Motorized rifle troops include. Day of Motorized Rifle Troops

Motorized rifle troops. How much do these three reflect? simple words. Possessing high level combat independence, versatility, an unshakable will to win, they are able to carry out the tasks assigned to them. Different terrain conditions, different weather conditions, foot combat, air or sea attack - nothing will affect the persistent character and cohesion of these troops. After all, confident patriotism, fortitude, courage, military skill, and a sense of duty to the Motherland live in the hearts of the soldiers who have chosen MSV as their second home.

Since 1963 and to this day, motorized rifle troops are the most numerous branch ground forces. They preserve and enhance the best traditions of Russian and Soviet infantry. High mobility and maneuverability remain key distinctive features this type of troops. Their composition is represented by motorized rifle formations, which include artillery, motorized rifle, tank, anti-aircraft missile, missile units and subunits. It is MSVs that are called operational units in the internal troops of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. Motorized rifle troops have modern weapons at their disposal: automatic weapons (machine guns, machine guns), tactical missiles, artillery, infantry fighting vehicles (BMP-1, BMP-2, BMP-3), armored personnel carriers (BTR-70, BTR-80, BTR-90), tanks. They are designed to hit both ground and air targets.

It all started with the infantry, which is rightfully considered the predecessor of the MSV. It originated in ancient times and was intended to defeat the enemy in battle and seize his territory. Many years later, in 1918. in Russia this branch of the military was called rifle. The first attempts to transport riflemen to the battlefield by tank were made during the First World War. At the same time, the first transport tank was created - an armored personnel carrier, which today occupies a large niche in the life of the MSV.

Officially, the emergence of motorized rifle troops in the USSR dates back to 1957. In the period from 1954 to 1964, there was a complete change in the names of all rifle units, subunits, and formations.

At the same time, the troops demonstrate their enterprise and resourcefulness. In 1966 they adopt new class vehicles - infantry fighting vehicles - BMP-1. They also own the concept of “armored vehicles” - a means of protection against mass destruction and the ability to overcome water obstacles.

At the end of the 1980s, this type of troops was already considered the most numerous: 150 motorized rifle divisions, 500 motorized rifle regiments, 1,800 motorized rifle battalions. After the breakup in 1991 The USSR appeared motorized rifle divisions with personnel of over 11,000 troops.

From all of the above we can conclude: motorized rifle troops are the pride of the country. They can safely be called the basis of the Russian Federation's Northern Forces. After all, they have held a strong, stable position in the ranks of the ground forces for more than a generation.
And like any other military unit, the MSV has its own distinctive dates and symbols. The MSV flag is the pride of every fighter. It is presented in the form of a black rectangular canvas. In the center is the emblem of the army. St. George ribbons are located on the sides. “Mobility and maneuverability” - the words that characterize the MSV remind everyone of the incredible abilities of the fighters.

You can donate military paraphernalia and say personal words of gratitude to the soldiers on October 1st. This day is considered the second birthday in the life of every MSV fighter. This date was not chosen by chance. October 1, 1550 Ivan groznyj, Grand Duke The Moscow and All Rus' Council issued a verdict “On the placement in Moscow and surrounding districts of a selected thousand service people.” In the future, it is this verdict that becomes the key document in the development of the Russian ground forces.

In May 2006 Russian President V.V. Putin signed a decree that speaks of the celebration of “Ground Forces Day” on October 1.

Motorized rifle troops form the backbone of the ground forces, and that is why their holiday also falls on October 1st.

However, perhaps in 2014 everything will change. Russian State Duma deputy Dmitry Savelyev proposed establishing a new professional holiday for the MSV - Motorized Rifle Troops Day. After all, the ground forces include different units, each of which has its own personal date: September 8 - Tanker Day, October 28 - Day of the Creation of Russian Army Aviation, November 19 - Day missile forces and artillery.

It is proposed to make August 19th MSV Day. It was on this day in 1914. The First Armored Division, previously known as the First Automotive Machine Gun Company, began its formation. The armored personnel carriers that delivered shooters to the battlefield during that period are prototypes of modern vehicles. Therefore, the day is August 19, 1914. can be considered the beginning of the formation of MSV in Russia. The first unit was extremely successful in battles and its fame spread throughout Russia and has survived to this day.

Perhaps already in the coming year, on August 19, motorized riflemen will celebrate their first official holiday.

Life is given for bold deeds. Whether it's October 1st or August 19th, please your loved ones and friends with pleasant gifts.

Modern infantrymen have long ceased to be ordinary foot riflemen. These are warriors whose maneuverability is ensured by combat vehicles. And the Rifle units themselves have long ago become Motorized Rifle units. When do motorized riflemen mark their main holiday– Day of the Motorized Rifle Troops?

The clang of metal and the uniform hum of engines, volleys of guns and explosions of shells, the chatter of weapons and genuine fighting spirit. This is not an excerpt from the new trailer. This is an ordinary Day of Motorized Rifle Troops. Troops and warriors, on whose courageous deeds and readiness to always make a breakthrough, more than one strategically important battle was built. They are worthy of words of admiration. All that remains is to find out when Motorized Rifle Forces Day is celebrated in Russia.

Who's celebrating?

It is clear that the main combat unit of this type of troops is a combat transport vehicle or a vehicle with mechanical traction, which is equipped with infantry. The prototype of the MSV was the dragoons, which carried out the main combat operations both on horseback and on foot.

The first “engines” entered the army during the Anglo-Boer paramilitary conflict. But the machines began to be widely used only during the First World War. At first they were adapted for transporting soldiers, and, starting in 1916, they became powerful field guns, since the tank was invented. The riflemen were delivered directly to the battlefield both using trucks and using a transport tank, called an armored personnel carrier.

In 1918, in October, all infantry military units existing at that time, as well as units, received the name “rifle”, and since then this designation has been forever associated with the infantry.

The young Army of the Soviets is taking a general direction toward motorization. And already in 1939, a new formation appeared in the army - a motorized division. Even the years of war were not able to change the set course, and by its end almost all existing rifle divisions were equipped with means of movement and actually slept as motorized divisions. American armored personnel carriers and Studebaker trucks appeared in the army.

The formation of its own defense industry allowed the Union to completely solve the problem of army mechanization by 1957. However, the troops were renamed motorized rifle only in 1958. Thus, ordinary rifle infantrymen turned into formidable, invincible warriors, capable of solving the most unimaginable combat tasks.

Today, the MRF includes the motorized rifle units themselves, but also other troops. Units of tankers and artillerymen, rocket and anti-aircraft gunners, as well as special units today belong to motorized rifles.

They are equipped with both small arms and modern universal missile systems, which increases the firepower of the troops by an order of magnitude. Tanks and artillery, infantry fighting vehicles, as well as armored personnel carriers are aimed at destroying ground, moving and air targets.

And all officers, soldiers, cadets who serve or are preparing to serve in these armed formations are waiting for the Day of the Russian Motorized Rifle Forces - the date of 2016, as always, is unchanged and is closely connected with the history of the development and formation of the Motorized Rifle and Ground Forces.

history of the holiday

The question of when Motorized Rifle Forces Day is celebrated can be heard both from amateurs and from professional military personnel. After all, in the calendar of military holidays there was no place for an official personal celebration of motorized riflemen. The answers can be heard contradictory and different.

First of all, the Motorized Rifle Troops are the largest and most numerous unit of the Ground Forces. Therefore, the main date of Motorized Rifle Troops Day will be October 1, marked in the calendar of holidays as official. The basis for the celebration was a Presidential Decree signed in 2006. This document regulates almost all dates of military holidays. The October date has a historical basis. It was on this day that the union of the best rifle warriors began, which was organized during the time of Ivan the Terrible and actually became the birthday of all units fighting on land.

However, veterans and active officers of the Motorized Rifle Troops consider a different date to be the day of their professional celebration. This is due to the history of the emergence of the First Armored Division. Under its initial name as the “First Machine Gun Automobile Company”, this unit appeared in 1914 on August 19th.

Considering that other troops that are part of the units fighting on land have their own separate holidays: they celebrate September 8, and Artillery Day on November 19, motorized riflemen really hope that in the near future they will receive their own personal holiday. Therefore, it is accepted among motorized rifle soldiers that August 19 is Motorized Rifle Forces Day. It is on this day that fighters gather to celebrate their holiday.

About modern motorized rifle troops

For today in Russian Federation The units that make up the Motorized Rifle Troops are considered the most numerous, which are organized for combat on land. The main types of MSV units were brigades. Motorized rifle divisions as such are a thing of the past. From a combat point of view, these brigades are self-sufficient, versatile and maneuverable, and have increased firepower.

Modern brigades are trained and carry out combat operations without problems, both in conventional paramilitary conflicts and in critical conditions when weapons of mass destruction are used. They are not afraid of natural disasters and even geographical and climatic conditions. At any time of the day, fighters are able to go into battle and carry out orders both on foot and using combat vehicles.

Special units of motorized rifles are used in complex combat operations as specially trained landing forces, which are dropped in with the help of airplanes, helicopters, and sea vessels. Such units are capable of conducting long-term battles in any conditions without support, absolutely independently.

Modern motorized rifles make forced marches over fairly long distances, which is ensured by equipping the units with high-speed vehicles that have a fairly high maneuverability. They are capable not only of maneuvering directly on the battlefield, but also of quickly moving to various types battle.

Such troops successfully break through the strongest enemy defenses, they inflict a crushing blow on the enemy in oncoming battles and during pursuit. They are not afraid even of water obstacles that are immediately forced. And the captured lines will be securely held, and the order will be carried out at any cost.

Infantrymen participate in all armed conflicts and are present in hot spots. They are the ones responsible for the famous victories in Chechnya and other complex operations carried out by the Russian Armed Forces. They are the first to pave the way for other units and take the brunt of the attack. Thanks to motorized infantry, operations are carried out in hard-to-reach and dangerous places. It is not uncommon in modern brigades to have units on snowmobiles, skis, and also have climbing equipment in their uniforms.

It’s not for nothing that the troop emblem displays the motto: “Mobility and maneuverability,” which speaks of the incredible abilities of modern motorized riflemen.

Congratulations to the motorized riflemen

We wish all officers and soldiers serving in motorized rifle troops on this holiday peaceful everyday life and clear horizons. But may your fighting spirit and military training always be ready to repel unexpected guests and enemies.

For those who like army infantry

I was and will be dear forever,

To the one who quickly crawls through the swamps,

The dirt and sand will never stop them.

We will compose a song of glory in congratulations,

Happy holiday, our dear defender,

And may you have enough strength and patience in battle,

And you will not be abandoned by fate.

You keep the world and give us peace,

Stand in defense of all of Russia,

And your character is strong and masculine,

Will not submit to troubles and the elements.

For this on a holiday and on another day, hour.

We always say thank you.

Because the infantry will never leave us.

And the army will be firm and united.

Larisa, August 30, 2016.

Motorized rifle troops. These three simple words reflect so much. Possessing a high level of combat independence, versatility, and an unshakable will to win, they are able to carry out the tasks assigned to them. Different terrain conditions, different weather conditions, foot combat, air or sea attack - nothing will affect the persistent character and cohesion of these troops. After all, confident patriotism, fortitude, courage, military skill, and a sense of duty to the Motherland live in the hearts of the soldiers who have chosen MSV as their second home.

From 1963 to the present, motorized rifle troops have been the largest branch of the ground forces. They preserve and enhance the best traditions of Russian and Soviet infantry. High mobility and maneuverability remain the main distinguishing features of this type of troops. Their composition is represented by motorized rifle formations, which include artillery, motorized rifle, tank, anti-aircraft missile, missile units and subunits. It is MSVs that are called operational units in the internal troops of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. Motorized rifle troops have modern weapons at their disposal: automatic weapons (machine guns, machine guns), tactical missiles, artillery, infantry fighting vehicles (BMP-1, BMP-2, BMP-3), armored personnel carriers (BTR-70, BTR-80, BTR-90), tanks. They are designed to hit both ground and air targets.

And it all started with the infantry, which is rightfully considered the predecessor of the MSV. It originated in ancient times and was intended to defeat the enemy in battle and seize his territory. Many years later, in 1918. in Russia this branch of the military was called rifle. The first attempts to transport riflemen to the battlefield by tank were made during the First World War. At the same time, the first transport tank was created - an armored personnel carrier, which today occupies a large niche in the life of the MSV.

Officially, the emergence of motorized rifle troops in the USSR dates back to 1957. In the period from 1954 to 1964, there was a complete change in the names of all rifle units, subunits, and formations.

At the same time, the troops demonstrate their enterprise and resourcefulness. In 1966 They are adopting a new class of vehicles - infantry fighting vehicles - BMP-1. They also own the concept of “armored vehicles” - a means of protection against mass destruction and the ability to overcome water obstacles.

At the end of the 1980s, this type of troops was already considered the most numerous: 150 motorized rifle divisions, 500 motorized rifle regiments, 1,800 motorized rifle battalions. After the breakup in 1991 The USSR appeared motorized rifle divisions with personnel of over 11,000 troops.

From all of the above we can conclude: motorized rifle troops are the pride of the country. They can safely be called the basis of the Russian Federation's Northern Forces. After all, they have held a strong, stable position in the ranks of the ground forces for more than a generation.

And like any other military unit, the MSV has its own distinctive dates and symbols. The MSV flag is the pride of every fighter. It is presented in the form of a black rectangular canvas. In the center is the emblem of the army. St. George ribbons are located on the sides. “Mobility and maneuverability” - the words that characterize the MSV remind everyone of the incredible abilities of the fighters.

August 19 is considered MSV day. It was on this day in 1914 that the First Armored Division, previously known as the First Automobile Machine Gun Company, began its formation. The armored personnel carriers that delivered shooters to the battlefield during that period are prototypes of modern vehicles. Therefore, the day of August 19, 1914 can be considered the beginning of the formation of the Russian MSV. The first unit was extremely successful in battles and its fame spread throughout Russia and has survived to this day.

August 19th is Motorized Rifle Troops Day? Russian Motorized Rifle Troops article Motorized Rifle Troops. These three simple words reflect so much. Possessing a high level of combat independence, versatility, and an unshakable will to win, they are able to carry out the tasks assigned to them. Different terrain conditions, different weather conditions, foot combat, air or sea attack - nothing will affect the persistent character and cohesion of these troops. After all, confident patriotism, fortitude, courage, military skill, and a sense of duty to the Motherland live in the hearts of the soldiers who have chosen MSV as their second home. Since 1963 and to this day, motorized rifle troops are the most numerous branch of the ground forces. They preserve and enhance the best traditions of Russian and Soviet infantry. High mobility and maneuverability remain the main distinguishing features of this type of troops. Their composition is represented by motorized rifle formations, which include artillery, motorized rifle, tank, anti-aircraft missile, missile units and subunits. It is MSVs that are called operational units in the internal troops of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. Motorized rifle troops have modern weapons at their disposal: automatic weapons (machine guns, machine guns), tactical missiles, artillery, infantry fighting vehicles (BMP-1, BMP-2, BMP-3), armored personnel carriers (BTR-70, BTR-80, BTR-90), tanks. They are designed to hit both ground and air targets. it all started with the infantry, which is rightfully considered the predecessor of the MSV. It originated in ancient times and was intended to defeat the enemy in battle and seize his territory. Many years later, in 1918. in Russia this branch of the military was called rifle. The first attempts to transport riflemen to the battlefield by tank were made during the First World War. At the same time, the first transport tank was created - an armored personnel carrier, which today occupies a large niche in the life of the MSV. Officially, the emergence of motorized rifle troops in the USSR dates back to 1957. In the period from 1954 to 1964, there was a complete change in the names of all rifle units, subunits, and formations. At the same time, the troops demonstrate their enterprise and resourcefulness. In 1966 They are adopting a new class of vehicles - infantry fighting vehicles - BMP-1. They also own the concept of “armored vehicles” - a means of protection against mass destruction and the ability to overcome water obstacles. At the end of the 1980s, this type of troops was already considered the most numerous: 150 motorized rifle divisions, 500 motorized rifle regiments, 1,800 motorized rifle battalions. After the breakup in 1991 The USSR appeared motorized rifle divisions with personnel of over 11,000 troops. From all of the above we can conclude: motorized rifle troops are the pride of the country. They can safely be called the basis of the Russian Federation's Northern Forces. After all, they have held a strong, stable position in the ranks of the ground forces for more than a generation. And like any other military unit, the MSV has its own distinctive dates and symbols. The MSV flag is the pride of every fighter. It is presented in the form of a black rectangular canvas. In the center is the emblem of the army. St. George ribbons are located on the sides. “Mobility and maneuverability” - the words that characterize the MSV remind everyone of the incredible abilities of the fighters. You can donate military paraphernalia and say personal words of gratitude to the soldiers on October 1st. This day is considered the second birthday in the life of every MSV fighter. This date was not chosen by chance. October 1, 1550 Ivan the Terrible, Grand Duke of Moscow and All Rus', issued a sentence “On the placement in Moscow and surrounding counties of a selected thousand service people.” In the future, it is this verdict that becomes the key document in the development of the Russian ground forces. In May 2006 Russian President V.V. Putin signed a decree that speaks of the celebration of “Ground Forces Day” on October 1. Motorized rifle troops form the backbone of the ground forces, and that is why their holiday also falls on October 1st. However, perhaps in 2014 everything will change. Russian State Duma deputy Dmitry Savelyev proposed establishing a new professional holiday for the MSV - Motorized Rifle Troops Day. After all, the ground forces include different units, each of which has its own personal date: September 8 - Tankman's Day, October 28 - Day of the Creation of Russian Army Aviation, November 19 - Rocket Forces and Artillery Day. It is proposed to make August 19th MSV Day. It was on this day in 1914. The First Armored Division, previously known as the First Automotive Machine Gun Company, began its formation. The armored personnel carriers that delivered shooters to the battlefield during that period are prototypes of modern vehicles. Therefore, the day is August 19, 1914. can be considered the beginning of the formation of MSV in Russia. The first unit was extremely successful in battles and its fame spread throughout Russia and has survived to this day. Perhaps already in the coming year, on August 19, motorized riflemen will celebrate their first official holiday. Life is given for bold deeds. Whether it's October 1st or August 19th, please your loved ones and friends with pleasant gifts.

Motorized rifle troops are the largest branch of the ground forces of the Russian Armed Forces, designed for large-scale combat operations on land during operations both independently and jointly with other branches of the military. In these troops, in addition to the main motorized rifle troops, there are tank, missile, artillery, anti-aircraft missile, as well as special units and units. Modern motorized rifle troops are characterized by the presence of modern missile systems, which significantly increases their firepower.

In terms of their combat capabilities, Motorized Rifle Troops are capable of breaking through enemy defenses and rapidly developing an offensive to great depth, relentlessly pursuing the enemy, destroying his fire weapons, very quickly crossing water barriers, capturing important milestones and facilities, as well as create a stable defense in a short time and successfully fight against superior enemy forces.

The predecessor of motorized rifle troops is infantry. After the 2nd World War, infantry (in the Soviet Armed Forces also called rifle troops) in developed countries was equipped with mechanically driven transport, received armored combat vehicles, new types of weapons, which increased its mobility in battle, striking force and firepower . Due to the qualitative and quantitative growth of weapons and military equipment and the changed structure of units and formations, in 1957 in the Soviet Armed Forces, rifle and mechanized divisions were transformed into motorized rifle divisions, but the name Motorized Rifle Troops as a branch of the military was introduced only in 1963.

The basis of motorized rifle troops now consists of motorized rifle formations and units. Motorized rifle units and formations include artillery, tank units, units and units of special forces - engineering, communications, etc. A motorized rifle battalion is a combined arms tactical unit, and a motorized rifle regiment is a combined arms tactical unit. Motorized rifle units are also part of the tank forces and the Navy.

Motorized rifle troops have high combat independence and versatility; they are capable of performing specified tasks in various terrain conditions and in any weather, in main or secondary directions, in the first or second echelon, as part of reserves, airborne and amphibious assault forces. The fighters have powerful weapons to destroy ground and air targets - automatic small arms (machine guns, machine guns), artillery, mortars, anti-tank missiles, high-speed armored vehicles, night vision devices and can conduct combat operations in conditions where the enemy uses weapons of mass destruction. To conduct combat, motorized rifle units and subunits are usually reinforced with tanks, artillery and special forces units, and are also supported by aviation.

Enough interesting fact is that the Russian motorized rifle troops do not have their own commander of motorized rifle troops; general leadership is exercised by the commander-in-chief of the ground forces. But this does not prevent fighters from quickly marching over long distances, consolidating and holding captured lines, and creating a stable defense in a short time.

As you know, the main symbol of any military unit is its flag. And this branch of the military is also no exception to this rule. The flag of the motorized rifle troops is a black cloth with the emblem of the motorized rifle troops in the center and with the words characterizing these troops written above the emblem: “Mobility. Maneuverability". Our online store provides you with the opportunity to buy a flag of motorized rifle troops and please your family or friends who are associated with these troops and know first-hand about all the “delights” of the life of a real motorized rifleman.

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