Corn as a cultivated plant description. Chemical composition of corn grains. Corn: a complete overview and botanical information

Municipal educational institution "Elpachikhinskaya secondary comprehensive school»

on the topic: CORN

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3b grade student

Savinov E.Z.

Elpachikha, 2010

History of corn

As a cultivated plant, corn began to be cultivated almost 12 thousand years ago in Mexico. The ears of ancient corn were 12 times smaller than modern ones. The length of the fetus did not exceed 4 centimeters. Many Indian tribes ate corn long before the advent of the United States on the American mainland. Images of corn have been found on the walls of Indian temples. Some tribes sacrificed bread made from cornmeal to the Sun God to ensure a good harvest.

Widely known among European countries corn was acquired thanks to Christopher Columbus. In the 15th century, corn grains came to Europe; in Russia, acquaintance with the useful vegetable occurred in the 17th century. It was grown in warm areas - Crimea, the Caucasus, southern Ukraine.

In the beginning, corn was grown as an ornamental plant, but later, Europeans appreciated the taste of corn and its beneficial features.

In Mexico today, corn is grown in a variety of colors: yellow, white, red, black and even blue. The crop is planted together with pumpkin, as the Indians did. Pumpkin retains moisture in the ground and prevents weeds from growing, thereby increasing the corn yield.

Mexicans, like their ancestors, consume huge amounts of corn. Thus, the average resident of Mexico eats almost 100 kg of this vegetable per year. For comparison, in our country this figure barely reaches 10 kg per year.

The benefits of corn

Corn cobs contain a large number of vitamins, minerals. It contains polyunsaturated acids that help fight cancer. Regular consumption of corn helps reduce cholesterol levels and improves the functioning of the digestive tract.

The energy value of corn per 100 g is only 97 calories. It contains starch, protein, sugar, fats, ascorbic acid, vitamins and mineral salts.

Corn contains useful vitamin K, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. In areas where residents consume a sufficient amount of this vegetable per year, the percentage of diseases associated with cardiac dysfunction is lower.

Vitamin E has a positive effect on skin and hair, slows down the aging process, and is also found in corn. Vitamin B, which is part of the Mexican vegetable, helps cope with insomnia, depression, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system.

Vitamin C, known to everyone, helps strengthen the immune system. Vitamin D keeps teeth healthy and bones strong. We need iron for “good” blood and a pleasant rosy complexion. Potassium and magnesium are involved in metabolism.

Corn oil helps reduce appetite, does not contain cholesterol. Ideal when following a diet. Corn can reduce Negative consequences in the body after eating fatty foods and alcohol.

IN folk medicine corn takes place of honor. It is recommended for the prevention of hepatitis and cholecystitis, as it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver and gall bladder.

However, main value represent the fibers in which the cob is wrapped. They have immunostimulating and choleretic properties, normalize metabolism, calm nervous system. Masks made from corn grains moisturize the skin and whiten it.

Corn is grown on all continents. Corn cobs are used not only for food. They are used to produce plaster, plastic, fuel alcohol, and paste. Corn is the main ingredient found in most animal feeds.

The corn plant is found under the names maize, corn, cob, Turkish millet. Along with such plants as sandy immortelle, goldenrod, and datisa belong to the section of choleretic medicinal plants.

According to archaeological excavations Corn was introduced into culture by the ancient Mayans and Aztecs over 5000 BC. Corn came to Europe at the end of the 15th century, and in Russia it began to be cultivated around the 17th century.

Description of the corn plant

Corn is an annual plant up to 6 m high with a developed fibrous root system and supporting adventitious roots. The stems of the corn plant are straight, single, with well-defined nodes, up to 7 cm in diameter. The leaves of the corn plant are wide, linear-lanceolate, with sheaths covering the stem.

The corn plant is a dioecious plant; male flowers up to 14 mm in length, in spikelets collected in large apical panicles; female flowers in cobs developing in the axils of the leaves, the cobs are enclosed in leaf-like involucres, in the upper part of the cobs there are thread-like columns with stigmas hanging down in the form of a bunch. The fruits of the corn plant are rounded grains from white to almost black, arranged in vertical rows. The corn plant blooms in August-September, the fruits ripen in September-October

The homeland of the corn plant is Southern Mexico and Guatemala. The corn plant is widely cultivated in the CIS in Ukraine, Moldova, the Central Black Earth regions, Georgia, the North Caucasus, the Lower Volga region, Central Asia, in the south of the Far East.


By internal structure and grain morphology is divided into 9 botanical groups: flint (Zea mays imdurata), tooth-shaped (Zea mays indentata), semi-tooth-shaped (Zea mays semidentata) - the most common in culture; bursting (Zea mays everta), sugar (Zea mays saccharata), starchy or mealy (Zea mays amylacea), starchy-sugar (Zea mays amyleosaccharata), waxy (Zea mays ceratina) - occupy limited areas; membranous (Zea mays tunicata) - not used in industrial crops. Modern corn is a highly cultivated plant, incapable of self-sowing and going wild. It is assumed that corn is the oldest grain plant on Earth.

It is widely cultivated in Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, the North Caucasus, and Central Asia as a valuable food and feed crop.


Corn cobs have excellent nutritional and taste properties. Corn grain contains minerals necessary for the human body: calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus salts. Corn protein contains the essential amino acids tryptophan and lysine. Considerable carbohydrate content. The germ of the corn grain makes up 1/3 and contains about 35% fat. Corn is an environmentally friendly product because it does not accumulate nitrates. The corn plant is used quite widely. There are 550 different by-products and main products produced from corn.

Corn is used in food (cereals, flour, corn sticks and flakes, starch, canned food, alcohol, syrup, beer, some medicines, pastes, extracts, corn oil and others), as well as dietary sugar - xylitol, brewing, starch and alcohol industries . Paper, viscose, linoleum, film, insulating materials, etc. are produced from corn stalks, wrappers and cores of cobs. Crushed canned cobs and corn silage, when they are in milky-wax ripeness, are very valuable feed.

Corn is characterized by a wide range of canned foods - corn porridge, pickle with corn, canned sausage with corn oil, etc.
Corn grits are a fairly valuable food product. It contains vitamins B1, B2, PP, carbohydrates, carotene. Corn grits are superior to rice, semolina, pearl barley, barley, wheat and buckwheat in terms of calorie content, content of extractive substances, and amount of carbohydrates. Corn grits are used to make meat balls, porridges, puddings, soups, and casseroles.

Medicinal properties

In scientific medicine, corn silks (columns) are used. Stigmas, or styles, are parts of the female flower; they are always found on the cob and are needed for treatment. They should be distinguished from male flowers; they are located at the top of the plant on the panicle, and the hairs are located under the wrappers (shirts) of the cobs.
The columns and stigmas of female corn flowers are used in medicine to obtain valuable medicines.
Aqueous tinctures and liquid extract from stigmas are used as a choleretic, hemostatic and diuretic for kidney stones and dropsy. When these drugs are taken orally, there is also an increase in the secretion of bile, in which there is a decrease in viscosity, a decrease in bilirubin and an increase in water content.
Corn silk preparations are used for inflammation of the bladder and cardiac edema. In case of hypothrombinemia, they accelerate the blood clotting process and increase the platelet count.

Therefore, preparations from corn silk are prescribed as a choleretic agent for cholecystitis, cholangitis, hepatitis and cholelithiasis. In addition, they can be prescribed for bleeding associated with a decrease in prothrombin levels, in case of overdose of indirect anticoagulants, as well as in hemorrhagic diathesis, uterine bleeding, hemorrhages into the vitreous body, with conjunctival hemorrhages. They are prescribed as a diuretic for urolithiasis, stones in the bladder, cystitis and prostatitis, diseases accompanied by micro- and macrohematuria, glaucoma, and edema of cardiac origin.
Corn silk has a calming effect on the nervous system; are recommended, especially in old age, for obesity as an appetite suppressant and metabolism stimulant.

Corn oil reduces cholesterol levels in the blood and is recommended for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis (50–70 g daily dose).
Corn oil is used for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, as it reduces cholesterol levels in the blood. It also serves as a good base for diluting essential oils used for massage. It is also used to make cosmetics for oily skin.
Corn silks are usually collected in June-July (hairs on fully ripened cobs), dried in the shade, stored whole or finely chopped, and sometimes ground into powder.

Extract from dry corn silk is widely used in scientific medicine. This is a hemostatic, diuretic, sedative, anti-inflammatory (for inflammation of the gallbladder or bladder) agent.
The drugs help dissolve stones (in the kidneys or bladder), and are also a strengthening and choleretic agent. In folk medicine, a decoction of corn hair alone is used for liver diseases, as well as for all female diseases as a hemostatic, regulating and sedative.

Corn plant. Photo

Corn plant. Photo: slgckgc


In terms of nature and variety of uses, corn surpasses all other grains. The culture of cultivating this plant, which originated in Peru, is currently adopted as the basis in many countries around the world. The area occupied by corn crops reaches 100 million hectares.
Bread is baked from corn flour, beer and vodka are prepared. In addition, corn flour can be used to prepare stews and other dishes. Fried unripe ears are eaten.

In the article you will learn everything about corn - the history and origin of the plant, the benefits and harms of corn, the composition and beneficial properties of the cereal for the human body, treatment and use in cooking and other areas, the time and technology of planting and harvesting, as well as cereal products - corn flour and oil and their use, composition and vitamins, preparation and storage.

From this article you will learn:

Corn: a complete overview and botanical information

Corn is a genus of plants in the Poaceae family, including six species. However, in culture the genus is represented by the only species Zea mays, cultivated throughout the world on an industrial scale and is an important food, feed and industrial crop. Wikipedia

Corn photo

Photo: how corn grows

History of cereal

Which country is the birthplace of corn?

In the botanical classification, corn is a genus of plants belonging to the Poaceae family. Moreover, the genus includes six species, of which only one is widespread as an agricultural crop - sweet corn (Zea mays). This cereal today is one of the most popular in the world, not only as food and feed, but also as an industrial crop.

It’s hard to imagine, but corn did not exist as a plant for the Old World until it was brought from America by Columbus in the 15th century. Moreover, further studies of the plant indicate that in Central and South America it was grown as far back as 5 thousand years BC. Some scientists, in turn, talk about the cultivation of corn in the territory of modern Mexico about 10 thousand years ago. Even before Columbus's time, maize had spread widely to both American continents. The most northern Indian tribe The Laurentian Iroquois, who lived in the vicinity of modern Montreal and Quebec, are considered to have cultivated corn.

In America, the name “maize”, given by the ancient Mayans, is used to name both the plant itself and its products. It is believed that representatives of this civilization grew several varieties of corn, differing in the size of the cobs and grains, the duration of the growing season, yield and ripening time. Being an extremely important component of the diet, maize for the Indians had the status of a sacred plant, elevated to the level of a deity. Holidays were held in his honor and sacrifices were made.

How corn appeared in Europe

In 1496, maize was one of the plants hitherto unknown to Europeans brought by Columbus from his second voyage to the shores of the New World. In Central and Western Europe the crop has retained its Indian name, but in Russia it is called corn. According to one version, this word is derived from the Romanian cucuruz, translated as “fir cone,” and according to another, from the Turkish kokoros, meaning corn stalk.

The second version is supported by the fact that, firstly, the Russians became acquainted with the plant on the territory of Crimea liberated from the Turks, and secondly, for a long time they called the cereal Turkish wheat or millet. Philologists are inclined to Slavic etymology words, speaking about the similarity of the name with words that mean in many ways Slavic languages"curly".

Thanks to its excellent nutritional qualities and simple care requirements, today “Turkish wheat” is one of the three leaders among cereal crops in production and consumption. In its historical homeland, it still retains the palm in these indicators and is used as food in a variety of forms.

Corn: Botanical description

What are the roots of corn?

Maize (Zea mays), known in the post-Soviet space as sweet corn, is an annual herbaceous plant. This is the only species in the genus Corn of the Poaceae family that grows as an agricultural crop. The genus also has 4 uncultivated plant species, and Zea mays has three wild subspecies. It is assumed that in ancient Mexico some of them were also cultivated by humans.

Corn stalks can reach a height of more than three meters. They have a developed root system, which, despite its fibrous shape, goes 1-1.5 meters deep. Sometimes supporting roots grow on the stem near the ground, preventing the plant from falling and also bringing useful substances to it. The stems reach 7 centimeters in diameter and, unlike most cereals, do not have a cavity inside.

As a monoecious plant, corn produces unisexual flowers during the growing season. Male ones are located at the tops of the shoots, and female ones are in the inflorescences-cobs located in the leaf axils. Therefore, for independent cross-pollination, it is recommended to plant the crop in at least 4 rows. Otherwise, you have to do this manually several times a day, pouring the collected pollen into the open embryo of the cob.

Which shoot of corn is removed?

Despite the ease of growing corn yourself, its yield is still influenced by proper care. In Russia, especially in regions with a shorter warm period of the year, the seedling method of planting is used. To do this, after the formation of at least three leaves, the shoots are transferred to the ground. If the root system was not damaged at this time, the plant will most likely take root well and will require little: timely loosening of the soil, watering, fertilizing and thinning.

After some time, stepsons form on the plant - side shoots 20-25 centimeters long. Usually they are removed, leaving no more than 2-3, since this slows down the growth and development of young cobs, which causes a decrease in yield.

Usually, 1-3 fruit cobs weighing 50-350 grams grow on one stalk, but there are varieties of corn that produce more of them. A mature fruit of the caryopsis type can reach 50 cm in length. The weight of 1000 grains is usually 0.25-0.3 kg, but in some varieties it reaches 0.5 kg. Outside, the corn fruits are covered with dense leaf-like wrappers.

Growing. Corn varieties

Photo: different varieties of corn

As already mentioned, there are no cultivated species of this plant other than maize or sweet corn (Zea mays). However, there is a certain diversity within the species itself. According to the current classification, this herbaceous plant includes 10 botanical groups, membership of which is determined by the structure of the cob or grains and shape. Food products include:

  • Sugar(Zea mays zaccharata). A common variety of corn, cultivated on all continents. The fruits have greatest content sugars and a minimum of starch. It is grown primarily for the industrial production of canned products. Boiling forks is also acceptable. Varieties: Aurika, Kuban sugar, Krasnodar sugar 250, Divine paper.
  • Dentoform(Zea mays indentata). This group includes many late-ripening harvest corns. They have a vigorous stem and a small volume of foliage. Aerial roots form at the base. Indentations appear on the grains covering the massive cobs, making them look like teeth. Tooth varieties of corn are used as raw materials for cereals, flour, alcohol, and also as a feed crop. Varieties: Kadr 443 SV, Dneprovsky 172 MV, Krasnodar 436 MV.
  • Flint or Indian(Zea mays indurate). The same type of culture that was brought to Europe. It is still actively grown all over the world, being one of the most popular varieties. The grains are round, wrinkled, white or yellow color, three-quarters consist of solid starch. The varieties are distinguished by high productivity and early ripening. Flint corn is made into flakes and sticks and is also grown for grain. Varieties: Cherokee Blue, Maize Ornamental Congo.
  • Starchy, soft or mealy(Zea mays amylacea). The grains of this group of varieties consist of more than 80% starch. The densely leafy bushy plants today grow only in the New World and are used there to produce alcohol, starch, molasses and flour. Varieties: Maize Concho, Thompson Profilik.
  • Waxy(Zea mays ceratina). A group of dent corn hybrids characterized by two layers of storage tissue. The matte outer part is hard and waxy, and the middle layer has a powdery consistency due to amylopectin. Waxy corn is rare and most popular in China. Varieties: Oaxacan Red, Strawberry,
  • Bursting(Zea mays everta). Groups of bushy plants formed by subgroups of rice and pearled corn. Their names are due to the taste similarity of the grains with the corresponding cereals. The group is distinguished by a wide range of colors and is widely used for the production of popcorn, but also serves as raw material for flakes and cereals. Varieties: Red Arrow, Mini Striped.
  • Semidentate(Zea mays semidentata). It was obtained as a result of crossing odontoid and siliceous, therefore it can also be called semi-siliceous. The varieties Rodnik 179 SV and Moldavsky 215 MV are widely used

Varieties of corn such as hulled corn, starchy corn and Japanese variegated corn nutritional value do not have and therefore either are not used for decorative purposes or are not of industrial interest at all.

Corn benefits and harms

Photo: corn benefits and harms

Chemical composition of corn grains

Corn grains have a rich chemical composition, which contains vitamins A, B, E, H, PP, as well as mineral compounds of more than 20 micro and macroelements.

100 grams of raw product contains a quarter of daily norm consumption of vitamins B1 and B6, copper, phosphorus and magnesium, as well as approximately half the required amount of cobalt, manganese, molybdenum and selenium.

In canned corn, all that remains of this wealth are vitamins B1, B2, C, PP and inclusions of calcium, magnesium, sodium and phosphorus.

Cooked corn kernels also have a less rich composition. In addition, corn silk contains phyloquinones, carotenoids, steroids, inoside, saponins and glycoside-like substances. About 10% of the mass of grains consists of coarse dietary fiber, which helps stabilize digestion. This product also contains 12 essential and 8 non-essential amino acids.

Calorie content and nutritional value of corn

Speaking about the nutritional base of corn seeds, it should be noted that the exact numbers depend not only on whether the product was processed, but also on the type of raw material. Average caloric content and nutritional value are presented in the table.

Type of corn Proteins (g) Fat (g) Carbohydrates (g) Calorie content (kcal)
Waxy10,1 5,9 66,4 324,5
Dentoform8,3 4 61,4 320
Starchy9,4 4,8 59,6 316
Siliceous9,2 4,2 59,6 316
Bursting11,7 4,3 66,9 336,4
Sugar11,9 6,5 63,6 344,6
Fresh on the cob10,3 4,9 67,5 338,4
Boiled4,1 2,3 22,5 123
Canned3,9 1,3 22,7 119
Groats8,3 1,2 71 328
Flour7,2 1,5 72,1 331
Flakes8,3 1,2 75 325,3

Beneficial properties of corn for the body

Thanks to the rich composition of corn grains, the use of products made from them helps to improve health and improve the functioning of many organs and systems of the human body, both for men, women and children. It is also useful for pregnant women to consume; limiting the product in food depends only on personal contraindications.

Beneficial properties of corn for the body:

  • B vitamins are involved in energy production and metabolic regulation. In many ways, they ensure healthy and beautiful appearance. The presence of these nutrients is also necessary for the calm and confident functioning of the nervous system.
  • Corn brings vitamin E to the body, which is primarily needed for high-quality anti-cancer immunity. In addition, tocopherol is involved in the functioning of the nervous, reproductive and circulatory systems, and prevents aging. Selenium, also contained in corn, is no less important for anti-carcinogenic prevention.
  • Calcium is one of the elements extremely important for the body. Together with phosphorus, it ensures the strength of teeth and bones, helps strengthen the nervous system, and is necessary for the growth and strengthening of muscle tissue.
  • Thanks to the presence of magnesium in the composition, eating corn helps balance the central nervous system, improve heart function, reduce the influence of stress factors and prevent some spasms.
  • Copper and iron, which enter the body along with the product, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, normalize heart rate, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and have an antiseptic effect.
  • 100 grams of corn grain contains half the amount of dietary fiber that should be consumed daily. Thanks to them, it stimulates intestinal peristalsis, mechanically cleanses it, and improves blood circulation in the tissues.

Photo: boiled corn

Medicinal properties for the human body

Over many centuries, corn grains, silks, leaves and other parts of the plant have been learned to be used beneficially in folk medicinal practices. The most common form of the medicine is an infusion or extract. In Russia, corn silk tincture is often used to stimulate bile production in case of cholecystitis, hepatitis and other diseases associated with the liver or gall bladder. In addition, phyto-preparations from corn silk have a diuretic and hypoglycemic effect, therefore they are used in appropriate cases.

Corn oil is recommended to be taken to improve well-being in diseases of the bile ducts, liver, hypertension, cardiac edema and atherosclerosis.

Corn cobs contain important medicinal properties and therefore do not require special processing. Simply eating them is enough to enhance the removal of radionuclides and toxins from the body. The presence of strong antioxidants mentioned above (tocopherol, selenium) helps in the prevention and treatment of cancer.

When boiled, corn helps in the treatment of gout, constipation, nephritis, liver diseases and cardiovascular diseases.

Photo: corn benefits and harm to the body

In folk medicine, corn is used for medicinal purposes to treat the following diseases:

  • Glaucoma. You need to brew 15 grams of crushed stigmas with a glass of boiling water and leave for 35-40 minutes. After filtering and cooling, the infusion is used 1 tablespoon three times a day. Drinking is not recommended.
  • Obesity. It is necessary to infuse the crushed stigmas in boiling water (1:10) for an hour, then strain and cool. When taking 1 tbsp. l. no more than 5 times a day, this remedy reduces appetite and improves metabolism.
  • For pancreatitis, a decoction of grains, stigmas and wrappers of white corn at the stage of milky-wax ripeness, taken three times a day, 150-200 ml, helps.
  • Diabetes. Take 1 spoon of dried and ground immortelle flowers, rose hips and blueberry leaves, as well as 2 spoons of corn flour. The dry mixture is poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water and cooked over low heat for about 5-10 minutes, and then closed to infuse for 60 minutes. After straining, you need to drink 1/3 glass three times a day, a quarter of an hour after meals. Treatment regimen: 3 weeks on, 3 weeks off.
  • For urolithiasis, it is recommended to drink a decoction of corn flour (1 tablespoon per 200 ml of boiling water). After pouring, the drink must be stirred well and closed to infuse for 5-6 hours. The strained broth is taken in 2 tbsp. l. three times a day before meals.
  • Pour 200 ml of boiling water over 2 tablespoons of fresh stigmas, leave for half an hour and strain. For hemorrhoids, inflammation of the appendages, atherosclerosis, hypertension and bleeding during menopause, this decoction should be drunk a quarter glass three times a day, 2 hours after a meal.

Corn oil: benefits and harms, application

Corn oil– a fairly common type of vegetable fat, but not the most popular. This product has similar gastronomic qualities as sunflower oil, but is inferior to it in terms of consumption.

Corn oil is produced by extraction or pressing from the germ of the grain, which makes up no more than 10% of its weight. Moreover, they account for more than 75% of the total fat contained in the entire grain, as well as about 20% of proteins and 70% of minerals.

Photo: corn oil

There are four types of corn oil, depending on the degree of purification: unrefined, refined non-deodorized, grade D and grade P (both are refined deodorized). Oil grade D is intended for the production of dietary and baby food products, and grade P is intended for use in catering establishments and retail trade.

Despite its low popularity, corn germ oil can be used for seasoning cold dishes, for baking, and for processing food at moderate heat (no more than the smoke point - 232˚C). In addition, it is used in medicine as an anti-sclerotic agent.

Corn juice and its properties

Corn juice is not commercially available, but is produced in fairly large volumes. True, it is not the cobs that are used for pressing, but the stems and leaves. This part of the plant mainly consists of sucrose.

It should be noted that corn for the production of leaf juice is grown somewhat differently than for feed or food. The cobs are removed from the plants before ripeness, which causes sugars to begin to accumulate in the leaves. A few weeks after the ears are torn off, the crop is processed: the squeezed juice is evaporated into syrup, and the cake and unripe ears are used in pulp and alcohol production.

Photo: corn juice
Corn juice is sometimes called syrup from the same grain, but it is not actually juice. Corn syrup is made from starch removed from the husks and germs and is divided into two types: light and dark (similar to molasses). The first is usually used in the manufacture of sweets, and the second - flour products.

Experts have mixed opinions about the benefits of consuming corn syrup. Some scientists say that it does not provoke an increase in insulin levels, therefore, it is available for diabetic nutrition.

In confectionery use, syrup has an advantage over sugar - it does not crystallize, maintaining its texture. For example, corn syrup candy doesn't become tougher or harder, so it's less of a hassle to bite.

Other researchers refute this point of view, and also say that when consuming this product, there is no feeling of satiety, since the hormone leptin is not produced. Lobbying for syrup by industrialists is understandable, since it is a raw material this moment more profitable than sugar.

One way or another, corn syrup is quite high in calories, and its effect on the body has not been fully studied. Therefore, its use should be taken responsibly and in moderation.

Use of corn in cooking

Maize has a very wide range of uses in the culinary industry. First of all, ripe corn cobs can be eaten fresh, but more often they are boiled. Long-term use also keeps it in fairly good shape, the product does not lose many useful substances. Canned corn grains, usually sweet, are in demand all over the world and are used in the preparation of salads, first and second courses.

In kitchens different nations There are national dishes around the world made from corn grains: in Argentina - locro (meat soup) and humita (corn-curd dish), in Moldova - mamalyga, in Georgia - mchadi bread, in Central America - tortillas, in China - corn donuts. In Mexico, a recipe for making chicha corn beer from sprouted grains has been preserved to this day.

A world-famous delicacy is popcorn, which is made from popping varieties of corn. This is one of those products in the production of which it is impossible to replace cereal with any analogue.

Corn flour

Corn flour is no less widely used, the maximum consumption of which is in Mexico and Central America. In this region, corn flour forms the same basis of the diet as wheat flour does in Russia. Corn flour is used to make bread, confectionery, baked goods, puddings, cereals, chips and many other products.

Photo: corn flour

Corn flour and oil in cosmetology

Among corn derivatives, flour and oil obtained from grains are used in cosmetology. Moreover, it is the oil that is most in demand, since it itself has a sufficient composition for active use. Flour requires the addition of other ingredients, both to enhance the effect and to obtain a form accessible for use.

Corn flour contains vitamins A, B1, B2, E, PP, mineral compounds of potassium, calcium, manganese, sodium, phosphorus, iron and a small proportion of saturated fatty acids. The complex of these substances provides an antiseptic, nourishing, tonic and cleansing effect. Corn flour is most often used for homemade remedies for acne and pimples, as well as for applying anti-cellulite masks after taking a bath.

Corn oil is a more universal cosmetic raw material and its scope of application is much wider. In addition to the fatty acids necessary for healthy skin (up to 57% of the composition is linoleic, and oleic – up to 24%), the oil also contains alpha tocopherol, also called the vitamin of youth. Its antioxidant properties not only slow down cell aging, but also prevent the activity of free radicals, which are one of the causes of cancer.

Fatty acids nourish, regulate lipid exchange between tissues, stabilize intracellular metabolism, and strengthen skin immunity. Corn oil in cosmetology can be used for dry, oily, damaged, aging and sensitive skin face and hands. Together with other base and essential oils in home cosmetics, it helps take care of hair and nails, and also acts as a good massage agent.

Application of corn in other areas

Gastronomic use represents a large, but not the only area of ​​use of corn in modern world. In industrial cosmetology, pharmaceuticals and medicine, derivatives of this culture are used very rarely. Corn is much more in demand for agriculture. It is very well suited for animal nutrition, since it significantly outperforms most in terms of green mass and yield. fodder crops. In addition, this food is easily digested and easily included in the diet, enriching it with carotene. The leafy part of the plants remaining after harvesting has no less nutritional value than oats or barley. About 70% of the corn crop area is occupied by silage varieties cultivated exclusively for cattle feed.

In addition, corn components are used in the manufacture of paints and varnishes and soap products, viscose fabric, paper, building materials and fertilizers. In South and Central America, corn starch is a key raw material in the production of alcohol.

Germinating corn at home

Sprouting seeds of various cereals is widely used today among supporters of a healthy diet. Corn is no exception - this method of preparation for consumption makes the grains easier to digest and saturates them with useful elements.

Pre-sowing germination of seeds is also practiced to improve their germination and germination of cereals for making moonshine.

Sprouted corn benefits and harms

Sprouted corn kernels contain a large amount of antioxidants. This contributes to the rejuvenation of body tissues and the protection of their carcinogenic factors.

The chemical composition of sprouted corn helps to increase hemoglobin levels, stabilize blood pressure, and improve vision. Corn sprouts are consumed fresh, scalded with boiling water, in salads, porridges or soups.

How to sprout corn kernels for food

  1. For germination, take a low dish with a large bottom area so that you can lay out the cereal in 2-3 layers.
  2. Then water is poured in until the top grains are lightly covered.
  3. During germination, the liquid must be changed every 12 hours so that the medium does not fade.
  4. After a couple of days, the cereal will swell and will be ready for consumption, but grains with green sprouts will be more useful.

Main contraindications to the use of corn and corn oil

Corn grains are not a universal product suitable for absolutely everyone. In addition to those who have individual intolerance, cereals should be careful people with increased blood clotting and thrombosis. The fact is that the cereal contains a decent amount of vitamin K, which stimulates blood clotting.

You should also remember about the large amount of dietary fiber. They can cause complications in acute gastrointestinal diseases or intestinal obstruction (although in some cases they also help solve the problem). Irritation of the digestive walls by fibers can aggravate the situation with gastritis, duodenal or stomach ulcers. Your attending physician will be the best person to help you decide whether to use it.

Like many vegetable fats, corn oil is considered safe product for everyone except those with individual intolerance. However, it is important to choose the liquid responsibly, since a spoiled product may contain harmful oxides and compounds.

Collection, preparation and storage, as well as shelf life

The time when corn is harvested is selected based on the characteristics of the plant variety, its purpose, place of cultivation and current vegetative characteristics. In Russia, as a rule, sweet corn begins to be harvested at the end of August or beginning of September. After collecting the cobs, both fodder and food grains are subjected to primary cleaning, drying and separation from impurities.

The conditions and technology for storing corn grains can vary greatly, depending on the variety. Dairy corn can be stored refrigerated for no more than 3 weeks. In industrial production, it is either frozen or canned. To do home freezing with your own hands you need:

  1. Soak the cobs for 20 minutes in a water-salt solution (1 tsp lemon juice and salt per 1 liter of water).
  2. Hull the grain and dry it.
  3. Pack into sealed bags and put in the freezer.

Corn grain in households is stored in boxes, plastic jars or canvas bags, and in large farms - in elevators at a temperature environment and humidity no more than 13%. You can try to achieve similar results at home. Seed material is kept in a dry room, stacked, for which barns or attics are well suited. When storing cobs, it is necessary to equip the room with a forced ventilation system.

Storing Boiled Corn

Boiled corn is a popular delicacy that, unfortunately, is not available fresh all year round. Few people know that you can stock up on this simple product for the winter by placing it in the refrigerator after cooking:

  1. Cobs wrapped in cling film will keep for several days in the refrigerator, maintaining flavor and freshness.
  2. You can put the whole pot in the refrigerator along with the water and the cobs. For 2-3 days, the grain will retain its juiciness and taste.
  3. For long-term storage in the freezer, boiled cobs should be dipped several times alternately in hot and cold water, dried with a napkin and separately wrapped in cling film. The period of such storage is 3 months.

To preserve corn grains, a brine is made with salt and sugar (3 tsp per 1 liter of water). Fresh grains are poured into a sterilized jar and filled to the top with a preservative solution. You can additionally add your preferred spices to the jar: bay leaf, pepper, basil, paprika, etc.

Video: beneficial properties of corn for the body

Corn, Maize (Zea mays)- an annual plant of the Poa family, grain and fodder crop.
Homeland - Central and South America.

One of the oldest cultivated plants on Earth, incapable of self-seeding and going wild. It was first introduced into culture in Mexico by the ancient Mayans and Aztecs (about 5200 BC). Probable ancestor cultivated corn They consider a common weed plant in Mexico, Mexican teosinte (Euchlaena mexicana), which looks like corn. It was brought to Europe at the end of the 15th century, and has been cultivated in Russia since the 17th century. The range of corn is from 58°N. up to 40°S..

Corn is a light- and heat-loving crop, quite drought-resistant, and does not tolerate shade, especially in the first half of the growing season. The growing season is usually 90-150 days.

The plant is monoecious with dioecious flowers (the spadix in the leaf axils is the female inflorescence and the panicle at the top of the stem is male), cross-pollinating. Male flowers bloom two to five days earlier than female flowers.

Color of corn grains: yellow and white, sometimes orange, pink, red, black. From 500 to 1000 grains are formed on the cob.

The corn plant has a powerful root system. Adventitious roots are formed at the bottom of the lekgo stem. The stems, depending on the variety, reach 0.8-2 meters in height. Leaves are lanceolate, vaginal.

Depending on the properties of the grain, corn is divided into 7 subspecies: sugar, flint and tooth-like (most common in Russia), starchy, popping (popcorn), waxy (less common) and filmy (not used in industrial crops).

Corn cobs have excellent taste and nutritional properties.

Corn grains contain important substances for the human body. minerals: salts of potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus. Its protein contains the essential amino acids lysine and tiptophan. Sweet corn is rich in vitamins E, B, PP and ascorbic acid. The germ of the corn grain, which occupies almost a third of the grain, contains 35% fat.

Corn is a plant with many uses. It is used in the food industry (flour, cereal, corn flakes and sticks, corn oil rich in vitamin E, etc.), starch, brewing and alcohol industries. Corn stalks, cobs, and their wrappers are used to produce paper, linoleum, viscose, insulating materials, film, and much more. Corn silage and crushed canned cobs (along with grain) in milky-waxy ripeness are valuable comas.

Pistil stigmas are used in medicine. Extracts from corn silk have the property of stimulating the liver and gallbladder, increasing urination, and are recommended for cystitis and as an aid in the treatment of kidney stones and hepatitis.

- a tall annual herbaceous plant reaching a height of 3 m.

Corn is grown to produce ears with edible grains. It is the most important grain after wheat and rice.

Corn cultivation

Corn is sown when the soil warms up at a sowing depth of 10-12 degrees, in the middle zone this happens on May 10-15, according to the 60*70 or 70*70 cm pattern to a depth of 4-10 cm. Crops in the 3-4 leaf phase are thinned out to two plants in a nest. Application 10 g/sq.m. m of superphosphate with sowing increases the yield. Can be grown through potted 15-25 day old seedlings. Plants are hilled before the formation of panicles. The stepsons of the lower leaves are removed when they are 5 cm in size. 1-2 times per season they are fed with mineral fertilizers 10 g/m of superphosphate, 5 g/m of am. saltpeter and potassium chloride Ears of early and medium varieties ripen 65-75 days after germination, which are boiled and consumed with salt and butter. Green beans, sweet peppers, tomato paste, fried onions are added to the boiled grains and stewed.

Depending on the properties of the grain, corn is divided into 9 botanical groups: flint, dentate, semi-tooth (widely cultivated), popping, sugar, starchy, starchy-sugar, waxy (limited areas), filmy (not cultivated).

The crop is photophilous and heat-loving, quite drought-resistant, does not tolerate shading, especially in the first half of the growing season. The growing season is usually 90-150 days.

People call her the “queen” of the fields. Corn is very unpretentious, but there are two prerequisites for obtaining a good harvest - loose and well-fertilized soil and abundant watering. Manure can be used as a fertilizer, which is applied during the autumn digging process.

Planting corn at the end of April - beginning of May, when the threat of frost is behind us. Then all that remains is to wait for germination and ripening. A sign of ripening corn cobs, as experts note, is dried hairs on the cobs. Corn is harvested as the cobs ripen. The cob grains should be soft and release milky juice when pressed.

Made from corn grain: cereals, flour, starch, alcohol, animal feed; from the germ - corn oil. Green mass, silage, hay - feed for livestock; from dry stems and cobs - paper, linoleum, viscose, etc. It is widely cultivated in all agricultural regions of the world. Grain yield is 30-100 centners per hectare or more.

Useful properties of corn

One-half cup of raw corn has 66 calories and 2.1 grams of fiber, while the same amount of cooked corn has 88 calories and 2.3 grams of fiber. Corn contains vitamin E, as well as ascorbic and folic acid.

Indeed, he can boast of his medicinal properties, since she “stored” a whole storehouse of useful elements in her grains. It is often neglected due to its starch content, but vitamins B, K, PP, D, C, as well as starch, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, copper, and nickel are also not alien to it.

Corn silk contain fatty oil (up to 2.5%), essential oil (up to 0.12%), phyloquinones, pantothenic and ascorbic acids, carotenoids, inozide, steroids sitosterol and stigmasterol, saponins (about 3%), bitter glycoside-like substances, gum-like substances (3-4%).

The seeds contain tocopherols, thiamine hydrochloride, riboflavin, pyridoxine, pantothenic acid, biotin, fatty oil (up to 5%), a significant amount of linoleic acid derivatives, pentosans (up to 7%). In the leaves of corn, esters of phenol carbonic acids were found - ferulic, caffeic, etc. - flavonoids, luteolin, tricine, quercetin, vitexin, hemoorientin, rutin, robinin, glycosides of orientin and saponaretin.

It is useful to use and corn bran, where those nutrients that have antioxidant properties are found in abundance.

Scientists have concluded that regular consumption of corn can reduce the risk of stroke, diabetes and cardiovascular disease, as the body receives sufficient amounts of dietary fiber, fiber, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin E and other beneficial substances contained in corn and thus all metabolic processes are most activated. And this leads to improved human health and the immune system as a whole.

Nutritionists say that by consuming corn, older people will help maintain and improve their vision, but only if they eat it properly. Yellow corn kernels contain a large amount of carotenoids, and this is one of the the best tools to maintain good vision, just remember that for cooking you should choose an ear with young tender grains, milky-waxy ripeness, and not old and overripe, with a coarse grain structure, which is difficult for the body to digest.

Corn oil made from the germs of ripe corn seeds (the “living” part of the grain). If you take 1 tablespoon of corn oil 2 times a day with breakfast and dinner for a month, this will protect the body from many troubles (asthma, migraines, skin diseases).

Corn oil has a beneficial effect on metabolism and is a valuable nutritional and medicinal product. In the experiment, corn oil increases the tone of the gallbladder, enhances contractions of its walls, and regulates the activity of the sphincter of Oddi. After 1-17 hours, the tone of the gallbladder decreases and the bladder is again filled with fresh bile. Corn oil has a similar effect on gallbladder motility as egg yolk. What they have in common is the short duration of the period of initial expansion of the bladder (2-3 minutes) followed by a long and vigorous contraction, the absence of sharp fluctuations in bladder tone and the rhythmic activity of the sphincter of Oddi.

At the same time, there is a difference in the effect of corn oil and yolks. In response to taking corn oil, the contraction of the walls of the gallbladder lasts longer, but a persistent decrease in tone and filling of the gallbladder with fresh bile occurs later. Sunflower oil unlike corn, it causes a decrease in the tone of the gallbladder immediately after administration, followed by a gradual tonic contraction of its walls. Atropine largely reverses the motor effect caused by corn oil. Apparently, the change in the motor activity of the biliary system under the influence of corn oil occurs with the participation of the vagus nerve system.

Corn oil value is also determined by the content of unsaturated fatty acids (80%) and phosphatides - 1.5 g per 100 g of oil. Unsaturated fatty acids: linoleic, linolenic, arachidonic are involved in many metabolic processes. They are among the substances that regulate cholesterol metabolism. Unsaturated fatty acids form soluble compounds with cholesterol and prevent its deposition in the vascular wall. There are indications that in patients with coronary atherosclerosis, consuming foods rich in linoleic acid, the tendency to thrombus formation decreases. Linoleic and linolenic acids are not synthesized in the body; they come only from food. One source of unsaturated fatty acids is corn oil.

Corn oil is also rich in phosphatides, biologically active substances that make up cell membranes; Phosphatides play a particularly important role in the function of brain tissue. Phosphatides regulate cholesterol levels in the body and promote the accumulation of proteins. In the absence of phosphatides, fats accumulate intensively and cholesterol is deposited in tissues. The body's need for phosphatides is relatively high, and one of their sources may be unrefined corn oil. Corn oil in its raw, unrefined form is recommended as an auxiliary dietary agent for the prevention and treatment of general and regional atherosclerosis, obesity, occlusive arterial diseases in diabetes mellitus, etc.

Corn oil is recommended for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis. Take it 25 g 3 times a day with meals. Taking the oil reduces blood cholesterol levels, improves overall health, mood and sleep.

Dangerous properties of corn

After conducting many different examinations, it was concluded that modified corn provides Negative influence on terrestrial and aquatic organisms. Originally, genetically modified corn was bred to protect against pests. But, during cultivation, scientists recorded that corn pollen contains a very harmful poison. This poison kills absolutely all insects, be they pests or innocent creatures.

And although scientists claim that this poison does not pose any threat to humans, in some countries the use of modified corn has been prohibited by law. Therefore, the use of these products remains a controversial issue, and depends entirely on the consumers themselves.

The effect of transgenes on the human body has not been fully studied, but the era of food mutants, which came in handy for the fast food industry, coincided with a sharp increase in the percentage of allergy sufferers, people suffering from obesity and other consequences of metabolic disorders.

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