Planning meeting, operational meeting, operational meeting. Organization, carrying out. Report on an employee on probation

A report on the work done will allow the manager to evaluate the quality and speed of the secretary’s work. The article contains samples of reports on the work done. use step by step instructions to correctly compose a report.

From the article you will learn:

Why do you need a progress report?

The manager sets a task, the employee completes it - this is the essence of the labor process. The fact of completing a task is recorded in the form of a report on the work done. Each employee periodically draws up such a document. The frequency of reports and their form depend on the company's internal rules.

Who needs a progress report and why?

The leader needs him. This document allows you to evaluate the quality and speed of task completion by an employee. Reporting documents of all employees make it possible to draw up big picture company operations and facilitate tactical and strategic planning.

The employee himself needs the report. Firstly, a well-written final document helps to present the results of your work favorably to management. Secondly, the report - useful tool self-control. At the end of the reporting period, you see your successes and failures. This will show you the directions in which you need to develop.

Report on financial costs (fragment)

What to write in a progress report

There is no single standard template for a report on the work done. The document is drawn up in free form. It depends on the nature of the tasks performed.

The disadvantage of free form is that many workers do not know how to write a progress report. This is not taught in school and is rarely taught in university. An employee will not receive an adequate assessment of his work if he does not have the skills to competently write a report.

You cannot force employees to write truthful reports, but you can teach them to competently present their successes and achievements. There are no difficulties in drawing up a reporting document. You need to avoid the mistakes that many people make.

Let's look at a sample of an incorrectly compiled report on the work done for the week and look at typical mistakes.

Bad option

The following was done:

  • letters were written to the tax and labor inspectorates;
  • preparations were made for the meeting with representatives of HR-consulting LLC (invitations were sent out, necessary materials were collected, a draft agenda for the meeting was prepared);
  • responses to requests from the labor inspectorate and a number of clients were compiled;
  • took part in a conference on problems of optimizing the use of working time.

Date of compilation: 04/27/218.
Signature: Petrova A.S.

After reading such a document, the manager will get the impression that the secretary is not very busy with work. In addition, the text is difficult to read.

Report structure

The main mistake of the document reviewed is the lack of a clear structure. What elements are missing?

  • List of tasks that were assigned for execution.
  • Specification of completed tasks.
  • Analysis of the work done.
  • Plans for the next reporting period.
  • Offers.

The set of structure elements depends on the length of the reporting period. A daily or weekly progress report does not need to contain analysis and suggestions, but a monthly progress report or annual report document should have these elements.

Suitable option

Let's look at an example of how it was necessary to compile a report on the work done.

Weekly progress report: sample

To: Head of LLC "Communicative Technologies" Smirnov Yu.P.
From the secretary of Communication Technologies LLC Petrova A.S.
Type of document: report on the work done for the period from 04/23/2018 to 04/27/2018

For the reporting week, I had the following tasks:

  • prepare letters: to the tax inspectorate about clarification of the tax payment and to the labor inspectorate on the complaint of P.P. Smirnov;
  • prepare Information Support meetings with HR Consulting LLC, send out invitations to participants, prepare a draft meeting program;
  • take part in a conference on the problems of optimizing the use of working time, prepare questions and suggestions.

All assigned tasks were completed, namely:

  • letters to the tax and labor inspectorates have been prepared and sent;
  • Information materials for the meeting with HR Consulting LLC have been prepared, invitations have been sent out, and a draft meeting program has been drawn up.
  • took part in the conference, a memo with proposals is attached to the report.

In addition, work was carried out with incoming documentation, namely:

  • prepared and sent two responses to requests from the labor inspectorate;
  • responses were given to written requests from gr. Semenova A.A., Kuznetsova V.N. and Moskalenko R.A.

For the period from 04/30/2018 to 05/05/2018, participation in the training for secretaries “Basics of time management and self-organization” is planned, dedicated to the basics scheduling in the work of a secretary.

Date of compilation: 04/27/218.
Signature: Petrova A.S.

Making a report

If there are no other requirements, a report on the work done is drawn up in accordance with GOST 7.32-2001. GOST regulates the basic requirements for the preparation of a reporting document. It contains standards that determine the formatting method, font type and size, spacing, margin size, etc. An expert from the Secretary's Handbook magazine will tell you how to create a report using the Sway service

What might be the writing requirements?

Since there are no standardized requirements for the preparation of a reporting document, all writing requirements are related to improving the perception of the text and increasing its readability. For this:

  • use no more than 5 sentences in one paragraph;
  • alternate long and short sentences;
  • break up the text so that the table or graph does not take up the entire page;
  • leave space for comments on tables and graphs;
  • If the report is lengthy, then make a conclusion at the end.

A report on the work done is sometimes prepared in the form of a table:

Rice. 1. Progress report table: sample

How to write a report: step-by-step instructions

  1. Make a rough outline of the document. A report for a short period should not take more than 1-2 pages. If you report regularly, prepare an electronic document template for each case:
  • sample daily progress report;
  • sample weekly progress report;
  • sample report on the work done for the month, etc.

You will simply enter current data into the template and print it.

  1. Make a list of your tasks. If there are many tasks, group them into semantic blocks.
  2. List the tools and resources that were used during the tasks (additional work force, financial costs, business trips, materials, etc.)
  3. Present the results of your work. Describe how they meet the objectives. If the task is not completed, explain the reason. Give your assessment of the situation. Draw conclusions.
  4. Formulate goals and objectives for the next reporting period.
  5. Insert tables, graphs and diagrams into the text. Often the manager skims through the reporting document. Try to make the table or graph provide an opportunity to evaluate your work.
  6. Carefully re-read the text, pay attention to grammar and style. Highlight key facts in bold or italics. Prepare an electronic version of the document and a printed version. If you need to report orally or in presentation form, prepare in advance short version text, including the most important points.

A report on the work done helps the manager evaluate the quality and speed of the employee's tasks, and the employee himself - see his successes and failures. The document is drawn up in free form, but there is a basic structure of the report that we recommend following: a list of assigned tasks, work results, analysis, proposals and conclusion.

Reports on employees: DAM, ADV, SZV Gusarova Yulia Read about what types of reporting enterprises and individual entrepreneurs with employees should submit in our material.

You will learn from this material about what kind of reporting companies and individual entrepreneurs submit with their employees.

Reporting on employees is mandatory for all organizations and for those individual entrepreneurs that hire people under employment contracts or civil service agreements for the provision of services. Individual entrepreneurs do not include themselves in these reports.

Please note - all these reports are provided only in in electronic format, if the number of employees is 25 or more. If less than 25, it is allowed to report both in paper and electronic form.

Monthly reports

Every month it is necessary to report only to the Pension Fund of Russia in the SZV-M form. It is rented out to individual entrepreneurs with employees and enterprises.

Information about insured persons is sent to the Pension Fund by the 15th day of the month following the reporting month.

SZV-M is filed for everyone with whom employment or civil law contracts have been concluded, regardless of whether payments were made to these people in the reporting month and whether insurance payments were transferred.

Quarterly reports

These are 6-NDFL, 4-FSS and calculation of insurance premiums.


Rented by organizations and individual entrepreneurs with employees quarterly to the Federal Tax Service, includes paid income and withheld personal income tax.

For 3 months - April 30;
. For 6 months - July 31;
. For 9 months - October 31;
. One year - until April 1 of the following year.

Calculation of insurance premiums

Provided to the Federal Tax Service after 30 days after each quarter. Contains data on contributions to compulsory pension, medical and social insurance. Individual entrepreneurs, employees and organizations submit insurance premium payments even if there were no payments in the reporting quarter. All that matters is the existence of a valid employment or civil contract with the insured person.


It is rented by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs with employees to the Social Insurance Fund and, since 2017, contains only data on insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases.

The period depends on the form in which the document is sent. If in paper form, then until the 20th after the end of the quarter, if in electronic form - until the 25th.

Annual reports

Once a year, information on the average number of employees, certificates 2-NDFL and SZV-experience (together with EDV-1) are submitted.

Information on the average number of employees

Certificates 2-NDFL

They are submitted to the tax office separately for each income recipient.

The deadline is April 1 based on the results of the past year. If during the year it was not possible to withhold tax from an individual’s income for some reason, then 2-NDFL for this person must be filed a little earlier - before March 1, and indicate the sign “2”. As a rule, this happens in situations where the income was in non-monetary form, and its recipient is not a member of the state and does not receive other payments.

The recipient of the income has the right to request a 2-NDFL certificate from the employer at any time.

If there were no payments to the employee during the year, there is no need to submit 2-NDFL for him.


This new form, introduced in 2017.

Additionally, the certificate of service must be sent within a year if the employee retires. The deadline is within three days after the application for accrual of pension is received.

The service's personal tax calendar will remind you of upcoming reporting and payment deadlines.

Do I need to register with the funds as an employer?

Administers insurance payments since 2017 tax office, and its competence now includes registering employers with the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund. When a new organization is created, the inspection will automatically send data to the funds, where the enterprise will be assigned accounting numbers. Only starting from the second year of operation, the organization will have to confirm the main type of activity with the Social Insurance Fund in order to assign an accident insurance rate. Deadline - until April 15. Based on the results of the first year of work, there is no need to confirm the main type of activity.

Individual entrepreneurs also do not have to register with the Pension Fund as an employer, but they will have to submit information to the Social Insurance Fund themselves - within 30 days after the conclusion of the first employment contract or GPC agreement. Entrepreneurs do not need to confirm their main type of activity with the Social Insurance Fund.

Reporting with employees will not be difficult for you if you become users of the service

There is no leader who does not demand from his subordinates at least once a year a report on what has been done. And the problem is that during routine work, developing such a document seems quite challenging task. And for some reason we are embarrassed to ask our superiors for examples of reports on the work done. What if he decides that we are not suitable for the position we occupy?

Who needs it

This question is asked by the performer who has received the task of reporting. Most often, company employees feel almost insulted by such demands. But everything has a meaning.

Firstly, the contractor himself needs a report on the work done. Not a formal, but an interested attitude to this process will allow you to find bottlenecks and weaknesses in your qualifications. This means that the directions in which it is possible (and necessary) to develop have been identified. After all, we all learn from our mistakes.

Secondly, the leader needs it. A progress report allows you to objectively assess the quality and speed of solving assigned tasks. Thanks to this document, many questions will disappear - from the most primitive “what are you doing all the time” to the complex “why should I change your computer to a more modern one?” Because the report will indicate that it takes a lot of time to save changes to the document. And this does not depend on the contractor - outdated office equipment cannot work faster. Actually, this is why it seems that the employee is drinking tea all the time - he is simply waiting for the operation to be completed.

And the question: “Why do you need to write a report on the work done for the month?” itself is incorrect. Because accumulating and filling databases makes sense for strategists, and not for them. It is simply easier to solve a problem than to talk about methods for solving it.

What to write

Examples of progress reports show that you need to write in great detail. Anything that seems like a small thing or insignificant body movement can turn out to be a key element in the performance of specific functions. But understanding of this will come only after studying several written reports.

If the work is routine in nature, for example, reconciling documents and identifying inconsistencies, then it makes sense to develop a tabular form. In this case, again, at first the table should be very detailed and contain many columns; Over time, the need for some columns will no longer be necessary, and the report form will take on a normal (read: reasonable) form.

In some cases, when compiling a report on the work done (teachers, for example), it is impossible to formally approach the issue of self-analysis. Indeed, in addition to the planned educational and methodological load and study required material, the school is also engaged in educational activities. This requires a special approach to drafting the document: it is necessary to understand the reasons for the lag of a number of students, to find ways to interest children in their subject. And at the same time, we must not forget about high-achieving (or even gifted) schoolchildren.

Purposes of reports

For proper preparation and minimal time expenditure, it is necessary to decide from the very beginning for what purpose and why the report on the work done for the year is being written. Let's name the most popular:

Rationale real benefit from a specific position in the organization;

Confirmation of the qualifications of a particular employee;

Demonstration of effective work to management;

Obtaining funding for the next reporting period;

Obtaining consent to develop a direction (idea);

Justification for spending allocated resources and finances, etc.

The well-known formulation is correct positioning problem provides 50% of the solution - works in this case too. The better we understand why a report is needed, the easier it is for us to write it. To the point that a document “for show” does not require a creative approach from us at all. And time consuming.

Document structure

If the company does not have one developed, then it has to be developed independently. Knowing the purpose of the document, it is necessary to think about its structure. Examples of progress reports suggest that a clear and simple outline is needed.

At the very beginning, the purpose and logic of presenting information should be explained. Explain the sequence of presentation and create a table of contents. For the table, it is necessary to give a brief explanation of why this particular form was chosen.

Within sections and subsections, unity of presentation should also be maintained. This will make the document more understandable and, as a result, easier to understand. In a report over a long period of time, illustrations and graphs are quite appropriate to make it easier to understand. But here you need to adhere to the rule of the “golden mean”: solid text, as well as exclusively visual materials, get boring very quickly.


For an ordinary employee, perhaps the most difficult thing to write is terminology and wording. A pretentious report will look unnatural and will cause a negative reaction from management. Too simple formulations (25 documents were xeroxed, for example) will also alienate the reader.

But you should avoid templates. The only exception is the document that no one will ever read. We sometimes encounter such problems, but in this article we are interested in real (not created for pro forma) reports.

In any case, you shouldn’t talk only about achievements. To highlight them, it is necessary to talk about the difficulties that we had to face during the work. Among other things, complexity analysis is about optimizing work for management employees. Examples of reports on the work done suggest that you should not use streamlined phrases like “unsatisfactory condition”, “difficulties encountered”, etc. It is better to call everything by its proper name: “broken photocopier”, “lack of access to the Internet”, “lack of or untimely receipt of information from the related department.” All this allows us to adequately and objectively assess the current situation in the company.

Evaluation of results

Each result obtained must be supported by numbers. Such specification provides an understanding of the dynamics of development.

In addition, it is necessary to set criteria for evaluating the results. Whether it is the previous one (if it is a report for a quarter, for example) or, conversely, the percentage value of achieving the set goals, is up to the author of the document to decide.

In general, indirect indicators can tell a lot about the process of solving assigned tasks. For further analysis There's a ton of information here too. From determining labor costs to understanding the correctness of setting goals.

From problem to solution

Most reports are prepared on the principle of describing the progress of work. A document that clearly shows the problem-solution relationship looks more advantageous. The reader immediately understands what methods and techniques (if necessary) the performer used to complete the task in a timely and high-quality manner.

An even more detailed chain of “a specific problem - the reasons for its occurrence - setting tasks - solution” immediately suggests the need to present a daily report in tabular form. Moreover, the names of the graphs are already known. The information presented in this way is easy to read and analyze.

Presentation of quantitative indicators

In cases where the report consists mainly of digital data, the tabular form can be very difficult to understand. A continuous stream of numbers literally bores the reader after just a few minutes. Another thing is multi-colored charts and graphs. They are clear, understandable, and easy to read.

Each diagram must be commented on. In addition, it is necessary to indicate how the various graphs are interconnected; Clarifying cause-and-effect relationships will further facilitate analysis of the report.

If during work you spent material resources, don't just list them all. Instead, the goods acquired should be indicated. The dry phrase: “Office equipment was purchased” will sound completely different if you write: “2 jobs were created, which made it possible to increase the department’s output.”

How to draw up a document

Despite the fact that there is no single form of preparation, a report on the work done can be prepared in accordance with GOST, which defines the main criteria scientific work. It specifies the requirements for formatting, font type and size, etc.

As for the readability of the document, here are some tips:

Try to keep no more than 5 sentences in one paragraph;

Key indicators can be highlighted in font or color;

Break up the text so that the table or graph does not take up the entire page; be sure to leave space for comments on them;

Write a clear and concise summary of the report.

These tips will help make your report easier to perceive, and therefore will initially set the reader up for a loyal attitude towards the author of the document. Imagine that you are the boss. And make the report something that would be useful and interesting for you to read.

The work of organizations and individual entrepreneurs is impossible without their working personnel. Hiring employees entails the obligation to submit reports to various services and departments. Failure to submit reports may result in a fine. Reports are submitted to regulatory authorities:

  • Tax Inspectorate (INFS);
  • Pension Fund of Russia (PFR);
  • Social Insurance Fund (SIF);
  • Rosstat.

In the article we will look in more detail at what type of reporting this or that body accepts and what these documents are about, as well as the deadline for submitting them.

Tax office

Information on the average number of employees: We hand over for the calendar year no later than January 20 of the new year. All individual entrepreneurs and organizations that hired workers for last year, must submit reports on the average number of employees. This report does not need to indicate employees who work under a GPC (civil law) agreement.

The fine for failure to provide information is 200 rubles. But for the manager and chief accountant, the fine can be 300-500 rubles.

Unified calculation of insurance premiums: rented for 1 quarter, half a year, 9 months and a year until the 30th day of the new month after the reporting period. It is rented out by all policyholders: organizations, individual entrepreneurs, individuals who are not individual entrepreneurs, but have employees.

The fine for late submission of the form will be 1000 rubles for each month of delay and will be charged if insurance premiums paid on time. If contributions have not been received into the budget, penalties will amount to 5% of the unpaid amount for each month of late payment. In this case, the fine should not exceed 30% of the unpaid amount, and cannot be less than 1000 rubles.

Report on form 6-NDFL: We report for the quarter, half year, 9 months (within a month after the reporting period) and year (before April 1 of the new year). Provided by all tax agents - intermediaries who withhold personal income tax from employees and transfer it to the budget.

The fine for failure to submit or late reporting is 1000 rubles for each month for the organization and 300-500 rubles for the manager. If the report is delayed for more than 10 days, the tax authority has the right to block the organization's current account. When submitting a report in paper form, the fine is 200 rubles (if the report must be submitted electronically, for employers with 25 employees or more). A report filled out incorrectly or with false information will result in a fine of 500 rubles.

Certificate of income 2-NDFL: per year, no later than April 1. This is a document that indicates the income received and the taxes withheld from this income by an individual.

Penalty for failure by tax agents to provide a certificate fixed time— 200 rubles for each document. If the 2-NDFL certificate contains false information, then the fine is 500 rubles for each document not provided.

Russian Pension Fund

Form SZV-M: We rent monthly until the 15th of the next month. This is a form to identify working pensioners. Rented by all payers of insurance premiums for employees.

There will be a fine of 500 rubles for each employee if the form is not submitted, submitted untimely, submitted incompletely or with false information. For failure to submit documentation in electronic format (if you have more than 25 employees) - 1000 rubles.

Forms SZV-STAZH, EDV-1: We report on the results of the year by March 1 of the next year. The document informs about the accumulated insurance experience of employees.

Fines: late submission - 500 rubles for each employee, 500 rubles for each not included. For false information - 500 rubles for each individual, when submitting a paper form with the required electronic form - 1000 rubles.

Social Insurance Fund

Calculation 4-FSS: we hand over based on the results of the 1st quarter, half a year, 9 months and a year. Until the 20th, if reporting is submitted in paper form, and electronically - before the 25th. The calculation reflects the amount of contributions accrued and paid to the fund for injuries and occupational diseases.

Fines: failure to submit on time - for each month 5% of the contributions payable, but not less than 1000 rubles and not more than 30% of this amount. If the organization submitted a report in paper version, but is obliged to submit it electronically - 200 rubles. For an unsubmitted payment for the manager - 300-500 rubles.

Application and certificate confirming the main type of activity: We ship once a year until April 15th. Entrepreneurs and organizations annually confirm their main type of activity with the Social Insurance Fund, after which the Fund will set for them a tariff for contributions for injuries.

There is no penalty for failure to submit, but if you do not submit documents, Social Insurance will assign you the highest tariff for the most dangerous type of activity from your OKVED.


Rosstat studies economic and statistical indicators of entrepreneurs. Large enterprises submit documentation regularly and in mandatory, and small and micro-businesses submit reports only at the request of Rosstat. Reporting to Rosstat is submitted to both LLCs and individual entrepreneurs.

Fines for the fact that an enterprise has not reported or provided false data are set in the following amounts: for an individual entrepreneur or director of an LLC - from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles, for an LLC - from 20,000 to 70,000 rubles.

Submit reports on employees in the cloud service Kontur.Accounting. The service will automatically generate documents based on employee data and remind you of deadlines. Send reports directly from the service via the Internet, save time and money. Use the service for free for the first 30 days.

The retirement age has been raised. Therefore, many new reports on workers of pre-retirement age have been compiled into statistics. Rostrud and employment center. As if the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation does not have this information!? Any action here is a budget cut. Therefore, insatiable officials are now demanding new quarterly reports from companies. The reason was the increase in the retirement age of employees ( Federal Law dated December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ).

Employment centers are waiting for a new report from companies on workers of pre-retirement age. You must report for the first time in October and then on an ongoing basis. Let's consider the order of filling, new form and a sample (can be downloaded in the article).

The joke is that there is no clear definition in the current legislation. Who is an employee of pre-retirement age? Citizens of pre-retirement age are mentioned only in the Law “On Employment in the Russian Federation”. There they include people two years before retirement (clause 2 of article 5 of the Law of April 19, 1991 No. 1032-1). Based on this definition, “pre-retirement people” are now considered men 59 years old and women 54 years old. Therefore, regional employment centers interpret it this way. Men born in 1959, women born in 1964. Information about such people should be indicated in the report.

As part of the pension reform, the authorities plan to legislate the concept of pre-retirement age. This will be a period of five years prior to the retirement date. This period will be established for working citizens. The same goes for those looking for work. But this is just a project for now. But the Duma has already adopted the draft on criminal liability for dismissal or refusal to hire pre-retirement workers in the first reading.

Monitoring information on the number of employees who are not pensioners

The purpose of the new report on workers to the employment center

As part of the pension reform, the Government wants to have more information about citizens who will soon retire. Therefore, it set Rostrud the task of collecting data on them every three months.

In accordance with the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation (clause 3 section III minutes of the meeting of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 14, 2018 No. 16). Ministry of Labor and social protection RF and letters Federal service on labor and employment dated July 25, 2018 No. 858-PR. A new report will be introduced in October 2018. That's why they ask for a quarterly report on pre-retirees. Deadline - until the 1st day of the month following the reporting period. This action begins on October 1, 2018.

From October 1, 2018, employers will submit a new report

Information about the organization and the number of employees of the organization who are not pensioners. (men born 1959, women born 1964)

From October 1, 2018, employers will be required to provide local job centers new worker reports. This is stated in the Letter of Rostrud dated July 25, 2018 No. 858-PR.

The form is called “Information about the organization and the number of employees of the organization who are not pensioners.” It will need to indicate information about the number of employees:

  • men born in 1959;
  • women born in 1964.

It is necessary to indicate both those working as of the reporting date and those who have ceased their employment. labor activity during the reporting period.

Note: Note: the report contains information only about those women born in 1964. and men born in 1959 Who are not pensioners. If an employee is already a pensioner due to early retirement (for example, due to disability), then information about him is not indicated.

Who submits the reports

All organizations must submit a report to the employment center, regardless of the form of ownership and the applied taxation regime. If the enterprise does not have employees of pre-retirement age, then the report is submitted with zero indicators.

Is it necessary to report to the employment service about workers of pre-retirement age?

Locally, employment centers have begun to require organizations to submit quarterly reports on employees’ pre-retirement returns. These are men born in 1959 and women born in 1964 who are due to retire in 2019. Reports are requested to be submitted by the 15th of the month after each quarter. But the report is optional, there is no approved form, so you have no right to fine you for failure to submit it.

If you decide to submit a report, please submit it in the form recommended regional center employment. Do not include personal information in the report. Report only the number of employees approaching retirement age and laid-off workers. If there are none, submit a zero report.

Compose for free personnel documents in the web service using ready-made templates

Deadlines, form and procedure for submitting the new form

Rostrud approved the deadline for submitting a report on employees of pre-retirement age and its form only for the employment centers themselves(letter of Rostrud dated July 25, 2018 No. 858-PR). Employment centers must submit quarterly information to Rostrud in Form 1. Deadline - no later than the 15th day of the month following the reporting month.

Here are the deadlines for submitting the report and its form: for employers It hasn't been officially installed yet. When you submit your report, be guided by the deadlines and forms recommended by regional employment centers. Each region has its own deadlines and reporting forms. So, in some regions they ask to submit a report until the 5th months after the reporting quarter, in others earlier - no later than the 1st day of the month after the reporting quarter. But the report is not one of the mandatory forms, so employers submit it voluntarily. If you do not submit a report or submit it late, the employer has no right to fine you.

A unified form for this new report to the employment center has not yet been developed. Therefore, for now it should be submitted on the forms recommended by your regional employment center. Approximate form from the Center for Significance of the City of Kirov can be downloaded here (.xlsx 11Kb).

Important: the employment services of Moscow and Perm accept a report in this form...

In the report, indicate the name of the organization, its tax identification number and checkpoint. Please provide the number of employed and retired employees of pre-retirement age for the reporting period. These are men born in 1959 and women born in 1964, who are required by law to retire in 2019. There is no need to indicate personal information about employees in the report.

Important! Indicate the address of the enterprise, in which district it is registered and average number. Please select a location on the form for this. They may not accept it!

Procedure for submitting reports

For the first time, you will need to submit a report to the employment center for the third quarter of 2018 as of October 1.

You can submit information in person or send by e-mail to the address of the local employment center. In the topic (title) email CZN employees recommend indicating both the name of the organization and the report itself (for example, “Sharazhka LLC, form No. 1 for the third quarter of 2018”).

Fines for failure to submit a report to the Rostrud employment center for pre-retirees

Responsibility for failure to submit The legislation does not contain provisions that would oblige companies to submit a new report. Therefore, companies that fail to report do not have to worry about fines and account blocking. Currently, there is an obligation to submit information to the employment center only (see below) regarding available vacancies and disabled workers (Article 25 of the Federal Law of April 19, 1991 No. 1032-1).

So, current legislation does not oblige employers to provide information about employees of pre-retirement age. Currently, completion of monitoring forms by employers is "voluntary assistance in organizing events in the field of employment." So employers who do not report on employees of pre-retirement age will not face a fine!!!

Information about all available vacancies must be submitted to employment centers

Even if the organization does not plan to hire workers for vacant jobs in the near future. She must inform the employment center about available vacancies. This position is expressed in the letter of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Moscow dated November 1, 2018 No. 01-13-36240/18.

Employers must report monthly information to the employment service about the availability of jobs and vacant positions. This is stated in paragraph 3 of Article 25 of the Law of the Russian Federation dated April 19, 1991 No. 1032-1 “On employment of the population in Russian Federation" Information is provided regarding all vacancies available to the employer. Regardless of whether they are expected to be replaced. If the employer believes that he has a vacancy. He is obliged to report this to the employment service.

The same clarifications in the report were given in the letter of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 25, 2017 No. 14-1/B-953. Information about vacancies received from the employer is not used to select employees. Information about vacant positions is necessary for this. So that employment service authorities can assess the employment of the population and develop necessary measures. Which are aimed at achieving optimal employment of the population. And workers are selected only for those employers who have asked for help in personnel selection. In such cases, information about vacancies is entered into a special register. And according to them, the employment service, in agreement with employers, issues job directions to citizens

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In 1943, Karachais were illegally deported from their native places. Overnight they lost everything - their home, their native land and...
When talking about the Mari and Vyatka regions on our website, we often mentioned and. Its origin is mysterious; moreover, the Mari (themselves...