Features of the composition of the hero of our time briefly. What is unique about the composition of the novel “Quiet Don”? (Sholokhov M. A.)

Composition is the arrangement and structure of a work.

The novel “A Hero of Our Time” consists of several stories that can be perceived as separate literary works. Nevertheless, each of the components is an integral part of the whole.

The peculiarity of the composition is that individual stories are not located in chronological order(i.e. according to the plot), but completely differently. The plot, that is, the set of events in their compositional sequence, does not coincide with the plot. Lermontov was one of the first in literature to use a similar technique. For what purpose did he do this?

A plot that does not coincide with the plot helps to switch the reader’s attention from the eventual, external side to inner side, from detective to spiritual.

“Hero of Our Time” recreates the “summit composition” characteristic of romantic poem. The reader sees the hero only in tense, dramatic moments of his life. The gaps between them turn out to be unfilled. We meet the hero in the fortress and in last scene We also see him in the fortress - this creates the effect of a ring composition.

IN various parts In the novel we see the main character from the point of view of different characters: the narrator, Maxim Maksimych, Pechorin himself. Thus, the reader sees Pechorin from the perspective different people.

You can talk about the role of each story in the novel from different points of view: you can focus on compositional role, you can - on the significance in revealing Pechorin’s character, on his ability to act in various situations. We will focus on content individual stories.

“Bela”: Pechorin fulfills the romantic stereotype of “natural love for a savage.” Lermontov realistically debunks the accepted point of view that such love can be fruitful. Pechorin is shown through the eyes of the ingenuous Maxim Maksimych.

“Maxim Maksimych”: Pechorin is depicted in his relationship with his old colleague Maxim Maksimych as a witness to his past: most likely, he was dry with Maksim Maksimych and hastened to part with him, since he did not want to awaken memories of the departed. The narrator tells about Pechorin - a young educated officer who has already heard the story about Bel.

“Pechorin’s Journal”: Pechorin himself talks about himself.

“Taman”: Pechorin works out the romantic situation of falling in love with an “honest smuggler,” which ends disastrously for him. The peculiarity of the story is that there are no fragments of introspection in it, but there is a narrative close to colloquial speech(this is how Pechorin could tell his comrades about what happened to him).

“Princess Mary”: the genre basis is a secular story, the events in which, as a rule, are associated with a love affair in secular society and the idea of ​​rivalry between two men. “Tamani” differs from the conversational narrative style detailed descriptions environment and detailed introspection (reflection), similar to the sharpness of the plot. Represents diary entries.

Contains a view of Pechorin from Werner’s side, includes remarks from other characters (Vera, Mary, Grushnitsky) describing various manifestations Pechorin's character.

“Fatalist”: again we have before us the style of oral narration (as in “Taman”), The content of the story is an attempt to understand driving forces world (fate, fate or conscious will of man).

Lermontov focuses his main attention in the novel “Hero of Our Time” on depicting the “history of the human soul”, on revealing character and inner world a hero who lived in the 30s of the 19th century. This is the time of absence social ideals, the removal of the noble intelligentsia from socio-political life.
The composition of the novel is determined by its concept and is subordinated to the task of most fully revealing the character and inner world of the main character. The peculiarity of the construction of this work is that Lermontov violated chronological sequence events described in the novel.
“A Hero of Our Time” consists of five stories. However, V. G. Belinsky argued that “this is not a collection of several stories and tales, but a novel in which one main character and one main idea.”
The novel has a “ring composition”: first there are chapters devoted to latest events in the life of Pechorin (“Bela”, “Maksim Maksimych”, preface to “Pechorin’s Journal”), then tells about earlier episodes of the hero’s life (“Taman”, “Princess Mary”). The last story sums up a kind of philosophical conclusion life's quest Pechorin: “I suggest you try for yourself whether a person can arbitrarily dispose of his life, or whether a fatal moment is assigned to each of us in advance” (“Fatalist”).
The uniqueness of the “ring composition” also lies in the fact that the action of the novel begins in the fortress and ends there. The motif of “prison”, “monastery”, “prisonership” is one of the main ones in Lermontov’s work. Associations involuntarily arise with the poem “Mtsyri” - the hero fled from the monastery, but by the will of fate he returned and died outside the monastery walls. Passionate desire freedom, but the fatal impossibility of achieving it is one of the important thoughts of Lermontov’s poetry and the novel “A Hero of Our Time.”
The composition of the novel allows you to consistently change the “narrators”. First, other heroes talk about Pechorin, then he himself gives an analysis of his personality.
In the story “Bela” the reader learns about Pechorin from the story of Maxim Maksimych, a kind and decent man, but poorly versed in the complex and controversial nature Pechorin, in the subtleties of his soul. In the chapter “Maksim Maksimych” the narrator changes. A traveling officer, a subtle and observant man, draws psychological picture hero, notes the main thing about him: he is entirely woven from contradictions and contrasts. “His figure and broad shoulders proved a strong build,” and in “his smile there was something childish,” “some kind of nervous weakness”; “despite the light color of his hair, his mustache and eyebrows were black”; the eyes “didn’t laugh,

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Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev is our outstanding classic, who created a truthful, unforgettable gallery of images of Russian people. The writer always walked ahead of his time, saw further than his contemporaries, and therefore was often subjected to fierce criticism from both the right and the left. Society did not like the merciless truth with which Turgenev showed his heroes: inactive and empty talkers, stilted and with feigned aristocracy.

The brilliant writer sees the need for changes in Russian society and the reluctance of this society to do something new. Most people are afraid of change, even the slightest change. The writer truthfully and figuratively showed this situation in his novel “Fathers and Sons.”

Bazarov is a representative of the new generation. He doesn’t take anything for granted; he wants to test everything experimentally. There are no recognized authorities for him. He rejects poetry and art as activities that are useless to society.

His opponent in the novel is Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, an imposing gentleman, a brilliant aristocrat who puts tradition above all else. Even in the village, Kirsanov is dressed in the latest fashion and demands compliance with all conventions. The appearance of Bazarov, a nihilist, irritates Pavel Petrovich. He immediately stands in opposition to Yevgeny Bazarov. Kirsanov is irritated by Bazarov’s dirty nails, sociability and democracy, his ability to communicate with ordinary people. Behind all this, Kirsanov sees a danger for himself and his class. Bazarov and others like him are shaking the foundations of the society in which Pavel Petrovich is accustomed to living, and he will defend his “world” by all means available to him. No wonder he challenges Bazarov to a duel. Kirsanov is not defending Fenechka and his brother, but the foundations and traditions of the society in which he is accustomed to living.

In a dispute, Bazarov is often aggressive; he tries to impose his opinion on his interlocutor. Sometimes he is inconsistent in his judgments (while rejecting love, he himself loves deeply and unrequitedly). Respecting and loving his parents, he cannot stand it father's house even several days. Bazarov’s attitude towards nature is very peculiar: “Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and man is a worker in it,” he says. Evgeny Vasilyevich is devoid of any romance, often deliberately cultivating pragmatism in himself. He ridicules Nikolai Petrovich's love for music and poetry; Arkady rejects and condemns enthusiasm, but all this seems deliberate, unnatural. Sometimes Bazarov seems to us an artificially invented hero, and not seen in life. He doesn't inspire sympathy with his straightforwardness. His categoricalness and maximalism irritate him. And the ending of the novel convinces us of the inconsistency of the hero’s theory. It is not Bazarov who perishes, but his artificial theory. Or maybe the time has not yet come?

The novel “Fathers and Sons” remains for us a clear example of its time, a mirror reflecting the era with its conflicts and achievements. Reading a novel, we empathize with the characters, disagree with them, enter into arguments, but never remain indifferent, and this main merit writer.

Turgenev created a classic novel, which for more than a hundred years has awakened the imagination, the desire to think, to look for one’s way in life, and not to remain indifferent. This is the main merit of the novel and the classics in general.

The compositional features of the novel “A Hero of Our Time” come from the fact that the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov became a leading work of its time: in it the author used new genre psychologically oriented novel, new image the main character and, accordingly, a new compositional division of the work.

The author himself, after publishing his novel in its finished form, admitted that not a single word, not a single line in it arose by chance, everything written was subordinated to one main goal- to show readers their contemporary - a man with noble and evil inclinations, who, obeying a sense of selfishness, was able to realize in life only his vices, and his virtues remained only good desires.

When the novel was first published by critics and ordinary readers Many questions arose regarding the compositional division of this work. Let us try to consider the main of these issues.

Why was the chronology of the presentation of episodes in the life of the main character disrupted?

The peculiarities of the composition of “A Hero of Our Time” are related to the fact that we learn about the life of the main character in a very inconsistent way. The first part of the novel tells how Pechorin kidnapped own father Circassian Bela, made her his mistress, and later lost interest in this girl. Belu as a result tragic accident The Circassian Kazbich, who was in love with her, killed her.

In the second part, entitled “Maxim Maksimovich,” readers learn that several years have passed since Bela’s death; Pechorin decided to go to Persia and died on the way there. From Pechorin's diary we learn about the events that happened to the main character before he met Bela: Pechorin got into a funny adventure with smugglers in Taman and in the city of Kislovodsk he met the young princess Mary Ligovskaya, whom, without meaning to, he fell in love with him, and then he refused to share her feelings. A duel took place there between Pechorin and Grushnitsky, as a result of which the latter was killed.

The novel "A Hero of Our Time" ends with the part "Fatalist", which tells about a private episode from the life of Pechorin.

Studying the plot and composition of “A Hero of Our Time,” literary scholars agree that the author violated the chronological presentation of the main character’s life in order, on the one hand, to emphasize the confusion of Pechorin’s life, his inability to subordinate his fate to one main idea; on the other hand, Lermontov tried reveal the image of your main character gradually: first, readers saw him from the outside through the eyes of Maxim Maksimovich and the narrator-officer, and then only got acquainted with personal diary Pechorin, in which he was extremely frank.

How do plot and plot relate in a novel?

The innovation of Lermontov the prose writer contributed to the fact that the plot and plot of the novel “A Hero of Our Time” do not coincide with each other. This leads to the fact that the reader pays more attention not to the external outline of events in the life of the main character, but to his internal experiences. Literary scholars have dubbed this method of constructing a work “intense composition,” when readers see the heroes of the novel at the peak moments of their fate.

Therefore, the composition of Lermontov’s “Hero of Our Time” represents unique phenomenon in the history of Russian literature: the author talks about key episodes from the life of his hero, characterizing him precisely at the moments of his highest life trials: these are Pechorin’s love experiences, his duel with Grushnitsky, his clash with a drunken Cossack, his dangerous adventure with smugglers in Taman.

In addition, Lermontov resorts to the technique of a ring composition: for the first time we meet Pechorin in the fortress in which he serves with Maxim Maximovich, last time we see the hero in the same fortress, before he leaves for Persia.

How does the compositional division of the work help reveal the image of the main character?

According to most literary scholars, the unique compositional solution of the novel helps to examine the image of Pechorin in detail.
In the first part of “Bel,” Pechorin’s personality is shown through the eyes of his commander, the kind and honest Maxim Maksimovich. The author debunks the myth existing in the literature of that time about the beautiful love between a savage woman and a young educated nobleman. Pechorin does not in any way correspond to the image of a young man romantic hero, which was created in the works of the writer’s contemporaries.

In the second part of “Maxim Maksimovich” we meet more detailed description personality of the main character. Pechorin is described through the eyes of the narrator. Readers get an idea of ​​the hero's appearance and behavior. The romantic aura around Grigory Alexandrovich is completely dissipated.

In Taman, Lermontov refutes the myth of romantic love between a girl involved in smuggling activities and a young officer. The young smuggler with the romantic name Ondine does not behave at all sublimely; she is ready to kill Pechorin only because he turned out to be an unwitting witness to her crime. Pechorin is also characterized in this part as an adventurous person, ready to do anything to satisfy his own desires.

The part “Princess Mary” is built on the principle of a secular story: it contains love story and a conflict between two officers over the possession of a girl's heart, which ends tragically. In this part, the image of Pechorin receives a complete realistic description: readers see all the external actions of the hero and the secret movements of his soul.

In the last part of the novel “Fatalist,” Lermontov poses the most important questions for him about the meaning of human life on earth: is a person the master of his destiny or is he being led by some evil rock; Is it possible to cheat your fate or is it impossible, etc.? In the last part, Pechorin appears before us in the image of a man who is ready to fight fate. However, readers understand that this struggle will ultimately lead him to an early death.

The role of composition in the novel “A Hero of Our Time” is very important. It is thanks to the unusual compositional division of the work, the author manages to achieve the full embodiment of his creative plan - the creation of a new psychologically oriented genre of the novel.

The presented compositional features of the work can be used by 9th grade students when preparing material for an essay on the topic “Features of the composition of the novel “A Hero of Our Time”.”

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The compositional features of the novel “A Hero of Our Time” come from the fact that the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov became a leading work of its time: in it the author used a new genre of psychologically oriented novel, a new image of the main character and, accordingly, a new compositional division of the work.

The author himself, after the publication of his novel in its finished form, admitted that not a single word, not a single line in it arose by chance, everything written was subordinated to one main goal - to show readers their contemporary - a man with noble and evil inclinations, who, obeying his feelings selfishness, was able to realize in life only his vices, and his virtues remained only good desires.

When the novel was first published, critics and ordinary readers had many questions regarding the compositional division of this work. Let us try to consider the main of these issues.

Why was the chronology of the presentation of episodes in the life of the main character disrupted?

The peculiarities of the composition of “A Hero of Our Time” are related to the fact that we learn about the life of the main character in a very inconsistent way. The first part of the novel tells how Pechorin kidnapped the Circassian Bela from his own father, made her his mistress, and later lost interest in this girl. As a result of a tragic accident, Bela was killed by the Circassian Kazbich, who was in love with her.

In the second part, entitled “Maxim Maksimovich,” readers learn that several years have passed since Bela’s death; Pechorin decided to go to Persia and died on the way there. From Pechorin's diary we learn about the events that happened to the main character before he met Bela: Pechorin got into a funny adventure with smugglers in Taman and in the city of Kislovodsk he met the young princess Mary Ligovskaya, whom, without meaning to, he fell in love with him, and then he refused to share her feelings. A duel took place there between Pechorin and Grushnitsky, as a result of which the latter was killed.

The novel "A Hero of Our Time" ends with the part "Fatalist", which tells about a private episode from the life of Pechorin.

Studying the plot and composition of “A Hero of Our Time,” literary scholars agree that the author violated the chronological presentation of the main character’s life in order, on the one hand, to emphasize the confusion of Pechorin’s life, his inability to subordinate his fate to one main idea; on the other hand, Lermontov tried to reveal the image of his main character gradually: first, readers saw him from the outside through the eyes of Maxim Maksimovich and the narrator-officer, and then only became acquainted with Pechorin’s personal diary, in which he was extremely frank.

How do plot and plot relate in a novel?

The innovation of Lermontov the prose writer contributed to the fact that the plot and plot of the novel “A Hero of Our Time” do not coincide with each other. This leads to the fact that the reader pays more attention not to the external outline of events in the life of the main character, but to his internal experiences. Literary scholars have dubbed this method of constructing a work “intense composition,” when readers see the heroes of the novel at the peak moments of their fate.

Therefore, the composition of “A Hero of Our Time” by Lermontov represents a unique phenomenon in the history of Russian literature: the author talks about key episodes from the life of his hero, characterizing him precisely at the moments of the highest trials in life: these are Pechorin’s love experiences, his duel with Grushnitsky, his clash with a drunken Cossack, his dangerous adventure with smugglers on Taman.

In addition, Lermontov resorts to the technique of a ring composition: for the first time we meet Pechorin in the fortress in which he serves with Maxim Maksimovich, the last time we see the hero in the same fortress, before he leaves for Persia.

How does the compositional division of the work help reveal the image of the main character?

According to most literary scholars, the unique compositional solution of the novel helps to examine the image of Pechorin in detail.
In the first part of “Bel,” Pechorin’s personality is shown through the eyes of his commander, the kind and honest Maxim Maksimovich. The author debunks the myth existing in the literature of that time about the beautiful love between a savage woman and a young educated nobleman. Pechorin in no way corresponds to the image of the young romantic hero that was created in the works of the writer’s contemporaries.

In the second part of “Maxim Maksimovich” we find a more detailed description of the personality of the main character. Pechorin is described through the eyes of the narrator. Readers get an idea of ​​the hero's appearance and behavior. The romantic aura around Grigory Alexandrovich is completely dissipated.

In Taman, Lermontov refutes the myth of romantic love between a girl engaged in smuggling activities and a young officer. The young smuggler with the romantic name Ondine does not behave at all sublimely; she is ready to kill Pechorin only because he turned out to be an unwitting witness to her crime. Pechorin is also characterized in this part as an adventurous person, ready to do anything to satisfy his own desires.

The part “Princess Mary” is built on the principle of a secular story: it contains a love story and a conflict between two officers for the possession of a girl’s heart, which ends tragically. In this part, the image of Pechorin receives a complete realistic description: readers see all the external actions of the hero and the secret movements of his soul.

In the last part of the novel “Fatalist,” Lermontov poses the most important questions for him about the meaning of human life on earth: is a person the master of his destiny or is he being led by some kind of evil fate; Is it possible to cheat your fate or is it impossible, etc.? In the last part, Pechorin appears before us in the image of a man who is ready to fight fate. However, readers understand that this struggle will ultimately lead him to an early death.

The role of composition in the novel “A Hero of Our Time” is very important. It is thanks to the unusual compositional division of the work that the author manages to achieve the full embodiment of his creative plan - the creation of a new psychologically oriented genre of the novel.

The presented compositional features of the work can be used by 9th grade students when preparing material for an essay on the topic “Features of the composition of the novel “A Hero of Our Time”.”

Work test

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