Creatine and muscle gain. How to take creatine correctly for bodybuilding? The cheapest and most effective method

Today, creatine monohydrate is widely used in many sports, not just bodybuilding (including football players, weightlifters, runners).

There are a huge number of recommendations on how to take creatine correctly, from sellers, manufacturers, professionals and scientists. The cost of an annual course of creatine when taken using different methods can differ tens of times... with the same effect.

Below we will tell you exactly what scientists say about how to drink creatine correctly, show cases when taking creatine may be useless and how to deal with it, and also give answers to some common myths.

Creatine is really effective, but it is an expensive supplement (like all sports nutrition). Naturalness and the apparent harmlessness resulting from it often push towards its uncontrolled use, according to the principle “the more, the better.” If you take creatine NOT correctly, then at a minimum you will flush a considerable amount of money down the toilet (below I will show how much in an example), at a maximum you will check the probability on yourself.

Let's figure out how to do it right.

The price of an annual course of creatine may differ significantly when taken using different methods.

Let's start with the fact that there are a huge number of recommendations on how to take creatine: from manufacturers, professionals, scientists and sellers.

To illustrate the situation, let's give an example.

The table below compares the cost of an annual course of creatine (to better feel the difference) when taking it using the four most common methods today. Compare the difference in quantity and cost: the difference between the “cheapest” and the most “expensive” methods reaches 6 times! (When calculating, the price of 33 g of creatine is assumed to be $1 (1 kg ~ $30), according to a popular Russian online store.)

Calculation of the cost of creatine for 1 year using four different methods of administration
Cycle duration - 6 weeks (42 days)
Loading phase - 5 days
“Maintenance” phase - 30 days
“Unloading” phase - 7 days
Calculation for 9 cycles (54 weeks, ~ 1 year)
Method 1 Recommended by most manufacturers

Loading phase: 25 g x 5 days = 125 g
“Maintenance” phase: 5 g x 30 days = 150 g
Just for 1 cycle: 275 g / 33 = $8.3
Total for 9 cycles (~1 year): 8.3$ * 9 = 74.7$

Method 2 Described in the popular magazine “Creatine Nature’s Muscle Builder”, dedicated to the use of creatine for building muscle mass and increasing training intensity. Calculation for a man 95 kg, average level of fitness

Loading phase: 17 g x 5 days = 85 g
“Maintenance” phase: 9 g x 30 days = 270 g
Just for 1 cycle: 355 g / 33 = $10.8
Total for 9 cycles (~1 year): $10.8 * 9 = 97.2$

Method 3 Scheme recommended by scientists

“Loading” phase: 20 g x 5 days = 100 g
“Maintenance” phase: 2 g x 30 days = 60 g
Just for 1 cycle: 160 g / 33 = $4.8
Total for 9 cycles (~1 year): 4.8$ * 9 = 43.2$

Method 4 Real example. Method used by one of the athletes and described in “Creatine Nature’s Muscle Builder”. Cycle - 10 weeks, 4 training days per week

Loading phase: 40 g x 7 days = 280 g
“Maintenance” phase: 18g x 27 days = 486g (rest days), 24g x 36 days = 864g (training days)
Just for 1 cycle: 1630 g / 33 = $49.4
Total for 5 cycles (~1 year): $49.4 * 5 = 247$

The cost of creatine differs by 2-6 times when taken using various popular methods; The cheapest method recommended by scientists is as effective as the most expensive

Scientific facts about the best way to take creatine

All modern recommendations how to take creatine correctly are based on the results of studies by Harris and colleagues 9 and similar experiments. Scientists set a goal to find out which dosages are the most effective, how best to take creatine, and how quickly its level decreases after stopping use. The results of their research are as follows:

If you take creatine frequently and in small doses of 5 g 4-6 times a day, then it accumulates in the muscles much better than with a single large dose (20 g).

This is because frequent small doses help maintain creatine levels in the blood. long time. When taking a large dose, the concentration of creatine in the blood increases sharply, but most of it is destroyed without having time to be absorbed, since the lifespan of creatine is short.

The effect of taking creatine is greatest in those whose initial levels are low. In particular, this applies to vegetarian (vegan) athletes, since their diet does not contain animal products - a natural source of creatine.

This leads to another logical conclusion: For meat-eating athletes, taking an expensive creatine supplement may not be beneficial because their muscle tissue already has high levels of creatine.

A small dose of creatine (1 g creatine monohydrate) gives weak effect.

If you take creatine 20 g/day for 6 days, your levels will rise to 20%-50% by the sixth day; after that he So slow within ~30 days it will drop to its original value.

If you take creatine at 20 g/day for 6 days, and then 2 g/day, then by day 28 its levels will be maintained high

If you take creatine in small doses of 3 g/day for 28 days (no loading phase), then by day 28 its concentration will be the same as if you took it at 20 g/day for the first six days (loading phase). "), and then - 2 g / day ("maintenance" phase).

Those. in the long term, both methods are equally effective(both with and without “loading”). The advantage of “loading” is that it allows you to quickly (in one week) achieve high levels of creatine in the muscles and then maintain it.

Regular use in small doses gradually increases creatine levels.

Taking creatine does not always work

Researchers have clearly shown that additional use creatine in the form of a special supplement does not always lead to an increase in its content in the muscles 8,9: athletes who initially have a low level of creatine accumulate it in the muscles more effectively when starting to take it in the form of a supplement.

For those whose initial level is very high, the effect is minimal or may not exist at all.

About 30% of people belong to the second group! Especially athletes whose diet contains a lot of red meat and fish.

For them additional dose there will be almost no creatine useless. (But even for them, there are some tricks on how to take creatine to get around the restriction. Read on).

Much of the research highlights the great benefits of taking creatine. for young people, compared to the elderly. However, there is experimental evidence of benefit in older adults over 65 years of age, in whom creatine supplementation (5 g/day) increased total body weight, muscle mass, and strength during regular physical activity 10 .

Since plant foods do not contain creatine, vegetarians often have low levels of it and their body responds very well to additional intake 12 .

Creatine also actively accumulates in untrained and atrophied muscles. One study showed that young people with partial muscle wasting when removed from a cast recovered faster if they took creatine 11 .

The effect of taking creatine is more pronounced in people with initially low creatine levels, in particular vegetarians. If the initial level is high, there may be no effect at all

How to take creatine correctly: the most effective method based on scientific evidence

There are two regimens for taking creatine: with “loading” and without “loading”,

Most often, manufacturers, sellers and bodybuilders recommend taking creatine cyclically, i.e. change doses periodically.

Cyclicity implies the phase of “loading”, “maintenance” and “unloading”.

Generally accepted duration of creatine supplementation cycle- 4-5 or 8-10 weeks. Scientific research questions the need for cycling and “unloading”.

Phase 1: Loading with Creatine

This is the initial phase, its purpose is fast increase creatine storage in muscles.

The loading phase makes sense if you're just starting out.


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Start with reception 5 g 4-6 times a day, for 4-5 days. This will quickly significantly increase its content in the muscles. For an accurate individual calculation, take 0.3 grams per kilogram of body weight as a basis. This is the “loading” phase.

Do not overdo it. Some athletes take a dose during this phase up to 42 g (!) according to the principle “the more, the better”. It doesn't make sense

Important: You can increase your creatine levels by WITHOUT a “loading” phase, in small doses of 3 g per day. In this case, the increase in its concentration will be gradual and after four weeks will reach the same level as with the “loading” phase 6.

Creatine can be taken with or without loading. “Loading” allows you to quickly (within 1 week) increase its concentration in the muscles. Without loading, the concentration will rise slowly, but will reach the same level after 4 weeks

Phase 2: "Maintenance"

At this stage, the dose is reduced to a value sufficient to only maintain the high level of creatine achieved during the “loading” stage.

After “loading”, to maintain the achieved level it is enough 2 g creatine per day(manufacturers recommend 5-10 g) 4.

The generally accepted duration is 3-8 weeks, the manufacturer's recommended dose is 5 g 1-2 times a day. This dosage is the most common among athletes, but in reality it varies from 1-24 grams.

Unnecessarily high excess doses result in increased amounts of creatine being flushed down the toilet in urine, cost money, do nothing to promote more efficient storage of creatine in the muscles, and likely increase the risk of harm to health.

Phase 3: "Unloading"

In the third phase, the athlete stops taking creatine for 1 week. After this phase the cycle repeats.

Most often, manufacturers explain the need for cycling by saying that continuous use of creatine can lead to the body “forgetting how” to synthesize it itself.

This may be true, but the duration of the 1 week deload is not consistent with the fact that after stopping creatine, creatine levels slowly return to their original levels over ~4 weeks 4: after abstaining for 1 week, creatine levels are still high to “launch” the extinct process of one’s own synthesis. That's bad luck.

But if, after one week of non-use, the athlete is forced to take creatine again, from the loading phase, this will increase sales (!), since the loading dose is much higher.

In our opinion, There is NO need for an “unloading” phase. It is pointless.

The “unloading” phase of taking creatine was most likely invented by manufacturers to increase sales. From a scientific point of view it makes no sense

When is the best time to take creatine before or after a workout?

Scientific research suggests that there is little difference in whether you take creatine before or after a workout.

In one experiment, bodybuilders took 5 g of creatine: one group immediately before, the other after. strength training within 4 weeks. Muscle mass increased in both groups and there was no significant difference between both groups 13 .

The same result was found in other studies 14 .

Scientists, however, suggest that It's best to take creatine immediately AFTER your workout..

Another experiment showed that taking creatine immediately before or after a workout was significantly more stimulating. muscle growth than if it is taken long before training (in the morning, for example, if training is in the evening) 15.

The effectiveness of creatine is much greater when it is taken immediately before or after a workout, rather than long before it. There is no particular difference when taking creatine (before or after)

Take creatine with carbohydrates

Taking creatine with carbohydrates increases the degree of its absorption into muscle tissue.

You can dissolve it in sports energy drinks that are consumed during training or use it immediately before meals.

There is no need to purchase and use special carbohydrate supplements to improve the absorption of creatine.

The correctness of this approach is confirmed scientific research. Research shows a significant improvement in absorption when taking creatine in combination with carbohydrates (from 30% to 100%) 1,2.

As already mentioned, the effectiveness of creatine loading is largely determined by the initial creatine level. But scientists have shown that consuming carbohydrates with creatine stimulates its accumulation even if its initial level is high.

Those. creatine + carbohydrates = the secret to increasing its concentration for athletes with initially HIGH levels.

Eating carbohydrates after taking creatine does not produce the same results after some time. Those. It is simultaneous administration that is important.

Scientists from the portal make a small note regarding carbohydrates: " ...studies show that the efficiency of creatine storage in muscle tissue depends on the presence sodium, not carbohydrates "; from this it follows that there is no need to take sugars and carbohydrates with creatine 7.

Taking creatine in combination with carbohydrates significantly improves the storage effect: this is the secret to increasing creatine levels even for athletes who are already high in creatine levels

Exercise improves creatine storage in muscles

Intense exercise while taking creatine promotes better accumulation in the muscles.

Avoid high doses during the "maintenance" phase

Some athletes consume 24 g per day during this phase. There is no reason for this: it is a waste of money, does not lead to a further increase in creatine concentration, and can cause harm to health.

Liquid creatine is the worst

Since creatine is well absorbed, there is a slight advantage to purchasing in liquid form, compared to capsules or tablets.

But keep in mind that creatine is unstable in water and, as shown, the liquid form of creatine is the lowest quality: it often destroys creatine.

If you use creatine powder, dissolving it in water, then it is very it is important to consume it within 10 minutes after preparation, since creatine begins to break down immediately when it gets into water.

Creatine in liquid form is easier to absorb, but it is often of poor quality. When diluted in water, it is important to consume creatine within 10 minutes of preparation.

The best form of creatine is creatine monohydrate.

Keep in mind that different ones contain different actual amounts of free, usable creatine.

For example, creatine monohydrate (the most common form in supplements) contains 88% creatine, while creatine ethyl ester ~86%, creatine HCl ~79%, dicreatine malate and tricreatine malate - about 70%, creatine ester phosphate ~62%, and creatine AKG ~ 47.5%.

Thus, The highest concentration of creatine is characteristic of monohydrate.

Among all types of creatine monohydrate has the highest concentration of active substance and is therefore considered the best

Read the labels

Ideally, the product label should state the amount of creatine per serving and the dosage form (e.g., powder, drink, liquid, capsules, or tablets).

Compare prices based on the actual amount of creatine in the product

The amount of creatine monohydrate in powdered products usually ranges from 100 to 500 grams (1 gram = 1000 mg) per container, but the amount in liquid products can be as little as 5 to 60 grams per bottle.

Don't Trust Branded/Proprietary Forms of Creatine

Please be aware that the terms "complex" or "proprietary/proprietary blend" are often do not disclose the actual amount of creatine(or other active ingredients). Look for supplements that clearly state the amount of creatine and its form on the label.

For example:

The common form of creatine KreAlkalyn is positioned by the manufacturer as "ten times more powerful than regular creatine", but a small study (commissioned by one of the manufacturers of creatine monohydrate) showed that it is NOT more effective than creatine monohydrate 5 .

Check portion sizes

Also check suggested serving sizes, which can vary widely, from less than 250 milligrams to more than 20 grams (20,000 mg). Find a product that provides the dose you need at the lowest price.

When taking creatine, it is important to drink at least 8 cups of water per day

Common myths about taking creatine

Myth: Creatine and protein

Creatine is found naturally in meat. Meat is muscle tissue that consists of protein. It is absurd to think that protein neutralizes the effects of creatine.

At the same time, it is obvious that the combination of creatine + gainer is one of the most optimal for increasing the absorption of creatine and ensuring muscle growth.

Myth: Creatine and juice

There is also a myth that It's better not to use citrus juice(orange, for example) to dissolve creatine due to the fact that acid interferes with its absorption.

The myth is destroyed very simply: if creatine is able to withstand acid treatment in the stomach, then even more so it will be able to “survive” in the environment of orange juice.

Myth: Creatine and caffeine

It was also shown that caffeine does NOT interfere with creatine absorption. (Recall that caffeine is found in coffee and tea, and is the main ingredient in many energy drinks and fat burners.)

Myth: If you skip taking creatine for one day, your muscle mass will decrease

There is also no basis in the myth that if you skip taking creatine for one day, this will lead to a decrease in muscle mass.

As already said, creatine concentration in muscles decreases very slowly, for weeks, so there is no need to take a double dose the next day 4.

Common myths that creatine and protein, creatine and juice, creatine and caffeine are poorly absorbed have no scientific evidence


There are many regimens for taking creatine, the cost of which varies significantly.

You can take creatine with or without a loading phase. In the first case, you can quickly increase its concentration in the muscles (within a week), in the second, it increases gradually and after four weeks reaches the same level as in the “loading” scheme.

There is no need for cycling (in particular, in the “unloading” phase) when taking creatine.

Creatine is better absorbed if taken along with carbohydrates.

Common beliefs that it is better not to take creatine along with protein, citrus juice and caffeine are nothing more than myths.


1 Green, A. L; Hultman, E; MacDonald, I. A; Sewell, D. A; Greenhaff, P. L. Carbohydrate Ingestion Augments Skeletal Muscle Creatine Accumulation During Creatine Supplementation in Humans. American Journal of Physiology. 271. E821-E826, 1996.
2 Green, A. L; Simpson, E; Littlewood, J; MacDonald, L; Greenhaff, P. L. Carbohydrate Ingestion Augments Creatine Retention During Creatine Feeding in Humans. Acta Physiol Scand. 158. 195-202, 1996.
3 Harris, R; Soderlund, K; Hultman, E. Elevation of Creatine in Resting and Exercised Muscle of Normal Subjects by Creatine Supplementation. Clinical Science. 83. 367-374, 1992.
4 Hultman, E; soderlund, K; Timmons, J. A; Cederblad, G; Greenhaff, P. L. Muscle Creatine Loading in Men. American Journal of Physiology. 81(1): 232-237, 1996.
5 Andrew R Jagim, Jonathan M Oliver, Adam Sanchez and others / A buffered form of creatine does not promote greater changes in muscle creatine content, body composition, or training adaptations than creatine monohydrate / Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition20129:43
6 Brose A1, Parise G, Tarnopolsky MA / Creatine supplementation enhances isometric strength and body composition improvements following strength exercise training in older adults. / J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2003 Jan;58(1):11-9.
7 Ganguly S1, Jayappa S, Dash AK. / Evaluation of the stability of creatine in solution prepared from effervescent creatine formulations. /AAPS PharmSciTech. 2003;4(2):E25.
8 Greenhaff, P. L; Casey, A; Short, A; Harris, R; Soderlund, K; Hultman, E. Influence of Oral Creatine Supplementation of Muscle torque During repeated Bouts of Maximal Voluntary Exercise in Man. Clinical Science. 84. 565-571, 1993.
9 Harris, R; Soderlund, K; Hultman, E. Elevation of Creatine in Resting and Exercised Muscle of Normal Subjects by Creatine Supplementation. Clinical Science. 83. 367-374, 1992.
10 Balsom, P; Soderlund, K; Ekblom, B. Creatine in Humans with Special Reference to Creatine Supplementation. Sports Medicine. 18(4). 268-280, 1994.
11 Balsom, P; Soderlund, K; Sjodin, B; Ekblom, B. Skeletal Muscle Metabolism During Short Duration High - Intensity exercise: Influence of Creatine
12 Stroud M, Holiman D, Bell D, Green A, MacDonald I, GreenHaff P, Effect of Oral Creatine Supplementation on Respiratory Gas Exchange and Blood Lactate Accumulation During Steady-State Incremental Treadmill Exercise and Recovery in Man. Clinical Science. 87. 707-710, 1994
13 Antonio J, Ciccone V. The effects of pre versus post workout supplementation of creatine monohydrate on body composition and strength. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. (2013)
14 Candow DG1, et al. Comparison of creatine supplementation before versus after supervised resistance training in healthy older adults. Res Sports Med. (2014)
15 Cribb PJ1, Hayes A. Effects of supplement timing and resistance exercise on skeletal muscle hypertrophy. Med Sci Sports Exerc. (2006)

The supplement is indicated for increasing anaerobic endurance, strength, and muscle growth. Available in different forms. The most popular is monohydrate. Hydrochloride, tricreatine malate and others are more often used by experienced athletes for comparison. Beginners athletes prefer to take creatine monohydrate powder.

There are no contraindications for taking creatine.

The supplement is especially useful for heavyweights experiencing critical loads.

When used during training, cells receive intense nutrition, this causes an energy surge and leads to a rapid increase in physical performance. At correct intake monohydrate produces lactic acid more slowly, causing muscle soreness.

How to take creatine powder: dosages

There are different rules for taking it for muscle growth. The norm is selected depending on the task. Volumes and frequency may vary. How should athletes drink monohydrate?

  • Optimal amount for people above 90 kg – 15 g;
  • for others - 10 g.

If you consume less than 5 g per day, there will be no results, but increasing the volume by 3 times for people with a thin build is also pointless. The amount depends on the volume and ability of the muscles to accumulate carboxylic acid.

Why should you take creatine?

  1. For energy boost and endurance.
  2. For muscle growth. This is achieved through boot and support cycles.

In the first In this case, the goal is to create a reserve.

  • Sports nutrition is recommended to drink up to a week 4 times a day, 5 g.
  • Then the reception continues according to a simplified scheme: 5 g twice a day for a month. In the morning after training, then between lunch and dinner.

The reception is combined with the period of maximum load.

Taking creatine on rest days: 5 g in combination with proteins, or in the morning. Well consuming creatine - 2 months. After 21-30 days, the cycle repeats again. Everyone decides for themselves how long to take the supplement.

Creatine: rules of administration

For athletes primary and secondary training recommended after monthly cycle arrange break for 3 weeks.

The need is caused by the fact that the body haven't lost ability to biosynthesize.

The powder is not a steroid drug, so it is not prohibited to take it often. With constant use, the ability of the active substance to penetrate muscle cells decreases. It will take time to restore function. During this time, the monohydrate concentration will drop to a minimum.

Taking creatine without loading

Experienced athletes use creatine sports nutrition 60 days, then do month break. After rest first 3 days the dose is increased to 20 g, then return to the old scheme.

On training days the powder is drunk 6 g daily with whey cocktails (25 g each), dissolved in sweet juice or with gainers. Instead of isolate, take the BCAA amino acid complex (10 g). Concentrates are diluted in 250 ml of liquid.

When is the best time to take

The time is not particularly important, but cocktails are usually drunk before and after loading. The norm is divided into 2 times or taken immediately.

  • If the dose 10 g, the powder is left for morning and evening.
  • If you drink 40 minutes before work in the hall, the training will take place at a high pace.

Opinions differ regarding the loading process. Some argue that with this regimen, the sensitivity of receptors decreases in the event of a reduction in the norm, others are inclined to believe that to improve performance it is impossible to do without it.

Experiments have shown What if you drink creatine powder correctly:

  1. When loading, results appear faster, but product consumption is higher. There is a high risk of side effects.
  2. Without a preparatory phase, positive changes appear after a month. But this is a more economical option. The chance of complications is negligible.

Why use the supplement with transport systems

When the molecules are delivered to cells, the main part disintegrates. Insulin helps deliver them safely to their destination. A simple way is to stir the powder in juice or eat a sweet product. For effectiveness, they are mixed with other types of sports nutrition.

Manufacturers offer pure monohydrates and mixtures. They include many components and differ in composition. However, fillers do not always combine well with each other or are added in small quantities. Experienced athletes know that it is more profitable to buy a pure product and mix as desired.

It is better to take creatine monohydrate with whey proteins, amino acids or gainers. After multi-ingredient cocktails:

  1. Physical performance improves by 30%. This is more than the effect of the supplement itself.
  2. The product is completely digestible.
  3. Glycogen synthesis is activated

Why drink creatine monohydrate with proteins and amino acids

The effect is due to the release of insulin into the blood. Not only carbohydrates, but also protein are responsible for hormone levels. It promotes the accumulation of carboxylic acid in skeletal muscles up to 100ml/l. Insulin-like factor and growth hormone act similarly. Protein molecules are involved in the development of bones and muscle tissue. If you take creatine powder together With 50 g gainer and whey isolate, training productivity and strength indicators will increase.

Compared to proteins, amino acids are lower in calories, break down faster and do not require biocatalysis - acceleration chemical reactions enzymes. This simplifies its transport to the muscles. except them are used:

  • D-pinitol;
  • Taurine;
  • Alpha lipoic acid;

Which product to choose

The quality of the product from Europe and America is the same. When purchasing, cost is a priority. Cheap sports nutrition is sold in powder.

In the last issue, we made an introductory part about, today we continue to discuss the topic about creatine, we figured out that best shape is creatine monohydrate, which means from today's episode you will learn how to take creatine monohydrate correctly.

Optimal dosage regimen

The optimal dosage regimen is optimal, it is suitable for any person and will work as efficiently as possible, you can use any supplement, regardless of its form (powder, capsules, solution).

No download: (I recommend it) you need to take creatine monohydrate 6 grams daily! On training days, creatine should be taken after the workout itself, and preferably can be combined with protein or gainer or amino acids (but not more than 5 grams). On days without training, it is recommended to take it in the morning, again with some other sports supplement. And so on for 2 months, after which you need to take a short break of about 3-5 weeks.

With loading: (not profitable and not inferior to the first point - without loading) but its essence is that 1st week: take 5 grams of creatine daily, 4 times a day between main meals + take after training (5 grams; can be combined with any other sports supplement, amino, prot, gainer, decide for yourself) a total of 25 grams of creatine per day, and so on for 7 days. Week 2: Reduce the dose to 2-5 grams and take 1 time per day, on training days - after training, on non-training days - in the morning, again you can combine with protein, gainer or amino acids. And so for 1 month, take no more than 2-5 grams, after which you need to take a break of 3-5 weeks.

Read below why you need to stick to these particular schemes.

When to take creatine? Before or after training

Many studies have been conducted on this matter, where it has been proven that for gaining muscle mass and strength in days training is better just take creatine after workout, because increased blood flow and metabolic changes in the body contribute to this to a greater extent.

And here, Taking creatine before and during training is not advisable , because the water balance is disturbed, difficulties may arise during exercise (a kind of transient dehydration).

And on days without training, creatine is recommended to be taken in the morning, after waking up. Because at this time it is best absorbed by the body, it seems that this is due to the high concentration of growth hormone in this period of time (morning).

How much creatine should I take?

A very difficult question, I had to review and study a lot of research on this matter in order to give a favorable answer. It is believed that No more than 50 mg/kg of creatine is absorbed per day, and the rest is excreted in the urine. Therefore, based on this, we can conclude that Creatine should be taken no more than 5-7 grams per day (everything else is useless), but in no case less than 5-7. If you take it, below 5-7 grams per day, i.e. the dosages are too low - there will be no effect, I absolutely guarantee that!

But what about the loading phase, you ask?

I don’t know about you, but I would definitely ask. Since the loading phase of creatine monohydrate is quite popular, it is often used. In general, the loading phase involves taking 20 grams of creatine per day (5 grams of creatine 4 times a day) for 6-7 days (1 week) because after 6 days the concentration of creatine in the muscles stops (because they are already completely clogged with them) and the unloading phase begins (during this period it is enough to take 2-5 grams of creatine per day, a kind of dosage maintenance).

And then I got into a stupor, as I already said, I had to re-read a lot of studies, somewhere in some study they say that downloading is not needed, somewhere that it is needed, because... it is most effective somewhere, which makes no difference, in general, all studies are emphasized by arguments. And what to do, how to find out whether to use the download or not?

Again, this got me thinking. I weighed the pros and cons, and came across a decisive study that was carried out not long ago, and thanks to it, the issue was resolved. I recommend that you stick to the golden mean, i.e. use either this way (with loading) or this way (without loading), try whichever is better and more comfortable for you, in any case, both options are as effective as possible! In addition to the above, you should also pay attention to some factors:

Combining creatine with other supplements

As I already said, creatine can be combined with other types of sports nutrition, whey (fast), (ideally too, i.e. it contains sugar), or even a simple sweet juice or just water with sugar. I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that creatine should be washed down or stirred with a sufficient amount of liquid in order to speed up absorption. In general, at least 1 large glass.

Duration of creatine intake

To prevent the body from becoming accustomed to creatine, you need to take short breaks. The addiction itself occurs after about 2 months of daily use. Therefore, to prevent this from happening, you need to take a break of 3-5 weeks.

Best regards, administrator.

What foods contain creatine?

At the beginning of the article, I said that it is very difficult to find an alternative to taking creatine as a sports nutrition for rapid muscle growth using regular food. It is present in many foods of animal origin, but its content in them is extremely low.

To get enough creatine to gain muscle mass, you need to eat half a kilo of herring or a kilogram of meat every day. If only there were people who decided to use herring as a source of creatine , it would be difficult for them. Because eating a kilogram of fatty fish every day is not an easy test, both for the stomach and the wallet.

How to take creatine correctly?

Creatine works primarily as a sports nutrition for increasing strength and gaining muscle mass. There is no point in using it all year round. You should drink creatine continuously for no more than two months. At the same time, taking the supplement should coincide with the period of training to gain weight. Drinking creatine on a regular basis is... At the end of the cycle of using the supplement, you need to take a break for 4-5 weeks, after which you can continue taking it again.

Creatine monohydrate loading schemes

Scheme 1

It involves the rapid accumulation of a critical mass of creatine in the body. This is done using the following algorithm:

  • Creatine loading is carried out for five to six days in a row. Four to five times a day you need to drink 5 grams of creatine, dissolving it in a sweet drink. This is the first phase.
  • The remaining time of the two-month period of gaining muscle mass is to maintain the amount of creatine accumulated in the body at a high level. To do this, once a day it is enough to drink the same 5 grams of creatine in a sweet drink. This is the second phase.

  • The effect of using the supplement is felt within 7-10 days
  • The effectiveness of such a scheme has been repeatedly proven by scientific experiments.


  • High product consumption
  • Increased risk of side effects.

Scheme 2

It consists of a gradual, non-loading increase in the amount of creatine in the body and consists of daily intake of the supplement in the amount of 4-5 grams throughout the entire period of gaining muscle mass.

Advantages of this creatine loading scheme:


  • Delayed effect (about a month) from the use of this sports nutrition
  • Low evidence base confirming the effectiveness of this creatine regimen

Having a choice is always good, but for me personally, the loading phase scheme is the most optimal. But for creatine to work as a muscle growth supplement, there are a few more important questions that need to be answered.

How to take creatine?

Creatine is usually washed down with a sweet drink, and this is not without reason. Eating or drinking something sweet raises our blood sugar levels. In response to this, the body produces a special hormone - insulin. It is also called the “transport” hormone.

Insulin rushes to glucose, a product of the body's breakdown of sugar, and “pulling” it throughout the body, thereby lowering the level of glucose in the blood. By drinking creatine with a sweet drink, thereby triggering the production of insulin, we force our body to absorb it much faster.

You can drink creatine with grape juice, Coca-Cola, or just plain water with sugar dissolved in it. Any of these drinks will suit our task, but I chose a different method for myself. I eat a teaspoon of natural honey and wash it down with a glass of water with creatine thoroughly mixed. In my opinion, it’s simple, cheap and healthier.

Conclusion: Take creatine with a sweet drink to increase its absorption rate.

When is the best time to take creatine?

Whichever of the two creatine loading regimens you choose, the timing of its intake plays a big role. According to research conducted by Nova Southeastern University, the ideal time to take sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass is immediately after finishing a workout. But only on the day of training.

At first this became a problem for me, because during the period of gaining muscle mass, after training, I drink (sports nutrition for quick weight gain) . But if you need to drink creatine at this time, then what should you do in this case? Should I drink them together, or drink a gainer later? I stuck with creatine, but started taking it with more honey than usual. So I solved two problems:

1. Provided a high level of carbohydrates necessary to replenish energy resources spent during training.

2. I was able to maintain the ideal time period for the absorption of creatine.

But this applies to the training day. On a rest day, the best time to take this sports supplement is in the morning. According to research published in the journal Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, this period is optimal.

Conclusion: on a training day it is better to take creatine immediately after exercise, on a rest day - in the morning, after the first meal.

Workout on creatine

When it comes to this sports nutrition, I am usually asked when and how much to take creatine? But almost no one asks about how to train while taking this supplement. And this is a very important point.

We found out that creatine monohydrate (let's talk about it) is a sports nutrition for muscle growth and increased strength, therefore the training regimen should be appropriate. It should include compound, multi-joint exercises performed in the 8-10 rep range.

I like to train by grouping exercises into supersets and trisets. But here I have to admit - training on creatine gives the greatest benefits using simple, but most difficult exercises performed in the middle rep range.

However, such low-repetition training is not suitable for the fair half of humanity. have their own characteristics. Due to the unique capabilities of the female body, a girl in gym from doing exercises with big amount repetitions (15-20) can get more effect than a man.

And if we consider creatine as a sports nutrition for gaining weight for girls, then they need to train accordingly.

For men and women in the gym when using creatine, I recommend trying a training system called NOT(). The idea of ​​the cheerful Germans is to do only two exercises per muscle group being trained during the period of gaining muscle mass.

Creatine doesn't work. Why?

I often meet people who do not get the desired results from using this supplement. Although, in my opinion, the reason lies not in sports nutrition itself, but in completely different planes:

REASON 1. Insufficient caloric intake.

Personally, for me, training on creatine always causes an increased appetite. And this is normal, doing heavy exercise leads to accelerated calorie consumption. Beautiful ladies especially often fall into this trap. They think that since they have sports nutrition for girls, then they don’t have to count calories.

But in order for muscles to grow, our body must understand that it is provided with protein, fats and carbohydrates and can afford to increase in volume or. Heavy training aimed at increasing muscle mass should be carried out against the background of a stable surplus (usually 400-500) calories per day. If this condition is not met, even the coolest sports nutrition for rapid muscle growth will not help.

REASON 2: Not getting enough creatine. Often, people buy into the hype and end up purchasing expensive and super-advanced creatine supplements without even knowing how much creatine is contained in each serving of the product. But the fact is that all scientific experiments that confirmed the effectiveness of creatine were carried out specifically on monohydrate, two regimens for which I described. For a quick effect, a loading phase is necessary. If taking sports nutrition, no matter how high-tech it is, does not allow the “critical mass” of creatine to accumulate, you should not expect muscle mass growth.

REASON 3. Excessive reliance on supplementation. Creatine works, this is an objective reality. But at the same time, it is not a “magic pill”, just like pharmacological drugs. Taking creatine by itself does not cause muscle growth. Without hard training, a high-calorie balanced diet and adequate rest, they will not increase in size. To get a real effect from simple creatine monohydrate or ultra-modern creatine hydrochloride, you need to work hard in the gym.

I hope my story about creatine as a sports nutrition for rapid muscle growth will help you use it correctly and greatly increase the effect of its use. May the force be with you. And mass

Greetings, my dear readers. Anyone who is seriously involved in sports or who uses it to lose weight needs sports nutrition. In addition to its quality, its proper use plays a significant role. Today I want to talk about taking creatine. What kind of supplement is this, but I will repeat myself a little in this article.

Creatine (also called carboxylic acid or nitrogen amine) increases endurance and affects muscle mass. Therefore, if you want to study intensively, for a long time and effectively, you need it. Especially if the goal is not just to get rid of extra pounds, but also to pump up.

The most effective form today is creatine monohydrate. It is produced in different forms: capsules, tablets, powder. Liquid forms even appeared. Their manufacturers claim that liquid creatine is better absorbed. This is true because the powder supplement dissolves less well in the stomach. But the manufacturer is silent that liquid creatine has very low effectiveness.

There are many sports nutrition regimens. If you work with a trainer, he can develop an individual program for you. I will provide a diagram that is suitable for supplements from most creatine manufacturers.

Reception without loading

According to this scheme, carboxylic acid should be taken 5-6 g daily. You are probably interested in 5 grams of creatine - how many spoons is that?

This is an ordinary teaspoon. On training days, monohydrate is consumed after training for 1 hour. It is better if you drink the powder along with a protein shake, 5 grams of amino acids or simple carbohydrates.

When you have a break between workouts, it is better to drink the powder between meals. Combining the intake with protein, juice, gainer or amino acids. According to this scheme, you can use sports nutrition for at least 8 weeks. Then you need to take a break for 1 month.

Reception with loading

Creatine loading involves consuming large doses of the powder in the first week. It is important to break them down into several steps. The first week - a teaspoon of powder 4 times a day. You should drink it between meals. And on training days, drink one serving immediately after training. The powder or capsule can be washed down with a protein shake, gainer, or juice. It is also drunk with amino acids.

After a week, the dose is reduced to 2-3 g (half a teaspoon). Drink capsules or powder once a day immediately after training. On rest days, it is better to take the supplement between meals. This course lasts 4 weeks, then you should take a break for 3-4 weeks. You need to take the monohydrate with 1 glass of liquid. If you dilute the powder in water, its volume should be at least 1 cup.

When to take creatine

One of the important parameters of the effectiveness of sports nutrition is the time of administration. It is selected in such a way that the supplement is well absorbed. So, is it better to take it before or after a workout? As the study showed, best time for absorption of the supplement - after training. It is at this time that metabolism increases and blood flow improves. All this contributes to maximum absorption.

But using this sports nutrition before training is not the best solution. Because the water balance may be disturbed. The exception is when taken during pre-workout preparation. This scheme is suitable for improving strength performance. And also for increasing muscles.

Unlike protein, it is not advisable to take nitrogen amine during exercise. Moreover, studies have shown that it is difficult to exercise after taking creatine. This is due to the development of temporary dehydration (dehydration).

On rest days, most experts advise drinking monohydrate in the morning. This is no coincidence. It is in the morning that our body has a high concentration of growth hormone. It improves the transport of nutrients to organs and systems. This means that carboxylic acid will go directly into the muscles.

Before or after meals

No consensus regarding taking the supplement before or after meals. Many scientists advise drinking creatine before meals. The argument is the fact that food impairs the absorption of carboxylic acid. Because of this, the powder or tablet lingers in the stomach. Although recent studies have proven that the acidic contents of the stomach do not significantly destroy the monohydrate. Therefore, there is no huge difference in consuming sports nutrition after or before meals.

8 years ago, Deldicque L conducted a study that confirmed the almost complete absorption of monohydrate. Regardless of whether it was drunk on an empty stomach or on a full one.

Many experts agree that it is better to use nitrogen amine simultaneously with “transport systems”. These can be fast carbohydrates, protein shakes, amino acids, etc. Therefore, another good option is to add it to protein shakes, which are consumed as a snack.

Optimal dosages of creatine

The dosage of this sports nutrition depends on the dosage regimen. For the loading phase - one dosage, for the maintenance phase - another.

Not long ago, the most common way to consume carboxylic acid was to take varying doses. Even now, many athletes train using the loading system. For 5-9 days, take one tsp 4 times a day. creatine (5 g) with a glass of juice. Afterwards, during the maintenance phase, the dose is reduced to only 2 g per day.

Taking more than 30 grams of a supplement per day does not make it more effective. A muscle can hold 0.35 -0.4 g of creatine per kilogram of weight. Anything more simply will not be absorbed by the body.

But Swedish scientists have proven that using the loading phase technique is inappropriate. For testing, they divided the athletes into two groups. The first group of subjects took monohydrate according to the above-mentioned standard regimen. About 20 g per day for one week. Then we switched to taking 2 g per day for another four weeks.

The second group took 3 g of this sports nutrition daily for a whole month. As a result, it was found that in the muscles the level of the substance in the subjects of both groups increased by the same 20 percent. Even though the second group received much less of it. The conclusion is simple, it is enough to increase the daily dose of nitrogen amine to 3 g, then the loading phase is not needed. This option turns out to be even cost-effective :)

As a result of the studies, the following creatine intake is adequate:

  • for the first 15 days do not exceed the dose of 5 grams per day - the muscles will be fully loaded;
  • then switch to the maintenance regimen - half a teaspoon (2-3 g) daily or only on training days.

This reception system is the most appropriate. There is no point in overloading yourself with more volume if the body will not accept it.

What can you take it with?

It’s clear how to take nitrogen-containing carboxylic acid in tablets and capsules. You just need to drink it with water. How to take creatine monohydrate powder? There is nothing complicated here either. The powder is added to water. It tastes bitter, so you can add sugar or honey to the water.

Better yet, take the supplement with juice. Since the absorption of nitrogen amine with carbohydrates is better. True, not every juice is suitable. Preferably grape, apple (sweet varieties), cherry. Orange or grapefruit are not suitable. Increased acidity has a bad effect on the structure of the monohydrate.

Never add powder to hot drinks. This will spoil the monohydrate and it will have no effect. Also, do not drink it with milk. It contains slow protein - casein. It impairs the absorption of nitrogen amine. Caffeine has a completely detrimental effect on the absorption of creatine.

The most successful transport systems are considered to be fast carbohydrates and fast proteins (whey protein isolate or amino acids). These substances have a very good effect on the absorption of carboxylic acid. Therefore, it is effective to mix creatine with a gainer that already contains proteins and carbohydrates.

Manufacturers often combine creatine and carbohydrates, amino acids, protein, flavorings in one bottle... and many other things. But it’s better to buy the formulations separately so as not to overpay for extra additives. And only then decide for yourself how much and what to mix with.

Taking monohydrate when drying

Separately, I would like to say about the use of powder during drying. Experts advise not to consume carboxylic acid during this period. Due to water retention in the body, an athlete may increase body weight. Which he doesn’t need during the drying period. Water is retained only in muscle tissue. Other organs may experience a lack of it. And then dehydration begins. Which can cause significant harm to health.

Nevertheless, many athletes still use this sports nutrition during drying. And they note only positive effects. Since nitrogen amine increases their endurance. It also improves strength and speeds up recovery. The difficult drying period is easier and more productive. Take the supplement 5 g per day. Together with fat burners, protein and pre-workout shakes.

Here's another one I found good video about taking creatine:

Perhaps you have experience using monohydrate and your own regimens. Let's discuss all the pros and cons. And of course, subscribe to updates and join me on social networks. I'm always glad to see new readers. Until next time.

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