Oleg Yakovlev, what really happened: why the former lead singer of the group “Ivanushki Intrenational” died. Oleg Yakovlev Ivanushki passed away: what really happened to him, the real cause of Oleg Yakovlev’s death, where Ivanushki was buried which of them died

Published 06/30/17 08:28

Oleg Yakovlev, last news: Journalists learned details of the health status of the late former lead singer of the group " Ivanushki International".

The cause of Oleg Yakovlev’s death is still of interest to the media

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Ex-participant Russian pop group"Ivanushki International" Oleg Yakovlev, on the morning of June 29, was sick with AIDS. Express-Gazeta reports this with reference to a competent source.

According to the singer’s friend Alexandra Kutsevol, the cause of Oleg’s death was cardiac arrest. At the same time, the publication’s source claims that the artist’s heart problems were a consequence of immunodeficiency.

His colleagues didn’t even know about Oleg Yakovlev. Other participants of Ivanushki International noted that Oleg always intkbbach was in excellent spirits. He was always thin and pale, so no one could even think that the singer was sick with something. However, Alexandra Kutsevol, on the contrary, knew about her beloved’s poor health and repeatedly recommended that he see a doctor, but Yakovlev preferred to self-medicate.

Previously common-law wife the singer said that long time Oleg was experiencing health problems, and an unexpected deterioration in his health occurred a few days ago. He was urgently hospitalized and placed in intensive care with bilateral pneumonia. Doctors connected him to an artificial respiration apparatus, but they failed to save the star’s life.

Oleg Yakovlev and his sudden death became the theme of the “Let Them Talk” program

Dedicated to the late former soloist of “Ivanushki” Oleg Yakovlev new release talk show "Channel One" "Let them talk." According to program participants, in 2010 the singer had a hard time with the death of his older sister Svetlana, who passed away from cancer. The artist’s friends noted that the misfortune crippled the artist, who was very worried about the loss, but never showed it and kept everything to himself..

The wife of the lead singer of “Ivanushki International” Kirill Andreev, Lola, said that Oleg Yakovlev did not share his problems and experiences with others, and certainly did not talk about his health problems, so his sudden death was a real shock for his colleagues.

“You can’t help a person who keeps everything to himself. He didn’t say that he felt bad, so no one helped him,” a psychologist invited to the studio as an expert reasonably noted. "I am firmly convinced that we create the evil fate in our destiny with our own with my own hands", said the wife of Kirill Andreev.

"Let them talk", Oleg Yakovlev: VIDEO

The artist performed as a member of Ivanushki International from 1998 to 2013. Then he left the group and started solo career.

Fans are discussing on social networks how it is that the ex-soloist of “Ivanushki” was only 47 years old! What caused the death of Oleg Yakovlev? Why didn’t the doctors save him from “banal” pneumonia, that is, pneumonia, which is successfully treated with antibiotics? And why suddenly pneumonia, now it’s not a flu epidemic, after which they often end up with such a complication.

We discussed these issues with cardiologist, doctor of the highest category Tamara Ogieva:

Bilateral pneumonia may not be the primary diagnosis, but a possible consequence of some chronic disease associated with weakened immunity and poor circulation.

For example, in patients with severe forms of heart failure and liver disease in the final stages, blood flow is impaired. Because of this, the lungs, simply put, cannot fully expand; congestion, inflammation, and fluid appear in them (pulmonary edema may also occur).

A weakened body cannot fight this, and antibiotics or other medications may not work in this case, because this is no longer a functional disorder, but organic changes.

And here it is important how worn out the body is, and this, alas, does not always depend directly on age. If the original chronic disease is already in a severe stage, the immune system cannot resist, pneumonia progresses, and pulmonary edema occurs, which becomes the formal cause of death.


The cause of Oleg Yakovlev's death was cardiac arrest

The musician’s girlfriend and producer named the cause of Oleg Yakovlev’s death

Possible cause of death of Oleg Yakovlev: where did the ex-soloist of “Ivanushka International” have heart failure?

Now, it’s probably difficult to imagine the excitement around the Ivanushki International group. In the late 90s, they were the real gods of our stage, and, in the absence of Instagram and paparazzi at that time, they were practically inaccessible, which made the forbidden fruit even sweeter. The first shock came to fans when Igor Sorin left the group in 1998 - he was quickly replaced by the new “little Ivanushka” - Oleg Yakovlev


Soloist of “Ivanushki” Kirill Andreev about the death of Oleg Yakovlev: A close friend has passed away

Oleg Yakovlev passed away on the morning of Thursday, June 29. He died in a Moscow hospital without regaining consciousness from a severe form of pneumonia.

Soloist music group“Ivanushki International” Kirill Andreev said that his former colleague was a kind and open person

Andrey Grigoriev-Appolonov about Oleg Yakovlev: “This is an absurd death”

The lead singer of “Ivanushki International” said that he still can’t get over the shock

Oleg Yakovlev is the lead singer of the cult group Ivanushki International. The singer’s passing came as a real shock to fans, and the cause of death expressed in the media raises doubts and questions. From this article you will learn the whole truth about personality popular artist, as well as the most Interesting Facts from his biography.

Oleg Yakovlev


Oleg Zhamasaraevich Yakovlev was born in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, in 1969. His father was an Uzbek, his mother a Buryat. It is interesting that Oleg’s parents professed Islam and Buddhism, while the guy, not sharing their views, decided to join Orthodoxy.

After the birth of Oleg (he became the third child), the family lived in the Mongolian capital for only seven years, so Yakovlev went to school in Angarsk, and received a certificate of completion of the 8th grade in Irkutsk. The boy studied well at school. Oleg showed a special inclination towards humanities.

Oleg Yakovlev in the “New Morning” program

Yakovlev began to demonstrate his indifference to music as early as early childhood. He not only participated in creative life school choir, but also learned to play the piano at a music school. However musical education Oleg never managed to get it. IN certain moment He became interested in sports - athletics, and also played billiards.

Artist during a birthday celebration

Having matured a little, the guy began to get involved in theatrical art. The passion for the stage was so strong that after the eighth grade, Oleg decided to enroll in a theater school, where he trained as a “puppet theater artist.”

However, the ambitious guy wants the viewer to recognize him by sight. Therefore, Yakovlev moved to Moscow to study at GITIS and qualify as a “classical” actor.

Oleg on the set of his own video

Having entered the first time, Oleg studies acting from Lyudmila Kasatkina herself, and after graduation he gets a job at A. Dzhigarkhanyan’s theater. Yakovlev will be involved in a number of theatrical productions, and in 1990 he gets a role in one of the episodes in the film “One Hundred Days Before Order.”

Group "Ivanushki International"

The biography of Oleg Yakovlev is inextricably linked with the Ivanushki International group. The guy got into show business not by chance. After all, as mentioned above, he was interested in music from a very young age.

Oleg in the group “Ivanushki”. Start musical career artist in show business

Since 1990, Oleg has been working at the Modern Opera Theater (now named after A. Rybnikov), where he has the opportunity to combine acting with singing, participating in musicals and opera productions.

It was there that Yakovlev recorded the song “White Rosehip”, the cassette of which he sent to Igor Matvienko, the producer of Ivanushki International. At that time, the band had just lost its lead singer (remember that Igor Sorin died after falling out of a window) and was in search of a new performer.

Oleg Yakovlev and Andrey Grigoriev-Apollonov on stage

In March 1998, Oleg became the new vocalist of “Ivanushki”.

Yakovlev did not immediately win recognition from fans; fans were jealous of the newly minted frontman, constantly comparing him with the deceased Sorin. However, thanks to such hits as “Poplar Fluff” and “Bullfinches”, Oleg receives the love and recognition of fans. A year after joining the team, the first album “Ivanushki” appears with the participation of Yakovlev - “I’ll scream about this all night”, then 4 more collections of hits will be released.

Oleg has long been compared to Igor Sorin

Despite the popularity of the group, in 2012. Oleg leaves the group, deciding to start working on a solo career. Over the course of four years, Yakovlev recorded about 15 songs, and several videos appeared from 2013 to 2017.

A few years after joining the group, Oleg fell in love

Personal life

Fans have never been indifferent to the Ivanushki International team, and Oleg Yakovlev did not escape this fate. Unusual appearance and short stature have become a real “bait” for girls. However, the soloist’s heart has long belonged to one main fan – Alexandra Kutsevol. A journalist by training, the girl left her profession, completely devoting herself to her beloved. Sasha supported Yakovlev in all his endeavors.

Oleg's common-law wife

According to unconfirmed information, it was Kutsevol who insisted that Oleg leave the group and start singing alone.

Alexandra quit her job for Oleg

Oleg himself has admitted more than once that Alexandra makes his life truly happy; numerous photos confirm this. happy couple in the Internet. However, despite the idyll in the relationship, create real family It didn’t work out, Kutsevol remained Yakovlev’s common-law wife, the couple has no children. The artist is survived by his niece Tanya and two great-nephews.

Oleg's sister

Yakovlev's life was full interesting facts and stories. Here are the most interesting of them:

  • Yakovlev never knew his father, and his middle name was left to him from his maternal grandfather.
  • At school, the ex-vocalist of “Ivanushek” was involved in athletics and even became a candidate for sports competitions.
  • Oleg could also boast of his ability to play billiards masterfully.
  • To live in the expensive capital while studying at GITIS, the guy had to work part-time on the radio, record commercials and even clean the streets.
  • Back in 2003, the team could have broken up, but after much deliberation, the group decided not to disperse. Then the producer doubled the participants’ salaries.
  • According to rumors, Yakovlev has Northern capital have a son. The artist did not deny this fact, but refused to comment. The situation was similar with information about the affair with singer Irina Dubtsova.

Oleg took part as a guest star at fashion shows

And even after his death, rumors around Yakovlev’s personality do not subside. Some associate his death with mysticism. So famous actor Stanislav Sadalsky believes that “Ivanushki” is destined to sing as a duet and all attempts to turn the group into a trio end unsuccessfully.

So, the death of one soloist (Igor Sorin) can be attributed to an accident, while the death of two is... a coincidence? Or is it already a pattern? Therefore, Kirill Turichenko, who today took Yakovlev’s place, should think carefully about whether it is worth continuing to work in the team.

Death of Yakovlev

June 28, 2017 information leaked to fans about the urgent hospitalization of the ex-vocalist of “Ivanushki”, as well as that the guy is in extreme in serious condition in the intensive care unit under a machine that artificially ventilates the lungs. The man ended up in the hospital unconscious, where he was diagnosed with double pneumonia.

They say that Oleg suffered from alcohol addiction

June 29 is the official date of death of a member of the group “Ivanushek”. Oleg Yakovlev passed away at the age of 46. By official information, the cause of death was cardiac arrest.

Recently, Igor Matvienko, speaking in an interview about the causes of death of his soloists, noted that Igor Sorin was killed drug addiction, while Yakovleva is alcoholic. A harmful addiction to alcohol could cause cirrhosis of the liver, which led to pulmonary edema.


At the end of the first month of summer, the whole country was rocked by terrible news - singer Oleg Yakovlev was taken to the hospital, and his condition was critical. Soon, after unsuccessful attempts by doctors to save him, the artist’s heart stopped beating. Oleg Yakovlev passed away, and the cause of death is quite ambiguous. Why did Oleg Yakovlev die?

The singer's life and work

Oleg Yakovlev was born in Mongolia, where his parents were sent on a business trip. They went with two daughters, and after a while they returned with five of them. Subsequently, after returning to the USSR, the singer converted to Orthodoxy, although his parents were committed to Buddhism and Islam. After the birth of their son, they lived in Mongolia for 7 years, and after Oleg graduated from first grade, they returned to their homeland, to the city of Irkutsk. The boy was interested in music since childhood and was a student music school choral class, but graduated from it. After graduation secondary school, Oleg Yakovlev entered the city theater school and graduated with honors.

Afterwards, the young resident of Irkutsk went to conquer Moscow, where he entered the Russian Institute theatrical arts GITIS, and chose Lyudmila Kasatkina as a mentor, and later became part of the theater, under the direction of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. There wasn’t enough money, and Oleg was looking for some kind of part-time job, working as a janitor and recording voiceovers for the radio.

The beginning of his career can be considered participation in the group Ivanushka International, where, according to Oleg’s stories, he ended up by accident, sending a recording of songs performed by him. The producers liked the voice young singer, and they decided to accept him into the group in place former member Ivanushek - Igor Sorin, who tragically died. It was not easy, as the fans flatly refused to accept the newcomer and missed Igor, who had left them. But after the group recorded and released several songs, including the famous “Poplar Pooh,” he was accepted with open arms.

After a while, when the guys stopped lighting a fire in the hearts of their fans, there were few concerts, and the fees were getting lower, the group decided to part ways. After much deliberation, they abandoned this decision, but Oleg had already made his own. Without hesitation, Oleg Yakovlev began solo career, recording songs, and after a while began to tour cities. His career continued, if not at the same level as during his participation in Ivanushki International, then still successfully. He was well known, and in 2013 he released an entire album, and later videos for songs from it.

In his place, young Kirill Turichenko came to Ivanushka’s group, but the popularity that he and Oleg enjoyed could not be returned.

The singer's personal life

The successful member of a popular youth group was surrounded by a crowd of fans who would all give a drop of the artist’s attention, but he did not. Expectation true love gave him strength, and he waited for it. Oleg Yakovlev’s chosen one was a young journalist, Alexandra Kutsevol, whom he met in St. Petersburg. But despite the fact that the couple has already for a long time lived together, they were in no hurry to legitimize their relationship. Regarding this, Yakovlev said that a stamp in your passport and a ring on your finger are absolutely not needed in order to be happy.

After some time, the singer’s chosen one decided to leave her career as a journalist and began producing creative work. common-law husband. They said that Alexandra insisted that Oleg leave the team, and he listened to her, leaving and breaking off relations with Kirill Andreev and Andrei Grigoriev-Appolonov.

Death of a famous artist

The cause of death of lead singer Ivanushek International Oleg Yakovleva according to primary data, available means mass media, there was cardiac arrest due to complications from pneumonia. But later everyone found out that the singer was sick AIDS, and the cause of death of Yakovlev Oleg Zhamsarayevich was a complication of the immunodeficiency virus. The family of the deceased does not comment on the current situation, but it is clear that the common-law wife was aware of health problems. Oleg Yakovlev died in 2017, at the age of 47. Fans can't get over it death of Oleg Yakovlev from Ivanushki , because he was young, successful and happy. The artist’s common-law wife knew about the illness, but it was a shock for relatives, friends and colleagues, as well as for the public and Russian stage. Sudden death of Oleg Yakovlev left a mark on the history of music. For family, friends and fans of creativity, former soloist Ivanushek International will remain as cheerful, sweet, kind and mischievous. He loved life and will be just as great eternal love his admirers. There, where Oleg Yakovlev is buried , hundreds of people came to say goodbye to him.

Oleg Yakovlev passed away at the end of June this year. He died in the intensive care unit of a Moscow clinic without regaining consciousness. Due to advanced and complicated, bilateral pneumonia, the artist, who by that time could not breathe on his own, was connected to an artificial respiration apparatus; doctors fought for his life, but in vain.

About death talented singer, the former lead singer of the group Ivanushki International was informed by his common-law wife, Alexandra Kutsevol.

Colleagues, acquaintances, friends and relatives of the singer - many of them had no idea that Oleg was in Lately was sick - he never complained about problems, solved them silently, himself, and therefore no one could help him with advice.

Almost no one except his close circle suspected that Yakovlev’s health had deteriorated so much. Fans of the singer who were at his last concerts they noted the artist’s sickly pallor and lethargy, but he worked through his part of the show to the end and did not refuse people selfies and autographs afterward. Therefore, talk about his illness quickly subsided - no one thought it was serious. Only on June 28, the media shocked everyone with the news about the performer’s urgent hospitalization, and subsequently about his sudden death. The artist was less than 48 years old.

“He died in intensive care. Yesterday evening we went to see him, and in the morning, at 7 am, I received a call from the hospital. Doctors reported that the lungs had failed. So far they have not announced the exact cause of death. Maybe it was the heart. We will definitely organize a farewell to Oleg for his friends and fans. We don’t understand anything yet,” Alexandra Kutsevol told the media that day.

Later, the singer’s lover explained that Oleg had been suffering from a cough for a long time, which did not want to go away. But the artist refused to go to the doctor, counting. that he can heal himself. Oleg believed that there was nothing serious about his illness - just a normal cough. And then a sudden complication occurred and hospitalization was required. It also turned out that the artist had cirrhosis of the liver, which also contributed to the weakening of Oleg Yakovlev’s health. According to the medical report, Oleg died of pulmonary edema.

The artist’s relatives, friends and relatives were never able to say goodbye to him: singer last days I was unconscious my entire life. For some, the news of Yakovlev’s hospitalization and death was completely unexpected. All that remained for those who personally knew Oleg were words of farewell on social networks and attendance at the farewell ceremony and funeral of the artist, which took place on July 1 at the Troekurovsky cemetery. Oleg Yakovlev was cremated, the urn with his ashes was buried in the cemetery.

“Olezhka passed away at seven in the morning. I contacted Sasha, and she told me. I saw him last time a month and a half ago, there was a very warm meeting. We discussed it new song and a clip. The news that he was in intensive care for about a week came as a real shock to me. We had 15 years life together on the road. A family member has died. Our big one, creative family"- said Kirill Andreev, the second member of the Ivanushki International group.

Later, Andrei Grigoriev-Appolonov left a post of condolences in social network. “Oleg Yakovlev died. My Yasha... Our “little” Olezhka... Fly, little bullfinch, your voice and songs are in our hearts forever,” wrote Yakovlev’s colleague.

Some relatives and friends of Oleg believe that the cause of his deteriorating health was bad habits artist. Yakovlev has been smoking since he was 20, and recently he has been visiting doctors more and more often.

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