Draw summer drawings for children in pencil. How to draw summer? Advice for young artists. What can you draw on the theme of summer for children?

How to draw step by step summer landscape? If you asked this question, then, most likely, it’s already summer outside your window, and about the cold long nights you don't even remember.

Today we will learn to draw, let's get started!

Stage 1
Our landscape will be quite standard; it will consist of a piece of a house, trees and a narrow path.

Let's start with home. By lightly pressing the pencil, we outline the building with perspective lines extending into the distance beyond the horizon.

Stage 2
According to the laws of perspective, we outline the windows and their frames. Please note that we are only depicting a small part of the building on paper, so the top window is not completely visible.

Stage 3
Now it's time for the path and trees. We draw three trees, you can read about how to work with trees. We also depict a winding path going to the center of the horizon.

Stage 4
We continue to detail the vegetation of our summer landscape. We draw more trees and use careless strokes to depict their foliage.

Try not to press too hard on the pencil, because you may have to redraw something or you will later paint over the drawing with watercolors or gouache.

Stage 5
Let's put on paper the most important attributes of summer. Namely, a cat and flowers. On foreground, right on the path, we depict a cat. You don't have to get too detailed at this step, just sketch out the basics.

We plant flowers nearby, again, no need to draw them in too much detail. We don't need this for now.

Stage 6
So, it's time to erase all the lines drawn in pencil and trace them with a pen. The building needs to depict the relief of the boards, we work on the bark and foliage.

In the foreground we are working on the grass, cat and flowers. Also, don't forget about the grass in the background. The farther a piece of land is from us, the less grass there should be - this is the law of cartoons :)

Already at this step our landscape looks very impressive, and we haven’t even started coloring it yet!

Of course, you can get rid of the elements you don't like. For example, it is not necessary to depict flowers or trees. Experiment and come up with something of your own :)

Stage 7
The final step is coloring, so find some colored pencils or paints.

We paint almost all the grass and path. The area behind the house will turn out a little darker than the rest of the picture, since less light falls there.

The right side of the trunks will be darker than the left, because the source of light, that is, the sun, will be on the left.

We are finishing all the grass and trunks. Also, use darker shades to depict the shadow on the path falling from the trees. Well, don’t forget about the furry animal...

We plant the foliage and start working on the background. The top of the head behind the horizon should be painted a slightly different shade of green, this will give the picture a more expressive effect.

Our sky, accordingly, is blue, the closer to the horizon, the brighter it is.

Finally we paint the house and flowers and our drawing is ready!

Also, there are other options for drawing summer landscapes:

Summer means flowers, butterflies, bright blue skies and green grass. This is exactly the picture we will draw today. From this drawing you can make a postcard.

Necessary materials:

  • A sheet of white paper;
  • Colored pencils in yellow, orange, red, pink, dark green, light green and blue. Pink color can be replaced with purple, then you get a real rainbow;
  • Thin black marker;
  • A simple pencil (preferably soft 3B);
  • Eraser.

At first with a simple pencil mark where the flowers will be located. The lines should be very light, barely noticeable. The shape of the flower fits into an oval. Place the ovals at the bottom of the sheet, at different angles to the edges of the paper and to each other.

In the upper part, make room for the butterfly; use light lines to determine its size and direction of flight.

If you connect the corners of the wings of any butterfly with lines, you get a trapezoid. Therefore, you need to start drawing a butterfly with this figure. Having outlined its contours, divide the trapezoid with a line approximately in the middle. From the corners to the center of the trapezoid, round off the shape of the wings. Label the body and head.

Now you need to draw the flowers. In the middle of each planned oval you need to make smaller ovals.

From these small ovals, draw diverging lines separating the petals.

Round the petals without disturbing the intended shape of the flower.

Use light lines to mark the location of several leaves. They should be located in different directions. First, draw the middle line of the sheet, then two lines from the tip with a corner. Draw the leaves, rounding the lines.

Carefully trace the resulting outlines of flowers, leaves and butterflies with a marker. Try to keep the lines smooth.

Take a blue pencil. Transparent lines sketch out the horizon line approximately in the middle of the sheet, as well as the lines of the hills below. Use light strokes to tint the sky. Start tinting from the upper corners of the sheet towards the horizon line, gradually loosening the pressure.

From the horizon line it is also very easy, using loose strokes with a gradual weakening of pressure, indicate the distance with the hills.

Use a yellow pencil to color the butterfly's wings. This should be done in small strokes with even pressure. Do not press the pencil too hard, it is better to cross-hatch in one place several times until you achieve the desired tone.

Paint over the body of the butterfly orange, and use a marker to draw small details: spots and black corners on the wings, eyes and antennae.

Now it's time to do the flowers. Use a yellow pencil to shade out the centers.

Then start tinting the petals. To make the tinting look neat, outline and color each petal separately. The strokes should be small and the pressure on the pencil should be even.

Our drawing shows a red, orange and pink flower. But you can come up with another combination.

Color the leaves this way: one half of the leaf is dark green, and the other half is light green.

Finish the drawing by working out the details with a marker. In the middle of the flowers, apply several dots, draw veins on the leaves.

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Displaying summer with its mood on the palette is not as simple as it seems at first glance. However, if you gradually transfer the elements, stroke by stroke, the process will be simple.

Try to depict a kind of cheerful landscape that will fit perfectly into your story about summer and vacation.

We will try to explain to you in detail the nuances and subtleties of how to draw summer. First, plunge into the range of experiences and sensations of this time of year. This wonderful and bright time of year is full of different colors and events. Many of you would probably like to find yourself in a sunny meadow, saturated with the fragrance of various flowers.

Are you ready to get started? To fully understand how to draw summer - this wonderful time of the year - it is worth getting acquainted with the creations of painters of past eras and modern masters. The easiest way to learn to draw is with pencils.

After acquiring the skills, you can safely switch to using paints and gouache.

How to draw summer step by step?

Step 1. Take a sheet of white paper and divide it into three parts, using a regular pencil, draw thin horizontal lines.

Please note that the middle part should be the widest.

Stage 2. Place a spreading flower in the center of the foreground a big tree, its crown may extend beyond the image. Using an eraser, erase any extra lines that fall on the tree drawing.

Step 3. Draw the mountains just above the horizon outline. Draw several trees, coniferous, deciduous, as well as bushes or a haystack in the background. Draw a path that leads from the horizon line.

Stage 4. Draw small plants throughout the foreground: flowers, grass, shrubs.

Stage 5. The basis of the landscape sketch is almost ready. Now you need to move on to decorating it with colored pencils. It will be nice if you can prepare pencils of a wide variety of shades and colors. This will help you make the drawing more colorful and vibrant.

Step 6. Take pencils of different shades of blue and of blue color and shade the sky. The strokes may not be continuous. This way you will achieve the most realistic drawing.

Stage 7. To color the mountains, use different shades of green. It is advisable to apply strokes horizontally. First in one direction and then in the other. If you wish, you can shade your work a little using a piece of napkin or a cotton sponge.

Step 8. Applying this principle, give light tonnage to the front and in the background drawing using a green pencil.

Step 9. Color the background elements with suitable colors.

Stage 10. Color the bush branches and tree brown. Green pencil Use circular motions to create a green effect.

This method is easy, and it explains how to draw summer for children. 10 years is the age of learning about the world and demonstrating great potential for creativity and limitless imagination.

Let's try to draw summer

1. First, divide your sheet straight line, marking the horizon with it.
2. At the top of the piece of paper, draw a sun and clouds. You can draw both a clear sky and a cloudy one.

3. Add some tree trunks to your drawing.
4. Next, draw the branches on the trunk for naturalness.
5. Well, what would summer be without bright and juicy foliage? Draw luxurious tree crowns.
6. Your summer landscape is almost ready. Now draw a house near the trees. We start by drawing the base of the house. It consists of two rectangular shapes.
7. Add the roof to the rectangles. Don't forget to remove all unnecessary lines.
8. Add one more element to the roof - a pipe.
9. Draw square windows and rectangular doors.
10. Add details that will help you diversify the summer landscape: a small wooden fence, grass, flowers and a path to the house.

As a result, you should end up with a painted summer. All that remains is to arm yourself with paints and pencils to add brightness and richness to the drawing.

Required materials and tools

Before you begin, you need to prepare the following materials:
● Clean album sheet paper or white cardboard.
● An ordinary pencil.
● Washing gum.
● Felt pens, paints.
● Colored pencils of different shades.

Summer beach with palm tree and sea

Take out a pencil and a piece of paper and start drawing.

● Draw a sketch of the embankment in the lower left corner. This big Stone with cracks.
● Draw the outlines of palm leaves a little higher. If you draw with children, then they should not have any difficulties.
● To complete the palm tree, add to your summer drawing two arcuate lines. This way you will draw a tree trunk. Draw several dashed contours on it to give the palm tree a natural look.
● Now draw a wavy curve on the side. This is a future bush, which is located behind the palm tree.
● Let's move on to drawing the beach. In the figure, draw a curved line - the sea boundary between the beach and the sea. Draw mountain ranges on the horizon. This item will the final stage your drawing.


Any drawing is the result of your mood and aspirations. If your creation is not so successful, don't be discouraged, keep trying again. Don't throw away your first drawing. Perhaps time will pass and you will accidentally find it among the dusty papers. And only then will you be able to appreciate what has gone into it.

Summer– this is one of the most amazing, beautiful and long-awaited times of the year. It's the sun, it's hot time with long days and short warm nights. Summer is hot sand and a gentle wave on the seashore, good mood and unforgettable experiences. Summer is different for each of us. And it’s different for everyone! Anyone who visited the southern coast of Crimea this summer immediately imagined the following picture: the sea, mountains and pine trees of bizarre shape, growing along the slopes of the mountains to the seashore.

Let's try to draw together with the children drawing on the theme “Summer”- a memory of summer, based on step by step instructions seascape images.

The master class is conducted by Vera Parfentyeva, technology teacher, leader of a preschool club, reader of “Native Path”. The article is illustrated with drawings by Vera’s little pupils.

Drawing on the theme “Summer” step by step

Step 1. Horizon line.

We draw a straight line with a simple pencil at the bottom of the sheet (thus introducing the kids to the techniques of working with a ruler). This is the horizon line. Children will learn a new concept: the horizon line is an imaginary line where the sky appears to touch the ground or water. IN in this case- with the sea.

Step 2. Sun.

We draw the sun going beyond the horizon.

Step 3. Draw a mountain in the background.

We draw an arbitrary curved line from the horizon line - this is the mountain in the background.

Step 4. Draw the second mountain.

Draw a curved line for the mountain protruding forward.

Step 5. Draw the shore.

In the foreground we draw the shore.

In another option, you can make the composition of the picture “in reverse”, in a mirror image.

Step 6. Draw a pine tree.

On the mountainside we draw a pine tree bending over the sea under the influence of the winds. Pines in Crimea have a bizarre shape, low, with crooked trunks, but firmly holding onto the rocky soil with their roots. If you have been to another place, draw trees characteristic of that area.

Step 7. Make our drawing on the “Summer” theme color.

Well, now the most interesting thing: take watercolor or gouache paints of red-orange color and paint Sun. It is best to hold the brush vertically and paint with “pokes” with the tip of the brush.

Paint over with dark brown paint mountain in the background (drawings by Sasha, 7 years old, and Nastya, 6.5 years old). Drawing with “poke” makes it possible to express the relief of the mountain.

Paint over nearby mountain light brown paint. There is a large area of ​​the design here, so it is more convenient to hold the brush at an angle, pressing it against the sheet with full bristles.

Add green color, gradually mixing it with the still wet brown paint.

Drawing the summer sea.

It is better to complete this item one point earlier, because... the mountain blocks the sea. The children hurried a little. Paint over a section of the sea with blue paint. Movement of the brush horizontally in one direction, from left to right. It is advisable to draw a line along the horizon without interruption. The remaining lines can be drawn with a brush in smooth wavy lines. Do not allow the brush to move back and forth without lifting the brush from the sheet. Then, under the setting sun on the water, make a few strokes with the tip of the brush and blur them. This creates a reflection on the water of the sun going beyond the horizon.

Let's draw a pine tree. Hold the brush vertically. First, “poke” along the contour of the pine crown, and then fill inner space, leaving gaps here and there.

Drawing the shore (in the manner described above - hold the brush at an angle, pressing it to a sheet of paper with full bristles.

We draw lines on the trunk and branches of the pine tree.

When drawing lines on the trunk and branches of a pine tree, the hand should always remain to the right of them, tilting the brush vertically in the same direction, touching the paper only with the tip. The brush is moved along the pile. The hand remains suspended, without leaning on the sheet, so as not to smear the drawing.

Using white paint we lightly shade the crown and trunk of the pine tree.

This is what happens (drawing by Nastya, six and a half years old)

We draw poppies.

If desired, we draw poppies. We put dots on the grass with a toothpick. These are poppy flowers. They say that red poppies bloom where fierce battles took place during the Great Patriotic War.

Creative task for children:

  1. Close your eyes. Mentally transport yourself to the southern coast of Crimea. Imagine the sea, the coast, the mountains. Listen to the noise sea ​​wave, the cry of seagulls and the whistle of a ship. Paint your landscape.

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This summer has been truly strange. I practically haven't left the house, I've been I didn’t see my friends and almost never during the whole summer picked up the guitar. I was busy with other things. It truly captured all my attention, I plunged headlong into my new hobby! I stopped sleeping at night because night is that short period of time when you are truly free and belong only to yourself. Night is a time of magic. And I really did make magic all summer. I drew pictures with a pencil!

When I started drawing, a boundless world of flights of fancy opened up in front of me. A world in which I was both God and king. In which I decided who would bloom and who would wither. Who to rule and who to be subject to? This is my world, which I myself invented and transferred to paper every night. This is a world in which there are no standards, laws of physics, criminal code or morality. This is the world which I want to see or the world in which I'm afraid to live. These are people who were once dear to me, but also those whom I hated all my life. Drawings are not just art. Drawings are a whole life. And the pencil is magic instrument, transferring all my dreams and fantasies onto paper. Giving them life and the right to exist, when some other thoughts disappear forever from my memory - what I draw remains with me forever.
I've been drawing all summer. I discovered this new world and after that I have mine old life seemed boring and pointless. Call me a fanatic? Psycho? So be it. Everyone has his own path. It may be more pleasant for you to live in cages and hear every day through the box that you are free. But it’s more pleasant for me to be a “psycho” who creates his own world, writes his own history. Who decides what will happen tomorrow. And unlike you, I am able to fix my world. After all, all I need for this is an eraser. And you have destroyed your world so much that nothing and no one can save it. And when you meet someone who does not live by the imposed rules, you simply cannot forgive him for it. You can't understand why he's not like everyone else? Why doesn't he walk in the same herd with you? And you start to get angry because you yourself are not capable of it. And I am capable. Because I am an artist. And my world has no boundaries. And your world consists only of them.
All summer I did nothing but draw pictures with a pencil. This is exactly how I spent the summer. And do you know what I'll tell you? It was best summer in my life. Even though I ended up in a mental hospital this summer.

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