The image and characterization of Sergei Paratov in the play The Dowry of Ostrovsky, essay. Quoted description of Paratov (dowryless)

Lunin Mikhail Sergeevich

Characteristics of Paratov. How could he captivate Larisa, what did she see in him?

Sergei Sergeich Paratov - one of the main characters of the work
“Dowryless”, he is a brilliant gentleman, one of the shipowners, about thirty years old.
Paratov is a rich man who lives for profit, in other words, his main goal is making a profit; For this, he sold his barges and is ready to sell anything if it makes sense to him - profit.

“Paratov. What “sorry” is, I don’t know. I, Mokiy Parmenych, have nothing cherished; If I find a profit, I’ll sell everything, anything. And now, gentlemen, I have other matters and other calculations. I’m marrying a very rich girl and taking gold mines as a dowry.”

Paratov first appears to us in the fifth scene of the first act. He is dressed:
“...a tight black single-breasted frock coat, high patent leather boots, a white cap, a travel bag over the shoulder...” In other actions, Paratov also monitors his appearance, always behaves very strictly.
Despite the fact that Sergei Sergeich Paratov is a gentleman, he calmly allows himself to talk on equal terms with the owner of the coffee shop, with his servant, etc. Paratov is a generous person (when Ivan rushed to sweep Sergei with a broom
Sergeich, he paid him a ruble).
Paratov is a sociable person, with a lordly speech; sometimes he speaks in sayings typical of folk, simple speech.
Personal freedom is very important for Paratov, he has never depended on anyone, but since he gets married, he will have to say goodbye to his former cheerful life and become bound by marriage.

“Paratov. But I won’t get it (happiness) cheaply: I must say goodbye to my freedom, to my cheerful life; so we need to try to have as much fun as possible last days».

Paratov really does not depend on anyone. People are just toys for him, although he behaves quite well with them. However, he is heartless and this is shown in the fact that when he sailed past the island and decided to take with him the person who ended up there, he took him like a toy, did not take both people, because he needed an actor who would entertain him on his further journey.
Paratov’s behavior towards Larisa is ambiguous. On the one hand, he decides to visit Larisa, although he should have known that this would bring her suffering, i.e. he doesn't care about her. But on the other hand he admits
Vasily, that he is happy for Larisa, that she is marrying her husband.
Among “his” society, Paratov is a welcome guest. He is well received everywhere. Larisa again confesses her love to him, not understanding him as a person.
The author treats this hero differently. Somewhere he supports him, but somewhere he condemns him.

For Larisa Paratov, this is an idol, the ideal of a real man. Something like
“the handsome prince on a white horse” that everyone dreams of. In fact
Larisa does not love Paratov, but the ideal that she created for herself. She sees only the “mask” that she herself put on him and does not want to look under it in order to understand Paratov, in order to realize his true essence.

It should be noted that A. N. Ostrovsky created his famous play “Dowry” for 4 whole years. Its premiere performance took place at the Moscow Maly Theater on November 10, 1878. He was eagerly awaited; many lovers of Russian drama gathered, including even F. M. Dostoevsky himself. But, what is most mysterious, the production was not successful either with critics or with the audience - fame came to the author after his death. The public felt that the plot about a stupid, seduced girl was not at all new, and the acting, as it seemed to them, also left much to be desired.

Paratov: characterization (“Dowry”, A. N. Ostrovsky)

However, the history of the creation of this play is also very surprising, because at that time Ostrovsky was a judge of the Kineshma district, and he took many of the themes for his works from high-profile criminal cases that he sometimes had to deal with. One day the whole county was rocked by a murder: local Konovalov killed his wife.

In this play, poor Karandyshev actually killed his fiancée Larisa out of jealousy. However, the murderer, although not direct, but indirect, the most sophisticated and cruel, was the master Paratov. Its characteristics will be further presented not in the actual at its best. And yet we need to understand this story in detail and find out who he really was.

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Of course, one of the most striking main characters of the play was Sergei Sergeevich Paratov. His description suggests that he was a striking young gentleman of the shipowners, about thirty years old. This rich man lived mainly just for the sake of profit, and this was the main goal of his life. If there is any sense in the business, he is ready to sell everything that will bring him profit. He himself admits that he does not have a feeling of pity, and there is nothing cherished for him. In a conversation with Mokiy Parmenych, he admits: “If I find a profit, I’ll sell everything, whatever.” Now he is ready to marry a very rich girl and take gold mines as a dowry.

"Pious" master

This hero first appears in the fifth act of the first act. Quote characteristic Paratova indicates that he was dressed in a tight black single-breasted frock coat, on his feet he had a white cap and a travel bag over his shoulder. He takes care of his appearance, and at the same time behaves decorously and nobly.

However, despite the fact that he is a gentleman, he allows himself to communicate on an equal basis, for example, with the owner of a coffee shop, a servant, etc. With all this, Paratov is a very generous person. When Ivan rushed to Paratov to sweep him with a broom, he paid him a whole ruble for this service.

Joker and merry fellow

Paratov (whose description marks him as a very sociable and even jokey person) could speak in sayings characteristic of common speech. Sergei Sergeevich values ​​personal freedom and has never been dependent, but now he is bankrupt, so he will have to give up his carefree, cheerful life, exchanging them for the bonds of marriage. He knows that he will have to pay dearly for this - with his own freedom. Therefore, right now he wants to spend his last bachelor days with friends as fun as possible.


People for Paratov are just toys, while he treats them very politely, however, one thing is clear: he is soulless and heartless. For poor Larisa, he became the ship called “ Flying Dutchman“- a meeting with him promises the sailors only certain death. In relation to the main character, Sergei Sergeevich behaves too frivolously and ambiguously - she hurt his ambitions and pride. Having learned that she is going to get married, he wants to immediately meet and talk with her, although he clearly understands that this will only bring her suffering. And then, in a conversation with Vasily, he admits that he is sincerely happy for Larisa.

Of course, the hero could not help but appear in the Ogudalovs’ house, especially at the most crucial moment, before Larisa’s wedding. Paratov knows that he is a welcome guest everywhere, the whole city is already buzzing with his arrival. When talking with her one-on-one, he gets her to confess her love for him, because Larisa still does not understand that all this only flatters his vanity and nothing more.


This is the character of Paratov’s work. His characterization is far from perfect, but for Larisa he has become her greatest passion, an idol and a god to whom she is ready to pray day and night. For this she will pay with her life. Larisa herself created this beautiful ideal for herself, and her hero wore his mask so skillfully that she lost all desire to look for any vices in him. And Paratov once again had fun with the innocent victim. At the very end, Larisa unexpectedly found out about his engagement, and after what happened between them, he will not be able to marry her, because he is already chained with obligations to another woman...

Characteristics of Paratov How could he captivate Larisa, what did she find in him?

Sergei Sergeich Paratov is one of the main characters of the work “Dowry”, he is a brilliant gentleman, one of the shipowners, about thirty years old.

Paratov is a rich man who lives for profit, in other words, his main goal is to make a profit; For this, he sold his barges and is ready to sell anything if it makes sense to him - profit.

“Paratov. What “sorry” is, I don’t know. I, Mokiy Parmenych, have nothing cherished; If I find a profit, I’ll sell everything, anything. And now, gentlemen, I have other matters and other calculations. I’m marrying a very rich girl and taking gold mines as a dowry.”

Paratov first appears to us in the fifth scene of the first act. He is dressed: “...a tight black single-breasted frock coat, high patent leather boots, a white cap, a travel bag over his shoulder...”. In other actions, Paratov also monitors his appearance and always behaves very strictly.

Despite the fact that Sergei Sergeich Paratov is a gentleman, he calmly allows himself to talk on equal terms with the owner of the coffee shop, with his servant, etc. Paratov is a generous person (when Ivan rushed to sweep Sergei Sergeich with a broom, he paid him a ruble).

Paratov is a sociable person, with a lordly speech; sometimes he speaks in sayings typical of folk, simple speech.

Personal freedom is very important for Paratov, he has never depended on anyone, but since he gets married, he will have to say goodbye to his former cheerful life and become bound by marriage.

“Paratov. But I won’t get it (happiness) cheaply: I must say goodbye to my freedom, to my cheerful life; Therefore, we must try to spend the last days as cheerfully as possible.”

Paratov really does not depend on anyone. People are just toys for him, although he behaves quite well with them. However, he is heartless and this is shown in the fact that when he sailed past the island and decided to take with him the person who ended up there, he took him like a toy, did not take both people, because he needed an actor who would entertain him on his further journey.

Paratov’s behavior towards Larisa is ambiguous. On the one hand, he decides to visit Larisa, although he should have known that this would bring her suffering, i.e. he doesn't care about her. But on the other hand, he admits to Vasily that he is happy for Larisa, for the fact that she is marrying her husband.

Among “his” society, Paratov is a welcome guest. He is well received everywhere. Larisa again confesses her love to him, not understanding him as a person.

For Larisa Paratov, this is an idol, the ideal of a real man. Something like the “prince charming on a white horse” that everyone dreams of. In fact, Larisa does not love Paratov, but the ideal that she created for herself. She sees only the “mask” that she herself put on him and does not want to look under it in order to understand Paratov, in order to realize his true essence.

Sergei Sergeevich Paratov is one of central images in A. N. Ostrovsky’s play “Dowry”. A bright, strong, rich, self-confident man, Sergei Paratov has always and everywhere been the center of attention. This thirty-year-old gentleman, a wealthy shipowner, with a spectacular appearance, could already conquer women’s hearts with his appearance and tight wallet. But he also had others undoubted advantages, which so attracted Larisa Ogudalova.

Paratov’s first appearance reveals him as a man who cares about his appearance, who understands that “one meets people by their clothes.” He behaves decorously, nobly, with dignity, however, without arrogance. Sergei Sergeevich can afford to communicate on equal terms with a servant or the owner of a coffee shop, and generously pay people of the lower class for the services rendered to him.

Paratov is a joker and a merry fellow, loves to spend time in a carefree company, with wine and gypsies. In general, he loves to live beautifully, sparing no money for this. The external brilliance of his personality blinded the modest girl Larisa, tired of the dullness and squalor of her semi-beggarly existence, carefully but less and less successfully hidden from prying eyes. Falling in love and inexperience prevented Larisa from discerning behind the external shine the dangerous predator who was hiding his nature for the time being. Only faith in a miracle made her hope that this dazzling gentleman would marry her, a gray mouse, because of his great and ardent love. How could this girl know that all people, without exception, for Paratov are just toys or means to achieve his goals. And his main goal is wealth at any cost.

Sergei Sergeevich values ​​individual freedom, but only his own personality. He understands that only money can give this freedom. And he strives for them with all his soul, using any means. By his own admission, Paratov is ready to sell everything that will bring him profit, without experiencing the slightest feeling of pity. There is no doubt that he will sell not only everything, but everyone. Larisa, who dearly loved him, will not be an exception to this rule, the only one of all the people who knew Paratov who is unaware of this side of his nature. Throwing the day before own wedding with Karandyshev in the arms of Paratov, the girl does not know that her love only amuses the master’s vanity, flatters his vanity. Paratov kills her in cold blood, pushing her down the slippery path of being a kept woman. He never thought of marrying her, being engaged to a rich heiress of gold mines, which saved him from bankruptcy.

Thus, the real, albeit indirect culprit of Larisa’s death is Paratov - a ruthless, cynical predator who plays with the destinies of others, like a cat with a mouse.

Sample 2

Who read the play by A.N. Ostrovsky? “The Dowry” knows the main character: Paratov, a rich, handsome man and a favorite of women. This is truly what men like. Charming, rich, knows how to win love, and even powerful.

Any provincial girl will consider it an honor just that he glanced in her direction, and if he also invited her to spend the evening or drive down the street, then there is no limit to fantasies. Paratov is not only liked by the weaker sex, but also by men. Although they don’t like it so much as they fear it. Everything was bought from him, nature did not offend him with force and arrogance. Therefore, Sergei Sergeevich is not afraid of anyone and achieves whatever his heart desires. It doesn’t matter what happens, people are humiliated, hearts are broken. He doesn't care. The main thing is him and his desires.

The ability to behave in society, a full wallet, desire to please women, fearlessness - all these qualities allow him to be the center of attention. At the same time, he can earn respect by giving a good tip to a servant in a tavern and maintaining a conversation with those who are lower in rank and poorer than him. For the sake of entertainment, he can spend money on the woman he likes. At the same time, without feeling respect or compassion for others, much less love. Yes, he is wasteful. Due to his character, he likes to lead a cheerful life. But for the sake of profit and acquiring wealth, he will go to the extent of marrying an unloved woman.

The poor provincial girl Larisa met such a man. It never occurred to her that she was one of those for him with whom he could spend time and nothing more. His promises and vows of love mean nothing. He only says them because girls want to hear them. He is capable of not only deception, but also betrayal. Larisa just didn't want to see negative qualities his character due to his youth. How can such a handsome man with smart speeches be a bad person?

Paratov is not one of the noble knights who dream of great and only love. For him, the greatest love is wealth and he will never change this feeling.

Many friends knew about Paratov’s cynicism and callous character, but no one warned Larisa about the danger. Everyone watched in silence as the girl died and did not lend a helping hand. This made her feel completely unbearable.

Essay about Paratov Sergei Sergeevich

Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky gave the whole world Sergei Sergeevich Paratov, who is one of the main characters in the sensational play “Dowry,” written on October 29, 1878.

Paratov is a middle-aged nobleman with a high social and financial position, which he has almost completely lost. His appearance was shrouded in a mysterious haze: he was dressed in a black frock coat and white cap, and carried a large travel bag on his shoulder. Probably the most favorite hobby the hero is a waste of money, which determines his habit of leading a cheerful and carefree life, no matter what the circumstances.

Paratov - often horrible man, which shows his heartlessness and ruthlessness towards the people around him, who show some caution and apathy towards him.

Based on the qualities of the hero, we can say with confidence that Paratov does not experience any special internal experiences, he does not care about the opinions of other people. Ostrovsky is not cold enough towards the hero, which is expressed in remarks between other characters, because they do not have warm feelings for him; on the contrary, society does not have the best opinion about the hero.

Sergei never minces his expressions and always says what he thinks. That is why there are moments when he crosses all boundaries and commits unthinkable and reckless acts that have very tragic consequences that can destroy the fate of other innocent people. Meanness, godlessness, pride, frivolity: all these qualities personify the personality of our main character, which are revealed throughout the entire work.

Thus, Paratov is not a role model and, most likely, he was intended as an anti-hero. His actions reek of inhumanity, which manifests itself in his Everyday life. Deceptions and scams accompany his character throughout the play. That is why my attitude towards this hero will never change, because it is impossible to even try to justify someone who does not have a drop of humanity.

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Paratov Sergey Sergeevich - “a brilliant gentleman, from the ship’s son-in-law, over 30 years old.” Despite the impression made, P. is actually a much more primitive character than Larisa and Karandyshev. This hero is closely associated with the type of chic playmakers, handsome men who end up as dowry seekers, contenders for the hands of rich merchants, whose passionate heart and affection puts an end to their life’s quest (Dulchin, Okoemov).

P.'s traits, which delight Larisa, are of no value in Ostrovsky's world. In the “chic”, external splendor of such characters, the playwright sees only a pose; there is no genuine emotional life in them, no clarity of feelings. They differ from a hero like Karandyshev in that it is in this position that they feel most comfortable; the mask has become second nature to them. At the same time, P. easily combines lordly irrationality (the ability to waste money, antics with shooting at the woman he loves, etc.) and simple, unsightly calculation. However, the ability to theatricalize, to make any of his actions spectacular and mysterious, based on a very precise feeling of the “role” of the rich and fatal master in which he performs (this feeling is sorely lacking in such “amateurs” as Karandyshev), gives him the ability to even openly present baseness as something extraordinarily noble. This is manifested, for example, in a conversation with Larisa’s mother about his arranged marriage, as well as in the spectacular phrases with which he tries to get rid of Larisa at the end of the play: “Do you admit that a person bound hand and foot with inextricable chains can get so carried away that he will forget everything in the world, he will forget the reality that oppresses him, he will forget his chains?” Both chains and “oppressive reality” are only a cover for an unseemly act and can no longer deceive. For P. at this moment it is only important to look as impressive as possible and keep the mask.

Committing unsightly acts, taking revenge on Karandyshev, making fun of Robinson, whom he keeps with him in the role of a jester, taking Larisa away for his whim straight from the dinner arranged by her fiancé, P. joins the ranks of dirty “jokers” capable of serving their own whims and satisfying their ambitions trample on someone else's life and self-esteem.

There is nothing behind P.'s spectacular pose. He is a mirage, a phantom created by the imagination of Larisa and partly Karandyshev. He is an empty place in a variety of respects, and this is well understood by Knurov and Vozhevatov, who are opposed to him as the true masters of life - a man living an ephemeral, illusory life.

P.'s role in the play is exclusively negative. His appearance brings chaos into an already more or less established life, sharply disrupts the fragile balance in Larisa’s soul between the desire to come to terms with her fate and the longing for a bright and beautiful life. Almost all events in the play take place for him and because of him.

His speech and behavior are characterized by a kind of theatricality, the ability to take, depending on the interlocutor and the situation, exactly the tone that will present him in the most advantageous light: with Knurov, Vozhevatov and Larisa’s mother, he speaks cynically, directly communicating his intentions to sell himself profitably, with Karandyshev in the presence of Larisa, he takes on a defiant tone, demonstrating superiority over his rival; alone with Larisa, he seeks to hurt and challenge her with almost Pechorin-like phrases: “I want to know how soon a woman forgets a passionately loved person: the next day after separation from him, a week or a month later... did Hamlet have the right to tell his mother that she “hasn’t worn out her shoes yet” - etc.

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