Methodological foundations of pedagogy of the sweet tooth. Scientific school V.A. Slastenina: history

Textbook for students of higher pedagogical educational institutions "Pedagogy" edited by Vitaly Alexandrovich Slastenin published in 2002 has become a standard for all students fundamental approach to the study of the problem of educational and educational processes in a modern school.

Co-authors Slastenina became laureates of the Russian Government Prize in the field of education Ilya Fedorovich Isaev And Evgeny Nikolaevich Shiyanov, and this textbook was reviewed by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, full member Russian Academy Education, professor G.N. Volkov and Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Professor A.V. Mudrik. The textbook was subsequently supplemented with new materials and republished.

IN textbook V.A. Slastenina "Pedagogy" scientific justification is given for anthropological and axiological foundations pedagogical activity, the theoretical and practical aspects of pedagogy as an integral process are examined in detail, and practical recommendations are given for organizing activities aimed at developing the basic culture of schoolchildren.

It also provides a detailed description of both classical and latest pedagogical technologies, including planning, design and implementation of the pedagogical process, pedagogical communication and others. Thanks to the availability practical recommendations on the implementation of the pedagogical process at school, this textbook can be useful not only to students of pedagogical universities, but also to teachers, as well as leaders of the education system.

Textbook "Pedagogy" was the result of many years scientific activity V.A. Slastenina and his colleagues in the field of studying the pedagogical process at school. Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Vitaly Alexandrovich Slastenin in 1980 began the formation scientific school “Person-oriented professional education” at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology Moscow Pedagogical State University.

During its existence scientific school has come a long and thorny path. At the end of the eighties of the last century, in the wake of intensive renewal of pedagogical education, it received official recognition as "school V.A. Slastenina", and subsequently mastered strategic heights in solving the problems of transforming higher pedagogical education of the institute into higher pedagogical education at the university level. Currently scientific school unites over fifty doctors and one hundred and fifty candidates of pedagogical sciences who work in forty institutions of higher and secondary vocational education Russian Federation.

Methodology scientific research carried out school, is based on an understanding of the essence of personality as a subject and an individual complex public relations as the creator and bearer of a certain social program. Personality in the psychological aspect is presented as the lifetime result of human activity, a fairly perfect model outside world, which influences him by various social forces, as a subject of labor, knowledge and communication.

Representative scientific school must abandon the understanding of personality as something formless and structureless, as a mechanical formation. The problem of personality is considered not so much from the position of pedagogy itself, but from a whole complex of sciences, including psychology, physiology, hygiene and sociology. Currently, research methodology "Slastenin's school" includes a multilateral account of various cause-and-effect necessary and random relationships. Moreover, each representative of a scientific school must rely on both the logic of the actual and the logic of the possible and probable, probably-definite or probably-uncertain.

By taking into account deterministic and scholastic factors, appropriate methodological prerequisites are created that contribute to long-term forecasting of the main trends and ways of forming a teacher’s personality in the system of higher pedagogical education. V.A. Slastenin, based on the understanding that the problem of professional teacher training is becoming a key problem in pedagogy, identified the main directions of scientific research, substantiated the systems of initial concepts and patterns that form the basis for the construction of the domestic theory of teacher education.

Fundamental scientific works, written V.A. Slastenin and his disciples scientific school, to a certain extent, served as the basis for the modern understanding of the problems of teacher education. In addition, they indicated the main directions of scientific research and practical activities in this area. The scientific school developed the basic concepts of teacher education, as well as the content and structure of secondary vocational education. Fundamentally new model curriculum, actively implemented in schools, was also developed by scientific school V.A. Slastenina. The purpose of this curriculum is to ensure a dynamic balance of the basic federal and university national-regional components of vocational education.

M.: Academy, 2002. - 576 p. — ISBN 5-7695-0878-7. general characteristics pedagogical profession, professional activity and personality of the teacher, professional pedagogical culture of the teacher, professional formation and development of the teacher, as well as the general foundations of pedagogy, theory of learning, theory and methods of education, pedagogical technologies, management of educational systems. Contents
Introduction to teaching
General characteristics of the teaching profession.
The emergence and development of the teaching profession.
Features of the teaching profession.
Prospects for the development of the teaching profession.
Specifics of working conditions and activities of rural school teachers.
Professional activity and personality of a teacher.
The essence of pedagogical activity.
Main types of teaching activities.
Structure of pedagogical activity.
The teacher as a subject of pedagogical activity.
Professionally determined requirements for the personality of a teacher.
Professional and pedagogical culture of the teacher.
The essence and main components of professional pedagogical culture.
Axiological component of professional pedagogical culture.
Technological component of professional pedagogical culture.
Personal and creative component of professional pedagogical culture.
Professional formation and development of a teacher.
Motives for choosing a teaching profession and motivation for teaching activities.
Development of a teacher's personality in the system of teacher education.
Professional self-education of a teacher.
Fundamentals of self-education for pedagogical university students and teachers.
Pedagogy in the system of human sciences.
General overview about pedagogy as a science.
Object, subject and functions of pedagogy.
Education as a social phenomenon.
Education as a pedagogical process. Categorical apparatus of pedagogy.
The connection between pedagogy and other sciences and its structure.
Methodology and methods of pedagogical research.
Concept of methodology pedagogical science and methodological culture of the teacher.
General scientific level of pedagogy methodology.
Specific methodological principles of pedagogical research.
Organization of pedagogical research.
System of methods and methodology of pedagogical research.
Axiological foundations of pedagogy.
Justification of the humanistic methodology of pedagogy.
Concept of pedagogical values and their classification.
Education as a universal human value.
Development, socialization and education of the individual.
Personality development as a pedagogical problem.
The essence of socialization and its stages.
Education and personality formation.
The role of education in personality development.
Factors of socialization and personality formation.
Self-education in the structure of the process of personality formation.
Holistic pedagogical process.
Historical background understanding the pedagogical process as a holistic phenomenon.
Pedagogical system and its types.
General characteristics of the education system.
The essence of the pedagogical process.
The pedagogical process as a holistic phenomenon.
Logic and conditions for building a holistic pedagogical process.
Learning in a holistic pedagogical process.
Training as a way of organizing the pedagogical process.
Training functions.
Methodological foundations of training.
Activities of teachers and students in the learning process.
Logics educational process and the structure of the assimilation process.
Types of training and their characteristics.
Patterns and principles of learning.
Patterns of learning.
Principles of learning.
Modern didactic concepts.
Characteristics of the basic concepts of developmental education.
Modern approaches to the development of the theory of personal development training.
The content of education as the basis of the basic culture of the individual.
The essence of the content of education and its historical nature.
Determinants of the content of education and principles of its structuring.
Principles and criteria for selecting content general education.
State educational standard and its functions.
Regulatory documents regulating the content of general secondary education.
Prospects for the development of the content of general education. Model for constructing a 12-year secondary school.
Forms and methods of teaching.
Organizational forms and training systems.
Types of modern organizational forms of training.
Teaching methods.
Didactic tools.
Control during the learning process.
Education in a holistic pedagogical process.
Education as special organized activity to achieve educational goals.
Goals and objectives of humanistic education.
Personality in the concept of humanistic education.
Regularities and principles of humanistic education.
Nurturing the basic culture of the individual.
Philosophical and worldview preparation of schoolchildren.
Civic education in the system of forming the basic culture of the individual.
Forming the Foundations moral culture personality.
Labor education and vocational guidance of schoolchildren.
Formation aesthetic culture students.
Upbringing physical culture personality.
General methods education.
The essence of education methods and their classification.
Methods of forming the consciousness of the individual.
Methods of organizing activities and forming experience social behavior personality.
Methods of stimulation and motivation of individual activity and behavior.
Methods of control, self-control and self-esteem in education.
Conditions for optimal selection and effective application of educational methods.
The team as an object and subject of education.
Dialectics of the collective and individual in the education of the individual.
The formation of personality in a team is the leading idea in humanistic pedagogy.
The essence and organizational basis of the functioning of a children's team.
Stages and levels of development of the children's team.
Basic conditions for the development of a children's team.
Educational systems.
Structure and stages of development of the educational system.
Foreign and domestic educational systems.
Classroom teacher in the educational system of the school.
Children's public associations in the educational system of the school.
Educational technologies and teacher skill.
The essence of pedagogical technology.
The structure of pedagogical excellence.
The essence and specificity of the pedagogical task.
Types of pedagogical tasks and their characteristics.
Stages of solving a pedagogical problem.
Demonstration of the teacher’s professionalism and skill in solving pedagogical problems.
Technology of designing the pedagogical process.
The concept of technology for constructing the pedagogical process.
Awareness of the pedagogical task, analysis of initial data and formulation of a pedagogical diagnosis.
Planning as a result of the constructive activity of the teacher.
Planning the work of the class teacher.
Planning in the activities of a subject teacher.
Technology of implementation of the pedagogical process.
The concept of technology for implementing the pedagogical process.
The structure of organizational activity and its features.
Types of children's activities and general technological requirements for their organization.
Educational and cognitive activity and technology of its organization.
Value-oriented activity and its connection with other types of developmental activity.
Technology of organizing developmental activities for schoolchildren.
Technology of organizing collective creative activity.
Technology of pedagogical communication and establishment of pedagogically appropriate relationships.
Pedagogical communication in the structure of teacher-educator activity.
The concept of technology of pedagogical communication §.
Stages of solving a communication problem.
Stages of pedagogical communication and technology for their implementation.
Styles of pedagogical communication and their technological characteristics.
Technology for establishing pedagogically appropriate relationships.
The essence and basic principles of managing educational systems.
State-public education management system.
General principles management of educational systems.
School like pedagogical system and an object of scientific management.
Basic functions of intra-school management.
Management culture of the school leader.
Pedagogical analysis in internal school management.
Goal setting and planning as a function of school management.
The function of organization in school management.
Intra-school control and regulation in management.
Interaction social institutions in the management of educational systems.
School as an organizing center joint activities schools, families and the community.
Teaching staff schools.
Family as a specific pedagogical system. Features of the development of a modern family.
Psychological and pedagogical foundations for establishing contacts with a schoolchild’s family.
Forms and methods of work of teachers, class teachers and parents of students.
Innovation processes in education. Development of professional pedagogical culture of teachers.
Innovative orientation of teaching activities.
Forms of development of professional pedagogical culture of teachers and their certification.

The textbook reveals the anthropological, axiological foundations of pedagogy, the theory and practice of the holistic pedagogical process; organizational and activity bases for the formation of a schoolchild’s basic culture. Characteristics of pedagogical technologies are given, including the design and implementation of the pedagogical process, pedagogical communication, etc. Issues of management of educational systems are revealed.

May be useful for teachers and educational leaders.


Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, full member of the Russian Academy of Education, Professor G.N. Volkov;

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Professor A. V. Mudrik



IN ancient times, when there was no division of labor yet, all members of the community or tribe - adults and children - participated equally in obtaining food, which amounted to main meaning existence in those distant times. The transfer of experience accumulated by previous generations to children in the prenatal community was “woven” into labor activity. Children, with early years By joining it, they acquired knowledge about methods of activity (hunting, gathering, etc.) and mastered various skills. And only as tools improved, which made it possible to obtain more food, did it become possible not to involve sick and old members of the community in this. They were charged with being the keepers of the fire and looking after the children. Later, as the processes of conscious production of labor tools became more complex, which entailed the need for special transfer of labor skills, the elders of the clan - the most respected and experienced - formed, in the modern sense, the first social group people - educators, whose direct and only responsibility was the transfer of experience, care for spiritual growth the younger generation, its morality, preparation for life. Thus, education became the sphere of human activity and consciousness.

The emergence of the teaching profession therefore has objective grounds. Society could not exist and develop if the younger generation, replacing the older one, was forced to start all over again, without creatively mastering and using the experience that it inherited.

The etymology of the Russian word “educator” is interesting. It comes from the stem “to nourish.” Not without reason, today the words “educate” and “nurture” are often considered synonymous. IN modern dictionaries An educator is defined as a person who educates someone and takes responsibility for the living conditions and personality development of another person. The word “teacher” apparently appeared later, when humanity realized that knowledge is a value in itself and that a special organization of children’s activities is needed, aimed at acquiring knowledge and skills. This activity is called training.

IN Ancient Babylon, Egypt, Syria, teachers were most often priests, and in Ancient Greece- the most intelligent, talented civilian citizens: pedonomists, pedotribes, didaskals, teachers. IN Ancient Rome On behalf of the emperor, government officials who knew the sciences well, but most importantly, had traveled a lot and, therefore, seen a lot, knew languages, culture and customs, were appointed teachers different nations. In ancient Chinese chronicles that have survived to this day, it is mentioned that back in the 20th century. BC e. There was a ministry in the country in charge of the education of the people, which appointed the wisest representatives of society to the position of teacher. In the Middle Ages, teachers, as a rule, were priests and monks, although in city schools and universities they increasingly became people who had received special education. IN Kievan Rus The duties of the teacher coincided with the duties of the parent and ruler. Monomakh’s “Teaching” reveals the basic set of rules of life that the sovereign himself followed and which he advised his children to follow: love your homeland, take care of the people, do good to your loved ones, do not sin, avoid evil deeds, be merciful. He wrote: “What you can do well, don’t forget, and what you can’t do, learn it... Laziness is the mother of everything: what someone can do, he will forget, and what he can’t do, he won’t learn. When doing good, do not be lazy about anything good...”


The meaning of the teaching profession is revealed in the activities carried out by its representatives and which are called pedagogical. She represents special kind social activities aimed at transferring from older generations to younger generations the culture and experience accumulated by humanity, creating conditions for their personal development and preparation for the implementation of certain social roles in society.

It is obvious that this activity is carried out not only by teachers, but also by parents, public organizations, heads of enterprises and institutions, production and other groups, as well as, to a certain extent, means mass media. However, in the first case, this activity is professional, and in the second, it is general pedagogical, which every person, voluntarily or involuntarily, carries out in relation to himself, engaging in self-education and self-education. Pedagogical activity as a professional one takes place in specially organized society educational institutions: preschool institutions, schools, vocational schools, secondary specialized and higher education institutions educational institutions, institutions additional education, advanced training and retraining.

To penetrate into the essence of pedagogical activity, it is necessary to turn to the analysis of its structure, which can be represented as the unity of purpose, motives, actions (operations), and results. The system-forming characteristic of activity, including pedagogical activity, is the goal (A.N. Leontyev).

The purpose of pedagogical activity is connected with the implementation of the goal of education, which today is considered by many as a universal human ideal of a harmoniously developed personality coming from time immemorial. This general strategic goal is achieved by solving specific tasks of training and education in various areas.


Before determining the essence of professional pedagogical culture, it is necessary to update such concepts as “professional culture” and “pedagogical culture”. Identification of professional culture as an attributive property of a certain professional group people is the result of the division of labor, which caused the isolation of certain types of special activities.

Profession as an established socio-cultural phenomenon has a complex structure, including subject, means and result professional activity: goals, values, norms, methods and techniques, samples and ideals. In progress historical development Professions are also changing. Some of them acquire new sociocultural forms, others change slightly, others completely disappear or undergo significant changes. High level professional culture is characterized by a developed ability to solve professional tasks, i.e. developed professional thinking. However, developed professional thinking can turn into its opposite when it absorbs other manifestations of personality, violating its integrity and comprehensiveness. Reflecting the contradictory, dialectical nature human activity, professional culture is a certain degree of mastery by members of a professional group of techniques and methods for solving special professional problems.

The concept of “pedagogical culture” has long been included in the practice of pedagogical activity, a holistic theoretical study of which became possible relatively recently. In connection with the analysis of the characteristics of pedagogical activity, the study of pedagogical abilities, pedagogical skills of the teacher this problem was reflected in the works of S. I. Arkhangelsky, A. V. Barabanshchikov, E. V. Bondarevskaya, Z. F. Esareva, N. V. Kuzmina, N. N. Tarasevich, G. I. Khozyainov and others.

With the beginning of the active development of the culturological direction in philosophy, sociology, pedagogy and psychology, research has been carried out on certain aspects of pedagogical culture: issues of methodological, moral-aesthetic, communicative, technological, spiritual, physical culture of the teacher’s personality are studied. In these studies, pedagogical culture is considered as an important part of the general culture of the teacher, manifested in the system of professional qualities and the specifics of teaching activity.


The problem of motivation of pedagogical activity, as well as the problem of motivation of human behavior and activity in general, is one of the most complex and underdeveloped. There are practically no special studies that would trace the relationship between the motives for choosing a teaching profession and the motivation for teaching activity.

Analysis of the factors influencing the choice of teaching profession by applicants allows us to determine their significance and build a ranked series:

interest in academic subject - 27,2 %;

desire to teach this subject - 16.2%;

After a long time, the individual creative approach to the formation of a teacher’s personality, proposed by the academician, has proven its effectiveness and promise in practice. For the modern leader ideal model must become a person who has professional competence, endowed with a special type of professional consciousness, focused in its pedagogical activities on the development of the student as a person, individuality, subject of knowledge, communication and work.

The textbook reveals the essence and structure of pedagogical technology, which is based on the idea of ​​complete control over the pedagogical process, its planning, design, as well as the possibility detailed analysis using step-by-step playback. Pedagogical technology is based on the fact that through constant feedback guarantee the achievement of certain goals. It follows from this that goal setting is the most important stage pedagogical technology.

Educational technologies have their own industry characteristics, determined by the methods and means with which they operate, as well as by the source material they work with. The specificity of methods and means of pedagogical technologies is manifested by the presence of a certain educational component, and the need to take into account philosophical, psychological, anthropological and environmental aspects.

As an example of how other specialists in this field consider the problem of educational technologies, one should cite the works T.A. Stefanovskaya, V.A. Slastenin and G.K. Selevko. In the works G.K. Selevko Pedagogical technology seems to be closely related to the educational process and the interaction between student and teacher. The structure of educational technology, according to his theory, consists of the following components. Firstly, this conceptual framework, secondly, the content part, thirdly, the procedural part.

The textbook reveals the essence of pedagogical technology in a slightly different aspect. The author considers planning and design, including analysis, diagnostics, forecasting and development of an activity project, to be the decisive condition for the success of the pedagogical process. According to theory, educational technology includes three main components. The first is an analysis to make a diagnosis. The second is forecasting and design. And the third is the idea that analysis, forecast and project are an inextricable triad for solving any pedagogical problem.

According to T.A. Stefanovskaya pedagogical teaching technology should be based on the following ideas. First of all, this is the integration of pedagogical disciplines. In second place is the intensification of the learning process through the use of mnemonic diagrams. And finally, the diagnostic basis and content academic disciplines, determined by the relationship of objective and subjective conditions. As the main components of educational technology T.A. Stefanovskaya distinguishes the target setting, the content component, the technological component itself and the expert-evaluative component.

In practice, the implementation of pedagogical technology is carried out by adding all the components that make it up. According to NOT. Shchurkova, the core component of pedagogical technology is pedagogical technique, that is, the teacher’s mastery of his own psychophysical apparatus and the ability to understand the student’s attitude based on his psychophysical apparatus, which includes facial expressions, gestures and speech. The main way for a teacher to correct student behavior is pedagogical assessment.

In modern pedagogical practice the most popular ones are personal qualities teacher as openness and sincerity, goodwill, the art of communication, erudition, outlook, charm, artistry, improvisation, fantasy, reflection, the ability to timely detect changes in the relationships of children, their moods and reactions.

What do they think? V.A. Slastenin and N.E. Shchurkova, in the modern educational process there is a real revolution, consisting in a change of key pedagogical positions and modifications of the theoretical picture of education as a psychological and pedagogical phenomenon. This very revolution, in their opinion, gave rise to completely new characteristics of the educational process, which are derived from the latest principles, such as the principle value orientations, subjectivity and givenness.

The principle of value orientations requires the teacher to fill interaction with students with a certain value content, focused on such higher values. human values what a person, life, nature, work, communication and knowledge are like. The principle of subjectivity directs the teacher’s activities to constantly initiate in the child the ability to be the subject of his own actions. The principle of given presupposes treating the child as an unconditional value and given, respecting the history of his life, the specifics of the development and formation of his personality.

  • Chapter IV professional formation and development of a teacher.
  • § 1. Motives for choosing the teaching profession and motivation for teaching activity.
  • § 2. Development of the teacher’s personality in the system of teacher education.
  • § 3. Professional self-education of a teacher.
  • § 4. Fundamentals of self-education for pedagogical university students and teachers.
  • Section II
  • § 2. Object, subject and functions of pedagogy.
  • § 3. Education as a social phenomenon.
  • § 4. Education as a pedagogical process. Categorical apparatus of pedagogy.
  • § 5. The connection of pedagogy with other sciences and its structure.
  • Chapter VI. Methodology and methods of pedagogical research.
  • § 1. The concept of the methodology of pedagogical science and the methodological culture of the teacher.
  • § 2. General scientific level of pedagogy methodology.
  • § 3. Specific methodological principles of pedagogical research.
  • § 4. Organization of pedagogical research.
  • § 5. System of methods and methodology of pedagogical research.
  • Chapter VII axiological foundations of pedagogy.
  • § 1. Justification of the humanistic methodology of pedagogy.
  • § 2. The concept of pedagogical values ​​and their classification.
  • § 3. Education as a universal human value.
  • Chapter VIII. Development, socialization and education of the individual.
  • § 1. Personal development as a pedagogical problem.
  • § 2. The essence of socialization and its stages.
  • § 3. Education and personality formation.
  • § 4. The role of training in personality development.
  • § 5. Factors of socialization and personality formation.
  • § 6. Self-education in the structure of the process of personality formation.
  • Chapter IX. Holistic pedagogical process.
  • § 1. Historical background for understanding the pedagogical process as an integral phenomenon.
  • § 2. Pedagogical system and its types.
  • § 3. General characteristics of the education system.
  • § 4. The essence of the pedagogical process.
  • § 5. The pedagogical process as an integral phenomenon.
  • § 6. Logic and conditions for constructing an integral pedagogical process.
  • Section III
  • § 2. Learning functions.
  • § 3. Methodological foundations of training.
  • § 4. Activities of the teacher and students in the learning process.
  • § 5. Logic of the educational process and structure of the assimilation process.
  • § 6. Types of training and their characteristics.
  • Chapter XI patterns and principles of learning.
  • § 1. Patterns of learning.
  • § 2. Principles of training.
  • Chapter XII modern didactic concepts.
  • § 1. Characteristics of the basic concepts of developmental education.
  • § 2. Modern approaches to the development of the theory of personal development training.
  • Chapter XIII the content of education as the basis of the basic culture of the individual.
  • § 1. The essence of the content of education and its historical nature.
  • § 2. Determinants of the content of education and principles of its structuring.
  • § 3. Principles and criteria for selecting the content of general education.
  • § 4. State educational standard and its functions.
  • § 5. Regulatory documents regulating the content of general secondary education.
  • Chapter XIV forms and methods of teaching.
  • § 1. Organizational forms and training systems.
  • § 2. Types of modern organizational forms of training.
  • § 3. Teaching methods.
  • § 4. Didactic means.
  • § 5. Control in the learning process.
  • Section IV
  • § 2. Goals and objectives of humanistic education.
  • § 3. Personality in the concept of humanistic education.
  • § 4. Regularities and principles of humanistic education.
  • Chapter XVI - education of the basic culture of the individual.
  • § 1. Philosophical and worldview preparation of schoolchildren.
  • § 2. Civic education in the system of forming the basic culture of the individual.
  • § 3. Formation of the foundations of the moral culture of the individual.
  • § 4. Labor education and vocational guidance of schoolchildren.
  • § 5. Formation of aesthetic culture of students.
  • § 6. Education of the physical culture of the individual.
  • Chapter XVII general methods of education.
  • § 1. The essence of education methods and their classification.
  • § 2. Methods of forming the consciousness of the individual.
  • § 3. Methods of organizing activities and forming the experience of social behavior of an individual.
  • § 4. Methods of stimulation and motivation of individual activity and behavior.
  • § 5. Methods of control, self-control and self-esteem in education.
  • § 6. Conditions for the optimal choice and effective application of educational methods.
  • Chapter XVIII The collective as an object and subject of education.
  • § 1. Dialectics of the collective and individual in the education of the individual.
  • § 2. The formation of personality in a team is the leading idea in humanistic pedagogy.
  • § 3. The essence and organizational basis of the functioning of the children's team.
  • § 4. Stages and levels of development of the children's team.
  • § 5. Basic conditions for the development of a children's team.
  • Chapter XIX educational systems.
  • § 1. Structure and stages of development of the educational system.
  • § 2. Foreign and domestic educational systems.
  • § 3. Class teacher in the educational system of the school.
  • § 4. Children's public associations in the educational system of the school.
  • Section V
  • § 2. The structure of pedagogical skills.
  • § 3. The essence and specificity of the pedagogical task.
  • § 4. Types of pedagogical tasks and their characteristics.
  • § 5. Stages of solving a pedagogical problem.
  • § 6. Demonstration of the teacher’s professionalism and skill in solving pedagogical problems.
  • Chapter XXI technology of designing the pedagogical process
  • § 1. The concept of technology for constructing the pedagogical process.
  • § 2. Awareness of the pedagogical task, analysis of initial data and formulation of a pedagogical diagnosis.
  • § 3. Planning as a result of the constructive activity of the teacher.
  • § 4. Planning the work of the class teacher.
  • § 5. Planning in the activities of a subject teacher.
  • Chapter XXII technology of the pedagogical process
  • § 1. The concept of technology for implementing the pedagogical process.
  • § 2. The structure of organizational activity and its features.
  • § 3. Types of children's activities and general technological requirements for their organization.
  • § 4. Educational and cognitive activity and technology of its organization.
  • § 5. Value-oriented activity and its connection with other types of developmental activity.
  • § 6. Technology for organizing developmental activities for schoolchildren.
  • § 7. Technology of organizing collective creative activity.
  • Chapter XXIII technology of pedagogical communication and establishment of pedagogically appropriate relationships
  • § 1. Pedagogical communication in the structure of the teacher-educator’s activity.
  • § 2. The concept of technology of pedagogical communication.
  • § 3. Stages of solving a communication problem.
  • § 4. Stages of pedagogical communication and technology for their implementation.
  • § 5. Styles of pedagogical communication and their technological characteristics.
  • § 6. Technology for establishing pedagogically appropriate relationships.
  • Section VI
  • § 2. General principles of management of educational systems.
  • § 3. School as a pedagogical system and an object of scientific management.
  • Chapter XXV main functions of intra-school management
  • § 1. Management culture of the school leader.
  • § 2. Pedagogical analysis in intra-school management.
  • § 3. Goal setting and planning as a function of school management.
  • § 4. The function of organization in school management.
  • § 5. Intra-school control and regulation in management.
  • § 1. The school as an organizing center for joint activities of the school, family and community.
  • § 2. The teaching staff of the school.
  • § 3. Family as a specific pedagogical system. Features of the development of a modern family.
  • § 4. Psychological and pedagogical foundations for establishing contacts with the student’s family.
  • § 5 Forms and methods of work of the teacher, class teacher with parents of students.
  • Chapter XXVII innovative processes in education. Development of professional pedagogical culture of teachers
  • § 1. Innovative orientation of teaching activities.
  • § 2. Forms of development of professional pedagogical culture of teachers and their certification.
  • Slastenin V.A. And others. Pedagogy.

    Textbook aid for students higher ped. textbook institutions / V. A. Slastenin, I. F. Isaev, E. N. Shiyanov; Ed. V.A. Slastenina. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2002. - 576 p.

    Reviewers: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, full member of the Russian Academy of Education, Professor G.N. Volkov; Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Professor A. V. Mudrik.

    OCR: Ihtik (Ufa) [email protected]

    Educational edition

    Slastenin Vitaly Alexandrovich

    Isaev Ilya Fedorovich

    Shiyanov Evgeniy Nikolaevich

    The textbook reveals the anthropological, axiological foundations of pedagogy, the theory and practice of the holistic pedagogical process; organizational and activity bases for the formation of a schoolchild’s basic culture. Characteristics of pedagogical technologies are given, including the design and implementation of the pedagogical process, pedagogical communication, etc. Issues of management of educational systems are revealed. The authors are laureates of the Russian Government Prize in the field of education.

    May be useful for teachers and educational leaders.

    Section I. Introduction to teaching

    Chapter 1. General characteristics of the teaching profession

    § 1. The emergence and development of the teaching profession....(p.7)

    § 2. Features of the teaching profession….(p.9)

    § 3. Prospects for the development of the teaching profession…..(p.14)

    § 4. Specifics of working conditions and activities of a rural school teacher….(p.15)

    Chapter 2. Professional activity and personality of a teacher.

    § 1. The essence of pedagogical activity…..(p.18)

    § 2. Main types of teaching activities…..(p.19)

    § 3. Structure of pedagogical activity……(p.21)

    § 4. The teacher as a subject of pedagogical activity….(p.22)

    § 5. Professionally determined requirements for the personality of a teacher…..(p.23)

    Chapter 3. Professional and pedagogical culture of the teacher.

    § 1. The essence and main components of professional pedagogical


    § 2. Axiological component of professional pedagogical culture…..(p.30)

    § 3. Technological component of professional pedagogical culture…..(p.32)

    § 4. Personal and creative component of professional pedagogical


    Chapter 4. Professional formation and development of a teacher.

    § 1. Motives for choosing a teaching profession and motivation for teaching


    § 2. Development of the teacher’s personality in the system of teacher education…..(p.39)

    § 3. Professional self-education of a teacher…….(p.42)

    § 4. Fundamentals of self-education for pedagogical university students and teachers…..(p.45)


    Chapter 5. Pedagogy in the system of human sciences.

    § 1. General idea of ​​pedagogy as a science…..(p.47)

    § 2. Object, subject and functions of pedagogy…..(p.48)

    § 3. Education as a social phenomenon……(p.50)

    § 4. Education as a pedagogical process. Categorical apparatus


    § 5. The connection of pedagogy with other sciences and its structure…….(p.59)

    Chapter 6. Methodology and methods of pedagogical research.

    § 1. The concept of the methodology of pedagogical science and methodological culture


    § 2. General scientific level of pedagogy methodology…..(p.65)

    § 3. Specific methodological principles of pedagogical research…..(p.66)

    § 4. Organization of pedagogical research……(p.70)

    § 5. System of methods and methodology of pedagogical research…..(p.72)

    Chapter 7. Axiological foundations of pedagogy.

    § 1. Justification of the humanistic methodology of pedagogy……(p.78)

    § 2. The concept of pedagogical values ​​and their classification……(p.80)

    § 3. Education as a universal human value…..(p.83)

    Chapter 8. Development, socialization and education of the individual.

    § 1. Personal development as a pedagogical problem…..(p.87)

    § 2. The essence of socialization and its stages……(p.88)

    § 3. Education and personality formation……(p.90)

    § 4. The role of training in personality development…….(p.92)

    § 5. Factors of socialization and personality formation…..(p.93)

    § 6. Self-education in the structure of the process of personality formation…..(p.97)

    Chapter 9. Holistic pedagogical process.

    § 1. Historical background for understanding the pedagogical process as a holistic one


    § 2. Pedagogical system and its types…..(p.101)

    § 3. General characteristics of the education system….(p.103)

    § 4. The essence of the pedagogical process…..(p.106)

    § 5. The pedagogical process as a holistic phenomenon…..(p.108)

    § 6. Logic and conditions for constructing an integral pedagogical process……(p.110)


    Chapter 10. Training in a holistic pedagogical process.

    § 1. Training as a way of organizing the pedagogical process…..(p.112)

    § 2. Functions of teaching……(p.113)

    § 3. Methodological foundations of training…..(p.114)

    § 4. Activities of the teacher and students in the learning process…..(p.117)

    § 5. The logic of the educational process and the structure of the assimilation process….(p.120)

    § 6. Types of training and their characteristics…..(p.122)

    Chapter 11. Patterns and principles of learning.

    § 1. Patterns of learning….(p.125)

    § 2. Principles of learning…..(p.127)

    Chapter 12. Modern didactic concepts.

    § 1. Characteristics of the main concepts of developmental education…..(p.140)

    § 2. Modern approaches to the development of the theory of personal development


    Chapter 13. The content of education as the basis of the basic culture of the individual.

    § 1. The essence of the content of education and its historical nature…..(p.161)

    § 2. Determinants of the content of education and principles of its structuring….(p.163)

    § 3. Principles and criteria for selecting the content of general education….(p.167)

    § 4. State educational standard and its functions….(p.171)

    § 5. Regulatory documents regulating the content of the general average


    § 6. Prospects for the development of the content of general education. Construction model 12-

    summer general education school….(p.182)

    Chapter 14. Forms and methods of teaching.

    § 1. Organizational forms and training systems….(p.187)

    § 2. Types of modern organizational forms of training…..(p.191)

    § 3. Teaching methods…..(p.199)

    § 4. Didactic means…..(p.203)

    § 5. Control in the learning process……(p.204)


    Chapter 15. Education in a holistic pedagogical process.

    § 1. Education as a specially organized activity to achieve goals


    § 2. Goals and objectives of humanistic education…..(p.210)

    § 3. Personality in the concept of humanistic education….(p.211)

    § 4. Regularities and principles of humanistic education…..(p.213)

    Chapter 16. Nurturing the basic culture of the individual.

    § 1. Philosophical and worldview preparation of schoolchildren…..(p.221)

    § 2. Civic education in the system of formation of basic culture


    § 3. Formation of the foundations of a person’s moral culture…..(p.227)

    § 4. Labor education and vocational guidance of schoolchildren…..(p.231)

    § 5. Formation of aesthetic culture of students……(p.235)

    § 6. Education of the physical culture of the individual…..(p.238)

    Chapter 17. General methods of education.

    § 1. The essence of education methods and their classification…..(p.242)

    § 2. Methods of forming personality consciousness……(p.243)

    § 3. Methods of organizing activities and forming experience of social behavior


    § 4. Methods of stimulating and motivating the activity and behavior of an individual....(p.249)

    § 5. Methods of control, self-control and self-esteem in education…..(p.252)

    § 6. Conditions for optimal selection and effective application of methods


    Chapter 18. The team as an object and subject of education.

    § 1. Dialectics of the collective and individual in the education of the individual…..(p.255)

    § 2. The formation of personality in a team is the leading idea in humanistic


    § 3. The essence and organizational basis of the functioning of children's


    § 4. Stages and levels of development of the children’s team….(p.260)

    § 5. Basic conditions for the development of a children’s team…..(p.264)

    Chapter 19. Educational systems.

    § 1. Structure and stages of development of the educational system…..(p.267)

    § 2. Foreign and domestic educational systems…..(p.271)

    § 3. Class teacher in the educational system of the school…..(p.282)

    § 4. Children's public associations in the educational system of the school…..(p.290)


    Chapter 20. Pedagogical technologies and teacher skills.

    § 1. The essence of pedagogical technology…..(p.296)

    § 2. The structure of pedagogical skill…..(p.298)

    § 3. The essence and specificity of the pedagogical task….(p.301)

    § 4. Types of pedagogical tasks and their characteristics…..(p.302)

    § 5. Stages of solving a pedagogical problem……(p.304)

    § 6. Demonstration of professionalism and skill of the teacher in solving pedagogical problems


    Chapter 21. Technology of designing the pedagogical process.

    § 1. The concept of technology for constructing the pedagogical process….(p.308)

    § 2. Awareness of the pedagogical task, analysis of initial data and formulation

    pedagogical diagnosis…..(p.308)

    § 3. Planning as a result of the teacher’s constructive activity….(p.310)

    § 4. Planning the work of the class teacher…..(p.311)

    § 5. Planning in the activities of a subject teacher…..(p.315)

    Chapter 22. Technology of implementation of the pedagogical process.

    § 1. The concept of technology for implementing the pedagogical process….(p.319)

    § 2. The structure of organizational activity and its features……(p.319)

    § 3. Types of children’s activities and general technological requirements for them


    § 4. Educational and cognitive activity and technology of its organization….(p.324)

    § 5. Value-oriented activity and its connection with other types of developmental


    § 6. Technology for organizing developmental activities for schoolchildren…..(p.329)

    § 7. Technology for organizing collective creative activity…..(p.331)

    Chapter 23. Technology of pedagogical communication and establishment of pedagogically appropriate relationships.

    § 1. Pedagogical communication in the structure of the teacher-educator’s activity….(p.333)

    § 2. The concept of technology of pedagogical communication…..(p.334)

    § 3. Stages of solving a communicative problem…..(p.336)

    § 4. Stages of pedagogical communication and technology for their implementation…..(p.337)

    § 5. Styles of pedagogical communication and their technological characteristics….(p.340)

    § 6. Technology for establishing pedagogically appropriate relationships…..(p.343)


    Chapter 24. The essence and basic principles of management of educational systems.

    § 1. State-public system of education management….(p.350)

    § 2. General principles of management of educational systems….(p.354)

    § 3. School as a pedagogical system and an object of scientific management….(p.357)

    Chapter 25. Basic functions of intra-school management.

    § 1. Management culture of the school leader….(p.361)

    § 2. Pedagogical analysis in intra-school management…..(p.363)

    § 3. Goal setting and planning as a function of school management…..(p.367)

    § 4. The function of organization in school management…..(p.370)

    § 5. Intra-school control and regulation in management…….(p.373)

    Chapter 26. Interaction of social institutions in the management of educational systems.

    § 1. School as an organizing center for joint activities of school, family and


    § 2. The teaching staff of the school…..(p.380)

    § 3. Family as a specific pedagogical system. Features of development

    modern family…….(p.387)

    § 4. Psychological and pedagogical foundations for establishing contacts with the family


    § 5. Forms and methods of work of teachers, class teachers and parents


    Chapter 27. Innovative processes in education. Development of professional pedagogical culture of teachers.

    § 1. Innovative orientation of teaching activities….(p.394)

    § 2. Forms of development of professional pedagogical culture of teachers and their






    § 1. The emergence and development of the teaching profession

    In ancient times, when there was no division of labor, all members of a community or tribe - adults and children - participated equally in obtaining food, which was the main meaning of existence in those distant times. The transfer of experience accumulated by previous generations to children in the prenatal community was “woven” into work activity. Children, being involved in it from an early age, acquired knowledge about methods of activity (hunting, gathering, etc.) and mastered various skills. And only as tools improved, which made it possible to obtain more food, did it become possible not to involve sick and old members of the community in this. They were charged with being the keepers of the fire and looking after the children. Later, as the processes of conscious production of labor tools became more complex, which entailed the need for special transfer of labor skills, the elders of the clan - the most respected and experienced - formed, in the modern understanding, the first social group of people - educators, whose direct and only responsibility became transfer of experience, care for the spiritual growth of the younger generation, their morality, preparation for life. Thus, education became the sphere of human activity and consciousness.

    The emergence of the teaching profession therefore has objective grounds. Society could not exist and develop if the younger generation, replacing the older one, was forced to start all over again, without creatively mastering and using the experience that it inherited.

    The etymology of the Russian word “educator” is interesting. It comes from the stem “to nourish.” Not without reason, today the words “educate” and “nurture” are often considered synonymous. In modern dictionaries, an educator is defined as a person who is involved in raising someone, who takes responsibility for the living conditions and development of the personality of another person. The word “teacher” apparently appeared later, when humanity realized that knowledge is a value in itself and that a special organization of children’s activities is needed, aimed at acquiring knowledge and skills. This activity is called training.

    In Ancient Babylon, Egypt, Syria, teachers were most often priests, and in Ancient Greece - the most intelligent, talented civilian citizens: pedonomy, pedotrib, didascals, pedagogues. In Ancient Rome, government officials who knew the sciences well, but most importantly, who traveled a lot and, therefore, saw a lot, knew the languages, culture and customs of different peoples, were appointed teachers on behalf of the emperor. In ancient Chinese chronicles that have survived to this day, it is mentioned that back in the 20th century. BC. There was a ministry in the country in charge of the education of the people, which appointed the wisest representatives of society to the position of teacher. In the Middle Ages, teachers, as a rule, were priests and monks, although in urban schools and universities they increasingly became people who had received special education. In Kievan Rus, the duties of a teacher coincided with the duties of a parent and ruler. Monomakh's "Teaching" reveals the basic set of rules of life that the sovereign himself followed and which he advised his children to follow: love your homeland, take care of the people, do good to your loved ones, do not sin, avoid evil deeds, be merciful. He wrote: “What you can do well, don’t forget, and what you can’t do, learn it... Laziness is the mother of everything: what someone can do, he will forget, and what he can’t do, he won’t learn. But when doing good, don’t be lazy.” what is good..." [See: Anthology of pedagogical thought of Ancient Rus' and the Russian state of the XIV-XVII centuries. / Comp. S. D. Babishin, B. N. Mityurov. - M., 1985. - P. 167]. IN Ancient Rus' teachers were called masters, thereby emphasizing respect for the personality of the mentor of the younger generation. But the master craftsmen who passed on their experience were and are now, as we know, called respectfully - Teacher.

    Since the emergence of the teaching profession, teachers have been assigned primarily an educational, single and indivisible function. A teacher is an educator, a mentor. This is his civic, human purpose. This is exactly what A.S. Pushkin had in mind when he dedicated his moral sciences A.P. Kunitsyn (Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum) the following lines: “He created us, he raised our flame... He laid the cornerstone, he lit a pure lamp.” (Pushkin A.S. Complete collection works: In 10 volumes - L., 1977. - T. 2. - P. 351).

    The tasks facing the school changed significantly at different stages of the development of society. This explains the periodic shift of emphasis from teaching to upbringing and vice versa. However public policy in the field of education almost always underestimated the dialectical unity of teaching and upbringing, the integrity of the developing personality. Just as it is impossible to teach without exerting an educational influence, so it is impossible to solve educational problems without equipping students with sufficient complex system knowledge, skills and abilities. Progressive thinkers of all times and peoples have never opposed teaching and upbringing. Moreover, they viewed the teacher primarily as an educator.

    All nations and at all times have had outstanding teachers. Thus, the Chinese called Confucius the Great Teacher. One of the legends about this thinker describes his conversation with a student: “This country is vast and densely populated. What does it lack, teacher?” - the student turns to him. “Enrich her,” the teacher replies. “But she’s already rich. How can we enrich her?” - asks the student. "Teach her!" - exclaims the teacher.

    A man of difficult and enviable fate, the Czech humanist teacher Jan Amos Comenius was the first to develop pedagogy as an independent branch of theoretical knowledge. Comenius dreamed of giving his people the collected wisdom of the world. He wrote dozens of school textbooks and over 260 pedagogical works. And today every teacher, using the words “lesson”, “class”, “vacation”, “training”, etc., does not always know that they all entered the school along with the name of the great Czech teacher.

    Ya.A. Comenius asserted a new, progressive view of the teacher. This profession was “excellent for him, like no other under the sun.” He compared the teacher with a gardener who lovingly grows plants in the garden, with an architect who carefully builds knowledge into every corner of a human being, with a sculptor who carefully hews and polishes the minds and souls of people, with a commander who energetically leads an offensive against barbarism and ignorance. (Komensky Y.A. Selected pedagogical works. - M., 1995. - P. 248-284).

    Swiss educator Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi spent all his savings on creating orphanages. He dedicated his life to orphans, trying to make childhood a school of joy and creative work. On his grave there is a monument with an inscription that ends with the words: “Everything is for others, nothing for yourself.”

    The great teacher of Russia was Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky - the father of Russian teachers. The textbooks he created have had a circulation unprecedented in history. For example, “Native Word” was reprinted 167 times. His legacy consists of 11 volumes, and his pedagogical works still have scientific value today. He characterized the social significance of the teaching profession as follows: “An educator who is on par with the modern course of education feels like a living, active member of a great organism fighting the ignorance and vices of mankind, a mediator between everything that was noble and lofty in the past history of people, and a new generation, the keeper of the holy covenants of people who fought for the truth and for good,” and his work, “modest in appearance, is one of the greatest works of history. States are based on this work and entire generations live by it.” (Ushinsky K.D. Collected works: In 11 volumes - M., 1951. - T. 2. - P. 32).

    Searches for Russian theorists and practitioners of the 20s. XX century largely prepared the innovative pedagogy of Anton Semenovich Makarenko. Despite the establishment in education, as in everything else in the country, in the 30s. command-administrative methods of management, he contrasted them with pedagogy, humanistic in essence, optimistic in spirit, imbued with faith in creative forces and human capabilities. The theoretical heritage and experience of A. S. Makarenko have gained worldwide recognition. Of particular importance is the theory of the children's collective created by A. S. Makarenko, which organically includes a method of individualizing education that is subtle in its instrumentation and unique in its methods and techniques of implementation. He believed that the work of a teacher is the most difficult, “perhaps the most responsible and requires from the individual not only the greatest effort, but also great strength, great abilities.” (Makarenko A.S. Works: In 7 vols. - M., 1958. - T. V. - P. 178).

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