generator. Range from 1 to 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 Fill out the form with numbers


For a certain number of draws, the number of hits on each number should theoretically be the same, but this is not the case. This is influenced by many factors: the condition of the balls, the technical condition of the lottery machine and much more. Under ideal conditions, lottery participants would have the opportunity to predict the winning combination of the upcoming draw based on the results of previous ones.
Some of the players use a system game to get a winning combination.
System- these are combinations of numbers (more than the number of balls drawn in the draw), in which there is a guarantee of guessing that 3, 4, 5 or 6 numbers drawn match the ones you have chosen.
Playing in ten draws with one option is less effective than in one draw with ten options: in the first case, for example, in a 6 out of 45 lottery, the chance of winning in each draw is 1 in 8,145,000, in the second case it is already 10 out of 8,145. 000, which is ten times more.
There is another opportunity to increase the chances, for example: in the 6 out of 45 lottery, you can choose not 6, but 7 numbers, thereby increasing the probability of winning. but in the end it turns out to be very costly due to the increase in the number of options.
However, there is a way out - this is the compilation of INCOMPLETE SYSTEMS.
In such a system, a guarantee is given: if the combination of N numbers you choose contains all the winning numbers in the draw, then at least you are guaranteed a minimum winning combination. Playing with incomplete systems, thanks to a small number of options, allows you to use this strategy in an individual game.

Any selected group of numbers (combination) has the same probability of being a match.
There are 6 out of 45 total combinations in the lottery - 8,145,060
If the full array (8,145,060 combinations) is divided into 12 equal parts of 678,755 combinations, the chance of any sector to match the numbers in the combination will be equal to 8145060/678755 = 1/12
For 300 draws, any sector of the array can presumably be played 300/12 = 25 times or 5 times for 60 draws.
If all the numbers in the selected sector match, the chance of winning increases 12 times per combination of this sector, and will be equal to 1 in 678.755.
Combinations of numbers in a group have their own cycle or period of appearance during the drawing. For example:
A group of 12 numbers has a probability of matching 1 time in 8,815 draws. ↓

2 6 0,151474022 6,6
2 7 0,190313515 5,3
2 8 0,227040685 4,4
2 9 0,260351673 3,8
2 10 0,289279637 3,5
2 11 0,313156686 3,2
2 12 0,331577668 3,0
3 6 0,022440596 44,6
3 7 0,036250193 27,6
3 8 0,053421338 18,7
3 9 0,073634817 13,6
3 10 0,096426546 10,4
3 11 0,121221943 8,2
3 12 0,147367852 6,8
4 6 0,001364631 732,8
4 7 0,003020849 331,0
4 8 0,005723715 174,7
4 9 0,009745785 102,6
4 10 0,015340587 65,2
4 11 0,022729114 44,0
4 12 0,032088161 31,2
5 6 0,000028729 34807,9
5 7 0,000097973 10206,8
5 8 0,000254387 3931,0
5 9 0,000556902 1795,6
5 10 0,001082865 923,5
5 11 0,001928531 518,5
5 12 0,003208816 311,6
6 6 0,000000123 8145060,0
6 7 0,000000859 1163580,0
6 8 0,000003438 290895,0
6 9 0,000010313 96965,0
6 10 0,000025782 38786,0
6 11 0,000056721 17630,0
6 12 0,000113443 8815,0

A - number of matches, B - numbers in combination
C - probability of coincidence, D - probable number of combinations

If you guess 6 matching numbers in such a group, your chances of winning a super prize increase by 924 times!

PROBABLE NUMBER OF WINNINGS each class, from all possible combinations, is determined taking into account the probability coefficient of each win:

  • Winnings for 6 matched numbers:
    (6x5x4x3x2x1) / (1x2x3x4x5x6) = 1 win
  • Winnings for 5 matched numbers:
    [(6x5x4x3x2) / (1x2x3x4x5)] x (39/1) = 234 wins
  • Winnings for 4 matched numbers:
    [(6x5x4x3) / (1x2x3x4)] x [(39x38)/(1x2)] = 11,115 wins
  • Winnings for 3 matched numbers:
    [(6x5x4) / (1x2x3)] x [(39x38x37)/(1x2x3)] = 182,780 wins
  • Winnings for 2 matched numbers:
    [(6x5) / (1x2) x [(39x38x37x36)/(1x2x3x4)] = 1,233,765 winnings

PROBABILITY OF WINNING is determined by the ratio of the probable number of wins to the total number of combinations:

  • 6 number matches:
    8,145,060 / 1 = 1 Winning for 8,145,060 combinations
  • 5 number matches:
    8,145,060 / 234 = 1 Winning on 34,808 combinations
  • 4 number matches:
    8,145,060 / 11,115 = 1 Winning for 733 combinations
  • 3 number matches:
    8,145,060 / 182,780 = 1 Winning for 44 combinations
  • 2 number matches:
    8,145,060 / 1,233,765 = 1 Win for 6 combinations

In the “6 out of 45” lottery, there are approximately 1,427,895 wins, or 1 win per 6 combinations.

From these calculations it follows:
It is very possible to get a win by filling out 6 combinations (one lottery coupon).
Don't forget: Two tickets increase your chances by 2 times!


The problem of players choosing numbers based on the results of statistical data analysis lies in the lack of understanding of the uneven distribution in the time context, the probability of coincidences per number of combinations.
The sum of the probabilities of the event options is equal to one (100%), but the distribution of probabilities among the options is not uniform over time.
The sides of the coin do not alternate in order: heads, tails, heads, tails. The calculated probability distribution will completely coincide with the actual one only for long period time, because within such a time period, the number of different sides of the coin falling out will be approximately the same.
But within individual periods, the probability of each event option varies from 0 to 100%.
This is, for example, when out of ten times heads come up all ten times, although based on the probability of the sum of all possible options This is completely impossible.
Players call such hits in a row as streaks. The duration of a series of occurrences of one variant of an event (in a row or within a period) may fluctuate. Theoretically, the amplitude of such oscillations is not limited, but practically unlimited series do not exist. There is a certain limit to which the duration of a series increases.
The balance of probability of event options is limited:
1. variability of event options within an arbitrary period of time
(changing the duration of the series from 1 to several repetitions in a row)
2. duration and frequency of series within an arbitrary period of time.
This achieves a variety of event options.

Lottery paradox The probability of winning each specific ticket individually is negligible and tends to zero, but the probability of winning any one specific ticket is one hundred percent.

Check out the results of past lottery draws- online

Getting a draw table for any Gosloto 6 out of 45 draw on the Lottopeda lottery portal is as easy as checking your ticket. Just enter the number of the circulation you are interested in in the form on this page and click the “Get circulation table” button. The result will immediately be displayed under the form - the numbers of the balls drawn in this draw.

Why might you need the Gosloto 6 out of 45 draw tables? They may be useful in different cases. For example, in this way experienced players can check the ticket - simply compare the winning combination of the draw with the combination on your ticket and determine the number of matching numbers. If there are two or more than two, the ticket is a winner. Draw tables are also useful if you collect statistics on numbers being drawn to determine which ones are drawn more often, which ones are drawn less often, and by how much.

What data is contained in circulation tables?

You no longer need to look through multiple pages of results; all results are collected in one place. All information about draws comes directly from the Stoloto lottery company, so the draw tables do not contain errors. If you are busy developing own system games in “Gosloto 6 out of 45” (based on the most frequently drawn numbers or, conversely, on the most rarely drawn ones – it doesn’t matter), such a function as receiving circulation tables, will certainly make your work easier.

Is it possible to win the Gosloto lottery? If we exclude the assumption that the lottery organizers are dishonest, then we can say with confidence: yes, it’s real.

How to win in Gosloto is known to those who rely not only on intuition, but also use statistical analysis, powerful analytical mathematical tools and various lottery systems.

It has long been known that, along with the laws of nature, sociology, economics, etc. There are also laws of numbers. There are also some mathematical formulas and axioms with which you can maximize the probability of getting a certain sequence of numbers. Among them I would highlight the following


1. Agree that, despite theoretical probabilities and calculations, the chance of getting a sequence only from even or only from odd numbers very small? Therefore, you should avoid such combinations in your bets.

2. Sequences also have a very unlikely chance of dropping with a small or, conversely, very large sum of its numbers.
For example: 1,4,6,9,11,12 or 35,37,40,41,44,45 (I’m not talking about 1,2,3,4,5,6 or 40,41,42,43, 44,45).

3. Western practitioners and analysts, analyzing large archives of various lotteries, came to the conclusion that when choosing numbers for your bets, it is not necessary to analyze starting from some shaggy year 1900, but just analyze the last 50 draws this lottery. The result will not be worse, but most often even better.

4. Statistics show that there are so-called "hot numbers" (Hot numbers), which were most often drawn in the previous 10 draws and which have a 61% (on average) probability of appearing again in the next draw.

5. Moreover, you won’t believe it, but you can see for yourself that with a probability of approximately 10%, the numbers that appeared in the previous (last) draw are drawn. These are super hot "priority numbers" (Prior numbers).

6. Similarly, the so-called "cold numbers" (Cold numbers) - numbers that have not been drawn for a very long time.

7. With a probability of about 2% they drop out "expected numbers" (Due numbers), which most often appear together with hot or cold numbers in pairs, triples or quadruples.

8. Well, it would be a sin to deny that the chances of winning increase if you place more bets using full and incomplete (shortened) lottery systems in the game. For example, such as .

How can we now combine and use all this?

Very simple. Use special software, everything has already been invented for us!
I don’t know what it’s like with Russian developments, but the West has plenty of it (type something like “lotto software” into Google).

Personally, I really liked it and have been using the program from www.windowslotto.com.

In short, Lotto Pro is quite interesting application, which is designed to guess the most likely, “lucky” numbers in all kinds of lotteries. Its distinctive feature is that it does not use a generator to calculate numbers random numbers, but a powerful analytical tool, the operating principle of which is based on statistical analysis, and it copes well with its task, taking into account all the above wishes.

The program comes pre-installed with more than 100 types of lotteries (all Western). But you can choose among them Gosloto lotteries that are similar to ours, for example, the same 6 out of 45 or 5 out of 36. Or you can enter your own lottery into the program with your own conditions:

The program also comes pre-installed with a bunch of different complete, incomplete, incomplete with extension numbers and systems with keys:

For proper operation program you need to know lotteries (preferably at least 50 draws). They need to be entered into special form and click on the button responsible for starting the analysis. After this, the program will make a calculation and offer a list of numbers with the highest probability of appearing in the next draw.

How to choose? Let's say you decide to use .

18 rooms. 11 of them (~61%) are of your choice and preference, you choose from the Hot column (numbers in brackets indicate the number of their occurrences in 10 latest editions), 2 numbers (~10%) - from the Prior column, 4 or 5 numbers (~27%) - from the Cold column (numbers in parentheses indicate how many draws ago in last time this number was dropped) and your choice is 1 number from the expected numbers or nothing - the Due column.

You can apply filters to the selected combinations by the number of even or odd numbers or by the minimum and maximum amount in the combinations:

According to the developers, in some types of lotteries the program allows you to guess winning numbers with a probability of 87%.

The disadvantage of the program is, as always, it is paid ($29.95; trial period 15 days). But it's worth it. Overall I recommend it!

Well, you can buy it at our kiosk. And it’s quite inexpensive. I also recommend it!

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