Below the sphinx is the hall of chronicles. The hall of the chronicles of Atlantis was found under the right paw of the Sphinx. A new surprise from the Egyptian pyramids

... Cayce was sure that the key to unlocking Atlantis should be found in Egyptian pyramids Oh. According to his theory, copies of documents of Atlantis, testifying to its history and civilization, were transferred by the Atlanteans to “Hall of Chronicles” . This was the name of a small pyramid located between the right paw of the Sphinx and the Nile River.

Edgar Cayce believed that this pyramid contained the bodies of immigrants from Atlantis. He also predicted the date when the Hall of Chronicles would be discovered - approximately 2000. There they will find various decorations, tables, seals, tools and other ancient objects.

The construction date of the Cheops pyramid, named by Cayce, fluctuates somewhere between 10490 and 10390 BC. The Sphinx was created around this time.

Moreover, Edgar Cayce even named the exact location of some information located in the Sphinx. This information was supposed to tell humanity about the period when great progress took place in Egypt due to the coming of the developed Atlanteans. According to Casey, information must be located in the cornerstone of the base of the Sphinx's paw.

The information carried by the Cheops pyramid covers, perhaps, the entire history of mankind, right up to 1998 of our time. Casey claimed that at the specified time the Great Messiah will appear on earth, who came to fulfill the prophecies kept in the Hall of Chronicles.

Cayce called the Cheops Pyramid "Pyramid of Understanding".

According to his assumption, it was created on the basis of universal laws. The pyramid was created for a higher purpose than just burial; inside it is mathematical and astronomical evidence that in 1998 the Earth will undergo a number of significant changes.

A pole change is possible this year. The appearance of the Messiah on Earth is precisely what causes changes to occur. The pyramid also contains descriptions of these changes, however, they are all encrypted.

So, Cayce long ago predicted that humanity would have to open a secret Egyptian vault and prove existence in a civilization that existed thousands of years ago.

And although exact date This, probably, no one can say, but some conclusion can be drawn from the predictions, namely: modern humanity can bring the same destruction as the ancient Atlanteans.

And so it happened. Already in 1989, using special equipment, a group of Japanese scientists from Waseda University, led by Professor Sakuji Yoshimura, discovered under the left paw of the Sphinx a narrow tunnel leading towards the Pyramid of Khafre.

It began at a depth of two meters and went down obliquely.

They also found a large cavity behind the northwestern wall of the Queen's Chamber, as well as a "tunnel" outside and south of the pyramid, extending underneath the monument.

They used modern technology“non-destructive testing”, based on electromagnetic waves and radar equipment (the so-called “geolo convicts” – ed.).

But before they could conduct further research, Egyptian authorities intervened. and... stopped the project.

Yoshimura and his expedition were unable to return to work in the Queen's Chamber after this.

Also, in the same 1989, seismic exploration of the Sphinx was carried out by the American geophysicist Thomas Dobetsky. And this seismic survey too led to the discovery of a large rectangular chamber under the Sphinx's front legs(see picture above).

Dobecki's research was part of a geological survey of the Sphinx led by Professor Robert Schoch of Boston University.

But, his work was suddenly stopped (?) in 1993 by Dr. Zahi Hawass from... Egyptian Antiquities Organization .

And even more than that, the Egyptian government no longer allowed new geological or seismic research to be carried out around the Sphinx.

And this is all despite the fact that Schoch’s research came close to solving the age of the Sphinx, in which local authorities had previously been extremely interested.

Also in 1993, the film was released "The Secret of the Sphinx" , which emphasized that the Sphinx and a number of other monuments in the Giza necropolis dates back to at least the 11th millennium BC.

Partial financing of the film "The Secret of the Sphinx" was made "Edgar Cayce Foundation" and its branch "Association for Research and Enlightenment" - ECF/ARE and their supporters.

It was this documentary that first reported on Thomas Dobecki's seismic exploration around the Sphinx and about his discovery of a large rectangular cavity deep in the rock under his front paws.

This prompted ECF/ARE to connect this fact with Cayce's Hall of Records and its prediction.

Also in 1993, Zahi Hawass begins excavations of a newly discovered temple complex from Old Kingdom with underground tunnels, which were located on the southeastern side of the Sphinx, that is, to the right of the Sphinx!

But the emphasis was still not on “Hall of Testimonies” under the Sphinx, and on another discovery that deliberately (as it now appears) diverted public attention from the “Hall of Evidence”.

This not too major discovery was the information that a certain chamber was hidden in the depths of the Great Pyramid.

A German engineer from Munich, Rudolf Gantenbrink, examined the narrow shafts using a miniature robot with a television camera and at the very end of the southern shaft near the walls of the Queen's Chamber he discovered a small door with copper handles. With great problems, but he managed to remove the opening of this door.

This was done by a film crew led by director Jochen Breitenstein and his assistant Dirk Brakebusch.

And Gantenbrink’s problems arose due to the fact that the German Archaeological Institute did not receive it on time necessary permission to record the moment the door opens from Egyptian Antiquities Organization , which was nevertheless given orally by Zahi Hawass (with the support of Gantenbrink by Dr. Stadslman).

But already in 1995, the Egyptian Antiquities Organization warned German authorities to... no longer attempted to continue exploring the Great Pyramid.

A little later, in December 1995, Zahi Hawass was asked to film a documentary for television (the program was dedicated to the riddles of the Sphinx).

And Hawass led the film crew into the tunnel, which was located directly under the Sphinx.

“Perhaps,” he said, “even Indiana Jones did not dream of visiting here. Can you believe we are now inside the Sphinx!

No one has opened this tunnel before, and no one knows what is inside it. We're going to open it first."

Now we can assume that the above film crew was from the Paramount Studios film company, as mentioned in Drunvalo Melchizedek’s book “ Ancient mystery Flower of Life”, volume 2, chapter 11, which was published in 2003.

This is the passage in his book:

… “In November 1996, a source in Egypt contacted me. He said: Something has now been discovered that is superior to anything ever found in Egypt.

From the ground between the paws of the Sphinx came out(!? – ed.) a stone stele with inscriptions was placed on the surface. The inscriptions on it told about the Hall

Certificates and about the room those under the Sphinx.

The Egyptian government ordered the immediate removal of the stele, so that no one can read the hieroglyphs embossed on it . Then they began to dig the earth between the paws of the Sphinx and dug up the room that the Japanese discovered back in 1989.

And what was in this room?

It contained an earthenware jug and a coiled rope. According to my source, the authorities went down a tunnel from this room to another, round room with a flat floor and ceiling.

From this room there were three more tunnels leading towards the Great Pyramid.

In one of these tunnels two completely new, amazing phenomena were discovered.

At first, officials saw a light field, a kind of veil of light blocking the entrance (hereinafter referred to as “ protective light field").

When we tried to pass through this field, nothing happened. Not only a man, not even a bullet could penetrate him.

Moreover, if anyone tried to physically get within about 9 m (30 ft) of the light field, that person would become so ill that they would vomit.

And if he tried to move forward through volitional efforts, he felt that... he was dying. And no one, as far as I know, has ever been able to touch even the “veil” of this mysterious light field...

When examined by instruments from the surface of the Earth behind a light protective field (!), something completely unthinkable was discovered: an underground 12-story (twelve-story) building.

P Can you imagine, as many as twelve floors going deep into the earth!

Editor's note.

By the way. Our domestic authors N. Glazkova and V. Landa, almost at the same time (1996-1997), using biolocation scanning made a similar discovery in Egyptology:

... "The depth of the treasured room for earthlings under the paws of the Sphinx... does not exceed 83-85 meters. This is consistent with the depths of the yet undiscovered mines and rooms under the pyramids. Why are mastabas built only around the pyramid of Cheops and almost do not affect the area around the pyramids of Khafre and Mikerin ?

There may be an underground labyrinth of rooms around these two pyramids that has yet to be discovered, and knowledge about them forbade the pharaohs of future eras to make burials in this place" (see N.N. Glazkova, V. Landa "Ecumenical secrets of the pyramids and Atlantis." IKF "Stalker", Ukraine 1997, p. 163).


The Egyptians immediately realized that they could not cope with such “problems” themselves. The Egyptian government requested foreign assistance.

It was decided that there was a specific person (I will not say his name) who... could turn off the protective light field and then enter the tunnel. In this case, this person will have two assistants. One of whom is a good friend of mine. Thanks to this, I closely monitored the course of events, receiving information first-hand.

My friend brought with him representatives of the Paramount Studios film company, which intended to obtain permission to shoot a film about the discovery of this phenomenal tunnel .

By the way, let me remind you that it was Paramount that was the first to make a film about the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb, which means that the company already had very good connections in Egypt.

The researchers planned to enter, or at least attempt to enter, this tunnel on January 23, 1997. The government asked this film company for several million dollars, to which it agreed.

However, the day before the group entered the tunnel, high Egyptian officials suddenly decided that they wanted more money, and asked for one and a half million “per paw,” which literally infuriated the film company.

Paramount said no, and that was the end of it. For about three months after that it was quiet...

Then I accidentally found out that another group of just three people entered the tunnel. And they turned off the protective light field... with the help of the sounds of their voices, and also with the help of... the holy names of God.

The leader of the said group, who is widely known but does not want his name mentioned, went, after entering the tunnel, to Australia where he showed his video about the penetration into the tunnel and into the mysterious building - an underground 12-story building, which turned out to be not just a building .

This underground “structure” turned out to be an entire complex that stretched underground for many miles and actually extended beyond the outskirts of the city.

Editor's note.

In a similar case, SIRA radar was deployed in Egypt in 1978 and discovered an unusual underground complex beneath the Egyptian pyramids.

The preparations made by Egyptian President Sadat resulted in 30 years of top secret excavation to penetrate the complex system.

At a recent meeting in Australia, one of the main Giza project specialists, Dr. Jim Hurtak, showed a video about their work, entitled "Depth Cameras"(CHAMBERS OF THE DEEP), from a film due to be released at the end of the century.

The film follows the exploration of a lost megalithic metropolis, built 15,000 years ago, that descends several stories below the Giza Plateau.

While some have spoken of a hidden chamber under the Sphinx's left paw, in reality it is where the legendary "City of the Gods".

Equipped with a hydraulic water supply system the size of the Nile Valley..., the film shows massive chambers comparable to our largest cathedrals, with deranged statues.

Investigators risked their lives with lights and cameras as they carefully navigated rubber boats through underground rivers and kilometer-long lakes to penetrate the sealed chambers beyond.

(See website


I have three in Australia too good friends who have personally seen this film. And they confirmed this fantastic discovery to me.

Then another man showed up, Larry Hunter(Larry Hanter), who devoted more than 20 years of his life to the archeology of Egypt.

Mr. Hunter contacted me and gave me information almost identical to what I received from my sources in Egypt, with the pleasant exception that it was more detailed.


The underground “city” covers an area of ​​10.4 by 13 km (6.5 x 8 miles), extends twelve floors deep into the earth, and the perimeter of this city is “outlined” by unique temples inside the Egyptian pyramid complex on the Giza plateau (see picture below).

Next in formation echoes Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval's Message of the Sphinx.

Graham and Robert (quite a long time ago) guessed that the three great pyramids at Giza were placed on Earth in exact correspondence with the three stars of Orion's Belt.

According to researchers, all the main stars of the Orion constellation can be detected as projections on the layout of the temples in Egypt, although they have not yet been able to definitively prove this theory.

Mr Hunter did it, and I myself was convinced that his proof was correct. Using his celestial navigation skills acquired during his time in the Navy, Mr. Hunter found temples in every single place, corresponding to each major star of the Orion constellation.

He used the Global Navigation System GPS(GPS - Global Positioning System) to determine the position and search of these places on Earth with an accuracy of 15 m (50 ft). And then he physically visited each place where the temple was supposed to mark the star. Thus, the old hypothesis was directly and directly tested and confirmed.

But! Surprisingly different: In each place there was a temple and each temple was made of a unique material not found in any other temple in all of Egypt. The same material is used to make the foundation blocks of the three pyramids at Giza, including the Great Pyramid.

It's called "coin in stone."

What kind of material is this?

This is limestone that looks as if coins were deliberately mixed into it.

It is unique and found only in special temples located on the territory underground city with an area of ​​26.5 x 8.0 miles.

This is the hypothesis in a nutshell, the veracity of which is invariably disputed by official Egyptian authorities.

underground city, about which the ancient Egyptian god Thoth spoke, thus really exists, and can accommodate at least 10 thousand people.

Let me remind you again.

Mr. Hunter insists that the boundaries of the city are marked by temples made of a special unique material, and the location of these temples exactly corresponds to the location of the corresponding stars in the constellation Orion (see picture above).

Based on what I saw, I think everything said above is true, although Egyptian officials stupidly insist that this city is pure fantasy.

I adhere to an objective point of view.

In the end, the truth will definitely be revealed to all people.

…And then, when the underground city is revealed, the great archaeological discovery will inevitably lead to the growth of human consciousness...

I can add to what was said above(Drunvalo Melchizedek) only that this underground city is one of the cities of Shambhala.

Information from the Book of Melchizedek "The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life" has long been known to all those whose interest in the secrets of Egypt was deeper than simple curiosity.

For this reason, some print media (at one time) wrote articles about it, but nothing more. No in-depth research followed after this.

As for the Sphinx And " Hall of Testimonies ” underneath it, a local (Egyptian) archaeological team led by Zaha Hawass is still working there.

The remarkable thing about this is that his group works secretly, almost never going to the surface unnecessarily.

And if someone has to go to the surface, then this is done exclusively at night, when there are no tourists or other strangers near the Pyramids and near the Sphinx.

And perhaps they see such images (see picture below).

Today scientists have discovered a hydraulic underground system water supply the size of the Nile Valley.

The film shows massive rooms comparable to the largest cathedrals on earth, as well as extraordinary statues inside.

The researchers, risking their lives, with lights and cameras, carefully ferried rubber boats through real underground rivers and kilometer-long lakes to penetrate the sealed (beyond) chambers.

Unique records have already been made and many artifacts have been found.



So, no one is against local archaeologists secretly or openly conducting their research on the territory of their own country. This is their right. This is their country. These are their Pyramids and this is their Sphinx.


There is one important and very significant “BUT”, which gave me the right to intervene in these “local” affairs of Egypt.

More recently, this group of archaeologists ( including their leader Zahi Hawass) another Great Discovery was made, which the official authorities of Egypt ... decided to hide from the Humanity of the Earth.

This discovery was a secret chamber where the only item belonging to Thoth is kept - hisRod of Energy, which is mentioned by himself in his Tablets:

Read the document: “The Emerald Tablets of Thoth Atlantean” - “Emerald Tablet I: The History of Thoth Atlantean”:

… “We quickly rushed towards the morning sun, until the earth beneath us became the land of the children of Khem. Furious, they met us with clubs and spears raised in anger, wanting to destroy and destroy every single Son of Atlantis.

Then I raised my Rod and directed a beam of vibration, striking them so that they became motionless, like fragments of mountain stones. Then I addressed them with calm and peaceful words, and told them about the power of Atlantis, saying that we are the children of the Sun and his messengers. I pacified them with my magical science until they fell prostrate at my feet, and then I freed them..."

There is a mention of this same Rod inElizabeth Heich's book "Initiation", chapter 32. "Instructions of Ptahhotep":

… “Your father’s rod, made of a type of copper, can transmit radiations of any plane. At the will of a person, they can transform or intensify. The rod can be a blessing or a curse, depending on who uses it.

Initiates who possess all powers - from the highest divine to the lowest ultramaterial - can consciously transfer them into the rod. Human senses are capable of perceiving them, then they are experienced by people as emotional states.

Thus, the highest divine frequencies are experienced as universal love, and the lowest - ultramaterial - as hatred.

The dedicated one is always uses the rod so as to create something good, and the ultramaterial vibrations serve it only when necessary as an invisible, impenetrable protective wall. With the help of this rod, the initiate can control all the forces of nature, strengthening or neutralizing them ... "

And now I will tell you about the Storage Chamber of the Rod of Thoth

and about the Rod of Energy itself:

The Rod Storage Chamber itself is behind “Hall of Testimonies” , just opposite the very passage and entrance to the Hall itself, the light protective field from which was removed in 1997.

The door to the Chamber was opened by pressing on the stone and pushing it deep into the wall. On this stone was engraved the Rod of Thoth Energy with rays.

On the stone to the left (from the key stone), the goddess Maat was depicted. And on the stone to the right (from the key one) the goddess Maat was also depicted, but with a Rod.

After activating the key stone, part of the wall of the “Hall of Evidence” went inside, and the Door moved to the side, ending up behind the wall of the “Hall of Evidence”.

At the same time, a large doorway was exposed, which opened access to the “Chamber of the Rod”.

The “Chamber of the Rod” is large and has a square shape.

In the center of the Chamber there is a pedestal in the form of a pyramid with seven high steps. At the top of the pyramid, in its center, the Rod of Thoth Energy itself is installed.

The Rod of Life looks like a tall staff.

It is approximately 1.5 meters high and 3 cm in diameter at the center. The rod narrows downwards and widens towards the top. He's covered all over precious stones, from which the symbols are laid out. The top of the Rod is crowned with a crystal.

It is the Energy Crystal on top of the Rod of Life that emits the Radiance of Life, illuminating everything around with its light. And this light, like the Light of Energy, spreads into the open doorway, illuminating the area located directly in front of the Chamber in the Hall of Testimony itself.

The reaction (for some people) to this energy from the Rod of Life is the same as it was before to that light protective-force Field that blocked the passage to the Hall of Testimony: people felt sick - they felt nauseous, and if a person stayed a little longer and did not leave , then he suddenly and violently vomited.

This reaction is known to doctors as a reaction to a drug overdose, and in in this case, as one should assume, to an overdose of the human Soul with energies coming from the Rod of Life.

However, not all people have the same reaction to the energies from the Wand of Life.

It turned out, however, that there were also people who were able to approach Chamber of the Rod and even enter it without having virtually any consequences for your condition and health.

True, they were only able to move forward to a certain point, and then they still felt so bad that they quickly retreated.

It is logical to assume that only the direct Heir of Thoth will be able to pick up the Rod of Life. One of the people of the Earth, on whose Soul a special encoding of the Rod was applied to merge their Energies, as well as their Life Forces.

The connection of the Life Forces and energies of the Rod of Life with the Heir of Thoth will occur at the moment of their physical contact.

And then we will be able to see the energy of the Soul of the one whom God Thoth himself chose to become the new owner of his magical Rod of Energy, for the Rod always radiates the energy that a person pours into it. This force has the same type of vibration as human energy, and therefore is safe for humans, but..., of course, within reason.

Thus, while the Chamber of the Rod and the Hall of Testimony itself are closed to public access, none of the above will happen.

Until there is free access to the Rod of Thoth, the heir of Thoth will not be able to take his Inheritance (the Rod of Life) into his hands, and the Second Coming of Thoth will not take place either, although the Time and Timing of this Coming may well be already approaching its climax, since the Change The Ages and Judgment Day were long ago programmed by the Gods for December 21, 2012.

And the Egyptian authorities in anticipation of this important event for the Humanity of the Earth, they simply hide the fact of this Greatest Discovery in the History of our planet from the public, thus pushing back the Second Coming. Although, most likely, this event will occur in any situation.

And no bans from the Egyptian authorities can prevent this. It’s just that the real heir of Thoth will appear unexpectedly for all the people of the earth.

So we have two main options

further developments:

1 . Wait until the Egyptian authorities suddenly “wake up” their conscience, and they will make public the Discovery of the Century, showing the World what was filmed back in 1997. Namely: the moment of removing the protective light force field from the passage to the Hall of Testimonies, as well as the Hall of Testimonies itself. And those things that were removed by the Egyptian authorities now that the Open Chamber of the Rod had already been opened in own House Thoth.

2. To ask the official authorities of Egypt to lift the Veil of Secrets and show the World the Hall of Evidence and the Chamber of the Rod, thereby giving each of the people a chance to try their luck and... try to pick up Rod of Life to become the Heir of Thoth Atlas.


All information was taken from open sources on the Internet.

Naturally, it was scattered, but we managed to connect it into one logical chain.

In addition, the materials of this article used information from one contactee who contacted Thoth and confirmed the information that "Hall of Testimonies" should soon be declassified, and that this will help all people move to the next level (of existence.

Therefore, believe it or not. That's your business. Everything is now handed over to your judgment.

List of used literature


I present to your attention interesting information to think about who the Egyptian gods are, about the “Hall of Records” under the Sphinx and its connection with the great pyramids.

Cayce was sure that the key to unlocking Atlantis should be sought in the Egyptian pyramids. According to his theory, copies of documents of Atlantis, testifying to its history and civilization, were transferred by the Atlanteans to “Hall of Chronicles” . This was the name of a small pyramid located between the right paw of the Sphinx and the Nile River.

Edgar Cayce believed that this pyramid contained the bodies of immigrants from Atlantis. He also predicted the date when the Hall of Chronicles would be discovered - approximately 2000. There they will find various decorations, tables, seals, tools and other ancient objects.

The construction date of the Cheops pyramid, named by Cayce, fluctuates somewhere between 10490 and 10390 BC. The Sphinx was created around this time.

Moreover, Edgar Cayce even named the exact location of some information located in the Sphinx. This information was supposed to tell humanity about the period when great progress took place in Egypt due to the coming of the developed Atlanteans. According to Casey, information must be located in the cornerstone of the base of the Sphinx's paw.

The information carried by the Cheops pyramid covers, perhaps, the entire history of mankind, right up to 1998 of our time. Casey claimed that at the specified time the Great Messiah will appear on earth, who came to fulfill the prophecies kept in the Hall of Chronicles.

Cayce called the Cheops Pyramid "Pyramid of Understanding".

According to his assumption, it was created on the basis of universal laws. The pyramid was created for a higher purpose than just burial; inside it is mathematical and astronomical evidence that in 1998 the Earth will undergo a number of significant changes.

A pole change is possible this year. The appearance of the Messiah on Earth is precisely what causes changes to occur. The pyramid also contains descriptions of these changes, however, they are all encrypted.

So, Cayce long ago predicted that humanity would have to open a secret Egyptian vault and prove existence in a civilization that existed thousands of years ago.

And although no one can probably name the exact date for this, some conclusion can be drawn from the predictions, namely: modern humanity can bring the same destruction as the ancient Atlanteans.

And so it happened. Already in 1989, using special equipment, a group of Japanese scientists from Waseda University, led by Professor Sakuji Yoshimura, discovered under the left paw of the Sphinx a narrow tunnel leading towards the Pyramid of Khafre.

It began at a depth of two meters and went down obliquely.

They also found a large cavity behind the northwestern wall of the Queen's Chamber, as well as a "tunnel" outside and south of the pyramid, extending underneath the monument.

They used modern “non-destructive testing” technology based on electromagnetic waves and radar equipment (so-called “geolocators” - ed.).

But before they could conduct further research, Egyptian authorities intervened. and... stopped the project.

Yoshimura and his expedition were unable to return to work in the Queen's Chamber after this.

Also, in the same 1989, seismic exploration of the Sphinx was carried out by the American geophysicist Thomas Dobetsky. And this seismic survey too led to the discovery of a large rectangular chamber under the Sphinx's front legs(see picture above).
Dobecki's research was part of a geological survey of the Sphinx led by Professor Robert Schoch of Boston University.

But, his work was suddenly stopped (?) in 1993 by Dr. Zahi Hawass from... Egyptian Antiquities Organization .

And even more than that, the Egyptian government no longer allowed new geological or seismic research to be carried out around the Sphinx.

And this is all despite the fact that Schoch’s research came close to solving the age of the Sphinx, in which local authorities had previously been extremely interested.

Also in 1993, the film was released "The Secret of the Sphinx" , which emphasized that the Sphinx and a number of other monuments in the Giza necropolis date back to at least the 11th millennium BC.

Partial financing of the film "The Secret of the Sphinx" was made "Edgar Cayce Foundation" and its branch "Association for Research and Enlightenment" - ECF/ARE and their supporters.

It was this documentary that first reported on Thomas Dobecki's seismic exploration around the Sphinx and about his discovery of a large rectangular cavity deep in the rock under his front paws.

This prompted ECF/ARE to connect this fact with Cayce's Hall of Records and its prediction.

In the same 1993, Zahi Hawass begins excavations of a newly discovered temple complex from the Old Kingdom with underground tunnels that were located on the southeastern side of the Sphinx, that is, to the right of the Sphinx!

But the emphasis was still not on “Hall of Testimonies” under the Sphinx, and to another discovery, which deliberately (as it now seems) diverted public attention from the “Hall of Evidence”.

This not too major discovery was the information that a certain chamber was hidden in the depths of the Great Pyramid.

A German engineer from Munich, Rudolf Gantenbrink, examined the narrow shafts using a miniature robot with a television camera and at the very end of the southern shaft near the walls of the Queen's Chamber he discovered a small door with copper handles. With great problems, but he managed to remove the opening of this door.

This was done by a film crew led by director Jochen Breitenstein and his assistant Dirk Brakebusch.

And Gantenbrink’s problems arose due to the fact that the German Archaeological Institute did not receive the necessary permission in time to film the moment the door opened from Egyptian Antiquities Organization , which was nevertheless given orally by Zahi Hawass (with the support of Gantenbrink by Dr. Stadslman).

But already in 1995, the Egyptian Antiquities Organization warned German authorities to... no longer attempted to continue exploring the Great Pyramid.

A little later, in December 1995, Zahi Hawass was asked to film a documentary for television (the program was dedicated to the riddles of the Sphinx).

And Hawass led the film crew into the tunnel, which was located directly under the Sphinx.

“Perhaps,” he said, “even Indiana Jones did not dream of visiting here. Can you believe we are now inside the Sphinx!

No one has opened this tunnel before, and no one knows what is inside it. We're going to open it first."

Now we can assume that the above film crew was from the Paramount Studios film company, as mentioned in Drunvalo Melchizedek’s book “The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life,” Volume 2, Chapter 11, which was published in 2003.

This is the passage in his book:

… “In November 1996, a source in Egypt contacted me. He said: Something has now been discovered that is superior to anything ever found in Egypt.

From the ground between the paws of the Sphinx came out(!? – ed.) a stone stele with inscriptions was placed on the surface. The inscriptions on it told about the Hall

There is also evidence about the room under the Sphinx.

The Egyptian government ordered the immediate removal of the stele, so that no one can read the hieroglyphs embossed on it. Then they began to dig the earth between the paws of the Sphinx and dug up the room that the Japanese discovered back in 1989.

And what was in this room?

It contained an earthenware jug and a coiled rope. According to my source, the authorities went down a tunnel from this room to another, round room with a flat floor and ceiling.

From this room there were three more tunnels leading towards the Great Pyramid.

In one of these tunnels two completely new, amazing phenomena were discovered.

At first, officials saw a light field, a kind of veil of light blocking the entrance (hereinafter referred to as “ protective light field").

When we tried to pass through this field, nothing happened. Not only a man, not even a bullet could penetrate him.

Moreover, if anyone tried to physically get within about 9 m (30 ft) of the light field, that person would become so ill that they would vomit.

And if he tried to move forward through volitional efforts, he felt that... he was dying. And no one, as far as I know, has ever been able to touch even the “veil” of this mysterious light field...

When examined by instruments from the surface of the Earth behind a light protective field (!), something completely unthinkable was discovered: an underground 12-story (twelve-story) building.

P Can you imagine, as many as twelve floors going deep into the earth!

Editor's note.

... “The depth of the space treasured for earthlings under the paws of the Sphinx ... does not exceed 83-85 meters. This is consistent with the depths of the yet undiscovered shafts and chambers under the pyramids. Why are mastabas built only around the pyramid of Cheops and almost do not affect the area around the pyramids of Khafre and Mikerin?

Perhaps, around these two pyramids there is an underground labyrinth of rooms that has yet to be discovered, and knowledge about them forbade the pharaohs of future eras to make burials in this place” (see N.N. Glazkova, V. Landa “Ecumenical Secrets of the Pyramids and Atlantis.” IKF "Stalker", Ukraine 1997, p. 163).

The Egyptians immediately realized that they could not cope with such “problems” themselves. The Egyptian government requested foreign assistance.

It was decided that there was a specific person (I will not say his name) who... could turn off the protective light field and then enter the tunnel. In this case, this person will have two assistants. One of whom is a good friend of mine. Thanks to this, I closely monitored the course of events, receiving information first-hand.

My friend brought with him representatives of the Paramount Studios film company, which intended to obtain permission to shoot a film about the discovery of this phenomenal tunnel.

By the way, let me remind you that it was Paramount that was the first to make a film about the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb, which means that the company already had very good connections in Egypt.

The researchers planned to enter, or at least attempt to enter, this tunnel on January 23, 1997. The government asked this film company for several million dollars, to which it agreed.

However, the day before the group entered the tunnel, high Egyptian officials suddenly decided that they wanted more money and asked for one and a half million “per paw,” which literally infuriated the film company.

Paramount said no, and that was the end of it. For about three months after that it was quiet...

Then I accidentally learned that another group of only three people had entered the tunnel. And they turned off the protective light field... with the help of the sounds of their voices, and also with the help of... the holy names of God.

The leader of the said group, who is widely known but does not want his name mentioned, went, after entering the tunnel, to Australia where he showed his video about the penetration into the tunnel and into the mysterious building - an underground 12-story building, which turned out to be not just a building .

This underground “structure” turned out to be an entire complex that stretched underground for many miles and actually extended beyond the outskirts of the city.

Editor's note.

In a similar case, SIRA radar was deployed in Egypt in 1978 and discovered an unusual underground complex beneath the Egyptian pyramids.

The preparations made by Egyptian President Sadat resulted in 30 years of top secret excavation work to penetrate the complex's system.

At a recent meeting in Australia, one of the main Giza project specialists, Dr. Jim Hurtak, showed a video about their work, entitled "Depth Cameras"(CHAMBERS OF THE DEEP), from a film due to be released at the end of the century.

The film follows the exploration of a lost megalithic metropolis, built 15,000 years ago, that descends several stories below the Giza Plateau.

While some have spoken of a hidden chamber under the Sphinx's left paw, in reality it is where the legendary "City of the Gods".

Equipped with a hydraulic water supply system the size of the Nile Valley..., the film shows massive chambers comparable to our largest cathedrals, with deranged statues.

Investigators risked their lives with lights and cameras as they carefully navigated rubber boats through underground rivers and kilometer-long lakes to penetrate the sealed chambers beyond.

I also have three good friends in Australia who have seen this film in person. And they confirmed this fantastic discovery to me.

Then another man showed up, Larry Hunter(Larry Hanter), who devoted more than 20 years of his life to the archeology of Egypt.

Mr. Hunter contacted me and gave me information almost identical to what I received from my sources in Egypt, with the pleasant exception that it was more detailed.


The underground “city” covers an area of ​​10.4 by 13 km (6.5 x 8 miles), extends twelve floors deep into the earth, and the perimeter of this city is “outlined” by unique temples inside the Egyptian pyramid complex on the Giza plateau (see picture below).

Next information echoes Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval's Message of the Sphinx.

Graham and Robert (quite a long time ago) guessed that the three great pyramids at Giza were placed on Earth in exact correspondence with the three stars of Orion's Belt.

According to researchers, all the main stars of the Orion constellation can be detected as projections on the layout of the temples in Egypt, although they have not yet been able to definitively prove this theory.

Mr Hunter did it, and I myself was convinced that his proof was correct. Using his celestial navigation skills acquired during his time in the Navy, Mr. Hunter found temples in every single place, corresponding to each major star of the Orion constellation.

He used the Global Navigation System GPS(GPS - Global Positioning System) to determine the position and search of these places on Earth with an accuracy of 15 m (50 ft). And then he physically visited each place where the temple was supposed to mark the star. Thus, the old hypothesis was directly and directly tested and confirmed.

But! Surprisingly different: In each place there was a temple and each temple was made of a unique material not found in any other temple in all of Egypt. The same material is used to make the foundation blocks of the three pyramids at Giza, including the Great Pyramid.

It's called "coin in stone."

What kind of material is this?

This is limestone that looks as if coins were deliberately mixed into it.

It is unique and found only in special temples located on the territory underground city with an area of ​​26.5 x 8.0 miles.

This is the hypothesis in a nutshell, the veracity of which is invariably disputed by official Egyptian authorities.

underground city, about which the ancient Egyptian god Thoth spoke, thus really exists, and can accommodate at least 10 thousand people.

Let me remind you again.

Mr. Hunter insists that the boundaries of the city are marked by temples made of a special unique material, and the location of these temples exactly corresponds to the location of the corresponding stars in the constellation Orion (see picture above).

Based on what I saw, I think everything said above is true, although Egyptian officials stupidly insist that this city is pure fantasy.

I adhere to an objective point of view.

In the end, the truth will definitely be revealed to all people.

…And then, when the underground city is revealed, the great archaeological discovery will inevitably lead to the growth of human consciousness...

I can add to what was said above(Drunvalo Melchizedek) only that this underground city is one of the cities of Shambhala.

Information from the Book of Melchizedek "The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life" has long been known to all those whose interest in the secrets of Egypt was deeper than simple curiosity.

For this reason, some print media (at one time) wrote articles about it, but nothing more. No in-depth research followed after this.

As for the Sphinx And " Hall of Testimonies ” underneath it, a local (Egyptian) archaeological team led by Zaha Hawass is still working there.

The remarkable thing about this is that his group works secretly, almost never going to the surface unnecessarily.

And if someone has to go to the surface, then this is done exclusively at night, when there are no tourists or other strangers near the Pyramids and near the Sphinx.

And perhaps they see such images (see picture below).

Today, scientists have uncovered a hydraulic underground water supply system the size of the Nile Valley.

The film shows massive rooms comparable to the largest cathedrals on earth, as well as extraordinary statues inside.

The researchers, risking their lives, with lights and cameras, carefully ferried rubber boats through real underground rivers and kilometer-long lakes to penetrate the sealed (beyond) chambers.

Unique records have already been made and many artifacts have been found.

So, no one is against local archaeologists secretly or openly conducting their research on the territory of their own country. This is their right. This is their country. These are their Pyramids and this is their Sphinx.

There is one important and very significant “BUT”, which gave me the right to intervene in these “local” affairs of Egypt.

More recently, this group of archaeologists ( including their leader Zahi Hawass) another Great Discovery was made, which the official authorities of Egypt ... decided to hide from the Humanity of the Earth.

This discovery was a secret chamber where the only item belonging to Thoth is kept - hisRod of Energy, which is mentioned by himself in his Tablets:

Read the document: “The Emerald Tablets of Thoth Atlantean” - “Emerald Tablet I: The History of Thoth Atlantean”:

… “We quickly rushed towards the morning sun, until the earth beneath us became the land of the children of Khem. Furious, they met us with clubs and spears raised in anger, wanting to destroy and destroy every single Son of Atlantis.

Then I raised my Rod and directed a beam of vibration, striking them so that they became motionless, like fragments of mountain stones. Then I addressed them with calm and peaceful words, and told them about the power of Atlantis, saying that we are the children of the Sun and his messengers. I pacified them with my magical science until they fell prostrate at my feet, and then I freed them..."

There is a mention of this same Rod in Elizabeth Heich’s book “Initiation”, chapter 32. “Instructions of Ptahhotep”:

… “Your father’s rod, made of a type of copper, can transmit radiations of any plane. At the will of a person, they can transform or intensify. The rod can be a blessing or a curse, depending on who uses it.

Initiates who possess all powers - from the highest divine to the lowest ultramaterial - can consciously transfer them into the rod. Human senses are able to perceive them, then they are experienced by people as emotional states.

Thus, the highest divine frequencies are experienced as universal love, and the lowest - ultramaterial - as hatred.

The initiate always uses the wand to create something good, and the ultramaterial vibrations serve him only when necessary as an invisible, impenetrable protective wall. With the help of this rod, the initiate can control all the forces of nature, strengthening or neutralizing them ... "

And now I will tell you about the Storage Chamber of the Rod of Thoth and about the Rod of Energy itself:

The Rod Storage Chamber itself is behind “Hall of Testimonies” , just opposite the very passage and entrance to the Hall itself, the light protective field from which was removed in 1997.

The door to the Chamber was opened by pressing on the stone and pushing it deep into the wall. On this stone was engraved the Rod of Thoth Energy with rays.

On the stone to the left (from the key stone), the goddess Maat was depicted. And on the stone to the right (from the key one) the goddess Maat was also depicted, but with a Rod.

After activating the key stone, part of the wall of the “Hall of Evidence” went inside, and the Door moved to the side, ending up behind the wall of the “Hall of Evidence”.

At the same time, a large doorway was exposed, which opened access to the “Chamber of the Rod”.

The “Chamber of the Rod” is large and has a square shape.

In the center of the Chamber there is a pedestal in the form of a pyramid with seven high steps. At the top of the pyramid, in its center, the Rod of Thoth Energy itself is installed.

The Rod of Life looks like a tall staff.

It is approximately 1.5 meters high and 3 cm in diameter at the center. The rod narrows downwards and widens towards the top. It is all strewn with precious stones, from which symbols are laid out. The top of the Rod is crowned with a crystal.

It is the Energy Crystal on top of the Rod of Life that emits the Radiance of Life, illuminating everything around with its light. And this light, like the Light of Energy, spreads into the open doorway, illuminating the area located directly in front of the Chamber in the Hall of Testimony itself.

The reaction (for some people) to this energy from the Rod of Life is the same as it was before to that light protective-force Field that blocked the passage to the Hall of Testimony: people felt sick - they felt nauseous, and if a person stayed a little longer and did not leave , then he suddenly and violently vomited.

Such a reaction is known to doctors as a reaction to an overdose of drugs, and in this case, as one should assume, to an overdose of the human Soul with energies coming from the Rod of Life.

However, not all people have the same reaction to the energies from the Wand of Life.

It turned out, however, that there were also people who were able to approach Chamber of the Rod and even enter it without having virtually any consequences for your condition and health.

True, they were only able to move forward to a certain point, and then they still felt so bad that they quickly retreated.

It is logical to assume that only the direct Heir of Thoth will be able to pick up the Rod of Life. One of the people of the Earth, on whose Soul a special encoding of the Rod was applied to merge their Energies, as well as their Life Forces.

The connection of the Life Forces and energies of the Rod of Life with the Heir of Thoth will occur at the moment of their physical contact.

And then we will be able to see the energy of the Soul of the one whom God Thoth himself chose to become the new owner of his magical Rod of Energy, for the Rod always radiates the energy that a person pours into it. This force has the same type of vibration as human energy, and therefore is safe for humans, but..., of course, within reason.

Thus, while the Chamber of the Rod and the Hall of Testimony itself are closed to public access, none of the above will happen.

Until there is free access to the Rod of Thoth, the heir of Thoth will not be able to take his Inheritance (the Rod of Life) into his hands, and the Second Coming of Thoth will not take place either, although the Time and Timing of this Coming may well be already approaching its climax, since the Change The Ages and Judgment Day were long ago programmed by the Gods for December 21, 2012.

And the Egyptian authorities, on the eve of this important event for the Humanity of the Earth, are simply hiding the fact of this Greatest Discovery in the History of our planet from the public, thus pushing back the Second Coming. Although, most likely, this event will occur in any situation.

And no bans from the Egyptian authorities can prevent this. It’s just that the real heir of Thoth will appear unexpectedly for all the people of the earth.

So we have two main options

further developments:

1 . Wait until the Egyptian authorities suddenly “wake up” their conscience, and they will make public the Discovery of the Century, showing the World what was filmed back in 1997. Namely: the moment of removing the protective light force field from the passage to the Hall of Testimonies, as well as the Hall of Testimonies itself. And those things that were removed by the Egyptian authorities now that the Opened Chamber of the Rod had already been opened in Thoth's own House.

2. To ask the official authorities of Egypt to lift the Veil of Secrets and show the World the Hall of Evidence and the Chamber of the Rod, thereby giving each of the people a chance to try their luck and... try to pick up Rod of Life to become the Heir of Thoth Atlas.

All information was taken from open sources on the Internet.

Naturally, it was scattered, but we managed to connect it into one logical chain.

In addition, the materials of this article used information from one contactee who contacted Thoth and confirmed the information that "Hall of Testimonies" should soon be declassified, and that this will help all people move to the next level of existence.

Therefore, believe it or not. That's your business. Everything is now handed over to your judgment.

You can leave your thoughts, as well as other information on this topic, in the comments.

Photos from open sources

During the next “Egyptian revolution” in 2011, reports began to appear in the international media that several groups of looters destroyed the Cairo Museum, a large number of exhibits were destroyed and taken away. Then refutations began to appear, in the style of “the rebellious people” they provided voluntary guards, and only thanks to this, no damage was caused to priceless relics and artifacts. But in reality, everything was not quite like that.

Now they write everywhere. That more than 3,000 exhibits were damaged, and an exact estimate of the damage has not yet been made. But what catches the eye most is the destruction of two mummies. It would seem that what the bodies have to do with this for a long time forgotten people and how they could interfere with those now living. Here it is appropriate to recall how the looting of Iraqi museums was organized and carried out during the invasion of this country by coalition troops led by the United States. As soon as the Americans took control of the territory adjacent to the National Museum, numerous groups of “spontaneous looters” immediately appeared, for whom the numerous labyrinths and steel doors of the vaults did not become a big obstacle. All the most valuable things were taken out, while the kidnappers destroyed what they could not take out (what is this revenge?)

So in Egypt, the behavior of the “kidnappers and looters” was quite strange. They apparently had very little time, and numerous damages and destruction of artifacts were carried out in order to divert suspicion from their main goal. Here is just one fact that was stolen: the shaft-handle of the fan, which was made of sheet gold. The product itself is very beautiful and costs a lot of money on the black market, but the “looters” did not take it. And they were content with only some kind of “wooden piece”. Can you imagine something like this in a normal real-life situation? Me not. MYSTIC or something ELSE?

Since 1997, the Egyptian authorities have been hiding from the whole world the greatest discovery, which they now own alone (perhaps they have already shared it with someone). What is its essence?

What is the Egyptian Antiquities Department hiding?

The river of time has already carried away a lot of time, namely more than 70 years, Edgard Cayce made his famous prophecy about a secret room that would be found under the right paw of the Sphinx, and its name was the Hall of Testimonies or the Hall of Chronicles. It is the finds in this room that will tell the world about the existence of ancient civilizations that existed on earth tens, hundreds of thousands of years ago.

And at the end of the 20th century, according to Casey’s predictions, events began to develop rapidly, so in 1989 a group of Japanese archaeologists from Waseda University, led by Professor Sakuji Yoshimura, discovered a narrow tunnel under the left paw of the Sphinx, where the “sleeping prophet” predicted, stretching towards the Great Pyramid. It began at a depth of two meters and went down obliquely.

In addition to this tunnel, he discovered quite a lot of oddities inside the pyramid itself, namely, a cavity behind the wall of the Queen's Chamber and a tunnel outside and to the south of the pyramid, going under the monument.

In their research, the Japanese used ultra-modern technology (for that time), based on electromagnetic waves.

But before they could complete their research, Zahi Hawass, head of the Supreme Council of Antiquities of Egypt, intervened in the work process and ensured that the Japanese suspended their research. Subsequently, they never received permission to conduct research.

In the same year, in parallel with the Japanese, the Americans, led by Professor Thomas Dobecki, carried out their research on the Sphinx. And their discoveries were duplicated by Japanese archaeologists.

Dobecki's work was part of an extensive geological study of the Sphinx led by Robert Schoch, a professor at Boston University. But his research was suddenly stopped in 1993 by Zahi Hawass. And the Americans also failed to achieve their resumption. Moreover, local authorities were extremely interested in all the research. What happened? Or what mysterious forces intervened in this matter.

Still in 1993, the big film “The Secret of the Sphinx” was released, which described in detail the research carried out, and the authors emphasized that the age of the most mysterious and mysterious statue in the world dates back to at least the 11th millennium.

It should be especially noted that the Edgar Cayce Foundation provided partial financing for this film. And they directly connected all the discoveries made with Cayce's prophecies regarding the Hall of Records.

What is quite remarkable is that, having pushed aside all foreign research groups, Egyptian archaeologists, led by Zahi Hawass, begin independent excavations, while trying not to leak a single piece of information about the discoveries made to the press. At the same time, in order to create a veil around the “Hall of Knowledge”, information about the discovery of a certain room is leaked to the press

Hot on the heels of this leak, a German engineer from Munich, Rudolf Gantenbrink, examines a narrow shaft using a mini robot and at the very end of the shaft he discovers a small door with copper handles. The German managed to film the opening of this door.

But already in 1995, the Egyptians prohibited the Germans from conducting all kinds of research inside the Great Pyramid.

And at the very end of the same 1995, Zahi Hawass was approached with a request to conduct documentary filming, which was entirely devoted to the secrets and mysteries of the Sphinx. And he allowed the film crew into the tunnel, which was located directly under the Sphinx.

During filming, he uttered a sacramental phrase: “Perhaps, even Indiana Jones did not dream of being here. Can you believe we are now inside the Sphinx! No one has opened this tunnel before, and no one knows what is inside it. We're going to open it first."

It can be assumed that this film crew were people from the Paramount film company, as Drunvalo Melchisidek said in his book “The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life”. Here's what he writes about this:

“In November 1996, a source in Egypt contacted me. He said: something has now been discovered that surpasses anything ever found in Egypt. A stone stele (a flat stone slab with inscriptions) emerged from the ground between the Sphinx's paws. The inscriptions on it spoke of the Hall of Testimonies and the room under the Sphinx.

The Egyptian government ordered the immediate removal of the stele so that no one could read the hieroglyphs engraved on it. Then they began to dig the ground between the Sphinx's paws and discovered the room that the Japanese discovered in 1989. It contained an earthenware jug and a coiled rope. According to my source, the authorities followed a tunnel from this room into a circular room from which three more tunnels led to the Great Pyramid. In one of them, two amazing phenomena were discovered.

First, the officials saw a light field, a veil of light blocking the entrance. When we tried to go through this field, nothing happened. Even a bullet couldn't penetrate it.

Additionally, if anyone tried to physically get within approximately 9 m (30 ft) of the light field, the person would become ill and begin to vomit. If he tried to forcefully move forward, he felt that he was dying. No one, as far as I know, could touch the mysterious field.

When examined by instruments from the surface of the Earth, something completely unthinkable was discovered behind the light field.

An underground twelve-story building ~ imagine, twelve floors going deep into the earth!

The Egyptians realized that they could not cope with these problems on their own. The Egyptian government asked for foreign assistance. It was decided that there is special person(I will not say his name) who will be able to turn off the light field and enter the tunnel. He will have two assistants. One of these people is a good friend of mine, so I closely followed the course of events, receiving information first hand. My friend brought with him representatives of the Paramount Studios film company, which had to obtain permission to shoot a film about the discovery of this unique tunnel. By the way, it was Paramount that made the film about the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb, therefore, it had very good connections in Egypt.

The researchers planned to enter, or at least try to enter, this tunnel on January 23, 1997. The government asked the film company for several million dollars, which they agreed to. However, the day before the group entered the tunnel, the Egyptians decided that they wanted more money and asked for one and a half million "under the counter", which infuriated the film company. Paramount said no, and that was the end of it. It was quiet for about three months.

Then I accidentally learned that another group of three people had entered the tunnel. They turned off the light field using the sounds of their voices and the holy names of God. The leader of the group, who is widely known and does not want his name mentioned, went to Australia and showed a video film of the penetration of a tunnel and a twelve-story building, and the latter turned out to be more than just a building. This structure extended underground for many miles and was actually the outskirts of the city. I have three good friends in Australia who have seen this film.

Then another person appeared, Larry Hunter, who devoted more than 20 years of his life to the archeology of Egypt. Mr. Hunter contacted me and gave me information almost identical to what I received from my sources in Egypt, except that it was more detailed. The city covers an area of ​​10.4 by 13 km (6.5 by 8 miles) and extends twelve floors deep into the earth, the perimeter of the city is outlined by unique Egyptian temples.

The following information echoes the work of Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval, Message of the Sphinx. Graham and Robert guessed that the three pyramids at Giza were placed on Earth in exact correspondence with the three stars of Orion's Belt. According to researchers, all the major stars of the Orion constellation can be found in the temple locations in Egypt, but they have never been able to conclusively prove this theory. Mr. Hunter did this, and I have seen for myself that his proof is correct. Using his celestial navigation skills acquired during his time in the Navy, Mr. Hunter found temples at every single point corresponding to every major star in the Orion constellation. He used the Global Positioning System (GPS) to locate these locations on Earth with an accuracy of 15 m (50 ft) and physically visited each location where the temple was supposed to mark a star. This is how this hypothesis was tested.

Another thing is surprising: in each place there was a temple and each temple was made of a unique material, not found in any other temple in all of Egypt.

The same material is used to make the foundation blocks of the three pyramids at Giza, including the Great Pyramid. It's called a coin in stone. It's limestone that looks like it has coins mixed into it.

It is unique and found only in temples located within the six and a half by eight mile area of ​​the underground city.

This is the hypothesis in brief, the correctness of which is disputed by official Egyptian authorities. The underground city that Thoth spoke about really exists, and it can accommodate 10 thousand people. According to Mr. Hunter, the boundaries of the city are marked by temples made of unique material, and the location of the temples themselves correspond to the location of the stars in the constellation Orion.

Based on what I've seen, I think it's true, although Egyptian officials consider the city a fantasy. I take an objective point of view. In the end, the truth will definitely become known. If this is true, then when the underground city is uncovered, this archaeological find will lead to the growth of human consciousness."

To the above, we can add that the information presented in the book of Melchizedek was known to everyone who was interested in the history of Egypt in more depth than at the high school level. Many articles have been written about this, but all this was presented at the level of ordinary information, and they were drowned in the information feed, giving way to the most pressing information.

As for the Sphinx and the Hall of Chronicles, work there is still ongoing. They are carried out by Egyptian archaeologists; as a rule, they try not to attract the attention of the public and the press. We can say that all the work is covered with a strong veil of secrecy. And no one can say for sure how far the Egyptians have progressed in their research.

But still something became known. During the research, a great discovery was made, which the Egyptian authorities decided to hide from humanity. This is the discovery of a secret room in which the only item belonging to the ancient Egyptian god Thoth is stored - the Rod of Energy, which he mentions in the tablets:

“We quickly rushed towards the morning sun, until the land beneath us became the land of the children of Khem. Furious, they met us with clubs and spears raised in anger, wanting to destroy and destroy every single Son of Atlantis. Then I raised my staff and directed a beam of vibration, striking them so that they became motionless, like fragments of mountain stones. Then I addressed them with calm and peaceful words, and told them about the power of Atlantis, saying that we are the children of the Sun and his messengers. I pacified them with my magical science until they fell prostrate at my feet, and then I freed them.”

There is a mention of this same Rod in Elizabeth Heich’s book “Initiation”, chapter 32. “Instructions of Ptahhotep”:

“Your father's rod, made of a type of copper, can transmit radiations of any plane. At the will of a person, they can transform or intensify. The rod can be a blessing or a curse, depending on who uses it. Initiates who possess all powers - from the highest divine to the lowest ultramaterial - can consciously transfer them into the rod. Human senses are able to perceive them, then they are experienced by people as emotional states. Thus, the highest divine frequencies are experienced as universal love, and the lowest - ultramaterial - as hatred. The initiate always uses the wand to create something good, and the ultramaterial vibrations serve him only when necessary as an invisible, impenetrable protective wall. With the help of this rod, the initiate can control all the forces of nature, strengthening or neutralizing them.”

But what is the storage room of the Rod, and the Rod of Thoth itself?

The Rod Storage Room is located behind the Hall of Evidence, opposite the very entrance to the Hall from which the light barrier was removed in 1997.

The room was opened by pressing on a stone that went deep into the wall. On this very stone the sign of the Rod of Thoth Energy was engraved. The image of the goddess Maat was painted on the side stones.

The camera itself has big sizes and is shaped like a square. In the very center of the room there is a pedestal in the form of a pyramid with seven high steps. And at the top of the pyramid itself the Rod itself is installed.

The Rod of Thoth is made in the form of an ordinary staff (the shaft of a fan). Its height is approximately 1.5 meters and about three centimeters in diameter. It tapers towards the bottom. Strewn with precious stones in the form of some kind of symbols. And the top is crowned with a large crystal.

It is in this crystal that the energy of life is contained, which illuminates everything around.

Some people have the same reaction to this energy as they do to the light field in the Testimony Hall. But not everyone did, some were still able to come closer. True, they were only able to go up to a certain point; it was impossible to go further without harm to health.

Here, we can make the assumption that the Rod can only be mastered by the direct heir of Thoth. Those of us who have a direct right to this. Only his energy and the energy of the Wand can merge together. And then we will be able to observe the greatest miracle, how ancient energies merge into a single whole.

But while all this is impossible, all information and actions around the Hall of Chronicles and the Rod of Thoth are covered in a veil of secrecy. And someone much more powerful than the Council of Antiquities of Egypt closed this topic from humanity. Perhaps the time to reveal this secret has not yet come. There is too much confusion going on with our civilization itself. There is a painful search for which path our further development will take.

Who are these powerful forces? Perhaps this is the Union of “Nine Unknowns”, which protect our civilization from ourselves, or they are the guardians of ancient knowledge and civilizations.

Little L.; Oken J. Wang
Continuing the theme of the influence of Atlantis on ancient cultures, set out in the materials of Edgar Cayce, we offer a translation of fragments of the 2nd and 8th chapters of the book by John Van Auken and Laura Little The Hidden Hall of Chronicles. Forgotten Chronicle human history in ancient Yucatan according to Edgar Cayce." This book presents the results of research into the search for the Hall of Chronicles in Yucatan and examines the characteristics of Mayan culture in the light of data contained in Cayce's "readings".
Chapter 2. The Hidden Hall of Chronicles
Among the information obtained thanks to the spiritual abilities of Edgar Cayce, information about the existence of the ancient Hall of Chronicles is among the most interesting. This Hall contains records of the incarnations in prehistoric times of those souls who currently live on Earth. Chronicles recorded the history of human activity over millions of years in the legendary countries of My, Lemurin, Atlantis, Og, Oz, Zu, etc. As Casey points out, there are actually three such Halls. The first of them was flooded by ocean waters near the island of Bimini, part of the Bahamas group of islands. The Second Hall is located in an underground vault located near the Sphinx on the Giza plateau in Egypt. The Third Hall, which in this case is of greatest interest to us, rests under a temple in Mayan land. The Temple with the Chronicles here is hidden by another temple built above it (2). However, Casey claims that this Hall will rise again and will appear on the surface again. The chronicles, according to Cayce, are in the ruins of the “temple of Iltar.” Iltar, being the High Priest in Atlantis, together with his followers moved to the new lands of “Ariana or Yucatan”, where he built this Temple of Chronicles.
Hall of Chronicles near Bimini Island
This Hall, located near the island of Bimini, is located in a sunken temple, but Cayce claims that it also “will rise and is already rising” (3). These Chronicles are placed in the “temple of Atlan” - the High Priest, who, like Iltar, tried to save and preserve the Chronicles of Atlantis. However, his temple sank during a series of earthquakes that destroyed Atlantis.
Hall of Chronicles in Egypt
According to Cayce, the Temple of Chronicles in Egypt is preceded by a corridor or passage that begins near the Sphinx. Cayce is somewhat inconsistent in his descriptions of this temple, calling it sometimes the “Pyramid of Chronicles,” sometimes the “Temple of Chronicles,” and once called it “the tomb of the Chronicles.” In several of his reports he states that the temple is located at some distance from the right forepaw of the Sphinx in an east-southeast direction, between the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid. He also mentions the Temple of Isis, the ruins of which can still be found between the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid and which may serve as a “key” to determine the location of this Hall, or Pyramid of Chronicles. In another report, Cayce stated definitively that the Egyptian Chronicle cache was located between the Nile River and the Sphinx, away from his right forepaw and in line with the Great Pyramid.
He once said that the shadow of the Sphinx indicated the location of the hiding place. But casting a shadow from the right paw in this direction seems completely impossible, since the Sun never illuminates the Sphinx from the northwest. At the same time, Casey points out that the poles of the Earth (most likely, the magnetic poles are always meant. - Ed.) in ancient times were in direct opposition [to their current state] position. The mystery of why the shadow of the Sphinx's right front paw would actually be cast in this way remains to be understood.

Pyramid of the Sun, Teotihuacan

Cayce also points out that the base under the Sphinx was "pierced with corridors" and in its rear left corner, facing the Great Pyramid, can be found a description of how the Sphinx was "erected, the history of the first conquering ruler Arartas and the accession of his son Arararat as pharaoh "(4). Thus, it was Arart who was the founder of the First Dynasty in Egypt, and not Menes(5), as is commonly believed [in modern Egyptology]. Araaraart was the second pharaoh [in this dynasty]. Arart and his people, who conquered Egypt, came from the territory located near Mount Ararat. [If in the future it is confirmed] that these two names are present in the Chronicle buried under the Sphinx, then this will be an amazing confirmation of Cayce's prophetic talent.
Hall of Chronicles in Yucatan
This Hall of Chronicles may also be located in underground corridors, as famous Mayan and Aztec architectural complexes have underground tunnels, chambers and passages.
What is in the Hall of Chronicles?
According to Cayce, the three caches contain evidence of the past: stone tablets, gold and linen items, and other important man-made objects representing the culture that created them. He also mentions mummified remains buried here. When asked about the language in which the Chronicles were written, Cayce did not give a direct answer, only noting that it was a period of time when the whole world spoke the same language, and the Tower of Babel, the legend of which is known from the Bible, had not yet begun to be built. Therefore, we can assume that the Chronicles preserved in the three caches were written in that universal language. However, in one of the "readings" Cayce mentioned that the Atlanteans had a slightly different dialect from the common world language, which probably implies a slightly different pronunciation. In another "reading" he actually made the statement that in Egyptian hall Chronicles reliably find “thirty-two tablets or [stone] tablets.” The text written on them will need to be decrypted, which, after discovering the cache, will take some time. Let's hope it won't take as long as, for example, deciphering the Dead Sea Scrolls from the Qumran caves.
Cayce states that the Chronicles will tell the story from the beginning, “when the Spirit [of man] took form, that is, incarnations began” in physical bodies on the prehistoric continents of My and Atlantis. The Chronicles also contain information about the method of constructing pyramids. As the reader may know, pyramids have been discovered in different regions of the Earth - from China to America.
When some people asked Cayce interested questions about whether they could take part in opening caches and deciphering the Chronicles, he answered in the affirmative, although he did not necessarily mean the Chronicles on the physical plane. As strange as all this may seem, according to Cayce, the Records are also written in the minds of people, in the collective mind, and therefore can be opened and studied at any time!(6)
Below is a fragment of one strange "reading" that talks about this:
Question . “How can I currently find those Chronicles? Should I wait, should I wait?
Answer : “You will find the Chronicles thanks to the method indicated, for They can be MENTALLY ( here and below. author) acquired. As for the [opening] of the Chronicles on the physical plane, it is necessary to wait for the onset deadline, when the abundance of selfish motives in the world will be destroyed. For, remember, these Chronicles were written for WORLD evolution. Your activities in the present should be [in accordance with] the world movement, but also be applicable to the [specific] person.
Keep the faith. Know that the ability [for such knowledge] is within us!”
From the perspective that Cayce achieved in his deep “sleep-trance”, it is clearly seen that time is one, and, in reality, there is neither space nor time, but only the features of a limited dimension in which physical earthly life resides. Within us lies the Gate to Unity and Eternity(7). Chronicles can be obtained through traveling in the bottomless depths of consciousness, moving through its different planes, as Cayce did. He had never been in a physical body to Egypt, the island of Bimini, or the Yucatan. However, he so renounced his earthly, external personality that he was able to wander through different planes of consciousness and reach Akasha - the Mental Hall of Records.<…>
Akasha - Recorder of every thought and every action
Scientists are finding traces of life in the earth's strata - layers containing fossils, bones and pieces of ceramics that tell the story of events long ago past centuries. These are records, or chronicles, material life, that is, traces that dense matter leaves behind. However, life is much more than dense matter. And the Chronicles of such life are not found in the layers of earthly sediments, but reside in Akasha.
The term "Akasha" first appeared in the Rig Veda, the oldest book of religious content known to mankind, which dates back to approximately 1300 BC.(8) This book is a collection of more than a thousand hymns written in archaic Sanskrit, one of the the most ancient languages ​​of the Earth. The theme of the original Creation occupies a central place in the Rig Veda. Akasha is directly related to the very essence of Life, as well as to the Records, or Chronicles, of it from the Beginning of Beginnings. According to Vedic philosophy, life can be of two types: 1) life that has a form, or body; 2) life outside of form. Life in form and life without form are comparable, respectively, to matter and energy, for all life is nothing more than matter and energy, however, matter is formed and energy is formless. Matter makes up the flesh and bones of our body, energy - our mind and life force (9), that is, that spark of God, or spirit, which during physical death so clearly leaves matter, causing its disintegration. Reason and a spark of spirit do not leave their traces in the layers of the earth. Thoughts and actions make imprints on the waves of the Ether - in Akash (10).

Acropolis, Tikal

In order to read these Chronicles in the Akash, you need to tune your vibrations like tuning a radio receiver to a wave of a certain length. Since Akasha is [including] energy Chronicles recorded in the Ether, the waves of which, like radio waves, exist in the space around us, then, using the capabilities of extremely deep planes of the mind, it is possible to read these Chronicles. (In the Teaching of Living Ethics they are called “Akashic chronicles.” — Transl.)
At the age of 43, Edgar Cayce discovered the remarkable ability to read and interpret Akashic records(11). He explains these Chronicles as follows:
“This is something [that is recorded] on the film of time and space, or above time and space, and forms or contains records of the activities and thoughts of people temporarily staying in one or another sphere of their experience. The quality of the records discovered depends on how well they are interpreted by those who can read the records."
The history of mankind, read by Cayce in the Akasha, begins with Creation and unfolds right up to the moment (in the chronological section that interests us - Transl.) when Central America becomes a significant station in the earthly journey of mankind. According to Cayce's "reading" of the Akashic Records, Mesoamerica(12) was one of the "new lands" to which people migrated from the sinking, now legendary lands of Lemuria, Atlantis, Oz, Og, Zu and Oham. Yucatan, Egypt and China were the lands on which cultural humanity once again attempted to realize the fullness of its potential and avoid many of the dangers that existed on the planet in those prehistoric times. Although Cayce’s dating of these events is much older than that accepted in modern archaeology, scientific data with each new discovery is getting closer to the time limits indicated by Cayce.
Cayce's story does not contain a description of the evolution of matter itself, but begins with the stage of the descent of the spirit from the subtler energy planes of the universe into more material ones, with the subsequent involvement of the spirit in matter, and finally ends with the stage of its ascent, accomplished through the planes of matter and thanks to matter. From his “readings” of the Akashic records, it follows that the plans of the collective subconscious mind are important for understanding the essence of the people of Mesoamerica, since they could be in these states of consciousness for quite a long time, which makes it difficult for us to understand their language, mythology, and rituals. Another obstacle is our fundamental belief (rather, prejudice. - Transl.) about the extreme primitiveness of people in ancient times and, at the same time, the idea of ​​ourselves as the crown of evolution. From our point of view, for people of ancient cultures, superstitions and myths replaced reality, and only we ourselves live in the world of reality.<…>
However, let's return to the Chronicles that exist on the physical plane. Below is one of Cayce's most detailed "readings", dedicated to the migration of the inhabitants of Atlantis to other countries, where they erected temples and constructed hiding places to preserve the Chronicles of their race. This is "reading" ( №5750-1 ) was given to Cayce on November 12, 1933 in New York.
Reading text No. 5750-1
1. Hugh Lynn Casey[session leader]: “By answering the questions, you will take an excursion into the history of the emergence and development of the Mayan civilization.”
2. Edgar Cayce: "Yes. When studying the proposed Chronicle, one must remember the multiplicity of civilizations in this special region of the Earth, which will be confirmed by future research.
3. That [Mayan culture] we are talking about could claim special interest if it were on the site of the Aztec civilization, so mercilessly destroyed by Cortez.
4. In the culture preceding this one, there was a combination of sources, that is, there was a high civilization that experienced the influence of incoming forces from other sources, which will become clear from subsequent information.
5. We would have to return to the past period preceding the Coming of the Savior to the Promised Land on 10 600 years according to modern chronology. At this time we would find the [Atlantean] civilization so destroyed from within by moral decay that the natural elements united and brought devastation to a stubborn and corrupt people.
6. During the second and third stages of cataclysms in Atlantis, people left its lands and moved to this special, then already existing territory.
7. But, understand, the character of the surface [of Yucatan] then was completely different from what it is today. For, if now this zone [in terms of climatic features] is close to tropical, then it was more temperate and was strikingly different in its conditions and surface topography from the modern one.
8. Understanding this civilization in historical terms will be more complete if we take into account the activities of individuals and groups of people who contributed to its development. This is necessary to show the completeness of the historical picture, because it is connected with the [unique] nature of the activities of these people and their followers, who elected them as their leaders.
9. And then, together with the last Atlanteans (from the island of Poseidonis), Iltar and a group of his supporters, consisting of several dozen people - followers of the cult of the One [God], belonging to the family of Atlan - left Poseidonis and headed west, arriving, eventually to the land that is now called Yucatan. On this earth, thanks to human activity, the development of civilization began, which, like the culture of Atlantis, flourished in many ways. Some people left Atlantis at an earlier date, and others at a later date. Cataclysms also destroyed the continent of My, or Lemuria (in the Pacific Ocean), and its former inhabitants contributed to the changes taking place, that is, the principles [spiritual teachings, beliefs, customs, etc.] of these settlers were introduced into the culture of the peoples of different parts of this land [Yucatan], the territory of which (until the final cataclysm that destroyed Atlantis, or rather its last islands) was much more extensive. The landforms of Central America and Mexico [after this cataclysm] were significantly changed and began to correspond to modern ones.
10. The first temples erected by Iltar and his followers were destroyed during a cataclysm that changed the shape of the land. Those [temples] that have now been discovered and only partially excavated - since they lay among the ruins for many centuries - were built through the combined efforts of migrants from My, Oz and Atlantis.
11. Consequently, among the population of these lands there was an admixture of the most ancient part of the people now called the Incas; although the Incas themselves were descendants of two peoples - Oz or Og, who lived in the territory of modern Peru, and Mu, who lived in the southern regions of what is now Mexico, California and the state of New Mexico in the USA.
12. A new change occurred after the introduction [of faith, customs, etc.] of people who arrived here, who separated from their people in the country now called the Promised Land (meaning “the lost tribes of Israel.” - Author). Consequently, the destroyed monuments of this culture can reveal traces of the influence of the Egyptian, Lemurian and Oz civilizations, and in later times - even the followers of Moses (13).

Steles and round altars, Copan

13. Thus, every person might ask the question: what is the characteristic object on this earth that belongs to those various civilizations that formed the ancient culture in this special region?
14. Round magnetized stones, thanks to which the Spirit of the One communicated with people during divine services, are the most ancient objects [of spiritual cult], used by the Atlanteans during religious services, as they would be called in modern language.
15. [These were] altars for the purification of human bodies (14) (but not for human sacrifices, which appeared much later, thanks to the activities of the followers of Moses who arrived on this earth. - Author). Later, on these altars, people were freed from vices, which, in modern language, would be called hatred, malice, selfishness, self-indulgence, etc. (15) Purifications took place thanks to the ceremonies [of the Mysteries] and spiritual ascension during Initiations from the Sources of Light emanating from these stone altars, on which the Angels of Light revealed themselves to people for a long time.
16. The pyramids and altars [preparing entry] into the temples to participate in various ceremonies were the offerings of the peoples of the land of Oz (the territory of modern Peru) and My (the islands Pacific Ocean). [These monuments] can be found in different regions and are mentioned in Holy Scripture as about high altars of ancestral gods, the worship of which was again included, to one degree or another, in cult practice in different parts of the world. Since the desire of people to increasingly satisfy selfish desires and indulge their passions, that is, to worship the spirit of evil, or Belial (Baal), gradually increased, Personalities came into the world again, honoring their unity with those Truths of Light that the Gods revealed to the humanity of the Earth ( 16).
17. Along with the arrival of these Personalities, endowed with high spirituality, people who were part of the “lost tribes of Israel” also arrived in this land [Yucatan]. This happened 3000 years before the Coming of the Savior to Earth. Initially, the “lost tribes” influenced the My people, who lived in the southernmost states modern USA. Subsequently they moved to Yucatan and central regions modern Mexico, settling on the site of the current city of Mexico (17). Thus, as a result of another mixing [of peoples], another civilization arose here centuries later.
18. There was a gradual decline in the activities of the Atlanteans, who, under the leadership of Iltar, arrived in Yucatan and neighboring territories (modern Guatemala and Honduras). Eventually they transformed into the people that in other regions of America are called Mound Builders.
19. I'm waiting for questions."
20. Question : “How did the Lost Tribes reach this land?”
Answer : “We got there in boats.”
21.Question . “Have the most important temples and pyramids been discovered?”
Answer : “[Monuments] belonging to the first civilization have already been discovered, but not all have been excavated, but attempts are being made to reconstruct the connections and interactions [of the culture that created them]. Many [of the monuments] belonging to the second and third civilizations may never be discovered, for to excavate them would have to destroy the centers of modern civilization in Mexico."
22. Question : “With the help of what energy or energies were these ancient pyramids and temples erected?”
Answer : “[They were erected] with the help of the lifting forces of those gases, which, to a certain extent, are used by modern civilization, and also thanks to the refined activity of Those Who possessed Knowledge of phenomena related to the Source of all energies. For, if for any length of time [on Earth] People remain who, according to the law of the One God, maintain the purity of their bodies, minds and deeds, then continuously renewable resources are also preserved [in space] to satisfy needs, that is, we mean the management of the elements and their manifestations while providing everything necessary in this area” (18).
23.Question : “In which pyramid or temple are the Chronicles mentioned in the “reading” about Atlantis given in April 1932 through the same channel?” (That is, given thanks to the spiritual abilities of Edgar Cayce. - Transl.).
Answer : “As already indicated, that temple was destroyed during the last cataclysm in Atlantis.
Since the time of change is already approaching, those three places [secrets] with the Chronicles that are one can be opened to those initiated into the knowledge of the One God. The Temple of Iltar will appear again. There will also be an opening of the Temple or Hall of Chronicles in Egypt. The records that were deposited and preserved in the “heart” of Atlantis can also be opened to members of that group (19). The chronicles are united".

Round altar in front of the acropolis in Piedras Negras

Conclusions. Spiritual Light of Cayce's "Reading"
Let me summarize the most important points of this story as told in Cayce's "reading". Approximately for 10 600 years BC great continents - My (Lemuria), located in the Pacific Ocean, and Atlantis, located in Atlantic Ocean,—were in the final stages of their destruction. Only a small number of surviving islands reminded of their former greatness. Poseidonis was the last island of Atlantis. Iltar and Atlan were at that time the High Priests of the religion of the One God, which was later replaced throughout the world by the worship of many gods. In other “readings,” Cayce calls the followers of that religion “Children of the Law of One.” The Yucatan Peninsula at that time seemed to be quite a suitable land for moving people to it and creating a new society. Iltar and several dozen of his followers made such a migration. They penetrated deep into the forests of this land, where they built their temples and altars. And on these altars they sacrificed not people, but their own imperfections, trying to strengthen the spirit in strength and purity, and the mind in greater receptivity to Cosmic Knowledge. Using round magnetized stones and causing spiritual emanations from the Single Source of all energies, they achieved such a change in consciousness. The original temples and altars of Iltar were destroyed during geological disasters, and new temples were built over their ruins. In other "readings" Cayce talks about how Atlan also lost its temples and altars during the final sinking of Poseidonis.
Yucatan, Central Mexico, Southern California, Arizona and New Mexico quickly became areas with a mixed population coming from different regions of the world. The Peruvian Incas also advanced northward to eventually join the great Mayan civilization. According to Cayce's "readings", the remnants of Iltar's group also moved north, becoming the Mound Builders in the Mississippi River valleys to the Ohio.
Over time, the high level of service and harmony with the Spirit among these peoples decreased to the point of a thirst for self-satisfaction and self-praise, leading to the worship of the spirit of evil - Baal. Cayce explained that using the same energies and methods, one can create a Deity or a Frankenstein monster, and the result will depend entirely on the nature of the motivating intentions and ideals (20). It is obvious that all the best aspirations of people were plunged into the darkness of egoism, and consonance with the Higher Plan was lost. Even the practice of human sacrifice penetrated into the once-overshadowed rituals of the Spirit, which helped their founders reach spheres of other dimensions in the Universe.
Near 3000 years BC the remnants of the “lost tribes of Israel” arrived in this land. They contributed to the mixture of human ideals, some good, some bad, that existed in cultures located in the territories of Yucatan, Mexico, the southern part of the modern United States and even the western part of South America.
So, Chronicles storing information about events ancient world, continue to remain hidden in Yucatan in one of the buried temples of Iltar, as well as in the cache of Atlan, now flooded by the waters of the ocean off the island of Bimini and, finally, in an underground vault near the Sphinx on the Giza plateau in Egypt.

Translation from English by O.M. Porozhnyakova

1 John Van Auken, Laura Little. The Lost Hall of Records. Edgar Cayce's Forgotten Record of Human History in the Ancient Yucatan. Memphis, Tennessee, Eagle Wing Books, 2000.
2 It is known that the Mayans, living in the lowland territories, always built their temples on the site of old ones, so the ancient buildings ended up buried (Michael Co. Maya. M., Tsentrpoligraf, 2001. P. 52). — Approx. translation
3 The rise of the territory on which the temple is located, especially if it is located on a shallow shelf, may be a consequence of tectonic uplift. However, since Cayce said that Poseidonis, on whose flooded territory the temple is located, would rise in 1968-1969 or in the not so distant future, and Edgar Evans Cayce’s book “Edgar Cayce on Atlantis” was published in 1968 ., then this coincidence led the staff of the Association for Research and Education, founded by Casey, to the conclusion that it was not the emergence of the temple on the physical plane that was meant, but the appearance of this information in the minds of people. These assumptions were published on the pages of “Venture Inward” - a magazine published by the Association - Approx. translation
4 See: League Robinson. Pyramid Builders // Delphis - Approx. translation
5 Menes is mentioned in the major work “Egyptica,” which was created in the 3rd century. BC. Egyptian priest Manetho. Unfortunately, this work has disappeared and exists only in fragments, since Manetho was quoted by such ancient authors as Josephus, Eusebius, and others. In this work, Manetho gave a list of the kings of Egypt in thirty dynasties, which begin with Menes, the first pharaoh; he was preceded by a series of the very first kings - gods and demigods, who reigned for an unusually long time (Christian Jacques. Egypt of the Great Pharaohs. M., Nauka, 1992. pp. 8-9.). — Approx. translation
6 This refers to the Mental Hall of Chronicles - Akasha or the Cosmic Mother of the World, on whose substance traces of all events in the Universe are imprinted. Also in the innermost memory of the spirit, on its aura are imprinted traces of all the events that happened to the immortal Individuality during a series of its endless incarnations. — Approx. translation
7 This is also stated in the Teaching of Living Ethics: “And people are not looking for where they can be found. The secret of everything lies in man. But the energies of the spirit are directed outward, that is, to where the solution is not contained. The concept of timelessness, the concept of eternity, infinity and immortality are in the human consciousness, and outside of it it is useless to seek solutions to them (Faces of Agni Yoga, vol. 3, §299) - Approx. translation
8 In the Esoteric Teaching, the Rig Veda is called the “Bible” of humanity. The antiquity of the Vedas is estimated at tens of thousands of years (Blavatskaya E.P. Theosophical Dictionary. M., Sphere, 1994). — Approx. translation
9 In essence, matter is inseparable from energy; only the stages of “subtlety” and differentiation of a single spiritual matter are endless. Matter makes up not only our flesh and bones (here one may disagree with the authors of this book, since in this case the manifestation of matter would be limited only to the lowest, dense plane of physical life), but is also the substratum of universal life on the planes of its infinite diversity, transformation and refinement. In accordance with the Esoteric Teaching, only the Spirit, corresponding in the Macrocosm to the First Logos, and in the human microcosm to the Atma, does not have a form. In all other worlds, including the Highest - the Buddhic or Fiery World - life manifests itself in form, that is, it is clothed in Matter - this Great Unknown, which earthly science is only beginning to comprehend, but, since the principle of Infinity is so clearly revealed in it, will never finish cognizing . — Approx. translation.
10 In the "Secret Doctrine", as can be understood from a detailed analysis of this topic. The ether of ancient philosophers and the elusive mystery modern science, (which is increasingly approaching the assumption of the necessity of its existence) is compared, on the one hand, with Akasha, and, on the other hand, with its active aspect, creating the Worlds, with Fohat or the Primary Energy (See: Porozhnyakova O.M. The problem of ether and metaphysics of John Keeley // Yearbook “Delphis 2001” M„ Delphis S. 87). — Approx. translation
11 Our only true asset, which contains an explanation for any, including outstanding, abilities, is the qualities of the spirit, earned by our own labor in past incarnations. These qualities are not destroyed neither by life nor by death, nor by time, nor by distance, for changes are not able to destroy the highest achievements of the human spirit. Any religion that claims that nothing outside can fundamentally belong to us, and, therefore, “Do not accumulate treasures for yourself on earth... but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven” (Matthew 6:19), that is, in the imperishable treasury of the spirit, behind which stands our Cosmic Father Himself, - this is precisely what Cayce meant. The roots of Cayce’s clairvoyant abilities go back thousands of years, for they were acquired by his spirit during the incarnation of the High Priest Ra-Ta in prehistoric Egypt. Only in the bottomless depths of our spirit is the property that belongs to us by karmic right located, and it is from these positions that the meaning of the ancient saying can be explained: “I carry everything that is mine with me,” where “mine” means only spiritual, and therefore incorruptible and inalienable property. — Approx. translation
12 Mesoamerica is a cultural-geographical region in pre-Hispanic times in Central America. The northern borders of Mesoamerica approximately coincided with the borders of the agricultural regions in pre-Hispanic Mexico, the southern and eastern borders stretched from Caribbean Sea to the Pacific Ocean through the territories where modern Honduras and El Salvador are located - Approx. translation
13 H. P. Blavatsky in Isis Unveiled points out that “the origins of some of the peoples of Central America can be traced back to the Phoenicians and the Mosaic Israelites.” In particular, she refers to the book “Travel Impressions from a Trip in Central America” by J. L. Stephens. , in which Stephens talks about the “Manuscript” belonging to the last ruler of the Quiche Indians. The “Manuscript” says that the Toltecs originated from the house of Israel, and they were released by Moses, after which they went to travel from one continent to another and came to a place called “Seven Caves” in Mexico, where they founded the famous city of Tula (Blavatsky E. P. Isis Unveiled, Vol. 1, Chapter XIV, Moscow-Minsk, Sfera-Lotats, 2000, pp. 577, 579). — Approx. translation
14 Apparently, they meant astral and mental bodies - Approx.
15 It must be assumed that the round magnetized altar stones described by Cayce correspond to those altars in the form of flattened boulders, which, together with the steles located next to them, are among the widespread monuments of Mayan culture. As the famous American archaeologist, Yale University professor Michael Ko writes: “In any large Mayan settlement, rows of steles were installed in the squares<…>they are usually located in front of the main temples<…>sometimes such steles were installed on platforms located at the base of temple pyramids.<…>In front of each stele was a low, round, flat-topped “altar” (elsewhere Michael Ko writes that these altars were boulders). “Both sides of the steles are covered with carvings with the same subject - they usually depict a richly dressed character, most often a man, holding a scepter carved in the shape of a dwarf man. Another version of the image on the steles is also very common: a character holding a shield and a spear in his hands, trampling under his feet a captive stretched out on the ground” (Michael Ko. Maya. M., Tsentrpoligraf, 2001 C 117). It is necessary to pay attention to the character of these characters, which in their essence are extremely similar to the image of St. George the Victorious, the symbol of which, as is known from the Esoteric Teaching, can mean the greatest victory over one’s lower self. This victory is one of the greatest conquests of a person, transforming him into an Adept. The lower principle in this case is depicted by a serpent, over which the tip of a spear remains vigilant - a symbol of the power of the Higher Self, or the Divine Will over the “old man” in oneself - the lower personality. On Mayan stelae, the serpent is replaced by a captive or a dwarf, but otherwise the hidden symbolic meaning, speaking of some kind of victory, remains the same. In Cayce’s “readings,” it is clearly stated that stone altars served precisely to free man from vices and passions, that is, to achieve this great victory. And, since Mayan art reflected in symbols the greatest esoteric truths, common, in fact, to all ancient cultures, we would venture to suggest that these images are the Mayan version of the symbol greatest victory Adepta. Spiritual Teachings of different countries and peoples also spoke about the significance of such a victory; just remember the Dhammapada: “If someone in a battle defeated a thousand people a thousand times, and another defeated himself alone, then this other one is the greatest winner in the battle” (Dhammapada M.. Publishing House of Oriental Literature, I960 P. 76.). — Approx. translation
16 We must assume that we are talking about People who themselves represented Truth and Light, that is, about Adepts. — Approx. translation
17 H. P. Blavatsky refers to messages from Lord Kingsborough. who discovered a striking similarity between the languages ​​of the Aztecs and Jews (Isis Unveiled. vol. I Moscow-Minsk, Sfera-Lotats, 2000. P. 577). — Approx. translation
18 One of the tasks of the future evolution of man is to master the elements, first within himself, and then outside, which is a consequence of the greatest victory over himself, when the will controls literally all manifestations of man. “We have examples of man’s power over the elements outside of him: winds and waves subsided, rains stopped or began, fire was ignited, called from space, ... they stopped earthquakes, influencing the underground fire with their tamed fires. People created many phenomena by mastering the elements within themselves. Power over all flesh should be understood comprehensively” (Grani Agni Yot, vol. III, §246). Control of the elements, as discussed in Cayce’s “reading,” is only possible when a person is at high level Adepta. — Approx. translation
19 Apparently, this refers to the Atlan group, whose representatives, thousands of years ago, created a third cache on Poseidonis with the Chronicles of the Atlantean race and currently have the karmic right to open it in the area of ​​​​the island of Bimini. — Approx. translation
20 The Teaching of Living Ethics also says that the Primary (in man - psychic) ​​energy is neutral and only free will guides a person in choosing the Right or Left Path, that is, transforms initially neutral energies into creative or destructive ones - Note. translation

The Great Sphinx contains the entrance to an underground portal

This rare photo was taken from a hot air balloon in the 19th century, even before the excavation and restoration of the huge ancient Egyptian sculpture. Pay attention to the huge hole located in the head of the Sphinx.

The Great Sphinx of Giza is without a doubt one of the most mysterious ancient monuments on the planet. This amazing example of ancient architecture remains one of those few artifacts whose mystery scientists have been trying to unravel for many years. The statue, 73 meters long and 21 meters high, holds the record as the largest monumental sculpture on the planet.

It is believed that the Great Sphinx was discovered in 1817, when it was covered in sand up to its shoulders. Soon, under the leadership of archaeologist Giovanni Batista Caviglia, excavations were carried out, as a result of which it was possible to completely free the chest of the statue from sand. And only many decades later, in 1925, during the archaeological expedition of Emile Barez, the entire Sphinx was completely cleared of sand deposits.

Many researchers believe that the Sphinx is not a complete monument. After a certain number of discoveries, scientists began to believe that it was originally intended for something greater, unknown to us today.

Researchers were puzzled not only by the incredible size and mysterious beauty. Scientists have no idea who erected this majestic monument. This fact - the absence of any information - adds even more mystery to the majestic monument, around which there are already various disputes. Countless pseudo-scientific speculations connect its appearance with disappeared civilizations and alien creatures. Some scientists, such as Mark Lehner and Graham Hancock, point to the connection of the Great Sphinx, the pyramids of the Giza plateau and the Nile River with the constellations Leo, Orion and our Milky Way galaxy.

But the biggest mystery lies not on the surface, but under the Sphinx. Many researchers have long assumed the existence of underground passages and chambers. It is believed that directly under the ancient monument there is a repository of prehistoric chronicles - the Hall of Records. They say that this archive holds the key to understanding our civilization and real story humanity. It is known from mythology that the library is located somewhere in Egypt, and many agree - it is under the Sphinx, which proudly rises above the pyramids.

Recorded in ancient papyrus scrolls, the Hall of Records houses the knowledge of the ancient Egyptians; in particular, the story is told and the exact geographical coordinates of the lost continent of Atlantis are given. In terms of importance, this archive can only be compared with the Great Library of Alexandria and its ancient Greek manuscripts. Some believe that the Hall of Records was built by the Egyptians, others believe that its creators were a much more ancient civilization.

Interestingly, there are several extremely rare old photographs that show numerous entrances to the mysterious monument. It is believed that they lead to corridors under the Sphinx, ending in huge chambers. These mysterious underground libraries are filled with ancient texts that could piece together the puzzle called "The Unknown History of Humanity."

In the book “The Riddle of the Sphinx. Message from the Guardians of Civilization" Graham Hancock and Robert Bauvel claim that the Egyptian government, together with American archaeologists, blocked research under the Sphinx in order to prevent any underground intervention and limit access to the information contained there.

So, under the monument there is most likely a system of passages leading to unknown underground halls. In particular, Charles Thompson, who examined the Sphinx in 1733, mentions certain entrances and an “opening in the upper part of the back” of the ancient monument.

Rare photographs show many strange details that were hidden during later restoration work. Some photos show a huge crack above the hips, which many believe leads to the burial chamber. According to, there is documented evidence of a large rectangular entrance at the top of the hind legs. This entrance, measuring approximately 120 by 60 centimeters, is mentioned in the reports of many travelers who visited the Sphinx. It is believed that the shaft leads to a burial chamber, and it was built during the time of the pharaohs. Even then, only a few people could have access to it.

It is a well-known fact that many discoveries made in Egypt were not made public and were hidden from the public in the most careful manner. Many excavations have been suspended by the Egyptian government due to "national security" concerns. One of the most bright examples- an underground labyrinth discovered in 2008 by a group of Belgian and Egyptian researchers.

The underground temple consists of more than 3 thousand rooms, the walls of which are painted with the most incredible hieroglyphs and paintings. This mysterious complex is located about a hundred kilometers from Cairo, not far from the pyramid of Amenemhat III.

They tried to carefully hide the loud discovery. The results of the expedition were published in the same 2008 in the scientific journal NRIAG, and the results of the research itself were presented in a public lecture at the University of Ghent, which was attended by the Belgian media. The project was hastily abandoned soon after because the secretary-general of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities banned the sharing of information about the discovery due to national security concerns.

Therefore, it would not be surprising if it suddenly turns out that local government officials tried to limit public access to all the secret cavities, chambers and tunnels discovered under the Sphinx,

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