Oblomov and Olga quotes about love. The difficult relationship between Oblomov and Olga Ilinskaya


Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov” can rightfully be called a work about love, which reveals different faces this wonderful feeling. It is not surprising that the leading storyline The book is the novel between Olga and Oblomov - an example of bright, all-encompassing, romantic, but obviously tragic love. Literary researchers have different assessments of the role of these relationships in the fate of Ilya Ilyich: some believe that Olga was a bright angel for the hero, capable of pulling him out of the abyss of “Oblomovism,” while others point to the selfishness of the girl, for whom duty stood above feelings. To understand Olga’s role in Oblomov’s life, let’s consider their love story from the very beginning until separation.

The beginning of the relationship between Oblomov and Olga

The love story of Oblomov and Olga begins in the spring, during the period of lilac flowering, the revival of nature and the emergence of new wonderful feelings. Ilya Ilyich met the girl at a party, where Stolz introduced them. At first glance, Oblomov saw in Olga the embodiment of his ideal, harmony and femininity, which he dreamed of seeing in his future wife. Perhaps, the germs of a future feeling arose in the soul of Ilya Ilyich already at the moment of meeting the girl: “From that moment, Olga’s persistent gaze did not leave Oblomov’s head. It was in vain that he lay down on his back at full height, in vain he took the laziest and most restful positions - he couldn’t sleep, and that was all. And the robe seemed disgusting to him, and Zakhar was stupid and unbearable, and the dust and cobwebs were unbearable.”

Their next meeting took place at the Ilyinskys’ dacha, when Ilya Ilyich’s accidental “Ah!”, revealing the hero’s admiration for the girl, and his random movement, which confused the heroine, made Olga herself think about Oblomov’s attitude towards her. And after a few days, a conversation took place between them, which became the beginning of the love between Oblomov and Ilyinskaya. Their dialogue ended with the hero’s timid confession: “No, I feel... not music... but... love! - Oblomov said quietly. “She instantly left his hand and changed her face. Her gaze met his gaze, fixed on her: this gaze was motionless, almost insane, it was not Oblomov who looked at him, but passion.” These words disturbed the peace in Olga’s soul, but the young, inexperienced girl could not immediately understand that a strong, wonderful feeling began to arise in her heart.

The development of the novel between Olga and Oblomov

The relationship between Oblomov and Olga developed as something not dependent on the heroes, but dictated by the will higher powers. The first confirmation of this was their chance meeting in the park, when both were glad to see each other, but still could not believe their happiness. The symbol of their love was a fragile, fragrant branch of lilac - a delicate, tremulous flower of spring and birth. Further development The relationship between the characters was rapid and ambiguous - from bright flashes of vision in a partner of his ideal (Olga for Oblomov) and a person who can become such an ideal (Oblomov for Olga) to moments of disappointment.

In moments of crisis, Ilya Ilyich despairs, afraid of becoming a burden for a young girl, fearing the publicity of their relationship, their manifestation not according to the scenario that the hero dreamed of long years. The reflective, sensitive Oblomov, still far from the final separation, understands that Olgino “I don’t love the real thing.” real love, and the future...", feeling that the girl sees in him not real person, but that distant lover he could become under her sensitive guidance. Gradually, the understanding of this becomes unbearable for the hero; he again becomes apathetic, not believing in the future and not wanting to fight for his happiness. The gap between Oblomov and Olga occurs not because the heroes stopped loving each other, but because, having freed themselves from the flair of their first love, they saw in each other not the people they dreamed of.

Why was the love story of Olga and Oblomov obviously tragic?

To understand why the relationship between Oblomov and Olga was doomed to break up, it is enough to compare the characters. The reader becomes acquainted with Ilya Ilyich at the beginning of the work. This is already an accomplished man of thirty years old, brought up “ indoor flower", from an early age, accustomed to idleness, tranquility and a measured life. And if in his youth Oblomov tried to act on a par with the active, purposeful Stolz, then his “greenhouse” upbringing and introverted, dreamy character after the first failure in his career led to alienation from the world around him. At the time of his acquaintance with Olga, Ilya Ilyich was completely mired in “Oblomovism”, he was too lazy to even get out of bed or write a letter, he gradually degraded as a person, plunging into the world of impossible dreams.

Unlike Oblomov, Olga appears as a bright, purposeful person, constantly developing and striving to discover more and more new facets of the world around her. Her friendship with Stolz is not surprising either, who, like a teacher, helps her develop, offers new books and quenches her thirst for immense knowledge. The heroine is beautiful not so much externally as internally, which is what attracted Ilya Ilyich to her.

The love of Oblomov and Olga is a combination of two opposites that were not destined to be together. Ilya Ilyich's feelings were more admiration than true love to the girl. He continued to see in her an ephemeral image of his dream, a distant and beautiful muse that would inspire him without forcing him to completely change. Whereas Olga’s love in Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov” was aimed precisely at this transformation, a change in her lover. The girl did not try to love Oblomov as he is - she loved another person in him, the one she could make of him. Olga herself considered herself practically an angel who would illuminate the life of Ilya Ilyich, only now an adult man wanted simple, “Oblomov” family happiness and was not ready for drastic changes.


The story of Oblomov and Olga is closely connected with nature - starting in the spring, it ends in late autumn, covering the lonely hero with the first snow. Their love did not go away and was not forgotten, changing forever inner world both heroes. Even many years after the separation, already married to Stolz, Olga tells her husband: “I don’t love him the same, but there is something that I love in him, to which I seem to have remained faithful and will not change, like others.” ..." Perhaps, if Oblomov had been younger, the girl would have been able to change his essence and make him her ideal, but true spontaneous love came into the hero’s life too late, and therefore was doomed to a tragic ending - the separation of lovers.

Using the example of Olga and Ilya Ilyich, Goncharov showed how important it is to love his individuality in another person, and not try to change him in accordance with a distorted, illusory image of the ideal that is close to us.

It will be useful for 10th grade students to read the chronology of the relationship between the two heroes of Goncharov’s novel before writing an essay on the topic “The love of Oblomov and Olga in the novel “Oblomov”.”

Work test

According to the tradition that has developed in Russian literature, love becomes a test for heroes and reveals new facets of characters. This tradition was followed by Pushkin (Onegin and Tatyana), Lermontov (Pechorin and Vera), Turgenev (Bazarov and Odintsova), Tolstoy (Bolkonsky and Natasha Rostova). This topic is also touched upon in Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”. Using the example of the love of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov and Olga Ilyinskaya, the author showed how a person’s personality is revealed through this feeling.

Olga Ilyinskaya is in a positive way novel. This is an intelligent girl with sincere, devoid of affectation, manners. She did not enjoy much success in the world; only Stolz was able to appreciate her. Andrei singled out Olga from other women because “she, although unconsciously, followed a simple, natural path of life... and did not shy away from the natural manifestation of thought, feeling, will...”

Oblomov, having met Olga, first of all drew attention to her beauty: “Whoever met her, even absent-minded, stopped for a moment before this so strictly and deliberately, artistically created creature.” When Oblomov heard her singing, love awakened in his heart: “From the words, from the sounds, from this pure, strong girlish voice, the heart beat, the nerves trembled, the eyes sparkled and swam with tears...” The thirst for life and love that sounded in Olga’s voice, echoed in Ilya Ilyich’s soul. Behind the harmonious appearance, he felt a beautiful soul, capable of deep feelings.

Thinking about his future life, Oblomov dreamed of a tall, slender woman with a quiet, proud look. Seeing Olga, he realized that his ideal and she were one person. For Oblomov, the highest harmony is peace, and Olga would be a statue of harmony, “if she were turned into a statue.” But she could not become a statue, and, imagining her in his “earthly paradise,” Oblomov began to understand that he would not succeed in an idyll.

The heroes' love was doomed from the very beginning. Ilya Ilyich Oblomov and Olga Ilyinskaya understood the meaning of life, love, family happiness differently. If for Oblomov love is a disease, a passion, then for Olga it is a duty. Ilya Ilyich fell in love with Olga deeply and sincerely, idolized her, gave her his whole self: “He gets up at seven o’clock, reads, carries books somewhere. There is no sleep, no fatigue, no boredom on his face. Even colors appeared on him, there was a sparkle in his eyes, something like courage or, at least, self-confidence. You can’t see the robe on him.”

A consistent calculation was visible in Olga’s feelings. Having agreed with Stolz, she took the life of Ilya Ilyich into her own hands. Despite his youth, she was able to discern an open heart in him, kind soul, “dove tenderness.” At the same time, she liked the very idea that it was she, a young and inexperienced girl, who would bring back to life a person like Oblomov. “She will show him a goal, make him love again everything that he has stopped loving, and Stolz will not recognize him when he returns. And she will do all this miracle, so timid, silent, whom no one has listened to until now, who has not yet begun to live! She is the culprit of this transformation!”

Olga tried to change Ilya Ilyich, but he needed feelings that would bring him closer to his native Oblomovka, the blessed corner of the earth where he grew up, where the meaning of life fits into thoughts about food, sleep, and idle conversations: care and warmth, requiring nothing in return. He found all this in Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna, and therefore became attached to her as to a fulfilled dream of return.

Realizing how different their views on life are, Oblomov decides to write a letter to Olga, which becomes a real poetic work. This letter conveys a deep feeling and desire for happiness to the beloved girl. Knowing himself and Olga’s inexperience, in a letter he opens her eyes to the mistake and asks her not to make it: “Your present love is not true love, but future love. This is only an unconscious need to love...” But Olga understood Oblomov’s act differently - as fear of misfortune. She understands that anyone can fall out of love or fall in love with another person, but says that she cannot follow a person if there is a risk in doing so. And it is Olga who decides to break off their relationship. IN last conversation She tells Ilya Ilyich that she loved the future Oblomov. Assessing the relationship between Oblomov and Olga, Dobrolyubov wrote: “Olga left Oblomov when she stopped believing in him; she will leave Stolz too if she stops believing in him.”

Having written the letter, Oblomov renounced happiness in the name of his beloved. Olga and Ilya separated, but their relationship had a deep impact on their future life. Oblomov found happiness in the house of Agafya Matveevna, which became a second Oblomovka for him. He is ashamed of such a life, he understands that he lived it in vain, but it is too late to change anything.

The love of Olga and Oblomov enriched the spiritual world of both. But the greatest merit is that Ilya Ilyich contributed to the formation spiritual world Olga. A few years after breaking up with Ilya, she confesses to Stolz: “I don’t love him as before, but there is something that I love in him, to which I seem to have remained faithful and will not change like others...” And in this reveals the full depth of her nature. Unlike Stolz, life goals which has boundaries, people like Oblomov and Olga never stop thinking about a person’s purpose all their lives and asking themselves the question: “What’s next?”

Materials about the writer’s work and the novel “Oblomov”.

Goncharov's novel "Oblomov" is significant philosophical work. In it, the author reveals the very essence of life, which passes by the main character in a seething, flowing stream, and he does not even notice it.

Ilyinskaya occupy a special place in the novel. Here there is a meeting of two personalities and a test of values, opinions, and views occurs. The reader watches with great interest the development of a great feeling, and is sad when it fades away. This article is intended to consider the causes of Ilya Ilyich’s personal crisis and his interaction with Ilyinskaya.

First meeting

Oblomov and Olga meet for the first time thanks to Andrei Stolts. Who else failed to get homebody Ilya Ilyich out of the apartment! A few days after his arrival, he decided to visit the young lady and took Oblomov with him. It was clear from everything that the young people liked each other. In any case, Oblomov expressed obvious interest. It cannot be said that it was the first meeting that somehow influenced their future relationship, but it became the beginning of a long mental test that gave rise to a lot of experiences.

The origin of feeling

The relationship between Olga and Oblomov begins gradually. Probably, Ilya Ilyich’s feelings could not flare up quickly: he thought and analyzed so much, as if he was trying to weigh every little detail. The girl’s singing made a great impression on him. They listened to “Casta Diva” together, and exciting tender dreams resonated in his heart. The relationship between Oblomov and Olga is filled with sublime feelings and tender enthusiasm. It seemed that such admiration could only be experienced in youth, when the soul is most open to spiritual deeds.

How Ilya Ilyich loves

The development of the relationship between Oblomov and Olga is very beautiful and unusual. Ilya Ilyich is amazed by the girl’s natural grace, he is fascinated by her smile, beauty and spiritual wealth. After all, how amazingly she knew how to understand the most ordinary things! One could talk with her for hours, talking at the most different topics. Oblomov looks at her with enchanted eyes: she seems to him like a miracle, a gift given from above. The master for a long time cannot decide to start courting her, because he is not sure of his own attractiveness, that he might be interested in her. He makes no attempt to win her affection, but simply admires her closeness.

Ilya Ilyich loves selflessly, with frenzy, until his chest hurts. Despite all this, he does not dare to explain himself to his beloved, and is in no hurry to propose to her. Even when Olgino’s timid “I love” sounded in the silence of the evening garden, he did not dare to take it seriously. Not because he didn’t believe in the girl’s sincerity, but because he considered her a charming child who still doesn’t know herself. Oblomov talked too much about the nature of love, inventing reasons for himself why he and the young lady could not be together.

The depth of the protagonist’s emotional experiences is amazing. Ilyinskaya are filled with unprecedented purity, warmth of soul and a genuine desire to get to know each other better.

How Olga loves

From the very beginning of their acquaintance, the young lady showed interest in the master. He introduced himself to her mysterious person, she admired the depth of his thoughts. The only thing she didn't like about him was his habit of sleeping during the day. She would like to correct this feature of him, to eradicate it. With particular delight, the girl imagined how he would wean himself from being lazy, and that would only be her merit. She imagined herself to be a wonderful teacher, out of love for whom an adult man should change his character. Of course, Ilyinskaya’s naivety can be forgiven due to her young age.

The relationship between Oblomov and Olga continued exactly until fear and mistrust destroyed this warm feeling.

Oblomov's letter

Ilya Ilyich captured his doubts about their future together in a long message to Olga. At that time, things were almost heading towards the wedding, and even Zakhar hardly doubted that significant changes would soon occur. Being in a state of impulse, as if being in a cowardly state, he analyzes the situation and comes to the conclusion that the young lady does not take him for the one whom she would like to see in front of her.

He is sure that she needs another, a knight who will perform feats in her name and shower with affectionate speeches, and now the girl is cruelly mistaken. Ilya Ilyich is even ready to sacrifice his own feelings, just so that she becomes happy. The development of the relationship between Oblomov and Olga is gradually fading away. The master does not believe in his own prospects, deep down he considers himself unworthy of love, and therefore refuses. While he was writing that ill-fated letter, he cried like a child. And when the message was sent, Ilya Ilyich could not stand it and that same evening he went to Ilyinskaya to explain it to her.

A break up

The relationship between Oblomov and Olga could not last long. Something had to be done, certain steps had to be taken, which were not followed due to Ilya Ilyich’s indecision. We can say that Oblomov simply did not wait for Olga to get tired of communicating with him, and preferred to be the first to stop the anxious, painful feeling. The fact is that love called him, encouraged him to transform his life, wanted to force him to change, but he, on the contrary, with all the strength of his soul revealed his unpreparedness for such changes.

Thus, the relationship between Oblomov and Olga failed. They started so beautifully and promisingly, but ended in tears and brought with them unbearable pain. The reason for this was the unwillingness on both sides to accept a generous gift from fate and be grateful.

The main characters of I. A. Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”. Despite the difference in characters and worldviews, these two were in love with each other, albeit not for long. The love of the heroes is beautifully described by the author. They met thanks to to the best friend Oblomov to Stoltz Andrey, who, worried about his friend’s future, asked Olga to get him out of the routine of idleness. The first meeting took place in the spring at a party where lilacs were blooming in the garden.

Spring itself is conducive to the beginning of new relationships. The second meeting took place at the Ilyinskys’ dacha. Even then, Oblomov realized that he had found his ideal of harmony and femininity. It is the kind of girl like Olga that he would like to see as his bride. She somehow miraculously managed to have a beneficial influence on him. She became a bright angel for him, managing to pull him out of the “Oblomovism” in which he had long been mired. Since they met, he didn't wear his threadbare robe as often, he began to notice dust and cobwebs in his house, and began to spend less time on the couch.

Even Stolz was surprised by such transformations in his friend. He was sincerely glad that Olga was able to influence someone who was naturally lazy and apathetic Oblomov. In his love for her, the hero was sincere and noble. He wished only the best for Olga. When Oblomov finally realized that he would not be able to play the role that she had given him for long, he honestly confessed to her in a letter. Olga loved him not for the person he was, but rather for the future Oblomov, as she wanted to make him. For her, love was, first of all, a duty, a duty, so these feelings did not last long.

Ilyinskaya managed to return Oblomov to real life, “wake up” him, which no one had managed before. For this, one could already love her. But she stopped believing in him. Realizing that the “Oblomovism” in this person could not be defeated so easily, she gradually began to move away. As you know, she soon married the pragmatic Stolz, in whom she saw at least some kind of future. If Goncharov had written a sequel to his cult novel, then perhaps we would have read there that she left Stolz too. Because, having stopped believing the person, this girl pulled away.

Oblomov, in turn, found his quiet, modest happiness next to Agafya Pshenitsyna, who did not want to remake him and allowed him to remain in dreams, aimless thoughts and laziness. She decided and did everything for him, as for a small, infantile child, and Ilya Ilyich was satisfied with this state of affairs. This woman became a second Oblomovka for him, in which it was cozy, comfortable and warm. He understood perfectly well that his life was aimless and boring. He was even to some extent ashamed of his carelessness and worthlessness, but he could not change anything.

On the one hand, it seems that Olga spent several months with Oblomov in vain. On the other hand, the writer emphasizes that during this time they both became spiritually enriched and discovered new facets for themselves. After all, only by searching can you find your way. So the main characters of the work, through trial and error, found their family happiness.

The main character of Goncharov's work Oblomov is Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. This is a man who grew up in a noble family. He was used to doing nothing. He just lies on the couch all day. Many people tried to change his fate. One of these people is Olga Ilyinskaya.

Ilya Oblomov and Olga Ilyinskaya met one day when Stolz was trying to awaken Oblomov.

Olga Ilyinskaya also decided to help this man. But gradually she realized that she had fallen in love with Oblomov. Oblomov also liked this girl. He liked the way she sang, he could listen to her for a long time.

That's how they fell in love with each other. But Olga imagined their relationship differently than Oblomov. Beginning to awaken from his former life, he wrote letters to Olga and confessed his love. But he wanted to continue doing nothing. But Olga could not remain idle. This is what came between them. Because of this, their love fell apart. Oblomov found happiness in another girl who did not force him to do anything.

So, Olga Ilyinskaya did a lot for Oblomov. She was practically able to get him out of his deep sleep.

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