Beautiful villages and small towns in Germany

A person who has never been to Germany, finding himself in a modern German village, will not immediately realize that this is a village. In fact, what is a village in our country? Dirty streets, rickety fences, dilapidated houses, vegetable gardens...

There is nothing like that here at all. There are no dirty streets - you won’t see dirt here at all, asphalt and tiles are everywhere. There are no fences, neither lopsided nor straight, there are no fences at all! There is no talk of dilapidated houses at all. And no gardens! IN best case scenario lawn next to the house.

What is a German village?

Germany is located in the northern part of Europe. This is one of its most densely populated countries. There is little land, but many people. And all of it (the land) is divided into sections - patches. There is no undeveloped land here at all.

The climate, in contrast, is quite harsh by European standards. That's why people here live in communities, in groups. In this sense, German villages are truly villages. That is, in clusters of houses, unlike in Italy, where mostly in rural areas houses stand in splendid isolation.

At the same time, modern German village looks more like Small town. It has shops, pharmacies, schools and other amenities of civilized city life. Well, with the exception of the very small ones. This is what a German village looks like in the photograph.

The old German village, and there are a lot of them, given that people have lived here since time immemorial, consists of several streets. Sometimes it has an area. And the churches are local Catholic churches– is found in almost every village.

German country house

Accordingly, there are many very old houses. Such houses cannot be dismantled and rebuilt. You can only patch and reconstruct. How else can you preserve a traditional German house?

A country house in Germany almost always has two floors. Its architecture cannot be confused with anything else. This is a frame house, the beams and braces of which are visible from the outside. In general, half-timbered timber means “cellular thing” in German. Because of this, the facades of German houses in the photo look very beautiful and unique.

In the old days, the space between these cells was filled with anything: clay, stone, garbage. Now, of course, modern building materials are used to fill cells and insulate.

Houses are sometimes faced with tiles or bricks. It is rare, but it happens that the entire first floor is made of brick. It is more expensive than the frame construction method. The Germans are very thrifty people, which is why their houses are not distinguished by the elegance of their forms and the variety of designs.

Almost always it is a rectangular box with a simple gable roof. Again for reasons of economy. The roofs of old houses are covered with tiles. That's why there's a village above orange color. The second or third floor is often made into an attic.

A house in a village in Germany is not very cheap. Its price is usually from 200 to 400 thousand euros. But, of course, they are also significantly more expensive. Therefore, it cannot be said that the owner of German real estate in the village is poor, quite the opposite. Apartments in the city are much cheaper.

There are no fences around the houses here. There are sometimes small ones, and even those serve more of a decorative function. Sometimes there is a lawn next to the houses, and most often everything around the house is tiled. And the street is completely asphalted.

Despite the fact that the villagers are not poor people for the most part, they do not flaunt their wealth. There are ordinary small cars parked next to the houses. Life in the village of an ordinary burgher in years proceeds calmly and measuredly.

Entertainment in the villages is a bit tight. Therefore, young people, of course, tend to move to the city. After seven in the evening life generally calms down. Where do these people work, not on a tractor? Why, some of them are on tractors, about ten percent of the population.

The rest go to work in the city. Fortunately, the roads here are very good. And the nearest town is usually ten to twenty minutes away. This is how the story about a modern German village turned out.

Everyone from the post-Soviet space knows what life in the village is associated with. Today I invite my readers to take a short walk through a typical German village in the southwest of the country. There are thousands of such villages in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria and they all differ little from each other, so everything you read and see here can be safely applied to each of them. Well, let's see how and how the German village lives.

My village has 3,000 inhabitants and, together with two neighboring villages, forms the community of Hohberg, with a total population of about 8,000 inhabitants. The community is notable for being located at the foot of the mountainous Black Forest, and also for being one of the sunniest regions in Germany.

01. From the outside the village looks like this. The main dominant feature of the village is the Baroque church, built in 1754-1756. In general, the village, as often happens in Germany, has rich history: the first mention of it dates back to 777.

02. It’s hard to surprise me with cleanliness and order in Germany, but in the village these indicators are simply brought to the absolute. During my entire walk, I did not notice a single piece of paper on the streets, they are sterilely clean, but you can already see this from the photographs.

03. Many old half-timbered houses have been preserved in this region - in the photo there is a hotel located almost in the very center of the village.

04. Basically, the streets look like this: modern faceless houses with triangular roofs, asphalt and tiles. Dirt roads not at all in the village.

05. Also, there are no abandoned or even shabby houses here; the entire housing stock is in perfect condition, which indicates the high income of the local residents.



08. In the German village, the position of religion is traditionally strong. Often there are such decorations of facades with religious motives. There are also two church choir and several church verein.

09. One of the most beautiful houses on the central village street.

10. The pink building on the left is the city hall. When registering, I appreciated the first advantage of living in the village - no queues. I was probably the only visitor that morning and registration took 10 minutes, counting from the moment I entered front door. The official was very nice and smiling. When registering, they asked about religion, probably for statistics. He said he wasn't religious.

12. Written by hand, not printed. Cute isn't it?

14. We were pleased with the lanterns that had been preserved from the time when lighting was by gas lamps, as evidenced by the hood on the hood.

15. Sculpture of Jesus in the church courtyard.


17. The main street of the village is called Hauptstraße.

18. A few words about life in the village. As a rule, people living in a German village are far from poor. Most locals are strong middle class. Almost everything country people homeowners, not renters. A typical two-storey house in this area costs between 200,000 and 400,000 euros. So judge for yourself the income of the people living here. Despite this, people are very simple and drive the most ordinary cars, parked en masse on the side of the streets and in the courtyards of the village.

19. Another significant advantage of living in the Village is parking. It is allowed everywhere; I have never seen a sign prohibiting parking here. You can throw the cart anywhere, the main thing is that the passage does not block.

20. People in the village are completely no different from the city. This is not surprising, because average level Life in the village is much higher than in the city. And the level of education in rural schools in southern Germany is higher than the level of schools in megacities such as Frankfurt, Berlin, Hamburg.

21. The fact that you are in the village is reminded by such buildings with a tractor and other agricultural equipment parked inside. Few people, probably ten percent of the village population, are engaged in agriculture. The rest lead a normal lifestyle, no different from the city.

22. While walking around the village I checked out the local chicks :)

23. And the chicks did not take their eyes off the guy with a camera in his hands - an unprecedented type of passerby in these parts.

24. The monotony of the local landscape is diluted by a small stream flowing through the entire village. There is a walking path along it, but I won’t say that it is at least somewhat picturesque.

25. At first I thought that the building belonged to the village fire department. But it turned out that this a private house. The owner is most likely just an amateur old technology and bought himself a decommissioned fire truck, placing it in the yard for decoration.

26. As elsewhere in Germany, no matter how expensive and luxurious the mansion is, fences here have only a decorative function and are often simply absent. A high fence in this country is considered a manifestation of the owner’s redneckness and secrecy.


28. There are no fewer cyclists here than in cities. This is not surprising, because the infrastructure for this type of transport here is simply ideal. If I stay in these places for a long time, I’ll buy a bike for myself.

29. There is nothing else to see in the village, so let’s go and take a look at the territory adjacent to the village.












42. Village cemetery. This is a new cemetery, the earliest burials date back to the 90s of the last century. I walked around the entire cemetery, paying attention to the dates on the tombstones. All the people buried here lived from 70 to 90 years, which perfectly illustrates the standard of living in these parts.

43. It’s summer outside and the whole village is surrounded by greenery. From the hill you can only see the bell tower of the church and a few roofs - everything else is hidden by thick foliage.

44. I'm returning home. This is the street where I live. It is very small - only a dozen two-story houses.

45. And this is my house. He belongs to a local resident, who lives on the first floor and rents out four rooms on the second floor to tenants. Marcus is a blacksmith, he makes various jewelry and wedding rings from gold and silver and sells them. This is how he makes a living, and renting out rooms also brings him a good income. He is very nice and friendly, we are all on first name terms with him, in general the atmosphere in the house is very homely and cozy. Three of the four rooms have access to one common balcony, which stretches along the entire floor. My window is the central one.

46. ​​Let's go inside. This is the second floor - the territory of tenants. A guy from Berlin lives right behind the glass door; he gets a working profession at the same enterprise where I am writing my thesis. He almost never leaves his room, doesn’t cook in the kitchen, and I rarely see him. To the left of the Bob Marley poster is the entrance to my other neighbor's room. He graduated from the university in economic informatics and is currently working temporarily at the university. He rarely leaves the room and never cooks. On weekends, a girl comes to him and they sit together all weekend in the room and barbecue on the balcony. Both guys are friendly, but they don’t strive for any contact beyond standard politeness. To the left of the spiral staircase to the attic is the entrance to my room and opposite it to the neighbor’s room. I was lucky with my neighbor, a very sociable and sociable girl, who, when she hears that I’m cooking in the kitchen, always comes out to sit next to me and tell me how her day went. She is very open, as for a German, so we usually chat about everything. Natalie is a student, she studied for two and a half years to become a lawyer, then she realized that she was in the wrong specialty and from this semester she transferred to logistics. Despite the fact that her parents are wealthy people and her dad drives a Jaguar, she receives only 150 euros a month from them, which is not enough for her to even pay for the rent of a room, so she is forced to work while studying.

47. This is what the kitchen looks like, modest but cozy. True, we cook, that is, I cook (in two weeks I haven’t seen anyone else cook anything other than pizza in the microwave) downstairs in Marcus’s kitchen, because there is no electric stove on the second floor and there is also no sink for washing dishes .

48. Well, the holy of holies is my cozy den:) There is everything a person needs for a fulfilling life. The heating works even in summer, tested. Fast W-LAN, access to the balcony. There is even a leather chair with a footrest for complete relaxation on the balcony. True, in the almost two weeks that I have been living here, I have never used it once.

49. Thanks to the large glass area, the room is very bright, and at night you can close the thick curtains and it becomes very cozy. All this costs me 250 euros per month, including electricity, heating, water and internet, but from September the price rises to 270.

50. And finally, the balcony. We have one for three of us. It’s a great place to relax, but on weekdays I come home in the evening, and on weekends I’m not at home, so the balcony is a nice option, but in my situation it’s useless.

51. This is how we live in this small but comfortable village.

I have already listed the advantages of living in the village: the absence of queues, problems with parking, beautiful nature one hundred meters from the house. The road to work without traffic jams among picturesque landscapes. But there are, of course, disadvantages. For example, today I needed to send a letter, but the post office is open only three hours a day from 9 to 12, and on some days additionally from 1 to 16. That is, it is problematic for a working person to send a letter. I had to go to the neighboring town of Lahr to buy there postage stamp in the machine. There are only two stores: “Edeka”, which has astronomical prices, and “Penny”, located outside the village near the federal highway. Again, you need to go to neighboring cities for shopping. All doctors and government agencies are also in cities. Fortunately, they are only 10-15 minutes away by car. This is less than driving from any area on the outskirts of Dresden to the center.

If you have a car, all these problems cease to exist, but life without a personal car will be a little more complicated, since the bus to the city runs once an hour, and even less often on weekends.

That's basically all I wanted to tell you about the German village. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to write in the comments. I will try to satisfy your curiosity.

Village in Germany another village - discord. There are very small villages in which there is absolutely no infrastructure of any kind - there is a forest all around, nice houses, a small biergarten and that’s all... Therefore, in order to buy something for the residents of such mini-villages, they have to start the engine... or spin the pedals...

But many villages in Germany, of course, are equipped with - at a minimum - a butcher shop, a bakery and a small supermarket.

Village in Germany- this is not at all a place where only farmers live, where the roads are bad and where cow dung lies at every step. Quite the opposite - these are clean and cozy villages, with smooth roads, with cute houses - more like the areas remote from the city where they live ordinary people different professions who get up in the morning and go to work, which is 50 km (and sometimes 100!) from home.

As statistics show, the younger generation, when leaving their father’s home, leaves the villages and is in no hurry to return to them. Only a small percentage of them - having started a family - settle down again in some nice village.

Königsbronn - a village in Germany

I spent the first ten months of my life in Germany in a small village. It is called Königsbronn and is located only ten kilometers from the current place of residence. Only 7,000 people live in it. This village is cozy and cute, like many villages in Germany.

Königsbronn has all the necessary establishments: two supermarkets, two bakeries, a pastry shop, two butcher shops, three pharmacies, a general practitioner, a dentist, two restaurants, a pizzeria, a Turkish eatery, several pubs, two banks, a post office, four hairdressers, a gas station, small rural library, one , Primary School, Train Station. This is one of those villages where you can live without having one car for each adult family member.

The main attraction of Königsbronn is the town hall, which was built in 1769 in the Rococo style. Initially, the building was not a town hall, but a hotel for passing dukes and other eminent persons. And for seven whole years it was even used as a candle factory. And only in 1885 it became the town hall.

Not far from the town hall there is a small church with a chapel and walls from the monastery that once existed on this site. The monastery was destroyed back in 1552 - during the wars of reformation, only ruins remained - which were not demolished, and part of the wall - which surrounded the entire territory of the monastery.

Königsbronn once had its own large brewery, which, by the way, belonged to a monastery. The building still stands, but it has not produced beer for a long time. They say that the villagers can't wait for this colossus to be demolished and something more useful to be built in this place.

The fact that the brewery belonged to the monastery is reminiscent of these drawings on the buildings of the village:

Next to the brewery there is a former “brewery taproom” - and now it is a traditional restaurant on the ground floor and a small hotel on the subsequent floors.

On the walls of the monastery mentioned above hang iron plates with names important personalities- dukes and kings connected in one way or another with the described village in Germany.

And near the church there is a wall with the names of those who went to the war of 1939-1945 from Königsbronn and died. When I saw this memorial, everything inside me just rose and shouted: “a monument to the fascists? like this? Why is this? – I thought.

And only then did I understand and accept that they, too, were someone’s sons and husbands, and not all of them supported the policies of the Nazis. There is a clear example of this:

Königsbronn is very proud of one of its residents. His name is Georg Elser, he lived in a village in the last century. In 1939, he single-handedly planned the assassination of Hitler himself by placing a bomb where the Nazi leader was supposed to speak. But fate decreed something completely different. Hitler was very lucky; on that day he was in a hurry to return to Berlin and left 8 minutes before the explosion occurred (although according to the plan he should have been there for at least another hour) - otherwise he would have been buried under the ruins of a Munich house. Georg Elser was arrested that same evening, and 6 years later he was shot.

A monument is dedicated to him, which stands right at the Königsbronn railway station. By the way, very often there are flowers and a lit candle next to the figure of Elser.

His photo with brief history how he carried out an assassination attempt on the Nazis - he meets all the visitors to the village.

In addition to buildings and famous people, Königsbronn also pampers the eye of any visitor with its nature. The village is surrounded by forest on all sides:

The Brenz River flows in Königsbronn, as does. Moreover, there is an amazing spring bubbling out from under the rocky mountains - they call it Brenztopf - “Brenz pan”. The water in it is simply emerald, you don’t want to take your eyes off this color. A few steps from the source they made a special staircase and a stone bottom - you can walk there, holding on to special handrails, it is believed that this is very useful, the water temperature remains unchanged throughout the year: +7 degrees - for me, even two seconds is a lot, I don’t I can stand it - but the Germans, as you know, are patient and also

This is my first one village in Germany– small, but with history and beautiful places. True, living in this village after my native Tashkent was very dreary and boring, especially in the cold season. Although all my friends - young families living in villages - are simply happy and do not understand how one can even love living in the city and why it is necessary.

But statistics still say something else: in Lately Residents of Germany are trying to move to cities, and German metropolitan areas are experiencing a real boom!

Everyone from the post-Soviet space knows what life in the village is associated with. Today I invite my readers to take a short walk through a typical German village in the southwest of the country. There are thousands of such villages in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria and they all differ little from each other, so everything you read and see here can be safely applied to each of them. Well, let's see how and how the German village lives.

My village has 3,000 inhabitants and, together with two neighboring villages, forms the community of Hohberg, with a total population of about 8,000 inhabitants. The community is notable for being located at the foot of the mountainous Black Forest, and also for being one of the sunniest regions in Germany.

01. From the outside the village looks like this. The main dominant feature of the village is the Baroque church, built in 1754-1756. In general, the village, as often happens in Germany, has a rich history: the first mention of it dates back to 777.

02. It’s hard to surprise me with cleanliness and order in Germany, but in the village these indicators are simply brought to the absolute. During my entire walk, I did not notice a single piece of paper on the streets, they are sterilely clean, but you can already see this from the photographs.

03. Many old half-timbered houses have been preserved in this region - in the photo there is a hotel located almost in the very center of the village.

04. Basically, the streets look like this: modern faceless houses with triangular roofs, asphalt and tiles. There are no dirt roads in the village at all.

05. Also, there are no abandoned or even shabby houses here; the entire housing stock is in perfect condition, which indicates the high income of the local residents.



08. In the German village, the position of religion is traditionally strong. Often there are such decorations of facades with religious motifs. There are also two church choirs and several church verein in the village.

09. Some of the most beautiful houses on the central village street.

10. The pink building on the left is the city hall. When registering, I appreciated the first advantage of living in the village - no queues. I was probably the only visitor that morning and registration took 10 minutes, counting from the moment I walked through the front door. The official was very nice and smiling. When registering, they asked about religion, probably for statistics. He said he wasn't religious.

12. Written by hand, not printed. Cute isn't it?

14. We were pleased with the lanterns that had been preserved from the time when lighting was by gas lamps, as evidenced by the hood on the hood.

15. Sculpture of Jesus in the church courtyard.


17. The main street of the village is called Hauptstraße.

18. A few words about life in the village. As a rule, people living in a German village are far from poor. Most local residents are firmly middle class. Almost all village residents are homeowners, not renters. A typical two-storey house in this area costs between 200,000 and 400,000 euros. So judge for yourself the income of the people living here. Despite this, people are very simple and drive the most ordinary cars, parked en masse on the side of the streets and in the courtyards of the village.

19. Another significant advantage of living in the Village is parking. It is allowed everywhere; I have never seen a sign prohibiting parking here. You can throw the cart anywhere, the main thing is that the passage does not block.

20. People in the village are completely no different from the city. This is not surprising, because the average standard of living in the village is much higher than in the city. And the level of education in rural schools in southern Germany is higher than the level of schools in megacities such as Frankfurt, Berlin, Hamburg.

21. The fact that you are in the village is reminded by such buildings with a tractor and other agricultural equipment parked inside. Few people, probably ten percent of the village population, are engaged in agriculture. The rest lead a normal lifestyle, no different from the city.

22. While walking around the village I checked out the local chicks :)

23. And the chicks did not take their eyes off the guy with a camera in his hands - an unprecedented type of passerby in these parts.

24. The monotony of the local landscape is diluted by a small stream flowing through the entire village. There is a walking path along it, but I won’t say that it is at least somewhat picturesque.

25. At first I thought that the building belonged to the village fire department. But it turned out that this was a private house. The owner is most likely just a lover of old equipment and bought himself a decommissioned fire truck, placing it in the yard for decoration.

26. As elsewhere in Germany, no matter how expensive and luxurious the mansion is, fences here have only a decorative function and are often simply absent. A high fence in this country is considered a manifestation of the owner’s redneckness and secrecy.


28. There are no fewer cyclists here than in cities. This is not surprising, because the infrastructure for this type of transport here is simply ideal. If I stay in these places for a long time, I’ll buy a bike for myself.

29. There is nothing else to see in the village, so let’s go and take a look at the territory adjacent to the village.












42. Village cemetery. This is a new cemetery, the earliest burials date back to the 90s of the last century. I walked around the entire cemetery, paying attention to the dates on the tombstones. All the people buried here lived from 70 to 90 years, which perfectly illustrates the standard of living in these parts.

43. It’s summer outside and the whole village is surrounded by greenery. From the hill you can only see the bell tower of the church and a few roofs - everything else is hidden by thick foliage.

44. I'm returning home. This is the street where I live. It is very small - only a dozen two-story houses.

45. And this is my house. It belongs to a local resident who lives on the first floor and rents out four rooms on the second floor to tenants. Marcus is a blacksmith, he makes various jewelry and wedding rings from gold and silver and sells them. This is how he makes a living, and renting out rooms also brings him a good income. He is very nice and friendly, we are all on first name terms with him, in general the atmosphere in the house is very homely and cozy. Three of the four rooms have access to one common balcony, which stretches along the entire floor. My window is the central one.

46. ​​Let's go inside. This is the second floor - the territory of tenants. A guy from Berlin lives right behind the glass door, he gets a working profession at the same enterprise where I write thesis. He almost never leaves his room, doesn’t cook in the kitchen, and I rarely see him. To the left of the Bob Marley poster is the entrance to my other neighbor's room. He graduated from the university in economic informatics and is currently working temporarily at the university. He rarely leaves the room and never cooks. On weekends, a girl comes to him and they sit together all weekend in the room and barbecue on the balcony. Both guys are friendly, but they don’t strive for any contact beyond standard politeness. To the left of the spiral staircase to the attic is the entrance to my room and opposite it to the neighbor’s room. I was lucky with my neighbor, a very sociable and sociable girl, who, when she hears that I’m cooking in the kitchen, always comes out to sit next to me and tell me how her day went. She is very open, as for a German, so we usually chat about everything. Natalie is a student, she studied for two and a half years to become a lawyer, then she realized that she was in the wrong specialty and from this semester she transferred to logistics. Despite the fact that her parents are wealthy people and her dad drives a Jaguar, she receives only 150 euros a month from them, which is not enough for her to even pay for the rent of a room, so she is forced to work while studying.

47. This is what the kitchen looks like, modest but cozy. True, we cook, that is, I cook (in two weeks I haven’t seen anyone else cook anything other than pizza in the microwave) downstairs in Marcus’s kitchen, because there is no electric stove on the second floor and there is also no sink for washing dishes .

48. Well, the holy of holies is my cozy den:) There is everything a person needs for a fulfilling life. The heating works even in summer, tested. Fast W-LAN, access to the balcony. There is even a leather chair with a footrest for complete relaxation on the balcony. True, in the almost two weeks that I have been living here, I have never used it once.

49. Thanks to the large glass area, the room is very bright, and at night you can close the thick curtains and it becomes very cozy. All this costs me 250 euros per month, including electricity, heating, water and internet, but from September the price rises to 270.

50. And finally, the balcony. We have one for three of us. It’s a great place to relax, but on weekdays I come home in the evening, and on weekends I’m not at home, so the balcony is a nice option, but in my situation it’s useless.

51. This is how we live in this small but comfortable village.

I have already listed the advantages of living in the village: the absence of queues, problems with parking, beautiful nature a hundred meters from the house. The road to work without traffic jams among picturesque landscapes. But there are, of course, disadvantages. For example, today I needed to send a letter, but the post office is open only three hours a day from 9 to 12, and on some days additionally from 1 to 16. That is, it is problematic for a working person to send a letter. I had to go to the neighboring town of Lahr to buy a postage stamp from a machine there. There are only two stores: “Edeka”, which has astronomical prices, and “Penny”, located outside the village near the federal highway. Again, you need to go to neighboring cities for shopping. All doctors and government agencies are also in cities. Fortunately, they are only 10-15 minutes away by car. This is less than driving from any area on the outskirts of Dresden to the center.

If you have a car, all these problems cease to exist, but life without a personal car will be a little more complicated, since the bus to the city runs once an hour, and even less often on weekends.

That's basically all I wanted to tell you about the German village. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to write in the comments. I will try to satisfy your curiosity.

Everyone from the post-Soviet space knows what life in the village is associated with. Today I invite my readers to take a short walk through a typical German village in the southwest of the country. There are thousands of such villages in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria and they all differ little from each other, so everything you read and see here can be safely applied to each of them. Well, let's see how and how the German village lives.

My village has 3,000 inhabitants and, together with two neighboring villages, forms the community of Hohberg, with a total population of about 8,000 inhabitants. The community is notable for being located at the foot of the mountainous Black Forest, and also for being one of the sunniest regions in Germany.

From the outside the village looks like this. The main dominant feature of the village is the Baroque church, built in 1754-1756. In general, the village, as often happens in Germany, has a rich history: the first mention of it dates back to 777.

It’s hard to surprise me with the cleanliness and order in Germany, but in the village these indicators are simply brought to the absolute. During my entire walk, I did not notice a single piece of paper on the streets, they are sterilely clean, but you can already see this from the photographs.

In this region, many old half-timbered houses have been preserved - in the photo there is a hotel located almost in the very center of the village.

Basically, the streets look like this: modern faceless houses with triangular roofs, asphalt and tiles. There are no dirt roads in the village at all.

Also, there are no abandoned or even shabby houses here; the entire housing stock is in perfect condition, which indicates the high income of the local residents.

In the German countryside, religion traditionally has a strong position. Often there are such decorations of facades with religious motifs. There are also two church choirs and several church verein in the village.

Some of the most beautiful houses on the central village street.

The pink building on the left is the city hall. When registering, I appreciated the first advantage of living in the village - no queues. I was probably the only visitor that morning and registration took 10 minutes, counting from the moment I walked through the front door. The official was very nice and smiling. When registering, they asked about religion, probably for statistics. He said he wasn't religious.

Handwritten, not printed. Cute isn't it?

We were pleased with the lanterns that had been preserved from the time when lighting was by gas lamps, as evidenced by the hood on the hood.

Sculpture of Jesus in the church courtyard.

A few words about life in the village. As a rule, people living in a German village are far from poor. Most local residents are firmly middle class. Almost all village residents are homeowners, not renters. A typical two-storey house in this area costs between 200,000 and 400,000 euros. So judge for yourself the income of the people living here. Despite this, people are very simple and drive the most ordinary cars, parked en masse on the side of the streets and in the courtyards of the village.

Another significant advantage of living in the Village is parking. It is allowed everywhere; I have never seen a sign prohibiting parking here. You can throw the cart anywhere, the main thing is that the passage does not block.

People in the village are completely no different from the city. This is not surprising, because the average standard of living in the village is much higher than in the city. And the level of education in rural schools in southern Germany is higher than the level of schools in megacities such as Frankfurt, Berlin, Hamburg.

The fact that you are in the village is reminded by such buildings with a tractor and other agricultural equipment parked inside. Few people, probably ten percent of the village population, are engaged in agriculture. The rest lead a normal lifestyle, no different from the city.

While walking around the village I checked out the local chicks :)

And the chicks did not take their eyes off the guy with a camera in his hands - an unprecedented type of passerby in these parts.

The monotony of the local landscape is diluted by a small stream flowing through the entire village. There is a walking path along it, but I won’t say that it is at least somewhat picturesque.

At first I thought the building belonged to the village fire department. But it turned out that this was a private house. The owner is most likely just a lover of old equipment and bought himself a decommissioned fire truck, placing it in the yard for decoration.

As elsewhere in Germany, no matter how expensive and luxurious the mansion is, fences here have only a decorative function, and are often simply absent. A high fence in this country is considered a manifestation of the owner’s redneckness and secrecy.

There are no fewer cyclists here than in cities. This is not surprising, because the infrastructure for this type of transport here is simply ideal. If I stay in these places for a long time, I’ll buy a bike for myself.

There is nothing else to see in the village, so let’s take a look at the territory adjacent to the village.

Village cemetery. This is a new cemetery, the earliest burials date back to the 90s of the last century. I walked around the entire cemetery, paying attention to the dates on the tombstones. All the people buried here lived from 70 to 90 years, which perfectly illustrates the standard of living in these parts.

It's summer outside and the whole village is surrounded by greenery. From the hill you can only see the bell tower of the church and a few roofs - everything else is hidden by thick foliage.

Coming home. This is the street where I live. It is very small - only a dozen two-story houses.

And this is my home. It belongs to a local resident who lives on the first floor and rents out four rooms on the second floor to tenants. Marcus is a blacksmith, he makes various jewelry and wedding rings from gold and silver and sells them. This is how he makes a living, and renting out rooms also brings him a good income. He is very nice and friendly, we are all on first name terms with him, in general the atmosphere in the house is very homely and cozy. Three of the four rooms have access to one common balcony, which stretches along the entire floor. My window is the central one.

Let's go inside. This is the second floor - the territory of tenants. A guy from Berlin lives right behind the glass door; he gets a working profession at the same enterprise where I am writing my thesis. He almost never leaves his room, doesn’t cook in the kitchen, and I rarely see him. To the left of the Bob Marley poster is the entrance to my other neighbor's room. He graduated from the university in economic informatics and is currently working temporarily at the university. He rarely leaves the room and never cooks. On weekends, a girl comes to him and they sit together all weekend in the room and barbecue on the balcony. Both guys are friendly, but they don’t strive for any contact beyond standard politeness. To the left of the spiral staircase to the attic is the entrance to my room and opposite it to the neighbor’s room. I was lucky with my neighbor, a very sociable and sociable girl, who, when she hears that I’m cooking in the kitchen, always comes out to sit next to me and tell me how her day went. She is very open, as for a German, so we usually chat about everything. Natalie is a student, she studied for two and a half years to become a lawyer, then she realized that she was in the wrong specialty and from this semester she transferred to logistics. Despite the fact that her parents are wealthy people and her dad drives a Jaguar, she receives only 150 euros a month from them, which is not enough for her to even pay for the rent of a room, so she is forced to work while studying.

This is what the kitchen looks like, modest but cozy. True, we cook, that is, I cook (in two weeks I haven’t seen anyone else cook anything other than pizza in the microwave) downstairs in Marcus’s kitchen, because there is no electric stove on the second floor and there is also no sink for washing dishes .

Well, the holy of holies is my cozy den :) There is everything a person needs for a fulfilling life. The heating works even in summer, tested. Fast W-LAN, access to the balcony. There is even a leather chair with a footrest for complete relaxation on the balcony. True, in the almost two weeks that I have been living here, I have never used it once.

Thanks to the large glass area, the room is very bright, and at night you can close the thick curtains and it becomes very cozy. All this costs me 250 euros per month, including electricity, heating, water and internet, but from September the price rises to 270.

And finally, the balcony. We have one for three of us. It’s a great place to relax, but on weekdays I come home in the evening, and on weekends I’m not at home, so the balcony is a nice option, but in my situation it’s useless.

This is how we live in this small but comfortable village.

I have already listed the advantages of living in the village: the absence of queues, problems with parking, beautiful nature a hundred meters from the house. The road to work without traffic jams among picturesque landscapes. But there are, of course, disadvantages. For example, today I needed to send a letter, but the post office is open only three hours a day from 9 to 12, and on some days additionally from 1 to 16. That is, it is problematic for a working person to send a letter. I had to go to the neighboring town of Lahr to buy a postage stamp from a machine there. There are only two stores: “Edeka”, which has astronomical prices, and “Penny”, located outside the village near the federal highway. Again, you need to go to neighboring cities for shopping. All doctors and government agencies are also in cities. Fortunately, they are only 10-15 minutes away by car. This is less than driving from any area on the outskirts of Dresden to the center.

If you have a car, all these problems cease to exist, but life without a personal car will be a little more complicated, since the bus to the city runs once an hour, and even less often on weekends.

That's basically all I wanted to tell you about the German village. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to write in the comments. I will try to satisfy your curiosity.


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