Garik Martirosyan: interesting facts from the life of a Comedy Club “resident”. Garik Martirosyan's ideal family

Wife famous TV presenter Garik Martirosyan's name is Zhanna Levina. She grew up in Sochi, and after graduation she entered the Stavropol State Law University and since that time has lived in two cities. Sometime in 1997, she was an ardent fan of the team of her native university and came to support her favorites at a festival in Sochi. And this was her fate, because at the next party, Jeanne found herself at the same table with Garik Martirosyan. Young people immediately felt sympathy for each other, but their communication did not last long. The festival ended, and the girl flew back to Stavropol, without even leaving Garik a phone number. A year later, the couple met again, and after just a few days the young people decided to get married.
In an interview, Zhanna said that neither her nor his parents expected such a rapid development of events, but did not oppose the will of their children. Their engagement took place in Yerevan, after which the young went on tour with the KVN team, where Garik performed. Due to the busy schedule, the wedding was celebrated only 2 years later, and it happened in Cyprus. Zhanna is rather easy-going, so she took with interest the fact that she was taken away from the house, but from the hotel. The ceremony itself took place in a villa with a swimming pool, the guests were the friendly KVN team “New Armenians”. The only "native" moment in the whole ceremony was the wedding in the Armenian church.

Martirosyan's wife devotes herself entirely to the family

Zhanna Levina is a lawyer by education, but she is in no hurry to build her own career, because she devotes every minute of her life to her children and her husband. In 2004, the couple had a daughter, Jasmine, and in 2009, the heir Daniel was born. Perhaps due to the fact that Garik fully provides for his family and builds successful career on television, Jeanne can afford to enjoy family happiness.

Many people are interested in Garik Martirosyan's wife Zhanna, what is her biography, whether they have a strong family, the couple have children, some are curious about the nationality and how old is Martirosyan's wife. Let's find out the answers to these and other questions.

It is believed that stars do not stay in marriages too long, that this is not at all characteristic of creative natures, and a strong family for them - from the category of the impossible, but there are couples that refute such judgments. One of them is the Martirosyan couple.

Zhanna and Garik are already together for a long time, they have two children, and at the same time passion and love have not disappeared anywhere, have not been erased by everyday life. Supporting each other in everything, the spouses continue their happy joint journey. But here, of course, a reasonable question arises - how exactly did such an interesting and lasting relationship originate?

Dream in hand

KVN festivals were often held in Sochi. Once Zhanna came there to support the team of SGU - a university in which she herself studied at that time. Watching the performances, she saw a handsome guy and was surprised to recognize him as a stranger whom she had recently seen in a dream. Interested in this and feeling attracted, Jeanne herself did not notice how she fell in love. This was Garik.

Zhanna has repeatedly said in interviews that her dream was fulfilled to the very small parts... She met her future husband right at the game, and when the party began to mark the end of the festival, fate brought them together at one table. After a pleasant evening, they went for a walk along the embankment. And as in a dream, it turned out to be very, very difficult for them to part.

"New Armenians"

Jeanne's parents were not opposed to the young couple being married, but the choice of a spouse surprised them. Zhanna received an offer from Garik right on tour. Martirosyan was a member of the New Armenians, and then they were all in Yerevan.

However, the engagement did not immediately turn into a formal marriage. Garik worked a lot, and his schedule was not the easiest, besides, they wanted to feel freer. Falling in love and adolescence allowed them to postpone the event.

When they did arrange a wedding ceremony, it happened in Cyprus. Of course, Jeanne did not at all oppose this. interesting option... Even though no traditions like picking up the bride from the parents' house were observed, but the whole KVN team was on a visit.


Fans are always curious about how their idols develop their life, how they take care of their family and spend their time. Zhanna is a lawyer by training, but she decided that in the family she would be able to realize herself more. She devoted herself to her husband and children. She postponed her career, because completely different priorities were in the first place for her. How old is Martirosyan's wife is not known exactly, but according to some sources she is 40.

The couple's daughter - Jasmine - was born in 2004, a little less son - was born in 2009. Financial security Garik took over a rather big family.

Jeanne leads family life- and she really likes it. Faithful and reliable, real support and support, she is ready to organize comfort and give Garik a rest when necessary.

Family traditions

There is no such interview in which Garik would not remind journalists what a wonderful wife he has. She is a magical hostess, she knows how to cook perfectly, and in Garik's house she is waiting for a hearty dinner and absolute comfort - absolutely what he always dreamed of.

The life of a strong couple together is decorated with numerous family traditions... They especially love to make gifts. Moreover, this must be done in some way in a special original way. It is Jeanne who is truly resourceful in this. She usually hides a small or large surprise, and the recipient has to find it.

However, not all gifts can be hidden. So, Jeanne once decided to please Garik with a real piano, because he loves music. Of course, it was not possible to hide such a thing, but this, of course, did not spoil the pleasure of the gift.

Hidden talents

When the couple bought an apartment in the capital, Zhanna suddenly discovered her real talent as a designer. She herself took up the arrangement of a love nest and thoughtfully approached this issue.

Even though she had not been fond of anything like this before, even the first attempt turned out to be very worthy. Each room has changed, an atmosphere of true comfort, family warmth has appeared. And, of course, not only the spouse noticed this. Repeatedly friends and relatives noted that Jeanne should think about further development in this direction, however, so far she is focused on her own living space, because she finds it most important for herself.

Help your spouse

Every author needs a loyal first reader or listener. Jeanne became one for own husband... She is the first to evaluate every joke that Garik then brings to concerts or television. I must say that Garik somehow let slip - he did not immediately consider the sense of humor of his own wife. However, she now knows that she is a subtle connoisseur.

When Garik Martirosyan has to attend important events, when he needs to appear at the award ceremony, meetings, parties, presentations or any premieres, his wife Zhanna must go with her husband. She looks amazing, and Garik's work colleagues get along well with her.

It is quite possible that the general public will soon hear about Jeanne, because she is beautiful and talented!

Garik Martirosyan - Russian and Armenian actor, comedian, showman, TV presenter, co-producer, artistic director... Born in Yerevan on February 13, 1974. However, Garik's parents asked to mark the date of February 14 in the document, since they consider the number 13 to be unlucky.

The main films of the actor Garik Martirosyan

  • short biography

    Garik was born in ordinary family... Mother, Zhasmin Surenovna, works as a gynecologist, is a doctor of sciences. Father, Yuri Mikhailovich, is a mechanical engineer. Garik has two brothers - the elder Ambartsum and the younger Levon.

    Garik studied at a music school, but he was kicked out for bad behavior. But this did not prevent him from mastering the playing of drums, guitar and piano. As a result, the future showman learned to write music on his own.

    After school, Garik entered the Yerevan State medical University... He graduated with a degree in neurologist-psychotherapist. After graduating from university for three years Garik Martirosyan worked in clinical residency. Around the same time, he met the KVN team of his university.

    From 1993 to 2002 Garik Martirosyan played in the New Armenians KVN team. In the same period, he was a member of the USSR National Team, worked together with Igor Ugolnikov on the television project good evening", Was a member of the author's group of the KVN team" Burnt by the Sun ".

    In 2004, Martirosyan took part in the filming of the "Guess the Melody" program, where his colleagues on the site were Polina Sibagatullina and Igor Kharlamov.

    In 2005, together with his comrades from the New Armenians team, Garik Martirosyan created the project “ Comedy club”And became one of its participants. In 2006, the young TV presenter won the "Two Stars" project, where he sang in a duet with Larisa Dolina. In the same year, he acted as a co-author of the script and co-producer of the project "Our Russia", launched on the channel "TNT".

    Since 2007, Garik Martirosyan has acted as a presenter at the "Minute of Glory". Garik participated in the First Channel project in 2 seasons. In the winter of the same year, together with Pavel Volya, Martirosyan worked on the recording of the Respect and Respect album.

    In the period from 2008 to 2012, Garik Martirosyan was one of the presenters of the ProjectorParisHilton program, which aired on Channel One. This show was awarded the "TEFI" award in the category "Best infotainment program of the year".

    In 2008, Martirosyan wrote the script for the film "Our Russia: Eggs of Destiny". The film was released two years later. In this project, Martirosyan also acted as a producer.

    Garik starred in such TV series as "Thank God you came!", "Yuzhnoye Butovo", as well as television show"Parrot Club". He also took part in such projects as "Our yard 3" and "HB".

    In 2007, radio "Humor FM" presented Martirosyan with the "Humor of the Year" award in the "Show-man" nomination. In the same year, GQ magazine awarded the TV presenter the Person of the Year award in the Face from TV nomination.

    Garik Martirosyan is married to Zhanna Levina. He met his future wife in 1997 at the KVN festival, which was held in Sochi. However, their relationship began only a year later. In 2004, the couple had a daughter, Jasmine, and in 2009, a son, Daniel, was born.

Garik Martirosyan is a comedian whom almost everyone knows today, even those who are not very interested in show business. Garik participated and is participating in many projects, making each of them popular and rated. He has also successfully produced some of them. It seems that everything that Martirosyan does is given to him as if playfully, without much strain. However, behind any business there is hard work, which sooner or later leads to success.

Garik Martirosyan was born on a happy February day - February 13, 1974 in the capital of the Armenian SSR - Yerevan. But his parents considered this day not so happy due to superstition and begged the medical staff to write down the date of birth as February 14, so Garik now celebrates his birthday for 2 days in a row.
Garik, together with his older brother Ambartsum and younger Levon, grew up in the family of a mechanical engineer and a gynecologist. Garik has two outstanding grandfathers, one of whom at one time was the Deputy Minister of Trade of the USSR, and the second was the director of the school. Garik is from a family of old-timers - one of his grandfathers and two grandmothers are alive, although they are already over 90 years old.
Parents were busy with their sons, trying to instill in them a love of art early childhood... Garik, unlike his brothers, was a very mobile and naughty child. All three brothers studied at a music school, but only Garik was expelled from it for "good" behavior and for pampering in the classroom. However, after school, he, this time with pleasure, mastered playing the piano, guitar and drums, moreover, Martirosyan composed several pieces of music.

Acting talent, like many mobile children, Garik showed himself early, back in school, so he took an active part in school productions.
After graduating from school, Garik, following the example of his mother, who was a doctor and even a doctor of sciences, entered the Yerevan Medical University and received the specialty of a neuropathologist-psychotherapist. He liked the chosen profession, and he worked in the profile for three years.

But life made its choice for him. While still at the University, Garik began to play in the KVN team. He did it so well that he was later elected the captain of the New Armenians team. His team became the Champion in 1997 Major League... Garik Martirosyan also has many awards from the Cheerful and Resourceful Club.

Such bright character could not remain unclaimed in the developing Russian show business... At first he worked as the main screenwriter in the program “ Good evening with Igor Ugolnikov", Then began to take part in other television projects and show.

And in 2005, Garik, together with other members of the KVN team, founded a humorous project Comedy club like the American Stand Up. Garik was not only a participant in this show, but also its producer. The success of the project turned out to be overwhelming, its residents became the favorites of the entire CIS space.

And a year later, Martirosyan created new project with the name " Our Russia", Which he co-produced and co-wrote.

Star glory Garik added participation in the show " Two stars", In which he paired with Larisa Dolina became the winner. After that he tried himself as a presenter on Channel One in the program " Moment of glory". He was also a judge in several projects on TNT.

And since 2008, Garik has become a permanent co-host of the sparkling program “ SpotlightParisHilton". This program aired weekly until 2012.
Now Garik Martirosyan does not sit idle, he always has projects on which he continues to work both as an actor, and as a screenwriter, and as a producer.

Garik Martirosyan, personal life

In his personal life, Garik is a happy family man. His wifeZhanna Levina- a lawyer by profession. They met back in 97 in Sochi, but began dating only a year later, and then got married. In 2004, they had a daughter, Jasmine, and in 2009, a son, Daniel. Garik tries to spend as much time as possible with his family and always strives to go home.

See also other biographies and photos of famous showmen, presenters and producers from all over the world on our website.

Garik Martirosyan is a key figure in modern humor. He is known by TNT fans, viewers of Channel One, and the audience of Russia-1. But how did this charming Armenian manage to get to the top without losing cheerful disposition? Why do all projects with Garik's participation become successful? Let's figure it out from the very beginning.

Garik Martirosyan was born in Armenia, in the city of Yerevan. Due to the superstition of the parents, the newborn's date of birth was changed - instead of February 13, it was recorded a day later. Thanks to this combination of circumstances, the famous comedian is now arranging a holiday for two days in a row.

Nowadays, the popular Armenian often plays the guitar or the piano, although he does not have a complete music education... From music school Garik was kicked out for inappropriate behavior, and he mastered the tools on his own.

After graduation comprehensive school young Martirosyan moved to medicine - he entered the state medical university, located in hometown Yerevan. Here the showman received the profession of a neuropathologist-psychotherapist, but his diploma was useful for only three years.

Meeting with KVN

The career of the doctor-Martirosyan ended after meeting with KVN. The club of the cheerful and resourceful immediately charmed the Armenian, although he admitted that he liked the profession he received and brought pleasure.

Garik began playing in KVN as a member of the New Armenians team in 1994, and three years later he became the captain. Earlier the team was called “Relatives from Yerevan”, but later it took on a more sonorous name. For the first time, Armenians were noticed in the city of Sochi at a festival, they went to the First League of KVN. In 1995, Martirosyan's team managed to reach the final of the First League and receive an invitation to the Highest. But the guys did not manage to win even at the high level, they were bypassed by “Makhachkala vagrants” from Dagestan.

Later, the “New Armenians” team nevertheless took a prize-winning place (in 1997 and 1998), and also twice won the international music festival KiViN.

In the 2000s, the team, which became widely known and loved by the public, began to tour the world. Besides Russian cities they visited America, Germany and the CIS countries.

The team from sunny Yerevan, which finished playing in KVN, decided to create a new product. The idea was born back in 2001, but was able to be realized only in 2004 and not on the first try. Comedy Show Club appeared on the MTV broadcasting network, however, only as part of the New Year's meeting, and after the assistance of Alexander Tsekalo, a pilot episode for the STS channel was filmed. But here, too, the Armenians suffered a setback - General Director Rodnyansky refused to use a non-formatted product.

Luck smiled at KVN players after 9 months, when general manager TNT offered profitable cooperation and the launch of the show on the screen. For the first time, viewers saw the Comedy Club in April 2005.

Two years later, a large diversified production company Comedy was already created. Club Production, which is now responsible for the release of this humorous show and some side projects.


"Projectorperishilton" is another important project in the life of Garik Yurievich. At one time, this TV Broadcast was one of the most popular on Channel One, it was broadcast almost weekly, and the presenters became much more popular. An entertainment and information show appeared in 2008 and almost from the first issues it became a rating one.

In an ironic manner, the four hosts (Tsekalo, Urgant, Svetlakov and Martirosyan) discuss the news. They fell under the scalpel of their humor and politicians, and show business stars, and foreign actors and musicians. Thanks to the charisma and unusual presentation of information, such a concept fell in love, in the future they even tried to apply it to other projects, but to no avail.

Starting from the 15th edition, guests began to be invited to the Spotlight studio. They were different - the ballerina Volochkova, and the politician Zhirinovsky, and the singer Basque, and the actor Khabensky, and the musician Makarevich. At the end of the episode, the presenters performed musical number- played instruments, sang themselves or invited groups.

In 2012, the program was closed (due to new contracts between Sergey and Garik on the TNT channel), but in 2017 it was released again. The composition of the hosts remained unchanged.

Garik Martirosyan worked not only for TNT and as a co-host on Channel One. In 2006 he became the winner in music show"Two Stars", in 2007 he tried the role of the leading entertainment project "Minute of Glory" (2 seasons were included with his participation, then Tsekalo became the host, and after Oleshko).

In 2013, the comedian supported his colleagues - Kharlamov and Batrutdinov, starring in cameo in their project "HB".

In 2015, the showman hosted another music program « Main stage”, But already in the broadcasting network of Russia-1. In 2016, he became the host of a sports show on this channel - "Dancing with the Stars".

The newest project of Garik Martirosyan is a humorous own show, aired on TNT. "Official Martirosyan" was published in April 2018.


The comedian did not ignore the film industry. His first debut took place in the musical "Our Yard 3", after the TV presenter appeared in the TNT projects: "Our Russia" and "Univer".

In 2017, Garik took part in the filming of the controversial film "Zomboyaschik", which received many negative reviews and negative ratings. The film involved many popular personalities from the TV channel, who received two or three roles. Martirosyan became a magician and executioner.

Garik Yurievich has been happily married for a long time. He met his future wife Zhanna back in 1997 thanks to the KVN game in Sochi.

The couple have two children - daughter Zhanna (born in 2004) and son Daniel (born in 2009).

The showman does not like to show children to the public, but willingly shares photos of his wife on his personal page on Instagram. Zhanna also maintains an account where she talks funny and funny cases family life, posts photos, writes notes on exciting topics.

Meeting with the president

In 2011, Garik Martirosyan and his other fellow comedians managed to attend an informal meeting with the first person of the State. Dmitry Anatolyevich gathered popular comedians on April Fool's Day (April 1) at his residence in Gorki.

The discussions were both on serious topics and on humor. The invited guests joked that the president did not remain in debt. Photos from the meeting spread widely on the Internet, and the occasion itself has been a burning topic for a long time.

  1. Garik Martirosyan is a football lover. More than once he expressed his sympathy for Moscow Lokomotiv and English Manchester United.
  2. The showman has younger brother Levon. He did not follow in the footsteps of his older brother and made a good political career. At one time he was the leader of the united liberal national party, at this moment Levon works in the government of Armenia (assistant to the President).
  3. Garik Yurievich does not like airplanes - he flies extremely rarely and out of urgent need. A similar dislike for the TV presenter appeared in the late 90s, when their team actively flew throughout the country and abroad. Saturated touring life and frequent flights have bothered Garik so much that now he is trying to avoid airports. A well-known Armenian prefers to travel exclusively by land transport, for example, he likes to travel to Armenia by train. And the plane, according to the Armenian himself, he used last time in 2012 to fly to Yerevan and back.
  4. Garik is a polyglot - he knows 3 languages ​​perfectly (English, Armenian, Russian) and 3 more at a good level (Czech, German, Italian). He also has the ability to phonetically repeat almost any language - in the Projektoperishilton program, the TV presenter imitated Portuguese, Polish, Serbian, Spanish, Bulgarian, Belarusian, Hungarian, French, Hebrew.
  5. The man is a music lover; at Projektoperishilton, together with his friends, he sang songs in the style of rock, and compositions from jazz, and pop tracks. And in transmission Evening Urgant together with Ivan Garik read out a rap.
  6. Daughter Jasmine shares her father's hobbies - into official page the former KVNschik posted a video where the girl reads the Nicki Minaj track well. As users note, Jasmine is good at it.
  7. Yuri Dud, popular on the YouTube platform, released an interview with Martirosyan at the end of 2017. The video has received over 6 million views.
  8. In 2007, the famous Armenian comedian participated in the recording music album Pavel Volya.

Although the showman from Yerevan now appears on the Comedy Club stage not as often as at the dawn of the humorous project, leave this transmission he's not going to. Martirosyan helps with numbers, often writes jokes and stage numbers, participates in touring life.

In March 2018, the artist played in the popular intellectual game"What? Where? When "as part of an unusual team - former KVNschikov. After the game, Martirosyan noted that they were far from professional experts, but they held on with dignity (6: 4 in their favor).

In the fall of 2018, the next return of the ProjectorParisHilton entertainment and information program is expected; if the contract is extended, the viewers of Channel One will again see the intelligent comedian at a large table with other presenters.

Also, the popular Armenian does not forget about in social networks- his Instagram page is being actively updated. From recent photos: selfies with my wife, footage from the 2018 FIFA World Cup, videos from the filming, beautiful footage of cities. The comedian has more than 1.5 million subscribers, which allows him to create advertising posts, launch columns with cash prizes, and actively share his life.


Many people know Martirosyan as a popular TV presenter, cheerful and resourceful comedian. But he is also an excellent family man, an intelligent and educated showman. Garik puts his heart into any business, so his personal pages on social networks are popular, and all projects turn out to be original and ironic.

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