Brief congratulations on the man’s 50th birthday. Birthday script. Scenario for a man's anniversary (50 years)

Anniversary 50 years - important holiday for the hero of the day, it’s time to sum up the results. It is best to organize a holiday in a cafe or restaurant in separate room, but you can also do it at home or at the dacha, if you have enough space, because many guests are invited to such holidays - relatives, friends, employees - everyone is in a hurry to congratulate the birthday person on such a wonderful day.
It is better if the host of the holiday is a woman (man's anniversary). Musical accompaniment discussed in advance (it’s better to invite a professional DJ) .


- Guests, ladies, gentlemen!
It's not in vain that you came here
Congratulations to the hero of the day
I wish you good health!
How beautiful you all are, bravo!
I have the right to congratulate you!
Also sing and have fun,
And please don’t leave!
Get acquainted, if you don't know each other,
I ask everyone to feel at home!

Guests enter and sit at tables (table if at home), the presenter introduces the hero of the day.


For a wonderful anniversary
We invited guests
The hero of the day was dressed decently
And he looks great.
So we decided at this hour
Find out everything about him from you -
Well, let's begin: Both small and old -
Who is the hero of the day today? (called First Name and Patronymic)
Who is so ironed and clean-shaven,
What does the emperor look like? (Name*)
Yes, we all recognized the hero of the day,
But the wonderful date has not yet been announced... (50 years)
What do you want to say? 50 years is a special holiday. A person strives for something all his life, he sets goals for himself, and for half a century he achieves them. He falls in love, gets married, gives birth and raises children, and then marries his children or gives them away in marriage. This is how life continues, and its circle is endless. But 50 years is the first serious date that makes you think about your life and take stock of your life, as well as decide what goals you need to achieve in the future.
As you know, summing up is usually accompanied by prizes and congratulations. Today these results will be summed up by the relatives, friends and associates of our hero of the day, and he will be able to sum up his personal results later, when the guests say all their warmest words and leave (but it will happen again, oh, not soon) . So, let's start summing up with the parents of the hero of the day (the song " Parents' house») . The floor is given (depending on the situation, the mother and father, one of them, if the parents are no longer alive, then the floor can be given to those who remember the hero of the day as children - aunt, uncle, etc. It’s good to make a montage of children's photographs of the hero of the day, and use an overhead projector to show them.


In the first category, the award “The Most loving son"receives (Name*), he is awarded a medal (corresponding inscription) . Let's fill our glasses and drink to the parents of our hero of the day.

Appetizing pause. Meal.


What is 50 years? A kind of golden mean. There is a lot of strength, a feeling of cheerfulness is inherent, our (Name*) he feels young, but his children have already grown up, and he has made a career, and other issues have been resolved. What remains? Live and enjoy life!
(you can include the song “I love you, life!”)


We have just learned that the organization where our hero of the day works has established a special award “Pride of the Company.” This title is assigned to oneself best employee in connection with some significant event in his life. For many years of hard work, high performance at work, as well as for the ability to provide support, support the company and make any employee laugh, this title is now being given to our (Name*). The company's management believes that the moment when fate brought (Name*) into their organization, very successful. The floor for congratulations and awards is given to the head of the company (FULL NAME).


- Yeah, it's a long road
Run five dozen.
Let's say strictly to the hero of the day:
“We need to wash it urgently!”

Appetizing pause. Meal.


Let's deviate a little from the regulations and instead of congratulating us, we'll now arrange a quiz game that will help us find someone who knows everything about our hero of the day.
Quiz game: “The best informant”
Quiz questions:
1. Name the exact date birthday of the hero of the day.
2. Who knows the place where he was born?
3. Who can name the hero of the day’s favorite toy?
4. In what year did he start first grade?
5. What is the name of the school where he studied?
6. What grades did he get in his first year of study?
7. Who can name his first teacher?
8. Very difficult question: What was the name of the birthday boy’s first love?
9. Who was our hero of the day’s friend at school?
10. Name the most terrible prank of our hero of the day at school.
11. Where did our birthday boy study after school?
12. When did he receive his higher education diploma?
13. Where did our hero of the day work after college (technical school)?
14. What did he spend his first salary on?
15. Name the date of his marriage.
16. Who knows how the hero of the day met his future wife?
17. What flowers did he give to his bride?
18. Who chose the names of the children of the hero of the day?
19. Does our birthday boy love formal suit and a tie?
20. Name the birthday boy’s hobby.
21. Where did he spend his very first holiday with his family?
22. Name the favorite song of the hero of the day.
23. What brand of car does the birthday boy own?
24. Does he have a dacha? (Vacation home)?
25. How many floors are there in the house where the birthday boy lives?
26. Name the zodiac sign of our hero of the day.
27. Which one alcoholic drink Does the birthday boy prefer?
28. Name our birthday boy’s favorite dish.
29. Does the hero of the day have a dream?
For each correct answer, the guesser receives a card (shape and color are arbitrary). After the quiz is completed. Its results are summed up. The one who answers the most questions receives the “Best Informant” medal.


In the life of every man, three stages can be distinguished - first he is a loving son and an enthusiastic young man, then loving husband and a reverent father, then a stately grandfather who adores his grandchildren. Our birthday boy has successfully overcome this distance; at this stage, his children and grandchildren are rushing to congratulate him (if present) . The floor is given to (children's names). A toast to the children with wishes of health and goodness.

Appetizing pause. Meal.


Everyone remembers what the hero of the day’s favorite song is (sounded in the quiz) . Let's do it all together (guests sing a song in chorus) .
- I'm sure that ours (Name*) delighted with your performance, but what holiday could be complete without reading poetry? To you, dear friends (addresses guests) , you need to read poetry own composition. Your task: to compose an ode of praise to our birthday boy. It should contain the words “anniversary”, life, birthday, birthday.

Competition: “The best poet of our time”

Guests are divided into two teams, they are given sheets of paper and pens, and given 8-10 minutes to write a poem. Then the presenter reads the resulting works out loud. The winner is chosen by popular vote. He receives the comic title “Best Poet of Our Time” and Laurel wreath (from cardboard, prepared in advance) on the head.


- To live for half a century -
This is a special gift
You need to be friends with everyone
And say goodbye to anger
We all wish the hero of the day
Only happiness and love!
So that there is a lot of health,
Those were blessed days.

Appetizing pause. Meal.


- Well, it's time for everyone to dance.
Are you ready to show yourself?

(several musical compositions, fast ones are replaced by slow ones).

Presenter (invites everyone to the tables) :

- We danced great
But we haven't had a drink for a long time
We fill the glasses together,
Let's drink together for (Name*).

Appetizing pause. Meal.


To go through such a significant path in your life, you need to have reliable friends and a faithful companion nearby. She became such a companion for our hero of the day. (wife's middle name) , let's give her the floor to congratulate (Congratulations from the wife sound) .


Very Nice words said (Spouse name) to our hero of the day. But now we will all find out how she really sees her husband.
Competition for the wife: “Portrait of a loved one.”
The wife of the hero of the day is blindfolded and given a marker. A sheet of paper is attached so that guests can see it. Blindfolded, she must draw a portrait of her most beloved husband.
Regardless of the result (which usually brings a lot of excitement and joy) , the wife of the hero of the day is awarded the medal “For devotion and fidelity to his ideal”


Yes, let’s not argue with the fact that our hero of the day has a wonderful wife - beautiful, faithful, attentive. How much does he value his wife? Please (Name*) go to the center of the hall.
Competition for husband: Find your favorite
4 women and the wife of the hero of the day are called to the center of the hall. The birthday boy is blindfolded. Among five women he must find his beloved.
Five women line up in a row, he approaches each one in turn and, without removing the bandage, must find his wife.

At the end, the birthday boy receives an award: “The most devoted husband century"


(Holds in his hands a bottle of wine with the name of the hero of the day pasted on it)
- I ask you all to pay attention to the wine
After all, they named him in honor of the hero of the day.
They kept it in the cellars for so long,
So that you drink it with pleasure.
And to find out if it is ready,
Let's all drink it together.
This bottle of wine
We pass it back and forth.
And for whom the music stops
He is giving us a congratulatory speech!
(A bottle of wine is passed from hand to hand, music plays, then suddenly stops. Whoever it stops at pours wine into a glass and makes a toast with congratulations to the hero of the day).
Then you can hold 2-3 competitions, for example:
Competition of ditties.
(The guests are divided into two teams and take turns singing ditties. The winners are those who sing the most funny ditties. You can also present awards for “For fun and resourcefulness”, “For the most mischievous ditty”, “For courage”)

Competition: "The fastest"

Several male participants are called. Everyone gets a piece of ice. It needs to be melted as quickly as possible. The one who does this first wins the prize: "The hottest man of the century."

Competition: “The most patient”

Balloons lie on the floor. Men who wish to participate are called. You need to crush the ball by sitting on it. This is not easy to do. The winner receives the Most Persistent Man of the Century medal.


- To the laughter of friends and the clink of glasses
Let me take the floor today -
Everyone gathered for the anniversary
A person dear to us.
We wish it so for long years
Health, vigor, good luck
All kinds of success, victories,
So that problems can be solved easily!
Let all your dreams come true,
Friends, they are doable.
Don't forget about kindness
Give warmth to your loved ones.
Let them rush into your house
They strive for joy, sun, happiness,
And every year that comes
Add tenderness and passion!
Let's celebrate the anniversary,
And our meeting dear
Let's drink to our friends
And our life - as it is - such!

Remember, dear friends. Our life flies by unnoticed, like a fast train. Sometimes don't be afraid to break the rules to get what you want. Be sad less often and laugh more often. Remember those who do good deeds for you. Love those who walk through life next to you. Appreciate every moment of your life! Let your optimism help you live and never dry up. And I wish the hero of the day long life, happiness, health, and that you will always be by his side.
Happy birthday! (Loudly, together with the guests) . At this time, a birthday cake decorated with candles or firework candles is taken out, or fireworks thunder outside the window.
At this point, the official part is declared closed. The evening continues (dancing, feast) .

In ancient times, the date of 50 years ago was considered a jubilee. People gathered together, lit a big fire and blew the deer horn in celebration. We continue the traditions of our ancestors and are happy to celebrate such an important date.

It is better to start preparing for your 50th anniversary in advance, especially if we are talking about a man dear to you. This time there is no way to get by with a simple feast. Let's look at it step by step:

  1. You will need beautiful embossed invitation cards, decorated with the ornate initials of the hero of the day, a personal signature, as well as a short text, preferably handwritten;
  2. Celebrating a 50th anniversary usually involves an expensive restaurant with live music, but if a man is more comfortable in his home, he can celebrate widely at home.
  3. Take care of the decor. As is known, half-century anniversary– this is noble gold, which means that the color scheme of the design has already been predetermined.
  4. Perhaps it was worth starting with this point: delicious favorite food. If we are talking about a man, then his 50th anniversary should be based on good wines, hearty snacks and mouth-watering dishes.
  5. Entertainment. It’s worth thinking about how you will maintain a joyful mood during the evening, what kind of music will be played, what kind of music will be anniversary script and who will be the ringleader. After all, your man is 50 years old, everything should be played out brilliantly.

Spend some time on the scenario: what can entertain the birthday boy, what competitions and jokes will create a cozy and fun evening. Prepare toasts for your 50th anniversary in advance, compose a very personal text. You will be able to help out the guests, and the man celebrating the anniversary will be pleased.

Scenario for a man’s 50th anniversary “Radiant Jubilee”

The proposed scenario for celebrating a man’s 50th birthday is suitable both for holding a celebration at home and in a restaurant. The room is decorated with gold ribbons, serpentine, sparkling gold foil balls, compositions of yellow and orange fresh flowers would be appropriate.

In the invitation, guests should be warned to decorate their clothes with a bright attribute: a catchy tie, a funny “butterfly”, a large flower in the hair or a colored scarf.

Crystal chime of glasses, happy faces of friends.
It is no coincidence that we have gathered today; the anniversary united us!
So let’s wish the sea happiness, wishes come true soon,
Continue to walk under a lucky star and look ahead of you proudly!
And our joyful evening today
The words that will seal our meeting will be revealed!

For the official anniversary vow, I will ask everyone to fill their glasses to the brim and stand up!

Oath for guests in honor of the anniversary

Today we will rest,
Sing songs all evening.
That we stay all night
We are on that anniversary... We swear!
That we will tell ringing jokes,
That we will praise the hero of the day,
We'll start dancing throughout the holiday.
We are on that anniversary... We swear!
For every toast, shout “Hurray!”
And if there is a competition or a game,
That we don't give up so easily
We are on that anniversary... We swear!

Leading: Happy birthday, (name of the birthday boy)!
We raise a glass in your honor!
The first toast was made today!
You are young today
You are golden today!
Cherish your importance,
Don’t rush to say goodbye to her!
In the East they say:
Wealth is the pleasure of life
You are truly rich
Cheerful, healthy, immaculate!

The guests drink to the hero of the day.

Presentation of a diploma with a photograph of the hero of the day and a medal “For taking the 50th anniversary”

Leading: In honor of the honorary golden jubilee, we appoint (the name and patronymic of the hero of the day) as the supreme commander-in-chief of the celebration and general of the holiday! (The hero of the day is decorated with a gold ribbon) I ask everyone to stand up, a solemn three-time “Hurray” sounds! (Fanfare)

Presentation of certificates and medals (The certificate, medal and bouquet of flowers are presented by a beautifully dressed girl, for example, the daughter of the hero of the day).

Leading: The golden certificate is solemnly awarded
To those who are distinguished by excellent health,
Who never despairs in life,
The one who succeeds in every task!

Presentation of a certificate.

The hero of the day is awarded a brilliant medal,
What a glorious way to reach the milestone of the 50th anniversary!
For the medal you have to buy a carpet,
And hang it up for everyone to see!
The birthday boy was awarded a medal,
And henceforth he vows to be steadfast!
Now he is forbidden to get sick, grow old,
But just become prettier and younger!
Wear your medal proudly, like a general,
Who only won in this life!
A medal is placed around the neck of the hero of the day and a bouquet of flowers is presented.
And now let’s fill our glasses for the clear mind, keen eye and strong fist of our hero of the day!

(Guests drink while standing)

Song "About the hero of the day"

Leading: Noble hero of the day
I haven’t lost my taste for life,
And our guests are no problem,
Let's show the anniversary scale!

The minus of the song “About Hares” from the film “The Diamond Arm” is turned on; guests need to be given the previously prepared words of the song.

There is comfort in our hall, together we celebrate,
Everyone wants to say, congratulations are heard.
The evening is clear, and we fill our glass
In your honor, let’s sing a song from the heart!

Chorus: But we don’t care, but we don’t care,
May the calendar not know your years!

We are in awe of such fate,
You are an example for us, for the family you are a king!
On this anniversary day we will tell you frankly,
Let your dreams come true!
The gaze is burning, the heart is beating, young as before,
There is a clear path ahead, full of new victories!

Leading: Dear guests, I ask everyone who honors and appreciates our hero of the day to raise their right hand! And those who love and adore the birthday boy - left hand! And now applause in honor of the holiday!
We turn on all our attention,
Let's complete my tasks!
Thumbs up
And we lower our left hand to our knee
On the knee of my dear one,
To my dear neighbor!
A right hand meanwhile the neighbor's shoulder hugs,
Rocks everyone to the music!
Let a smile sparkle on your face,
And under the table the leg beats out the rhythm!
And now, without sparing the wine,
Let's dare to fill our glasses!
It's not a sin to clink glasses with your neighbor on the left,
And so that our neighbor on the right is not angry
Let’s clink glasses with him and shout: “Congratulations!”
We empty our glasses to the bottom!

Table and dance break

Leading: A kind, congratulatory word,
Positive for the heart and ears
The family wants to say,
Let's applaud, friends!

Congratulations from the family

Fate caressed and sometimes struck.
Relatives were the support of the dear hero of the day
For the duration of the whole journey.
And in honor of the family, I ask you to bring cups!

Chant for guests in honor of the birthday boy “Five:Zero”

Leading: You conduct your affairs skillfully,
Try this, who can argue?
Keep your body healthy
And you won with life

Guests: Five:Zero

Leading: The fan club is running for your signature,
For them, you are a hero every day!
In the next victorious match, without timidity,
You come out with an advantage

Guests: Five:Zero

Leading: Your fate lay differently,
And there was sweetness in it, there was a little salt
But the turns of life did not frighten you.
You beat fate at cards

Guests: Five:Zero

Leading: You rose to the top nicely
Therefore, if you please, live another hundred years.
A successful game is within your power,
You keep score

Guests: Five:Zero

Leading: Jubilee General,
We are so happy to congratulate you today
Nice colleagues, comrades and friends,
Please tell me everything without missing a word!

Congratulations from colleagues and friends

Leading: Let's raise a golden glass
For the hero of the day,
He gathered us around himself,
Dear ones, all the lovely faces!
For precious words,
Why do they sound so nice here?
They will fly from heart to heart
And your head will spin.

Dance game "Hello" in all languages"

Leading: I ask everyone to leave their cozy chairs and get out on the dance floor! Please form two rings: inner and outer. Dear guests, perhaps not all of you know each other yet, so let’s welcome everyone! And we will do this to the music and in a special way. It is known that people different cultures, greet differently. In Japan they bow when they meet, in Africa they clap their hands and curtsy, in Latin America- hug, in France - kiss on the cheeks. Under national music you move in a circle, and as soon as the music stops, you need to say hello to the one who is opposite you.

Excursion into history

Showing video greetings or a gallery of photographs of the birthday boy from birth to the present moment, the happiest, perhaps funniest fragments. At this time, the presenter comments on the photo. It is better to prepare comments in advance, small quatrains.

Table and dance break.

Game "Anniversary Decrees"

Each guest is given 2-3 sheets of paper (if there are many guests, then one at a time) and a pen.

Leading: I ask everyone to write on the received paper the continuation of the phrase: “This year I...”, bend the piece of paper in half and throw it into this magic hat. (Everyone writes) And now we pass the hat around the circle, all participants pull out two cards for themselves and read them out, starting with the phrase “This year I ....” I ask you to loudly confirm in chorus after each reading “So be it!”

The notes can say anything: “I’ll buy a goat,” “I’ll run a marathon blindfolded,” etc. The competition is cool because... Often a very accurate prediction comes across.


Leading: What wonderful words you say this evening, may all your wishes come true. To somehow thank you, the hero of the day gives each of you golden keys to good luck. (The hero of the day goes around the tables with a decorated box of toffee candies. Staple a number to each candy.) You can probably guess what these magic numbers mean? The anniversary lottery begins! And I announce the winning numbers!

The presenter raises a poster high above his head with the birthday of the hero of the day written in large numbers. Gifts are awarded to those participants who come across numbers from this date.

Leading: Our holiday is noisy today for good reason,
We honor a man, a strongman, a hero!
Let's raise a glass to a heart of the highest standard,
So that the fire in the soul never goes out!

Table and dance break.

Obstacle course

Leading: In honor of the laureate of the “Golden Jubilee” certificate of honor, the winner of the award medal “For taking the 50-year milestone,” I announce a festive obstacle course! I'll ask the general to announce the participants in the competition. (The microphone is passed to the birthday person, he invites 6-8 volunteers)

First task: Each volunteer is given one fin on one leg, and a balloon is tied to the other. You need to slam your opponent's balloon. The three most persistent ones advance to the next level.

Second task: Plastic buckets of water are placed at a distance in front of the participants. Task: throw apples into a bucket. The winner is the one who has more apples in a bucket.

Third task: A chair is placed in front of the participant with a prize on it (a bottle of wine with a photo of the birthday person). The guest turns his back to the chair, takes 6 steps in a straight line, where he is blindfolded and turned around his axis. The participant must return to the chair, taking only 6 steps again, and collect the prize.

After painful attempts to find the prize, the participant removes the blindfold and approaches the chair. Only now, instead of a prize, there is a piece of Whatman paper. The guest reads out loud what is written: “Cake to the studio!” He is given wine to applause.

Taking out the cake

They bring out a congratulatory cake with lit candles (you can light one candle in the form of the number 50). The guests sing “Congratulations, my love, happy birthday to you!”, The hero of the day blows out the candles. Everyone is treated to cake and served tea.

The wonderful evening ends
Warming with warmth.
Miracles happen here
The hero of the day is young again!
Do not hesitate to repeat yourself,
We speak from the heart.
We wish the birthday boy -
Stay like this
Cheerful, full of strength, ideas and thoughts
Purposeful, combative,
Active, wise, valuing honor,
And know that we love you!
And finally, a toast to the hero of the day,
His guests, his beloved family!
Let the festive fanfare sound to you!
We fill the glasses with pure love!

Props for the holiday:

  1. Comic diploma “Golden Jubilee”, medal “For reaching the 50th anniversary”, bouquet of flowers;
  2. Lyrics anniversary song for guests;
  3. Sheets of paper, pens;
  4. “Golden Key” candies, 8 gifts, “Date of Birth” sign;
  5. Flippers, Balloons, 3 buckets of water, apples, a bottle of wine with a photo, a sign “Cake to the studio.”

Video of the 50th anniversary of the hero of the day

It’s a good holiday, it’s not a sin to film it, especially when we're talking about about the first serious anniversary in the life of a 50-year-old man, as the heroes of the next video did.

What is “fifty dollars” to a man?
Wisdom and strength peak!
In its golden time
You have already achieved a lot.

There will be no respite, you know -
There's so much to do
And dreaming on a bench in the park -
Truly not your lot.

So, I wish you cheerfulness,
Conquer your pedestal.
May it come true soon
Everything you dreamed of. ©

Here's to you already "fifty dollars",
The years flew by quickly.
Release your desire to the sky
Let it fly up like a bird.

This significant date,
Life is a difficult milestone.
Even though half a century has flown by,
But you are cheerful, cheerful and fresh.

I wish to be healthy.
Let nothing hurt.
Let the heart do and build
He commands you, our dear. ©

Half a century has already flown by.
It's a nice anniversary today.
Often in life you have been turned around,
There were many glorious days.

May your health be strong
Let the soul grow younger
Let time judge the controversy,
Let life be good. ©

Fifty years is a good time!
And there's no need to be sad
Let another half hundred pass,
Just don't get old.

And on this glorious bright day
We congratulate you,
Health, happiness and goodness
We wish you with all our hearts!

Half a century has passed, gray hair is at the temples.
But sparkles of laughter play in the eyes,
And the years have not erased your beauty,
Added wisdom and kindness.

Half your life has passed, but at heart you are a Cossack
And from the bottom of our hearts we want to say:
So be you forever, always great,
A wonderful, kind, and gentle father.

Congratulations on your 50th anniversary
And from the bottom of my heart I wish you:
Bloom like a lotus, like a tulip!
Burled like a fiery volcano!
So that they can’t bend you
No hurricanes, no winds,
Nor the fleeting years
No hassles difficult life,
No perestroika cataclysms!
What's 50 years? Not a year
When your eyes burn with fire,
If your soul is still raw,
If there are so many ladies around!
And there is no doubt:
Half a century for a man is color!
And let the head go bald -
This is such nonsense
And a heroic strong torso,
And a falcon's sharp eye -
Everything is with you, everything is just right!
I wish you to be a hundred years old
Your portrait has not changed!
For this, ladies, gentlemen,
And let's drink it all together!

Beautiful congratulations

You are 50, that's the date
Well worthy of being noted.
Everything was there: happiness, pain of loss
And meeting the best woman in the world.

But if you look at everything differently
And don't regret what's behind
Those years meant nothing
Compared to what's ahead.

And ahead are victories and sorrows,
And the fresh wind of different changes,
And so that you don’t get tired of losses,
Open the door wider for friends.

Forget about old age before your time,
And be young both in body and soul.
Never trust in the will of fate,
Don't think that happiness is peace.

Everyone came to visit today.
(man's name) - fifty.
And happy birthday
Everyone is happy about the anniversary.

Cool voice congratulations for 50 years

Congratulations to a colleague

You are always searching, my friend.
Your temples are already gray,
But you're also wasting your time
For business meetings.

You still have the same passion,
Moving upward - and nothing else.
It’s already fifty years since we started,
And the reserve’s strength is not wasted.

You have minutes for everything,
They are only missing for rest.
You hate envy, flattery,
Even if in stars and epaulets.

The team respects you.
The family always misses you.
Your Greek profile is beautiful
And the brown look is a little sad.

Live long! My idol!
And be sure to rest.
May love and peace visit
Your mind, your business, your walls.

Toast to the hero of the day

The hero of the day and the birthday boy -
Everyone brings you flowers:
The first new fifty-kopeck piece
You made the change today!
Just rocked the cradle...
That baby is toothless and gray...
There was a son, a grandson at first,
Now he is a father and grandfather.
But still, yes - after all,
Even though all the years are on display:
Everyone is slimmer, smarter, younger,
You're the sexiest of us!
Just like at twenty years old, he is easy to communicate with and simple.
I wish I could be like that until I was a hundred!
Here's a toast to that!

Stop, happy moment:
Sport is life, there is no sadness with sport
We celebrate the birth with pleasure
Someone who is 50 today.
And not out of fear, but only out of respect
We sing His praises in a chant...
Doesn't the boss see our zeal?
So may God give you insight, boss!!
Your youth has grown older
Not just because of age, no!
50 is just the beginning
The beginning of sports victories!
At 50 – get up and stretch in the morning,
And then we run 50,
And then do 50 push-ups,
Then there will be no obstacles in life.
Congratulations to all of you on your birthday.
And from the bottom of our hearts we wish you:
Bloom like a lotus, like a tulip!
Seethe like a fiery volcano!
Be as mighty and strong as a cedar,
So that they can’t bend you
Neither tennis nor football
Neither basketball
All the troubles of a difficult life,
All perestroikas are cataclysmic!
Take it at 50 with a running start
What's 50 years? Not a year
When your eyes burn with fire,
If you are still an athlete at heart,
If there are so many ladies around!
And there is no doubt:
Half a century for a man is color!
When everything is the same slender height,
And a heroic strong torso,
And a falcon's sharp eye -
Everything is with you, everything is just right!
We wish that up to a hundred years
You were always lucky, Everything was in color!
To overtake everyone
Always be successful in everything
For this, ladies, gentlemen,
And let's drink it all together!
Behind is time, like distance,
Five decades of living years!
Why, this is the same condition!
Louder than the heaviest coins!
There are twenty thousand days in my pocket,
And there are no “wooden” rubles.
Twenty thousand! Without any inflation!
And no “compensation” is needed.

Fifty today for you
You are a noble man
Smart, brave, businesslike,
Ironic, stately.

Congratulations on your anniversary,
New discoveries for you.
We wish you to experience a lot
Happy events.

We wish for a wife
Fell in love again.
And beautiful children
They were just proud. ©

May your health not fail you
Let your nerves get in the way less often.
Congratulations on the anniversary -
The important date is 50!

This is the middle of life
Peak of yours mental strength.
Set goals, believe in happiness
So that you don't stop.

Let relatives be a reliable rear
It will be just for you.
Believe, love, work with your soul,
Let there be enough fire in your heart. ©

What is half a century for a man?
This is only part of the journey.
On your anniversary I wish you boldly
Go to the end of the route.

Your wealth in life is
This a strong family.
Take care of your loved ones -
You can't live without them.

Let the questions be difficult
Life often gives you
Their solution is just aspirations
Gives me new goals. ©

The years rush by inexorably,
Already half a century behind me.
We wish you happiness today,
Our golden anniversary.

Be successful only in life,
Take care of your loved ones.
We wish you inspiration
Blessings to you, our friend, earthly ones.

This date will be the start
Let there be new achievements.
Don't let the beautiful into your world
Anger, blues, sadness and sadness. ©

Half a century has flown by,
Fast as an instant.
I've achieved a lot, my friend.
This is beyond doubt.

On a big and bright anniversary
I wish you take off.
New thoughts and ideas
At home and at work.

Be the standard in everything
Remain a friend.
Always be a gentle father
An affectionate husband. ©

I'm going to congratulate you
There's already a whole squad here.
After all, today is a mega date -
Celebrating 50!

Yes, half a century has flown by,
Like one beautiful moment.
But during this time a lot
You, our friend, have already realized it.

May there always be desire
Reach great heights.
Anniversary so we can go out
We are far from alone. ©

Happy 50th birthday to dad

Dad is celebrating his birthday today,
Marks 50.
May all the heavenly powers
Our dear, you are protected.

You are a real man
And a great family man.
We admire you
Nowadays there are a lot of reasons.

We wish you good health,
Prosperity, many years to come.
We are sure that you will
You are the best grandfather. ©

Happy 50th birthday voice cards to your phone

50 today for you,
The gentleman is respectable.
You are a real man
Prominent in business.

We wish you to open
Fresh breath,
To achieve in life's work
Fame and recognition.

May your health not fail you
Children always make me happy
Tenderness, affection and care
Dear wife gives. ©

Poems for a colleague's 50th birthday

The working day will be glorious,
The holiday is difficult these days.
There is a hero of the day in the team
Our friendly golden one.

Let's drink to your half century
Glasses full to the bottom,
May happiness be generous
Your daring destiny.

May your health be strong
Only the soul is young.
Love life with all your strength,
After all, the villain is good! ©

Today is a holiday in your home,
Dear birthday boy.
We all celebrate together
Your anniversary is golden.

This is life's equator,
Part of the path has been mastered.
It's too early to relax
Or it will be ahead.

We wish you all good health,
You need to keep an eye on him.
Believe, always live richly,
Make plans and love. ©

I give you a gold medal
We are delivering today.
Happy holiday to you, hero of the day,
You won't find anything better.

Half a century is already behind us,
There is a lot ahead,
We wish you patience
So that you have enough strength.

Let the reward for your labors
There will be a family rear
And your luck is crazy
Let him not forget. ©

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