Educational games in English lessons (grammar, vocabulary, language games, etc.). Linguistic and grammar games in English lessons in high school

Purpose of the games: to develop the ability to correctly use aspectual and tense forms English verb both verbally and writing, organization of training for students in operating grammatical material at the sentence level on grammatical topics “Aspectual and tense forms of the English verb.”

Grammar topic “Present Simple.

Equipment – ​​13 educational cards, A4 size. Seven educational cards with the pronouns I, YOU, HE, SHE, IT, WE, THEY (for example, red singular pronouns and Brown plural pronouns) and six educational cards with the verbs DO, DOES, don"t, doesn"t, V, Vs (for example, blue).

Grammar theme "Present Continuous".

Equipment – ​​12 training cards. Seven practice cards with pronouns and five cards AM, IS, ARE. not.

If students are trained on the grammar topic “Past Simple”, then the cards with verbs change accordingly. (Ved, V, V2, DID, didn't), etc.

Organizing games based on educational cards makes it much easier to master grammatical material.

Such training games can be carried out on all grammatical topics related to English verb tenses. For example: grammar games on the topic “Present Simple”.

The teacher begins the lesson with the rhyme “I, you, we, they, our house is full of guests!” Next, the teacher calls names, words in the singular and plural, inviting students to change these words to pronouns. He also suggests conducting a frontal test to recognize educational cards with symbols. The lesson also includes repetition of English time according to the plan:

  1. Name.
  2. Action.
  3. Companion words.
  4. Grammatical features.
  5. Correspondence between Russian and English times. Teaching students the ability to distinguish between types of English verbs in speech situations in their native (Russian) language

GAME 1. This is my pronoun

A student comes to the board with a training card “I”. Students with training cards “DO”, “DON"T”, “V” stand up to him. So, one by one, all students with training cards - pronouns and, accordingly, all students with training cards of verbs come to the board. The task of the students who have cards with verbs, do not miss your exit and stand up only with your pronoun.

GAME 2. Create a sentence diagram.

To determine the structure of a simple sentence using visual material, the teacher writes a simple sentence on the board, for example: “He drinks.” Two students come to the board with educational cards “HE”, “Vs”. To complicate the game, the teacher suggests drawing up diagrams of not only affirmative sentences, but also negative and interrogative ones. To compose interrogative sentences, educational cards with question words (What, Where, When) are introduced into the game.

GAME 3. Write my verb correctly.

The teacher writes sentences with blanks on the board. For example:
............she run?
............they skip?
What...............he like?

Students complete the assignment in writing. The task of the students (4 people who have educational cards with verbs (DO, DOES, don"t doesn"t) is to check the correctness of the task with the rest of the students, having previously received advice from the teacher.

GAME 5. Choose an offer.

The teacher offers to select and name sentences from the text according to a given model. For example:

Does he V? (sentence model)
Does he drink milk? (offer)

Students come to the board with the necessary educational cards to draw up a sentence diagram. The proposal is voiced by the teacher and students.

GAME 6. Make five sentences!

The teacher distributes cards with printed verbs to all students. A student comes to the board with the pronoun “He”. This pronoun will be the subject of the sentences students create. Each student makes 5 sentences (affirmative, negative, general question, 2 special questions), but only with their own verb. For example:

(+) He drinks.
(–) He doesn't drink.
(?) Does he drink?
(Wh-q) What does he drink?
Who drinks?

This exercise can be done orally or in writing. The task of the student who has a pronoun is to assist the teacher in checking the correctness of the task.

GAME 7. Make up questions.

The teacher reads out the sentence. Shows question words. Students ask sentence questions starting with these question words. This game can be played orally and in writing. For example:

He drinks milk every day.

Question words (Who, What When)

Such games allow the teacher to correct students' mistakes quickly, as they go along, making the learning process easier and less tiring, and this increases motivation for learning and contributes to the solid assimilation of knowledge about the English verb.

These games can help you add variety to your lessons. Study them - and you won’t have to waste time on preparation, you will always have an interesting game in reserve.

Don't laugh, don't smile

Make a wish for any object. The trainer asks questions like:

  • What do (did, will, does) you (your friend) eat (for dinner)?
  • Where do you usually sleep?
  • Who is your best friend?
  • Who has helped you?

The student answers, without smiling, with this word: “I ate (eat) a dog,” “A ball is my best friend.”

The trainer gives his funny comments to the answer (possibly in Russian): “Now it’s clear why all the dogs ran away from our city.”, or something similar. Only the one who answers should not laugh, and the more others laugh, the merrier. Do not slow down the pace of questions, maximum questions. Achieve quick answers by reducing communication lag (the time between asking a question and beginning to answer).

Recommendations: You can play this game indefinitely, practicing almost all lexical and especially grammatical topics, but taking breaks so that the student does not get used to one game. You can also change: the student asks questions, the teacher answers with the group. You can also ask questions in mixed tenses, but you must first explain that the answer must be in the same tense as the question.

Crosses and spots

For this game you can use a card, or simply lay out the words on cards or pictures 3*3. When playing, observe the principle of gradualness. The player covers the space with a chip if:

  • Named the word in English;
  • Translated it into Russian;
  • Gave 3 forms of the verb (if the topic is Past Ind.);
  • Made up a simple sentence, for example “I like horses.”;
  • He gave a sentence with an extension: “I like to eat ... for dinner.”, “There is a TVset in the corner of the room.”;
  • Made a sentence in the 3rd person singular, or Present Cont.;
  • Created a question (general, special);
  • Made up a negative;
  • Made a complex sentence with if, when, because, for example “He is strong, because he does morning exercises every day.”

Recommendations: “Crosses and spots” are applicable only for students who can confidently play this game in Russian and who are painless about their own loss. The game can be used at any stage to raise the student’s emotional tone.

Guess a word (an action) with pantomime

You can work with any lexical topic - even with adjectives.


Practicing conversational phrases: introduction, greeting, telling about yourself, any questions.

Recommendations: This is a game for kids and primary schoolchildren with soft toys, voice changing, dressing up. The game can become more difficult at different stages. For middle school students, give the instruction: “You are actors in a puppet theater and are showing a play to children in kindergarten.”


The game consists of putting pictures with actions (nouns, adjectives, prepositions) into a chain. Walking along this chain, the student says simple sentences (at speed):

  • I like apples. I like plums. I like...
  • He is strong. He is fat. He is...
  • He was in the park yesterday. He was in...
  • We slept in the refrigerator yesterday. We ate soup yesterday...
  • We wear trousers in autumn. We wear sandals in summer...
  • He can jump in the kitchen...

Recommendations: This game is applicable to any grammatical topic (He is going to..., We’ll...) If you put an X or? - Negative or interrogative sentences are compiled accordingly. If you put time markers on the picture, you can practice a mixture of tenses and different types of sentences. You can give markers or pronouns as the child moves along the chain, practicing the element of surprise and reducing communication lag. This increases the effectiveness of the training. To increase the child’s interest in the game, make up very funny sentences (for example, you can “confuse” the seasons, location, never, sometimes ...).


The purpose of this game is to practice the speed of modification of various grammatical structures. The essence of this game is best explained by the following example:

Level I: “I clean my teeth.” -> She -> “She cleans her teeth.” -> They -> “They clean their teeth.” -> Not -> “They don’t clean teeth.” -> He -> “He doesn’t clean teeth.” -> Why -> “Why does he clean teeth?” -> Where -> “Where does he clean teeth?” -> We -> “Where do we clean teeth?” ->

Level II: Now -> “Where is he cleaning teeth?” -> Yesterday -> “Where did he clean teeth ...

For each correct answer, the student receives a chip; whoever gets the most chips wins. If it becomes difficult to continue, you can take new model and work with her.


This game usually ends with a lexical or grammatical topic. The student is asked to create a “Puzzle” type mini-story. After the student's story, consisting of individual sentences on a given topic, his partner must guess what or who was encrypted. In the topic “Appearance” this is a person - the hero of a fairy tale, film or cartoon, actor, singer, classmate; in the topic “Animals” this is some kind of animal; in the topic “Food” - any product or dish; in the topic “City” - any famous city, etc.

Recommendations: Repeat the entire cycle many times to achieve fluency in using vocabulary, give bonus points for the most full story at a good pace. Use repetition of covered topics to increase students' tone and excitement in the game.


This game uses cards with 3 types of words: semantic verbs, adjectives and nouns. Before starting the game, select the cards you need (already known to students) for a separate part of speech or for a mixture. Each player takes 3 or 4 cards. The remaining cards remain in the “bank”. The first participant moves, the second “interrupts the move”, choosing from his cards any card with which he can make a sentence together with the one that the first player used. If the sentence is composed correctly, the student who composed it takes both cards for himself (for his points). If the sentence is made incorrectly, the player who moved loses his turn, and the next player makes a sentence with either three or two cards, and if the answer is correct, he takes them for himself (for his points). If one of the players wants to score a large number of points at once, he must put in his 2 or 3 cards on his turn, which he must combine in one sentence. It is advisable to make funny sentences. After each circle, all participants take 3-4 cards from the bank.

Recommendations: The rules in this game can be modified depending on what goal you are pursuing (what time or mixture of times is practiced, denial, questions, ...) You, too, at the beginning of the game must take part in it, as one of the players, but Slowly give in to the students, get excited.


This game can be used multifunctionally. The game begins with you choosing a student to be the teacher, and he will teach part of the lesson for you. First, of course, you must clearly formulate to him what needs to be done:

  • While throwing the ball, check the words and their translation from Russian into English and vice versa;
  • Ask questions in English, giving out tokens for the correct answer;

Ten things

This is the conventional name of the game, the essence of which is that all participants draw 3 - 5 - 10 objects, and, having exchanged their drawings, write or say what their partner will do (is doing, has already done, etc.) with these objects. Suggestions can be funny. You can ask questions about these items, you can say or write what they will not do with these items.

You can complicate the conditions of the game: one participant draws 3 - 5 objects, the other writes the same number of actions. Then both drawings are connected together and the resulting sentences are formed. For example, the first was Tvset, and the action was jump. Sentence: I jump over (on) Tvset with my brother/

Another version of this game - everyone writes 5 - 7 names of objects, and the teacher asks: “What will you take for a trip?” And why?” or “What did your mother give you as a birthday present and why?” The questions may be the most unexpected. Participants answer, trying to explain logically, based on the list of items that they have. You can make funny comments along the way.

You can also draw or write 3 - 5 - 10 actions (regular verbs) and exchange sheets of paper, then “predict the fate” of each other “Foretell the future”. We get some very interesting predictions. Moreover, you can change the setting: “What had he done, before the guests came?”, “What did you do on the Moon” (it all depends on the grammatical tense).

Recommendations: This is a very effective game, used both in an oral lesson and in an individual lesson. When using this game in an individual lesson, it is imperative to give all participants the opportunity to read the resulting sentences (to maintain interest).


Instead of traditional dictation, you can use a whole chain of spelling games:

  1. Write any combinations of sh, skate, ch, a, wh, th, w, and under them ask the student to write any words with these combinations. You can give 1 - 2 combinations, or 4 - 6, depending on age and level of training. But don’t overdo it: it should be interesting for the student and not too difficult. Combinations can be given immediately after going through the rules in the booklet, but make sure that the student is already good at writing and collecting these words from the split alphabet. For first graders, use this method only in exceptional cases.
  2. Write a few letters on a piece of paper, for example: s, k, t, ... The student’s task is to write words starting with these letters.
  3. After students have read the text or completed the listening task, you can give them the task of competing to see who can write the most words from the text, excluding and, but, I, he, etc.
  4. In the process of studying any lexical topic, you can give the task: Who will buy more products (Food), who will visit large quantity places (City).

These activities are very effective for students of all ages. For advanced levels the conditions become more complicated.

Proposals for expansion

They are performed in writing or orally based on a separate sentence or picture. Before starting, show the student how to do this in Russian, demonstrate possible “extensions”:

  • Adjectives;
  • of, for, with, direct and indirect additions;
  • Circumstances of place (where), time (when), course of action (willingly quickly), conditions (if, because).

The element of competition is that you need to create the longest sentence (in terms of number of words). This exercise can be done orally, expanding one by one: I bought flowers. - I bought beautiful flowers. - I bought flowers for my sister. And so on, as long as the opportunity to expand remains.

Change the story

Based on the story, it is necessary to change some words to get a new, slightly modified one: instead of in the morning - in the evening; an old man - a young girl; quickly - slowly; ...

Write a story

Write different words (nouns, adjectives, verbs) and some expressions (in the morning, at last, ...) and give the task to make a story with them. Element of competition: the one who comes up with the most interesting or longest story, etc., wins.

Music Passage

The student or coach brings several cassettes with different musical excerpts. The trainer puts on excerpts with different focus. Listen for 1 minute, then the student tells what images or memories were inspired by this music. All genres of music can be used.

Maze or Empty blocks

To play you need a dice cube and some chips. One of the variants of the game “Labyrinth” is selected (the cells can be prepositions, adjectives, verbs, or empty). Students in pairs take turns throwing the dice, moving along the field according to the points they roll, and making sentences with words in the cell, according to the grammatical topic being studied. The trainer can give the task to compose questions, denials, or statements with question words, or for a mixture of times (alternating cards with markers that lie nearby). When working with empty cells (Empty blocks), you can use any color pictures on any lexical topic, which are drawn from a stack of cards lying nearby. If the student does not make a mistake, he moves forward. If he makes a mistake, he goes back a step. The game conditions can be changed.


A field with many pictures is placed in front of the student. When making a sentence with the pictured word, the student covers the given picture with a chip. The goal is to fill a horizontal or vertical row of pictures. Assignments can be on any lexical or grammatical topic. A partner controls the game, and if he notices a mistake in a sentence, he does not allow him to place a chip.


Two students in a practice room throw a ball to each other to eliminate a communication delay. The tasks can be different: a) Translating words from Russian into English and vice versa on any topic, b) Answering questions, c) Composing a simple sentence with a given word on a given grammatical topic, d) Composing a similar statement, etc.

Card game

Two students receive cards on any grammatical or vocabulary topic. The cards are divided in half and distributed to the players. One makes a move, plays a card, and makes a sentence with his card. The other “interrupts” him by placing his card and making his own proposal. Errors are controlled and not counted. The one who has no cards left wins.

Magic Pouch

It is very convenient for a teacher to have a box with various kinds of objects in his room: a pine cone, an old candlestick, a wallet, an interesting box, a Kinder Surprise toy... and anything unusual and fun. These things should be in a closed box and the student should not see them. Before class, the teacher can put several items from this box in a bag and ask students to guess these items by asking questions about the grammatical topic they are studying, or previously studied grammatical topics. If the teacher wants to consolidate a certain topic in affirmative sentences, he explains to the student the task, what they call it, what he did yesterday, last summer, on vacation, on vacation with this subject “You cut it yesterday|last summer”, he answers “yes” or not". The student guesses the object after a while. You can use this game at any level, even on the first topics of “being” (what the object is - color, size, material, where it is usually located), who has it most often (grandmother, girl, child). You can use this version of the game - one of students, without looking into the bag, describe the object by touch. Other students ask questions or make statements about him, he denies or confirms. The emphasis is on play, interest, communication in English, the use of structures, and not on what we actually do with this subject in life.

Guess who said it?

This game is used while studying the topic “Direct - indirect speech”

One person leaves the room, the others (students and teacher) say one phrase each and choose a leader. The student who left returns and the leader says to him: “Someone said that...” (and substitutes the phrases that the participants uttered, making the changes that are needed when translating from direct to indirect speech).

The student who entered guesses who said what and voices it: “Vasya said that...”

This happens very cheerfully, the students try to confuse the newcomer by coming up with phrases that, logically, should come from another person (it is known that Vasya is fond of singing, and therefore Petya says that he loves to sing. This is how they try to confuse).

At first they work only with affirmative sentences, then the tasks become more complicated: interrogative and negative sentences. The same thing is done with times.

Examples of games in English lessons for grades 3 and 4

Author of the work: Dolgikh Marina Sergeevna, English teacher, Municipal Educational Institution “School No. 62 in Donetsk”
Description of work: Lexical and grammar games are intended for students in grades 3 and 4. These games can be used within creative project for the English subject week.

Target: development of lexical skills in oral speech on the topics “Colours”, “Animals”, “Food”, “Professions”, “School subjects and supplies”.
- activate students' vocabulary,
- develop memory, attention, imagination, thinking,
- develop the ability to work in a team.
Equipment: Handout.

“Favorite animals”

Target: development of listening, reading, speaking and lexical skills on the topic “Animals”.
Equipment: Handout.
Progress of the game: captains receive texts to read to their teams. By hearing, they must understand the content of the description of their favorite animal and guess it. At the next stage, the teams compose their dialogues about their favorite animal and talk about it.
Card No. 1
1. My name is Natasha. I am 9 years old. I like animals. My favorite pet is very nice. He has got a sharp beak and claws. He has got a long tail too. His feathers are green, yellow and red. His favorite food is nuts, fruits and seeds. My pet can talk. He often repeats “Hello! How are you?”
Card No. 2
2. My name is Tom. I am 10 years old. My pet is very quiet. He has got a shiny shell, sharp claws and a long neck. My pet likes digging in the garden. He likes to eat fruit, vegetables and leaves. He is very cute!
Card No. 3
3. My name is Sam. I am 8 years old. My pet likes to sleep on my bed. She has got bright green eyes. She likes milk and fish. I like to play with my pet every evening.
Card No. 4
4. My name is Denis. I am 11 years old. I often take him for a walk in the
park. He likes to run with a ball. My pet is big. He guards our house.
Card No. 5
5. My name is Maggie. I am 9 years old. My pet is unusual. He is called Sammy. He has got eight long hairy legs. Sammy has got eight eyes, but he cannot see very well. He eats insects. Maggie always keeps Sammy in a glass cage with sand in it. Maggie's friends are afraid of Sammy. She loves him!

Key: 1A, 2F, 3D, 4C, 5E
T: Tell about your favorite animals. Read the dialogue and finish the sentences.
P1: What is your favorite animal?

P2: My favorite animal is...because...
P1: What does it like to eat?
P2: It likes to eat...
P1: What can this animal do well?
P2: It can run\jump\swim\climb\…
P1: What about you? What animals do you like?
P2: ...
P1: Why do you like these animals?
P2: In my opinion, … Target: development of lexical and grammatical speaking skills (Present Simple) on the topic “Fruits”.
Equipment: Handout.
Progress of the game: Students receive cards with pictures of fruits. Each of them poses the general question “Have you got...?” Teams must exchange cards. Whoever collects the most cards wins.
P1: Have you got an apple?
P2: No, I haven’t.
P2: Have you got a plum?
P1: Yes, I have.
P3: Have you got a lemon?
P4: Yes, I have.

Target: consolidation of lexical skills on the topic “Colors”.
Equipment: Handout.
Progress of the game: teams select as many nouns as possible that must match the name of a certain color. For example:
Grey: wolves, mice, rats. Green: snakes, frogs, crocodiles, grass.
Red: apples, tomatoes, cherries. Black: cats, dogs, tea, coffee.
Yellow: lemons, chickens, sun. Orange: carrots, oranges, pumpkins.
Blue: sky, sea, blueberries. Brown: bears, chocolate, eyes.

“School subjects. Read and guess!”

Target: consolidation of reading skills, lexical skills on the topic “School subjects”
Equipment: Handout.
Progress of the game: teams receive a set of cards describing the actions taking place in a particular lesson. Teams must guess in which lesson this action takes place. For example:
1. They often do sums at this lesson. – Mathematics.
2. They like to read and translate texts. – English.
3. They learn to sing different songs. – Music.
4. They often play basketball and volleyball. – Physical Education.
5. They like to paint or draw at this lesson. – Art.

“School supplies”

Target: development of lexical skills on the topic “School supplies”
Equipment: Handout.
Progress of the game: Teams must create as many word combinations as possible using the names of school supplies. For example:
a book – an interesting book, a boring book, a new book, an old book, an English book, to open a book, to close a book, to write a book, to translate a book, to publish a book, to buy a book…

“Guess professions!”

Target: development of grammatical skills (Present Simple), consolidation of lexical units on the topic “Professions”.
Equipment: Handout.
Progress of the game: Students must guess the profession by writing general questions in the Present Simple:
P1: Do you teach children?
P2: No, I don't.
P3: Do you cook tasty dishes?
P2: No, I don't.
P4: Do you build houses?
P2: Yes, I do.
P4: Are you a builder?
P2: Yes, I am.

“School supplies. Guess riddles!”

Target: strengthening reading and vocabulary skills on the topic “School supplies”
Equipment: Handout.
Progress of the game: Teams must decipher and solve riddles about school supplies.

Key: I have many leaves, I am a nice thing,
But I am not a tree. Come and read me.
(A book)
List of used literature
1. Gallskaya N.D. Modern methods of teaching foreign languages ​​/ N.D. Gallskaya - M.: ARKTI, 2003. - 129 p.
2. Belova L.V., Rakhmankulova L.K. Some techniques for working with pictures in English lessons // Foreign languages ​​at school. - 1991. - No. 2.-p.72-75.
3. Zhukovskaya R.I. The game and its pedagogical significance. M., 1975.

Play, as you know, is the main activity of a child. She is peculiar common language for all the guys. At the same time, a game is a teaching tool that activates the mental activity of students, makes the learning process attractive and interesting, and has an emotional impact on teachers. This is a powerful incentive to master the language.

According to psychologist A.A. Leontyev, the motivation created by the game should be presented along with communicative, cognitive and aesthetic motivation. All this taken together constitutes the motivation for learning. The most powerful motivating factor are teaching techniques and methods that satisfy the needs of schoolchildren in the novelty of the material being studied and in the variety of exercises performed. The use of a variety of teaching techniques helps to consolidate linguistic phenomena in memory, create more lasting visual and auditory images, and maintain the interest and activity of students.

All games can be divided into two groups: preparatory games and creative games. Preparatory games contribute to the formation of new skills, namely games:

- grammatical

- lexical

- phonetic

- spelling

Preparatory games, as it were, “build” the foundation of speech, because without grammatical structures, vocabulary, phonetics and spelling you cannot master the language. And monotonous workouts that do not bring satisfaction can be replaced with games and game situations that will help make boring work more interesting and exciting.

Brief classification of games

Grammar games:

These games have the goals of teaching students how to use speech patterns that contain certain grammatical difficulties, creating a natural situation for using this speech pattern, and developing students’ speech activity and independence.

Grammar games help overcome language learning difficulties. They correspond to the age capabilities of children and are useful for the development of their independence.

All games enrich children's vocabulary. But one should not get carried away with the task of accumulating words: one must ensure that the words are well understood and that students learn to use them freely in speech.

Speech samples from masters of words should be used as grammatical material. Simple and sonorous lines are easily remembered by children and improve their speech. However, you should not constrain yourself with the requirements of exemplary coherent speech. For some games this is not possible. Therefore, individual words, individual combinations of words, and the simplest everyday phrases are allowed.

Many games can be accompanied by creative tasks: compose a story using key words, compose a sentence, come up with an example by analogy (the same), answer a question, etc.

Explanations for the game are addressed to the teacher, and the teacher himself, together with the children, will draw up “rules” based on the explanations. This is good enough for the guys interesting job. I would like to provide more space for student creativity.

Children make all sets of games themselves or with their parents in their free time, during labor lessons. Following my instructions, they cut out, glue, draw, and label cards. I think the process of making a game is very important. Children perfectly master and remember what they have done themselves.

Lexical games:

Lexically focused exercises in the form of a game contribute to the development of students’ attention and cognitive interest; help create a favorable psychological climate in the classroom.

Lexical games can be language and speech.

The goal of language lexical games is to train students in mastering words out of context, as well as mastering all the systemic features of a foreign language word. In a language game, the process of mastering lexical units is strictly regulated. All the attention of schoolchildren is aimed at reproducing educational material, while students’ mistakes are strictly recorded and taken into account.

The goal of a speech lexical game is to solve various communicative problems using available lexical means. When solving such problems, students' attention is concentrated on the content of the statement, and not on the form, as in the first case.

When conducting lexical games (language and speech), a large role is given to the teacher, who is the organizing figure here. It determines the function of the game and its place in the educational process, the form of the game, as well as the time required to play the game. An important fact is that the teacher, when organizing the game, must involve as many students in the group (class) as possible in it, and then quietly and skillfully leave it. Next, the teacher only observes the game, controls it, while giving some recommendations and tips if difficulties arise during the game. At this time, the teacher, unnoticed by the students, writes down errors in order to systematize them and subsequently correct them.

Phonetics games:

One of the types of games when teaching a foreign language is phonetic games that promote the formation of speech skills.

Phonetic games are of two types: those that are aimed at preventing (preventing) errors, and those that are aimed at correcting (correcting) errors. The difficulty in working with games is that everything, even the most complex sounds and sound combinations, are encountered from the very first lessons, so the language material cannot be simplified in any way, and the material worked out in lessons does not immediately turn into spontaneous speech.

Phonetic games are carried out according to the principle from simple to complex, or are associated with words introduced in class, or are needed to correct the most serious errors. When conducting a phonetic game, first there is some difference in sound combinations that is important for assimilation. The difference in pronunciation is then linked to the difference in meaning. Each time the difference in meaning, clearly visible to children, is associated with a difference in sound.

After demonstrating sound combinations in a gaming context, it is assumed that they have become a strong association, the teacher asks to repeat the sound combinations, and then gives tasks to distinguish pairs: guess by the sound what is happening now, etc. After this, the children themselves can pronounce sound combinations depending on the situation.

Phonetic games are used to develop auditory attention and memory, teach them to listen to sounds German language according to their characteristics. This is important for developing foreign language pronunciation and intonation skills. Many games help memorize words and teach you to speak at a fast and slow pace.

Spelling games:

Spelling games contribute to the formation and development of speech skills. The main goal of these games is to master the spelling of French words. Some games are designed to train students' memory, others are designed to reproduce the spelling image of a word. As a rule, this type of exercise includes spelling bookmarks, composing words from one word, from given letters, and others.

Part II

Grammar games

"Doll - third person"

Target: development of dialogical and monologue speech.

Duration: 45 min.

Age/grade: primary school, 4th grade

Equipment: doll (any)

Number of students: 10

Rules of the game: A game task with a doll in this function can be as follows: “Your doll is already big. She can jump, run, sing and dance. Tell your neighbor everything your doll can do, and ask him what his doll can do.”

Like a regular role-playing game, playing with a doll allows you to save storyline quests. One example of such chains.

1. Dunno came to the store to buy balloons. But since he didn’t know the names of the colors, he started pointing at the balls. The sellers did not want to talk to such an impolite boy. Let's teach Dunno how to name colors correctly.

2. Dunno didn’t remember everything and asks the guys again: What color is it?

3. Dunno remembered your answers well, but did you remember his question? Let's check! You ask a question to a stranger, and he answers.

The game was proposed and tested by: Kozlovskoy A.A.

"Hide – and – Seek in the Picture"

Target: training in the use of prepositions of place.

Duration: 20 minutes

Age/grade: middle school, 5th grade

Equipment: 11 sheets of cards, a picture of a room

Number of participants: 11

Rules of the game: A large picture of the room is needed. The driver (one of the students) “hides” somewhere in the picture, writes on paper where he hid and gives it to the teacher. Children, asking the driver general questions, “look” for him in the picture. To make it more like real hide and seek, you can read the saying in chorus:

Bushel of wheat, bushel of clover,
All not hidden, can’t hide over.
All eyes open! Here I come.

Children ask questions to the driver:

· Are you under the bed?

· Are you behind the door?

· Are you on the chair?

· Are you in the box?

P.S.: To make the game interesting and exciting, you need to use a picture with a large number of places where you can hide. If your lesson topic is “Home, sweet home,” then this is a great opportunity to review vocabulary, in addition to using prepositions of place. It is advisable for the children to sit in a circle so that all participants can clearly see the picture. During the game, the driver needs to be changed so that others can try themselves in the role of driver. You can diversify the game by using not just one image of a room, but several.


Target: training in the formation of affirmative, interrogative, negative forms of the studied tenses

Duration: 10-15 minutes

Age/grade: middle school, 8th grade

Equipment: cards with sentence components

Number of participants: 9

Rules of the game: The class is divided into two teams. Each team member is given cards with the components of the proposal. By arranging the cards in the correct order and forming sentences, participants ask questions to their opponents; the opponent who has collected the correct answer from the cards answers the question.

Strong students answer first. After completing their task, they can help weaker students.

P.S.: This game was well received by the class, but some difficulties also arose among children who did not know the material very well. Therefore, at the initial stages, you can use the formulas for the formation of tenses and their affirmative, interrogative and negative forms (table). Alternatively, you can gradually complicate the rules of the game. Let’s say that in the first lesson we play this game to practice the tenses of the Simple group, then Continuous - Perfect- Perfect Continuous in the active voice with a previous repetition of the rules of formation. And after all these stages, play a game to train all tenses of the active voice without using tables and education formulas. Then you can move on to the passive voice.

“What do you like to do? »

Target: activation of general issues in speech.

Duration: 15-20min.

Age/grade: middle school, 5th grade

Equipment: No

Number of students: 8

Rules of the game: One of the students makes a guess about what he likes to do, the rest ask him questions: Do you like to swim? Do you like to play football? Until they guess. The one who guesses becomes the driver.

P.S.: It is advisable to sit in a circle or at a round table so that you can see and hear the person answering. The game was well received by 5th grade students.

Savvulidi D.I.,

"Plural (body parts) Plurals"

Target:train students to use plural

Duration: 15-20min.

Age/grade: middle school, 5th grade

Equipment: ball or soft toy

Number of students: 8

Rules of the game: The teacher throws the ball to the child, calling a noun (body part or something else) in the singular. The child names this noun in the plural and throws the ball to the teacher.

P.S.: When playing this game, students must sit in a circle. This is the easiest way to play. The number of children is not limited.

The game was proposed and tested: in high school in 5th grade.

Savvulidi D.I.,

"Crosses and spots"

Target: automate and develop the stability and flexibility of grammatical and lexical skills.

Duration: 10-15 minutes

Age/grade: primary school, 4th grade

Equipment: cards with verbs.

Number of students: the whole class

Rules of the game: For this game, you can use cards with verbs, or simply put words on cards or pictures. When playing, observe the principle of gradualness. The player takes the card if:

  • Named the verb in Russian;
  • Translated it into English;
  • Gave 3 verb forms;
  • Made up a simple sentence, for example: “I go to school every day.”;
  • Made a sentence in Past Ind.: “I went to school yesterday.”;
  • Made a sentence in the 3rd person singular: “He goes to school every day.”;
  • Created a question (general, special);
  • Made up a negative;

P.S.:“Crosses and spots” are applicable only for students who can confidently play this game in Russian and who are painless about their own loss. The game can be used at any stage to raise the student’s emotional tone.

"Pass the card"

Target: training and repetition of the have/has construction

Duration: 10-15 minutes

Age/grade: junior-high school, grades 3-6

Equipment: Cards, box

Number of participants: 10

Rules of the game: Children sit in a semicircle and pass each other a box of cards, naming it. . To complicate the task, children can say: “I have a...” / “I have a... and a...”. Then talk about your comrades and answer what they have: She has a.../He has a....

Note: Can be used during extracurricular activities

"My word"

Target: Development of sentence structuring skills. Development of students' grammatical knowledge base

Duration: 5-10 min.

Age/grade: elementary school, grades 3-4.

Equipment: A4 sheets with words that are parts of a sentence, magnets for the board.

Number of participants: the whole class.

Rules of the game: Participants are given sheets of words with which they can make a sentence. The sentence is pronounced in Russian, students must compose this sentence in English, taking turns going to the board and attaching their word. Before students come to the board, the teacher repeats the rules to avoid common mistakes. The completed sentence is checked by the teacher and collectively corrected.


Target: development of lexical and grammatical skills

Duration: 20 minutes


Equipment: cards with illustrations (covered vocabulary), several cards with a double image of an object

Number of participants: 11

Rules of the game: Participants sit in a circle. Each participant is given 5-7 cards. The remaining cards are placed in the center. The participant starts the game with a card with a double image of an object on it. The player puts this card down and says in English what is shown on it (There is...\There are...). Next, the game follows the rules of the Domino game. The winner is the one who does not have a single card left. The remaining participants in the game place their cards in the center of the circle, while calling in English what is shown in each illustration.

P.S.: To play you need as many cards as possible

The game was proposed and tested by: Savchenko A.A.

"Last Word Chain"

Target: development of monologue speech skills, skills of constructing a logically coherent statement.

Duration: 10-15 minutes

Age/grade: middle school, 8th grade

Equipment: text, cards for this text.

Number of participants: 9

Rules of the game: To start the game, the teacher says the first sentence. The next student must come up with a sentence that begins with the last word of the previous sentence. If a student finds it difficult, he skips a move and the turn goes to the next student:

1) I have got a cat.
The cat is grey.
The gray cat is under the chair.
The chair is near the table.
The table is in the room.

2) I like Christmas.
Christmas is celebrated on the 25 of December.
December is in winter.
Winter is my favorite season.
The season I don’t like is autumn.

P.S.: When playing this game, it is best for students to sit in a circle, or behind round table. This way they will be set up to complete the task. The teacher can see and control everyone so that students cannot tell each other. You can also use an object that will be passed to the answerer from the person who has already answered, so that the students’ attention is focused only on the answer.

The game was proposed and tested by A.S. Emirasanova.

"Can you fly?"

Target: develop the ability to correctly use the verb ‘can’, ask questions and answer them using the verb ‘can’
Duration: 5-10 min.
Age/grade : junior school, 4th grade
Equipment: action verb cards
Number of participants: 10-15
Rules of the game: The teacher puts cards with verbs in a box, and the students draw out one card at a time and show it to the teacher. Then the teacher asks the students in a chain the question ‘Can you... and adds the verb that is written on the student’s card. The answer will be ‘No, I can’t’ / ‘Yes, I can’. Then the students, using their verbs, ask the same questions to the teacher.

The game was proposed and tested by: Shulga A.D.

Lexical games

"Working with new vocabulary"

Target: introduce new lexical units on given topics.

Duration: 45 min.

Age/grade: primary school, 4th grade

Equipment: cards with tasks for translating words, paper for correcting errors.

Number of students: 10

Rules of the game: The class is divided into three subgroups.

First, vocabulary is introduced frontally. Then work begins in small groups: students receive cards with the task of translating words.
The card must contain a key to check the correctness of the answers. Pupils work in pairs. After this, students form groups of four and practice spelling new words. A strong student dictates the words, the rest write and then compare. If someone makes a mistake, they must write the word several times to remember it. At the end there is a written assignment. It is carried out "on a chain".

Examples of tasks for working in groups on lexical material on the topic: “Weather”

1. New words. (Vocabulary is introduced frontally).

Weather, seasons, sun, shine, clouds, snow, rain, icy, windy, wet, humid.

2. Work in pairs.

A). The presenter first pronounces the phrase in English; the partner repeats it and translates it into Russian.
The weather is fine and warm.
The wind is blowing.
The sky is blue and cloudy.
It snows in winter.

B). The presenter says Russian offer; the partner translates it into English in writing, then speaks it out loud.
What a glorious morning! Autumn. Warm. But it's time to go to school.
"What is the weather today?" - “Terrible.”
This is true! Is it really cool in England in the summer? This is interesting.

3. Spelling (dictated by the team captain)
Cloudy and wet, windy and snowy, cold but sunny, hot and cloudy.

4. Control task (along the chain).
In summer the sun shines brightly.
The weather today is warm.
Winter is a cold season.
In autumn the wind often blows.
It's snowing heavily now.

P.S.: During this game, children can sit in a circle. This audience should be well lit.

The game was proposed and tested by A.A. Kozlovskaya

« Let's draw a picture"

Target: consolidation of vocabulary on covered topics

Duration: 20 minutes

Age/grade: middle school, 8th grade

Equipment: lined leaves, colored markers

Number of participants: 9

Rules of the game: Each student needs to prepare a sheet in advance, lined with 20 cells. The teacher names words on the topics studied (not only nouns, but also adjectives, verbs, and even phrases). Students must sketch each word that has its own cell. Then the teacher calls the number of the cell, and the students’ task is to “restore” the word using their drawing.

P.S.: This game is good to use when studying topics related to body parts, fruits, vegetables, and animals. Children will be able to visualize the object and depict it on paper. The situation will be more complicated with abstract concepts; it will be more difficult to depict them on paper or come up with an association.

The teacher should have pre-lined pieces of paper, and colored markers should be on each desk.

The game was proposed and tested by A.S. Emirasanova.

"Champion Game"

Target: consolidation of vocabulary on the topic of the lesson, memory training.

Duration: 20 minutes

middle school, 5th grade

Equipment: board, picture of

Number of participants: 11

Rules of the game: There is a picture of a room on the board. When starting the game, the teacher says the first word. Each subsequent student must name all the previous words in the order in which they were included in the game and say a new word. If someone forgets a word or gets the order mixed up, they are out of the game.

P.S.: The picture should have a large number of depicted objects on the topic covered. It is advisable for the children to sit in a circle so that all participants can clearly see the picture. This game makes it possible to repeat vocabulary on any topic covered. To make the game more interesting, children can be divided into two teams and have a competition. Before playing the game, you need to make sure that the vocabulary is well mastered by the children.

The game was developed and tested by: Adzhalieva I.A.

"Magic box"

Target: repetition of lexical units, memory development, improvement of auditory and pronunciation skills

Duration: 10-15 minutes
Age/grade : middle school, 5th grade

Equipment: box, cards with words

Number of participants: 8 people

Rules of the game: Each student must draw out a piece of paper where the word is written. He must translate this word into English. And so this box goes around in a circle several times until there is not a single leaf left in the box.

P.S.: This game can be used to study various topics. Students can sit in a circle or at their own desks.

The game was proposed and tested: in high school in the 5th grade.

Savvulidi D.I.,


Target: train students in the use of vocabulary in situations close to natural settings;

Duration: 15-20min.

Age/grade: middle school, 5th grade

Equipment: daisies with removable multi-colored petals.

Number of students: 8 people

Rules of the game: The class is divided into two teams. Schoolchildren, one after another in a chain, name the color of the petal. If the student makes a mistake, all the petals return to their place and the game starts over.

P.S.: In this game you can use not only petals, but also regular colored paper. Preferably, team members sat in the same circle.

The game was proposed and tested: in high school in the 5th grade.

Savvulidi D.I.,

"Tic Tac Toe"

Target: Automate and develop resilience and flexibility in vocabulary and speaking skills.
Duration: 3 minutes
Age/grade: primary school, 4th grade

Equipment: board, chalk, sponge
Number of participants: 2
Rules of the game: A table is drawn on the board, indicating, for example, the time. Two students are called to the board and must select a cell and correctly name the time. If the student says the time correctly, he puts a cross/toe. In addition to the fact that students must correctly name the time, each of them strives to win (according to the rules of the game “tic-tac-toe”).

12:48 15:35 6:17
8:30 5:45 23:06
14:11 19:20 13:15

The game was proposed and tested by: Golub L.I.

"Synonymous series"

Target: automate and develop the stability and flexibility of lexical skills.

Duration: 5 minutes

Age/grade: primary school, 4th grade

Equipment: cards with verbs.

Number of students: 11

Rules of the game: Each student is given a word for which he must find the maximum number of synonyms. When the responding student has finished, others have the opportunity to complete their answer. Names are written on the board (according to the list) and for each complete synonymous row, a smiley face is placed opposite the surname, for an incomplete row - a tick.

The game was proposed and tested by: Golub L.I.

"What is missing"

Target: develop attentiveness, repeat the material covered

Duration: 15 minutes

Age/grade: junior-high school, grades 3-5

Equipment: cards

Number of participants: 8

Rules of the game: Cards with words are laid out on the carpet (table), and the children name them. The teacher gives the command: “Close your eyes!” and removes 1-2 cards. Then he gives the command: “Open your eyes!” and asks the question: “What is missing?” Children remember missing words.

P.S.: Can be used outdoors in teams (one team asks a question to another team)

The game was proposed and tested by: Nikolaychuk L.I.


Target: repeating the vocabulary covered and practicing the sound (in this case R)

Duration: 5 minutes

Age/grade: middle school, 5th grade

Equipment: visual aids, magnets, board

Number of participants: 8- 10

Rules of the game: All passed words for a certain sound are used. They make up a story. When a word with a sound appears in a story, it is shown to the children on a card, and they call it a chorus.

For example: Once upon a time (Rabbit). And he had a wonderful rope. Our (Rabbit) simply loved to jump through his (rope) along the long (road). And along the road there were unusually beautiful roses. Every morning, if there was no (rain), our (Rabbit) collected beautiful (roses) and took them to his friends! Etc.

P.S.: Conducted in class during a lesson, permissible during an extracurricular activity.

The game was proposed and tested by: Nikolaychuk L.I.

"Make a story"

Target: development of the ability to hear and understand, as well as think logically

Duration: 20 minutes

Age/grade: secondary school, 5th grade, 10 years

Equipment: Handout

Number of students: 11

Rules of the game:

Each participant receives a card with one sentence from a specific story. He is not allowed to show this sentence to other participants or write it down - he must remember it. 2 minutes are given for this. The cards are then collected and the teacher reads the story. The players listen to it, and then each of them, in accordance with the logic of construction, takes turns naming their proposal. Strong students get more complex sentences, and it’s easier for the weak.

P.S.: you need to choose a story according to software requirements for one class or another!

"Try to guess"

Target:- to intensify the speech and thinking activity of students;

Review vocabulary on the topic appearance.
Duration: 25 minutes
Age/grade : middle school, 5th grade
Equipment: board, marker
Number of participants: 11
Rules of the game: The class is divided into two teams. The teacher chooses a leader from among one of the teams. The leader selects any student and describes him/her without mentioning his/her name. Members of both teams try to guess who we're talking about. The team whose member guessed correctly gets one point. A new leader is chosen from among the winning team and the game starts again. The team with the most points wins.

P.S: Before starting the game, it is necessary to explain to the children that they must raise their hands and not speak at the same time. Otherwise, points will not be counted. Before the game starts, the board must be divided into two parts with a vertical line: write “team A” on the right, “team B” on the left. Below, use crosses or checkmarks to indicate the number of points earned by the teams.

«Where are you from? »

Target: - to intensify the speech and thinking activity of students;

Develop students' speech reactions.

Review vocabulary on the topic of country and nationality.

Duration: 25 minutes
Age/grade : middle school, 5th grade
Equipment: board, marker
Number of participants: 11
Rules of the game: The names of the countries are written on the board in English. The number of countries corresponds to the number of students in the class. The teacher chooses a leader and asks him to choose one of the countries, but not to say its name out loud. The rest of the students try to find out which country the leader wished for by asking questions. The student who guesses first becomes the leader and the game starts over. The teacher crosses out the guessed countries.

Example: S1: Are you from Poland?

S2: Are you from Greece?

S3: Are you from Bulgaria?

L: Yes, I am Bulgarian.

The game was proposed and tested by U. E. Mishchenko.

"The chain of words"

Target: 1. Reinforcement of completed lexical units

2. Development of speaking skills.

Duration: 5-7 minutes

Age/grade: elementary school, grades 3-4.

Equipment: ball

Number of students: the whole class.

Rules of the game: The teacher names a certain word according to the given vocabulary in Russian and throws the ball to the student. The student who catches the ball must translate the word into English. Thus, all students are involved in the game. This game can be played to consolidate any lexical units, for example: names of flowers, professions, animals, days of the week, etc.

P.S: This game is most effective directly on initial stage training, as it is characterized by a narrow task format.



2. Development of associative memory.

Duration: 10-15 min.

Age/grade: secondary school, 6-7 grades.

Equipment: lexical units on a specific topic

Number of students: the whole class.

Rules of the game: Participants stand in a circle. The teacher assigns each student a “name” i.e. a certain word according to the vocabulary covered. To begin with, in order to remember their “names,” students pronounce them one by one, then the actual game begins. With the pronouncement of the key phrase “one-two”, the student who opens the game says his name and the name of the other participant, for example: “one-two” - “bear-dog”, “one-two” - “dog-cat”. The game is played for speed and tests the degree of knowledge of words; if any student hesitates for a long time in answering or forgets the names of other participants, he leaves the game.

The game was proposed and tested by E.N. Mustafaeva.

"Tell the sixth"

Target: 1. Consolidation of the vocabulary covered.

2. Expansion of synonymous vocabulary.

3. Development of spontaneous speech.

Duration: 5-10 minutes

Age/grade: secondary school, 6-7 grades.

Equipment: lexical units, active vocabulary of students.

Number of participants: whole class.

Rules of the game: The teacher sets a lexical topic and names a student who must give five words related to this vocabulary, then the teacher asks another student and he must add a sixth word to the list of previous ones. In a similar way, a survey is conducted on any vocabulary covered.

The game was proposed and tested by E.N. Mustafaeva.

“Draw and remember!”

Target: development and consolidation of lexical skills

Duration: 45 minutes

Age/grade: secondary school, 5th grade, 10 years

Equipment: Handout

Number of students: 11

Rules of the game:

A famous artist came to visit us. He brought each student a sheet of paper specially lined with 20 cells. The artist names words based on the topics studied (not only nouns, but also adjectives, verbs, and phrases). Students must sketch each word that has its own cell. Then the artist names the cell number, and the students’ task is to “restore” the word or phrase using their drawing.

P.S: the artist must bring markers to the students!

The game was proposed and tested by A.A. Savchenko.


Target: consolidate learned vocabulary
Duration: 4 - 5 min
Age/grade: for example junior school, 3rd, 4th grade
Equipment: board, workbooks
Number of participants: 10-15 people
Rules of the game: There are 10 words written on the board. Children must choose any 7 and write them down in their notebook. The teacher names the words that are written on the board. If the child has the named word written down in his notebook, he underlines it with a pencil. The one who underlines all the words wins. Emphasizing the last word, he says "Bingo" loudly.

The game was proposed and tested by A.D. Shulga.

"How many pages?"

Target: training numerals over 20

Duration: 20 minutes

Age/grade: middle school, 5th grade

Equipment: books

Number of participants: 11

Rules of the game:

The teacher always has a lot of beautiful books on his desk. One day he asks the children, pointing to one of the books:

How many pages are there in this book?

Children try to guess: - There are...

Then the teacher looks at the number of pages in the book, says it, and the children repeat in unison.

P.S.: The game is great for helping you repeat numbers. Instead of the teacher, one of the students can ask a question. To diversify the game, you can ask the question - How many pictures are there in this book?. Students can guess how many pictures there are, what they are (colorful, interesting, etc.). It is advisable for students to sit at a round table.

The game was developed and tested by: Adzhalieva I.A.

Phonetics games

"Monkey Talk [ð]"

Target: practice the correct pronunciation of the sound [ð]

Duration: 15 minutes

Age/grade: middle school, 5th grade

Equipment: books

Number of participants: 11

Rules of the game:

Teacher: It seems to me that you can all portray little monkeys very well - how they make faces, how they chat. The monkeys in the English zoo speak English. And when they pronounce the sound [ð] they try very hard - they try so hard that they show their tongues to visitors. The angry monkey shouts at everyone: “They, they, they,” and the learned monkey talks like a poet: “Thee, Thee, Thee”:

Little monkey in the tree

This is what he says to me,

Thee, thee, thee.”

Monkey jumps from limb to limb

While I chatter back to him:

“Thee, thee, thee

They, they, they.”

P.S.: The game is perfect for practicing the pronunciation of the sound [ð]. It takes 2 lessons to learn the poem. You can divide the participants into two teams. The audience should be bright and spacious. One team responds to the leader as a poetic monkey “Thee, thee, thee”, and the second as an angry one “They, they, they”. You can change lines. Change the leader. The main thing is that each team does not confuse the cue. And she clearly pronounced the sound [ð].

The game was developed and tested by: Adzhalieva I.A.

"Sending a telegram"

Target: train students in pronouncing English sounds.

Duration: 20-30 minutes

Age/grade: middle school, 5th grade

Equipment: cards with words.

Number of students: 8

Rules of the game: The class chooses a leader. The teacher asks him to imagine himself in the role of a telegraph operator and send a telegram - spell the words, pausing after each word.

P.S.: Take words from the topics studied. There should be complete fun in the class.

The game was proposed and tested: in high school in the 5th grade.

Savvulidi D.I.,

Name the word (game with an object)

Target: formation of phonemic hearing skills.

Duration: 15-20 minutes

Age/grade: middle school, 5th grade

Equipment: ball or soft toy

Number of students: 8

Rules of the game: The leader throws the ball to the students one by one, calling out the word in which this sound is heard.

For example: fat, map, cap, sat, dad

P.S.: Games are very suitable for practicing sounds. It is advisable for students to sit in a circle.

The game was proposed and tested: in high school in the 5th grade.

Savvulidi D.I.,

“I hear, I don't hear”

Target: formation of phonemic hearing skills

Duration: 5 minutes

Age/grade: elementary school, grades 3-4.

Equipment: words with long and short vowels.

Rules of the game: Students are divided into teams. The teacher says the words. If he pronounces a word that has a long vowel, the students raise left hand, if the named word has a short vowel, right. The teacher writes down the players' mistakes on the board. The team that made the fewest mistakes wins.

The game was proposed and tested by: Mustafaeva E.N.

Spelling games

« The Comb"

Target: consolidation of learned vocabulary, development of spelling skills

Duration: 10-15 minutes

Age/grade: middle school, 8th grade

Equipment: board, colored chalk

Number of participants: 9

Rules of the game: The class is divided into 2 teams. A long word is written on the board for each team. Team representatives take turns running up to the board and writing words starting with the letters that make up the original word vertically. The words of one command should not be repeated. The team that writes the words first and correctly wins. Words can be different parts speeches, the main thing is that they are longer than the words of their opponents.

e d u c a t i o n
x i s u u e n p o
p s a r t a v p t
e a g r h c e o e
r p e i o h s r b
i p c r e t t o
e o u i r i u o
n i l t g n k
c n u y a i
e t m t t
i y

P.S.: Please note that this game is best played indoors with plenty of space. If there is not enough space and in order to avoid noise and walking around the class, it is advisable that the teacher himself writes down the word of each student in turn, alternating one command with another, and children are also given the opportunity to say the words of their opponent if the answer is incorrect or if there is no answer at all. The teacher should have colored chalk to quickly and accurately calculate each team's score at the end of the game based on the color of the word written on the board.

The game was proposed and tested by A.S. Emirasanova.

"Insert letter"

Target: checking the mastery of spelling within the studied lexical material.

Duration: 20 minutes

Age/grade: secondary school, 5th grade

Equipment: board, chalk

Number of participants: 11

Rules of the game:

The board is divided into two parts. For each command, words are written, each of which has a missing letter. Representatives of the teams take turns going to the board, inserting the missing letter or letters and reading the word and translating it.

For example:

P.S.: The game is perfect for mastering spelling within the lexical material studied. The words must be written on the board before the lesson begins. It is advisable to cover the board with cards so that the words are not visible.

The game was developed and tested by: Adzhalieva I.A.

"Invisible Words"

Target: development of spelling skills.

Duration: 15-20min.

Age/grade: middle school, 5th grade

Equipment: No

Number of participants: 8

Rules of the game: A presenter is selected. His task is to write a word, but he “writes” the word with his hand in the air. The task of the rest is to write down the words in notebooks. The one who writes all the words correctly wins.

P.S.: The classroom should be well lit. The game is suitable for learning spelling and vocabulary being studied.

The game was proposed and tested: in high school in the 5th grade.

Savvulidi D.I.,

"Remember the Words"

Target: formation of spelling memory skills

Duration: 15-20 minutes

Age/grade: middle school, 5th grade

Equipment: list of words, leaves, pens

Number of participants 8

Rules of the game: Students are asked to quickly scan a list of words and then name the words that contain given letter. The one who can name the most words wins.

P.S.: This game is suitable for mastering spelling after having already studied vocabulary.

The game was proposed and tested: in high school in the 5th grade.

Savvulidi D.I.,

"Right verb"

Target: 1. Consolidating the students’ grammatical knowledge base.

2. Development of writing skills.

Duration: 5-10 minutes

Age/grade: elementary school, grades 3-4.

Equipment: board, chalk

Number of participants: the whole class.

Rules of the game: Sentences in which a verb is missing are written on the board. Students take turns going out and writing the verb in the correct form.

The game was proposed and tested by: Mustafaeva E.N.


The role of games in the methodology of teaching a foreign language cannot be overestimated. This is explained primarily by the specifics of the subject. On the one hand, there is the need to learn language material, grammar, etc. by heart. often causes hostility among students, and here game moments can provide invaluable assistance in creating a positive mood for a foreign language lesson in general, and for the material being studied in particular. On the other hand, games are inherently communicative exercises and significantly help in achieving the main goal of teaching a foreign language, namely to teach communication in the language.

A game is understood as a game used in the educational process as a task containing an educational task, the solution of which will ensure the achievement of a specific educational goal. The games include phonetic, lexical, grammar, and speech games (games for teaching speaking, listening, and reading). In this paper, we looked at how games influence increasing motivation to learn English at school.

A set of games was tested aimed at increasing students' motivation to learn English.

So, the purpose of our research on the effectiveness of using games in English lessons has been fulfilled, and the hypothesis has been confirmed.


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  • Chapter 2. Optimizing the cognitive function of language. § 1. Computer linguistics23

  • Grammar games:

    Teach students to use speech patterns that contain certain grammatical difficulties;

    Create a natural situation for using this speech pattern.

    Game "What's in my briefcase?". To conduct the game, the teacher, together with the students, prepares a set of objects (or pictures with images of objects) that can be in someone’s briefcase. The selection of subjects must correspond to the actual vocabulary of students in a particular class. The driver, who is familiar with the contents of the briefcase in advance, addresses the class with the question: “What’s there in my bag today?” (What have I got in my bag today?) Students take turns answering:

    There is an apple in your bag.

    There is a pencil in your bag.

    There is a book in your bag.

    If the respondent guesses the item, the presenter takes it (or a picture) out of the briefcase and confirms: “Yes, there’s an apple in my bag today.”

    If the player did not guess the item, the presenter answers: “No, there isn’t an apple in my bag today.”

    For each correct answer, students receive a point. The presenter performs his duties until all the items in the briefcase are named.

    Game with a picture.

    To better assimilate the structures in the Present Continuous by students, you can use a game with a picture. Schoolchildren are asked to guess what a particular character depicted in a picture that they have not yet seen is doing. The guys ask questions, for example:

    P1: Is the girl sitting at the table?

    T: No, she is not.

    P2: Is the girl standing?

    The student who guesses the action shown in the picture wins. He becomes the leader and takes another picture.

    Game "Commentator".

    Progress of the game: students take turns performing actions and commenting on them, for example: I am sitting. I am standing up. I am going to the window.

    The teacher gives the student a card for each correctly named action. The winner is the one who collects the most cards.

    A game“What do you like to do?” The goal is to activate general issues in speech.

    Progress of the game: one of the students makes a guess about what he likes to do, the rest ask him questions, for example: Do you like to swim?; Do you like to play football? The one who guesses becomes the leader.

    Game "Gifts". The goal is to consolidate vocabulary on the topic, automate the use of learned verbs in the future tense in oral speech.

    Game progress: the group is divided into two teams. On the board, the teacher writes two rows of words: the name of the gifts, a list of verbs. The players must say, using verbs from the list, what they will do with the gifts they received on their birthday. Each participant in the game comes up with one proposal. The team that completes the task faster and composes sentences without errors wins.

    Game "Numbers". Goal: repetition of cardinal numbers.

    Game progress: the group is divided into two teams. On the right and left of the board, the teacher writes down the same number of numbers randomly, and then calls them one after another. Team representatives must quickly find and cross out the named number on their half of the board. The team that completes the task faster wins.

    Game "Round the World"

    In the third grade, the structure “There is a book on the desk” is introduced, which will be encountered quite often in the future. To secure it firmly, you can use this game. The game starts like this:

    There is a blackboard on the wall.

    In a playful way, you can also a physical minute. When studying the topics “Verbs of motion” and “Verbs can, must” you can play a game "Repeat after me" The essence of the game is simple: you need to show and name the verb of motion. However, as students learn new vocabulary, the game becomes more complex and modified. At the first stage, the teacher himself names and shows the movements, the students repeat both the movements and the words. When the vocabulary is more or less mastered, the teacher, and later the leader of the students, only shows the actions, and the students need to repeat it and name it themselves. During the general lesson, a competitive aspect is included in the game: the group is divided into teams, and a leader is selected from each team. Each of them is given a “list” of 5-10 verbs of motion. Without naming them, the presenter must show the movement, and the team must guess, repeat and name the given verb faster than their opponents. A point is awarded for each correct answer. The team with the most points becomes the winner. Thus, during the game, vocabulary is consolidated and physical training is carried out.

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