Literary competition from the publishing house "Nastya and Nikita" - magazine "reading for children". Literary competition from the publishing house "Nastya and Nikita" - magazine "reading for children" Competition of a short children's work

The competition is held by the Publishing House “Nastya and Nikita” (hereinafter referred to as the “Publishing House”). The competition is accepted prosaic(not poetry) works for children from 5 to 11 years old. Poetic works are not included in the competition. Participants in the competition may be persons over 18 years of age. The competition is not anonymous. The novelty of the work and participation in other competitions does not matter.

1. Dates.

Attention! On this moment Applications for the competition are closed. You can register your personal account and upload the text from December 1, 2018 in order to take part in the competition in 2019.

In 2019, work with texts will begin with September 1 2019 (the moderator will begin to consider texts ONLY from September 1, 2019).

In 2018, applications for the competition were accepted until September 30th(23 hours 59 minutes) 2018 Moscow time.

Announcement of the Grand Prix, 1st, 2nd, 3rd places.

Deadlines can be adjusted in case of unforeseen circumstances and if necessary at the request of the Competition jury.

2. Rules for accepting work.

The competition accepts original works of authorship written in Russian, in volume no less. The author posts the work in the author’s personal account on the website of the publishing house “Nastya and Nikita” Authors independently choose sections for posting works. By changing the “Draft” status to the “Ready” status in the Personal Account, the author shows the coordinator that the work is ready. Work with the “Draft” status will not be considered by the coordinator. The author can make spelling and minor stylistic corrections to the work until September 30. You cannot replace one text with another or make edits after September 30.

The coordinator begins working with the text after the opening of the competition (September 1, 2018) and checks the text for formal (size, text and other parameters) compliance with the rules within 4-5 working days, as well as for compliance of the text with the reader’s address (children 5 -11 years old), then the text appears in the public domain in the corresponding section of the competition.

If the work is rejected or requires changes (in technical terms), and does not correspond to the thematic section specified by the author, the coordinator will send a message by email. All working notices are made on behalf of the Publishing House ( [email protected]) or coordinator Lana Gorokhova ( [email protected]).

Competition nominations:

Literary texts (stories and fairy tales): short stories prose works modern authors fairy tales addressed to children - modern stories with a fantastic plot. The number of works from one author is 1 work. Volume - no less 15,000 and no more than 25,000 characters including spaces.

Educational texts- stories written in an easy, interesting and accessible form, introducing children to the world of nature, science and technology, stories about geographical and historical sights of Russia, stories about the lives of famous Russians. The number of works from one author is 1 work. Volume - no less 15,000 and no more than 25,000 characters including spaces.

Special category “Notes of a Naturalist”— artistic and educational texts for children about Russian nature. The number of works from one author is 2 works. The scope of work complies with the standard rules of the competition (see above). Special category “Notes of a Naturalist” established jointly with Prioksko-Terrasny State Natural Biosphere Reserve named after M. A. Zablotsky . The special nomination involves artistic and educational prose for children from 6 to 11 years old about Russian nature (short story, fairy tale, play, educational work). The jury expects to see artistic and educational texts dedicated to one or more species of animals or plants found on the territory of the Prioksko-Terrasny Nature Reserve (the list can be found on the Reserve’s website), artistic and educational texts about the nature of central Russia, educational texts about nature defenders - about the work and employees of specially protected natural areas.

Works that, in the opinion of the organizers, do not correspond to the theme of the competition, age criteria, or contain censored (obscene) language, insults, and/or provocations towards any groups of people or personalities, calls for violence, incitement of ethnic hatred, overthrow will not be accepted. state power. Poetic works, plays (except for the special category “In the Theatre”), scripts, adaptations and retellings of the Bible (as well as the Koran, Talmud and other holy books, legends, teachings) are not accepted.

4. Assessment procedure

The Competition jury reads the entries, forms a longlist, and then a shortlist. The duties of the jury do not include direct communication with the authors. Communication between the Publishing House and the authors is carried out through the competition coordinator for e-mail[email protected] or [email protected] .

4.1 Reader reviews

Interested readers can write critical reviews of the competition's entries. In any form (but always respectful and friendly!) and for any number of works, from one to all. Review texts are uploaded to Personal Area, as well as competition entries. Reviews approved by the moderator appear in the "Criticism" section. There are no restrictions on the timing of posting and the number of critical works from one author. Participation in the competition is not required.

5. Copyright

Copyright for the works participating in the competition belongs to their authors. If the author has transferred the exclusive rights to his text to other persons, the Publishing House will not be able to publish it before the expiration of the contract. In all cases related to copyright infringement, responsibility is assumed by the person who submitted the work to the competition. In case of proven plagiarism, the work is removed from the competition. The organizers are not responsible for violation of copyright by competition participants and third parties.

6. Awarding the winners

The competition provides prizes - Grand Prix, I, II and III places, in the special category "Notes of a Naturalist" - 5 places (maximum). The work that receives the grand prize of the competition will be published as a separate illustrated book in the children's book series “Nastya and Nikita” with payment of royalties. The Grand Prix, by decision of the jury, may not be awarded to any of the participants; I, II and III places are always awarded. Authors of works that took prizes (I, II and III places) will be awarded 10 books in the book series “Nastya and Nikita” and diplomas.

For the winners (maximum five people) of the special nomination “Notes of a Naturalist”, a competition diploma and a book prize from “Nastya and Nikita” are provided, as well as special prizes from the reserve ( thermal mug, water bottle, T-shirt, wall clock and other small souvenirs with the emblem of the reserve).

All shortlist participants will receive competition diplomas.

The author himself can remove the work from the competition at any stage - after sending a message to the Coordinator by e-mail. By decision of the organizers, the works of authors who violate the rules of conduct on the forums, in correspondence with the moderator, who violated copyright are removed from the competition (see Copyright ) and if the work does not comply with the Rules for accepting applications. Disputes are resolved by the organizers at their own discretion. The organizers reserve the right to make additions and clarifications to these Rules.

The organizer of the competition is the children's publishing house “Nastya and Nikita” . The works are reviewed by a jury, which includes employees of the Publishing House, as well as invited experts:

Alina Dalskaya- journalist, publicist, editor. IN professional activity has been specializing in social issues, as well as topics related to family relationships, motherhood and childhood. Founder and chief editor of the children's publishing house "Nastya and Nikita".

Alexander Tkachenko- journalist, publicist, psychologist, children's and adult author, poet. Literary editor of the Nastya and Nikita publishing house, author and editor of the Foma magazine. For “Nastya and Nikita” he wrote many wonderful artistic and educational works, distinguished by their constant depth, subtle psychologism and humor.

Olga Dvornyakova director of promotion and PR of the publishing house "Nastya and Nikita", director of the children's book store "I Love to Read", editor, children's author.

Jury special nomination “Notes of a Naturalist” represented by specialists from the Department of Environmental Education of the Prioksko-Terrasny State Natural Biosphere Reserve - Kalinina Olga Viktorovna, Demina Tatyana Andreevna, Muzychenko Marina Anatolyevna, Teslikov Sergey Valerievich, Maslov Sergey Aleksandrovich; research assistant Sokolova Galina Veniaminovna.

Coordinator : Lana Gorokhova . General issues on the organization and work of the competition, as well as communication with the jury and the Publishing House, [email protected] . Olga Dvornyakova, PR director of the publishing house [email protected].

The goal of the project is to search for and promote young authors writing in Russian for children aged 6 to 11 years. This is a competition of open opportunities, anyone over the age of eighteen can take part in it. The prize for the winner is the publication of a book by the Nastya and Nikita publishing house.

The competition takes place once a year - in September.

Competition nominations:
Literary texts for children (fairy tales and stories)
Educational texts for children (travel books, knowledge, biographies)
“Notes of a Naturalist” (artistic and educational prose for children about Russian nature)

The main reward for the winner is the publication of a book.
Winners for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places are awarded diplomas and prizes.
The special nomination “Notes of a Naturalist” is additionally supported by prizes from the Prioksko-Terrasny State Natural Biosphere Reserve.
The work that receives the grand prize of the competition will be published as a separate illustrated book in the children's book series “Nastya and Nikita” with payment of royalties. The authors of works that took prizes (I, II and III places) will be awarded 20 books from the children's book series “Nastya and Nikita” and diplomas.

The jury of the competition includes: the editorial staff of the publishing house “Nastya and Nikita”, children’s writers Natalia Volkova and Alexander Tkachenko, employees of the Prioksko-Terrasny Nature Reserve.

The competition was created in 2010 by the publishing house “Nastya and Nikita” to find and promote young Russian writers. Each season features about 500 prose works for children. Over the course of five years, eighteen wonderful children's books were published as a result of the competition.

The published works of the competition winners are posted on the publishing house’s website in the “Our Books” section.

Results of the competition “Short children's work- 2018"

The Grand Prix: Yulia Zu “Ostankino TV Tower”(Read text)

1 place: Oleg Bundur “Getting to the North Pole, or they were the first”(Read text)

2nd place: Natalya Klyuchareva “Danilov”, “Mologa”, “Myshkin”(chapters from a children's guidebook) (Read text)

3rd place: Andrey Polyakov “Once upon a time Petya”(Read text)

Oksana Gorskaya “How I nursed wagtails” (Read text)
Vershinina Olga “How to look at a roe deer” (Read text)
Valentina Shcherbak “Crane berry” (Read text)
Olga Bezmaternykh “Zubrova Pravda” (Read text)
Nadezhda Shitova “Tales of Nature” (Read text)

Results of the competition "Short children's work - 2017"

The Grand Prix: Elena Schmidt “The Creaking Mill (The Story Told by the Mouse)”

1 place: Maya Lazarenskaya “The Odd-Eyed Guard”(Read text)

2nd place: Tatyana Popova “A sail for the state, or About taxes in the past and present”(Read text)

3rd place: Lyubov Golovina “How vegetables moved to Russia”(Read text) and Elena Sukhaya “Frank and Lillian Gilbreath. A Tale of Found Time"(Read text)

Nomination "In the Theatre":
Svetlana Goreva "Let's go to the musical theater.

Results of the competition "Short children's work - 2016"

The Grand Prix: " Scary bug? Good bug!” Alena Kashura

1st place: “Crown of Eifril” Anna Edelberg

2nd place: “Flower of Sultans and Millers” Nikolay Nazarkin

3rd place: “Little Breeze” Anna Vlasenko

Nomination “Notes of a Naturalist”:
1st place - “Forest fairy tales» Valentina Bykova
2nd place – “Chiv and Chuv stories about animals” Andrey Bogdarin
3rd place – “Please tell your children fairy tales...” Nikolay Talyzin

Alena Kashura
“Scary bug? Good bug!”

Elena (Alena) Kashura was born on June 16, 1985 in the city of Lipetsk. At the age of 12 she began writing short fairy tales, at the age of 14 she became a freelance correspondent for the regional children's newspaper "Golden Key", and a little later she was hired as a staff member. Today, Elena Alexandrovna serves as deputy editor.
In 2015, the debut book “Dream, Marcel, Dream” was published, which became the winner in the same year International competition named after Pyotr Ershov and winner of the Silver Knight of the International Slavic Literary Forum "Golden Knight". In 2016, E.A. Kashura was awarded regional literary prize E.I. Zamyatina.
Oh, how many children's and adults' fears associated with insects are dispelled by this educational text! Now, finally, you can not be afraid of the long-legged mosquito, the Death's Head butterfly, the earwig and the leech. Because these are absolutely harmless creatures, about which the author talks very interestingly and good language. And, most importantly, it clearly explains how everything in nature is interconnected, intelligent and thoughtful, and why it is impossible to completely destroy even such a biting inhabitant as a mosquito.

Anna Edelberg
"Eifril's Crown"

This is the real one fairy tale: where there is magic, and an enchanted princess, and a prince who has brought a curse upon himself. But, as it should be in a fairy tale, heroes defeat evil not with the help of magic wand, but - purity of thoughts, a loving heart and a willingness to sacrifice oneself for the sake of a loved one.

Nikolay Nazarkin
"Flower of Sultans and Millers"

N. Nazarkin was born in Moscow on April 1, 1972. Entered the Moscow State University culture, at the Faculty of Library Work with Children and Youth. Upon graduation in 2000, he worked for about a year and a half at the Russian State Children's Library, supporting the BiblioGuide website, the first Russian online resource of recommendatory bibliography for children.

“The Flower of Sultans and Millers” is an amazing story about such a familiar and familiar flower to us today - the tulip. About his historical journey from the Asian Tien Shan mountains to distant Holland, where local flower growers learned to produce tulips of such beauty that one could buy a house in the city center for just one flower. What about special vases for tulips? Didn't you know that because of them, the Dutch almost flared up the most real war with distant Japan?

Anna Vlasenko
"Little Breeze"

Do you know that every wind in the world has its own destiny and purpose? Yes Yes exactly! And the Fairy of the Winds comes up with their destinies. Only, one day... she forgot to make a prediction to one little breeze. And he set off to wander the world, not knowing why he was created. But this is the most interesting thing - to look for your destiny! So many interesting meetings, so many adventures! Well, we will find out how his search ended by reading this wonderful fairy tale.

Nomination “Notes of a Naturalist”:

Valentin Bykov “Forest fairy tales”. Read

Andrey Bogdarin “Chiv and Chuv stories about animals”. Read

Nikolai Talyzin “Tell fairy tales to children, please...”. Read

Publishing house "Nastya and Nikita", holding the competition "Short children's work", announced this season's winners.

The Grand Prix:“Scary bug? Good bug!” Alena Kashura

1 place:"The Crown of Eifril" Anna Edelberg

2nd place:“The Flower of Sultans and Millers” Nikolai Nazarkin

3rd place:“Little Wind” Anna Vlasenko

Grand Prix of the competition: “Terrible bug? Good bug!” Alena Kashura

Oh, how many children's and adults' fears associated with insects are dispelled by this educational text! Now, finally, you don’t have to be afraid of the long-legged mosquito, the Death’s Head butterfly, the earwig and the leech. Because these are absolutely harmless creatures, about which the author talks in a very interesting and good language. And, most importantly, he clearly explains how everything in nature is interconnected, intelligent and thoughtful, and why it is impossible to completely destroy even such a biting inhabitant as a mosquito.

1st place: “Crown of Eifril” Anna Edelberg

Well what can I say? This is a real fairy tale. Not fantasy, not endless battles of black magicians with white ones. But an ordinary fairy tale. Where, of course, there is magic, and an enchanted princess, and a prince who has brought a curse upon himself. But, as it should be in a fairy tale, the heroes defeat evil not with the help of a magic wand, but with purity of thoughts, a loving heart and a willingness to sacrifice themselves for the sake of their loved one. Besides, it’s written - just great!

2nd place: “Flower of Sultans and Millers” Nikolay Nazarkin

An amazing story about such a familiar and familiar flower to us today - the tulip. About his historical journey from the Asian Tien Shan mountains to distant Holland. Where local flower growers learned to grow tulips of such beauty that for just one flower you could buy a house in the city center. What about special vases for tulips? Didn’t you know that because of them, the Dutch almost broke out in a real war with distant Japan? Then quickly read this wonderful text. You will not regret!

3rd place: “Little Breeze” Anna Vlasenko

Do you know that every wind in the world has its own destiny and purpose? Yes Yes exactly! And the Fairy of the Winds comes up with their destinies. Only, one day... she forgot to make a prediction to one little breeze. And he set off to wander the world, not knowing why he was created. But this is the most interesting thing - to look for your destiny! So many interesting meetings, so many adventures! Well, we will find out how his search ended by reading this wonderful fairy tale.

The All-Russian literary competition “Short Children’s Work” has been announced. Deadline March 20, 2015.

Organizer: Publishing house “Nastya and Nikita”.

Participants in the competition may be persons who have reached the age of majority.

The competition accepts prose works for children aged 5 to 12 years. (Poetic works are not included in the competition).

Maximum permissible quantity works from one author in the competition: two works, including works written in co-authorship. These can be two works in one of the sections “Fairy Tales”, “Stories”, “ Educational works", or one at a time.

Competition nominations:

  • Stories are short prose works by modern authors addressed to children.
  • Fairy tales are modern stories with a fantastic plot.
  • Educational works are stories written in an easy, interesting and accessible form, introducing children to the world of nature, science and technology, stories about geographical and historical sights of Russia, stories about the lives of famous Russians (except for contemporaries).
Our official group In contact with:, our telegram, classmates ,

Scope of work: 15,000 - 25,000 characters with spaces.

Poetic works, plays, scripts, adaptations and retellings of the Bible (as well as the Koran, Talmud), as well as works about devils, brownies, etc. are not accepted for the competition. “evil spirits,” especially if these characters act as positive heroes.

  • The competition provides the following prizes: Grand Prix, I, II and III place, “Prize audience choice" The work that receives the grand prize of the competition will be published as a separate illustrated book in the children's book series 'Nastya and Nikita' with payment of royalties. The authors of works that took prizes (I, II and III places) will be awarded 20 books from the children's book series 'Nastya and Nikita'. The 'Reader's Choice Award' nomination does not depend on the opinion of the jury, is determined by a vote of readers, and is awarded with a set of 10 books from the 'Nastya and Nikita' series. All participants whose works are included in the short list will receive competition diplomas.
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