Tyutchev's love lyrics. Essay on the topic: The theme of love in the lyrics of F. Tyutchev

“The poems of Mr. F. Tyutchev,” wrote N. A. Nekrasov, “belong to the few brilliant phenomena in the field of Russian poetry. ...Tyutchev wrote very little; but everything he wrote bears the stamp of true and beautiful talent, often original, always graceful, full of thought and genuine feeling.” One cannot but agree with this Nekrasovian statement. One of the main themes in the work of F.I. Tyutchev was the theme of love.

In Munich, F.I. Tyutchev met the very young Amalia von Lerchenfeld. The poet fell in love with her dearly. Ten years after their first meeting, he writes a heartfelt poem “I remember the golden time...”. It represents supreme example lyricism. His heroine is a young fairy, sorceress, gentle, pure, delightful. For the poet, the time of love for her is golden time. He remembers him with bright sadness and rapture. There is also a sad note in this poem about the transience of life. According to the literary critic V. Kozhinov, Tyutchev’s beloved in the poem “appears as the center, as a kind of focus of a whole, beautiful world.”

Fate did not want Amalia to become Tyutchev’s wife. During the poet's absence, the girl married Baron Krudner. This event brought pain and disappointment to Tyutchev’s soul, but the poet carried a warm feeling for Amalia, who became Baroness Krudner, throughout his life, although the drama he experienced left a deep mark on his soul.

In 1870, Tyutchev wrote the poem “K. B.”, inspired new meeting with Amalia, who arrived at the hospital where the elderly poet was already staying. Old memories surfaced, and they enveloped the poet’s consciousness in the sweet aura of the past. I met you - and everything that was before came to life in an obsolete heart; I remembered the golden time and my heart felt so warm...

The elderly Tyutchev compares the appearance of Amalia with the breath of spring. The features of the beloved are still sweet to the lyrical hero; she appears to him like a dream that is hard to believe. And at the same time, not only memories awaken in him, but also life itself, and, of course, love.

A significant event in Tyutchev’s life was his acquaintance with the young Elena Deniseva. Already in mature age Tyutchev once again experienced deep and passionate love. To her great poet dedicated many of his poems. They all talk about the tragic essence of love, because the very history of Tyutchev’s relationship with Deniseva is dramatic. Having fallen in love with her, Tyutchev could not find the strength to part with his wife, for whom he also felt sincere affection. Elena Denisyeva for her vicious, by the standards public morality, love was rejected by everyone. Sharp feeling worries about the fate of his beloved gave rise to the most best pages Tyutchevskaya love lyrics.

One of the masterpieces of the “Denisiev cycle” is the poem “Oh, how murderously we love...”. The meeting with his beloved appears fatal in him, giving rise to a “violent blindness of passions” that destroys what is most precious. The poet in this poem does not refrain from comparing human feelings with natural phenomena. This characteristic feature Tyutchev's lyrics Happiness is short, like the northern summer, it is just a dream. Love has brought undeserved shame upon the beloved’s fate, and the poet experiences this painfully. His feelings for the heroine of the poem turn out to be murderous.

Tyutchev was also inspired by his love for Denisyeva for the poem “I knew the eyes, - oh, these eyes!..”. The subject of the poet’s admiration in this poem is the eyes of his beloved, from which it is impossible to “tear the soul away.” In “their magical night of passion” there is an extraordinary depth of passion and grief. The beloved’s gaze is “sad, profound,” “fatal,” and the moments of meeting him are truly sweet, exciting, magical, touching to the point of tears.

In the poem “All day long she lay in oblivion...” the poet conveys tragic feeling the bitterness of parting with the departing beloved, passionately loving life and the poet himself.

You loved, and to love like you - No, no one has ever succeeded! Oh Lord!., and to survive this... And my heart did not break into shreds... I. S. Turgenev argued that “in order to fully appreciate Mr. Tyutchev, the reader himself must be gifted with some subtlety of understanding, some flexibility thoughts". Tyutchev's love lyrics are very psychological, and besides, they are also philosophical in nature.

Tyutchev's love lyrics


1. Introduction

2.Muses of the poet


Tyutchev's love lyrics significantly enriched Russian literature. In life I was a fan of “pure” art an ordinary person, which is characterized by mistakes and hobbies. Tyutchev had serious affairs with several women.

The poet was married twice, but his family and children could not force him to give up his secret “civil” life. Someone may consider the two main misfortunes of a. Tragic death his first wife died.

The poet's most serious romance with L. Deniseva also ended with the death of his beloved in early age. These losses introduced motifs of sadness and longing into the poet’s love lyrics.

First strong love the poet fell in love with Amalie von Lerchenfeld during his stay in Munich. Tyutchev proposed, but received a decisive refusal from the girl’s parents. During Tyutchev's short departure from Munich, the family married Amalia. At the beginning of his courtship, the poet dedicated the poem “Your sweet gaze, full of innocent passion...” to Amalia, which is a declaration of love.

Much later, he recalled this in his work “I Remember the Golden Time...”. The poem “K.” is also dedicated to Amalia. B.”, which became a widely popular romance “I Met You...”. Tyutchev's first wife was a young widow with three children, Eleanor Peterson. Eleanor was a fragile woman with a sensitive soul. She was very upset by the news of her husband’s betrayal with Ernestina Dernberg. Nervous fatigue had a significant impact on her health. An elementary cold caused the last blow poor woman. Eleanor left the poet two more daughters and a son.

There are two known works of the poet, posthumously dedicated to Eleanor: “I am still languishing with the anguish of desires...” and “In the hours when it happens...”. Soon after the death of his wife, Tyutchev married his longtime lover, Ernestina Dernberg. The happy marriage continued for a long time, until Tyutchev experienced a new hobby. Ernestina knew very well about her husband’s betrayal, but forgave him for the sake of the children. Love for Ernestine became a rich source of inspiration for the poet. Such beautiful poems as “I love your eyes, my friend...”, “She was sitting on the floor...”, etc. are dedicated to her.

The most popular poems by Tyutchev were works dedicated to the poet’s latest hobby - E. A. Denisyeva. She was much younger than Tyutchev, but she loved him with incredible self-sacrifice. They despised her and openly laughed at her mistress's position. Such a life became the cause of rapidly progressing consumption. Denisyeva died at the age of 40. The result of the novel was the “Denisevsky cycle” of poems, including “Oh, how murderously we love,” “More than once have you heard a confession...”, “There is not a day when the soul does not ache...” and others. Shortly before his death, Tyutchev summed up his love relationships, writing the poem “Everything was taken from me by the executing God...”. He dedicated it to his most faithful friend in life, Ernestine Dernberg.

Home distinctive feature Tyutchev's works about love had a special sincerity. The poet was an “incorrigible” romantic. His poems are very chaste, they do not mention the rough everyday trifles. Tyutchev worships the magical feeling of love. He compares his relationships with women to worshiping a deity. Dedications to a loved one are very pure and full of solemn phrases. Tragic motives appear in the Denisevsky cycle.

“Illegal” love left its mark on Tyutchev’s work. He described what he himself experienced. A great feeling was combined with hopelessness, romance - with misunderstanding and rejection by society, tender relationships - with the impossibility of being together. Tyutchev's love lyrics became an example of Russian poetic classics. It reflected the most intimate movements human soul both in happiness and in suffering.

The talented Russian poet F. Tyutchev was a man who knew how to love deeply, passionately and devotedly. In Tyutchev’s understanding, love is a “fatal duel”: both the merging of souls and their confrontation. The poet’s poems about love are full of drama:
Oh, how murderously we love,
As in the violent blindness of passions
We are most likely to destroy,
What is dear to our hearts!

Tyutchev's poems contain a storm of feelings; he describes love in all its diversity of manifestations. The poet believed that true love man is led by fate. The poem “I Met You...” is dedicated to Tyutchev’s first love, Amalia Lerchenfeld, to whom the poet wooed when she was 14 years old. The girl's parents did not agree to this marriage. 34 years have passed, Amalia has not forgotten her lover and came to visit him. Tyutchev was already dying, and he perceived Amalia’s appearance at his bedside as a miracle. After her farewell visit, the poet wrote the poem “I Remember the Golden Time...”:
Like after a century of separation,
I look at you as if in a dream -
And now the sounds became louder,
Not silent in me...
There is more than one memory here,
Here life spoke again, -
And you have the same charm,
And that love is in my soul!..

In the poem “Twins,” Tyutchev calls Suicide and Love twins. The author is sure that love can drive a person to suicide.

Tyutchev’s famous “Denisyev cycle” became a reflection of the poet’s deep and passionate love for his children’s young teacher E. A. Denisyeva. Dedicated to her a large number of poems, which, collected in a cycle, represent a kind of diary of their relationship, which lasted 14 years. Denisyeva died young from consumption. In the poem “Oh, how murderously we love...” the poet says that love must be protected, protected from the evil of the world, otherwise it can be lost. The poet punishes himself for this love, which brought his beloved so much suffering:
...Fate's terrible sentence
Your love was for her
And undeserved shame
She laid down her life...

Society despised Denisyeva for her relationship with a married poet. At the beginning of the relationship she was a cheerful and cheerful girl, but then:
Where did the roses go?
The smile of the lips and the sparkle of the eyes?
Everything was scorched, tears burned out
With its hot moisture.

This love of the poet ended with the death of his beloved. The last poems written on the death of a loved one are shockingly tragic:
You loved, and the way you love -
No, no one has ever succeeded!
Oh God!.. and survive this...
And my heart didn’t break into pieces...

In poems written after the death of his beloved, the poet tries to resurrect her image, repents of his sins against her, recalls moments of their common happiness, and continues to talk to her:
This is the world where you and I lived,
My angel, can you see me?

Tyutchev's love lyrics are full of desire to understand the soul of a woman, deification and sympathy. The talents of Blok, Tsvetaeva and many other poets, right up to our contemporaries, were subsequently formed on these lyrics.

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F. I. Tyutchev entered the history of Russian poetry, first of all, as the author of philosophical lyrics, but he also wrote a number of wonderful works on the theme of love. The poet's love and philosophical poems are connected by commonality lyrical hero, cross-cutting motifs, they are related by the intense drama of sound.
If in his philosophical poems the poet appears as a thinker, then in love lyrics he reveals himself as a psychologist and a sharp lyricist. Many of his poems about love have an autobiographical imprint.
Tyutchev was an enthusiastic, passionate person. Tyutchev's first serious passion was Amalia Lerchenfeld, whom he met in Munich in 1825. The poems “I Remember the Golden Time...” (1836) and “I Met You - and All the Past...” (1870) are dedicated to her. “Beautiful Amalia” married Tyutchev’s colleague, and a year later the poet fell passionately in love with Eleanor Peterson and entered into a marriage with her, which lasted until 1838, when she died. According to the testimony of those who knew the poet, he turned gray in a few hours after spending the night at his wife’s coffin. However, a year later Tyutchev married the beautiful Ernestina Derpberg.
Until the early 1850s, Tyutchev portrayed love mainly as a passion: “I love your eyes, my friend...” (1836); “With what bliss, with what longing in love...” (1837); “I am still tormented by the anguish of desires...” (1848). The poet not only conveys the shades of his own experiences, but also describes emotional condition beloved:
Suddenly, from an excess of feelings, from the fullness of the heart,
All trembling, all in tears, you fell
Tyutchev could be merciless and sober in his assessment of women:
You love, you know how to pretend, -
When, in a crowd, stealthily from people,
My foot touches yours -
You give me the answer and don’t blush!
If sincere, selfless woman's love illuminates life “like a star in the sky,” then false and feigned love is destructive:
And there is no feeling in your eyes,
And there is no truth in your speeches,
And there is no soul in you.
Take courage, heart, to the end:
And there is no Creator in creation!
And there is no point in praying!
In the elegy “I sit, thoughtful and alone...” (1836), the poet laments the impossibility of reviving a faded feeling; turning to the image of his girlfriend with words of regret, guilt, sympathy, HE resorts to the romantic metaphor of a plucked flower:
...But you, my poor, pale color,
There is no rebirth for you,
You won't bloom!
The motifs of the transience of happiness, the perniciousness of love, and guilt before the woman one loves are especially characteristic of the poems from the so-called “Denisevsky cycle” (“In separation there is a high meaning...”, 1851; “Don’t say: he loves me, as before...” .”, 1851 or 1852; “She was sitting on the floor...”, 1858; “All day she lay in oblivion...”, 1864, and others).
Tyutchev became interested in E. A. Denisieva in 1850. This late, last passion continued until 1864, when the poet’s girlfriend died of consumption. For the sake of the woman he loves, Tyutchev almost breaks with his family, neglects the displeasure of the court, and forever ruins his very successful career. However, the brunt of public condemnation fell on Denisyeva: her father disowned her, and her network was forced to leave her place as inspector of the Smolny Institute, where Tyutchev’s two daughters studied.
These circumstances explain why most of the poems of the “Denisevsky cycle” are marked by a tragic sound, such as this:
Oh, how murderously we love,
As in the violent blindness of passions
We are most likely to destroy,
What is dear to our hearts!
How long ago, proud of my victory,
You said: she is mine...
A year has not passed - ask and find out,
What was left of her?
In the poem “Predestination” (1851), love is conceptualized as a “fatal duel” in the unequal struggle of “two hearts,” and in “Twins” (1852) - as a disastrous temptation, akin to the temptation of death:
And who is in excess of sensations,
When the blood boils and freezes,
I didn’t know your temptations -
Suicide and Love!
Until the end of his days, Tyutchev retained the ability to revere the “unsolved mystery” of female charm - in one of his later love poems he writes:
Is there an earthly charm in her,
Or unearthly grace?
My soul would like to pray to her,
And my heart is eager to adore...
Tyutchev's love lyrics, represented by a relatively small number of works ( creative heritage the poet is generally small in volume) - unique phenomenon in Russian literature. In terms of the depth of psychologism, many of his poems are comparable to the novels of F. M. Dostoevsky - by the way, who highly valued the poet’s work.


P last love E Lena A lexandrovna D Enisieva

« Denisievo cycle» Tyutcheva

The poet’s most nakedly tragic and fatal duel appears in his amazing cycle of love lyrics “Denisievsky” (1850 - 1868). These poems are autobiographical in nature. They reflect a fourteen year old love story the poet and Elena Aleksandrovna Denisyeva, whose name gave the name to these lyrical masterpieces.

After Deniseva’s death, for several decades, memoirists, biographers and others writing people avoided mentioning her name. The reason was that Tyutchev’s daughters occupied a high position at the imperial court, and they had no need for a wide discussion of their father’s adventures. Perhaps that is why the Russian similarity of “Lady with Camellias” or “La Traviata” did not work out. It's a pity:
For some, this tragedy could serve as a reason to wonder whether the dream of love is worth the peace of loved ones and the future of children. After all, to a large extent, Denisyeva made a decision for the aunt who raised her, for her father, for her sisters and even for her future children. She may not have expected the consequences, but they turned out to be severe. Well, this is a consideration for those who are still able to think;
For others, the main thing is “I want and I will.” Well, having stood over the abyss in which Denisyeva disappeared, maybe they would become less stubborn in their fantasies?

However, the writing of the tragedy did not take place. Only the “Denisevsky cycle” of poems took place. This cycle lived an unnoticed existence for a long time. Many poems were kept in archives, dedications were hidden, and there were no comments.

The poems in this cycle often sound like confessions:

“Don’t say: he still loves me as before...”,

« last love» ,




« On the eve of the anniversary of August 4, 1864» (1865),

“Again I’m standing over the Neva...” (1868).

All these the poems are filled with tragedy, pain, and bitterness of the lyrical hero; he is confused in his relationship, in an ambiguous position, he feels a sense of guilt in front of Deniseva, torment and pain, melancholy and despair. Tyutchev gives a romantic concept of love. Love is an elemental passion. This is a clash of two personalities, and in this struggle Denisyeva suffers and burns out, like the weaker one. The lyrical heroine is fading away, her soul is tormented by the public censure of the world. Both Tyutchev and Denisyeva understood that the blame primarily lay with Tyutchev, but he did nothing to alleviate the fate of his beloved woman. She, passionately loving him, could not refuse this connection. The main ways to reveal the hero's inner world are monologues. The cycle is characterized by exclamatory sentences and interjections.

In general, poems dedicated to women, which remained at some distance from him, differ from the poems that are addressed to his wives. The dedications to Amalia Krüdener and Clotilde Bothmer are graceful elegiac poems. They leave a feeling of light, sadness, lightness. The poems of the "Denisevsky cycle" are at the other pole. They leave a feeling of depression.

Elena Denisyeva sacrificed her life for love. And questions involuntarily arise to which, apparently, there is no answer. What was it? Madness... frivolity... How did a person fall into this destructive nightmare? Where is the border, by crossing which a person controls not only his own destiny, but the destinies, and even the lives of other people? And is this transition compatible with love?

Ernestina Fedorovna Tyutcheva and Elena Aleksandrovna Denisyeva are two stars, two women in Tyutchev’s heart. He called them Nesti and Lelya.

Tyutchev managed to raise the theme of love and the images of beloved women to the same artistic height as the theme of nature, personality and the world.

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