The foreground of the painting is a winter evening. Lesson plan in Russian on the topic: Description of the painting by N.P. Krymova "Winter Evening"


Description of the painting by Nikolai Krymov “ Winter evening»

“Winter Evening” by Krymov is a quiet abandoned village with a low temple nearby. Here people walk slowly through the endless snow. Someone even stopped to look at the majestic beauty of nature. Most of the picture is a white sea of ​​snow: on the ground and on the houses. It's a stunningly beautiful Russian winter. “Winter Evening” exudes warmth and comfort, as if we are watching this familiar picture from the window of our same low house. The snowy shades are surprisingly elegantly conveyed - from the dark blue close to us to the bright and blinding white. And of course, Krymov could not help but capture the power and stateliness of the Russian forest visible in the distance. But very close we notice a frozen river. Winter covered her with a thin layer of ice. Near the river there are bushes with birds sitting on them.

Evening is approaching imperceptibly and smoothly: the sun has almost disappeared, painting the sky in yellowish-blue colors; the birds froze lonely in their places; people can barely move to their homes. Yes, this is how the evening comes, light, unobtrusive, calm. In the distance, either the sun is still illuminating nature a little, or the light has already come on in one of the houses. Here, in this incredibly wonderful picture, winter reigns. We hear people rushing to get into their homes to warm up with hot tea or sit down to a delicious dinner. They are dressed in down jackets that protect them from the cold evening. The snow creaks deftly underfoot. And on the other side, a horse-drawn sleigh approaches the village. They are probably transporting large bales of hay to the barn. The Russian artist Krymov managed to convey not the ferocity and cold of the Russian winter, but its calm, tenderness and warmth. Winter seems like a dear guest about whom everyone worries and worries. She is beautiful in her deep snow. And we feel safe.

Essay based on the painting by N.P. Krymov "Winter Evening".

N.P. Krymov is a famous Russian artist, a master of lyrical landscape, who grew up in a family of painters. He passionately loved nature, loved to depict it, revealing its close connections with man. Krymov’s landscapes are originally Russian; they are imbued with the artist’s love for the Motherland, its majestic and quiet nature. Krymov especially loved to depict winter. This is what I. V. Porto wrote about this artist: “Kept in Tretyakov Gallery some winter landscapes, created by Krymov during this period: they depict cozy, snow-covered small houses of a provincial town, illuminated by the golden light of the setting frosty sun. The mood of the fading one is perfectly conveyed winter day. Evening is one of Krymov’s favorite states of nature. Reproducing the edge of day and evening is exactly that “little bit” in Krymov painting that he so often spoke about to his students. In the paintings, this short time seems to sharpen the whole essence of nature, its colors become fleeting and changeable, the shadows thicken, the horizon brightens, the sun flashes on the snow with unexpected golden and ocher-lilac spots. It seems that a few more moments - and twilight will extinguish this beautiful time of day.”

We see such a borderline plot, a reproduction of the edge of day and evening, in the painting by I.P. Krymov “Winter Evening”, created in 1919. The plot centers on a Russian village in winter. In the foreground we see a huge plain covered with snow. We see a small river, frozen and powdered with snow. On its bank there is a small bush, next to it little birds quietly lurk, escaping from the frost. The deep snow is crowned with bluish-purple evening shadows, and the rays of the setting sun fall softly on it. It’s as if we feel this crunchy snow under our feet, a slight invigorating frost, and glorious, clear air. “The picture is built diagonally: the approaching

shadow, paths rush upward, to houses with tall trees, to the center of the picture. People walking along a path, horses carrying a cart of hay, create the impression of movement, fill the picture with life, and indicate the connection between man and nature.” In the center of the picture we see village houses shrouded in snow. Behind them rise powerful old reddish-brown trees, whose powerful crowns reach up to the greenish-gray sky. In the background there are two small houses, a rural church, and a forest stretching into the distance. The painting creates an amazing mood, conveying the special state of peace and tranquility that reigns in the evening winter nature. Looking at this landscape, I involuntarily recall Fet’s poems:

I'm Russian, I love the silence given to the nasty,

Under the canopy of snow, monotonous death,

Forests under the caps or in gray frost,

Yes, the river is ringing under the dark blue ice.

This poet was characterized by a special aesthetic perception of nature. It seems that I.P. Krymov also perceived nature. V. Favorsky wrote in his memoirs about this artist: “His works amaze with the perfection of design and colors, and all this is imbued with musicality, different each time, in each landscape.” Indeed, this landscape is surprisingly musical. We seem to be immersed in the silence of the early evening hours, broken only by the creaking of sleigh runners carrying hay and the muffled sounds of bells. How good is this fading winter day!

The artist mainly uses cold tones and shades: soft bluish, greenish, lilac, gray. This landscape creates a mood of peace, joy, and encourages philosophical reflection.

// Essay-description based on the painting by N.P. Krymova “Winter Evening”

The painting “Winter Evening” was painted by N. Krymov in 1919. The painting depicts a winter village. Looking at the picture, warm feelings of harmony and peace arise.

In the foreground is a frozen river. The snow reflects its blue tint on it, and it seems turquoise to us. Shrubs that were able to survive the frost grow on the river bank. Crows sit between the black bushes, ruffling their plumage, trying not to freeze.

In the central plan is a small village drawn in brown colors. The roofs of the houses are dusted with snow, and warm light emanates from the windows.

On the path in front of the houses we see the inhabitants of this village coming from the river. The residents are depicted warmly dressed; their clothing shows that the frost was especially severe. There is a shadow coming from the residents, which means it will soon get dark. They are rushing home to quickly warm up on this cold winter evening.

The presence of people in the picture adds a Russian flavor to life and everyday life. common man. They walk along a path that seems like a thin thread among a snow-covered meadow. The clearing in front of the houses looks airy and fluffy; you can imagine how snow covered this ground in large flakes.

At the same level as the village, two haystacks and horses are depicted, which people brought out to feed. They are depicted in black miniature. We cannot see their faces and figures, which emphasizes the typical nature of the overall picture.

In the background you can see the dome of the church and the barn, which are hidden in the black branches of the trees.

The overall colors of the picture are calming. Looking at the canvas, you want to return to childhood. This village resembles an image of the Russian hinterland and its inhabitants.

The sky is depicted in green and yellow tones; in contrast, the forest stands out behind the village like a black cloud.

The painting is painted in realistic colors to convey the natural beauty of nature. The picture itself smells cold and chilly. We can assume that January is depicted. It is in January that the frost is the most severe.

The colors of the sky predict an imminent pink sunset, which will fill the picture with other colors.

The great painter wanted to show an ordinary evening in the village, so that people would see that such beauty is present in life every day, you just have to look at it. Winter is conveyed masterfully: the contrast of the river and the sky, black tree branches, huge snowy glades. The picture reminds us of a landscape from a traditional Russian fairy tale.

“Winter Evening” is a painting by the famous Russian landscape artist Nikolai Petrovich Krymov. On this canvas you can see a small village in winter. Every person who looks at this work of art feels calm, peace, and also warmth, although the artist decided to depict the cold season.

Essay on the painting Winter Evening

IN this work N.P. Krymov uses different shades of white, which depicts snow very well. For example, he decided to color the ice on the river using turquoise color. The master conveyed the color of the sky using yellow and greenish tones.

Most likely, the author had a desire for the viewer to feel peace and tranquility. The artist enjoys the view of the evening twilight. He tried to portray how beautiful Russian nature is. Many people say that this picture evokes exceptionally warm feelings in them.

Painting by Krymov Winter evening

In the foreground you can see a river that has already frozen. It is very clean and absolutely transparent, and the ice on the river is snow-free and smooth. Near the shore, in some places you can see shallow water islands peeking out from under the ice, and there are bushes on the shore.

Small birds sit on a bush, as well as near the edge of the ice. It can be assumed that the artist painted this picture while on the opposite bank. IN this moment he had to be on a certain hill.

In the background you can see a beautiful winter village. Behind it is a forest, which consists of poplars or oaks. It stands out significantly against the background of the sky, which has a yellow-green tint. The sky is very clear and low. Its color suggests that there will be a pink sunset.

In front of small houses you can see a large number of snow. The artist was able to very skillfully use a range of colors in order to convey different shades of snow: from pure white on the roofs of houses to diagonal shadows of blue color. The entire snow mass depicted in the picture has a soft blue tint. The village is one of the key objects of the picture.

These are several buildings that drowned in huge snowdrifts. The windows of one of the houses sparkle in the sun. On the left, at a certain distance from residential buildings, you can see the dome of the bell tower. Near one house there is a barn, towards which a couple of carts with hay are driving. In front of the houses, local residents walk along a small path.

Essay-description based on the painting by N.P. Krymov “Winter Evening”.

Goals and objectives:

  1. Prepare students for a descriptive essay based on the picture.
  2. Help to understand the content of the painting and the means of expressing the artist’s intentions.
  3. Use an art history text in your work as a basis for students to create their own speech works.
  4. Activate vocabulary on the topic “Description of nature (winter evening).”
  5. Introduce art historical terms into students’ active vocabulary: color, palette, tone.
  6. Cultivate a feeling of love for native nature, thoughtful, careful attitude to her, the ability to see beauty in modest corners of native nature


Power Point presentation;

Handouts (printout of art history text by I.B. Porto, multi-level assignments).


Types of speech; speech styles (artistic style); main idea of ​​the text;

During the classes:

  1. Introduction

A) The teacher's word.Today our lesson will be devoted to working on a descriptive essay based on a painting by the artist N.P. Krymov. Our task is to get acquainted with the special manner of his writing and create our own piece of art- essay on a painting.

B) Updating knowledge.What would you depict in your painting “Winter Evening”? What paints were used on the canvas? Where would your landscape take place? Is it easy to convey twilight in a painting?

In the history of paintingN.P. Krymov is known as an excellent master of lyrical landscape, as a poet of modest Russian nature. Now we will read the art criticism text of I. Bortko and get acquainted with the peculiarity of N.P.’s writing style. Krymova.

  1. Work with text

The Tretyakov Gallery houses several winter landscapes created by Krymov during this period: they depict cozy, snow-covered small houses of a provincial town, illuminated by the golden light of the setting frosty sun. The mood of a fading winter day is perfectly conveyed. Evening is one of Krymov’s favorite states of nature. Reproducing the edge of day and evening is exactly that “little bit” in Krymov painting that he so often spoke about to his students. In the paintings, this short time seems to sharpen the whole essence of nature, its colors become fleeting and changeable, the shadows thicken, the horizon brightens, the sun flashes on the snow with unexpected golden and ocher-lilac spots. It seems that a few more moments and twilight will extinguish this beautiful time of day. I.B. Porto.

1. Read the text to yourself, prepare for expressive reading.

2. Read the text expressively.

3. What is this text about? What is its theme?

4. What is the main idea of ​​the text? What did the author want to express?

5. How can you title the text? (Winter landscapes of Krymov).

6. What feature of Krymov the painter does the author note? (Reproduction of the edge of day and evening, “a little bit” in Krymov painting).

7. Do you think this artist's style of painting is based on color (= tone) or halftone? (Krymov's painting - halftone painting).

8. What type of speech does this text belong to? (Description).

9. In what style is it written? Why? (IN artistic style, because the author creates an image of nature).

10. Language means, helping to create an image winter nature in the text:

Determine which part of speech predominates in the text? (Adjectives).

What categories of adjectives do you know by meaning? Underline the adjectives with the nouns they refer to

What adjectives help to feel the mood of the author and at the same time convey the artist’s writing style - painting in halftones?(Cozy, golden, short, fleeting, changeable, ocher-lilac).

Write down the adjective unexpected, explain the spelling of the prefix not-.

Choose a synonym for the adjectivefrosty (= winter, cold).

What other text synonyms did the author of the text use? (Landscapes = paintings = paintings).


So, we are in absentia with the help of this text We got acquainted with the painting of N.P. Krymov, the characteristics of Krymov the painter, and now let’s turn to the painting on which we will write an essay.

  1. Working with a painting

1. Looking at the picture.

2. Does the text we worked with correspond to the content of the picture?

3. What mood does it create in you when you look at Krymov’s painting “Winter Evening”?(Good is being created, pleasant mood, I want to look at this picture for a long time, from itbreathes peace and tranquility).

4. What signs of the coming evening do you see?(Deep snow with lilac-blue shadows, illuminated by the rays of the setting sun. A light stripe of bluish snow shades the sky and emphasizes the darkened foreground. These are primarily long afternoon shadows. The coming evening is also indicated by the color of the snow, bluish with a purple tint).

Shadows on the snow : long, late afternoon, lilac-blue, thick shadow from a hill, long shadow along a deeply trodden path.

The coming evening is also indicated by snow color . At home you should have worked with a dictionary and found epithets to help describe snow. (White, blue, bluish-gray, silver-blue, grayish, violet-gray, lilac-bluish, light blue, loose, loose, soft, deep)

5. Working with cards: B: description of the sky;

S, N: description of trees.

Option: How did the artist depict the sky in the early evening?

(Greenish-gray, sometimes pinkish-lilac sky. The artist depicted this color of the sky because the blue sky, in combination with the yellow rays of the sun illuminating it, acquires a greenish tint).

N, C option: How are the trees depicted?

(On the right is a mighty pine tree with twisted branches and a lush crown. On the left is a dense deciduous forest, and in the center of the picture are tall dome-shaped trees. The trees are painted in a reddish-brown color, which they acquire from the rays of the setting sun).

6. Artist's palette.

What colors did Krymov use to describe a winter evening?(The artist used mainly cold colors: blue, grayish-blue, silver-blue snow, greenish-gray sky, which convey the feeling of a frosty evening. But he also used warm colors).

Give examples of objects written in warm colors.(Redish-brown trees; yellowish-brown walls of houses and barns; yellowish reflection of windows illuminated by the sun. These colors convey a feeling of comfort, calm, warmth).

7. What do we see in the center of the picture?People walking along a path, horses carrying a cart of hay, create the impression of movement, fill the picture with life, and indicate the connection between man and nature.

What is the peculiarity of the construction of the picture, its composition?

(The picture is built diagonally: an looming shadow, paths rush upward, towards houses with tall trees, to the center of the picture.

8. V. Favorsky in his memoirs about N.P. Krymov will write: “His works amaze with the perfection of design and colors, and all this is imbued with musicality, different each time, in each landscape.” Let's try to voice the picture.What could the artist hear?(Deep silence, broken only by the slight creaking of snow under the steps of those walking, the subtle squealing of sleigh runners; the quiet singing of birds, the muffled sounds of a bell...)

9. What Do you feel what you are thinking about when you look at this landscape?Describe your feelings. (This landscape, depicting a quiet, cozy evening in the village, gives us a feeling of tranquility and peace. I want to visit this beautiful corner of Russian nature, enjoy the silence rural life in the early evening, breathe in the fresh frosty air).

10. Generalization.

Indeed, Krymov’s small landscapes, dedicated to modest corners of the Russian village, amaze not with their external attractiveness, but with their strict depiction and laconicism. “Love nature, study it, write what you truly love. Be truthful, for beauty is in truth,” said the artist.


Where would you start describing the picture?

What would you definitely write about?

How would you end the essay?

Rough plan

1. N.P. Krymov - landscape artist.

2. Winter as depicted by the artist

a) Snow, sky, shadows

b) Features of the composition (foreground, background, center of the picture).

c) Artist's palette.

3. What feelings and thoughts does the landscape evoke?

“Landscape is a portrait of nature. Writing a landscape well is as difficult as writing any good work..."

N.P. Krymov’s landscape was a success, let’s hope that your essays will turn out no less interesting.

D/Z: write an essay in accordance with the chosen genre in an artistic style.

Essay examples

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