Andrey Ivanovich Stolts. Stolz's character. Love, family and other eternal values ​​in the perception of Oblomov and Stolz - document

Who is Stolz? Goncharov does not force the reader to puzzle over this question. The first two chapters of the second part contain a detailed story about Stolz's life, about the conditions in which his active character was formed. “Stolz was only half German by his father; his mother was Russian; he professed the Orthodox faith, his native language was Russian ... ”. Goncharov first tries to show that Stolz is more Russian than German: after all, the most important thing is that his faith and language are the same as those of the Russians. But the further, the more begin to show through in him the qualities of a German: independence, perseverance in achieving their goals, thrift.
Stolz's unique character was formed under the influence of two forces - soft and hard, at the junction of two cultures - Russian and German. From his father he received a "labor, practical education", and his mother introduced him to the beautiful, tried to put in the soul of little Andrei love for art, for beauty. His mother "in her son ... dreamed of the ideal of a gentleman," and his father taught him to hard, not lordly work.
A practical mind, love of life, courage helped Stolz achieve success after he left at the insistence of his father to study in St. Petersburg ...
According to Goncharov's plan, Stolz - new type Russian progressive figure. However, he does not portray the hero in specific activities. The author only informs the reader about what Stolz has been and what he has achieved. He "served, retired ... went about his business, ... made a house and money, ... learned Europe as his estate, ... saw Russia far and wide, ... travels to the world."
Talking about ideological position Stolz, he "sought a balance of practical sides with the subtle needs of the spirit." Stolz could control his feelings and was "afraid of every dream." Happiness for him was consistency. According to Goncharov, he "knew the value of rare and expensive properties and wasted them so sparingly that they called him an egoist, insensitive ...". In a word, the potters created such a hero that Russia has been lacking for a long time. For the author, Stolz is the force that is capable of reviving the Oblomovs and destroying Oblomovism. In my opinion, Goncharov somewhat idealizes the image of Stolz, setting him up as an example to the reader as an impeccable person. But by the end of the novel, it turns out that salvation did not come to Russia with the advent of Stolz. Dobrolyubov explains this by the fact that "now there is no soil for them" in Russian society... For a more productive activity of the stolts, it is necessary to reach some compromise with the break-off ones. That is why Andrei Stolts takes on the education of his son Ilya Ilyich.
Stolz is undoubtedly the opposite of Oblomov. Each character trait of the first is a sharp protest against the qualities of the second. Stolz loves life - Oblomov often falls into apathy; Stolz has a thirst for activity, for Oblomov the best activity is relaxing on the couch. The origins of this opposition lie in the upbringing of heroes. Reading the description of the life of little Andrey, you involuntarily compare it with the life of Ilya. Thus, already at the very beginning of the novel, two absolutely different nature, two paths in life ...

The absolute opposite of Oblomov is Stolz, who becomes the embodiment of calculation, activity, strength, determination, purposefulness. In Stolz's German upbringing, the main thing was the development of an independent, active, purposeful nature. When describing the life of Stolz, Goncharov most often uses the words "firmly", "straight", "walked". And the very surname of Stolz is sharp, abrupt, and his whole figure, in which there was not a fraction of roundness and softness, as in Oblomov's appearance, all this reveals his German roots. His whole life was drawn once and for all, imagination, dreams and passions did not fit into his life program: "It seems that he controlled both sorrows and joys like the movement of hands." The most valued quality in a person for Stolz is “persistence in achieving a goal,” however, Goncharov adds that Stolz's respect for a persistent person did not depend on the quality of the goal itself: “He never refused to respect people with this persistence, as if nor were their goals important. "

The goal of Stolz's life, as he formulates it, is work and only work. To Oblomov's question: "Why live?" - Stolz, without a moment's hesitation, answers: "For labor itself, for nothing else." This unequivocal "nothing else" is somewhat alarming. The results of Stolz's labor have a quite tangible "material equivalent": "He really made a house and money." Goncharov speaks very vaguely about the nature of Stolz's activities, casually: "He participates in some kind of company that sends goods abroad." For the first time in Russian literature, an attempt has appeared to show a positive image of an entrepreneur who, having no wealth at birth, achieves it with his labor.

Trying to elevate his hero, Goncharov convinces the reader that from his mother, a Russian noblewoman, Stolz took on the ability to feel and appreciate love: “he developed for himself the conviction that love, with the power of Archimedean lever, moves the world”. However, in Stolz's love, everything is subject to reason, it is no coincidence that the "reasonable" Stolz never understood what happened between Oblomov and Olga, what became the basis of their love: “Oblomova! Can not be! - added again in the affirmative. “There’s something here: you don’t understand yourself, Oblomov or, finally, love!”, “This is not love, this is something else. It didn't even reach your heart: imagination and pride, on the one hand, weakness, on the other. " Stolz did not understand that love can be different, and not just the one that he calculated. It is no coincidence that this inability to accept life in its diversity, unpredictability ultimately leads to "Oblomovism" and Stolz himself. Having fallen in love with Olga, he is already ready to stop, freeze. Found mine, thought Stolz. - Wait! .. here it is, the last happiness of a person! Everything has been found, there is nothing to look for, nowhere else to go! " Having already become Stolz's wife, feeling real love for him, realizing that she found her happiness in him, Olga often thinks about the future, she is afraid of this “silence of life”: “What is it? She thought. - Where to go? Nowhere! There is no further way. Really not, have you made the circle of life? Is it really everything, everything? "

Much can be said about the heroes by their attitude towards each other. Oblomov sincerely loves Stolz, he feels true disinterestedness and generosity towards a friend, one can recall, for example, his joy at the happiness of Stolz and Olga. In relations with Stolz, the beauty of Oblomov's soul is manifested, his ability to think about the meaning of life, activity, about its focus on a person. Oblomov appears as a person who is passionately looking for, although he does not find a norm of life. In Stolz, in relation to Oblomov, there is some kind of "lack of feeling", he is not capable of subtle emotional movements: on the one hand, he sincerely sympathizes with Ilya Ilyich, loves him, on the other - often in relation to Oblomov, he turns out to be not so much a friend as "formidable teacher. " Stolz was for Ilya Ilyich the embodiment of that stormy life that always frightened Oblomov, from which he tried to hide. To the bitter and annoying Oblomov: “Life touches”, Stolz immediately responds: “And thank God!”. Stolz sincerely and persistently tried to make Oblomov live more actively, but this persistence sometimes became tough, and at times cruel. Not sparing Oblomov and not considering that he has the right to do so, Stolz touches upon the most painful memories of Olga, without the slightest respect for his friend's wife says: "Look, where are you and who are you with?" The very phrase "now or never", formidable and inevitable, was also unnatural to Oblomov's soft nature. Very often, in a conversation with a friend, Stolz uses the words "I will shake you up", "you must", "you have to live differently." Stolz drew a life plan not only for himself, but also for Oblomov: “You must live with us, near us. Olga and I decided so, so it will be! " Stolz "saves" Oblomov from his life, from his choice - and in this salvation he sees his task.

What is the kind of life he wanted to involve a friend in? The content of the week that Oblomov spent with Stolz was inherently different from sleeping on Gorokhovaya Street. There were some business this week, lunch with a gold miner, tea at the dacha in a large society, but Oblomov very accurately called it vanity, behind which you cannot see a person. In his last meeting with a friend, Stolz said to Oblomov: “You know me: I set myself this task a long time ago and will not give up. Until now, I was distracted by various things, but now I am free. " So the main reason manifested itself - various things that distracted Stolz from the life of a friend. And indeed, between the appearance of Stolz in Oblomov's life - like failures, like abysses - years pass: "Stolz did not come to St. Petersburg for several years", "a year has passed since Ilya Ilyich's illness", "the fifth year has gone, as we have not seen each other." It is no accident that even during Oblomov's lifetime, an abyss opened between him and Stolz, a stone wall was erected, and this wall existed only for Stolz. And even during Oblomov's lifetime, Stolz buried his friend with an unambiguous sentence: "You died, Ilya!"

The author's attitude to Stolz is ambiguous. Goncharov, on the one hand, hoped that soon "many stolz would appear under Russian names," the idea looks too naked from it. "

The problem of the hero in the novel "Oblomov" is connected with the author's reflections on the present and future of Russia, on the generic features of the Russian national character. Oblomov and Stolz are not just different human characters, they are different systems moral values, different perceptions and ideas about the human personality. The hero's problem is that the author does not give preference to either Oblomov or Stolz, for each of them he reserves his right to the truth and the choice of his life path.

Who is Stolz? Goncharov does not force the reader to puzzle over this question. The first two chapters of the second part contain a detailed story about Stolz's life, about the conditions in which his active character was formed. “Stolz was only half German by his father; his mother was Russian; he professed the Orthodox faith, his native language was Russian ... ”. Goncharov first tries to show that Stolz is more Russian than German: after all, the most important thing is that his faith and language are the same as those of the Russians. But the further, the more begin to show through in him the qualities of a German: independence, perseverance in achieving their goals, thrift.

Stolz's unique character was formed under the influence of two forces - soft and hard, at the junction of two cultures - Russian and German. From his father he received a "labor, practical education", and his mother introduced him to the beautiful, tried to put in the soul of little Andrei love for art, for beauty. His mother "in her son ... dreamed of the ideal of a gentleman," and his father taught him to hard, not lordly work.

A practical mind, love of life, courage helped Stolz achieve success after he left at the insistence of his father to study in St. Petersburg ...

As conceived by Goncharov, Stolz is a new type of Russian progressive figure. However, he does not portray the hero in specific activities. The author only informs the reader about what Stolz has been and what he has achieved. He "served, retired ... went about his business, ... made a house and money, ... learned Europe as his estate, ... saw Russia far and wide, ... travels to the world."

If we talk about the ideological position of Stolz, then he "was looking for a balance of practical sides with the subtle needs of the spirit." Stolz could control his feelings and was "afraid of every dream." Happiness for him was consistency. According to Goncharov, he "knew the value of rare and expensive properties and wasted them so sparingly that they called him an egoist, insensitive ...". In a word, the potters created such a hero that Russia has been lacking for a long time. For the author, Stolz is the force that is capable of reviving the Oblomovs and destroying Oblomovism. In my opinion, Goncharov somewhat idealizes the image of Stolz, setting him up as an example to the reader as an impeccable person. But by the end of the novel, it turns out that salvation did not come to Russia with the advent of Stolz. Dobrolyubov explains this by the fact that "now there is no ground for them" in Russian society. For a more productive activity of the stolts, it is necessary to reach some compromise with the break-off ones. That is why Andrei Stolts takes on the education of his son Ilya Ilyich.

Stolz is undoubtedly the opposite of Oblomov. Each character trait of the first is a sharp protest against the qualities of the second. Stolz loves life - Oblomov often falls into apathy; Stolz has a thirst for activity, for Oblomov the best activity is relaxing on the couch. The origins of this opposition lie in the upbringing of heroes. Reading the description of the life of little Andrey, you involuntarily compare it with the life of Ilya. Thus, already at the very beginning of the novel, two completely different characters, two life paths appear before the reader ...

Oblomov and Stolz

Stolz - the antipode of Oblomov (Principle of the antithesis)

All figurative system IAGoncharov's novel Oblomov is aimed at revealing the character, essence of the protagonist. Ilya Ilyich Oblomov is a bored gentleman lying on the couch, dreaming of transformations and happy life in the bosom of the family, but doing nothing to make dreams come true. The antipode of Oblomov in the novel is the image of Stolz. Andrei Ivanovich Stolts is one of the main characters, a friend of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, the son of Ivan Bogdanovich Stolts, a Russianized German who manages an estate in the village of Verkhlevka, which is five miles from Oblomovka. The first two chapters of the second part contain a detailed story about Stolz's life, about the conditions in which his active character was formed.

1. General features:

a) age ("Stolz is the same age as Oblomov and he is already over thirty");

b) religion;

c) training in the boarding house of Ivan Stolz in Verkhlev;

d) service and quick retirement;

e) love for Olga Ilyinskaya;

e) good relations to each other.

2. Various traits:

a ) portrait;

Oblomov ... “He was a man of about thirty-two or three years of age, of average height, pleasant appearance, with dark gray eyes, but with lack of: any definite idea, any concentration in the facial features. "

«… flabby beyond his years whether from lack of movement or air. In general, his body, judging by the matte, too white necks, small plump arms, soft shoulders seemed too pampered for a man. His movements, when he was even alarmed, were also restrained. gentleness and not devoid of a kind of grace of laziness. "

Stolz- the same age as Oblomov, he is already over thirty. Sh .'s portrait contrasts with Oblomov's: “It is all composed of bones, muscles and nerves, like a blood English horse. He is thin, he has almost no cheeks at all, that is, bone and muscle, but not a sign of fat roundness ... "

Getting to know portrait characteristic of this hero, we understand that Stolz is a strong, energetic, purposeful person who is alien to dreaminess. But this almost ideal personality resembles a mechanism, not a living person, and this repels the reader.

b) parents, a family;

Oblomov's parents are Russian, he grew up in a patriarchal family.

Stolz. - a native of the bourgeois class (his father left Germany, wandered around Switzerland and settled in Russia, becoming the manager of the estate). “Stolz was only half German by his father; his mother was Russian; he professed the Orthodox faith, his native language was Russian ... ”. Mother was afraid that Stolz, under the influence of his father, would become a rude burgher, but Stolz's Russian entourage prevented.

c) education;

Oblomov moved “from embraces to the embraces of family and friends,” his upbringing was of a patriarchal nature.

Ivan Bogdanovich raised his son strictly: “From the age of eight he sat with his father for geographic map, sorted out biblical verses in the warehouses of Herder, Wieland and summed up the illiterate accounts of peasants, bourgeois and factory workers, and with his mother read the sacred history, taught Krylov's fables and analyzed Telemak's warehouses. "

When Stolz grew up, his father began to take him to the field, to the market, forced him to work. Then Stolz began to send his son to the city with errands, "and it never happened that he forgot something, altered, overlooked, made a mistake."

Upbringing, like education, was twofold: dreaming that a "good bursh" would grow out of his son, the father encouraged boyish fights in every possible way, without which the son could not do a day. If Andrei appeared without a lesson prepared "by heart", Ivan Bogdanovich sent his son back where he came from - and every time young Stltz returned with lessons learned.

From his father he received a "labor, practical education", and his mother introduced him to the beautiful, tried to put in the soul of little Andrei love for art, for beauty. His mother "in her son ... dreamed of the ideal of a gentleman," and his father taught him to hard, not lordly work.

d) attitude towards studying in a boarding house;

Oblomov studied "out of necessity," "serious reading bored him," "but the poets hurt him ... for a living"

Stolz always studied well, was interested in everything. And was a tutor at my father's boarding house

e) further education;

Oblomov lived in Oblomovka until he was twenty, then graduated from the university.

Stolz graduated brilliantly from the university. Parting with his father, who sent him from Verkhlev to St. Petersburg, Stolz. says that he will certainly follow his father's advice and will go to Ivan Bogdanovich's old friend Reingold - but only when he, Stolz, will have, like Reingold, a four-story house. Such independence and independence, as well as self-confidence. - the basis of the character and worldview of the younger Stolz, which his father so ardently supports and which Oblomov lacks so much.

f) lifestyle;

"Lying at Ilya Ilyich's was his normal state."

Stolz has a thirst for action

g) housekeeping;

Oblomov did not do business in the village, received an insignificant income and lived on credit.

Stolz serves successfully, retires to study by own business; makes a house and money. He is a member of a trading company that sends goods overseas; as an agent of the company, Sh. travels to Belgium, England, throughout Russia.

h) life aspirations;

Oblomov in his youth "prepared for the field", thought about the role in society, about family happiness, then he excluded from his dreams social activities, his ideal was a carefree life in unity with nature, family, friends.

Stolz, chose an active principle in his youth ... Stolz's ideal of life is unceasing and meaningful work, it is "the image, content, element and purpose of life."

i) views on society;

Oblomov believes that all members of the world and society are "dead, sleeping people", they are characterized by insincerity, envy, the desire by any means to "get a loud rank", he is not a supporter of progressive forms of economic management.

According to Stolz, with the help of the organization of "schools", "piers", "fairs", "highways", the old, patriarchal "ruins" should be turned into comfortable estates that generate income.

j) attitude towards Olga;

Oblomov wanted to see loving woman able to create a serene family life.

Stolz marries Olga Ilyinskaya, and Goncharov tries in their active, full of labor and beauty alliance to present ideal family, a true ideal that does not work out in Oblomov's life: “We worked together, dined, went to the fields, played music< …>as Oblomov dreamed ... Only there was no slumber, despondency, they spent their days without boredom and without apathy; there was no sluggish look, no word; the conversation did not end with them, it was often hot. "

k) relationship and mutual influence;

Oblomov considered Stolz his only friend, able to understand and help, he listened to his advice, but Stolz failed to break Oblomovism.

Stolz highly appreciated the kindness and sincerity of the soul of his friend Oblomov. Stolz does everything to awaken Oblomov to activity. In friendship with Oblomov Stolz. he also turned out to be at his best: he replaced the rogue manager, destroyed the intrigues of Tarantyev and Mukhoyarov, who tricked Oblomov into signing a fake loan letter.

Oblomov is used to living on Stolz's orders in the smallest matters, he needs the advice of a friend. Without Stolz, Ilya Ilyich cannot decide on anything, however, and Oblomov is in no hurry to follow Stolz's advice: they have too different ideas about life, about work, about the application of strength.

After the death of Ilya Ilyich, a friend takes on the education of Oblomov's son, Andryusha, named in his honor.

m) self-esteem ;

Oblomov constantly doubted himself. Stolz never doubts himself.

m) character traits ;

Oblomov is inactive, dreamy, slovenly, indecisive, gentle, lazy, apathetic, not devoid of subtle emotional experiences.

Stolz is active, harsh, practical, neat, loves comfort, open in emotional manifestations, reason prevails over feeling. Stolz could control his feelings and was "afraid of every dream." Happiness for him was consistency. According to Goncharov, he "knew the value of rare and expensive properties and wasted them so sparingly that he was called an egoist, insensitive ...".

The meaning of the images of Oblomov and Stolz.

Goncharov reflected in Oblomov the typical features of the patriarchal nobility. Oblomov absorbed conflicting features Russian national character.

Stolz in Goncharov's novel was assigned the role of a man capable of breaking Oblomovism and reviving the hero. According to critics, the ambiguity of Goncharov's idea of ​​the role of "new people" in society led to the unconvincing image of Stolz. As conceived by Goncharov, Stolz is a new type of Russian progressive figure. However, he does not portray the hero in specific activities. The author only informs the reader about what Stolz has been and what he has achieved. Showing Stolz's Parisian life with Olga, Goncharov wants to reveal the breadth of his views, and in fact reduces the hero

So, the image of Stolz in the novel not only clarifies the image of Oblomov, but is also interesting to readers for its originality and the complete opposite of the main character. Dobrolyubov says about him: “He is not the person who will be able, in a language understandable to the Russian soul, to tell us this omnipotent word“ forward! ” Dobrolyubov, like all revolutionary democrats, saw the ideal of a "man of action" in serving the people, in the revolutionary struggle. Stolz is far from this ideal. However, next to Oblomov and Oblomovism, Stolz was still a progressive phenomenon.

Description of Stolz - one of the main characters of the famous novel by Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov "Oblomov" - can be perceived ambiguously. This person is the bearer of a common mentality that is new to Russia. Probably, the classic wanted to initially create in his appearance a domestic analogue of the image of Jane Eyre.

Stolz's origin

Andrei Ivanovich Stolts is the son of a clerk. His father Ivan Bogdanovich came to Russia from Germany. Before that, he tried to find it. In Russia, he got a job managing the farm, where he scrupulously and skillfully managed the estate, kept records. He raised his son rather severely. He worked for him with young years, was a "personal driver" - he drove a spring cart when his father drove to the city, to the fields, to the factory, to the merchants. The elder Stolz encouraged his son when he fought with the boys. Teaching science in the village of Verkhlevo for the children of landowners, he gave a solid foundation to his Andryusha. Stolz's mother was Russian, so Russian became his native language, and by faith he was Orthodox.

Of course, Stolz with Oblomov, who does not know how to organize his life, will clearly not be in favor of the latter.


The young German graduated brilliantly from the institute. Made a career in the service. Goncharov tells in snatches of phrases from other people. In particular, we learn about the rank of Andrei Stolz from the phrase that in the service he "passed for the court". Turning to the table of ranks, we find that the “court councilor” is the chairman of the court court, equal in rank to the lieutenant colonel. Thus, Andrei Stolts is a lawyer by training and earned a colonel's pension. This is what the novel Oblomov tells us. Stolz's characterization shows the predominance of a business vein in his character.

After retirement, the thirty-year-old man took up commercial activities in a trading company. And here he had good career prospects. At work, he was entrusted with responsible missions related to business trips to Europe and the development of new company projects. The business characterization of Stolz given by the novel is solid and promising. For a couple of years of work in a trading company, he has already managed to profitably invest 40 thousand rubles of his father's capital and turn it into 300 thousand rubles. For him, the prospect of making a million dollar fortune is real.

Close people

Stolz has a spirit of camaraderie and cooperation. He spends time and energy to snatch his friend Oblomov from the web of laziness, trying to arrange his life by introducing him to a wonderful girl Olga Ilyinskaya. Only when Oblomov refused to continue his acquaintance with her, Stolz, having considered what kind of treasure Olga was, began to look after her. Fraudsters who tried to completely ruin the careless Ilya Ilyich Oblomov had to deal with him in the end - tough, shrewd. He also utters a word that has become a household name - "Oblomovism". After the illness and death of Ilya Ilyich, the Stoltsy spouses take up his son Andryusha for education.

Conclusions on the image of Stolz

At the same time, it should be recognized that the author's characterization of Stolz is the only flaw in the plot of the novel, as Goncharov himself confirmed. According to the plan, Andrei Ivanovich was to become an ideal person of the future, organically combining pragmatism with his father's genes, and inheriting from his mother - artistic taste, aristocracy. In reality, the type of bourgeoisie emerging in Russia turned out: active, purposeful, unable to dream. Chekhov was critical of him, agreeing with the negative characterization that flashed in the novel - "a blowing beast". Anton Pavlovich debunked Stolz as a man of the future in the press, and Nikolai Alexandrovich Dobrolyubov agreed with him. Obviously, Goncharov's characterization of Stolz went too far with rationality and adherence to rational thinking. These qualities in a normal, living person should not be hypertrophied to such an extent.

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