"Fathers and Sons" are the main characters. "Fathers and Sons": Characters. "Fathers and Sons": the main characters and their description. How many characters are there in the work "Fathers and Sons" by Turgenev

In the novel "Fathers and Sons" the characters are very diverse and interesting in their own way. This article presents a brief description of each of them. Until now, the novel "Fathers and Sons" does not lose its relevance. The characters in this work, as well as the problems raised by the author, are interesting in any historical period.

Bazarov Evgeny Vasilievich

The main character of the novel is Evgeny Vasilievich Bazarov. The reader knows little about him at first. We know that this is a medical student who came to the village for the holidays. The story of his time outside the walls educational institution, and constitutes the plot of the work. First, the student visits the family of Arkady Kirsanov, his friend, and then goes with him to the provincial town. Here Evgeny Bazarov makes acquaintance with Odintsova Anna Sergeevna, for some time he lives with her in the estate, but after an unsuccessful explanation he is forced to leave. Further, the hero finds himself in parental home... He does not live here for long, as longing makes him repeat the route just described. It turns out that Eugene from the novel "Fathers and Sons" cannot be happy anywhere. The characters in the work are alien to him. The hero cannot find a place for himself in Russian reality. He returns home. Where the hero of the novel "Fathers and Sons" dies.

The characters we are describing are curious from the point of view of the refraction of the era in their characters. In Eugene, perhaps the most interesting is his "nihilism". For him, this is a whole philosophy. This hero is the spokesman for the mood and ideas of revolutionary youth. Bazarov denies everything, does not recognize any authorities. Such aspects of life as love, the beauty of nature, music, poetry are alien to him, family ties, philosophical thinking, altruistic feelings. The hero does not recognize duty, right, duty.

Evgeny easily wins in disputes with Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, a moderate liberal. On the side of this hero is not only youth and novelty of the position. The author sees that "nihilism" is associated with popular discontent and social disorder. It expresses the spirit of the times. The hero experiences the melancholy of loneliness, tragic love. It is found that he is dependent on the laws of the ordinary human life, participates in human suffering, worries and interests, like other actors.

Turgenev's Fathers and Sons is a novel in which different worldviews collide. From this point of view, Eugene's father is also interesting. We invite you to get to know him better.

Vasily Bazarov

This hero is a representative of the patriarchal world, which is becoming a thing of the past. Turgenev, reminding us of him, makes readers feel the drama of the movement of history. Vasily Ivanovich - retired head physician. By origin, he is a commoner. This hero builds his life in the spirit educational ideals... Vasily Bazarov lives selflessly and independently. He works, is interested in social and scientific progress. However, an insurmountable chasm lies between him and the next generation, which brings a deep drama into his life. Father's love does not find a response, it turns into a source of suffering.

Arina Vlasyevna Bazarova

Arina Vlasyevna Bazarova - Evgeny's mother. The author notes that this is a "real Russian noblewoman" of bygone times. Her life and consciousness are subject to the norms set by tradition. Such human type possesses its own charm, but the era to which he belongs is already past. The author shows that such people will not live their lives in peace. V mental life the heroine enters suffering, fear and anxiety due to her relationship with her son.

Arkady Nikolaevich Kirsanov

Arkady Nikolaevich is Evgeny's friend, his student in the novel "Fathers and Sons". The main characters in the work are in many ways contrasting. So, unlike Bazarov, the influence of the era in the position of Arkady is combined with the influence of ordinary properties young age... His enthusiasm for the new teaching is rather superficial. Kirsanov is attracted to "nihilism" by his capabilities, which are valuable for a person who is just entering life - independence from authorities and traditions, a sense of freedom, the right to impudence and self-confidence. However, Arkady also has qualities that are far from "nihilistic" principles: he is ingeniously simple, good-natured, tied to traditional life.

Nikolay Petrovich Kirsanov

Nikolai Petrovich in Turgenev's novel is the father of Arkady. This is already a middle-aged man who has experienced many misfortunes, but they are his. The hero has romantic inclinations and tastes. He works, tries to transform his economy in the spirit of the times, looks for love and spiritual support. The author describes the character of this hero with obvious sympathy. He is a weak, but empathetic, kind, noble and delicate person. In relation to young people, Nikolai Petrovich is benevolent and loyal.

Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov

Pavel Petrovich is Arkady's uncle, an Anglomaniac, an aristocrat, a moderate liberal. In the novel, he is the antagonist of Eugene. The author endowed this hero with a spectacular biography: secular successes and brilliant career were interrupted tragic love... With Pavel Petrovich after that there was a substitution. He gives up hopes of personal happiness, and also does not want to exercise civil and moral duty... Pavel Petrovich moves to the village where other characters in the work "Fathers and Sons" also live. He intends to help his brother in the transformation of the economy. The hero stands for liberal government reforms. Arguing with Bazarov, he defends a program that is based on noble and noble ideas in its own way. "Western" ideas of individual rights, honor, self-respect, dignity are combined in it with the "Slavophil" idea of ​​the role and the agricultural community. Turgenev believes that the ideas of Pavel Petrovich are far from reality. This is an unhappy and lonely person with a failed destiny and unfulfilled aspirations.

No less interesting are the other characters, one of whom is Anna Sergeevna Odintsova. It is certainly worth telling about it in detail.

Anna Sergeevna Odintsova

This is an aristocrat, a beauty with whom Bazarov is in love. It shows the features inherent in the new generation of nobles - freedom of judgment, the absence of class arrogance, democracy. Bazarov, however, everything in her is alien, even the features that are characteristic of himself. Odintsova is independent, proud, smart, but completely different from main character... However, this chaste, proud, cold aristocrat needs Eugene as she is. Her calmness attracts and excites him. Bazarov understands that behind him is an inability to hobbies, selfishness, indifference. However, in this he finds a kind of perfection and succumbs to his charm. This love becomes tragic for Eugene. Odintsova, on the other hand, easily copes with her feelings. She is getting married "out of conviction," not out of love.


Katya is the younger sister of Anna Sergeevna Odintsova. At first she seems to be just a shy and sweet young lady. However, gradually it manifests itself mental strength and independence. The girl is freed from the power of her sister. She helps Arkady to overthrow Bazarov's power over him. Katya in Turgenev's novel embodies the beauty and truth of the ordinary.

Kukshina Evdoksiya (Avdotya) Nikitishna

The characters in Fathers and Sons include two pseudo-nihilists, whose images are parodic. This is Evdoksiya Kukshina and Sitnikov. Kukshina is an emancipated woman who is distinguished by extreme radicalism. In particular, she is interested in natural sciences and "women's issue", despises for "backwardness" even This woman is vulgar, cheeky, frankly stupid. However, sometimes there is also something human in it. "Nihilism", perhaps, hides a feeling of oppression, the source of which is the female inferiority of this heroine (she is abandoned by her husband, does not attract the attention of men, is ugly).

Sitnikov ("Fathers and Sons")

how many actors have you counted? We talked about nine heroes. Another one should be introduced. Sitnikov is a pseudo-nihilist who considers himself a "disciple" of Bazarov. He seeks to demonstrate the harshness of judgment and freedom of action characteristic of Eugene. However, this similarity turns out to be a parody. "Nihilism" is understood by Sitnikov as a way to overcome complexes. This hero is ashamed, for example, of his father-tax-farmer, who got rich by getting the people drunk. At the same time, Sitnikov is also burdened by his own insignificance.

These are the main characters. "Fathers and Sons" is a novel in which a whole gallery of bright and interesting images... It is definitely worth reading in the original.

In 1862 I.S. Turgenev created the novel "Fathers and Sons", in which he disclosed the important problem of conflict between generations. A whole system of characters, different in character, helps to reveal this problem.

The first in the book before the reader appears Nikolay Petrovich Kirsanov... He is an aristocrat, a landowner, but he is completely incapable of handling the economy and estate. He is a person who respects the traditions of his parents and follows them. Nikolai Petrovich received a complete education, loves art, plays the cello himself and reads Pushkin. Despite the divergence of views with his son, Kirsanov does not conflict and tries to understand and accept his worldview. At the moment when Arkady takes a collection of Pushkin from him and puts a book of some German writer Nikolai Petrovich is not angry with him, but only smiles.

At the beginning of the work, Nikolai's son Arkady and his friend Yevgeny Bazarov arrive at the Kirsanovs' estate. Both of them are people of the 60s. He has a different outlook on life from his father, but in general they are similar in nature. He has a rather gentle character, he is also educated and easily understands his father. After communicating with Bazarov, Arkady falls under his influence and tries to be a nihilist, but in fact he is a sentimental romantic like Nikolai Petrovich. Soon the young man realizes this and falls in love with Katya.

Bazarov Evgeniy- the son of a simple doctor, a commoner. He did not receive proper education and could not hold high positions. He covers up his insignificance by denying everything - nihilism. He can perfectly treat people, but Russia does not need him. “First you need to clear the place,” says Bazarov to Nikolai Petrovich. He destroys all the foundations, customs, and he no longer cares who will build something new. Bazarov is presented in the form of a "superfluous person". And such his convictions influenced his fate. He would never have become a musician, artist, since he does not recognize art in all forms. It is important for him that a person is useful to society. Because of nihilism, he considered his falling in love to be a mistake and began to fight these feelings, to crush the romance in himself. He began to experience depression as he internally betrayed his beliefs. At the same moment, he decides to go to treat a typhoid man. The preoccupation of thoughts, contemplation led to injury and infection through the blood. Due to different views on life, Evgeny and Pavel Kirsanov begin to clash. The second is trying to kindle all disputes, since he cannot tolerate a person next to him, in whom he sees a competitor for himself.

Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov- brother of the previously mentioned Nikolai. Despite their relationship, their characters are completely different. Like his brother, he is educated, an aristocrat. He always keeps himself high, does not allow weakness, swagger in himself and does not tolerate this from others, clearly observing the principles. Loves everything in the English manner. He is an intelligent person, but acrimonious, not tolerating rivals, for example, Bazarov. “He was not born a romantic, and his dandy-dry and passionate, in the French way, misanthropic soul did not know how to dream…” - this is how the author characterizes him. The character of Nikolai Petrovich is revealed in the story of Arkady about him. In his youth, the hero experienced a personal drama: he walked up career ladder but unhappy love ruined everything. Beloved Princess R. dies and Pavel Petrovich gives up hopes for a happy life.

On one of the evenings, young people meet Anna Sergeevna Odintsova... This is a strong, calm woman, a widowed countess with a rather vivid history of life, during which she went through a lot and now this is due to her desire for peace. By her 20s, her father had lost all funds and was forced to go to the village, where he soon died, leaving practically nothing to his daughters. Anna did not give up and sent the old princess Avdotya Stepanovna Kh. To her place, but the upbringing of her twelve-year-old sister was not easy. By a happy coincidence, the heroine marries a certain Odintsov, a wealthy sedate man who dies after 6 years, leaving her a huge fortune. “I went through fire and water ... and copper pipes"- said the people about Anna. She always remained calm and friendly, her eyes expressed serene attention to the interlocutor.

Sister Katerina 8 years younger than Anna, she was a calm and intelligent girl, with a gentle and gentle look. Arkady listened to her playing the piano and fell in love. At the end of the work, the young people play a wedding.

On the same evening there is Evdoksiya Nikitishna Kukshina... This is an ugly, unkempt woman with new and progressive views for a life fighting for women's rights. "Emancipé" calls her Bazarov.

Also at the end of the work, he marries Nikolai Petrovich Fenechka- a peasant woman serving in the Kirsanovs' house. They have a son, Mitya, after learning about whom Arkady partially condemns his father for the fact that they are not yet connected by marriage.

Bazarov's parents- impoverished people. His father was a doctor, and his mother was a noblewoman by birth. Both love their only son.

Description of the characters

The composition of the novel by I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" is monocentric, which means that all the characters are subordinated to one goal: to reveal the image of the main character.

Evgeny Bazarov is a 30-year-old medical student. By social status Bazarov is a commoner, and by birth he is the son of a simple doctor who says about his grandfather that he plowed the land. Bazarov is proud of his roots and feels close to the people.

Bazarov - enough cold-tempered man... He cannot find mutual language even with their own parents. Bazarov can be called " an extra person". This is closely related to his beliefs. Yevgeny Bazarov is a nihilist who common values is critical.
This theory of nihilism influences the fate of the hero. He denies love, but falls in love himself, he wants to be closer to the people, but between them there is a wall of misunderstanding. But Bazarov does not renounce his beliefs, he tries to suppress them. Theory faced with real life, breaks down and breaks the hero. Against the background of these internal fractures, he decides to treat a typhoid man, which leads him to infection and death.

To show all the beliefs of Bazarov the nihilist, Turgenev confronts the hero with the older generation, a prominent representative of which is Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. This is an aristocrat. Unlike Bazarov, he is far from the people and will never be able to understand him. Kirsanov takes an example from English culture: clothes, books, manners.

Throughout the novel, the author clashes the views of Kirsanov and Bazarov on different issues. Pavel Petrovich cannot understand how one can live and not believe in anything. He believes that only people without principles can do without moral values... The heroes' points of view collide constantly. And then we see that Kirsanov is a man of a bygone era. This is also indicated by the history of his life.

Pavel Petrovich, the son of a military general, who dreams of becoming a military man, has achieved a lot thanks to his dedication to the age of 28. However, the unsuccessful love for the mysterious princess R turned his whole life upside down: he quits the service and does nothing else. In the image of Pavel Petrovich, a whole generation is presented, which can only live out their days.

Another image necessary for the disclosure of the main character is the image of Anna Odintsova. The author tests Bazarov with love. Odintsova is a young rich widow of twenty-eight years old. She is smart, beautiful and, most importantly, is not dependent on anyone. Odintsova is very fond of comfort and peace of life. It is the fear to destroy quiet life and cuts everything off love relationship heroines with Bazarov. However, Bazarov, going against his theory, irrevocably falls in love with Odintsov and does not pass the love test.

Another representative of the "fathers" is Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov. However, he is not at all like his brother. He is kind, gentle and romantic. Nikolai Petrovich prefers a quiet, calm life in ancient times. He is madly in love with his son Arkasha.

Arkady Kirsanov is a young educated nobleman. Having fallen into the spell of Bazarov, he also tries to be a nihilist. But soon the soft and sentimental hero realizes that he was not created to be a nihilist.

The images of Arkady and two "pseudo-nihilists" - Kukshina and Sitnikov - emphasize the theory of nihilism. They try to imitate Bazarov, but it looks ridiculous enough. Both Kukshin and Sitnikov do not have own views... These images are given as a parody of nihilism. They are described by Turgenev satirically.

If Anna Odintsova is a love test for Bazarov, and Princess R is for Pavel Petrovich, then there is still female images that perform the same function. The image of Katya, with whom Arkady falls in love, is needed so that he gets rid of the ideas of nihilism. Fenichka, she comes closest to ideal type Turgenev girl. It is simple and natural.

Bazarov's parents, Vasily Ivanovich and Arina Vlasyevna, are simple and good people who love their son very much. Outwardly, Bazarov treats his parents dryly, but still he loves them. Here Bazarov the theoretician and Bazarov the man collide.

The images of ordinary men are important in the work. Bazarov indicates his closeness to the people, understands all their problems, but there is no mutual understanding between them. The common people turn out to be alien to Bazarov.

I.S.Turgenev showed great skill, describing different types heroes, thereby revealing the image of the main character - Bazarov.

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The most important feature of the amazing talent of I.S. Turgenev - keen feeling of his time, which is the best test for the artist. The images he created continue to live, but already in a different world, whose name is the grateful memory of the descendants who learned from the writer love, dreams and wisdom.

The clash of two political forces, liberal nobles and commoner revolutionaries, has found artistic expression in a new work, which is being created in a difficult period of social confrontation.

The idea of ​​Fathers and Children is the result of communication with the staff of the Sovremennik magazine, where the writer for a long time have worked. The writer was very upset about leaving the magazine, because the memory of Belinsky was associated with him. Dobrolyubov's articles, with whom Ivan Sergeevich constantly argued and sometimes disagreed, served as a real basis for depicting ideological differences. The radically minded young man was not on the side of gradual reforms, like the author of Fathers and Sons, but firmly believed in the path of the revolutionary transformation of Russia. The editor of the magazine, Nikolai Nekrasov, supported this point of view, so the classics left the editorial office. fiction- Tolstoy and Turgenev.

The first sketches for the future novel were made at the end of July 1860 on the English Isle of Wight. The image of Bazarov was defined by the author as the character of a self-confident, hard-working, nihilist person who does not accept compromises and authorities. While working on the novel, Turgenev involuntarily imbued with sympathy for his character. In this he is helped by the diary of the protagonist, which is kept by the writer himself.

In May 1861, the writer returned from Paris to his estate Spasskoye and made the last entry in the manuscripts. In February 1862, the novel was published in the Russian Bulletin.

Main problems

After reading the novel, you understand its true value, created by the “genius of measure” (D. Merezhkovsky). What did Turgenev love? What did you doubt about? What did you dream about?

  1. Central to the book is moral problem intergenerational relationships. "Fathers" or "Children"? The fate of everyone is connected with the search for an answer to the question: what is the meaning of life? For new people, it lies in work, but the old guard sees it in reasoning and contemplation, because crowds of peasants work for them. In this principled position there is a place for irreconcilable conflict: fathers and children live in different ways. In this discrepancy, we see the problem of misunderstanding of opposites. The antagonists cannot and do not want to accept each other, especially this dead end can be traced in the relationship between Pavel Kirsanov and Yevgeny Bazarov.
  2. The problem is also acute moral choice: which side is the truth on? Turgenev believed that the past cannot be denied, because only thanks to it the future is being built. In the image of Bazarov, he expressed the need to preserve the continuity of generations. The hero is unhappy because he is alone and understood, because he himself did not strive for anyone and did not want to understand. However, changes, whether people of the past like it or not, will come anyway, and one must be ready for them. This is evidenced by the ironic image of Pavel Kirsanov, who lost his sense of reality, putting on ceremonial dress coats in the village. The writer calls for a sensitive response to changes and trying to understand them, and not indiscriminately moan like Uncle Arkady. Thus, the solution to the problem is tolerant. different people each other and trying to learn the opposite concept of life. In this sense, the position of Nikolai Kirsanov won, who was tolerant of new trends and never rushed to judge them. His son also found a compromise solution.
  3. However, the author made it clear that there is a high destiny behind Bazarov's tragedy. It is these desperate and self-confident pioneers who pave the way for the world, therefore the problem of recognizing this mission in society also occupies an important place. Eugene repents on his deathbed that he feels unnecessary, this realization destroys him, and yet he could become a great scientist or a skilled doctor. But cruel manners the conservative world supplant it, because they feel a threat in it.
  4. The problems of the “new” people, the diverse intelligentsia, uneasy relationships in society, with parents, in the family are also obvious. Commoners do not have profitable estates and position in society, therefore they are forced to work and become bitter, seeing social injustice: they work hard for a piece of bread, and the nobles, stupid and talentless, do nothing and take everything. upper floors social hierarchy, where the elevator simply does not reach. Hence the revolutionary sentiments and the moral crisis of an entire generation.
  5. Eternal problems human values: love, friendship, art, relationship to nature. Turgenev knew how to reveal the depths of human character in love, to test the true essence of a person with love. But not everyone passes this test, an example of which is Bazarov, who breaks down under the onslaught of feelings.

All the interests and ideas of the writer were wholly focused on the most important tasks of the time, going towards the most burning problems of everyday life.

Characteristics of the heroes of the novel

Evgeny Vasilievich Bazarov- a native of the people. The son of a regimental doctor. The grandfather from the father's side "plowed the land." Eugene makes his own way in life, gets a good education. Therefore, the hero is careless in dress and manners, no one raised him. Bazarov is a representative of a new revolutionary-democratic generation, whose task is to destroy the old way of life, to fight against those who slow down social development... The person is complex, doubting, but proud and unyielding. How to fix society, Evgeny Vasilyevich is very vague. Denies old world, accepts only what is confirmed by practice.

  • The writer displayed in Bazarov the type young man believing exclusively in scientific activity and denies religion. The hero has a deep interest in natural sciences. From childhood, his parents instilled in him a love of work.
  • He condemns the people for illiteracy and ignorance, but is proud of his origin. Bazarov's views and convictions do not find like-minded people. Sitnikov, the talker and phrase-monger, and the "emancipated" Kukshina are worthless "followers".
  • A soul unknown to him rushes about in Evgeny Vasilievich. What should a physiologist and anatomist do with it? She's not visible under a microscope. But the soul hurts, although its - scientific fact- No!
  • Turgenev most the novel explores the "temptations" of its hero. He torments him with the love of old people - parents - what about them? And love for Madame Odintsova? The principles are in no way combined with life, with the living movements of people. What remains for Bazarov? Just die. Death is his final test. He accepts her heroically, does not console himself with the spells of a materialist, but calls his beloved.
  • The spirit overcomes the enraged mind, overcomes the delusions of the schemes and postulates of the new teaching.
  • Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov - bearer of noble culture. Pavel Petrovich's "starched collars" and "long nails" dislike Bazarov. But the hero's aristocratic manners are an inner weakness, a secret consciousness of his inferiority.

    • Kirsanov believes that respecting yourself means taking care of your appearance and never losing your dignity, even in the countryside. He draws up his daily routine in the English manner.
    • Pavel Petrovich retired, indulging in love experiences. This decision was his "resignation" from life. Love does not bring joy to a person if he lives only by her interests and whims.
    • The hero is guided by the principles taken "on trust" that correspond to his position as a serf-owner. Honors the Russian people for patriarchy and obedience.
    • In relation to a woman, the strength and passion of feelings are manifested, but he does not understand them.
    • Pavel Petrovich is indifferent to nature. Denial of her beauty speaks of his spiritual limitations.
    • This man is deeply unhappy.

    Nikolay Petrovich Kirsanov- father of Arkady and brother Pavel Petrovich. Do military career failed, but he did not despair and entered the university. After the death of his wife, he devoted himself to his son and the improvement of the estate.

    • Characteristic features of the character are gentleness, humility. The hero's intelligence evokes sympathy and respect. Nikolai Petrovich is a romantic at heart, loves music, recites poetry.
    • He is an opponent of nihilism, he tries to smooth over any emerging disagreements. Lives in harmony with his heart and conscience.

    Arkady Nikolaevich Kirsanov- a dependent person, deprived of his life principles... He is completely subordinate to a friend. He joined Bazarov only out of youthful enthusiasm, since he did not have his own views, so in the final there was a gap between them.

    • Subsequently, he became a zealous owner and started a family.
    • "Nice guy", but "a little, liberal barich" - says Bazarov about him.
    • All Kirsanovs are "more children of events than fathers of their own actions."

    Odintsova Anna Sergeevna- “element” of Bazarov’s personality. On what basis can such a conclusion be drawn? The firmness of outlook on life, “proud loneliness, mind - make it“ close ”to the main character of the novel. She, like Eugene, sacrificed personal happiness, so her heart is cold and fearful of feelings. She herself trampled them by marrying of convenience.

    Conflict between "fathers" and "children"

    Conflict - "collision", "serious disagreement", "dispute". To say that these concepts have only a "negative connotation" means to completely fail to understand the processes of development of society. “Truth is born in a dispute” - this axiom can be considered a “key” that lifts the veil over the problems posed by Turgenev in the novel.

    Disputes are the main compositional technique that allows the reader to define his point of view and take a certain position in his views on a particular social phenomenon, area of ​​development, nature, art, moral concepts. Using the "method of disputes" between "youth" and "old age", the author asserts the idea that life does not stand still, it is multifaceted and multifaceted.

    The conflict between "fathers" and "children" will never be resolved, it can be designated as a "constant". However, it is the conflict of generations that is the engine of the development of everything earthly. On the pages of the novel, there is a burning polemic caused by the struggle of the revolutionary democratic forces with the liberal nobility.

    Main Topics

    Turgenev was able to saturate the novel with progressive thought: protest against violence, hatred of legalized slavery, pain for the suffering of the people, the desire to establish its happiness.

    Main themes in the novel "Fathers and Sons":

  1. Ideological contradictions of the intelligentsia during the preparation of the reform on the abolition of serfdom;
  2. "Fathers" and "children": intergenerational relationships and the theme of the family;
  3. "New" type of man at the turn of two eras;
  4. Immeasurable love for the homeland, parents, woman;
  5. Human and nature. The world: workshop or temple?

What is the meaning of the book?

Turgenev's work sounds like an alarming alarm over the whole of Russia, calling on fellow citizens to unite, sanity, and fruitful activity for the good of the Motherland.

The book explains to us not only the past, but also the present day, reminds us of eternal values... The title of the novel means not older and younger generation, not family relationships, but people of new and old views. "Fathers and Sons" are valuable not so much as an illustration to history, the work touches on many moral problems.

The basis for the existence of the human race is the family, where everyone has their own responsibilities: the elders (“fathers”) take care of the younger ones (“children”), pass on to them the experience and traditions accumulated by their ancestors, and foster moral feelings in them; the younger ones honor adults, adopt from them everything that is important and the best that is necessary for the formation of a person of a new formation. However, their task is also to create fundamental innovations, which is impossible without some denial of past delusions. The harmony of the world order lies in the fact that these "ties" are not broken, but not that everything remains in the old fashioned way.

The book is of great educational value. Reading it at the time of forming your character means thinking about important life problems. Fathers and Sons teaches a serious attitude towards the world, active position, patriotism. They teach from a young age to develop firm principles, engaging in self-education, but at the same time honor the memory of ancestors, even if it does not always turn out to be right.

Criticism about the novel

  • After the publication of Fathers and Sons, a fierce controversy erupted. MA Antonovich in the Sovremennik magazine interpreted the novel as “merciless” and “destructive criticism of the younger generation”.
  • D. Pisarev in "Russian Word" highly appreciated the work and the image of a nihilist created by the master. The critic emphasized the tragedy of character and noted the firmness of a person who does not retreat before trials. He agrees with other critics that the "new" people can cause resentment, but it is impossible to deny them "sincerity". The appearance of Bazarov in Russian literature is new step in lighting socially - public life country.

Can you agree with the critic in everything? Probably no. He calls Pavel Petrovich "Small Pechorin". But the dispute between the two characters gives rise to doubt. Pisarev claims that Turgenev does not sympathize with any of his heroes. The writer considers Bazarov to be his “favorite child”.

What is Nihilism?

For the first time, the word "nihilist" sounds in a novel from the lips of Arkady and immediately attracts attention. However, the concept of "nihilist" is in no way connected with Kirsanov junior.

The word "nihilist" was taken by Turgenev from N. Dobrolyubov's review of the book of the Kazan philosopher, conservative-minded professor V. Bervi. However, Dobrolyubov interpreted it in a positive sense and assigned it to the younger generation. The word was introduced into widespread use by Ivan Sergeevich, which has become synonymous with the word "revolutionary".

The "nihilist" in the novel is Bazarov, who does not recognize authorities and denies everything. The writer did not accept the extremes of nihilism, caricatures Kukshin and Sitnikov, but sympathized with the main character.

Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov still teaches us about his fate. Anyone has a unique spiritual image, whether he is a nihilist or a simple layman. Respect and reverence for another person consists of reverence for the fact that in him there is the same secret flickering of a living soul that is in you.

Interesting? Keep it on your wall!

Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov is the main character of the novel, the son of a regimental doctor, a medical student, a friend of Arkady Kirsanov. Bazarov is the brightest representative of youth and the raznochno-democratic intelligentsia mid XIX century. Calling himself a "nihilist", he denies the established social order and rejects any principles.

A beautiful aristocrat of 29 years old, whom Bazarov fell in love with. She considers herself to a new generation of nobles: simple, calm, devoid of snobbery, preaches freedom of judgment and democracy. By nature, Anna Sergeevna is proud and intelligent. Left without a father early, she raised her younger sister.

One of the main characters in the novel, the father of Arkady Kirsanov and the brother of Pavel Petrovich. In the past he was happily married, but remained a widower. Now he has a young girl named Fenechka, who gave birth to his son. Despite the fact that Nikolai Petrovich is no longer young, he tries to keep up with the times, is interested in music, poetry and art in general.

Brother of Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov, uncle of Arkady and main enemy of Bazarov. He is the main opponent in ideological disputes with Bazarov and by the strength of his character is a worthy rival to him. Pavel Petrovich is distinguished by adherence to principles, insight, aristocracy, high intellect, sharp mind, nobility, willpower, liberal views and a passion for everything English.

Is one of the main female characters in the novel. She is an ordinary peasant girl who was left an orphan early. Fenechka's mother Arina Savishna worked as a housekeeper on the estate of Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov. When she died, he took upon himself the care of the young Fenechka, with whom he later fell in love.

A minor character in the novel, an emancipated landowner, Sitnikov's friend, pseudo-nihilist. She imitates the most extreme manifestations of radicalism, is constantly interested in the "women's issue" and the position of women around the world, is fond of natural sciences, and despises Georges Sand.

A minor character in the novel, a friend and student of Bazarov, a pseudo-nihilist. He is characterized by anxious tension, as well as a dog's devotion to his "teacher." He tries in vain to imitate Bazarov, making him his idol. In attempts to behave freely and boldly, to show harsh judgments and actions, he looks comical.


The younger sister of Odintsova. A young and shy girl, 18 years old. Their love with Arkady developed slowly, but gradually the young people fell in love and got married. In the future, they had a son, Kolya.

Vasily Ivanovich

Bazarov's father, retired head physician. Lives in a remote estate, has a few serf souls. He is engaged in the treatment of local peasants. He is fond of gardening and vegetable garden. Eugene he had The only son, after whose death his life also faded.

Arina Vlasyevna

Bazarov's mother, kind woman loving her son dearly. She was very devout and believed in everything that was possible: in goblin, dreams, omens, fortune telling, corruption and even in the end of the world. She was beautiful in her youth, played the clavichord and knew French... Now she has grown fat, forgot music and language. The death of her son practically killed her.


A servant in the Kirsanovs' house, a thin old man of about sixty years old. Nikolai Petrovich called him a grouch. The only one of the servants who did not like Bazarov.


A servant in the Kirsanovs' house, a young girl who helps Fenechka take care of her little son Mitya. She liked Bazarov very much.


Valet in the Kirsanovs' house. Silly and proud man... He could read syllables. At the end of the book, he married the daughter of a city gardener and received a good dowry. She chose him only because he had a watch.


The little son of Nikolai Petrovich and Fenichka. He's not even a year old.

Matvey Ilyich

A noble relative of the Kirsanovs, to whom Arkady and Bazarov went from the estate. He advised them to go to the governor and take an invitation to the ball.

The governor

Fussy and forgetful person. He invited Bazarov and Kirsanov to his big ball, where they met Odintsova.

Princess X

Anna Sergeevna Odintsova's aunt, a thin and small old woman, a princess. After the death of her husband, Odintsova invited her to live on her estate and manage it. Now no one paid attention to her, although they were treated with respect and well looked after. She died shortly after the death of Bazarov.

Porfiry Platonich

Odintsova's neighbor, who often came to her to play cards. He was short, cheerful and already gray-haired. He loved to tell jokes.


Bazarov's father's clerk, a former uncle of Eugene. I came to Madame Odintsova for him, said that his parents were really looking forward to him. He also came to her to bring her to the dying Bazarov.


Servant in the Bazarovs' house. Upon the arrival of Bazarov with Arkady, he began to serve them. For the sake of their arrival, he was dressed in different clothes and given new boots, to which he could not get used to.

Doctor Odintsovoy

He came with Madame Odintsova to examine the sick Bazarov, immediately determined that he had no chance of surviving, which he managed to whisper to her before she met him.

Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" reveals several problems at once. One reflects the conflict of generations and clearly demonstrates a way to get out of it, while preserving the main thing - the value of the family. The second one demonstrates the processes taking place in the society of that time. Through dialogues and skillfully crafted images of heroes, a type that has just begun to emerge is presented public figure, denying all the foundations of the existing statehood and ridiculing such moral and ethical values ​​as love feelings and sincere affection.

Ivan Sergeevich himself in the work does not take any of the sides. As an author, he condemns both the nobility and representatives of new social and political movements, clearly showing that the value of life and sincere affections is much higher than rebellion and political passions.

History of creation

Of all the works of Turgenev, the novel "Fathers and Sons" was the only one written in a short time. Only two years passed from the moment the idea was conceived to the first publication of the manuscript.

The first thoughts of a new story came to the writer in August 1860 during his stay in England on the Isle of Wight. This was facilitated by Turgenev's acquaintance with a provincial young doctor. Fate pushed them in bad weather on an iron road, and under the pressure of circumstances, they talked with Ivan Sergeevich all night. New acquaintances were shown the ideas that the reader could later observe in Bazarov's speeches. The doctor became the prototype for the protagonist.

(The estate of the Kirsanovs from the film "Fathers and Sons", filming location Fryanovo estate, 1983)

In the autumn of the same year, upon his return to Paris, Turgenev worked on the plot of the novel and began writing chapters. Within six months, half of the manuscript was ready, and he finished it after his arrival in Russia, in the middle of the summer of 1861.

Until the spring of 1862, while reading his novel to friends and giving the manuscript to the editor of the Russian Bulletin for reading, Turgenev made edits to the work. In March of the same year, the novel was published. This version was slightly different from the edition that came out six months later. In it, Bazarov was presented in a more unsightly light and the image of the protagonist was a little repulsive.

Analysis of the work

Main plot

The protagonist of the novel, the nihilist Bazarov, together with the young nobleman Arkady Kirsanov, arrives at the Kirsanovs' estate, where the protagonist meets his comrade's father and uncle.

Pavel Petrovich is a sophisticated aristocrat who absolutely does not like either Bazarov or the ideas and values ​​shown to him. Bazarov also does not remain in debt, and no less actively and passionately, he speaks out against the values ​​and morals of old people.

After that, the young people get acquainted with the recently widowed Anna Odintsova. They both fall in love with her, but temporarily hide it not only from the object of adoration, but also from each other. The main character is ashamed to admit that he, who vehemently opposed romanticism and love affection, now suffers from these feelings.

The young nobleman begins to be jealous of the lady of the heart for Bazarov, misunderstandings occur between friends and, as a result, Bazarov talks about his feelings to Anna. Odintsova prefers a quiet life and a marriage of convenience to him.

Gradually, relations between Bazarov and Arkady deteriorate, and Arkady himself is carried away younger sister Anna Catherine.

Relations between the older generation of the Kirsanovs and Bazarov are heating up, it comes to a duel in which Pavel Petrovich is wounded. This puts bullet between Arkady and Bazarov, and the main character has to return to Father's house... There he becomes infected fatal disease and dies in the arms of his own parents.

In the finale of the novel, Anna Sergeevna Odintsova is getting married of convenience, Arkady and Ekaterina, as well as Fenechka and Nikolai Petrovich, are getting married. They play their weddings on the same day. Uncle Arkady leaves the estate and goes to live abroad.

Heroes of Turgenev's novel

Evgeny Vasilievich Bazarov

Bazarov is a medical student, social status, a common man, the son of a military doctor. He is seriously interested in the natural sciences, shares the beliefs of the nihilists, and denies romantic attachments. He is confident, proud, ironic and derisive. Bazarov does not like to talk a lot.

In addition to love, the main character does not share his admiration for art, he has little faith in medicine, despite the education he is receiving. Not referring myself to romantic natures, Bazarov loves beautiful women and, at the same time, despises them.

Most interesting moment in a novel - this is when the hero himself begins to experience those feelings, the existence of which he denied and ridiculed. Turgenev clearly demonstrates an intrapersonal conflict, at a time when a person's feelings and beliefs diverge.

Arkady Nikolaevich Kirsanov

One of central characters Turgenev's novel is a young and educated nobleman. He is only 23 years old and barely finished university. Due to his youth and temperament, he is naive and easily falls under the influence of Bazarov. Outwardly, he shares the convictions of the nihilists, but in his soul, and further in the plot it is evident, he appears as a generous, gentle and very sentimental young man. Over time, the hero himself understands this.

Unlike Bazarov, Arkady loves to talk a lot and beautifully, he is emotional, cheerful and values ​​affection. He believes in marriage. Despite the conflict between fathers and children shown at the beginning of the novel, Arkady loves both his uncle and his father.

Odintsova Anna Sergeevna is an early widowed rich person who at one time got married not for love, but for calculation, in order to save herself from poverty. One of the main heroines of the novel loves peace and her own independence. She never loved anyone and was not attached to anyone.

For the main characters, she looks beautiful and inaccessible, because she does not reciprocate with anyone. Even after the death of the hero, she remarries, and again by calculation.

The younger sister of the widow Odintsova, Katya, is very young. She is only 20 years old. Catherine is one of the loveliest and lovable characters in the novel. She is kind, sociable, observant and at the same time demonstrates independence and obstinacy, which only paint a young lady. She comes from a family of poor nobles. Her parents died when she was only 12 years old. Since then, she has been raised by her older sister Anna. Catherine is afraid of her and under the gaze of Madame Odintsova feels awkward.

The girl loves nature, thinks a lot, she is direct and not flirtatious.

Arkady's father (brother of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov). Widower. He is 44 years old, he is a completely harmless person and an undemanding owner. He is gentle, kind, attached to his son. He is a romantic by nature, he likes music, nature, poetry. Nikolai Petrovich loves a quiet, calm, measured life in the countryside.

At one time he married for love and lived happily in marriage until his wife died. During years could not recover after the death of his beloved, but over the years he found love again and Fenechka, a simple and poor girl, became her.

Refined aristocrat, 45 years old, uncle of Arkady. At one time he served as an officer of the Guard, but because of Princess R., his life changed. A secular lion in the past, a heartthrob who easily won the love of women. All his life he built in the English style, read newspapers in foreign language, did business and everyday life.

Kirsanov is a clear adherent of liberal views and a man with principles. He is cocky, proud and derisive. Love at one time knocked him down, and from a lover of noisy companies, he became an ardent misanthrope who avoided the company of people in every way. At heart, the hero is unhappy and at the end of the novel he is far from his loved ones.

Analysis of the plot of the novel

The main plot of the now classic novel by Turgenev is the conflict between Bazarov and society, in which he found himself by the will of fate. A society that does not support his views and ideals.

The appearance of the protagonist in the Kirsanovs' house becomes a conditional plot of the plot. In the course of communication with other characters, conflicts and clashes of views are demonstrated, which test Evgeny's convictions for endurance. This also happens within the framework of the main love line- in the relationship between Bazarov and Odintsova.

Opposition is the main technique that the author used when writing the novel. It is reflected not only in its title and demonstrated in the conflict, but also reflected in the repetition of the protagonist's route. Bazarov twice ends up in the Kirsanovs 'estate, twice visits Madame Odintsova, and also returns twice to his parents' house.

The plot's denouement is the death of the protagonist, with which the writer wanted to demonstrate the collapse of the thoughts expressed by the hero throughout the novel.

In his work, Turgenev clearly showed that in the cycle of all ideologies and political disputes there is a big, complex and varied life, where they always win traditional values, nature, art, love and sincere, deep affection.

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