General view of the picture of a thick flower fruit bird. Essay on the painting flowers fruit bird

With a plan, Fyodor Petrovich Tolstoy is a famous nineteenth-century medalist. He is distinguished by a special style of writing; his fantastic butterflies and birds with unusual plumage cannot be forgotten. Tolstoy especially loved to paint fruits and flowers. The artist's contemporaries admired his still lifes. They also evoke admiration among today's viewers.

Essay describing the painting “Flowers, fruits, birds” 5th grade

The artistic works of Fyodor Tolstoy, recognized in many fields of art, enchant viewers with illusory perfection, colorful fabulousness and warm light. One of his most famous paintings is “Flowers, Fruits, Bird”.

The genre of the canvas is still life. Various and even incompatible, at first glance, objects of the plant and living world came into view. The largest and most central item is a product of the artificial world - a glass vase of laconic design.

Freshly picked wildflowers are placed in a simple transparent flask with water. They are colorful and beautiful. Variegated red stripes on white petals, pinkish corollas and a blooming bright orange flower are held on fragile green stems. Fresh greens remind you of spring and always make you happy.

Some ripe apples make the composition richer. The fruits are browned from ripeness and thereby stimulate the appetite. One fruit is cut in half.

The artist carefully painted the grains and light flesh of the apple. A fly landed on a greenish apple, sensing a pleasant fruity aroma. Nearby, Tolstoy depicted a pair of water drops - they glow and resemble crystal clear drops of morning dew.

The entire composition of the still life is on a table made of light wood. The background is the same wooden beige surface. One of the bunches of painted currants slightly falls off the table. The grapes are located on the other edge of the table. Its pristine freshness is noticeable - leaves without a single hint of wilting.

A wonderful little bird perched on a grape branch. Its bluish plumage harmonizes perfectly with the brownish one. I was attracted by the collected bouquet of fruits and flowers and lovely butterflies. They float side by side in a joyful waltz.

F.P. Tolstoy created something kaleidoscopic from the chaotic diversity of the living world. Still life teaches us to admire this wealth of nature.

Flowers, fruits, birds. An essay based on a painting by F.P. Tolstoy

Fyodor Petrovich Tolstoy - an outstanding Russian artist, artist, excellent sculptor was born in 1783, in the family of the head of the commissariat. According to tradition, he followed in the footsteps of his father and began to study military affairs. To do this, he entered the naval cadet corps. But his boundless love for art got the better of him, as a result of which he resigned from his job in 1804. military service, deciding to forever connect his life with painting and sculpture.

F.P. loved to write most of all. Tolstoy flowers, butterflies, wonderful birds, fruits. One of his most famous creations can rightfully be considered the painting “Flowers, Fruits, Birds”. The still life itself is literally imbued with tenderness, fabulousness, warmth, saturated with the aroma of flowers and fruits, and flooded with sun.

On a golden-brown background there is a picture of a blown glass vase in which extraordinary flowers flaunt, the paints for which the author chose deliberately delicate pastel shades - lilac-lilac and white-pink, and only one flower stands out from the general background with brighter yellow-red colors, which doesn't spoil it at all big picture, but on the contrary revives it. The stems of flowers amaze with their elegance and strength; they seem to be directed upward towards the sun and are fraught with life.

Around the vase are laid out apples that shine, glow from the inside, their skin shines glossy in the sun. A small bug is crawling on one of the apples, the other is cut open. Perhaps this is how the artist wanted to show the ripeness of the fruits that he collected for the still life. Next to the apples lies a bunch of grapes with large and juicy berries, it is clear that it was cut recently and the leaves have retained their vitality, the tendrils - the shoots - are directed upward and seem to stretch towards the sun.

A small bird with thin legs and bright blue plumage sits on top of the vine. This bird seemed to come down to us from a fairy tale. What could have interested her so much? Where is she looking so intently? And she was most likely interested in a small dot - the movement of a worm that had taken a fancy to the apple, and now she is patiently waiting for it to emerge from its hiding place. Or maybe she admires her reflection in a vase? Or was it the ripe currants that caught her attention? Everyone will answer this question for themselves, because perhaps the artist deliberately left this a mystery.
In the middle, near the vase, the author depicted two clusters of currants - one red and the other white. The berries on both clusters are ripe and transparent. The entire still life is saturated with the alluring smell of flowers and the sweet aroma of fruits surrounding the bouquet. This, of course, could not go unnoticed and two wonderful butterflies flocked to this intoxicating fragrance.

It is clear that the artist put his whole soul into creating the picture, saturating it with sun, sensuality, and colors. To this day, art connoisseurs never cease to admire his creation, which anyone can see in the Tretyakov Gallery.

Short essay on the painting “Flowers, Fruits, Birds” 5th grade

There is a very good and old proverb that if a person is talented, then his talent is manifested in many things. I can confidently include Fyodor Petrovich Tolstoy among such people. This is a famous Russian sculptor, painter, medalist, draftsman and vice-president of the Academy of Arts. Most of all, his paintings remain in the memory of many art lovers.

My attention was drawn to his work “Bouquet of Flowers, Butterfly and Bird”. On a gray plain background there is a vase with a small bouquet on which sat a butterfly, and next to it a bird and a fallen leaf. There were several colors and all different. Some were just blooming and delighting the eyes with their beauty, but there were also those whose beauty was already beginning to fade. The difference in their colors, from dark blue to light pink, and the unequal length of the stem gave the bouquet sophistication and uniqueness. The vase was made of transparent glass and it was clearly visible how much water was poured into it. Almost at the very top of the vase sat a beautiful yellow color with black rim, butterfly. She spread her wings and seemed to inhale the scent of flowers. A small caterpillar was crawling on a fallen leaf. She is completely ugly and even ugly, but soon she will also turn into a beautiful butterfly.

It would seem that the picture is simple and nothing special, if not for the small bird on the pencil next to the vase. She has a very beautiful coloring. The muzzle is decorated pink, white belly, dark blue back with white and yellow feathers. She just sits and seems to be looking exactly at the artist, as if she is posing for him. The bird, with its small appearance, adds zest to the picture. She becomes unique and very interesting to others. The author chose the background very subtly and correctly, so the flowers and birds look brighter and even more attract the curious glances of art connoisseurs.



Topic: Essay - description of objects based on the painting by F.P. Tolstoy

"Flowers, fruits, birds"


Planned results:


Beauty is harmony;

it is a guarantee of peace...

F.M. Dostoevsky


When looking at a painting, you need to strive to understand the artist’s plan, try to evaluate how much he managed to realize this plan. That is why our task is to learn to talk about what and how is depicted in the picture. Today we will get acquainted with the genre of painting called still life.

Still life is a French word, and it literally means “dead nature.” These are paintings that depict various items, fruits, flowers or food (fish, game, etc.).

Still life painting first appeared in Holland at the beginning of the 17th century. In Russia, this genre of painting became known relatively late - in the 18th century.

Image beautiful world things and gifts of nature fascinated many painters, and in every still life - the world through the eyes of the artist.

Fyodor Petrovich Tolstoy (1783-1873) - a wonderful Russian artist and sculptor. Born into the family of Count P.A. Tolstoy in 1823. The future artist, as was customary at that time, was enrolled in the Preobrazhensky Regiment with the rank of sergeant from birth. After graduating from the Naval Corps in 1802, the young midshipman Fyodor Tolstoy entered the Academy of Arts, where he later long years taught. IN last years life, the artist lost his sight. Died Great master in 1873.

In addition to painting by F.P. Tolstoy was fond of entomology (Entomology is the science that studies the life of insects) and was an “educated botanist.”

F. Tolstoy's still lifes are an attempt to capture the enchanting

the beauty of nature. Most famous works in this genre - “Bouquet of Flowers”, “Butterfly and Bird”, “Flowers, Fruits, Bird”.

  1. Vocabulary work.

Still life - paintings depicting berries, fruits, picked flowers, food, etc.

Composition of the painting -

IV. Conversation on the picture



(Next to the vase lies a ruddy apple. Behind it is a large bunch of ripe grapes. Large berries, dark blue in the shade and bluish in the light. It looks like they are spraying sweet juice now.


What will be the main idea of ​​our description?

V. Drawing up a plan for describing the picture.

2. Still life composition:

b) fruits;

c) butterfly;

d) bird.

VI. Verbal description paintings by 1-2 students, editing and discussion of statements

Basic vocabulary:

There is a picture in front of me...

The artist managed...

Key phrases and phrases

Glass vase,

purple-pink lavatera,

sweet pea sprig,

colorful bird,

lemon yellow butterfly.

VII. Essay writing in drafts, editing and rewriting

VIII. Lesson summary. Homework- exercise 318

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“Essay - description of objects based on the painting by F.P. Tolstoy "Flowers, Fruits, Birds"



Subject: Essay - description of objects based on the painting by F.P. Tolstoy

"Flowers, fruits, birds"

Goals: check spelling skills; develop interest in works of art, observation skills, and the ability to describe pictures; develop skills monologue speech; give the concept of still life; to develop an interest in art, in independent creative activity.

Planned results: students will learn to construct oral and written statements; construct the text of a descriptive essay; verbally convey your aesthetic impressions.

Equipment: Still lifes by F.P. Tolstoy, Russians and foreign artists(presentation)

Beauty is harmony;

it is a guarantee of peace...

F.M. Dostoevsky


    State the topic and purpose of the lesson. introduction teachers.

When looking at a painting, you need to strive to understand the artist’s plan, try to evaluate how much he managed to realize this plan. That is why our task is to learn to talk about what and how is depicted in the picture. Today we will get acquainted with the genre of painting called still life.

Still life is a French word, and it literally means “dead nature.” These are paintings that depict various objects, fruits, flowers or food (fish, game, etc.).

Still life painting first appeared in Holland at the beginning of the 17th century. In Russia, this genre of painting became known relatively late - in the 18th century.

Still lifes, once painted by artists, not only captured things, they can tell us a lot about their owners, about the life and everyday life of the era, about people and their habits.

The depiction of the beautiful world of things and gifts of nature fascinated many painters, and in every still life there is a world through the eyes of the artist.

    A word from the teacher about the artist and his paintings.

Fyodor Petrovich Tolstoy (1783-1873) - a wonderful Russian artist and sculptor. Born into the family of Count P.A. Tolstoy in 1823. The future artist, as was customary at that time, was enrolled in the Preobrazhensky Regiment with the rank of sergeant from birth. After graduating from the Naval Corps in 1802, the young midshipman Fyodor Tolstoy entered the Academy of Arts, where he later taught for many years. In the last years of his life, the artist lost his sight.
The great master died in 1873.

F.P. Tolstoy was a man of great culture and deep erudition, an artist with diverse professional interests.

His drawing abilities showed up very early. Tolstoy’s elder sister, Vera Petrovna, also drew beautifully, and her mother, although she did not have the talent of an artist, skillfully embroidered landscapes and wonderful flowers.

In addition to painting by F.P. Tolstoy was fond of entomology (Entomology is the science that studies the life of insects) and was an “educated botanist.”

The most original area of ​​Tolstoy's work is large collection watercolors with brilliant images of flowers and fruits. The artist paints dragonflies, butterflies with fantastic wings, and birds with unusual plumage. The still lifes created by “Tolstoy with a miraculous brush” (A.S. Pushkin) became works great art.

F. Tolstoy's still lifes are an attempt to capture the enchanting

the beauty of nature. The most famous works in this genre are “Bouquet of Flowers”, “Butterfly and Bird”, “Flowers, Fruits, Bird”.

    Vocabulary work.

Still life– paintings depicting berries, fruits, picked flowers, food, etc.

Composition of the painting - arrangement of objects in space, highlighting the main thing in the image.

IV. Conversation on the picture

Before us is a still life by F.P. Tolstoy "Flowers, fruits, birds." What objects did the artist depict?

What did the artist place in the center of his painting?

(In the center of the picture is a glass vase with beautiful white and soft pink flowers on long stems. Narrow dark green leaves are intricately curved. Orange nasturtium complements this exquisite bouquet. The red stamens of the flowers and thin veins of the leaves are carefully painted.)

How does the artist show the transparency of water in a vase?

(Each stem of the flower is clearly visible, the background of the picture shines through the glass)

All items are located on the table. What do we see on the very edge of the table, in front of the vase?

(On the very edge of the table there are sprigs of red and white currants. The berries seem to be illuminated. They are fresh and transparent, the grains are visible inside.)

What did the artist depict in the picture on the left?

(Two ripe red-sided apples. Half of the third remained. A dark brown seed is visible on the white-pink pulp.)

What do we see to the right of the vase?

(Next to the vase lies a ruddy apple. Behind it is a large bunch of ripe grapes. Large berries, dark blue in the shade and bluish in the light. It seems that they are now splashing with sweet juice.

How did the artist depict the bird? What is she like?

(A graceful bird with unusual plumage sits on the top of the grape cluster. She tilted her blue head towards the apple and is looking for something on its shiny skin. Perhaps she saw a fly that was attracted by the aroma of the ripe fruit?)

What else in the picture attracts your attention?

(To the left and right of the bouquet F.P. Tolstoy depicted beautiful butterflies, which flutter over flowers and fruits.)

What background did the artist choose for his still life? Why?

(The yellow background creates the impression that all objects are illuminated by the dark summer sun, warmed by its bright rays.)

So, we saw that in a painting it is very important where and how the artist arranged the objects, what colors he chose in order to more fully and deeply express his attitude towards what is depicted.

(F. Tolstoy glorifies the beauty of the world of things, objects that surround a person and decorate his life.)

If we convey the content of the picture to other people, what type of writing will we use?


Which: business or artistic?

(Artistic. A painting is a work of art.)

What will it be like the main idea of ​​our description?

(World, surrounding a person, beautiful, you just need to be able to see this beauty.)

V. Drawing up a plan for describing the painting.

1. brief information about the artist.

2. Still life composition:

b) fruits;

c) butterfly;

d) bird.

3. Thoughts and feelings that still life evokes.

VI. Oral description of the picture by 1-2 students, editing and discussion of statements

Basic vocabulary:

There is a picture in front of me...

On foreground wonderful canvas...

In the center of the picture the artist depicted...

The color range is very diverse:…

When creating the painting, the master used...

The artist managed...

Key phrases and phrases

Glass vase,

purple-pink lavatera,

carrot-red marigold with yellow stripes,

sweet pea sprig,

fluffy head of a scarlet-red poppy with a white border at the tips of the petals,

blue delphinium with golden centers,

colorful bird,

lemon yellow butterfly.

Use the following questions to guide your discussion:

    Is what is depicted in the picture described correctly and completely?

    Is the artist's main idea revealed?

    Was the student able to talk about the construction (composition) of the still life, as well as about the colors that the artist used?

    Were the ideas presented consistently, and is the narrator’s vocabulary varied?

    Was the tone of the essay consistent with its content and main idea?

VII. Essay writing in drafts, editing and rewriting

VIII. Lesson summary. Homework - exercise 318

Essay “Flowers, fruits, birds” by F.P. Tolstoy.

Natural beauty has always attracted the attention of representatives of various walks of art. The fauna received no less attention; often among painters there are fans of the animalistic movement. What if you combine objects of the animal and plant worlds in one work? Painting by Fyodor Petrovich Tolstoy Flowers, fruits, birds contains all the grace and sophistication of the world around us, demonstrates harmonious combination its components.

In the center of the canvas there is a round vase made of thin and fragile glass, the water inside is transparent, and the graceful stems of the flowers standing in it are clearly visible. The artist mainly uses bed colors, so one garden flower combines white and pale blue colors, the second – white and pink. The third one stands out with its bright yellowness with small red splashes, which gives liveliness not only to this part, but to the whole picture as a whole. The stems and leaves of plants have saturated a green tint means that this small bouquet was collected quite recently, and the greenery has not yet had time to fade.

On a golden table near a vessel there are ruddy apples written like this: realistic that you want to bite into one of them. A small bug, having settled on the fruits, also wants to taste one of them, which speaks of the ripeness and sweetness of the fruits collected with love. A little further away, the artist depicts a massive cluster of grapes, its leaves are fresh and seem to stretch out towards the sun’s rays. Sprigs of white and red currants with transparent juicy berries truly complement summer atmosphere creations.

Still life permeated with light, reflected in every object, creating comfort and warmth. It can be seen with what care and trepidation Tolstoy collected the fruits and berries. Their magical aroma hovers in the air, dizzying and whetting your appetite. Of course, this combination of sweetness with tenderness could not leave representatives of the local fauna indifferent, so an extraordinary little bird landed on a bunch of ripe grapes, and two butterflies circled over the bouquet, as if intoxicated by its fragrance.

The canvas charges the viewer with a summer joyful mood, all of it is saturated freshness and the sun. The still life seems to be surrounded by gold, so reflected Sun rays in the surface of a light wooden table and background. The atmosphere of airiness and lightness inspires dreams, causes an extraordinary surge of energy, charges positive emotions. This is probably why many art lovers like it so much.

Fyodor Petrovich Tolstoy - an outstanding Russian artist, artist, excellent sculptor was born in 1783, in the family of the head of the commissariat. According to tradition, he followed in the footsteps of his father and began to study military affairs. To do this, he entered the naval cadet corps. But his boundless love for art got the better of him, as a result of which he retired from military service in 1804, deciding to forever connect his life with painting and sculpture.
F.P. loved to write most of all. Tolstoy flowers, butterflies, wonderful birds, fruits. One of his most famous creations can rightfully be considered the painting “Flowers, Fruits, Birds”. The still life itself is literally imbued with tenderness, fabulousness, warmth, saturated with the aroma of flowers and fruits, and flooded with sun.
Flowers, fruits, birds

On a golden-brown background there is a picture of a blown glass vase in which extraordinary flowers flaunt, the paints for which the author chose deliberately delicate pastel shades - lilac-lilac and white-pink, and only one flower stands out from the general background with brighter yellow-red colors, which does not spoil the overall picture at all, but rather enlivens it. The stems of flowers amaze with their elegance and strength; they seem to be directed upward towards the sun and are fraught with life.
Around the vase are laid out apples that shine, glow from the inside, their skin shines glossy in the sun. A small bug is crawling on one of the apples, the other is cut open. Perhaps this is how the artist wanted to show the ripeness of the fruits that he collected for the still life. Next to the apples lies a bunch of grapes with large and juicy berries, it is clear that it was cut recently and the leaves have retained their vitality, the tendrils - the shoots - are directed upward and seem to stretch towards the sun.

Bouquet of flowers, butterfly and bird.
A small bird with thin legs and bright blue plumage sits on top of the vine. This bird seemed to come down to us from a fairy tale. What could have interested her so much? Where is she looking so intently? And she was most likely interested in a small dot - the movement of a worm that had taken a fancy to the apple, and now she is patiently waiting for it to emerge from its hiding place. Or maybe she admires her reflection in a vase? Or was it the ripe currants that caught her attention? Everyone will answer this question for themselves, because perhaps the artist deliberately left this a mystery.
In the middle, near the vase, the author depicted two clusters of currants - one red and the other white. The berries on both clusters are ripe and transparent. The entire still life is saturated with the alluring smell of flowers and the sweet aroma of fruits surrounding the bouquet. This, of course, could not go unnoticed and two wonderful butterflies flocked to this intoxicating fragrance.
It is clear that the artist put his whole soul into creating the picture, saturating it with sun, sensuality, and colors. To this day, art connoisseurs never cease to admire his creation, which anyone can see in the Tretyakov Gallery.

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