Male Old Slavonic names. Old Slavonic names and their meanings. Names in pre-revolutionary Russia

The ancient Slavs knew that the name greatly influenced the fate of the child, so they took it seriously. Slavic male names most often they consisted of two full-fledged words with deep meaning, which served as a kind of amulet against all evil spirits. The pagans preferred to give their heirs two or more names to protect them from evil spirits. After the adoption of Christianity, children were also given not one name, but two. The first was used for interaction and contact with the outside world, the second was given at the baptism of the baby. It was kept secret and known only to immediate family.

How to choose a name for a boy

In ancient times, names for boys were chosen especially carefully, because sons always remained warriors, protectors, successors of the family, elders, bearers of strength, greatness, power and wisdom.

Nowadays, choosing a name also needs to be taken seriously.

  • Be careful about too non-standard names. Children can suffer greatly because their name is too prominent. Plus, they will most likely be constantly teased about it at school.
  • You should not give the boy an affectionate and soft name. He will not be taken seriously, and his peers will call him a girl.
  • The first name must be combined with the surname and patronymic. This is especially true for boys, as their last name stays with them for life.
  • Following the fashion for names is stupid. Fashion quickly passes, but the name remains and may sound rather inappropriate.

When choosing a name for your son, you must first try it on a stranger and analyze all the associations that arise because of this. It is also advisable to carefully study all the interpretations and meanings of names.

Common names are too banal, and the baby gets lost in the company of his peers; names that are too rare attract too much attention to him.

The name should not be too rare, but also not the most popular. For most boys, firm names are suitable, since life will be difficult for them without a strong and assertive character.

Beautiful ancient Slavic names for a boy

The ancient Slavs most often gave the child a name at birth, and then during adolescence, when the main features of his individuality were already clearly emerging in the character of the young man. The name should have emphasized these qualities. If a man performed great feats, he could be given another name glorifying his great deeds.

List of beautiful names:

  • Agniy – means light (from the word “fire”);
  • Bel – pure, white, white-faced;
  • Beloyar – bright and furious;
  • Nobility - noble;
  • Bogdan – given by God;
  • Boleslav - aspiring to great glory;
  • Vartislav - filled with glory;
  • Velimir – peaceful, calm, balanced;
  • Gleb – powerful, heavy;
  • Dalimil – giver or bestower of mercy;
  • Dobromir – kind and peaceful;
  • Zareslav - glorifying the dawn;
  • Karin – brown-eyed;
  • Ladoslav - glorifying Lada;
  • Lyubomil - beloved;
  • Peaceful – loving world;
  • Miroslav - glorifying the world;
  • Mstislav – vindictive, irreconcilable;
  • Ognedar – sacrificer;
  • Overexposure - very light, enlightened;
  • Radim – joyful;
  • Ruslan – light soul;
  • Ratmir - protecting the world;
  • Svyatoslav - sacred glory;
  • Svetomir – light bearer and peace;
  • Stanislav – establisher of glory;
  • Tihomir - quiet and peaceful;
  • Jaromir is peaceful like Yarilo.

Many names Slavic origin almost forgotten and generally disappeared from use, since after the adoption of Christianity they almost completely replaced the Greek and Jewish analogues.

Forgotten and rare names of Slavic origin

The list of forgotten and rare names is very long:

  • Bezson – wakeful;
  • Bogorod is a relative of the gods;
  • Bozheslav - glorifying the deity;
  • Burislav - like a storm;
  • Vedamir - all-knowing;
  • Wenceslaus - wearer of the crown of glory;
  • Voibor – victorious in battle;
  • Vysheslav - highest in glory;
  • Gradimir - creator of the world;
  • Gorynya - invincible and unshakable like a mountain;
  • Gremislav - illustrious, thundering with glory;
  • Daniyar – given for shine;
  • Zlatan – precious;
  • Lyudmil - dear to people;
  • Mlad – junior, young;
  • Okomir – eye of the world;
  • Orislav – strong;
  • Radim – worried about the world;
  • Taislav is modest, concealing glory.

Whether a child should be given such a rare name should be decided by the parents themselves, after weighing the pros and cons.

Orthodox Russian male names

Some ancient names gained wide popularity due to the fact that Slavs with that name were elevated to the rank of saints and canonized.

These are Russian names for boys:

  • Boris – fighting for glory;
  • Vsevolod - owner of everything;
  • Vladimir is great in his power, ruling the world;
  • Vladislav – owner of glory;
  • Vyacheslav - great fame, most famous;
  • Vsevolod - owner of everything;
  • Gorazd – big, large;
  • Rostilav - increased glory;
  • Svyatoslav - holy glory;
  • Yaropolk is an ardent warrior.

These names are quite popular in our time; moreover, they are very harmonious and have a good interpretation. Many of them are among the top most popular male names.

Unusual Slavic names

Unusual names can be divided into the following categories:

  • derived from the participles: Zhdan, Nezhdan, Khoten, Bazhen, Bazhan, Kriv;
  • in order of birth: First, Bolshoi, Second, Second, Tretiak, Chetvertak, Menshoi, Nine;
  • associated with flora and fauna: Wolf, Walnut, Birch, Eagle, Borscht, Raven, Swan, Lark, Hare;
  • deities: Lad, Yarilo.

Such names today are exotic and unusual. It is unlikely that anyone will dare to name their child such an extravagant name.

Over time, many of them became the basis for surnames: Menshov, Tretyakov, Volkov, Zhdanov, Bazhenov, Bazhutin, Borshchev, Voronikhin, Vtorushin, Zaitsev, Orlov.

Despite the fact that ancient Slavic male names are outdated, some parents still call their sons by them. IN Lately interest in old names is being revived, since modern ones have become very popular and too common, and parents do not want to name their child like everyone else. But finding a rare name requires a lot of wisdom.

Every name once invented by people carries a meaning. Old Russian female names are distinguished by their beauty and uniqueness, because they appeared in different periods long-suffering story Ancient Rus'. The wealth of female names has appealed to modern parents, and many girls already have beautiful old names. Melody and deep meaning attract not only Russians, but also other nations.

It is impossible to find out the origin of absolutely all ancient names, but research does not stop. Names are a source of history and traditions; with their help you can learn about the life of your ancestors, their views, and look at the world through their eyes. Names help contemporaries know how their ancestors treated people.

It is even more difficult to research Old Russian female names, because they usually had several meanings and interpretations. U different regions one name could mean different phenomena and things. Therefore, today there are several versions of one name.

Names and traditions

In the old days, children were called by names that characterized their habits or appearance. This was an ancient tradition, because people have long believed that the name contains a fateful code. This is how the girls’ names appeared: Krasava and Razumnitsa.

It is worth noting that such a tradition was not only among the Slavs. The Indians and Chinese also named children according to traditions. In India they gave characteristic names, like Ayashi (small), Evoti (great). The Chinese tried to give the child terrible name, because they believed that bad spirits could covet a beloved child, and if they named him almost offensively, the spirits would think that they did not love this child. This was more true for boys, although girls were sometimes given strange names.

The Slavs gave great importance family and occupation, some names are even associated with the order of birth of children. So Lydia will mean “first”. The name Pervusha was popular.

The Slavs believed that the name is the key to inner world and gave the girls two names. This is how the tradition of choosing a name for people and for the family arose. The first was told to everyone, but the second was known only to those closest to them, and it kept a secret good meaning. The first was usually ugly and repulsive, but it made it possible to protect the true from bad tongues.

The second name was given only at a certain age, when the teenager showed character. However, the tradition did not take root - usually the girl was as her first name characterized her. The second name, due to not being used, lost its meaning.

Church calendars

After the adoption of Christianity, the names were entered into church calendars, and, as it were, the child was given over to the protection of a guardian angel. As you know, not all Slavs willingly accepted the customs of Christianity, therefore for a long time children, in parallel with Christian names, were given old pagan nicknames. Later, many of them became modern surnames.

However, the pressure of Christianity was great. Closer to the 17th century, many Old Russian female names went out of use. They were replaced by the names of states that spread Christianity or were influential at that time - Byzantium, Egypt, Greece, Italy, Syria. Many names were transformed into the Russian style, and, for example, instead of Avdotya it turned out to be Evdokia. Today, many people would be surprised at how their names sounded in the original.

Only the names of the saints remained unchanged. Ancient tradition Giving a child two names also took root in Rus', but the second name given at baptism was usually not used. The second name was often Greek.

The church list provides a choice a large number of female names. Both Christian believers and atheists can choose names. Moreover, the calendar allows you to select a name by month and even birthday. To name a child according to the Saints means to give him protection from the saint revered on this day. There is another tradition, choosing a saint on the eighth day after birth. If there are no Saints on the birthday, then choose the name of the saint honored on the fortieth day. Previously, it was on this day that a child was baptized.

It is also allowed to use a male name if there is no female name according to the Saints. That's why there are so many genderless names (Evgenia, Alexandra, Yaroslav, Vyacheslav).

Types of Russian names

The Slavs definitely loved beautiful two-basic names. For example, Svetozar, Miroslav, Lyubomir, Dobrognev, . Often girls were called names that emphasized certain traits of their character. This is how the names Arina (calm), Dobrava (kind), Varvara (wild), Svetlana (bright), Arsenia (courageous) appeared. Since the Slavs revered the cult of animals and plants, many girls’ names are taken from the world of flora and fauna. These are Azalea, Akulina, Pike.

There were names borrowed from the gods. The famous one was considered the goddess of the dawn, Apollinaria - the goddess of the sun (about the ancient Greek sun god Apollo), the goddess of beauty and love Lada. Some original Russian names were modified participles (Bazhena). IN separate group included names for princely children (Vyacheslav).

Today you can find Old Church Slavonic names that in reality only had Slavic root. There were names that translated Greek and Roman.

It is impossible to compile a complete list of beautiful names of antiquity, but here are a few of the most popular:

– summer.

– giving.

Agnes is chaste.

Vesta is the keeper of the hearth.

– chosen one.

Bela is beautiful.

Ada – decorating.

- serene.

Bogdana – given by God.

Agnia is immaculate.

Dobrava - kind.

- reigning.

Beatrice - blessing.

Eupraxia is a virtue.

Kazimira - showing the world.

Ariadne - sleeping.

– protector.

Joy is joy.

Svetlana is bright.

Milana is sweet.

Joy - joy.

Goluba is meek.

Mstislava - revenge and glory.

Lyubomila – love and peace.

- cold.

Ladoslava - okay.

Lubomudra is loving wisdom.

Ognevlada is bright.

Arrow - arrow.

Mlada – young.

Snow White - snow-white.

Milonega – sweet and gentle.

Diva - divine.

Domoslava - glorifying the house.

Chaslava - aspiring to glory.

Radmila is a sweet joy.

Slavunya – glorifying.

Lyubogneva – who loves to be angry.

Rusana is fair-haired.

Delight – sweet.

Beautiful - beautiful.

Virtue - one who does good.

Vesnyana – spring.

Zhdana – desired.

Jaromila - Yarlu's sweetheart.

In the 19th century, many Old Russian names were half forgotten. Russian versions of foreign names have come into use:

- someone else's.

- comforting.

Ursula is curious.

Irma is neat.

- black-eyed.

Nellie is inattentive.

– honest.

- skillful.

Alphabetical lists of the names of saints mentioned in modern calendars(monthly words) of the Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church:

1) "Orthodox Old Believer church calendar for 2017"

publication of the Metropolis of Moscow and All Rus' of the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow, Rogozhsky village, 29),

cm. male names (from A to K) male names (from L to Z) female names (from A to Z)

2) "Orthodox Old Believer church calendar for 2016",

with editor and editor-publisher Bishop Zosima of Don and Caucasus (Rostov-on-Don),

Alphabetical list of names of saints from the month book of the Russian Ancient Orthodox Church:

source documents - "Old Orthodox Church Calendar" (for 2009 and 2017), andfounder of the Old Orthodox Patriarchate of Moscow and All Rus' (Moscow, Novokuznetskaya str., 38),

Months of the Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church can be found, for example, on the website "Old Believers" Mari Region"(, see link.

Months of the Old Orthodox Pomeranian Church(prepared by the Riga Pomeranian Epiphany Old Believer Community and the Union of Old Believer Parishes of Estonia, published annually on the website "Pomeranian Old Believer", Riga,, see Monthly Diary for 2016, Monthly Diary for 2017 Angel Pomeranian Old Believers Community (Old Orthodox Pomeranian Church of Latvia)

Which is correct: Old Believer or Old Believer? WITH beliefs about oneself (sociolinguistic aspect).// The article was published in the journal "RUDN University Bulletin", series "Language Theory. Semiotics. Semantics", 2012, No. 3, pp. 96-104 // Author N.V. Ivanova, Department of Russian and Slavic Studies, Daugavpils University (Latvia) // An analysis of various points of view on the Old Believers is presented: the official one, recorded in Russian language dictionaries; points of view of representatives of other faiths; viewsOld Believers against themselves, .

About the names of the Old Believers of the Urals and Siberia, as well as the descendants of settlers in Canada and the USA.Many naming traditions were in Soviet years“cut down with an axe” almost literally. A large array of names moved into the category " rare names", and many Russian names have almost completely fallen into disuse. It turned out to be possible to search for what was lost among the Old Believers of the Urals and Siberia, as well as among the descendants of immigrants to Canada and the USA - Russian Old Believers, Doukhobors (Dukhobors) and Molokans, who managed to preserve the heritage of their ancestors, adapting them to modern realities. We offer you an article by the famous linguist Nikitina Serafima Evgenievna “On proper names in Russian confessional groups” (published in 2004) - you will definitely learn something new for yourself! .

This link contains the website of Russian Doukhobors in Canada "Doukhobor Genealogy Website": (in the Doukhobor Names section you will find interesting material on the topic, and in particular, 1. Russian Male Names Among the Doukhobors, 2. Russian Female Names Among the Doukhobors, 3. English-Russian Name Cross-Index, 4. Russian-English Name Cross-Index, 5. Guide to Doukhobor Names & Naming Practices).

Names of the Old Believers of the Ural Cossack Army

The article “Name Book of Old Believers-Priests of the Land of the Ural Cossack Army” was published in the journal “Questions of Onomastics” (2009, No. 7, pp. 81-99, author Alois Ilyich Nazarov; journal website The article presents the namebook of the Old Believers-priests of the land of the Ural Cossack Army, extracted from several metric books (1832-1837, 1841) of the Old Believer chapel in Uralsk. Lists of male and female names of the Old Believers of the Ural Cossack Army and Orthodox Christians of the city of Petropavlovsk are given. Read here: abstract, text of the article.

The name of the Old Believer community in the Miory district of the Vitebsk region.

Iset Old Believer names in modern linguistic consciousness: structure, semantics, pragmatics (based on the material of the First All-Russian Census of 1897). Kuznetsova Yanina Leonidovna. Abstract of the dissertation for the candidate's scientific degree philological sciences. Specialty 02/10/19 - theory of language. The work was carried out at Tyumen State University (Department of General Linguistics), Tyumen, 2006, .

Female anthroponymicon of the Old Believers of Isetskaya volost late XIX century. Author Kuznetsova Yanina Leonidovna. Published in the collection "Bulletin of Tyumen" state university. Socio-economic and legal research", issue No. 7 / 2006, pp. 138-141, .

The structure and content of the calendar of the Old Believers of the Fedoseyevsky Consent. Author Alla Kamalova (University of Warmia and Masuria, Olsztyn, Poland). Published in the collection “Orthodoxy in the Slavic world: history, culture, language”, pp. 95-113. Publisher: Centrum badań europy wschodniej Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie, Olsztyn 2014. ISBN 978-83-61605-30-0. Electronic version of the article (pdf, 10 Mb).

Anthroponymic space of the village of Verkhniy Uimon, Ust-Koksinsky district of the Altai Republic (using the example of proper names). AuthorsT.N. Nikonova, L.I. Tolstykh, N.A. Kulikova. Published in the monograph " Communication culture Old Believers Gorny Altai", pp. 138-141. Editorial and publishing department of Gorno-Altai State University, 2014, 104 pp. ISBN 978-5-91425-109-0, .

Grandfather Stepan, Martyan and Mamelfa, or Russian Old Believers in Bolivia / The complete director's version of Sergei Yastrzhembsky's film "Grandfather Stepan, Martyan and Mamelfa, or Russian Old Believers in Bolivia", filmed in 2012 in Bolivia. Shown in 2013 on the “My Planet” channel. The film is preceded by a conversation with Archpriest Leonty Pimenov (Russian Orthodox Old Believers Church). Watch on YouTube, time43 min. 25 sec. Interview with S. Yastrzhembsky about this film -.

Russian Old Believers in Uruguay.According to Jewish law, the rite of circumcision was performed on a baby on the eighth day after birth, and the baby was given a name. This rite was performed on the incarnate Son of God “from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary,” and they gave Him the name Jesus, which means Savior. The Lord, the Creator of the law, having performed the rite of circumcision, showed us an example of how to fulfill the Divine decrees. At the same time, the Lord accepted circumcision so that subsequently no one could doubt that He was a true Man, i.e. truly incarnate, and not ghostly, as some heretics taught. In the New Testament, the rite of circumcision gave way to the sacrament of Baptism. // From the Russian Orthodox Church calendar for January 14 (January 1, old style)

Before the advent of Christianity, the people of the ancient Slavs had mostly two-part names, most of which have survived to this day. And from time to time the fashion for Old Slavonic names for boys returns. On this moment names of Old Slavic origin are again in demand, since Western names have lost relevance among the people. Old Slavonic names boys and girls consist of Bulgarian, Czech, Russian, Serbian and Polish names.

It should be noted that Old Church Slavonic names were very diverse, and were formed from the names:

Animal and plant life;

By birth order;

Gods and goddesses;

According to human qualities

But, the main group of names was created from two words (two-base names). For example, the name Svyatoslav, Tihomir, Yaropolk, Ratibor, Gostomysl, Vsevolod, Bogdan, etc.

After the advent of Christianity in Russia, many Old Slavonic names were forgotten, while there were lists of Old Slavonic names prohibited by the church, in particular the names of gods, such as: Lada, Yarilo. But after some time, people began to give their children the names of their ancestors, and thus Old Slavonic names returned to use. The following list will help you choose a name for your son.

Old Slavonic names for boys:

Borislav - stormy glory

Daren - gift to the world

Lyubomil - beloved

Belogor - from the White Mountains

Danko - shining, day

Lubodron - beloved, dear

Bogolep - divine

Dobrolyub - loving goodness

Luceslav - in a ray of glory

Budislav - be glorious!

Divislav - in the radiance of words

We love - beloved

Budimil - be nice!

Dragovit - valuing life

Lubodar - giver of love

Bogumir - bring peace to God!

Dan - given by God

Milava - sweet, kind

Beloyar - furious

Damir - the giver of peace

Myslemir - thinking about the world

Belimir - white, pure

Daroslav - giver of the word

Moguta - powerful, mighty

Boleslav - glorifying

Daniyar - given for shine

Miloslav - sweet glory

Bazhen - God's

Dragolub - kind, beloved

Peace lover - loving peace

Bueslav - stork

Drogoslav - dear glory

Milan - sweet, kind

Velibor - a great gift

Drogorad - dear joy

Found - found

Vadim - invited, invited

Yeseniy - clear sky

Neroslav - sealer of glory

Vlastislav - owner of the world

Zhelislav - desired glory

Negomir - gentle and peaceful

Venislav - crowned with glory

Zhelan - desirable

Hope - hope expectation

World - worldwide

Zhiteslav - glorifying life

Oleg - light, fast

Vadislav - called

Zdanimir - creator of the world

Ocheslav - desperate glory

Vlastimir - rule the world

Zelislav - very nice

Witty - sharp thinker

Vsemil - dear to everyone

Zalazar - because of the azure

Premislav - accept the glory!

Vitoslav - glory of life

Zvenislav - ringing with glory

Wonderful - wonderful

Vsevolod - owner of everything

Zlatoslav - golden glory

Putislav - path of glory

Vladislav - owner of glory

Dawn - rising light

Peresvet - bright

Verislav - faithful

Ivan - to be born, to be born

Radey - joy, joyful

Vyacheslav - glorifying advice

Igor - militant

Ratislav - military glory

Gradibor - force creator

Ivar - Tree of Life

Ratibor - chosen warrior

Gleb - sweet, affectionate

Izheslav - be with glory!

Radimil - sweet joy

Gorisvet - high light

Idan - walking, overcoming the path

Radislav - caring about glory

Gradimir - creator of the world

Krasibor - chosen from the beautiful

Radosvet - light of joy

Deyan - active, active

Krasislav - the beauty of glory

Ruslav - fair-haired

Dobrava - virtuous, bearer

Ladislav - glorifying beauty

Radovlad - own joy

Daromysl - thinker, thinker

Ludimir - bring peace to people

Ratmir - a fighter for peace

Dobrynya is a kind person

Lyuborad - pleasing with love

Rusimir - Russian World

Gift - gift to the world

Lyubomir - loving peace and peace

Svyatomir - holy world

Drohomir - dear world

Ladislav - glorifying people

Svetovid - light, holy

Dobroslav - glorifying goodness

Ladimir - peace-loving

Svyatoboy - holy fighter, warrior

Choosing a son's name is a difficult task for all parents. After all, the name will remain with the child for life, it will be his reflection. Therefore, the issue of a name for a boy must be taken seriously. At the moment there are names of different origins in the world Italian names, Kazakh, Greek, Old Russian names of boys and girls. If you decide to give your son an Old Russian name, then our article is just for you.

It should be noted that among the Old Russian names there are a huge number of beautiful and sonorous names, and if used correctly, you can significantly influence the fate of the child, that is, in the process of upbringing, strengthen positive traits in the child’s character and develop in him good qualities. Princely names are in particular demand among Old Russian names. As a rule, men with names such as Vladimir, Vsevolod, Svyatoslav. The name Yaroslav gives the child a strong masculine character and charisma. There are also good old Russian names for boys, the owners of which were not princes, but were worthy husbands. For example, the name Bogdan (given by God). A boy named Bogdan will be a calm person who knows his worth, integrity and stubbornness - bright features Bogdana. Boris (fighters) can be smart, they achieve great success, scrupulous, with a sense of humor. And there are many such old Russian bright and deep-meaning names.

Old Russian names boys:

Bogumil - dear to God

Krasimir - the beauty of the world

Budislav - be glorious!

Krasislav - the beauty of glory

Boleslav - glorifying

We love - beloved

Belogor - from the White Mountains

Ludimir - bring peace to people

Beloyar - furious

Lyubomil - beloved

Bazhen - God's

Lyubomir - loving peace and peace

Bueslav - stork

Lyuborad - pleasing with love

Budimil - be nice!

Lyuboslav - glorifying love

Bogolep - divine

Ladislav - glorifying beauty

Bratislav - brother, friend of glory

Ladislav - glorifying people

Belimir - white, pure

Lubodron - beloved, dear

Bogumir - bring peace to God!

Luceslav - in a ray of glory

Borislav - stormy glory

Lubodar - giver of love

Volodar - giver of will

Ladimir - peace-loving

Vitoslav - glory of life

Peace lover - loving peace

Vlastislav - owner of the world

Milava - sweet, kind

Vladimir - owner of the world

Mlad - young

Vyacheslav - glorifying advice

Mirodar - giver of peace

Venislav - crowned with glory

Milan - sweet, kind

World - worldwide

Myslemir - thinking about the world

Vseslav - illustrious

Moguta - powerful, mighty

Vysheslav - famous; all the glory

Miloslav - sweet glory

Vlastimir - rule the world

Mladen - young

Vsemil - dear to everyone

Milorad - sweet, kind

Verislav - faithful

Hope - hope expectation

Vojislav - glorious warrior

Negomir - gentle and peaceful

Vadim - invited, invited

Found - found

Vladislav - owner of glory

Neroslav - sealer of glory

Vadislav - called

Witty - sharp thinker

Gleb - sweet, affectionate

Ocheslav - desperate glory

Gradibor - force creator

Oleg - light, fast

Gorislav - glorifying the high light

Wonderful - wonderful

Gorisvet - high light

Peresvet - bright

Gostislav - ready glory

Putislav - path of glory

Gradimir - creator of the world

Premislav - accept the glory!

Gift - gift to the world

Pervoslav - ahead of glory

Drogoslav - dear glory

Ratislav - military glory

Dobrava - virtuous, bearer

Radimil - sweet joy

Daroslav - giver of the word

Radey - joy, joyful

Deyan - active, active

Ratibor - chosen warrior

Daromir - giver of peace

Radibor - chosen from the joyful

Dobran - good giver

Ruslav - fair-haired

Daren - gift to the world

Radislav - caring about glory

Dan - given by God

Radim - sweet joy

Drogorad - dear joy

Ratmir - a fighter for peace

Drohomir - dear world

Radosvet - light of joy

Danko - shining, day

Rusimir - Russian World

Divislav - in the radiance of words

Radimir - caring for peace

Daniyar - given for shine

Radovlad - own joy

Dobrolyub - loving goodness

Svetovid - light, holy

Danislav - giver of glory

Svetozar - illuminated by light

Daromysl - thinker, thinker

Svyatoboy - holy fighter, warrior

Dragolub - kind, beloved

Svyatomir - holy world

Dobroslav - glorifying goodness

Svetovik - light

Dragovit - valuing life

Svyatorad - holy joy

Damir - the giver of peace

Tichoslav - quiet glory

Yeseniy - clear sky

Trajan - third son

Zhelan - desirable

Died - peace, tranquility

Zhelislav - desired glory

Touched - tenderness

Zhdanimir - the awaited world

Delight - delight

Zhiteslav - glorifying life

Hranimir - keep the peace

Zlatoslav - golden glory

Khvalimir - glorify the world

Zlatozar - with a clear gaze

Khvalislav - praise the glory

Zvenislav - ringing with glory

Hranislav - keep the glory

Zalazar - because of the azure

Tsvetimir - be the color of the world

Zelislav - very nice

Chudomil - sweet miracle

Zdanimir - creator of the world

Chestimir - honor of the world

Zvenimir - calling for peace

Chestislav - honor the glory

Dawn - rising light

Chtislav - honor the glory

Izheslav - be with glory!

Shchaslav - happy

Igor - militant

Jaromir - be furious in the world

Ivar - tree of life

Yaroslav - shining with glory

Idan - walking, overcoming the path

Jaromil is a nice man

Ivan - to be born, to be born

Yaropolk - furiously up in arms

Krasibor - chosen from the beautiful

Janislav - nice

Editor's Choice
The Most-Dear Da-Vid of Ga-rejii came by the direction of God Ma-te-ri to Georgia from Syria in the north 6th century together with...

In the year of celebrating the 1000th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus', a whole host of saints of God were glorified at the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church...

The Icon of the Mother of God of Desperate United Hope is a majestic, but at the same time touching, gentle image of the Virgin Mary with the baby Jesus...

Thrones and chapels Upper Temple 1. Central altar. The Holy See was consecrated in honor of the feast of the Renewal (Consecration) of the Church of the Resurrection...
The village of Deulino is located two kilometers north of Sergiev Posad. It was once the estate of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery. IN...
Five kilometers from the city of Istra in the village of Darna there is a beautiful Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. Who has been to the Shamordino Monastery near...
All cultural and educational activities necessarily include the study of ancient architectural monuments. This is important for mastering native...
Contacts: rector of the temple, Rev. Evgeniy Palyulin social service coordinator Yulia Palyulina +79602725406 Website:...
I baked these wonderful potato pies in the oven and they turned out incredibly tasty and tender. I made them from beautiful...