Methods of team building in an organization: effective ways to unite the team

Nowadays, having a team is one of the hallmarks of highly effective organizations. Working in a team develops in employees qualities that contribute to the progressive growth of the organization (skills of cooperation, mutual support, increasing the potential of each, etc.). Therefore, building teamwork skills is becoming a key challenge in high-performing organizations.

A team is not a group of people who can be commanded. A team is a group of specialists interested in achieving a common result. The team in no way suppresses the individuality of each person. On the contrary, everyone takes a place in the team that corresponds to his abilities and capabilities. In a team, each member feels significant and irreplaceable, and this, as we know, is the most important.

There are training companies specializing in physical methods of team building - various kinds of rope courses associated with outdoor sports activities, often extreme sports. Some people go kayaking down a mountain river, others test their team's strength in the mountains.

There are classic team building training seminars where you will be taught about different roles in a team and leadership. This is a good opportunity to gain knowledge and try yourself in different team roles in a safe “laboratory” environment.

But what about in an educational institution? Whether there is a real opportunities and the need to form a real team from the teaching staff, autonomous, self-governing, capable of quickly, efficiently and efficiently solving the tasks assigned to it.

Speaking about the team, it is important to understand its specifics in Russia. As you know, the distinctive ability of the Russian person is an unconscious need to put the quality of human relationships at the forefront. “Western” (American, European) teams base their team on “law” or “rules of the game,” which all members of the team agree with. In the “eastern” team, the basis is traditions and the law of hierarchy, deeply felt and understood by all members. The Russian mentality occupies an intermediate position. Therefore, no matter how many managers try to establish clear rules of the game (job descriptions, interaction models), something often goes wrong. The problem is that playing by the rules, although it gives a feeling of stability, for the Russian mentality in certain moment becomes boring, and first an unconscious, and then a conscious need arises to circumvent or change these rules.

In that amazing phenomenon lies the answer to the question that managers often ask themselves: “Why do job descriptions work poorly?” On the other hand, many managers noticed that if there are good human relationships between them and their subordinates, then there is a need for clear job descriptions often disappears.

That's why main feature Russian team is that its basis is a certain irrational experience of unity, what is commonly called team spirit. And the rules of the game in a Russian team are set not by instructions, but by the values ​​of the team, and the communicative values ​​that characterize the qualities of interpersonal interaction are put at the forefront, and then work on the overall result, creativity, etc. This feature was taken into account when team building the teaching staff in our institution, which, moreover, consists entirely of women, for whom, as you know, communication is far from an unimportant part of the work process, from emotional satisfaction, which will ultimately determine the result of work.

Intellectual teams (which includes a team of teachers) also have their own characteristics.

1. Team members must be like-minded on three key interaction factors:

  • unity of goals and methods of achieving it;
  • unity of motivational incentives:
  • unity of value orientations.

2. Team members must have mutual respect and have high level psychological compatibility, at least with the informal leader.

The main task of the leader of an intellectual team is to maintain a high motivational level of effective team activity, which is achieved through:

  • strengthening the positive psychological climate of mutual cooperation of all team members;
  • consistent implementation of motivational incentives (of various types) for individual team members.

IN last years In the theory and practice of managing educational systems, much attention is paid to creating and working with “teams” within the teaching staff. One of these “teams” is the teaching staff of our orphanage.

A problem-oriented analysis carried out in 2003 in our institution made it possible to analyze the conditions for the implementation of a social order.

Since the main participants in the implementation of the social order are teachers, it is in the context of team building of the teaching staff that it is possible to effectively implement all directions of the social order, because:

  • initiative and self-actualization of team members will develop (the ability to highlight ideas, implement them, bear responsibility);
  • the responsibility of each employee in achieving the overall goal of the institution (implementation of the social order) will increase, and productivity will increase;
  • it will be possible to create a single, educational space where everyone will fulfill the same requirements, where personal example will be the educational guideline;
  • the team will allow you to comprehensively and effectively implement ideas, programs, etc.;
  • The significant capital of the institution will be the experienced staff, who are the bearers of the ideas, traditions and image of the institution. Constant personnel composition will be a condition of psychological comfort for students, a sense of security;
  • through the creation of a team it will be possible to improve psychological climate a team of teachers, and these, in turn, are conditions for a favorable psychological climate for students.

Therefore, the conceptual idea of ​​the institution’s development program was the formation of a team of like-minded people, and where the main role in the implementation of this idea is given to the psychologists of the orphanage.

When performing any work, the capabilities of one person are limited. Two and, especially, a group of employees can do more. Theoretically, the larger the group, the more it can do. But on the other hand, it is more difficult for participants in large groups to interact when completing assigned tasks. This is where the question of the effectiveness of the group arises. Therefore, to solve complex tasks teams are created, that is, groups capable of working effectively.

But whatever the effect of teamwork is, it is born in the process of interaction between its participants. That is why team members are taught to interact with each other during training sessions.

In the conditions of our institution, the team building experience of T.D. turned out to be the most acceptable. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva, presented in the book “Theory and Practice of Team Building. Modern technology for creating teams.” The proposed final technology is also interesting in that the author does not suggest performing them sequentially, but swapping them in places, skipping them, depending on the specifics of the assigned team building tasks and the characteristics of the institution.

In addition, the representation of the functioning of a team according to the wheel principle, which reflects the organizational structure of the team, is perfectly suited to the organizational and managerial structure of our institution: in the center is the leader; in a circle - team members; the spokes of the wheel symbolize the strong relationship between each team member and the leader; The basis of the wheel is a strong relationship between team members.

Since creating a team of like-minded people is the goal of the institution’s development program, the responsibility for specifically performing each step was distributed as follows:

  • Step 1 - problem-oriented analysis of 2003 (September - November), problem group - result: the team philosophy, mission, policy (ways to implement the mission), principles on which the implementation of the idea is based, a model of a team of like-minded people is determined.
  • Steps 2, 3, 4 – implemented by psychologists in 2004-2005 academic year.
  • Step 5 – creating a common terminological field where the goals and results of the team’s overall work were determined:
  • decision of the Pedagogical Council dated February 10, 2005;
  • traditions of the orphanage: trips, evenings that create the energy of unity.
  • Step 6 – (formation of team values) adoption of a corporate code of ethics, which was developed by the institution’s council and adopted by the entire team in the 2005–2006 academic year.
  • Step 7 – was implemented by psychologists in the 2005-2006 academic year.
  • Steps 8, 9, 10 – 2006-2007 academic year and the prospects for the institution’s work.

Team building stage

The structure of the work of a psychologist within the framework of team building takes place in 3 stages, regarding the principle of the “wheel”, the requirements for an intellectual team and the already numerical strength of the teaching staff

Stage I 2004-2005 academic year

Goals of the stage: regarding the “wheel” principle, nothing more than strengthening the spokes or organizational interaction in the institution. Effective interaction within small “teams”.

  • Study of individual personal characteristics of teachers, psychological compatibility of teachers in one group;
  • Development of recommendations for group teachers to prevent possible problems interactions within the group;
  • Development of recommendations for the administration to enhance interaction between the administration and teachers.
  • A study of conscious and unconscious goals, where special emphasis was placed on determining basic needs, attitudes toward work, and identifying sources of stress.
  • Carrying out individual consultations with each teacher based on the research results
  • Conducting group consultations effective interaction within small “teams”
  • Study of interpersonal preferences (sociometry).
  • Monitoring the effectiveness of improving interaction within groups and at the teacher-administration level.

T.D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva suggests observation at the 2nd step selection of candidates for the team, in which the personal characteristics of candidates are determined, since the team is formed numerically, then research into the characteristics of teachers was carried out in order to increase the effectiveness of interaction.

To study the personal characteristics of teachers, the Cattell factorial personality questionnaire and the Toulouse-Pieron test were used to determine the ability of teachers in the accuracy and speed of information processing.

The administration of the orphanage was familiarized with all percentage data with recommendations for improving interaction with teachers, namely:

  • the need for approval and support from the administration;
  • taking into account the accuracy and speed of information processing, i.e. administrative orders must be clear and have a specific deadline for execution;
  • because, mostly, teachers get lost in unforeseen situations that occur quite often in orphanage(children running away, attacks of emotional and motor agitation in children, etc.) it was proposed to develop clear instructions for actions in these situations. In addition, by agreement of the teachers, the administration of the orphanage was also familiarized with the individual results of the Toulouse-Pieron test in order to individually determine the deadlines for the implementation of administrative orders, creative tasks, methodological developments, staffing various working groups.

All these measures contributed to strengthening and improving interaction between the administration - teachers, senior educators - administration, and the small teaching staff - administration. To increase the effectiveness of intra-group interaction between teachers, group consultations were held. Teachers from one group were invited to the consultations; a total of 8 consultations were held (according to the number of groups).

Study of conscious and unconscious goals T.D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva suggests considering this step with the aim of accepting the individuality of each team member, as well as exploring one’s own unconscious goals using the projective drawing method.

An analogue of the method in our institution was the use projective technique color metaphors M.L. Straw. Objectives of the study: identification of unconscious and conscious goals (basic needs), attitude towards work, sources of stress.

Based on individual diagnostic results, consultations were held with each teacher, and 14 teachers sought additional psychological help.

The creative group developing an incentive system for the teaching staff was familiarized with the percentage results of basic needs.

Research on interpersonal preferences. Any group tends to split into groups. The reasons for this are various: personal charm, sympathy, similarity of aspirations, views, etc. Sociometry allows you to see whether there are “leaders” or “outsiders” in the team, which can help to correctly distribute the load in the team, as well as further changes in interpersonal relationships will show dynamics of intra-team processes, development of the structure of relationships in the team. Therefore, sociometry was included in the monitoring of team building, and at this step it made it possible to see the peculiarities of interpersonal preferences in the team.

The study was conducted using sociometric survey questionnaires. Teachers were asked to form working group to solve complex responsible problems. According to the results of the survey, it turned out that there are no leaders in the team of teachers, 67% of teachers are accepted, 30% are preferred, 3% are isolated (1 person).

In addition, senior group teachers were among the preferred ones, which confirms the distribution of the load.

In a “normal”, “healthy” team there should be no obvious “leaders” or obvious “outsiders”; preferences and conditional rejections are evenly distributed in the group. At different times, each team member needs to be both a “leader” and an “outsider,” because this is important for his personal growth and the growth of the team.

Stage II 2005-2006 academic year

The purpose of the stage: training in teamwork technologies.

  • Corporate training team building – training teachers in teamwork technologies;
  • Corporate team building training – training the administration in teamwork technologies.
  • Monitoring the effectiveness of team building.

Regarding the principle of the wheel, stage II is a logical continuation of strengthening the “spokes” of interaction or the base of the wheel, symbolizing the relationship between all members of the teaching staff, as well as the formation of team spirit. To achieve the goal, an adapted version of corporate team building training, proposed by T.D., was conducted with teachers. Zinkevich - Evstigneeva. (Annex 1)

During the academic year, teachers attended 7 training sessions, where they had the opportunity to “play out” various situations of intra-team interaction, and learned technologies successful work in the team, and also walked continuous operation on the formation and strengthening of team spirit. (Picture 1)

In the 2005-2006 school year. year, in parallel with teachers, team building training was also conducted with the administration (director and 6 deputy directors), the purpose of which was not only to teach teamwork technologies, but first of all to go through 10 steps of forming an administrative team.

III stage 2006/07-2007/08 academic years

The purpose of the stage: support the team’s activities.

2006-2007 academic year

  • Development of individual development routes for teachers (together with the methodological service)
  • Training “Constructive conflict resolution”
  • Study of individual and personal characteristics of newly arrived teachers.
  • Individual support again, the teachers who came.
  • Informal corporate events– strengthening the energy of unity.
  • Training “Prevention of professional burnout of teachers”

2007-2008 academic year

  • Creativity training
  • Tolerance training
  • Supporting the activities of VTO teachers in areas of educational work.
  • Creating and improving the team's image.

Monitoring the effectiveness of team building at stage 1 (Appendix 2)

  • The effectiveness of “small” teams
  • Job satisfaction
  • Psychological climate

Monitoring the effectiveness of team building stage II (Appendix 3)

  • Team effectiveness
  • Psychological climate
  • Interpersonal relationships

Based on the monitoring results, it was concluded that the formation of a team of teachers at the 1st and 2nd stages was successful.

The team has high potential to achieve effectiveness and productivity.

I would like to note the impossibility of achieving such results without the implementation of a system of work. The formation of so-called “small” teams, namely improving the interaction of “small” teaching teams, has become the basis for forming a team of the entire teaching staff.

Strengthening the organizational structure of the team, according to the “wheel” principle - this is strengthening the spokes of interaction, contributed not only to the improvement of the psychological climate, since teachers experienced a decrease in the number of stressful situations associated with administrative orders, relationships with management, but also to overall work productivity. It was the interest of the administration that made it possible to increase the effectiveness of interaction with teachers.

Having learned to interact in “small” teams, teachers successfully completed corporate training in team building.

Having passed 1 - stage of formation and 2 - successful functioning and development. Then there are 2 options: the disintegration of the team or its growth, when the team successfully copes with new tasks. Therefore on this moment the team is at the 3rd stage of its development, i.e. at the stage of supporting the team’s activities, maintaining team spirit, where teachers will once again be asked to experience and comprehend the 5 principles of teamwork:

  • a sense of community and trust;
  • cooperation;
  • work for a common result;
  • creativity instead of stereotypical actions;
  • constructive self-realization, with mandatory monitoring of team effectiveness.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the “wheel” principle supports not only the effectiveness of interaction between teachers, but also the formation of an administration team.

The success of the implementation of creating a team of like-minded people depends on the support of the administration of the institution.


  1. Ivanova N.V., Golubeva E.V. Psychotherapy for personal well-being as one of the directions psychological support activities of a preschool teacher.
  2. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T.D. Theory and practice of team building.
  3. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T.D. “Team on the market: strategy and methods” (a guide for effective teams).
  4. Narushak V.B., L.A. Stepanova “Psychology of intra-school management”.
  5. Meskon M. M. Albert, F. Khodouri “Fundamentals of Management.”
  6. Psychological groups. Klaus Fonel.
  7. Psychological counseling. R.S. Nemov.
  8. Psychology of management. T.P. Avdulova.
  9. Psychology in training / Ed. N.Yu. Cartilaginous.
  10. Semenov A.K. E.L. Maslova. Psychology and ethics of management and business”: Tutorial– 2nd edition.
  11. Life skills training / Ed. A.F. Shadury.
  12. Fonel A.. Creation of teams.
  13. Person and personnel in management. V.N. Chernyshev, A.P. Dvinin.

IN modern conditions the main condition for effective work educational institution is a team of specialists. The role of individuals carrying out the labor process is sharply increasing. The fate of children, parents, employees and the prospects for the development of an educational institution depend on the qualifications of the teacher, business activity, and the ability to interact with each other and achieve socially significant results. Educational institutions seeking to obtain competitive advantage Due to the quality of their work, innovation, they must first of all think about the development of the team. It is in close-knit teams that the issue of intensifying innovation activity, creative interaction its members. Therefore, one of the most sought-after personal qualities of a teacher of a preschool educational institution (hereinafter referred to as preschool educational institution), along with professionalism, reliability, sensitivity, and willingness to help, is the ability to act in a team. A key factor in effective team work is the ability of each team member to “work for results” and respect the opinions of all employees.

A team is a group of like-minded people, a mechanism that launches and carries out the effective activities of the entire institution. To the extent that each teacher feels like a part of it, to the extent that he feels important and in demand, he is motivated for joint cooperation, self-realization and self-development as a professional.

The difficulties of forming a team as a team can be due to various reasons, but the main ones, in our opinion, are the problems of professional and pedagogical communication, based on which we highlight semantic and psychological barriers. We consider a semantic or communication barrier as an obstacle that arises between partners due to different interpretations of the semantic content (text, subtext) of the same information. They are caused mainly by external reasons. Psychological barriers (conditionally they can be called “personality barriers”) are obstacles that arise in the process of communication due to the difficulty of partners’ perception of each other’s individual psychological characteristics. They are called internal reasons, which include characteristics of temperament, character traits of interlocutors, as well as persistent negative emotions that communicants experience towards each other.

One of the reasons for team building problems is also different life values, worldview of teachers based on age characteristics generations. Currently in the field preschool education The teachers are representatives of different generations:

1. “Baby Boomers” (generation born 1943-1963). Values: optimism, attention to personal growth and rewards, collectivism and team spirit, the cult of youth. The values ​​of this generation were shaped by the following events: the conquest of space, guaranteed medical care, the Soviet “thaw”, uniform standards of education in schools and the “Cold War”.

2. “Generation X” (generation born 1963-1984). This generation is characterized by the following values: global awareness, technical literacy, individualism, desire for lifelong education, informality of views, pragmatism, self-reliance, gender equality, willingness to change, choice. Historical events, formed the values: continued " cold war", perestroika, war in Afghanistan.

3. “Generation Y/Greeks” (generation born 1984-2000). Values: freedom, result as such, civic duty and morality, responsibility, immediate reward. Events that shaped values: the collapse of the USSR, terrorist attacks and military conflicts, the development of digital technologies.

In the staff of MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 80” in Cherepovets, 35% of teachers belong to the first age category. Characteristic feature This group is excessive conservatism. They are wary of any innovations that are inevitable at the present time. On the one hand, they are afraid of harming children and are afraid that any untested innovations will negatively affect the formation of the personality of their pupils and will nullify their pedagogical efforts, spent over many years of impeccable pedagogical activity. On the other hand, such educators fear that they will not be able to master new pedagogical technologies, requiring active use of various technical means, including multimedia systems. This leads them to be wary of any proposals for a psychological study of the teacher’s personality and the characteristics of professional pedagogical activity. They do not expect help from such research, but are afraid that they will be caught in insufficient educational training associated with the use of new educational technologies, i.e. in professional incompetence. The same caution is caused by activities aimed at developing professional communicative competence.

Most of the team’s teachers (60%) belong to generation “Y”. These are young specialists in the field of education who strive for systemic continuous education and independence, therefore for them active forms learning is an opportunity to implement your informal individual educational route. They are ready to participate brainstorming sessions, discussions, briefings, discussions where informality of views can be demonstrated.

Such a gap in views, ideas, and worldviews among teachers of two “distant” generations leads to misunderstandings and conflicts, which impedes team unity and formation, which in turn leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of the educational process as a whole in the institution.

Carrying out work to develop team building has become an urgent need for our team, its transition to a new stage of development. The goal of the activities in the 2015-2016 academic year was to increase the communicative competence and effectiveness of interaction between preschool teachers. this work was carried out using the possibilities of network interaction with the Cherepovets Center for Psychological, Pedagogical, Medical and Social Assistance. The activity was carried out in three stages:

1. Motivational and organizational stage.

2. Implementation stage.

3. Analytical stage.

At the first stage, it was important to identify and analyze difficulties in pedagogical communication. Carrying out monitoring procedures allowed us to identify: low level effectiveness of interpersonal interaction, insufficient level of coordination of actions on the overall result, low level of overall performance indicator. The first meetings were aimed at motivating teachers to working together. A joint definition of a team was formulated as an autonomous, self-governing group of professionals capable of quickly, efficiently and efficiently solving the tasks assigned to it. The basic structural and organizational conditions for forming a team and the signs of an effective team were demonstrated, such as:

effective constructive interpersonal interaction; professionalism of each employee;

positive thinking, focus on overall success; the ability to work consistently towards a common result;

unfixed, flexible and mobile distribution of functions between team members.

Working in small groups, teachers played out possible conflict situations in pedagogical communication, highlighted the advantages of working in a team when resolving professional problems.

The results of the first stage allowed us to draw the following conclusions:

1. Teachers, the main instrument professional activity communication, experience serious difficulties both in establishing contacts with students and in establishing relationships with colleagues. At the same time, most of them experience difficulties in communicating with colleagues, which is a serious problem because it leads to a disruption in the psychological climate in the professional team.

2. Teachers who experience difficulties in professional communication most often display negative experiences: emotions such as grief, fear, shame, and anger dominate.

3. Most often, difficulties in communication and various kinds of psychological defenses manifest themselves in teachers of the first age category.

4. To assist teachers in productively organizing communication with both parents, children, and colleagues, special work is required to master teamwork skills, which are most often main reason difficulties in professional interaction.

The results of the first stage confirmed the relevance, significance and demand psychological support the process of forming team building in the institution.

The second stage was devoted to solving the assigned problems, and trainings were chosen as the main form of work. The main goals of the training were: developing teamwork skills and team interaction skills (the ability to set a common goal and relate one’s tasks to the main task of the team); relieving emotional stress; practicing communication techniques. Training participants – teachers mixed age group. In this regard, the content included the preferred forms of active learning work for each age:

traditional methods and techniques - mini-lectures, practical games and exercises with demonstration specific examples from practice, preferred by teachers of the Baby Boomer generation (35% of teachers);

interactive forms of learning, discussions, individual project assignments, which will be used in the future pedagogical practice more interesting for teachers of generation X, who make up 5% of the team;

work in small groups with further public defense of developments, project activities, participation in rating programs, drawing up individual programs for personal professional growth - most in demand among teachers of generation Y (60% of the team).

The priority at this stage was to develop games and exercises to unite the team, develop trust, reduce psycho-emotional stress, and stabilize the psychological climate in the team. The art therapeutic methods and fairy tale therapy techniques used at this stage made it possible to create an atmosphere of psychological safety. Gaming technology development of team building T.D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva made it possible to work out the mechanism of team functioning in a team, taking into account the specifics and characteristics, as well as to activate the energy of unity - team spirit among colleagues.

Performance monitoring at the second stage of work (team effectiveness, psychological climate, interpersonal relationships) allowed us to conclude that the formation of a team of teachers was successful, the main achievement of which was a high level of desire to achieve effectiveness and efficiency. Teachers accepted 5 common unshakable principles of teamwork: a sense of community and trust; cooperation; work for a common result; creativity instead of stereotypical actions; constructive self-realization.

The third stage was aimed at tracking the further dynamics of team building development through monitoring procedures. Analysis of the data allowed us to state stable positive changes that were noted by the teachers themselves: the formation of skills successful interaction team members in various situations; increasing the level of personal responsibility for results; transition from a state of competition to cooperation; increasing the level of trust and care between team members; switching the participant’s attention from himself to the team; increasing team spirit and a charge of positive mood.

The results of the training work allowed us to intensify the activities of the teaching staff in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education and to increase the innovative potential of teachers. But there is more to come big job, aimed at translating internal motives into external ones.

So, the development of team building at different ages teaching staff kindergarten requires certain diagnostic work, in accordance with the results of which the logic of the main stage of work is built in the form of socio-psychological training.


1. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T.D. Theory and practice of team building, Publisher: Rech, 2003

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Team building technologies (in English - team building) are used mainly in sports and collective creative affairs. The practice of “ropes” courses combines sports, psychological training group interactions and joint creative work.

The “ropes course” technique has proven its effectiveness and has become quite widespread. “Rope Course” is a series of training exercises aimed at self-training of the group. Different objectively created difficult situations, in which group members, guided only by their own experience, must find solutions to the problems they face. There is no place for competition, but success and the experience gained in jointly achieving a goal (solving a problem) are important.

Typically, a “ropes course” is conducted simultaneously for several groups, but it is also possible to work with one group. The purpose of such a course is to unite the group in the process of overcoming difficulties, creating an atmosphere of mutual trust and support in the team.

The optimal number of participants in a group is 15 people. The age of participants is from 13-14 years old. The time for performing the exercises is not regulated. The group independently decides whether to continue doing this exercise or start doing the next one. If desired, the group can always return to an uncompleted exercise.

The “ropes course” is held in a large open area, including areas of forest and a sports ground. Trees, ropes, balls, horizontal bars, poles, carabiners, etc. are used as equipment. classic description"ropes course"


At the beginning of each exercise, the leader reads the task and rules to the group. If participants have questions, the task and rules are read again without further explanation. When completing the task, the principle applies: “everything that is not prohibited is permitted,” but the participants must figure this out themselves. During the exercises, the leader does not help or hinder the group: the group must achieve everything on its own, learn everything own experience. The presenter supports good mood in a group, provides insurance, organizing it with the help of the participants themselves.

Options for organizing self-analysis:

  • 1) after each exercise: this option is most suitable when using a “ropes course” as training, when the greatest attention is paid to the psychological aspects of relationships in the group. During the discussion, group members share their impressions, note the difficulties they experienced while performing the exercise;
  • 2) in the middle of the “ropes course” and after it: this option is the most common and is used to unite a team that is at the initial stage of formation. During the discussion, group members share their impressions, identify and analyze the difficulties that the group experienced while performing the exercises, and determine ways to overcome them when performing subsequent exercises. After the “ropes course,” the group members sum up its results and note the changes that occurred with the group during its passage;
  • 3) after completing the entire course: this option It is recommended to use only when time for training is very limited. During the discussion, group members share their impressions, note the difficulties they experienced while performing the exercises, and indicate what in the group’s actions prevented them from quickly overcoming them. For this version of self-analysis to be effective, it is important to give the group the opportunity in the near future to use the conclusions drawn in other collective activities.

An approximate message from the presenter to the participants before the start of the course:

"Dear friends! Now you have to go through a series of tests called the “ropes course”. The tests are quite difficult, and in order for your group to successfully overcome them, each of you will have to make every effort.

Some challenges carry the risk of abrasions and more serious injuries, so you must always be aware of safety precautions, protect and support each other.

At the beginning of each test, I will read you the task and the rules. If you have questions, ask them. According to the terms of the “ropes course”, again I have the right only to read out the task and rules without additional explanations.

If you can't complete a test for a long time, you can move on to the next one. If you wish, you can always return to a failed test.

You need to try to pass as many tests as possible in the allotted time. It won't be easy, but very exciting.

Remember that the success of the group depends on everyone's contribution to achieving a common goal. You can do it if you are one team. Good luck!"

Classic exercises from the “ropes course”:

1. " Web"

Conditions: ropes in the form of a web are stretched between the trees. The distance between trees is 2.5 meters. The top rope is at a height of 1.5 meters above the ground, the bottom rope is at a height of 0.3 meters. The cells of the “web” are such that you can somehow crawl into them. The number of cells is 2-3 less than the number of participants. The group is on one side of the “web”.

Exercise: climb through the “web” for the whole group.

Restrictions: only one person can fit through one cell; two participants can crawl above and below the “web”; you cannot go around the “web” in either direction; you cannot touch the “web” (rope); When any participant touches the “web”, the exercise is performed by the whole group from the very beginning.

Note to presenter: It is allowed to use “web” cells a second time if there are more participants than cells, and only after all the cells have been used once.

2. " Well» (« Triangle»)

Conditions: A rope is stretched between three trees at a height of 1.5 meters above the ground. The distance between trees is 2 meters. Inside the “well” there is a strong stick 1.5 meters long, capable of supporting an adult. The group is inside the "well".

Exercise: the whole group gets out of the “well” through the “top”, above the ropes.

Restrictions: You must not touch the rope or crawl under it; When any participant touches the rope, the exercise is performed by the whole group from the beginning.

3. " Log" ("Cliff")

Conditions: the whole group stands in a line on a log, bench or curb (20 centimeters wide and 7-8 meters long).

Exercise: group members must change places so that the first from one end of the line becomes first from the beginning of the other end, the second from the end becomes second from the beginning, etc.

Restrictions", When any participant touches the ground, the exercise is performed by the whole group first.

4. " Crossing»

Conditions: a strong rope is stretched between two trees at a height of 3.5-4 meters above the ground. The distance between trees is 2.5 meters. Attached to the middle of the rope is another rope hanging vertically with knots at the bottom. The lower end of the hanging rope is at a height of 0.5 meters above the ground. Parallel to the rope stretched between the trees, two lines are drawn on the ground at a distance of 1.5 meters from the trees. The distance between the lines is 3 meters. The group is behind one of the lines.


Restrictions", you cannot touch the ground between the lines; you can’t go around trees; you cannot jump over; When any participant touches the ground between the lines, the exercise is performed by the whole group first.

5. "Styopa"

Conditions: a vertical wall 2.5 meters high and at least 3 meters wide. The group is on one side of the wall.

Exercise", the whole group to get over the wall.

Restrictions", you cannot go around the wall; Multiple participants cannot touch the wall at the same time.

6. "Crocodile"

Conditions", participants sit on the ground (floor) close behind each other, with their legs extended to the sides. The participants' arms are raised above their heads and bent at the elbows. The first participant stands up and lies with his back on the hands of those sitting behind him, crossing his arms over his chest. Participants hand it over to the “tail” of the group.

Exercise: transport all participants in this way.

Restrictions: the ferrying participants must not stand up; the participant being transported must not touch the ground (floor); if the person being transferred falls or touches the ground (floor), the exercise is performed by the whole group from the beginning.

7. "Swinging Log"

Conditions: a log 2.5 - 3 meters long and 0.4 meters in diameter is suspended by the ends with strong ropes at a height of 0.2 meters above the ground. The ropes are attached to trees, the distance between which is 3.5-4 meters. A strong stick 1.5 meters long is leaning against the tree near which the group is located.

Exercise: the whole group cross the log to another tree.

Restrictions: you can use a stick 1.5 meters long; you cannot touch the ground between the trees; you can only move from tree to tree along a log; When any participant touches the ground between the trees, the exercise is performed by the whole group first.

8. "Get"

Conditions: Two parallel lines are drawn on the ground, the distance between them is 25 meters. Along one line there are three poles, each 4.5 meters long and 10-15 centimeters in diameter. In front of this line is a group.

Exercise: the whole group crosses the other line.

Restrictions: three poles can be used; When any participant touches the ground between the lines, the exercise is performed by the whole group first.

9. "Slope"

Conditions: participants stand in a column close to each other. The leader, using one rope, tightens the loops on the right leg of each participant (at ankle level). The length of the rope is 10 meters.

Exercise: without unraveling the loops, walk 100 meters.

10. "Square"

Conditions: A square with a side of 1 meter is drawn on the ground.

Exercise: fit the whole group inside the square.

Restrictions: do not step beyond the sides of the square; hold in this position for at least 10 seconds.

11. "Pole vault»

Conditions: a hole (ditch) 1 meter deep and 2.5 meters wide. Two parallel lines are drawn along the edges of the pit, the distance between which is 3 meters. The group is located behind the line, near which lies a wooden pole 2.5 meters long and 10 centimeters in diameter.

Exercise: cross the hole with the whole group, beyond the opposite line using the test.

Restrictions: you cannot jump over the pit; When any participant touches the ground between the lines, the exercise is performed by the whole group first.

12. " Caterpillar"

Conditions: participants stand in a column one after another. Each participant places their feet shoulder-width apart and serves between their feet. right hand standing behind, while with his left hand he takes the right hand of the person standing in front.

Exercise: the whole group sit on the floor and then rise without releasing their hands.

Restrictions: When the hands of any participants are released, the exercise is performed by the whole group first.

13. " Electric circuit»

Conditions: participants sit in a circle on the ground (floor), touching those sitting next to them with their feet and holding hands.

Exercise: the whole group should simultaneously (synchronously) stand up without releasing their arms or changing the position of their feet.

Restrictions: when the arms are uncoupled or all participants lift asynchronously, the exercise is performed by the whole group first.

14. "Penalty"

Conditions: A soccer ball is placed 10 meters in front of a 3-meter wide football goal.

Exercise/, group to kick the ball into the goal 15 times in a row from a distance of 10 meters.

Restrictions: if you miss, score goals scored is carried out first.

15. " Basketball»

Conditions: The group is on the basketball court.

Exercise/ each participant throws the ball into the basketball basket twice from the free throw line.

16. " Pull-up»

Conditions: The group is in front of the horizontal bar.

Exercise: Do 100 pull-ups for the whole group, with each participant trying to do a pull-up.

17. " Volleyball»

Conditions: Participants form a circle, facing each other. The host hands them a volleyball.

Exercise/ make 25 touches according to the rules of volleyball.

Restrictions", the participant cannot touch the ball two times in a row; each participant must touch the ball; If the ball falls or the terms of the task are violated, the touches are counted first.

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