Hunters at rest description. “Hunters at Rest”: the secrets of Perov’s most famous painting. Surrounding landscape, small details

Most of outstanding people, including writers, composers, actors, artists, were avid hunters and considered this hobby the best pastime and the most inspiring moments in life. Descriptions of hunting are found in recognized literary classics - Tolstoy, Turgenev, Hemingway. The theme of hunting also often fascinated great artists. In our open spaces, one of the most famous paintings dedicated to hunting is the canvas by Vasily Perov “Hunters at a Rest”, the second name is “Three Hunters”.

Painting "Three Hunters"

A little about the author - artist Vasily Perov

Vasily Grigorievich Perov was a very passionate and keen nature hunter.

IN last years During his life, he even became a correspondent for Sabaneev’s magazine “Nature and Hunting,” where he not only wrote interesting articles, but also posted a series of theoretical articles about hunting. Certainly, favorite hobby could not help but be captured on the artist’s canvases. In the 70s, Perov created a series of paintings, dedicated to nature and people’s relationship with her are such paintings as “Dovekeeper”, “Fisherman”, “Birder”, “Botanist”. And the most famous of this series was the painting “Hunters at Rest.” The author painted two versions of the painting: one is kept in Moscow in the State Tretyakov Gallery, and the second in the St. Petersburg Russian Museum.

At the first exhibition, the painting caused a lot of noise. Many artists and critics even quarreled over it.

Stasov was delighted and said that this plot was as good as Turgenev's. But Saltykov-Shchedrin didn’t like it. The writer said that there is no spontaneity in it, saying that the artist has already very deliberately shown one hunter as a liar, the second as a gullible newcomer, and the coachman with all his appearance shows that this is exactly the case.

What did viewers see at the exhibition in 1871?

It was then that the painting was exhibited for the first time. The main thing that amazed the public of those times was the interesting plot and psychological portraits characters on the canvas.

At the head of the alarming and dull autumn of nature, three hunters settled down for a rest. The characters depicted in the picture are: real people, friends of the artist who served as prototypes for hunters. The hunt was clearly successful - in the foreground we see some kind of bird. We also see other hunting attributes - a gun, a horn, a net and a jagtdash. An elderly hunter - judging by his clothes from the nobility, but not rich, is telling another tale and clearly in the spirit of Baron Munchausen. His burning gaze and active gestures indicate that the story of what happened is greatly exaggerated.

The second character is a young hunter, dressed expensively, immaculately, listens attentively and by the looks of it, believes every word of the narrator. The expression on his face indicates that he trustingly accepts the entire story of the old narrator at face value.

A simple peasant lay down next to him; his clothes showed that he was most likely a coachman. He tilts his hat on one side and grins, scratching behind his ear in disbelief. Apparently, he has already heard many times and knows that these stories are very different from what he saw with his own eyes on many hunts. He clearly chuckles at the young hunter’s gullibility. It even seems that he is thinking about something of his own and is no longer paying attention to the old master’s stories.

Some critics saw in the plot the entire life cycle of a person: youth, greedily exploring the world, absorbing everything with sincere faith. Next comes maturity and experience, when everything is questioned and nothing is taken for granted. And maturity is replaced by old age, which lives more with the memories of the past.

At first glance, the impression of calm and carefreeness on the canvas is created. But if you look closely at the plot, you can notice restlessness and anxiety in nature.

Birds are circling in the sky, the sky is overcast, the wind has risen - obviously a thunderstorm is approaching. In contrast to the drama of nature, the hunters' poses are completely carefree. The author managed to truly brilliantly combine a dramatic background and an almost anecdotal plot.

The great success of the painting forced Perov to make a copy of it.

Modern history of the painting

The story of the three hunters at the rest did not end there. Since the appearance of the picture, it has become very beloved among the people. Thousands of copies were made based on Perov’s plot, the image was transferred to tapestries, rugs, and bedspreads. There is even a picture on the candy wrappers. This cute trinity is embroidered, appliquéd, burned, and Lately They even tattoo them on their bodies. In the city of Yekaterinburg, a monument based on the plot of “Hunters” was erected. A lot of funny and not so funny caricatures appeared, parodying the plot of the film. It turns out that Perov coped with the task brilliantly, as the picture became overgrown own history and many parallel tasks.

Interesting facts related to the painting “Hunters at Rest”

This is very interesting point. During the years that “Hunters at Rest” has been kept in the Russian Museum, it has been moved from room to room several times. And the employees noticed that the painting is always much warmer than in the halls. For some unknown reason, the caretakers too. And tourists constantly gathered in groups near this painting. It was decided to study it more thoroughly. Scientists have discovered startling facts. Firstly, it turned out that the temperature of the canvas itself and the air next to it was always almost 3 degrees higher than in the entire room, although this was not observed with neighboring paintings. The clocks installed nearby were malfunctioning - the mechanical ones slowed down, and the electronic ones stopped working. People also feel strange changes in their bodies - their hair and nails grow noticeably faster.

When the picture was exposed to X-rays, everyone was shocked: the printed photograph showed not hunters, but... the Yalta Conference - the figures looked exactly like Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt. When a map of Europe on tracing paper was placed on top, it turned out that “Stalin” on the canvas indicated the line of the second front. Oddly enough, scientists have found many more, as they claim, prophecies on this canvas - encrypted mathematical formulas, astronomical facts, even the exact diagram of the Bermuda Triangle.

Whether it’s true or fiction, whether to believe it or not is everyone’s business, but you can always admire a masterpiece.

Painting "Hunters at a Rest" (Vasily Grigorievich Perov) Perov painted the painting "Hunters at a Rest" in 1871. In this work, the artist depicted three hunters resting at a rest stop after a successful hunt. The artist Perov, it must be admitted, was himself a passionate lover of hunting. More than once in his life, the artist saw such scenes, because he himself was a participant in all sorts of funny tales, gossip and unprecedented stories about hunting with his fellow hunters after a difficult but interesting hunt. Display similar scene on canvas, show different tempers characters, without any beating around the bush, one might even say so, the topic is close to the spirit of the common people. As a result, in the picture there are three hunters with prey, not two or four, but three, in general, a holy trinity against the backdrop of an evening, somewhat dull landscape, birds are still flying in the cloudy sky, a slight breeze is felt, clouds are gathering. texture of still life objects The texture of still life objects is carefully described by the artist, without a doubt everything looks lively without a hitch, here are hunting trophies, a well-aimed hare, partridges, hunting rifles, a horn with a net and other hunting paraphernalia necessary for hunting. But this is not the main thing in the picture; Perov’s task in this work is still three hunters with their different characteristics. An elderly-looking hunter. The most pronounced figure in the film Hunters at Rest is, of course, an elderly-looking hunter, passionately telling his companions about his obvious or not quite adventures on the hunt, a fragment from what he tells approximately: It’s an annoyance that I spread my arms to the side, I missed the second hare and it was already twice the size of the first, so I successfully shot the first one. The second comrade, who is in middle age, also an experienced hunter, listens ironically to the elderly hunter, scratches his ear, one might say that the narrator clearly makes him smile sarcasticly with his hunting, yet another untrue tale, and he clearly does not trust him, but at the same time it is still interesting to listen , he thinks. The young hunter on the right listens attentively and trustingly to the tales of the old seasoned hunter, quite possibly he himself also wants to tell something about his partridge hunt, but the old man clearly does not allow him to say a word. The plot of the film Hunters at a Rest turned out to be directly anecdotal, relative to other works of Perov. Contemporaries reacted differently to the master’s work; Saltykov-Shchedrin criticized the artist for the unnatural-looking faces of the hunters, as if they were actors and not real hunters. And Stasov V.V., on the contrary, enthusiastically admired the picture, comparing it with the stories of the writer Turgenev. Be that as it may, the people fell in love with the painting Hunters at a Rest; the hunters themselves speak very enthusiastically about this work. Nowadays, copies of this painting are considered a gift standard for avid hunters. Therefore, in a good hunter’s house he must have it hanging on the wall. similar plot and sometimes with other faces of the characters in the picture. In the work of the artist Perov, this work and the paintings: Dovecote, Fisherman and Birdcatcher are associated with some departure from the highly critical paintings of the 1860s. And another painting, Hunters at a Rest, was painted by Perov in two copies, the original is kept in Tretyakov Gallery, and a copy of the painting is in the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg. Photo collages -

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Vasily Grigorievich Perov created many amazing paintings. Among them is the painting “Hunters at Rest”. Although the artist wrote it in late XIX centuries, but connoisseurs of painting still enjoy looking at the canvas, which depicts real people, their facial expressions and gestures are conveyed.

Creative biography - the beginning of the journey

The artist Vasily Grigorievich Perov lived in 1833-82. Exact date his birth is unknown, approximately the end of December 1833 - the beginning of January 1834. Grigory Vasilyevich is the illegitimate son of Baron Grigory (George) - the provincial prosecutor. Despite the fact that after the birth of the child the parents got married, he still did not have the right to a title and surname.

One day Vasily’s father invited the artist to join them. The boy loved to watch the painter at work, and this aroused his great interest in creativity. Despite the fact that his eyesight had deteriorated due to smallpox, which the child had suffered from, Vasily still studied diligently and took up drawing on his own.

Then the father sent the child to Arzamas art school, where he studied from 1846 to 1849. The school was headed by A.V. Stupin, he spoke flatteringly about young talent and said that Vasily has talent.

Without graduating from college due to a conflict with a fellow student, the young man moved to Moscow, where he entered the School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture.

Awards, paintings

In 1856, for the portrait of Nikolai Grigorievich Kridener, Perov was awarded a small medal. Then there were the works “The Arrival of the Stanovoy,” “Scene at the Grave,” and “The Wanderer.” For the painting “First Order” the artist was awarded a small medal, and for “Rural religious procession at Easter” he was awarded a large gold medal.

Then the painter created many more beautiful paintings, including his famous painting“Hunters at Rest”, “Troika”, “Sleeping Children”, “The Arrival of a College Girl”. His latest works are “Wanderer in the Field”, Fishermen”, “Old Man on the Bench”, “Yaroslavna’s Lament”.

About the famous painting

The painting “Hunters at a Rest” was painted by V. I. Perov in 1871. If in the first half of his creative period the artist reflects joyless scenes of folk life (“Seeing the Dead Man,” “The Craftsman Boy,” Troika, etc.), then in the second half he increasingly depicts hunters, bird catchers, fishermen, who so like what what they do.

The artist himself loved to hunt, so he was familiar with this topic. Now the painting “Hunters at a Rest” is in the State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow, and a copy created by the author in 1877 can be seen by visiting the State Russian Museum.

Who is depicted on the canvas - real prototypes

The hunters at Perov's rest stop are not fictional characters. If you pay attention to the canvas, you will see the narrator on the left. In his appearance, the artist conveyed the image of D.P. Kuvshinnikov, who was a famous Moscow doctor and a great fan of rifle hunting.

Vasily Grigorievich Perov performed an excellent service to the physician, making him even more famous. After the painting was presented at a traveling exhibition, D. P. Kuvshinnikov became very popular in art, theater, literary circles. Artists, writers, and performers began to gather in his apartment.

The skeptic hunter on the canvas also has his own real prototype. In the image of this man, Perov captured the doctor V.V. Bessonov, who was a friend of Kuvshinnikov.

The youngest hunter was modeled after Nikolai Mikhailovich Nagornov. This 26-year-old young man was a colleague and friend of Bessonov and Kuvshinnikov. A year later, the young man married the niece of L.N. Tolstoy.

Now that we know who these hunters are at Perov’s rest stop, looking at the picture and peering into its smallest details will be even more interesting.

Description of the plot of the picture

On foreground three hunters are depicted. Apparently they are early morning wandered through the forest in search of prey. Their trophies were limited to a duck and a hare. The hunters were tired and decided to take a break.

Small islands of snow are visible in the background. On the front and sides there is withered grass, bushes on which green leaves have not yet blossomed. Most likely it will be the end of March or the beginning of April. It’s already getting dark, but men don’t feel good in each other’s company, since common interests and conversations bring them together.

Hunters at rest - a description of these brave men

The artist was able to convey the facial expressions of his characters. Looking at them, it becomes clear what they are talking about and thinking.

So, the man sitting on the left, whose prototype was D.P. Kuvshinnikov, is the eldest. It is clear that he is an experienced hunter. A man talks about his exploits. By the way his hands are tense, it is clear that he is saying that he somehow met a bear and, of course, came out of this fight as a winner.

It can be seen that the middle-aged man, who is located between the two hunters, is sarcastic about his friend’s story. Apparently, he had heard this story more than once. This hunter lowered his eyes and barely restrained a smile so as not to laugh, but he does not want to betray his older friend and does not tell the young hunter that this story is a fiction. These are the hunters at rest. The price of a fictional story is low, but the youngest hunter does not know this.

He listens so carefully to the narrator that he does not see what is happening around him. He even forgets to smoke - his hand with the cigarette froze - so intently does the young man follow the verbal plot. Apparently, he only recently joined this company and does not yet know all the tales that his new friends can tell.

You think about all this when looking at the picture that the author painted so realistically. Although the hunters at the rest were frozen in one position, it seems that now they will get up and go towards new adventures.

Since its appearance, serious passions have been burning around this work by master Vasily Perov: V. Stasov compared the painting with the best hunting stories I. Turgenev, and M. Saltykov-Shchedrin accused the artist...

Since its appearance, serious passions have been burning around this work by master Vasily Perov: V. Stasov compared the canvas with the best hunting stories of I. Turgenev, and M. Saltykov-Shchedrin accused the artist of excessive theatricality and unnaturalness of the characters. In addition, in "Hunters at Rest" everyone easily recognized real prototypes- Perov's acquaintances. Despite mixed assessments critics, the picture became incredibly popular.

V. Perov. Self-portrait, 1870. Fragment

Vasily Perov himself was a passionate hunter, and the topic of hunting was well known to him. In the 1870s he created the so-called “hunting series”: the paintings “Birder”, “Fisherman”, “Botanist”, “Dovekeeper”, “ Fishing" For “Birdcatcher” (1870) he received the title of professor, as well as a teaching position at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. But the most striking and recognizable in this cycle was certainly the painting “Hunters at Rest.”

V. Perov. Birdcatcher, 1870

The canvas was exhibited for the first time at the 1st Traveling Exhibition and immediately evoked mixed responses. The critic V. Stasov admired the work. M. Saltykov-Shchedrin criticized the picture for its lack of spontaneity and life truth, for the pretense of emotions: “It’s as if, when showing the picture, there is some actor present, whose role instructs him to speak aside: this one is a liar, and this one is gullible, inviting the viewer not to believe the liar hunter and to have fun at the gullibility of the novice hunter. Artistic truth should speak for itself, and not through interpretation.” But F. Dostoevsky did not agree with the critical reviews: “What a delight! Of course, to explain it, the Germans will understand, but they won’t understand, like we do, that he is a Russian liar and that he is lying in Russian. We can almost hear and know what he is talking about, we know the whole turn of his lies, his style, his feelings.”

On the left is D. Kuvshinnikov. On right - central character*Hunters at rest*

The prototypes of the hunters were real people, acquaintances of Vasily Perov. The role of the “liar”, enthusiastically telling tall tales, was played by doctor Dmitry Kuvshinnikov, a great fan of gun hunting - the same one who served as the prototype for Doctor Dymov in Chekhov’s “The Jumper”. Kuvshinnikov's wife Sofya Petrovna was the owner of a literary and artistic salon, which was often visited by V. Perov, I. Levitan, I. Repin, A. Chekhov and others famous artists and writers.

Left: V. Perov. Portrait of V. Bessonov, 1869. On the right is an incredulous listener, one of the *Hunters at a Rest*

In the image of an ironically grinning hunter, Perov portrayed the doctor and amateur artist Vasily Bessonov, and the prototype for the young hunter, naively listening to hunting tales, was 26-year-old Nikolai Nagornov, a future member of the Moscow city government. This is confirmed in her memoirs by A. Volodicheva, Nagornov’s daughter. In 1962, she wrote to art critic V. Mashtafarov: “D. P. Kuvshinnikov was one of my father’s closest friends. They often went bird hunting. My father had a dog, and so the following gathered with us: Dmitry Pavlovich, Nikolai Mikhailovich and Doctor Bessonov V.V. They are depicted by Perov (“Hunters at a Rest”). Kuvshinnikov talks, father and Bessonov listen. Father - attentively, and Bessonov - with distrust...”

V. Perov. Hunters at rest, 1871. Fragment with game

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