Literary analysis. “Sparrow” (Turgenev): love is stronger than death. Sparrow Turgenev analysis

The series of miniatures “Poems in Prose” is the result of the writer’s life, its philosophical understanding, a reflection of innermost thoughts and feelings.

Most of the works in the cycle are full of sadness, loneliness and reflections on the transience of life, characteristic of an elderly person. But the miniature "Sparrow" written in optimistic tones. It sounds like a real hymn to life and love, before which any evil is powerless.

In a few words, Turgenev outlines the real drama of life. Its main characters are animals. However, the reader clearly understands that we're talking about O selfless love in general, and not only parental.

Composition The work is traditional: a leisurely beginning, rapid development of action and denouement. The hunting dog Trezor is not at all the embodiment of evil. He more represents fate, rock. The dog, obeying its instincts, grabs the game. She doesn't care that it's just a yellow-throated chick. For the little sparrow the dog is "a huge monster". The bird trembles with horror, but cannot "sit on a high, safe branch" and rushes to save "my brainchild".

The selflessness of an adult sparrow makes the dog back away. Trezor is stunned by the little bird's heroism. He respects the power that made the sparrow sacrifice itself for the sake of the chick and, let him "pathetic squeak", step on the offender of your cub.

Confusion, excitement in the presentation, as well as intermittent phrases create an additional intensity of feelings and add dynamism to the action. Turgenev vividly and emotionally describes the state of the bird using a whole series of adjectives ( disheveled, distorted, desperate, pathetic, small) and verbs ( rushed, blocked, froze, sacrificed).

120 years have passed since the first publication of this touching and instructive story about the brave sparrow. But the work is still published as a separate book for young readers and makes adults think. Turgenev ended the poem aphoristically: “only love holds and moves life”. These words are relevant and true at all times.

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Author of the stories “First Love”, “Spring Waters”, novels “ Noble Nest", "On the Eve" - ​​first of all, a singer of love and an admirer of nature, which he associates with the universe. In the life of both Turgenev himself and his central ones, his fiery feelings occupy not only a priority, but also a truly fundamental place. It will show small piece and his analysis - "Sparrow". Turgenev depicted in it one of the faces of love.

The beginning of the poem "Sparrow"

A man returns home from hunting. He is already walking along the garden alley. The dog, as befits a cop, runs ahead - it is always and everywhere looking for prey. Suddenly (thanks to this adverb, the reader draws attention to the fact that something is about to begin) she changed the pace and began to slowly creep up on something. It turns out that a yellow-billed chick was sitting motionless not far from the alley.

He was completely helpless, only puffing up his slightly sprouted wings. Sympathy for the sparrow paralyzes the hunter - this is what the work and its analysis show readers ("Sparrow"). Turgenev wanted to demonstrate that humans react to events much more slowly than animals. The man just looks and does nothing.


And the dog, slowly moving its paws, approaches the unfortunate man. Suddenly (this adverb dramatically changes the whole situation again) a sparrow bravely falls from the tree in front of the dog’s face with a huge, toothy, grinning mouth, all its feathers spread out.

The writer uses participial turnover, as if speeding up the defender’s actions. The sparrow is pitiful, helpless, squeaks hoarsely, but jumps towards the dog, protecting the chick, covering it with itself. In this part of the work, the author uses antonyms, contrasting the enormity of the dog in comparison with the small body of the bird.

The feathered creature decided to become a victim of this beast, although he was terribly afraid. All the verbs used accurately and colorfully convey those actions that helped in this desperate situation. The dog was dumbfounded, stopped and even moved back. One should never lose hope of salvation - this is the conclusion that readers make after disassembling the work in parts and analyzing it (“Sparrow”). Turgenev showed how powerful the natural instinct of protecting its cub is.


The hunter called the dog away, who was taken aback, and he himself left in awe of the behavior of the old sparrow. He wandered between the trees, thought about what had happened and involuntarily made an analysis. Sparrow... Turgenev exalted the little bird, but left the hunter puzzled. AND main character In this story, both the author and the readers - everyone looked at the bird as if it were a hero, bowing before its selfless love.

Art style

This is a lyrical narrative in prose, which sequentially describes the entire chain of events. It makes extensive use of epithets to describe both old and young sparrows. They are the ones who convey the horror of the action taking place. The dog is brightly drawn, which is also driven by instinct. She is completely subordinated to the passion of the hunt. It is beyond her strength not to follow him. Only the owner can stop the animal, but not the game.

And then a small sparrow stood in her way, trembling with fear, but ready to protect the chick. courage stopped the dog, who had seen a lot. Turgenev's emotionality and imagery show us in every detail a seemingly insignificant event. The author rose to the highest generalizations in the work “Sparrow”. Turgenev, whose theme in the poem is connected with love and sacrifice, in other places will call it a sacred flame and a feeling that is a reflection of eternity itself.

Prose poem

This was written in April 1878. At this time, the author turned 60 years old and was haunted everywhere by the ghost of his approaching death. To distract himself from dark thoughts, to convince himself of the eternal victory of good over evil, he will create this poem in prose. It is permeated with heartfelt lines about love, on which everything rests and moves. It is on this positive note that Turgenev ends “Sparrow”, summary which was stated.

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev (1818 - 1883) - one of the greatest representatives of Russian classical literature of the 19th century century. Writer, poet, playwright, publicist. Six novels, short stories, novellas, articles, plays and poems make up his work.

Turgenev's creativity

The artistic system that Ivan Sergeevich created has had noticeable influence on Russian and Western European novel the second half of the 19th century century. He was engaged in widespread propaganda of Russian literature in the West. IN Russian literature he was the first to show interest in studying the personality of a new person, contemporary author. Turgenev analyzes the moral and psychological qualities of a person, tries to understand his relationship with society. Thanks to Ivan Sergeevich, the term “nihilist” entered the Russian language and began to be widely used.

Poems in prose

In Turgenev's work, prose poems occupy a small but significant place. Lively and imaginative, they cannot leave the reader indifferent. Love for people, nature, animals, native land permeates each of them. One such prose poem is “The Sparrow” by Turgenev, the analysis of which demonstrates the incredible strength of spirit of a tiny creature.


The narrator walks along the alley, returning from hunting. He notices a small sparrow that has fallen out of the nest onto the ground. The sparrow is very small and completely helpless.

The narrator's dog sees the chick. She smells game and prepares to pounce on the baby. But suddenly another sparrow flies from the tree to the ground. He shields the chick with himself. With courage born of despair, he tries to attack the dog and protect the child. Analysis of Turgenev's "Sparrow" shows the power of love and the readiness for self-sacrifice of a small creature. Compared to the feathered one, the dog looks huge. She probably seems like a terrible monster to Sparrow, but that doesn’t stop him. It costs the dog nothing to swallow both birds. But, to the narrator's amazement, his dog retreats, as if embarrassed.

An analysis of Turgenev's "Sparrow" shows that it is precisely the strength of the spirit of the small bird that the dog felt. The narrator calls the dog and leaves with it, in awe of the sparrow's courage. A person is again convinced of the all-conquering power of love.


IN this poem in prose there are four characters. Having analyzed the poem “Sparrow” by Turgenev, we see that only two of them are active - the sparrow and the dog. The chick and the person are only observers of the unfolding events.

The dog is the personification of fate. At first, merciless and threatening, she advances on the sparrow. What can resist the power of fate? Even the greats of this world bow before her; everything is subject to her. All that remains is to come to terms with fate and accept it as a given. But love challenges fate. And fate retreats.

The sparrow represents sacrificial all-conquering love. He sees that the threat is great, but still stands between the chick and the dog to protect his child.

A little sparrow is a helpless creature that needs love and care. He is unable to resist the dog.

The narrator is a hunter. But he stands in awe as he watches the sparrow protecting its chick. The person does not believe that the dog showed weakness by retreating in front of the attacking bird. He admires the little bird's ability to sacrifice itself for love. From the analysis of Turgenev’s “Sparrow” it is clear that the hunter in this prose poem is only an observer. He doesn't try to interfere with events. It seems that the dog and the sparrow are teaching a person an important life lesson.

“Sparrow” makes the reader think: does he have enough fortitude, whether he can protect his loved ones. The work teaches you to never retreat from danger if your neighbor is in trouble.

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Theses. DOS.
this work– perception, understanding literary text a 9th grade student at a national school. Particular emphasis is placed on the idea of ​​a prose poem.
Article. DOS.
Analysis of the prose poem “Sparrow” by I. S. Turgenev.
I recently read a poem in prose by I. S. Turgenev “Sparrow”. This piece made me think about a lot of things. In "The Sparrow" there are two main characters who play a very important role in revealing the meaning of the work. In my opinion, the first thing is important actor- This is a hunting dog Trezor. Trezor at first seems to be a merciless dog who knows no pity. But it turned out that he feels his mother’s love very deeply. He is stunned that such a small bird is so brave and proud. And the second character is the mother of the chick, who was not afraid of this huge dog and rushed to the rescue, risking her life for the sake of her chick. She immediately, without hesitation, rushed to protect her cub. This act shows that she loves her chick very much.
The author conveys this action very clearly and understandably that there is nothing stronger on earth than maternal love.
We see that two feelings are fighting in the dog’s soul: the first is the feeling of a hound who has seen its prey, the second is recognition of the power of mother’s love. And Trezor leaves embarrassed.
The author in this work attributes human qualities to the dog: Trezor stops, backs away, becomes embarrassed, recognizing the power of love.
The idea of ​​the poem is that love stronger than death and the fear of death, that only through her love does our life hold and move. This feeling is inherent not only in people, but also in animals. The author wanted to say that we must take care of each other, feel sorry for others and value any life. It is clear that the author really loves life, nature, and animals. After all, animals are our neighbors on Earth.
This genre is good because the main life principles, questions, problems are given and solved in an instructive, easy and accessible form. When you read a poem in prose, it seems that you need to solve some kind of riddle. And the reader wants to unravel it, understand what the author wanted to say and convey to us.
After reading the work, I understood a lot. For example, the fact that we are not alone on earth, that besides us there are other living beings and that they also know what maternal love is. Mother's love- this is the strongest and eternal love all over the world.

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