The lines on which hand indicate the future. Palmistry - how and by which hand palmists tell fortunes. What does the life line on the hand mean?

Palmistry is fortune telling by hand, which came to us from Ancient Greece. In the distant past, palmistry was considered a science that explained and predicted fate based on the lines on the palm of a person.

Despite its long history, interest in palmistry has not faded away and is captivating more and more people. Having started to become interested in it, everyone, without exception, has many questions regarding this activity. Most often, beginners are interested in the following:

  • Which hand do palmists use to tell fortunes?
  • Which hand holds the future and which holds the past?
  • What does this or that line on the palm of your hand say?

To tell your fortune by hand, you don’t have to turn to professionals; you can simply read your fortune for free at home. If you study and read carefully Additional information, then fortune telling by the lines of the hand is not such a difficult matter. To correctly decipher the information written on the palm, you need to learn to distinguish between various lines, hills, small signs on the hands, indicating positive and negative traits character of a person.

Preparing our hands for fortune telling

First, let's decide which hand is best for guessing. If a person is right-handed, then his left hand will tell about the fate given to him by nature itself. The right hand carries information about the current and real life. Therefore, for a right-handed person, fortune telling is best done according to right hand. For left-handers the situation is completely opposite. They need to tell fortunes using their left hand, since it is she who will tell him about the present. To make it more convenient to examine the lines on your hand, you can use different methods.

1 way. You can use a scanner to obtain a handprint. Before doing this, you need to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and dry with a towel. Then place the palm of your hand on the scanner glass and press scan. You don’t have to press your hand too hard against the glass, the main thing is not to move it. Save the scanned image with a resolution of 300 dpi. Then you can work with the resulting photo.

Method 2. If you don’t have a scanner at home, you can do without it. You can get a print easily and free of charge using stamp ink. For this procedure you will need the following materials: a stack of old newspapers, stamp ink, a small rubber roller, Blank sheet paper and a simple pencil. Place a white sheet of paper on a stack of old newspapers, apply paint to your palm with a roller and press it onto the sheet. Trace the outline of the hand with a pencil.

What do the lines on the palm mean?

Palmistry studies and describes the main lines on the palm that carry the most information about a person – these are the lines of Life, Heart, Head, Destiny. If a person has them smooth and there are practically no small transverse lines extending from them, then this indicates the determination and practicality of the owner. If there are many chaotic small lines crossing the main lines on the hand, it means that a person with such a hand has an impulsive and uncollected character, and is accustomed to doing rash actions, which he later regrets.

Life line

The curve, which is usually called the life line in fortune telling, reflects the level and quality of life, shows how much vital energy a person has, how hardy and cheerful he is. Let's look at two types of life lines in the photo:

Photo 1. Life line, hugs thumb.

People whose life line hugs the thumb usually have a pessimistic character, they are very slow, characterized by weakness and increased fatigue.

Photo 2. The life line completely crosses the palm.

If a person has it crossing the palm and has the shape of a semicircle, then he is very enthusiastic and full of vital energy. From the video below you will learn about the signs of wealth that are located on the life line.

Heart line

One of the main lines distinguished by palmistry is considered to be the line of the heart, which begins on the palm under the little finger and ends between the index and middle fingers. It shows the emotional side of a person and what kind of relationships he can have with others. There are several types of this curve, which we will now consider:

  • a long, clear curve that ends between Saturn and Jupiter. Its owner knows how to find the golden mean between emotions and reason, understands well and finds mutual language with people;
  • a long curve that bends under Jupiter means that the owner’s feelings and emotions are higher than the mind. Such a person is characterized by loyalty and reliability, romanticism and deep affection, as well as idealization of a loved one;
  • a short curve indicates that its owner loves physically rather than platonically;
  • a straight line, the end of which ends in a fork or trident, means realism in love and great trust;

A straight, long curve ending in Jupiter indicates that the person is more interested in work than relationships.

Head (mind) line

Head line

The line of the mind allows you to learn about the level of intelligence, as well as how a person thinks at a particular stage of life. According to its location, it originates between the large and index fingers, crosses the palm and ends almost in its middle. The head line can be divided into 2 main groups:

A . creative head line

The creative line of the head has a slight bend at the end and is directed towards the wrist. People with this line are distinguished by their rich imagination and creative talent; they approach everything creatively. It is very important that the work occupies him completely, otherwise he will quickly get bored with it.

B. Practical line of mind

People with a practical line of mind stand firmly on their feet and live in the present day. He approaches everything practically and simply, and does not like to rely on blind faith.

Line of fate

The line of fate is a straight vertical line that runs down the center of the hand. Not all people have this direct line. Its presence means that the owner of such a hand has specific goals and dreams that will definitely come true and come true in life. People who have it seem to be helped by higher powers in any matter and protected from wrong actions.

From ancient times to this day in eastern countries, such as China, Korea, Vietnam, Thailand and the Philippines, most residents make important decisions only with the participation of palmists.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future.

Which hand do palmists use to tell fortunes for women?

Magical practices do not imply the division of people by sex or gender. That is why the question of which hand palmists use to tell fortunes for women seems completely inappropriate. Rather, a person’s age may matter, but not his chromosome set.

Is “female” palmistry a common myth?

Both the stronger and the weaker sex receive at birth a kind of entry in the Book of Fate - it can be read by looking at the passive hand. For right-handers, this will be the left palm, for left-handers, respectively, the right palm. But few people are able to strictly follow the “straight path”, exactly in accordance with their plans Higher Powers. Hence the difference in lines, which becomes more and more noticeable over the years.

The active hand (which is more often used in Everyday life) reflects everything last changes and the resulting prospects for the future. What hand do women use to tell fortunes about their children? A more accurate answer will be given by the right hand for a left-handed person and, as you might guess, the left hand for a right-handed person. On the passive hand it is noted how many babies the girl was “destined for”, and on the active hand - how many she can have in real life.

Next the palmist does simple analysis, allowing you to develop the topic. If initially one could expect the appearance of three babies, but in the end their number was reduced to one on the active arm, either termination of pregnancy or unsuccessful birth is likely. To make a final conclusion, it is worth looking at all the others, including the secondary lines.

Again, if Fate promised to bestow numerous offspring, but in reality the house is not filled with children’s laughter, we can confidently assume that the woman has somehow gone against the plans of the Universe. To change the situation, you must find the remaining differences between what was destined and what happened, and then eliminate them - adjust your life program.

Which hand is used to tell fortunes for women?

And again - an incorrect question. There is no fundamental difference between representatives of the opposite sexes, so you should carefully study and compare both palms. The combination of the Line of Mind and the Line of Heart is very indicative for women; they can tell a lot about character, level of emotionality,

The lines of the hand carry important information about man - his essence, past and future. It is believed that at birth, a drawing of fate is displayed on the palm of the owner of the hand - its destiny. But over the course of life, the lines on the hand undergo changes.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

It is important to know which palm can be used to predict the future, to see special signs and marks indicating significant situations and upcoming events in a person’s destiny.

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      About the right and left palms

      A palm reader examines the lines on both hands of both women and men. This is the only way to fully recreate the picture of a person’s personality.

      A true professional will never study only one hand.

      Experts call it passive left palm. This is explained by the fact that it displays all the natural inclinations and character traits at birth. Left hand recreates the general scheme of fate - the matrix destined for man from above.

      • The right palm is active. The name speaks for itself. In the process of life, a person undergoes transformations, commits actions that can change the initial task of fate. That is, a person can independently “rewrite” his future.

        Events related to the future, children, and financial well-being are usually predicted by hand. The palmist identifies the relevant details in the palm and gives his assessment of the problem.

        Left-handed fortune telling

        An interesting point is that the active right palm for fortune telling is only applicable to right-handed people. For left-handers, everything will happen exactly the opposite. In such cases, the matrix of fate is written on the right (passive) palm, and the future and present are looked at only from the active one.

        Otherwise, palmists tell fortunes by hand in the same way for both women and men.

        Nuances and questions

        Professionals judge the essence of a person not only by the hand, but also by the shape of the palms and fingers. All proportions and distances are taken into account. These nuances help tell about a person’s character. Even the shape of the hands hides a lot of information for the keen eye of a professional.

        The palmist will definitely look first at the left palm, and then at the right. He will “read” from the lines of the hand all the changes that have occurred in the process of life. For example, if fate was destined a long way, then this will appear as a deep and clear line on the left palm. And on the right hand, for example, the same contour will be intermittent or shortened. The palmist will definitely pay attention to this nuance and will indicate to the person that he is choosing the wrong path.

        Lines and hillocks on the palm

        The first thing that usually catches your eye is lines on the surface of the skin and bumps located in various places. They all have their own names and are studied both separately and in combination with each other. The main lines are:

        • life - they talk about the duration of the human journey on Earth, the quality and volume of energy, the ability to endure difficulties;
        • hearts - reflect the emotional component of the personality, the ability to interact with people;
        • head (or mind) - talk about the ability to think rationally, about the level of intelligence and self-awareness;
        • destinies - show the presence of specific goals and directions of development in a person, often indicating a destiny from above;
        • marriage - this line talks about the ups and downs in your personal life: marriage and divorce.

        The curves themselves, their depth, clarity and color are examined. The intermittency or presence of islands sometimes indicates serious problems or sharp turns in the fate of a particular person.

        Special signs

        In addition to the individual arrangement of lines, their thickness, length, clarity, there are many other important details such as patterns, geometric figures, tubercles or mounds located at the base of the fingers on the hand.

        Palmists carefully study specific patterns on the palm, because they are signs that have a deep meaning.

An important rule for all palmists is that when reading palms, it is important to take into account the lines on both the right and left hands. If a specialist looks at only one of your hands, then he is nothing more than a charlatan who knows nothing about palmistry. Many people interested in palmistry often ask questions: which hand should be used to tell fortunes and what does the left and right palm reflect?

In palmistry, a distinction is made between a passive and an active hand. For right-handed people, the active hand will be the right, and the passive hand will be the left. For left-handed people the opposite is true.

Passive palm in palmistry

The passive palm shows what a person was born with. From it you can learn about the character that was formed in childhood, about what parents invested in a person, what was given to him by fate. The passive hand is also used to determine the origins and causes of events in life. The passive palm also tells about the life span, or more precisely about how many years a person had at his birth. This hand also reflects a person's past.

Active palm in palmistry

The lines on the active palm show what a person has done himself, how he has changed his life and what was given to him from birth. In other words, the active hand reflects a person’s activities throughout his life and how exactly he disposed of what was given to him by fate.

By the active palm you can recognize the present and future of a person, since it shows everything that a person does, what he strives for, what he thinks and dreams about.

How to tell fortunes by hand

In order to compose full picture a person’s fate must be guessed using both the right and left hand. This allows the palmist to see impending events or problems and warn a person about changes in his destiny. For example, if on the passive hand the life line is long, deep and clear, but on the active hand it is weakly expressed or has breaks and islands, then this is a direct sign that the person is managing his life incorrectly. And here the main task The palmist's job is to tell a person that he urgently needs to change something in his life.

Which hand should you use to guess? The answer is obvious - both on the left and on the right. The main thing is to remember the meaning of the left and right palm and accordingly interpret the information correctly. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

11.08.2014 09:07

By looking at the marriage line on your hand you can learn about a person’s love affairs. This line is located on the Mount of Mercury, at the base of the little finger. Many...

Palmistry studies not only the lines on the hand, but also other components of the palms: hills, fingers, fingerprints. There is one interesting thing...

Palmistry is fortune telling by hand, but which hand do palmists use to tell fortunes? And, strictly speaking, does it matter?

Are the lines on your hand an imprint of your path or...?

Before we talk about which hand palmists use to tell fortunes, let's find out why this science is needed in general. It makes it possible to find out a person’s personality, see his past and possible future. The fate of a person, oddly enough, is clearly reflected in his palms. An experienced palmist can recognize a person’s character, the possibilities of his development, and see the most significant life events.

The question often arises, which hand do palmists use to tell fortunes? It is believed that the left hand reflects the destiny that is destined for us from above, and the right hand reflects the destiny that we build ourselves. A similar statement applies to right-handers. For left-handers, everything is exactly the opposite. In this way, we can compare how accurately we follow our purpose.

Palmistry is a rather complex science. Some people are very often mistaken about it. Here are the most common misconceptions about palmistry:

  • It is believed that fortune telling by a palmist can reveal all the secrets, including a person’s surroundings: his friends and lovers, colleagues and loved ones. This is not true.
    Palmistry, no matter which hand the palmist reads, shows only the fate of the person himself; it does not provide information about the environment, although it reflects the worries associated with loved ones.
  • The palmist can tell the exact date death of a person. This is wrong. Such information is never provided not due to ignorance, but in order not to program a person for negativity. A professional palmist can only see critical situations in life and warn about them, pay attention to the causes of negative manifestations and the possibilities of eliminating them, but nothing more.
  • Some believe that fortune telling by hand can detail any event by day and hour. This erroneous opinion. It is impossible to find out the real date of any event by looking at the hand. If a palmist could do this, he is not a professional, but an ordinary fraudster. The lines on the hand tell about years, at most about months, and not about days and, especially, hours.
  • So when contacting a palmist, you should pay attention to such details. Only in this case can you avoid communicating with scammers whose activities are aimed at obtaining income by fraudulent means.

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