Step-by-step drawing of a bird in a nest with chicks. Summary of GCD for drawing using non-traditional techniques “Birds in nests”

Rozbitskaya Svetlana

Target: Skill building drawing using blowing techniques, foam rubber impression, stencil work.


Educational:continue to teach children to work in blowing techniques, foam rubber impression, stencil work; create plot images, applying acquired skills and image skills; consolidate knowledge about birds.

Developmental: develop fine motor skills, perception, hand-eye coordination, cognitive interest, creative imagination, enrich the vocabulary.

Educational: cultivate interest in drawing, accuracy, independence.

Material: a set of illustrations depicting birds in nests, samples, A-4 sheets, cocktail tubes, foam rubber, stencils - silhouettes of birds, paints, brushes, napkins.

Preliminary work: looking at illustrations, observing on walks, reading literature, conversations.

Progress of the lesson: 1. Organizational moment.

What are the little sparrows singing about?

On the last day of winter?

We survived, we survived

We are alive, we are alive!

Mimic exercise "Sparrows"

Children show diversity using facial expressions sentiments: in winter the birds are cold - sad, warmth in spring - joy,

2. Introduction to the topic. The teacher invites the children to imagine that they are in a spring forest, turns on the tape recorder and gives the children the opportunity to listen to a musical screensaver "Walk in the Woods".

It's good in the forest in spring, different birds are singing

On the trees build nests.

And the robin and the thrush

Got busy with the device nests. They carry it, they carry it to the Birds' houses in straws.

Looking at illustrations:

What is shown in the picture? (The painting shows a tree.)

What's on the tree? (There is a lot on the tree bird's nests.)

The teacher invites the children to look at illustrations that depict birds in nests, says that nests Birds need them to raise their chicks in them.

What is shown? (Birds in the nest)

What are the birds doing? (Birds feed their chicks)

Finger gymnastics "Chicks"

Brought by a bird

To the chicks of insects.

(Put your elbow on the table. Fold your fingers into a beak. Rhythmically tilt your hand towards your palm)

Kids in sitting on a nest,

And, of course, they want to eat.

(All fingers right hand clasp it with your left palm.

It turns out « nest» . Moving the fingers of the right hand creates the impression of living chicks in nest.)

The chicks were waiting -

Mouths agape

They shouted loudly.

(Place your hands with your elbow on the table. Fold your fingers in the form

beak. Rhythmically "open" beak, pronouncing "PI, PI, PI")

Gymnastics for the eyes. « The birds fell asleep»

On the count of 1-4, close your eyes and your eyes will fall asleep; on the count of 5-6, open your eyes wide and look into the distance. (4-5r)

3. Statement of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

The teacher invites the children to sit birds in the nest. Examination of the sample. Marks in which the equipment has done its job.

4. Children's work.


5. Physical education minute

« Birdie»

The bird has flown,

She sat down on the path.

The bird pecks the grains,

The bird cleans its feathers.

Scurries along the path,

The bird sings a song:

I have a head

Here are the wings - there are two of them.

I have eyes

Beak, claws, paws,

Look: here is my tail.

I'll fly home!

(Perform movements in accordance with the text)

Breathing exercise « Birds»

Children take a deep breath through their nose and exhale forcefully while saying "CHIK-CHIRIK"

foam rubber impression through a stencil

6. Summary of the lesson.

Children look at the work and talk about how they painted, the teacher praises all the children.

Birds appeared on our planet about 175 million years ago, and since then the main thing about them has remained unchanged - unlike humans, most of them (with the exception of rare birds) can fly.

There are a huge number of birds (about 10,000 species), but most of them are still most similar to each other - head, tail, legs and main hallmark birds - wings.

Click on pictures of painted birds to enlarge them.

Drawing Stage 1

Drawing Stage 2

Drawing Stage 3

How to draw a bird's nest with chicks with a pencil

Learn to draw chicks in a nest step by step

The graceful silhouette of this bird once again emphasizes its strict black plumage with a blue tint, as well as a bright, red spot on the swallow’s throat (in some it is almost orange).

The lower part of the bird's body and wings are painted in white, beige and dark tones.

The picture with the drawn swallow can be enlarged; to do this, hover your mouse over the picture and click on it.

How to draw a butterfly - step-by-step lesson with examples in pictures

So how to draw a beautiful butterfly.

Drawing a butterfly is not as difficult as you think, follow the example in the pictures. Talentedly drawn butterflies seem to be about to fly off the page.

After you draw your first butterfly, you can color it as you wish - after all, there are more than 150 thousand species of butterflies in the world and they all have different colors, the most unexpected colors - both bright and not so bright. Butterflies can be night and day - we are learning to draw a day butterfly.

Don't forget to click on the pictures showing the drawing stages to enlarge them.

How to draw an eagle - step by step drawing example

Learn to draw an eagle with a pencil

The eagle is a proud and strong bird. Since ancient times, the image of an eagle has always been used to show qualities such as pride, independence and courage.

True, there were other examples, as in the case of Prometheus, when an eagle pecked at his body, causing pain as punishment.

The image of an eagle was also often used in poems and songs, where brave and courageous people were called eagles.

Most often, painted eagles can be found, of course, on various coats of arms. So, for example, on the coat of arms Russian Federation depicts a two-headed eagle. He is two-headed because our country is very large and extends over 2 continents - Europe and Asia - and therefore he looks at them with both heads, symbolizing the unity of the peoples of all of Russia, both the European part and the Asian part.

In this example we will draw a hunting eagle. These birds feed on small rodents, amphibians and sometimes fish - and during the flight, noticing the future victim, they throw themselves at it from the sky like a stone. This is exactly the eagle that will be depicted in our drawn pictures.

Stages 1 and 2 - sketches of the eagle in the picture

Final stage- clear drawing and bold shading

If you couldn’t see something, some stroke for example, just click on the picture with the birds drawn - it will enlarge


Draw a bird's nest located on. Make sketches in the middle of the sheet. Draw a tree trunk - a vertical, straight, wide line with a branch going to the right. In the recess of the “tick” of the tree, draw a circle, part of which is hidden behind a side branch.

At the top of the circle, draw an elongated oval located horizontally. Shade the bottom of the nest tightly with short vertical lines. Above the shading, draw alternately light and dark horizontal lines - the layers of nest construction.

Draw the upper border of the circle with short strokes. Left side sketch an oval dark color, the middle is lighter, and leave the right side light. Place a bird on the nest.

Draw a nest. Draw an elongated rectangle located vertically - a tree trunk. In the middle of the trunk, draw a figure resembling an elongated drop with an exit to the outside. At the very bottom of the nest, draw chicks with beaks stretching upward.

Draw a fish's nest. In the lower part album sheet Draw a large circle, and in its middle another one of a much smaller size. Darken the small circle, and fill the space between the boundaries of the circle with short broken lines, repeating the outline of the nest. Add sparse algae - wavy vertical lines - and depict ripples in the water with short horizontal strokes. Don't forget to add inhabitants - fish.

Draw a frog's nest. Draw two ovals, one of which is located inside the other. Fill the large oval with small circles, symbolizing the building material. Divide the middle of the small oval into two parts with a horizontal line. The bottom part will be water. Draw roots in the water. Place two large leaves along the frog's nest.

Many beliefs are associated with the cuckoo. People ask this not very noticeable bird a variety of questions and try to guess their fate based on the number of its answers. Everyone heard her sonorous voice, but not everyone gets to see this bird. Therefore, before you start drawing, find a suitable picture, or better yet several.

You will need

  • - paper;
  • - pencil;
  • - watercolor paints;
  • - pictures with the image of a cuckoo.


Look at the picture and try to determine the proportions. It has a rather long oval body and a relatively small head. The height of the head is approximately equal to 1/8 of the body. She has a rather long tail; it is a strip with a pointed or rounded lower edge. Its length is almost equal to the length of the body.

Arrange the sheet of paper randomly. The quality of the paper depends on what you are going to draw with. For watercolors, special textured “Watercolor Paper” or reverse side wallpaper It is more convenient to draw with pencils on regular Whatman paper. As a guide, draw, for example, a branch on which it sits. You can not draw it yet, but simply apply a light line.

Determine the proportions of the torso. The length is approximately 2 times greater than the width. The body most closely resembles egg, the sharp part of which is directed downwards. Draw such a thin oval. If you already have a twig, think about the position of the bird's body in relation to it. If the cuckoo sits in front of the viewer, the branch runs perpendicular to the axis of the oval or at a slight angle to it. But it can also sit sideways, then draw an oval over the branch.

Draw a circle so that it touches the top of the oval. Mentally draw its horizontal diameter and connect its ends with the very part of the oval. The neck lines will be almost straight. Draw the beak in the shape of a long, angular triangle. Draw a round eye next to the beak on the head.

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