Can't be! Tatyana Lazareva and Mikhail Shats divorced. “And there is hopelessness in the eyes”: Tatyana Lazareva spoke about breaking up with Mikhail Shats Where are Tatyana Lazareva and Mikhail Shats

Photo: DELFI

Active participation in the opposition movement ended for the married couple of TV presenters Tatyana Lazareva and Mikhail Shats with excommunication from the air. The unemployed status did not last long - today they are the stars of the musical "Singing in the Rain". They don’t make plans for tomorrow, but they suspect that the bottom is very close... she told the Delfi portal how she found herself in the minority and how she is preparing for the Apocalypse.

Lazareva and Shats came to Riga specifically for a cultural trip to the play "Brodsky/Baryshnikov", the next morning Mikhail rushed off to Moscow for a charity event, and Tatyana stayed a day - to walk around Riga and digest what she saw...

We had a real flash mob with Baryshnikov - everyone rushed to see him from Moscow to Riga, and when they arrived, they began to get very worried, what if it didn’t work out,” the TV presenter admitted. - Moreover, I personally have a hard time perceiving poetry by ear. For this I need some kind of translator, translator. And he did an excellent job with this matter. The overall feeling is that I have touched an entire era. Lucky you, Riga residents.


In the photo: inhabitants of "33.sq. meters" Mikhail Shats, Sergey Belogolovtsev and Tatyana Lazareva. According to Tatyana, the participants of the OSP studio “held on to their well-promoted brand for so long, afraid to go into free swimming, that when they released their convulsive embrace, the centrifugal force scattered everyone with a deafening amplitude. Now everyone coexists perfectly on the Internet, but there are no special reasons for meeting ".

In the mid-90s, viewers laughed heartily at your O.S.P. studio and the comedy series 33 sq. meters... The program closed in 2004, and already in 2005 residents became new television idols Comedy Club, which by all appearances made it clear that behind them there was at least 330 sq. meters. Why have the guidelines changed so much?

It's difficult for me to explain what happened to people. Of course, nothing good in 33 sq. meters, but now they have gone to the other extreme - they are hooked on a certain hook of apparent well-being. Everywhere there is a bright advertisement of something brilliant and affordable, during the well-fed and more or less calm years that Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin gave us, many have the impression that this shine is the goal of life, the very thing we should strive for. The more money, household bells and whistles and square meters you have (everything that money can buy), the higher your status, the more accomplished you are. At the same time, cultural, educational and spiritual growth noticeably lagged behind consumer demand.

- What about spiritual bonds, the struggle for morality...

Unfortunately, they often become a substitute for true spirituality and love. Including love for the Motherland. But sooner or later we will have to return to normal human values. Hope so. In order for this to become possible, people who are aware of their responsibility to society (and I count myself among them) must do everything to preserve certain cultural humanistic codes.

- You and Mikhail are trustees of the “Creation” charitable foundation, cat O ry is distinguished by its versatility. The impression is that you want to help the whole world... How did you come to this?

Thanks to the same O.S.P. studio. 15 years ago we were invited to host an evening celebrating the first anniversary of this Foundation. We had to pay quite a large fee for this, but we refused it in favor of “Creation”. I became interested in their activities and began to help: at first a little at a time, then I was attracted to become a trustee. And I brought with me Misha and Sasha Pushnoy, with whom we were working then.

An idea that unites numerous undertakings of our Foundation - helping people who are in difficult life situation and they have nowhere to turn. The number of such situations increases every year. Sometimes I get attacks about this moments despair. We have launched 17-20 programs of various types. For example, maxillofacial surgery, assistance to the poor and victims of the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station accident, support for disabled children, the fight against osteogenesis imperfecta, organization of treatment for children suffering from cerebral palsy...

By the way, my former colleague in the NDE, Sergei Belogolovtsev, and his wife Natasha, also took up solving this problem - they created a specialized Foundation “Dream Skis”, which helps children with cerebral palsy cope with the disease and get on skis. Seryozha and Natasha came to this through their pain.

- What are your trustee functions?

Nothing complicated. I “trade” my name, through which I promote some projects. She even came up with a slogan: “We know a thousand and one ways for you to part with your money in our favor with joy and pleasure.” You can help not only with money. It could be things, personal involvement. We are trying to explain to people that this is the right thing to do, to help those who are weaker.

The trust you give to the Foundation is very important. After all, there are many people who believe that in charitable organizations They're all scammers. Alas, there are also such people. I, too, am wary of some, especially state, funds: I don’t understand the situation when the state with one hand drives people into stalemate, and the other helps some of them.

- Who part with money easier - owners of 33 or 330 sq. meters?

This does not depend on the person’s wealth. The motives of donors are very different. For those who are “not 33 for a long time,” charity can be a moment of status, fashion, but someone does it out of a sincere desire to help. We are going to meet everyone halfway...

- Do you have the feeling that in difficult times they will help you too?

I'm an optimist. ABOUT difficult moments I think only at the moment of their onset. I never expect gratitude. For me, doing good deeds is a duty and a norm. True, there is also the opposite effect of my character: when someone does something good for me, I often take it for granted. People even get offended sometimes.

Of course, it’s nice to sometimes learn about the fruits of your labor. Recently, the director of the Foundation, Lena Smirnova, received a call from a man whom we helped treat a child with a genetic disease many years ago. He announced that he had another child. Lena was scared: could she really have the same pathology? But he reassured: this time everything is fine. She was delighted and asked: why are you calling after so many years? The man replied: this is very an important event for my family, and you are my family.

- Do you involve your children in the work of the Foundation?

For them, this naturally became the norm. We went through everything with everyone from scratch. I remember when little Sonya (now 17) came to the distribution of humanitarian aid, saw her almost unworn boots among her things and was wildly indignant. I spent a long time explaining to my daughter that they were too small for her, and the person had nothing to wear. Reluctantly, she agreed. And recently Sonya was asked at school to talk about a person she admires - she talked about me and the Foundation. What could be more pleasant for a mother?

From time to time, wealthy parents whose children are studying somewhere abroad contact us at the Foundation with a request: we will give you money, and you will write us a certificate stating that our child did charity work with you (for foreign schools and universities this is a sign of good tones). We don’t refuse anyone, but we say: you don’t need money, we’ll give you a certificate - send your child. And there was never a time when a child wasn’t fascinated by it all.

As a rule, they help collect parcels for those in need. You give such a well-off teenager a handwritten letter in which mother of many children writes that her husband lost his job, the baby is seriously and hopelessly ill, the family lives on a childcare pension, her daughters take turns going to school because they have nothing to wear or put on shoes... A wealthy child begins to collect parcels for such a family. During this time, a revolution of consciousness occurs in his head.

- After leaving the broadcast, was it easy for you to explain to your children that it was time to reduce their needs?

They really had to be squeezed hard. For example, we sold the car and fired the drivers who transported children to schools, kindergartens and clubs. Public transport has become a real attraction for them. When Antonina visited the metro for the first time at the age of eight, she was happy.

In general, for them it was not horror - they took it for granted. Moreover, we never hid our position and thoughts from them. The surnames Navalny and Putin are heard regularly in our apartment, which sometimes leads to funny situations. Once we were riding in a taxi, hearing Putin’s name on the radio, Antonina loudly exclaimed: “Ugh, I hate it!”

- And when and for what reason did the names of Navalny and Putin sound in your house?

Photo: RIA Novosti/Scanpix

You asked the right question. I remember that during the OSP studio we were even proud of the fact that we had no politics. We only once had a parody of Zhirinovsky with Nemtsov , as they splashed with juice. But politics itself insistently knocked on our door - it was difficult not to open it. Although, later I was reproached more than once that this clown suddenly minded his own business.

The reason to think about why everything is wrong was that same charity. At some point, I realized that the efforts we make to move a huge mountain by half a millimeter are mere crumbs for the state; with one little finger and the stroke of a pen, everything can be moved. I began to regularly have thoughts about why in our rich country Do most people live this badly? What kind of genocide is this against one’s own people?

On the eve of the “first Bolotnaya”, Borya Nemtsov, with whom I had known only casually before, called me and asked: would you like to perform tomorrow? Without even thinking about the consequences, I answered: of course I want to. There is so much to say. The three of us went to the rally. Furry and Mishka stood behind the stage and were wildly worried about me. As a result, I got so excited that I completely crumpled up the speech, which boiled down to the fact that “If you came here, it means you have a head on your shoulders, and not a head of cabbage.” So many people had gathered that nothing could be heard. But everything was clear to everyone anyway.

- You have reached desired effect?

Partly yes. The authorities were afraid of so many people. Alas, this story had no continuation - we did not have strong leaders. It turned out that being a respected person whom people follow is one thing, but being a politician is another. And people did not follow those who understood the importance of politics. Yes, no one allowed them anywhere. Apart from Vladimir Putin, no one has access to this space. As a result, not a single sprout broke through the political asphalt - everything was blown away.

- How did it happen that you, popular TV presenters, were left without work?

At some point, my contract was not renewed. The most disgusting thing is HOW it was all done. My previous contract with the STS channel was concluded in December and ended in December. They gave me a new one to sign - I signed it without looking. In March I realized that there was no money on the card. They called STS and they said that I no longer worked for them. I looked into the contract - it turned out that where it usually stood “from December 31 to December 31,” it was cowardly written “from December 31 to January 31.”

My boss, Slava Murugov, who had always sworn and vowed loyalty and love, said that he grew up on our jokes, and after this story he diligently avoided us. But we didn’t insist. I can’t say that I really want to work on such television now.

- Why didn’t you appear on the opposition “Rain”?

Don't know. For some reason they didn’t invite me... Misha and I and a group of friends also tried to launch an ironic project on the Internet "Television on the knee" with the pretentious slogan “It’s better to make television on your knees than on your knees,” but such a project, alas, could not be seriously monetized. This required more powerful investments, but it was clear that no one would risk investing money in it...

Photo: RIA Novosti/Scanpix

In the photo: the only work of Tatyana and Mikhail for today is the Broadway musical "Singing in the Rain", in which they perform dramatic roles. Lazarev - a secular columnist, Schatz - a silent film director.

- It seems that your current employers required a certain amount of heroism to hire you?

I hope that everything is not neglected to such an extent, but when Dima Bogachev invited us to play roles, I warned him, just in case: old man, you should consult, not everyone can take us now. He just laughed, assuring that he had no one to consult with. Apparently they haven't gotten to him yet.

- Didn’t this whole story discourage you from fighting?

No. By the time we were fired from STS, Misha and I became members of the Coordination Council of the Opposition - we were persuaded by Lesha Navalny, with whom we became friends then. Our task was to unite the entire opposition and organize a dialogue with the authorities in the legal field as a united front. At the time it seemed like a completely normal event...

- What were you going to offer to the authorities?

The fact of the matter is that there is nothing specific. We ourselves are not politicians - we simply supported people we trusted. But in the end, no one began to argue with us. Real persecution of people began. Including us. Recently Mishka and I discussed this and admitted to each other that if we had known about the results and consequences, we would not have gone there. Navalny still asks us for forgiveness...

- It seems that this did not calm you down - you also managed to visit the Maidan.

It was more of a tourist visit. In December 2013 we conducted corporate party in Kyiv, and after it we went to see what was happening. What I saw made me very excited. It wasn’t young hipsters and frivolous girls standing there, mink coats, like ours on Bolotnaya, but stern guys. Everywhere there is a terrible smell of unsanitary conditions and something burning in barrels. It was not a pleasure to be there - the impression was very painful.

When we were there in December, there were no casualties yet. It seemed that for Ukraine, Maidan was a good way out of a bad situation. And these people who came in this way to gain attention aroused only respect. Actually, we went to Bolotnaya with the same intentions: we shouted and waved our hands - notice us, we want to participate in this life. Alas, everything in the world is developing in such a way that people can influence less and less what happens in their lives.

- Aren’t you afraid for your children - how can they live in all this?

Scary. There are times when I am simply ashamed in front of them for the fact that I gave birth to them at such a time and in this world. I have a complete feeling that the bottom is very close. You will laugh, but I’m even annoyed by the good things that sometimes happen to us, because it doesn’t fit into my picture of the general Apocalypse. And this feeling applies not only to Russia. There are a lot of questions everywhere.

I have a feeling that there is no longer much point in resisting a quick and harsh fall - we must look at this as the only path to cleansing from the immorality and inhumanity that reigns everywhere. Yes, most likely, casualties cannot be avoided, but having pushed off from the bottom, we will slowly emerge. Due to normal human values, which now it is important not to lose completely. This is exactly what I try to convey to everyone through the only program left behind me, “That’s My Baby” on the Disney Channel.

- Have you considered the option of going abroad?

Our children can do this easily. Fortunately, we are still able to pay for the education of our elders in England: Stepa at the university, Sonya at school. They both set their sights on life there. And I'm happy. Education and its further application in Russia today is quite controversial. And they will want to return - for God's sake.

As for Misha and me, in Russia we at least have hope that one day we will become needed, but abroad we are definitely not needed by anyone. We are native speakers of the Russian language and culture, and therefore we are forced to be patriotic. We’ll only leave if things get really bad, when it becomes really dangerous...

- Don’t you feel that way now?

There was a moment. The death of Borechka (Nemtsov) was a terrible event for us. I remember one early morning Misha and I went out somewhere: empty streets, and suddenly a black car flew out of the gateway at full speed. Without saying a word, we huddled closely together. It blew by.

In general, we try not to take all this into our heads. Oddly enough, jokes and irony save. After all, if you look at our situation from the outside, then leaving the big television voyage gave us the opportunity to first work on the radio, then in a musical, and we can always end up as animators in a Turkish hotel.


TV presenter Tatyana Lazareva told the Latvian publication about how political position deprived her and Mikhail Shats of work.

ABOUT Lazarev gave a candid interview to Latvian journalists during a visit to Riga, where she and her husband attended a performance with the participation of dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov.

Due to their participation in opposition rallies and movements, Lazareva and Shats have long disappeared from television screens. The once popular program " Good jokes” on the STS channel has already begun to be forgotten, and the family of popular presenters had to cut costs and even start using public transport. The couple's children took this for granted.

“We have never hidden our position and thoughts from them. The surnames Navalny and Putin are heard regularly in our apartment, which sometimes leads to funny situations. Once we were riding in a taxi, hearing Putin’s name on the radio, Antonina loudly exclaimed: “Ugh, I hate it!”,” Tatyana Lazareva shares with Delphi.

The presenter also explained why she decided to speak with political slogans.

“The reason to think about why everything is wrong was that same charity. At some point, I realized that the efforts that we make to move a huge mountain by half a millimeter are mere crumbs for the state; with one little finger and the stroke of a pen, everything can be moved. I began to regularly think about why in our rich country most people live so badly? What kind of genocide is this against one’s own people?” Tatyana is indignant.

However, the couple had to pay for their civic activity with work; they were left without a contract with STS.

“At some point, my contract was not renewed. The most disgusting thing is HOW it was all done. My previous contract with the STS channel was concluded in December and ended in December. They gave me a new one to sign - I signed it without looking. In March I realized that there was no money on the card. They called STS and they said that I no longer worked for them. I looked into the contract and it turned out that where it usually read “from December 31 to December 31,” it was cowardly written “from December 31 to January 31.” My boss, Slava Murugov, who had always vowed loyalty and love before, said that he grew up on our jokes, and after this story he diligently avoided us. But we didn’t insist. I can’t say that I really want to work on such television now,” admits Lazarev A.

Yesterday in Moscow the ceremony of presenting the first award in the web industry in Russia took place. The event was attended by a large number of celebrity guests, including: producer and director Dzhanik Fayziev, TV presenter Yulia Menshova, actresses and Anna Banshchikova, singer and others. The host of the ceremony was, who stated that he himself “One foot is in the television industry, the other is on the Internet, and in the middle is Russian cinema.”

Also present at the event were Tatyana Lazareva and Mikhail Shats. Note that this is the first appearance of the spouses in public. At the beginning of July, information appeared in the media that Tatyana and Mikhail had not lived together for two years. As Lazareva admitted, she and her 11-year-old daughter Tonya moved to Spain, and Schatz continues to live and work in Moscow. By the way, despite the fact that the spouses do not live together, Tatyana calls Mikhail the closest person in her life. The TV presenter says that she and her husband made an interesting decision: when she finds a job in Moscow, they can switch places.

Tatyana Lazareva and Mikhail Shats appeared together for the first time after rumors of separation

Note that Tatyana was diagnosed back in 2014, but for a long time the TV presenter hid her illness. According to Lazareva, she was embarrassed to admit to the public, so she pretended there was no problem. Tatyana said that after the diagnosis she was offered to apply for disability. In response, the TV presenter only laughed, thinking: “Well, what a disability.” True, now the star has begun to understand that the disease is actually very serious.

Let us recall that marriage to Mikhail Shats was Lazareva’s second. Tatyana broke up with her first husband, a student of her parents, a month later life together. Despite the fact that Lazareva and Shats had known each other since the days of KVN, where they played on the same team, the girl did not pay attention to her short colleague for a long time. However, the young man continued to be there in difficult moments, and in 1998 Tatyana accepted an invitation to marry him. In their marriage, the couple had two daughters - Sophia (1998) and Tonya (2006).

Tatyana Lazareva and Mikhail Shats

Read with this article:

Soviet, and a little later, and Russian television gave its viewers many real masterpieces, filled with creative ideas and modern innovations.

Each direction, naturally, had those who, at that time, were the real faces of this or that program, the one who set the vector, the one who was adored simple people and were recognized by the first note of his voice.

Among these titans of our television, who have faithfully served us all for many years, there were also incredibly talented, multifaceted and...

Their fireproof, enthusiastic talent attracted, like a magnet, all TV viewers to their TV monitors from 1994 to 2018 inclusive.

Thanks to these bright and very original artists and presenters in their works, we still remember with great warmth the programs with their participation not only, but also staging.

So, over many years of fruitful work on television, Mikhail Shats has developed the following track record of projects: “33 square meters", "O.S.P.-studio", "Thank God, you came!", "Good jokes", "Despite the records", " A big difference", "Random connections", "ProjectorParisHilton", "It's great to eat!" and many others.

An equally ambitious list of programs and programs that Tatyana Lazareva hosted or took part in as one of the presenters. Among them: the presenter of the program “You'll Lick Your Fingers”, “O.S.P. Studio”, “33 Square Meters”, “Once a Week”, one of the presenters of the program “Song of the Day”, the program “Children’s Day with Tatyana Lazareva” , one of the hosts of the TV game “My Family Against Everyone,” a member of the permanent team in the TV game “Tilki Alone.”

Also Lazareva is a presenter music show Sing! Season 2008”, host of the “Subbotnik” program.

In addition, I must say that this is the most fun at that moment, married couple Our television started with KVN.

They immediately lit up like stars in this fun competition on the very first channel of the country, and after that they triumphantly went on to other channels, among which were STS, RTR, TV-6, HOME, RUSSIA-1, DISNEY and many others.

A little later, having become incredibly famous and popular Mikhail Shats and Tatyana Lazareva were invited by management STS TV channel, at that time gaining more and more momentum and taking over almost all rating programs and projects.

For many years, the spouses Shats and Lazarev, talented artists, rich in all kinds of creative ideas, were a real brand, officials of the STS TV channel, and therefore, according to the contract concluded with them, they could not conduct their artistic activities on other TV channels in our country.

This article is often read with:

Tatyana Lazareva and Mikhail Shats were so in demand on television for many years that they were booked to host certain corporate or personal events in advance. Every day, every hour, already large family, was literally painted.

It must be admitted that the cost of one such performance reached 25 thousand euros! The demand for their presence and hosting of events did not fall, but, on the contrary, increased. Three children did not interfere with, but even contributed to the development of the multifaceted creative talents and ideas of their parents. Every now and then new developments, projects, ideas were born.

But all this stopped almost instantly. As soon as in their life, in their creative activity politics intervened.

This happened in 2011. Exactly when a couple of public favorites entered Bolotnaya Square. It is not clear what motivated them, but Tatyana said in one of her interviews that she could not help but go out at that moment.

Now we can say that there is no common position, no political unity and At that time, the organizers and instigators did not develop a single vector movement.

But the fates of the talented intelligentsia were broken. Tatyana and Mikhail also found themselves in that mess. What happened to them later cannot be called anything other than a real collapse and tragedy.

So, as soon as Mikhail Shats and Tatyana Lazareva performed at Bolotnaya Square during a protest, as soon as they star names appeared on the lists of the Coordination Council, the number of invitations to them as presenters, producers and artists has decreased.

Even in their native STS, where they were beloved heroes and, let us remind you, the faces of the channel, they were treated quite harshly.

This is how Tatyana Lazareva recalls these difficult events: “As always, once again, they brought me another agreement, which I, again, as always, signed. And the next month my salary was not transferred to my card. I thought it was just a misunderstanding and contacted the HR department. And there they showed me the last contract, which I signed. It turns out that this was an agreement and could be terminated early.”

Tatyana Lazareva was simply kicked out of the state. A more unpleasant situation occurred with the dismissal of Mikhail Shats. Imagine the pre-New Year chaos, pre-holiday mood, Mikhail is preparing with all his might for the next launch native project“Thank God you came!”, to which he devoted many years.

Everyone on television congratulates each other. The sounds of champagne opening can already be heard somewhere. And a girl running past slips some papers to master Mikhail Shats with the words: “Sign here!”

At first he thought that once again they were collecting money for something. Signed... But it turned out that he signed a document about his dismissal. For the New Year!

Don't miss interesting things:

Naturally, no one explained anything later. It’s just that the contracts with both of them were not renewed. By the way, they were no longer expected on other channels in the country either. They were quickly forgotten by friends, both at work and in the political movement. They fell out of the clip. Everything... Oblivion. Silence.

It took them some time to understand and figure out what happened. For a year, both Mikhail and Tatyana had virtually no work or orders. They got by as best they could.

They stayed for a short time on Radio Dozhd, then as ordinary artists they were involved in the Russian musical Singing in the Rain.

We also tried our hand at actively developing blogging. Many were interested in their original program “Television on the Knee”. But it also faded away over time. Due to unprofitability, the time has come when you need to count the money.

Having decided at a family council that it would be better for Tatyana and her children to live in Spain, Mikhail let his family go with a heavy heart.

They have often been there before, and Lazareva herself is very comfortable in this country. It so happened that it was in Spain that they took root.

But Mikhail Shats is not ready to leave Moscow yet. He found himself in such a youth humorous direction as stand-up. The famous actor continues to delight people with his performances.

As the spouses admit, the time has come for everyone to go their own way, but the most interesting thing is that they don’t want to get a divorce. Over the long and fruitful years, they became very close people to each other. Both are now openly talking about some kind of breakup, changes in their relationship.

Tatyana Lazareva herself also speaks frankly about her incurable disease, which I learned about completely by accident, while working as a moderator at one of the medical conferences.

However, she does not support the pessimism of some yellow media, and with her characteristic humor she addresses unfortunate journalists: “You are burying me early!”

She knows for sure that her ulcerative colitis, if not completely treated, is medically supported. She plans to live with him for a long time. By the way, the sense of humor of both Mikhail Shats and Tatyana Lazareva remains high!

Fans are accustomed to seeing presenter Tatyana Lazareva paired with Mikhail Shats - both on television and on stage, and in home environment. The forced departure from one of the main channels, which happened some time ago, separated them in life. The other day in frank interview for the channel “A Talk,” Tatyana said that she has not lived with her husband for the second year.

“It so happened that he and I are living some kind of new life separately,” she admitted.

Tatyana spends almost all her free time with her daughter in the town of Marbella in Spain. “When I made a decision, and in our family I usually make all the decisions, I said, “That’s it, I can’t do it anymore.” Well, that is, I don’t have a job there, and there’s no work here, well, I’d rather be here. Moreover, with the school it was obvious that I would not find the school here in Moscow that would suit me as a mother. I gathered everyone and said: “I’m staying here.” And everyone was like, “Well, okay.” Everyone except Mikhail. And he says: “And I, mom, what am I going to do?” - “I don’t know what you should do. Do what you want” - “Well, I can’t do it here, in this hole” - “Well, come on, you’re in Moscow, I’m here more, and we’ll go back and forth. There’s work - I’ll fly to Moscow, and you are here, with Tosya,” and the couple parted.

Life in Spain suits Tatyana better. “Everything is much cheaper there. Factor of! There are excellent cheap products there, there is no need for any show-off. You put on flip flops, some shorts, you don’t think about anything at all,” she says about life abroad. The place where she once thought - “I’m home. Here you can calmly meet old age” - and first she came with her family for two weeks, then she began to stay for the summer, which cured her of depression.

Tatyana frankly admitted that last summer, due to total instability, she began to have suicidal thoughts. “Last summer I really wanted to hang myself,” she said. It was very difficult for her to give up her “Olympus” and start living an ordinary life.

“It became clear that what was there was this Olympus that we had in everything. This is a very powerful creative union, and we really lived with him, we were very comfortable with him, and this... sort of... this appearance... well, not an appearance, this couple "Lazareva-Schatz ", there is also "Agutin-Varum"... after Tom Cruise got divorced, and we stayed... Agutin, Varum and I keep joking: "Well, guys, let's hang on a little longer?" - and this also imposed responsibility,” she shared her thoughts.

"Actually this erroneous opinion was given to us, I hope to you in to a lesser extent What we have is given to us for the rest of our lives... We were raised in such a way that you have a profession for the rest of your life, a marriage for your whole life, and this is also a comfort zone, we even had an apartment for the rest of our lives. And this comfort zone when you... How everyone rejoiced “50 years, golden wedding, here people live”... but the fact that they no longer just look at each other, they each live parallel life- For what. This is the trend now of honesty... and in general in Western world the average length of marriage is 3.5 years, and this is the norm,” reflects Tatyana.

Despite the separation, she talks about Mikhail as a member of her family. "This is the most close person for me, and I for him too, of course. We are very close. I don't really like the word "love". And this is such closeness that you just... you can’t just say: “That’s it, old man, thank you, it was cool, let’s move on now,” although I really want to, of course, and that’s what happens. He has his own story, and he’s terribly cool about it, I see, I have my own story, and I’m cool too. But we want to be together, and this is, of course, a very interesting task,” she talks about her “partner marriage.”

Lazareva also denied information about “ fatal disease”, which was recently disseminated by the media. The star said that we're talking about about ulcerative colitis, which can be kept under control at all times.

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A vision that visits a person in a dream can predict his future or warn him of dangers that may threaten him...
The mysterious nature of dreams has always aroused the interest of many people. Where do pictures come from in the human subconscious and what are they based on...
Sun, summer, relaxation... As you know, no outdoor recreation in the summer is complete without barbecue. The most tender and juicy kebab...
Dream Interpretation by S. Karatov If you dreamed about Radishes, then you will be able to gain greater physical strength.
Firewood - interpretation of sleep from dream books