Online training of employees. Some aspects of the implementation of a network form of implementation of educational programs


A.A. Voronina

[email protected]

Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University Ekaterinburg

The article discusses the legal basis of the network form of implementation of educational programs, and identifies some organizational aspects and problems. The legal aspects of the network interaction agreement are considered.

In the article the lawful bases of the net form of the implementation of educational programs are examined, some organizational aspects and problems are determined. The lawful aspects of agreement on net interaction are examined.

Key words: network form of implementation of educational programs, network interaction, agreement on the network form of implementation of educational programs.

Keywords: the net form of the implementation of educational programs, net interaction, the agreement about the net form of the implementation of educational programs.

One of the innovations Federal Law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Law on Education) is Art. 13, which provides that educational programs are implemented by an organization implementing educational activities, both independently and through network forms of their implementation. The actual network form of implementation of educational programs is discussed in Art. 15

the said law. The network form is implemented by establishing network interaction between educational organizations.

The legislator does not give a legal definition of the concept of “network form”, however, the analysis of Art. 15 of the law makes it possible to define a network form of implementation of educational programs as the activities of educational organizations aimed at ensuring the opportunity for students to master an educational program using the resources of several organizations carrying out educational activities, including foreign ones, as well as the resources of other organizations.

Many educational organizations have adopted the innovation of a network form of implementation as a guide to action. As a result, any interaction between educational organizations began to be passed off as the implementation of legislative guidelines. Often, the ongoing social partnership between educational organizations has begun to be presented as network interaction, although in fact it is not.

Analysis of the content of Art. 15 allows us to conclude that the network form of implementation of educational programs is not mandatory for educational organizations; this form can be used by educational organizations of any level; Foreign educational organizations can also be subjects of the implementation of the network form; legal form network implementation educational program is an agreement concluded between subjects - educational and other organizations; The educational program, implemented using a network form, is developed jointly by the participating educational organizations.

The network form of implementation of educational programs is a new phenomenon for the Russian education system. Its normative consolidation in the law on education immediately aroused interest among participants in educational relations, as well as many questions of various kinds, which is quite justified.

Of course, there is no need to talk about the possibility of widespread implementation and use of a network form of implementation of educational programs. It seems that this is not necessary. Nevertheless, in educational organizations and in educational authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, active “paper” work has begun to organize network interaction at different levels of the education system. It is noteworthy that general educational institutions and organizations of secondary vocational education were actively involved in this work.

Since one of the tasks public policy in the field of education is to ensure increased competitiveness of the Russian higher education, I think that it is universities and, above all, federal universities that should be actively involved in networking on this issue.

However, to say that at federal universities today success has been achieved in establishing contacts in order to implement a network form of education, this moment it is forbidden. Work in the area under consideration

activities of universities is in its infancy. Despite some promise and attractiveness of the network form of implementation of educational programs, the process of organizing and implementing this form of training is too complex and labor-intensive. In addition, the economic effect of such activities is not guaranteed.

If we consider the possibility of Russian universities reaching the international level within the framework of network interaction, then we cannot expect any special results. For most universities, such an opportunity simply does not exist yet. In the future, we see an expansion of network interaction with universities in some countries of the post-Soviet space (for example, Kazakhstan, Armenia, etc.).

At the same time, the need for a network form of implementation of educational programs is determined by such goals as improving the quality of education; ensuring academic mobility of students; ensuring the possibility of using the resources of other organizations; use of modern technologies and teaching aids; use of international experience; organization of interaction between various educational organizations.

The most realistic option seems to be the establishment and expansion of network interaction between Russian universities, which will optimize the educational process, increasing its quality, since network interaction presupposes the widespread use of best practices and the active participation of highly qualified specialists.

In order for an educational organization to become a subject of a network form of implementation of educational programs, it is necessary to have appropriate academic attractiveness for other participants in educational relations. It may be highly qualified personnel composition, the presence of a modern material and technical (unique) base, interesting and promising areas of training, etc.

Considering the real situation in Russian system education, we can say with confidence that the vast majority of educational organizations at various levels today cannot boast of such academic attractiveness, but this does not mean that participation in projects for the network implementation of educational programs is closed to them. The network form is, of course, promising nature, and striving to participate in network programs requires some effort. At the same time, we cannot agree with the fairly widespread position that educational organizations that are not capable of network interaction or do not participate in it are doomed to be “squeezed out” from the Russian market of educational services.

If the organization has signs of academic attractiveness, then it is necessary to begin participation in projects using the network form of implementing educational programs by searching for partners in order to establish network interaction. It appears that these may be educational organizations implementing related or similar

educational programs. At the preliminary stage, an agreement on joint activities to organize and provide an online form of training or a cooperation agreement should be concluded, and there may also be others legal forms. At this stage, it is necessary to resolve possible organizational issues, which will subsequently lead to the possibility of concluding an agreement on the implementation of specific educational programs in a network form.

For the successful implementation of training in educational programs using a network form, an agreement is concluded on the network form of implementation of educational programs. Such an agreement must contain all the necessary (material) conditions. The structure of the agreement and the requirements for its content are determined by Art. 15 of the Education Law:

1) type, level and (or) focus of the educational program (part of an educational program of a certain level, type and focus), implemented using a network form;

2) status of students in organizations, rules for admission to study in an educational program implemented using an online form, the procedure for organizing academic mobility of students (for students in basic professional educational programs) mastering an educational program implemented using an online form;

3) conditions and procedure for carrying out educational activities under an educational program implemented through a network form, including the distribution of responsibilities between organizations, the procedure for implementing an educational program, the nature and amount of resources used by each organization implementing educational programs through a network form;

4) issued document or documents on education and/or qualifications, document or documents on training, as well as organizations carrying out educational activities that issue these documents;

5) the duration of the contract, the procedure for its amendment and termination. Of course, this content of the contract is approximate, and the parties have the right

specify it at your own discretion, including other points, based on necessity.

There are at least two parties to the agreement in question: the sending educational organization and the receiving one. Responsibility for preparing students for educational programs using the online form lies with to a large extent on the side that is the holder of the educational program, i.e. on the directing side. The host party, which organizes training only in a certain part (module) of the program, is responsible for the quality of the organization and conduct of the educational process in this part (module).

Despite the fact that the law on education normatively enshrines the network form, recognizing this as sufficient for legal regulation relationships that arise during the implementation of the network form are impossible. To eliminate legal gaps, as well as for the purpose of uniform application of the network form, it seems necessary to adopt at the federal level the Regulations on the network form of implementation of educational programs.




A.A. Polyakov, N.E. Lapteva, O.S. Kovalev, S.V. Chernoborodova

A.A. Polyakov, N.E. Lapteva, O.S. Kovalev, S.V. Chernoborodova

[email protected]

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin" Yekaterinburg

The article discusses the issues of teaching junior students the following disciplines: strength of materials, physics, hydraulics. The appeal to the topic under consideration is caused by Russia’s accession to the Bologna Declaration on Higher Education. This began the reforms in domestic system education. Reform is taking place both in substantive and organizational directions. As a result, three-level education was introduced: bachelor, master, postgraduate. Federal state standards of education of a new generation were developed and approved. Innovations are analyzed using the example of teaching disciplines to students of the Construction and Mechanical Engineering Institutes of the Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin (Ural Federal University).

This article deals with the teaching of the most important disciplines for undergraduates: strength of materials, physics, hydraulics. Appeal to the topic due to Russia"s accession to the Bologna Declaration on Higher Education. This started a reform of our education system. Reforming occurs both in substance and in organizational directions. As a result, introduced a three-level education: Bachelor, Master and PhD student. Federal State Educational Standards of a new generation

were developed and approved. Innovations are analyzed as an example of teaching disciplines for students of the Institute of Civil Engineering and of the Institute of Mechanics and Machine Building of the Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia Boris Yeltsin (UrFU).

As a result of the meeting of the international council of the “5 100” program in Tomsk, the road map of UrFU was approved and it was decided to allocate additional funds for its development. The leading position was achieved thanks to the extensive scientific and educational work carried out by the university staff.

When drawing up a general trajectory of the entire educational process, specific work plans and a schedule of lectures, practical and laboratory classes, it is important to take into account the sequence of studying individual disciplines, and sometimes the sections contained in them.

The first section of hydraulics, devoted to the laws and formulas of hydrostatics, can serve as an illustration. They are derived based on the application of the principle of solidification: a fluid at rest is considered to be similar to a solid body; equations and theorems of mechanics are applicable to its description solid.

Observations and conversations with students show that students understand the laws of solid mechanics more clearly than the laws of hydraulics, which seem complex to them. The solidification principle makes it easier to perceive hydrostatics. Just as in the course on strength of materials, when solving problems of hydrostatics on the topic “Pressure force on flat and curved surfaces”, Varignon’s theorem is used, which establishes the relationship between the moments of forces of a given system and the moment of their resultant force relative to any center or axis, and the principle D'Alembert, according to which, if inertial forces are added to the given (active) forces acting on the points of a mechanical system and the reactions of the imposed connections, then a balanced system of forces for a fluid at rest is obtained. Just as in the resistance of materials, a calculation scheme of the problem is used , forces are arranged and the magnitude and direction of the resultant force and the point of its application are determined using the theorem of moments.Students who have previously studied the resistance of materials and theoretical mechanics, solve problems without difficulty, since they remember the necessary formulas for the moments of inertia of the main types of sections.

In the strength of materials, one of the main physical quantities is the moment of force and Hooke’s law, all of which is introduced in the physics course. A number of physical quantities, such as stresses, elastic constants, deformations, are tensors. Students encounter tensor quantities for the first time in a physics course, and understanding these quantities in the first lectures determines the success of using the tensor in master's and postgraduate courses.

When studying the physical properties of a liquid, special attention is paid to its viscosity. Students usually remember well the physics laboratory work “Determination of the viscosity coefficient” with a ball falling in a liquid. Therefore, in a hydraulics course, if it follows the study of physics,

The relative (conditional) viscosity coefficient, which is used in technology, for example, for marking oils, is considered in more detail.

In the course of general physics, in the section “Statics of liquids and gases,” the basic law of hydrostatics is considered, B. Pascal’s law: p p 0 gh .

This is the first form of recording, and in the hydraulics course the second form of this equation is given and its physical and geometric meaning. B. Pascal in 1642, long before the discovery of the law of conservation of energy, mathematically wrote down the equation for a fluid at rest. In 1756, after developing the foundations of differential and integral calculus, Euler obtained a system of differential equations for a fluid at rest and in motion, for which the Bernoulli equation is central. For a fluid at rest, Bernoulli's equation is transformed into Pascal's equation. Another example of interdisciplinary connections between physical and technical sciences is the use of the laws of conservation of energy and momentum when considering dynamic processes during impact and vibrations and the associated phenomenon of resonance in the course of resistance of materials.

In this case, it is necessary to pay attention not only to analogies, but also to differences: when constructing diagrams in the resistance of materials, tensile and compressive forces are taken into account, and liquids (with rare exceptions) do not work in tension. This determines the direction of the resultant and its sign on the diagram.

The historical path of development of science and the sequence of scientific discoveries do not always coincide with the logical calculations in modern textbooks. The teacher has two ways of presenting the material: deductive from complex to simple for a more prepared audience (for masters and graduate students), inductive method from particular to general.

IN In connection with the above, we highlight the following types

interdisciplinary connections:

1. Educational interdisciplinary direct connections that arise when the study of one discipline is based on knowledge of another.

2. Research interdisciplinary connections that arise when several disciplines have a joint object of study, which is considered from different angles, in different aspects.

3. Mentally mediated connections that form the same intellectual skills necessary in professional activities and that arise during the study of professional and general engineering disciplines. These connections develop professional and intellectual skills. Teachers use methods of analysis, systems thinking, spatial imagination, imaginative-intuitive thinking, and methods for solving heuristic problems.

4. Indirectly applied connections are formed when the terms of one science are used in the study of another.

Interdisciplinary connections are easily established at the level of generality of scientific terms, connected by the general meaning of disciplines and teaching methods, eliminate contradictions in the interpretation of the same laws, concepts, phenomena, duplication of material, and contribute to the integrity of the scientific and technical knowledge acquired by students.

In practical activities when drawing up programs, teachers experience great difficulty in identifying the main and essential things in educational information. There is a rapid growth of information in all branches of scientific knowledge, the emergence of new technologies and progressive forms and methods of work, and the difficult situation in which the teacher finds himself in the process of preparing for classes becomes clear.

The specificity of general technical subjects lies in the close connection with industrial training, which means that the acquired theoretical knowledge must be integrated into the practical activities of students. Skills and abilities appear in students only when they make the experience accumulated by humanity theirs in the process of their own activities. Since general technical subjects are common to entire groups of professions, the main types of knowledge in the curriculum will be the disclosure of the principles underlying production processes, theoretical basis design and operation of equipment, properties of basic materials, knowledge about the system of machines, mechanisms, apparatus, technology and organization of production.

Thus, turning to the interdisciplinary connections found by the teacher in the educational process will allow him to change the trajectory of his course. Experience shows that the majority of students are interested in information from the history of science and technology, their motivation to study related disciplines increases, and confidence in their abilities appears, since in academic disciplines that are new to them there are formulas and laws familiar from other courses.

Identifying interdisciplinary connections is perceived by students as a small discovery and shapes their view of science and the world as a whole. During classes, students become more active and their attention increases. This allows you to emotionally color the reading of disciplines from the professional cycle of the Federal State Educational Standard, which helps to create a friendly atmosphere in the classroom between the teacher and students and serves their common goal to study well and achieve high ratings.


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3. Loitsyansky, L.G. Mechanics of liquid and gas: Textbook. for universities / L.G. Loytsyansky. 6th ed., revised. and additional – M.: Nauka, 1987. – 840 p.

4. Landau, L.D. Theoretical physics: Textbook for universities. In 10 volumes. T. VI. Hydrodynamics. 5th ed., stereot / L.D. Landau, E.M. Lifshits. – M.: FIZMATLIT, 2001. – 736 p.

5. Lapteva, N.E. Remote technologies in teaching hydraulics for part-time students. / NOT. Lapteva, S.V. Chernoborodova // Construction and education. Collection scientific works. Issue 15. Ekaterinburg: UrFU,

2012. pp. 191–193.

6. Polyakov, A.A. Organization of training in the course “Strength of Materials” based on innovative educational technologies / A.A. Polyakov, O.S. Kovalev, I.A. Lyubimtsev // News of the Ural Federal University, series 1, Problems of education, science and culture, 2012, No. 3 (104). WITH. 20–25.

7. Polyakov, A.A. Virtual research laboratory work– the main tool of the educational process in the course “Strength of Materials” / A.A. Polyakov, O.S. Kovalev // New educational technologies at universities (NOTV - 2012): collection of materials (IX International Scientific and Methodological Conference), February 8–10, 2012, edited by V.A. Koksharov. Ekaterinburg: UrFU, 2012. P. 283.

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10. Polyakov, A.A. Social and psychological training of a construction engineer / O.S. Kovalev, A.A. Polyakov, I.A. Lyubimtsev // News of the Ural Federal University, series 1, Problems of education, science and culture, 2012, No. 3 (104). pp. 63–68.


This article discusses issues related to various forms interaction between organizations pooling their resources to implement network educational programs. The following classification of network educational programs is proposed in accordance with their focus: competency-oriented, aimed at developing unique competencies for training qualified personnel for economic priorities; scientific and innovative, focused on the development of applied research for the needs of enterprises; industry-specific, designed to prepare high-quality graduates in priority areas of industry, intersectoral and regional development. In accordance with the Education Law, three models are proposed: educational organization - educational organization; educational organization - an organization conducting educational activities, including foreign ones; educational organization is a resource organization. The types of educational activities jointly implemented within the framework of network educational programs are identified, their minimum volume in credit units and a set of documents confirming training are determined.

double diplomas

interdisciplinary programs

network form of implementation of educational programs

1. Matushkin N.N., Kuznetsova T.A., Pakhomov S.I. On interdisciplinary educational programs for training highly qualified personnel // University management: practice and analysis. – 2010.- No. 4. – P. 55-59

2. Official website of the Bologna Process [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 11/12/2013).

3. Decree of the Government of Russia of March 16, 2013 No. 211 “On measures of state support for leading universities of the Russian Federation in order to increase their competitiveness among the world's leading scientific and educational centers” [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: http://government. ru/docs/818 (date of access: 11/12/2013).

4. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) dated July 1, 2013 N 499 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in additional professional programs” // Russian newspaper. – August 28, 2013 – federal issue No. 6166.

5. Competitiveness program of the National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI” [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (access date: 11/12/2013).

6. Decree of the President of Russia of May 7, 2012 No. 599 “On measures to implement state policy in the field of education and science” // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. – May 9, 2012 – capital issue No. 5775.

7. Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. – December 31, 2012 – federal issue No. 5976.


The new stage of the country's socio-economic development poses new strategic challenges for the higher education system. Decree of the President of Russia No. 599 and Decree of the Government of Russia No. 211 are aimed at including at least five Russian universities in the top hundred of the world's leading universities by 2020, according to the world university rankings. On September 1 of this year, a new version of the Education Law came into force.

Key activities aimed at promoting universities in international rankings include the implementation of joint educational programs with other foreign universities, attracting foreign professors to teach our students, developing international academic mobility for university students and teachers, etc.

The network form of educational programs makes it possible to implement programs of international and domestic academic mobility of scientific and pedagogical workers in the form of internships, advanced training, professional retraining and other forms; implementation of new educational programs in universities together with leading foreign and Russian universities and scientific organizations; attracting students from leading foreign universities to study at Russian universities, including through the implementation of partnership educational programs with foreign universities and university associations.

National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" (NRNU MEPhI) is the winner of an open competition announced on May 8, 2013 as part of the implementation of the provisions of the Decree of the President of Russia of May 7, 2012 No. 599. In addition, NRNU MEPhI is a strategic partner and base university of the Rosatom State Corporation in the field of personnel and scientific-innovative support of the nuclear industry, designed to have a multiplier effect on the Russian economy and strengthen its position in world markets. Strengthening the competitiveness of NRNU MEPhI is a scientific and educational part of the development strategy of the State Corporation Rosatom. One of the key aspects of the university’s development is the active diversification and strengthening of positions not only in the field of nuclear, but also other technologies, such as nuclear medicine, radiation-resistant electronics, composites, superconducting devices, cybernetic technologies, as well as in the field of management and economics. Diversification will further strengthen the position of NRNU MEPhI as a leading multidisciplinary global educational and research center.

In this regard, the analysis of various models of interaction between organizations aimed at implementing network educational programs of higher education, including on an international basis, and the formation of a normative and methodological basis for interaction is particularly relevant from the point of view of increasing the competitiveness of not only NRNU MEPhI, but also the entire domestic higher education.

Objectives of network learning and network educational programs

In accordance with new version Federal Law on Education, the network form of implementation of educational programs (hereinafter referred to as the network form) provides the opportunity for students to master it using the resources of several organizations engaged in educational activities, including foreign ones, and also, if necessary, using the resources of other organizations.

The main characteristics of the online form of training are the following:

  • is organized primarily according to promising (unique) educational programs, usually of an interdisciplinary nature, in order to train personnel for large industry, scientific and other projects;
  • allows you to develop unique competencies that are in demand, first of all, in fast-growing sectors of the economy;
  • provides the opportunity to use in educational activities, along with the resources of educational organizations, material and human resources of other organizations: scientific, industrial, medical, cultural organizations, etc.

The objectives of online learning are:

  • training personnel with unique competencies in demand in the labor market of priority sectors of the industrial and regional economy and labor market;
  • improving the quality of education by integrating the resources of partner organizations in priority areas of sectoral, intersectoral and regional development in accordance with international standards;
  • introduction of the best examples of domestic and foreign practices into the educational process for the development of applied research for the needs of enterprises in the industry and region.

The use of the network form of implementation of educational programs is carried out on the basis of an agreement between organizations. To organize the implementation of educational programs using a network form by several organizations engaged in educational activities, such organizations also jointly develop and approve educational programs.

The agreement on the network form of implementation of educational programs specifies:

1) type, level and (or) focus of the educational program (part of an educational program of a certain level, type and focus), implemented using a network form;

2) the status of students in organizations, rules for admission to study in a network educational program, the procedure for organizing academic mobility of students mastering a network educational program;

3) the conditions and procedure for carrying out educational activities under an educational program implemented through a network form, including the distribution of responsibilities between organizations, the procedure for implementing an educational program, the nature and amount of resources used by each organization implementing educational programs through a network form;

4) issued document or documents on education and (or) qualifications, document or documents on training, as well as organizations carrying out educational activities that issue these documents;

5) the duration of the agreement, the procedure for its amendment and termination.

According to the education law, the following can participate in the online implementation of educational programs:

  • educational organizations, i.e. organizations carrying out educational activities on the basis of a license as the main type of activity in accordance with the goals for which such an organization was created;
  • organizations carrying out educational activities, including foreign ones, i.e. educational organizations and organizations providing training (organizations that, on the basis of a license, along with their main activities, carry out educational activities as an additional type of activity);
  • other (resource) organizations, such as: scientific organizations, medical organizations, cultural organizations, physical education and sports, etc., i.e. having the necessary resources to implement training, practice, etc.

Based on the above, the following main models of the network form of implementation of educational programs are proposed for consideration:

  • educational organization - an educational organization when both have licenses to implement higher education programs;
  • educational organization - an organization providing training. In this case, for the second organization, training is not the main activity and it may have a license to implement only additional professional programs. This category also includes foreign organizations engaged in educational activities.
  • educational organization is a resource organization that does not have a license to implement educational programs.

The network form of implementation of educational programs is acceptable for all levels of education. In accordance with Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia N 499, advanced training can be carried out not only for people with qualifications, but for senior students. The most flexible opportunities are provided for the online form at the master's and postgraduate level (residency, postgraduate studies), since in this case it is possible to issue documents on the acquisition of additional professional programs (retraining).

A network educational program is an educational program jointly implemented by educational, scientific, industrial and other organizations on the basis of an agreement according to a unified curriculum. The organization of training in a network educational program can be characterized as follows.

  • The goals, objectives, content of the online educational program, and the procedure for its implementation are regulated by a contract (agreement) signed by all partner organizations.
  • The curriculum of the network educational program indicates the organizers of the partner organizations responsible for specific modules (disciplines, cycles of disciplines).
  • Enrollment for the network program is carried out by the base university, which coordinates activities for the implementation of the program, monitors the implementation of the curriculum, and organizes the final certification.
  • Based on the results of training, the student is issued a diploma from a basic university. The diploma annex lists the modules, disciplines, and practices that the student completed at other universities or organizations (indicating the number of academic credits).
  • The total duration of study at a basic university must be at least 40% of the standard period (labor intensity) for mastering the entire educational program.
  • The duration of study for a network educational program cannot exceed the period for mastering the educational program of the corresponding field of training (specialty).
  • In the case of studying under a joint or double degree program, two curricula are drawn up for two different universities, where a number of academic disciplines are mutually counted, and a number of disciplines can be implemented jointly (final qualifying work, etc.). Based on the results of training, the student is issued two diplomas. In this case, the duration of study at each university must be at least 40% of the standard period (labor intensity) for mastering the educational program, and the total increase in labor intensity for the student does not exceed 25% per year.

Focus of online educational programs

To implement network educational programs at the university itself, which enters into partnership agreements, the functionality of innovation and educational centers and departments, including additional vocational training, is expanded; educational and methodological advice; teacher training centers; regional and industry competence centers; marketing and graduate employment services. According to their focus, network educational programs can be:

  • competency-oriented, aimed at developing unique competencies for training qualified personnel for priority sectors of the industrial and regional economy and the labor market;
  • scientific and innovative, focused on the development of applied research for the needs of enterprises in the industry and region;
  • industry-specific, designed to prepare high-quality graduates in priority areas of industry, intersectoral and regional development based on international educational and professional standards.

In the case of creating competency-oriented network educational programs, partner structures are expanded by centers and departments of pre-university training, career guidance centers, specialized classrooms and classrooms, in order to begin the formation of unique competencies as early as possible.

In the case of scientific and innovative network educational programs, the created innovative infrastructure is very important, when the resources of the university are combined with the resources of educational and research centers, centers collective use scientific equipment, technology parks and business incubators. In this case, an information scientific and educational environment is created, in which the university becomes an integral participant (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Interacting organizations within the framework of network scientific and innovative educational programs

To implement industry-wide network educational programs, educational and production centers and divisions are created within the structure of the university, including industry-specific (basic) departments; experimental design production and industrial-oriented innovation and technology centers. Thus, a laboratory and production base for joint training is created (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Interacting organizations within the framework of network industry educational programs

Joint and double diplomas in online learning

From the point of view of international practice, there are several definitions of the concept of “joint diploma”. On the official website of the Bologna Process, a joint diploma is understood as a certificate of higher education (qualification, degree) issued jointly by two or more universities on the basis of a joint training program. A joint diploma can be issued in the form of:

  • a separate document issued in addition to one or more national university diplomas;
  • a general unified document issued by universities that provided training in a given educational program, not accompanied by the issuance of national diplomas;
  • one or more national diplomas issued in parallel and simultaneously as confirmation of the qualifications obtained.

As a rule, such educational programs can be interdisciplinary, based on the principles of integration of educational content in various subject areas, profiles, areas of training, located at the intersection of branches of knowledge. Such programs are called single-level double (or more) educational programs.

Single-level double programs are implemented as two educational programs in different areas at the same level of training, and two degrees are awarded in different areas of training. In this case, an integrated curriculum is formed, where basic disciplines satisfy both areas of training and are interchangeable (mutually countable). Variative disciplines allow you to develop flexible training programs in two areas at the same time.

The attractiveness of single-level double programs, compared to sequential training in two different programs, is the saving of training time, deepening universal competencies (general scientific, instrumental) by increasing the volume of fundamental training, expanding professional competencies due to simultaneous specialization in two selected areas of activity, and also in reducing the financial costs of training.

Types of educational activities of network educational programs implemented by organizations jointly

In accordance with Article No. 15 of the Federal Law on Education, for the implementation of the educational program, organizations that have the resources necessary to carry out training, conduct educational and practical training and carry out other types of educational activities provided for by the relevant educational program enter into a cooperation agreement.

For each educational program, academic (theoretical training) and research components are distinguished. The research component includes student research work, various types of internships, and final preparation qualifying work etc. Thus, with a network form of training, taking into account the types of interacting organizations and the availability of educational licenses, we can distinguish the following types of educational activities that can be implemented jointly: theoretical training; research work; training in the form of internship; practice in the form of an internship; .

The need to introduce internships in in this case This is due to the fact that organizations that implement additional professional programs can act as a university partner: advanced training and retraining programs.

In accordance with Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia N 499, an additional professional program can be implemented in whole or in part in the form of an internship. The internship is carried out in order to study best practices, including foreign ones, as well as consolidate theoretical knowledge acquired during the development of professional retraining or advanced training programs, and acquire practical skills for their effective use in the performance of their official duties.

Internship in this case is a legitimate type of educational activity, is individual or group in nature and may include:

  • independent work with educational publications;
  • acquisition of professional and organizational skills;
  • studying the organization and technology of production and work;
  • direct participation in planning the organization’s work;
  • work with technical, regulatory and other documentation;
  • performance functional responsibilities officials (as an acting or backup), etc.

The content of the internship is determined by the organization, taking into account proposals from organizations sending specialists for internships, and the content of additional professional programs. The duration of the internship is determined by the organization independently, based on the learning objectives. The duration of the internship is agreed upon with the head of the organization where it is conducted. Based on the results of the internship, the student is issued a qualification document depending on the additional professional program being implemented.

When implementing additional professional programs, an organization may use a form of organizing educational activities based on the modular principle of presenting the content of the educational program and constructing curricula, using various educational technologies, including distance educational technologies and e-learning. The minimum permissible period for mastering advanced training programs cannot be less than 16 hours, and the period for mastering professional retraining programs cannot be less than 250 hours.

The conditions and procedure for carrying out educational activities within the network form of interaction are prescribed in the concluded agreement. Namely: the conditions and procedure for carrying out educational activities under an educational program implemented through a network form are established, including the distribution of responsibilities between organizations, the procedure for implementing an educational program, the nature and amount of resources used by each organization implementing educational programs through a network form; The issued document or documents on education and (or) qualifications, the document or documents on training, as well as organizations carrying out educational activities that issue these documents are indicated.

Model of interaction “educational organization - educational organization”

In this case, both organizations have licenses to implement both higher education programs and additional professional programs. Types of educational activities in which cooperation between the two universities is possible: theoretical training; research work; training in the form of internship; practice in the form of an internship; research work in the form of an internship, completing a final qualifying thesis.

Using a scenario approach, we will determine the minimum values ​​for the duration of various types of educational activities implemented by university partners.

Scenario No. 1 (antisymmetric interaction). This scenario is aimed at increasing student mobility. We are considering two partners: one is the main university where students are enrolled. The partner is the second university, which provides its resource base for short-term training (Table 1).

Table 1. Joint implementation of types of educational activities by two universities with antisymmetric interaction

Types of educational activities

Duration (minimum)

theoretical training

20 credits (trimester)

research work

20 credits (trimester)

retraining diploma certificate of advanced training

internship training

practice in the form of an internship

certificate of advanced training in the form of an internship

research work in the form of an internship

15 credits (8 weeks and certification)

certificate of advanced training in the form of an internship

Scenario No. 2 (symmetrical interaction within two areas of training). This scenario is focused on the development of interdisciplinary and applied research for the needs of enterprises in the industry and region. We are considering two partners. One is the main university where students are enrolled. The second university also enrolls students in a joint interdisciplinary educational program.

In this scenario, training is carried out in two different areas of training, that is, two different curricula are compiled in two different areas of training. Some academic disciplines studied under one program at one university are re-credited within the framework of another program at another university. Research work can be carried out jointly, under the guidance of two teachers. Based on the results of mastering the educational program, two one-level diplomas of higher education are issued in different areas of training.

In this scenario, it is necessary to determine to what extent responsibilities are distributed between organizations for each curriculum and how much the educational program for each student increases.

The increase in the volume of credits acquired for each student should not exceed 25% (calculations are based on the standards for intensifying the development of educational programs within the framework of external studies). The distribution of the volume of loans sold within each educational program should range from 40% to 60%, taking into account the fact that students’ research work and the preparation of their final qualifying work can be implemented jointly (Table 2).

Table 2. Joint implementation of types of educational activities by two universities with symmetrical interaction in two different areas of training

Types of educational activities

Document confirming training

40% - minimum

60% - maximum

60% - maximum

40% - minimum

theoretical training

University Diploma No. 2



research work



preparation of final qualifying work

Scenario No. 3 (symmetrical interaction within one area of ​​training). This scenario is focused on the formation of unique competencies within one area of ​​training. We are considering two partners: one is the main university where students are enrolled, the second university also enrolls students in a joint educational program in a single field of study. In this scenario, one, unified curriculum is compiled, accredited and validated in both universities. The distribution of responsibilities between universities is carried out on a parity basis in the ratio of limits from 40% to 60%.

Based on the results of mastering the educational program, two one-level diplomas of higher education are issued in one area of ​​training (Table 3).

Table 3. Joint implementation of types of educational activities by two universities with symmetrical interaction in one area of ​​training

Types of educational activities

Document confirming training

40% - minimum

60% - maximum

60% - maximum

40% - minimum

theoretical training

research work

preparation of final qualifying work

University Diploma No. 1

University Diploma No. 2

Model “educational organization - organization providing training”

In this case of partnership contractual agreements, one organization has licenses to implement both higher education programs and additional professional programs. The second organization has a license to implement only additional professional programs or is a foreign organization carrying out educational activities and issuing its national documents. Types of educational activities in which cooperation between the two universities is possible: theoretical training; research work; training in the form of internship; practice in the form of an internship; research work in the form of an internship.

Using a scenario approach, we will determine the minimum duration of various types of educational activities.

Scenario No. 4 (antisymmetric interaction between Russian organizations). This scenario is aimed at increasing student mobility. We are considering two partners: one is the main university where students are enrolled, the second organization provides its resource base for short-term training (Table 4).

Table 4. Joint implementation of types of educational activities by the university and the resource organization

Types of educational activities

Duration (minimum)

Document confirming training

theoretical training

20 credits (trimester)

retraining diploma certificate of advanced training

research work

20 credits (trimester)

retraining diploma certificate of advanced training

internship training

7 credits (4 weeks and certification)

certificate of advanced training in the form of an internship

practice in the form of an internship

15 credits (8 weeks and certification)

certificate of advanced training in the form of an internship

research work in the form of an internship

15 credits (8 weeks and certification)

certificate of advanced training in the form of an internship

Scenario No. 5 (antisymmetric interaction with an international organization). This scenario is focused on improving the quality of educational programs in priority areas of sectoral, intersectoral and regional development, in accordance with international standards. We are considering two partners. One is the main university where students are enrolled. The second international organization is implementing a joint educational program.

Currently, the most common forms of implementing joint educational programs are:

  • accredited and validated programs, when one university recognizes the equivalence of another university’s program to its own educational program with the possible issuance of its own diploma to graduates of the partner university;
  • “franchise” programs, when one university transfers to another the rights to implement its educational program while retaining the right to control the quality of training;
  • double and joint degree programs, when there is coordination of curricula and programs, teaching methods and assessment of students' knowledge, mutual recognition of learning results at partner universities, the presence of common program management structures, and the issuance of a joint diploma.

In this case, for the network form of implementation of educational programs, the most acceptable is the third type of interaction with an international organization (Table 5).

Table 5. Joint implementation of types of educational activities by the university and an international organization

Types of educational activities

Duration (minimum) in an international organization

Document confirming training

Any type of educational activity

20 credits (trimester)

1. Two national diplomas

2. Russian diploma + additional document on foreign education and (or) foreign qualifications

Model “educational organization - resource organization”

In this case, only one organization has licenses to implement both higher education programs and additional professional programs. The second organization provides its resource base for training. Scientific organizations, medical organizations, cultural organizations, physical education and sports organizations, etc. can act as resource organizations. This model is designed to train qualified personnel for priority sectors of the industrial and regional economy and the labor market.

Types of educational activities in which cooperation between the two universities is possible: theoretical training; research work; practice, completion of final qualifying work. The resource organization in this case does not have licenses for educational activities. Therefore, as a result of training, the student receives one diploma of higher education, which indicates which disciplines he studied at the partner organization (Table 6).

Table 6. Joint implementation of types of educational activities by the university and the resource organization

Types of educational activities

Duration (minimum)

Duration of the type of educational activity (maximum)

Document confirming training

theoretical training

3 credits

A free-form document confirming training

research work

3 credits


7 credits (4 weeks and certification)

Final qualifying work

8 credits

without final state certification


Thus, summing up the above, based on the results of training within the framework of the proposed models of interaction between organizations for the implementation of network educational programs, either two diplomas of higher education from different universities in two or one areas of training can be issued as documents of education and (or) qualifications, either a diploma of higher education from one university and a diploma of retraining from another university in two different areas of training, or a diploma of higher education and a certificate of advanced training; or a national (Russian) diploma of higher education and documents on foreign education or foreign qualifications in the form of a national foreign separate document in addition to the national diploma.

For the “educational organization - resource organization” model, based on the results of training, the student can be issued a diploma of higher education indicating which disciplines were studied on the basis of which resource organizations.

All types of interaction between organizations considered are aimed at improving the quality of education, the competitiveness of domestic universities, and student mobility. The network form of implementation of educational programs is a generally accepted global teaching practice and has broad prospects in the system of domestic higher education.

The work was carried out with the support of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2011 - 2015


Dukhanina L.N., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Methodology of Natural Science Education, National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI", Moscow.

Putilov A.V., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Management and Economics high technology, National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI", Moscow.

Bibliographic link

URL: (access date: 03/08/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

In pursuance of the order of the Government of the Russian Federation under paragraph 4 of section I of the protocol of the meeting of the presidium of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the implementation of priority national projects and demographic policy dated May 20, 2014 No. 38 and in order to improve the quality of the educational process, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia directs the organization of the educational process at network forms of implementation of educational programs (hereinafter referred to as Methodological Recommendations).

The Russian Ministry of Education and Science asks you to report problems that arise when using the above.

Application: 26 l. in 1 copy.

5. Recommendations for the development and implementation of educational programs by an organization carrying out educational activities, using the resources of other organizations, including those carrying out educational activities (hereinafter referred to as the option of using the resources of other organizations)

IN this option Organizations of a network form, an educational program is implemented by one organization carrying out educational activities (hereinafter referred to as the base organization), but using the resources of other organizations, including those carrying out educational activities (for example, scientific organizations, medical organizations, cultural organizations, physical culture and sports and other organizations) ( hereinafter - partner organization). These organizations present their material and technical base and other resources, primarily for conducting educational and practical training.

If an organization that does not carry out educational activities acts as a partner organization for the implementation of a network form of an educational program, then as a resource it is necessary to consider the type of activity of the partner organization that corresponds to the profile of the educational program, with participation in which the student can receive the necessary professional experience. At the same time, the conditions for the formation of practical experience provided by another partner organization (personnel, production and technological, organizational and managerial, information and others) cannot be reproduced by the organization carrying out educational activities.

If an agreement on a network form is concluded between organizations engaged in educational activities, then students are admitted to one of the organizations engaged in educational activities in accordance with the established procedure for admission to the relevant educational programs. Other organizations carrying out educational activities and participating in the network form implement the part of the educational program stipulated by the contract (provide educational services) in relation to the specified students and send the necessary information to the base organization for credit for mastering the relevant disciplines (modules) and practices.

A document on education and (or) qualifications for students based on the results of mastering an educational program in online form in this option, as a rule, is issued only by the base organization. Partner organizations can issue students with a certificate of training or period of study according to a model established by them independently.

An example agreement (an option for using the resources of other organizations) is given in Appendix 2.

Within the framework of the option of using the resources of other organizations, a number of models for organizing a network form can be identified, which is not exhaustive.

5.1. A model for including modules of educational programs of other organizations engaged in educational activities.

The simplest options for implementing a network form of mastering educational programs include a program that involves a kind of “purchase” of one (one) or several disciplines (modules), which are implemented in similar educational programs of other educational organizations.

Such an educational program is approved by the base organization, but it must be agreed upon with the partner educational organization.

In this option, a ready-made discipline (module) of the partner organization is included in the program of the base organization. The base organization, on the basis of contractual relations, sends its students to master a given discipline (module) to a partner organization, and then counts the results, mastery and corresponding labor input towards mastering its program.

Such an educational program can also be implemented when organizing virtual academic mobility, when individual modules are mastered in a partner organization using exclusively e-learning or using distance educational technology.

5.2. The “individual choice” model.

Another model for using the resources of other organizations is a model with an expansion of the number of project participants, conventionally called “individual choice.” This model provides a wider field for the formation of individual trajectories due to the variable part of the educational program and by expanding the number of modules that are implemented at the student’s choice.

The student is given the right to independently choose the module (discipline) he needs to study in another, including a foreign educational organization.

In this case, the number of project participants may be more than two, but agreements must be concluded with each of the partner organizations.

This approach makes it possible to implement educational programs at the intersection of various areas of professional activity. When building such educational programs, it is especially important, first of all, to attract scientific and pedagogical resources from various educational organizations.

As in the previous case, educational programs can be implemented on the basis of virtual academic mobility (if there are virtual analogues for the modules of the variable part of the educational program).

In this case, interuniversity online course catalogs can be used to select modules. The choice of a course in the catalog may be the basis for its inclusion in the student’s individual curriculum. In this case, the certificate of study can be an electronic certificate, which the student receives upon completion of the course and which is the basis for crediting the results of its mastery by the educational organization implementing the educational program.

State final certification in the case of using the above model and issuance of a document on education is carried out in the organization carrying out educational activities in which the student is enrolled.

If a student is enrolled in both organizations carrying out educational activities, and successfully completes the educational program and passes the state final certification procedures in these organizations, the student receives two documents on education and qualifications.

5.5. “University-enterprise” model.

This model includes educational programs in the implementation of which organizations that do not carry out educational activities (for example, scientific organizations, research institutes and centers, industrial partners) participate. These organizations provide their material and technical base and other resources to carry out, first of all, the practical part of the educational process, including educational and practical training.

The educational program is developed and approved by the educational organization in agreement with the partner organization.

The easiest to implement is the inclusion in the educational program of disciplines (modules) that are implemented using the potential of industrial enterprises. Potential here means not only the scientific and technological base, but also the intellectual contribution of the enterprise’s leading specialists to the design and implementation of a network educational program.

This option is especially relevant for a practice-oriented bachelor's degree, for a specialty, for a technological master's degree, and, possibly, for graduate school. A feature of such programs is their focus on production and (or) scientific and technological activities, which, along with applied research work, also includes experimental design, design and survey activities and involves elements of implementation activities.

In this process, the participation of teaching staff and current specialists of the enterprise, carriers of current technological information, is equally important. In the process of joint training of students, there is a mutual enrichment of teachers, teachers - they are immersed in the real topics of professional activity, as well as enterprise specialists - the latter master modern scientific approaches to research and optimization technological processes, new approaches to design, modeling and construction.

This model is especially actively used in the training of engineering and technical personnel and has quite a lot of different types of implementation, depending on the direction of training and the development of the relevant industrial production. It is very promising to organize training in a master’s program using the R&D center of an industrial enterprise as a network partner, since these structures are forming promising areas of technology development and new lines of competitive products. It is in R&D centers that there is a maximum need for young, highly qualified specialists capable of unconventional thinking and solving atypical creative problems. In this environment, the training of highly qualified specialists is most effective.

Especially when the task of broad training is set, several industrial enterprises with advanced technologies can be involved in the network form of implementation of educational programs. Each participant in the network process is responsible for their own structural element of the educational program and achieves the stated learning outcomes. At the same time, there is a joint area of ​​responsibility regarding the formation of assignments for final qualifying work and the protection of the results of this work.

5.4. Model “basic organization - academic institute - enterprise”.

The model operates effectively where it is possible to connect specialist or master’s programs to the network, in addition to enterprises in whose interests, as a rule, graduates are trained, and scientific organizations. Using the potential of scientific staff of academic institutions in the educational process, which is based on solving problems of real production through project-based learning, significantly expands training opportunities. The existing fundamental developments of scientists are activated in the process collaboration on solving assigned educational tasks. Such interaction develops into joint research and the implementation of their results in professional activities. Students' participation in this process forms the qualities necessary for innovative professional activity.

6. Status of students in network forms of implementation of educational programs

Based on the results of admission, students are enrolled in an organization carrying out educational activities to study an educational program in online form.

Students are not expelled for the period of stay in another organization, since the specified stay is part of an educational program implemented in an online form for which students are enrolled.

Partner educational organizations implement the part of the educational program provided for in the agreement and send the necessary information to the educational organization for issuing intermediate certification in the relevant disciplines (modules) and practices.

A document on education and (or) qualifications is issued to a student by the organization and according to the educational program in which he was accepted for training. Mastering part of the educational program in another educational organization is confirmed by a certificate of training.

The implementation of the educational program in online form does not affect the period for mastering the educational program, which is established in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

Full-time students in organizations carrying out educational activities under state-accredited educational programs, including those implemented online, have the right to a deferment from conscription for military service in accordance with Part 2 of Article 24 of the Federal Law of March 28, 1998. No. 53 “On military duty and military service” during the period of mastering the specified educational programs, but not beyond the deadlines for obtaining education established by the Federal State Educational Standard.

Payment of scholarships, financial assistance and other monetary payments provided for by the legislation on education to students in an educational program in an online form assigned to the student’s enrollment organization does not stop during the student’s stay in other organizations participating in the implementation of educational programs in an online form.

By decision of other organizations participating in the implementation of the network form, students in the program or its disciplines (modules) and practices may be awarded an additional scholarship or other monetary payments in the manner determined by local regulations the specified organizations.

State final certification of educational programs implemented online and the issuance of a document on education and qualifications to the graduate is carried out in the general manner established for students of the educational organization in which he was enrolled.

The inclusion of representatives of the partner organization in the certification commissions, as well as the timing of the state final certification for integrated educational programs, are regulated by partner universities independently.

Annex 1

Sample Integration Option
educational programs

on the network form of implementation of the educational program

Organization carrying out educational activities No. 1, on the basis of a license dated __________, No. _________, issued by __________________________________________________________, represented by _______________________, acting on the basis of __________, hereinafter referred to as “Organization No. 1”, and Organization carrying out educational activities No. 2, on on the basis of a license dated ______________ No. _____________________, issued by _____________________________________, represented by _______________________, acting on the basis of _____________________, hereinafter referred to as “Organization No. 2,” hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Parties,” have entered into this Agreement as follows:

1. The Subject of the Agreement

Organization No. 1 and Organization No. 2 implement an educational program

____________________________________________________ (Further -

educational program) using a network form.

The educational program is developed, approved and implemented by the Parties jointly.

2. Status of students

2.1. The parties implement the educational program in relation to students accepted in accordance with the procedure established by law for training under it.

In Organization No. 1, students are _______________________.

In Organization No. 2, students are _______________________.

2.2. The list of students is agreed upon by the Parties by concluding an additional agreement no later than ________________ days before the start of the educational program.

The total number of students in the Educational program is _____ people.

2.3. Every six months, in accordance with the academic calendar, the Parties send each other a certificate of the results of the intermediate certification of students, including test (examination) statements, on the basis of which the Parties evaluate the results of students’ mastery of disciplines (modules) ____________________________.

3.1. The educational program is implemented by Organization No. 1 at the expense of


3.2. The educational program is implemented by Organization No. 2 at the expense of


(budgetary allocations from the federal budget, budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local budgets, physical and legal entities for contracts for the provision of paid educational services - indicate what is required)

3.3. Mutual payments for the implementation of the educational program by the Parties are determined in additional Agreements to this Agreement (this clause is provided for if necessary).

4.1. Organization No. 1 implements an educational program in terms of disciplines (modules) _________________.

Organization No. 2 implements the Educational program in terms of disciplines (modules) _________________.

4.2. When implementing part of the educational program provided for. of this Agreement, the Parties use the necessary resources to ensure the quality of the educational services provided that meets the requirements established by federal state educational standards.

4.3. Organization No. 1 based on the results of mastering the educational program and passing _______________________________________________________

issued to students ___________________________________________________.

Organization No. 2 based on the results of mastering the educational program and passing _____________________________________________________________________

(indicate final certification or state final certification)

issued to students _________________________________________________.

(indicate the name of the document on education and (or) qualifications)

5. Responsibilities of the Parties

5.1 The parties are obliged to:

5.1.2 Familiarize students with their charters, licenses to carry out educational activities, certificates of state accreditation, and other documents regulating the organization and implementation of educational activities, the rights and responsibilities of students during the implementation of the educational program.

5.1.5. Provide the other Party with certificates on the results of the Student’s mastery of parts of the educational program, including test (examination) statements, in accordance with clause 2.3. actual agreement.

6. Duration of the Agreement

6.2. The implementation of the educational program under this Agreement begins in the year __________.

6.3. The Agreement was concluded by the Parties for an indefinite period (option: for a period of _______).

7. Responsibility of the Parties

8.2. In case of changes in addresses and payment details, the Parties undertake to notify each other about this within ____________________.

9. Details and signatures of the Parties

Appendix 2

Sample use case
educational programs

on the network form of implementation of the educational program

Organization carrying out educational activities No. 1, on the basis of a license dated ________________, No. ________, issued by ___________________________________________________, represented by ________________________, acting on the basis of _________, hereinafter referred to as “Organization No. 1”, and Organization No. 2, represented by _________________________, acting on the basis of ______________________, hereinafter referred to as “Organization No. 2”, hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Parties”, have concluded this Agreement as follows:

1. The Subject of the Agreement

Organization No. 1 implements an educational program

____________________________________________ (Further -

(type, level and (or) direction are indicated)

educational program) using the resources of Organization No. 2 in online form.

The educational program is developed and approved by Organization No. 1.

2. Status of students

2.1. The parties implement an educational program in relation to students accepted in accordance with the procedure established by law for training under it in Organization No. 1

In Organization No. 1, students are _____________________________.

In Organization No. 2, students are ______________________________.

2.2. The list of students is agreed upon by the Parties by concluding an additional agreement no later than ___________________ days before the start of the educational program.

The total number of students in the Educational program is ____people.

2.3. Every six months, in accordance with the academic calendar, the Parties send each other a certificate of the results of the intermediate certification of students, including test (examination) statements, on the basis of which the Parties evaluate the results of students’ mastery of disciplines (modules) ____________________. (this paragraph is included in the contract if Organization No. 2 is an organization engaged in educational activities).

3. Financial support for the implementation of the educational program

3.1. Organization No. 2 provides resources, and Organization No. 1 pays for their use in the implementation of the educational program in online form under the terms of this Agreement.

3.2. Mutual settlements between the Parties for the use of the resource of Organization No. 2 as part of the implementation of the educational program are determined in additional Agreements to this Agreement.

4. Conditions and procedure for carrying out educational activities during the implementation of the educational program

4.1. Organization No. 1, when implementing the educational program, uses the following resources of Organization No. 2 _____________________________________________. (The list of resources, volume, terms and periods of use of resources within the framework of the implementation of the educational program can be determined in the annex to this Agreement)

4.2. When implementing the educational program provided for in paragraph

4.1. of this Agreement, resources are used to ensure the quality of the educational services provided that meets the requirements established by federal state educational standards.

4.3. Organization No. 1 based on the results of mastering the educational program and passing ____________________________________________________________

(indicate final certification or state final certification)

issued to students _____________________________________________________.

(indicate the name of the document on education and (or) qualifications)

Organization No. 2 based on the results of using the resources provided. of this Agreement are issued to students ________________________________________________.

(certificate of training or period of study is indicated)

(this paragraph is included in the contract if Organization No. 2 is an organization engaged in educational activities).

5. Responsibilities of the Parties

5.1 The parties are obliged to:

5.1.1 Implement part of the educational program specified in. of this Agreement independently;

5.1.2 Familiarize students with their charters, licenses to carry out educational activities, certificates of state accreditation, and other documents regulating the organization and implementation of educational activities, the rights and responsibilities of students during the implementation of the educational program.

5.1.3. Create for students the necessary conditions to master part of the educational program;

5.1.4 Show respect for the personality of students, avoid physical and psychological violence;

5.1.5. Provide the other Party with certificates on the results of the Student’s mastery of the educational program, including test (examination) statements (this clause is included in the agreement if Organization No. 2 is an organization engaged in educational activities).

5.1.6. During the implementation of part of the educational program, bear responsibility for the life and health of students.

6. Duration of the Agreement

6.1. The agreement comes into force from the moment of its signing.

6.2. The implementation of the educational program under this Agreement begins in the year __________________.

6.3. The Agreement was concluded by the Parties for an indefinite period (option: for a period of ______).

7. Responsibility of the Parties

7.1. In case of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations, the Parties are liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

7.2. The parties are released from liability for partial or complete failure to fulfill obligations under the Agreement if such failure is a consequence of force majeure circumstances (force majeure): natural phenomena (earthquakes, floods), wars, revolutions, restrictive and prohibitive acts of government bodies directly related to to the implementation of this Agreement. These circumstances must arise after the conclusion of the Agreement, be of an extraordinary, unforeseen and unpreventable nature and not depend on the will of the Parties.

7.3. The Party for which it is impossible to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement must immediately notify the other Party in writing of the occurrence and termination of the above circumstances, attaching the relevant supporting documents.

7.4. In the event of force majeure circumstances, the deadline for fulfilling obligations under the Agreement is postponed in proportion to the time during which such circumstances and their consequences will remain in effect.

8. Procedure for changing and terminating the agreement

8.1. The conditions under which this Agreement is concluded may be changed by agreement of the Parties or in court on the grounds provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

8.2. In case of changes in addresses and payment details, the Parties undertake to notify each other about this within __________________.

8.3. This Agreement may be terminated by agreement of the Parties or in court on the grounds provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

9. Details and signatures of the Parties

Document overview

We are talking about training using the resources of several educational organizations, including foreign ones, as well as other companies (if necessary).

The online form is not required. It is applied only in cases where it is required to ensure the required level of training for graduates and is appropriate.

A number of advantages of this form have been noted. For example, the exchange of best practices in personnel training is intensifying. The boundaries of students' awareness of available educational and other resources are expanding.

The status of students in this form has been determined.

  • Sheveleva Natalia Alexandrovna– Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of State and Administrative Law of St. Petersburg State University;
  • Lavrikova Marina Yurievna– Candidate of Legal Sciences, Vice-Rector for Educational and Methodological Work of St. Petersburg State University;
  • Vasiliev Ilya Alexandrovich– Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, St. Petersburg State University


The article examines the current state of legal regulation of the use by Russian educational organizations of a network form of implementation of educational programs. The use of a network form in the educational process is due, on the one hand, to the discretion provided by the legislator in choosing network interaction partners, subject to compliance with contractual principles, and also, on the other hand, to clarifications in the law enforcement practice of using real models.


education, network form, implementation of educational programs, cooperation in the educational field, innovations in educational activities, Russia, Russian Federation.

Federal Law No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”), among innovative institutions of educational activity, provided for the right to implement educational programs in network form. Earlier in our articles, we dwelled in detail on the issue of the sufficiency of the existing legal regulation and possible additions to this institution. In this publication we will consider different approaches to interpreting the goals of using a network form and the possibilities of achieving such goals.

The network form of implementation of educational programs, as follows from the provisions of Art. 15 of the Federal Law “On Education” is aimed at expanding the capabilities of an educational organization to use the resources of another organization, both carrying out educational activities and pursuing other constituent goals (as an option - a business company). A wide range of entities, including Russian and foreign educational organizations, as well as other business entities, at first glance, provides discretion to a specific educational organization to choose a network partner. Indeed, legislative regulation limits the participation of an organization in network interaction with an educational organization only by the availability of resources necessary for training, educational and practical training and other types of educational activities provided for by the relevant educational program. The availability of such resources is determined by the educational organization as the initiator of the network form, since the determination of the necessary resources for educational programs is not so much the right of such an organization, but rather an obligation, the implementation of which is verified during the licensing procedure for educational activities and with the subsequent supervision of the competent public authority. However, law enforcement practice also provides examples of clarifying the range of subjects possible for a network form. In particular, for specific professional training programs for vehicle drivers, individual entrepreneurs carrying out educational process personally, cannot participate in its implementation as trainers (industrial training masters), and therefore individual entrepreneurs that carry out educational activities directly cannot be classified as organizations provided for in Part 1 of Art. 15 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

At the same time, the broad discretion we have highlighted in choosing a partner for the network form of implementing an educational program receives an interesting development in individual acts regulating certain areas of professional activity.

For example, Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated November 11, 2013 No. 837 “On approval of the Regulations on the model for developing the basic principles of continuous medical education of specialists with higher medical education in organizations carrying out educational activities under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, with the participation of medical professional non-profit organizations “in the provisions of paragraph 6, it proposes to involve in interaction not only “other educational organizations,” but also public professional organizations. From the text of the order it follows that under public professional organizations are understood as medical professional non-profit organizations, which is due to the implementation of a model for developing the basic principles of continuous medical education of specialists with higher medical education in organizations carrying out educational activities under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health of Russia. Participation in the network partnership, along with educational organizations, and medical professional non-profit organizations is aimed at mutually beneficial cooperation to promote and implement additional professional development programs. But, as reasonably follows from the provisions of the order in question, such interaction can acquire legal grounds only if an agreement on the network form is concluded, the essential conditions of which are listed in Art. 15 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”. The special attention of the Russian Ministry of Health to the network form when developing the basic principles of continuing medical education is emphasized by the consolidation in the implementation schedule of the model of the clause on concluding agreements on the network form.

Situations related to the conclusion and execution of an agreement on a network form are also presented in law enforcement practice. Thus, the absence of an agreement on the network form during the actual implementation of educational programs in this form is considered as a violation of licensing requirements when carrying out educational activities (specifically, paragraph “d”, paragraph 7 of the Regulations on licensing of educational activities, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 28, 2013 No. 966) Such a violation also causes another deviation from the regulations, in this case – from the requirements of Art. 15 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” on the availability of jointly developed and approved educational programs. The position of an educational organization interacting within the network form regarding the sufficiency of fulfilling licensing requirements by another network interaction partner is assessed as a misconception. In the process of implementing an educational program in online form, all participating educational organizations must follow the requirements of licensing educational activities (starting with the requirement to have a license directly). Violation of licensing requirements by one of these organizations creates grounds for bringing to administrative liability in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

The presence of an agreement on the network form between interaction partners is also a prerequisite for changing the scope of duties performed by teaching staff and (or) researchers. At the same time, the use of this form of implementation of educational programs is considered by the legislator (Part 2 of Article 54 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”) as a mandatory condition of the agreement between the educational organization and students, which is confirmed in law enforcement practice.

A different emphasis in determining the circle of subjects of network interaction is placed in the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 17, 2016 No. 1257-r

“On approval of the Concept and action plan (“road map”) for the implementation of the Concept of creating a territorially separate innovation and production center “InnoKam”. As follows from the provisions of this act, in the interests of the petrochemical industry, the network form is designed, on the principle of a closed list, to unite only Russian educational organizations of higher education for the purpose of training personnel for the enterprises of the InnoKam Center. The educational and methodological basis for pooling resources by organizations is a unified curriculum, which involves the use of basic modules and variable modules. Basic modules are implemented by each educational organization participating in the network partnership, while variable modules involve the use of academic mobility of teachers and students. Also, the network form of implementation of educational programs can be used when using the main vector of modernization of the vocational education system of the InnoKam Center, namely the development of a network of resource centers that involve the use of resources of educational organizations and vice versa. Based on the network form, it is possible to implement other principles that form the basis for the development of the mentioned Center. In particular, the interaction of educational and research centers and enterprises. Another option is to create, based on the network partnership model, basic departments in partner enterprises of educational and research centers. At the same time, the variety of models for using the network form in the Order under consideration does not imply a substitution for the diversification of scientific, design and educational fields of activity, but is an example of the development of the provisions of Art. 15 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” on the discretion of an educational organization in choosing network interaction partners. At the same time, membership of an educational organization in a corporate non-profit organization is not considered in law enforcement practice as an analogy to an agreement on a network form of implementation of educational programs.

At the same time, when using various models of the network form of implementing educational programs, the question inevitably arises about the role of educational standards in fixing network partnerships. In law enforcement practice, one can find a substantiated position on the need to assess the content of the federal state standard regarding the responsibilities of the parties to network interaction in implementing the relevant educational program. For example, if an educational standard provides for the use of a set of resources, material, technical, educational and methodological support provided by organizations participating in a network partnership, then the implementation of an educational program in a network form must use such resources (and the parties to the agreement on the network form, in turn, are obliged provide such resources). The need to comply with the terms of the agreement on the network form with the requirements of the provisions of Part 3 of Art. 15 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” is noted in law enforcement practice. At the same time, the parties to the network partnership have the right to determine the features of the use of various resources not only on the basis of the agreement on the network form, but also on the basis of the network interaction regulations agreed upon and adopted on its basis, named in the provisions of the agreement. This approach becomes known thanks to existing law enforcement practice.

In the practice of using the network form of implementation of educational programs, the model of basic departments can also be traced in the Order of JSC Russian Railways dated March 11, 2014 No. 618r “On basic departments of universities of railway transport in the structural divisions of branches of JSC Russian Railways”. The creation, reorganization and liquidation of a basic department is based both on organizational actions that are within the scope of decisions of the educational organization (order of the rector based on the decision of the academic council of the organization) and on the fact that the organization has concluded an agreement on the creation of a basic department. The second party to the agreement is the functional branch of JSC Russian Railways. At the same time, it is the base department that ensures the implementation of the curriculum within the network form, as follows from paragraph 6 of the Order. Thus, in relation to educational organizations of railway transport, an agreement on a network form cannot be covered by an agreement on the creation of a basic department, since the subject of the latter is to supplement the structure of an educational organization, while an agreement on a network form is aimed at distributing the rights and responsibilities of the parties in the implementation of educational programs.

Another example of using the right to implement educational programs in a network form is associated with the positioning of such a form in the charters of educational organizations. As follows from the charter of the federal state budgetary educational institution higher education "St. Petersburg State Chemical-Pharmaceutical Academy" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (as amended by Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated June 30, 2016 No. 443 "On approval of the charter of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "St. Petersburg State Chemical-Pharmaceutical Academy" of the Ministry healthcare of the Russian Federation"), the network form is considered in the context of the international activities of the academy (clause 6 of section 11 of the charter). Consequently, the educational organization has chosen from the possible options for the content of the network form only interaction with foreign educational organizations, which is not only acceptable, but can also be noted as an example of the correct interpretation of what is provided by the provisions of Art. 15 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” the right of discretion when determining specific subjects of network partnerships.

It can be noted that the legislator provided for a wide range of subjects for an educational organization to choose as its partner in the network form of implementation of educational programs. However, such discretion, due to the specifics of individual educational programs, may be subject to interpretation in law enforcement practice, excluding individual entrepreneurs in the specific case of professional training of vehicle drivers from the number of possible subjects of the network form. At the same time, the detailed content of the network form, in relation to certain educational programs, can be determined not only judicial practice, but also educational standards (federal state educational standards and educational standards of educational organizations), as well as the charters of educational organizations. In the latter case, the normative consolidation of only one type of subjects for network interaction (for example, foreign educational organizations as the implementation of the international direction of the organization’s activities) does not formally limit the right of such an educational organization to choose subjects of interaction from among Russian legal entities.

The contractual basis for the implementation of network interaction is also developing in law enforcement practice, emphasizing not only the inclusion in the agreement on the network form of the mandatory conditions listed in the provisions of Part 2 of Art. 15 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, but also legitimizing possible development contractual form (for example, in the regulations for the implementation of network partnerships adopted on the basis of an agreement on the network form). However, when creating basic departments (and implementing other network form models, we note), the agreement on the network form of implementation of the educational program is not the basis for organizing the department in the structure of the educational organization, since it is aimed at regulating another subject of interaction between subjects. Such an agreement is secondary to the agreement on the creation of a basic department and complements the cooperation plan by resolving the issue of distribution of rights and responsibilities of the parties in the implementation of specific educational programs.

Art. 60, Federal Law-273 “On Education in the Russian Federation”, “The procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in educational programs of secondary vocational education”, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated June 14, 2013 No. 464, and the College Charter.

1.2. Concepts and definitions:

Net- this is a set of actors (agents) occupying certain positions and connections between them. The main components that describe the network are structural and resource.

Structural component networks- spatial arrangement (configuration) of actors and connections between them determined by this configuration.

Network resource component- types of exchanged resources and differentiation of positions based on such exchange.

Online learning resources are qualified in five areas:

Human resources - highly qualified teachers and industrial training masters who own modern production and pedagogical technologies; including practical skills in managing high-tech equipment, specialists in educational technologies, teaching methods in the NPO/SVE system, private methods in training technical personnel, experts in the field of assessing professional qualifications.

Informational resources - databases that accumulate information about the latest production technologies, trends and developments in technical areas of production of goods and services, about labor markets for medical specialists and their development trends, changes in employers' requirements for the quality of professional training in this segment of the labor market; electronic libraries; depositories of multimedia products, etc.

Material and technical resources - laboratory base, specialized premises (workshops and training grounds), training and production equipment, tools and materials, including real production equipment used for educational purposes, as well as educational analogues of equipment (computer models, simulators, simulators, pro-emulators, etc. .).

Educational and methodological resources basic and additional professional educational programs, professional modules on modern production technologies and methods of their development; teaching materials (manuals, recommendations for teachers and students, etc.); diagnostic tools for assessing the level of mastery educational material; computer training and diagnostic programs.

Social Resources - established partnerships with enterprises and organizations in the real sector of the regional economy; “horizontal” connections in the professional and pedagogical community of the region; connections with public associations and non-profit organizations expressing the interests of employers in this segment of the labor market, professional communities, etc.

Network organization of educational resources , within which various resources available in individual units of the network are shared by other educational organizations on the basis of mutually beneficial agreements, is one of the strategic decisions within the framework of the modernization of the regional vocational education systems of the city of Moscow.

1.3. The network can be formed from the following participants in legal relations:

- general educational organizations (by district or district);

- college as the central organizer of a network form of education;

- organization-base of practices;

- other educational organizations of secondary vocational education;

- educational organizations of higher professional education;

- specialized employers of government and commercial structures.

1.4. The college may also join network programs of other educational organizations.

1.5. The network form of education is a mobile structure that effectively responds to any economic and other innovative processes.

1.6. The use of a network form of education in college is dictated by the requirement for economically feasible targeted distribution and use of all types of resources.

1.7. Key stages of creating a network form of learning:

Concentration of unique educational resources in specialized network units;

Ensuring the use of resources concentrated in one network unit by other educational organizations (intranetwork interaction);

Organization of interdepartmental networks of interaction between vocational education institutions and structures and agents external to it (primarily with employers and their associations, professional communities).

1.8. The online form of education in college can be organized in the following forms:

1.8.1. through the formation unified supporting infrastructure education system, including information services, used jointly by all (most) network units;

1.8.2. by implementing network educational programs, in which the content of education is mastered by students in several educational institutions (at least two) on the basis of a single (network) curriculum.

1.9. Internet sites and regional educational portals with open interactive access for all participants in network interaction are recognized as effective formats for information exchange in the college network system.

1.10. The main objectives of the network form of training:

Creation and maintenance of the functioning of the corporate network of the education system in order to ensure technologically consistent access of the college to global information resources using traditional and new technologies in this area;

Cataloging, consolidation and monitoring of regional information resources for educational purposes using the regional educational portal;

Development of a distance learning system within the framework of the functioning of the corporate network of the education system with support points in specialized resource centers;

Support for educational, methodological and technological support for the introduction of information and communication technologies into the educational process.

1.11. General information services are used as part of the development of programs of additional professional education (advanced training and professional retraining of educators). At the same time, on the information portal of organizations participating in network interaction, information is provided on the implementation of this type of activity (program, requirements for its completion, didactic support, control and diagnostic tools, etc.).

1.12. The implementation of joint advanced training programs in a distributed structure involves the use of distance educational technologies. Students are given the opportunity to receive online consultations, conduct seminars, conferences, forums, and are provided with consulting support using information and telecommunication technologies.

1.13. The created network with direct horizontal connections between participants is characterized by the emergence of positive external effects. A unified information field emerges, allowing any of the network participants to significantly reduce the costs of organizing new projects.

1.14. The network form of implementation of educational programs is carried out by agreement of educational organizations or by decision of the authorities in charge of educational institutions. Students and parents (legal representatives) of minor students can also initiate the organization of relevant activities.

1.15. Educational organizations participating in the implementation of educational programs within the framework of network interaction must have appropriate licenses for the right to carry out educational activities.

1.16. The procedure and conditions for interaction between educational organizations during the joint implementation of educational programs are determined by an agreement between them ( Annex 1).


2.1. General rules for organizing the educational process and implementing educational programs.

2.1.1. Basic educational programs can be implemented by the college, both independently and jointly with other educational organizations through the organization of network interaction (hereinafter referred to as the network form of implementation of the educational program).

2.1.2. Organizations of science, culture, sports and other organizations that have the resources necessary to carry out training, educational and industrial practices and other types of educational activities provided for by the relevant educational program can also participate in network forms of implementation of educational programs.

2.2. The college's online learning system may include::

Educational organizations, i.e. organizations carrying out educational activities on the basis of a license as the main type of activity in accordance with the goals for which such an organization was created;

Organizations carrying out educational activities, including foreign ones, i.e. educational organizations and organizations providing training (organizations that, on the basis of a license, along with their main activities, carry out educational activities as an additional type of activity);

Other (resource) organizations, such as: scientific organizations, medical organizations, cultural organizations, physical education and sports, etc., i.e. having the necessary resources to implement training, practice, etc.

2.3. Educational programs that can be implemented online:

Pre-vocational training for students in grades 8-11 of secondary schools using the educational resources of the college;

Programs for advanced training of personnel in the NPO/SVE industry on the basis of two educational organizations: college and institutions of additional professional education/institution of higher professional education (advanced training of specialists);

Industrial training programs for working professions on the basis of two educational institutions (college and professional organizations),

Internships and training for adults.

2.4. Network programs for pre-vocational training for students in grades 8-11 of secondary schools.

2.4.1. The participants in network interaction in this case are a secondary school (several schools) and a college equipped with modern educational resources for certain blue-collar professions (employee positions). Senior school students who are mastering a general education program within the college profile are given the opportunity to undergo pre-vocational training, the result of which is mastery of a working profession. The list of such professions is determined by the Instructive Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

2.4.2. In the organizational model of college interaction, the issue of “mutual offsets” of students’ educational achievements is of significant importance.

2.4.3. The system for assessing the educational results of students using school and college resources is consistent, and evaluation criteria are unified.

2.4.3. To solve this problem in the practice of network interaction, a permanent methodological commission (council) of the network program with representation of school and college specialists is most often used. The regulations on this public body for educational and methodological support of network educational programs are included in the list of local acts of both organizations.

2.5. The job responsibilities of certain categories of employees and the administration of organizations must be adjusted. If necessary, changes are made to the agreement between the founder and the institution.

2.6. If the college’s participation in the implementation of network educational programs affects the rights and interests of employees, changes are required in the collective agreement concluded between the employer’s representative (the head of the educational organization) and the representative of its employees.

2.7. The agreement on the network form of implementation of educational programs specifies:

1) type, level and (or) focus of the educational program (part of an educational program of a certain level, type and focus), implemented using a network form;

2) the status of students in organizations, rules for admission to study in a network educational program, the procedure for organizing academic mobility of students mastering a network educational program;

3) the conditions and procedure for carrying out educational activities under an educational program implemented through a network form, including the distribution of responsibilities between organizations, the procedure for implementing an educational program, the nature and amount of resources used by each organization implementing educational programs through a network form;

4) issued document or documents on education and (or) qualifications, document or documents on training, as well as organizations carrying out educational activities that issue these documents;

5) the duration of the agreement, the procedure for its amendment and termination.

2.8. The network educational program is implemented jointly by educational, scientific, industrial and other organizations on the basis of an agreement on a unified curriculum. Calendar-thematic plans are developed jointly by all participants in the educational process.

2.9. The curriculum of the network educational program indicates the organizers of the partner organizations responsible for specific modules (disciplines, cycles of disciplines).

2.10. Recruitment for the network program is carried out by the base Institution, which coordinates activities for the implementation of the program, monitors the implementation of the curriculum, and organizes the final certification.

2.11. Based on the results of training, the student is issued a diploma from the basic institution.

2.12. The annex to the diploma lists professional modules, disciplines, and practices that the student has completed in other educational organizations.

2.13. The total duration of training at the base Institution must be at least 40% of the standard period (labor intensity) for mastering the entire educational program.

2.14. The duration of study for a network educational program cannot exceed the period for mastering the educational program of the corresponding field of training (specialty).

2.15. In the case of studying under a joint or double degree program, two curricula are drawn up for two different educational organizations, where a number of academic disciplines are mutually counted, and a number of disciplines can be implemented jointly (research work, final qualifying work, etc.).

2.16. Based on the results of the training, the student is issued two diplomas. In this case, the duration of study in each Institution must be at least 40% of the standard period (labor intensity) for mastering the educational program, and the total increase in labor intensity for the student does not exceed 25% per year.

2.17. Single-level double programs are implemented as two educational programs in different areas at the same level of training, and two degrees are awarded in different areas of training. In this case, an integrated curriculum is formed, where the basic disciplines satisfy both areas of training and are interchangeable (mutually readable). Variative disciplines allow you to develop flexible training programs in two areas at the same time.

2.18. For each educational program, academic (theoretical training) and research components are distinguished. The research component includes student research work, various types of internships, preparation of final qualifying work, etc.

2.19. In the network form of training, taking into account the types of interacting organizations and the availability of educational licenses, we can distinguish the following types of educational activities that can be implemented jointly: theoretical training; research work; training in the form of internship; practice in the form of an internship; research work in the form of an internship.

2.20. If an educational program is implemented jointly by several educational organizations and (or) organizations providing training, they draw up a general curriculum, which additionally indicates the distribution of training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules) at the place of mastery (to the organizations implementing them).

2.21. The class schedule is formed taking into account the form of training, the main types of educational activities provided for by the educational program, and includes classroom and other forms of classes conducted by the teaching staff with students.

2.22. The form of classes is determined in accordance with the curriculum, the educational technologies and teaching methods used, based on the need to ensure effective mastery of the relevant training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules). Classes can be conducted in group or individual form.

2.23. When studying according to an individual curriculum, an individual lesson schedule is drawn up for the student.

2.24. The class schedule does not include training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules) that are mastered by students using distance learning technologies without the participation of a teacher (independently).

2.25. State authorities exercising management in the field of education and local government bodies do not have the right to change the curriculum and annual academic calendar of an educational organization after their approval, except in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.26. The language (languages) in which training and education are conducted in an educational organization is determined by its founder (founders) and (or) the charter of the educational institution in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.27. Educational and work practice provided for by the curriculum is organized by educational organizations on the basis of agreements with organizations operating in the profile of the relevant educational program.

2.28. Assessment systems, forms, procedure and frequency of intermediate certification of students in the educational process are determined and fixed by the organization carrying out educational activities in the relevant local act. The form and procedure for ongoing monitoring of student progress is determined by teaching staff independently.

2.29. The institution keeps individual records of the results of students’ mastery of educational programs, as well as storing in archives data on these results on paper and (or) electronic media in the manner approved federal body executive power, carrying out the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education.

2.30. Parents ( legal representatives) minor students should be provided with the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the progress and content of the educational process, with information about the students’ progress and the results of their intermediate certification.


3.1. When implementing basic professional educational programs, a credit-modular system for organizing the educational process can be used, based on the block-modular principle of presenting the content of the educational program and constructing curricula, using a system of credit units and relevant educational technologies.

3.2. The introduction of this form of organization of the educational process for each area of ​​training and specialty of the main professional educational programs is provided for by the relevant federal state educational standard.

3.3. The system of credits is used to determine the volume of study load and time required to master a course, subject, discipline, module or educational program as a whole. A credit unit is a unified unit of measurement of the labor intensity of a student’s academic workload, which includes all types of his educational activities provided for in the curriculum, including classroom and independent work, internships, internships, etc.

3.4. To organize the educational process on the basis of a credit-module system, along with the basic curriculum for each area of ​​training (specialty), a working curriculum is drawn up, intended for the formation of an annual calendar educational schedule and calculation of the labor intensity of teaching work for teachers, on the basis of which, with the personal participation of students, they are developed individual educational plans.

3.5. In the working curriculum, the complexity of each academic course, subject, discipline, module is indicated in academic hours (classroom) and in credits.

3.6. Students are required to master educational courses, subjects, disciplines, modules, undergo practical training, internships in strict accordance with their individual curricula.

3.7. Upon completion of a student’s mastery of a training course, subject, discipline, module, the organization carrying out educational activities conducts certification, based on the results of which the level and quality of the student’s mastery of the corresponding training course, subject, discipline, module is assessed in the assessment system adopted in this organization, and is also counted its labor intensity in credits.

3.8. Credit units (credits) are awarded only upon receipt of satisfactory certification results for a given educational course, subject, discipline, module, while the number of points scored, which determine the quality of their development, does not affect the number of credit units (credits).

3.9. Features of the organization of the educational process using credits are determined by the federal executive body that carries out the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education.

3.10. The procedure for crediting duly documented results of a student's mastering additional educational programs in third-party organizations is determined by the local act of the college in which the student was enrolled in the main educational program.

3.11. The final certification of students and the issuance of educational documents to them is carried out in accordance with the general procedure established for students of the educational organization in which the student was enrolled in the main educational program.

3.12. Features of the organization of the educational process in the network form of implementation of general education and professional educational programs are established by the federal executive body that carries out the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education.


4.1. Distance educational and (or) electronic educational technologies are used in network training in order to provide students with expanded opportunities for learning directly at the student’s place of residence or his temporary stay (stay), including for medical reasons in connection with disabilities health.

4.2. Distance educational technologies are understood as educational technologies implemented mainly using information and telecommunication technologies with indirect (at a distance) or incompletely indirect interaction between a student and a teacher.

4.3. Electronic educational technologies are understood as distance educational technologies that provide the learning process in electronic form via the Internet.

4.4. Lists of educational programs, the implementation of which using or through distance educational and (or) electronic educational technologies are not allowed, are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

4.5. The ratio of the volume of classes using distance learning and (or) electronic educational technologies and through direct interaction between a teacher and a student during the implementation of the main educational program is determined by the partner organization independently.

4.6. The college has the right to use distance learning and (or) electronic educational technologies in the educational process if it has the necessary training of teaching staff and educational support staff, educational and methodological documentation (on paper and electronic media) and access to electronic educational and information resources, necessary for mastering the relevant educational program, as well as specially equipped premises with appropriate technical means and software and hardware.

4.7. The federal executive body, which carries out the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education, establishes the procedure for the use of distance educational technologies and (or) electronic educational technologies in state-accredited educational organizations in the implementation of basic educational programs (including requirements for conditions of the educational process, the procedure for establishing the compliance of classroom lessons with their infocommunication analogues (telelectures, testing, teleconsulting, teleforums, working with educational programs, simulators, etc.) and calculating their labor intensity, as well as the specifics of using such technologies when teaching disabled children and other persons with disabilities in basic educational programs).



5.1. At the college, in order to ensure the educational process according to the educational programs being implemented, electronic library systems are formed that contain basic and additional educational literature, scientific literature, official, reference, bibliographic and specialized periodicals in printed and (or) electronic forms, as well as providing access to modern professional databases, information reference and search systems.

5.2. Each educational organization that is a Party to online learning determines the amount of information resources that it is ready to provide.

5.3. The library collection for network collaboration should be equipped with electronic publications of the main educational literature(textbooks, teaching aids), as well as educational and methodological documentation for all training courses, subjects, disciplines, and modules included in the implemented basic educational programs.

5.4. Partner organizations provide students with access to the electronic library system and free use of its printed and electronic publications and other resources necessary for use in the educational process in the main educational courses, subjects, disciplines (modules) of the educational program they are mastering.

5.5. In order to expand the capabilities of their electronic library systems and improve the quality of the educational process, partner organizations quickly exchange information with Russian and foreign educational, scientific and other organizations that have the necessary information resources, in compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on intellectual property and international treaties of the Russian Federation in the field of intellectual property.


6.1. When mastering professional modules in various educational organizations and passing qualifying exams at the place of their development, the state final certification is carried out in the Institution in which the student was enrolled.

6.2. Other forms of state (final) certification of students who have completed educational programs of secondary general education may be established by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education for students with disabilities who have completed educational programs of secondary education. general education.

Annex 1


on networking and cooperation (framework)

(double sided)


"___"__________ 20____

An educational organization, hereinafter referred to as "Party 1", represented by the director ......, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and _________________________________________________________________, referred to as "Party 2", represented by _________________________, acting on the basis of _________________________, on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as jointly the “Parties”, within the framework of network interaction for the purpose of implementing educational programs, have concluded this Agreement on the following:

  1. Subject of the agreement

1.1. The parties agree on network interaction to resolve

the following tasks:

Development of models of network interaction of educational institutions of various types for the implementation of innovative educational programs.

Ensuring optimal concentration and targeted use of modern educational resources;

Increasing the professional competence of managers and teaching staff of the Parties, providing them with free access to professional information related to modern technologies of training and education of students;

Providing the opportunity for students to master an educational program using the resources of several organizations engaged in educational activities, including foreign ones, as well as, if necessary, using the resources of other organizations

Improving analytical activities in terms of identifying and forecasting the needs of citizens for educational services.

1.2. This agreement is a framework agreement, i.e. defining the structure, principles and general rules of relations between the parties. In the process of network interaction and within the framework of this agreement, the parties additionally enter into contracts and agreements providing for detailed conditions and procedures for interaction between the parties. Such additional contracts and agreements become an integral part of this agreement and must contain a reference to it.

1.3. In their activities, the Parties do not set the main goal of making a profit, but also carry out activities to attract additional financial and material resources to ensure the joint activities of the parties and its qualitative improvement in strict accordance with the norms of legislation on the possibilities of conducting income-generating activities of partners and the provisions of the constituent documents. All additionally attracted financial and material resources are spent on the statutory activities of the parties.

1.4. The parties guarantee the availability of a license to conduct educational activities and accredited programs, which they offer to use as part of the online form of education.

1.5. The parties provide the following standards for joint activities:


Concentration of educational resources for the purpose of their most effective use;

Openness for the purpose of optimal use of educational resources based on contractual relations with other educational institutions;

Equal access of students to education based on the resource center.

1.6. The parties ensure that joint activities comply with legal requirements. Each partner guarantees the availability of legal opportunities to fulfill their obligations, provide financing, staffing, the availability of the necessary permits (licenses, permission from the property owner in the case of providing property for use by the other party) and other circumstances that ensure the legality of the party’s activities.

  1. Rights and obligations of the parties

2.1. When conducting educational and educational activities, the parties have the right to transfer the implementation of part of the educational or educational program to the other party under this agreement. The college assists _______ in conducting educational and educational activities to provide basic general and additional education to children.

2.2. The parties have the right to transfer to the college the implementation of part of the main general education program in terms of extracurricular activities of students. The implementation of part of the educational program is transferred under an additional agreement of the parties, which determines the procedure for interaction between the parties regarding such implementation, resolves issues of financing these activities, and also determines other issues of interaction. The parties independently ensure compliance of this activity with the legislation of the Russian Federation, in particular, the requirements for licensing educational activities. The implementation of part of the general education program may be financed by the college at its own expense. In this case, the relationship between the parties is formalized by an additional contract for the provision of free services, which defines the requirements for the types, quality, and quantity of educational services provided, as well as the size, timing, and procedure for paying for college services.

2.3. The parties assist each other in implementing projects, attracting grants, charitable donations and other gratuitous income by providing information support and consulting services.

2.4. The parties provide mutual assistance in matters of staffing the activities of the partner under this agreement. The parties undertake, upon receipt of a request for the need to attract relevant specialists from the contracting partner, to convey information about the partner’s search for a performer of appropriate qualifications to their employees.

The request is sent in writing, indicating the required qualifications of the employee, the expected timing and mode of attracting the employee to work, as well as the conditions for formalizing legal relations with him

2.5. In the course of joint activities, the parties mutually use each other’s property.

The use of property is carried out in compliance with the requirements and procedures established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, on the basis of additional lease agreements for property or gratuitous use of property, which determine the procedure, limits, conditions for use of property in each specific case.

The party transferring property for use to a partner under an agreement is responsible for the legality of such transfer, in particular, independently ensures the receipt of the founder’s consent to the disposal of property, an expert assessment of the consequences of the agreement for ensuring the education, upbringing, development, recreation and health of children, compliance with other necessary procedures .

The parties, using the premises, equipment, and other property of the partner under the agreement, ensure the safety of the property, taking into account natural wear and tear, and also guarantee the intended use of the property if the purposes for providing the property were specified in the additional agreement on its provision for use.

2.6. The parties contribute information support activities of the contract partner. Specific obligations of the parties may be established by additional agreements.

2.7. The parties contribute to scientific, educational, methodological, and consulting support for the activities of the contract partner.

Specific responsibilities of the parties may be established additionally


  1. Organization of the educational process within the network form of education.

3.1. If an educational program is implemented jointly by several educational organizations and (or) organizations providing training, they draw up a general curriculum, which additionally indicates the distribution of training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules) at the place of mastery (to the organizations implementing them).

3.2. The class schedule is formed taking into account the form of training, the main types of educational activities provided for by the educational program, and includes classroom and other forms of classes conducted by the teaching staff with students.

3.3. The form of classes is determined in accordance with the curriculum, the educational technologies and teaching methods used, based on the need to ensure effective mastery of the relevant training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules). Classes can be conducted in group or individual form.

3.4. When studying according to an individual curriculum, an individual lesson schedule is drawn up for the student.

3.5. The class schedule does not include training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules) that are mastered by students using distance learning technologies without the participation of a teacher (independently).

3.6. The language (languages) in which training and education are conducted in an educational organization is determined by its founder (founders) and (or) the charter of the educational institution in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.7. The organization of the educational process by the Parties must ensure the creation of the conditions necessary for students to receive a quality education.

3.8. An organization carrying out educational activities that has state accreditation maintains individual records of the results of students' mastery of educational programs, as well as storage in archives of data on these results on paper and (or) electronic media in the manner approved by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education.

3.9. When implementing basic professional educational programs, a credit-modular system for organizing the educational process can be used, based on the block-modular principle of presenting the content of the educational program and constructing curricula, using a system of credit units and relevant educational technologies.

3.10. To organize the educational process on the basis of a credit-module system, along with the basic curriculum for each area of ​​training (specialty), a working curriculum is drawn up, intended for the formation of an annual calendar educational schedule and calculation of the labor intensity of teaching work for teachers, on the basis of which, with the personal participation of students, they are developed individual educational plans.

3.11. In the working curriculum, the complexity of each academic course, subject, discipline, module is indicated in academic hours (classroom) and in credits.

  1. Other conditions

3.1. The Agreement comes into force from the moment of signing this Agreement and is valid until _____________________________________________.

3.2. The parties undertake to fulfill in good faith their obligations under this Agreement, and also bear responsibility for failure to fulfill this Agreement and additional agreements concluded for its implementation.

3.3. Amendments and additions to this Agreement shall be made in writing.

3.4. The agreement is drawn up in 2 copies, one for each of the parties.

  1. Addresses and details of the parties:
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