Polina Favorskaya is leaving silver why. The lead singer leaves the Serebro group. Photos of the group at different times

The SEREBRO group is changing its members again. Polina Favorskaya, who joined the group to replace Elena Temnikova in 2014, leaves the team. The group's producer, Maxim Fadeev, first announced this on his Instagram, and then, having already explained the reasons for leaving, Polina herself wrote. As it turned out, the reason for Polina’s decision was her desire to devote herself to studying meditative practices. Before finally leaving the group, Polina will have to work for two months on the planned tour. Maxim Fadeev has not yet announced who will replace her in the team.

“In Space” is our symbolic farewell to Polina with the SEREBRO group,

Maxim Fadeev announced the news by presenting the group’s new track.

Polina Favorskaya

Silver blood entered me as unexpectedly and incredibly as if I had been told that tomorrow I would fly into space. What did I experience the moment I heard a voice on the phone that said to me: “Polina, we want you to sing in the group SEREBRO”? It's impossible to put into words. I'll just tell you that at that moment I was the most happy man in the Universe! And then I realized what really happened to me. I probably found myself in the most “hellish” period of our group. I still can’t imagine how I survived all the bullying from fans... But thanks to this, now there’s very little that can unsettle me and throw me off course.

I have become very strong! Thank you for that! But I couldn’t have survived all this without my girls: Olya and Dasha, who supported me and taught me, taught me every step! How to behave on stage, how to give interviews and much more. The first performances were like a fog, I didn’t understand anything. But it was this support that helped me not to break, but to grow and become who I am now. Then, standing confidently on stage, the tour began. Tour life- this is generally a separate topic for a whole post. But I will say one thing - we went through fire, water and copper pipes“For three of us, there are thousands of memories that are now carefully stored in the form of photos and videos on our phones,” Polina begins the story.

Seryabkina occasionally performs separately from the team under the creative pseudonym Molly, thus realizing her ambitions. However, the artist does not plan to leave her native Serebro in the near future, no matter how fans and sharks of the pen send her on a solo voyage after Temnikova.


“I can say for sure that one day this will happen - one hundred percent, because everything comes to an end. But I don’t know when exactly. I can say that I’m not one of those people who is in a hurry. I like not to think ahead now. And I don’t have the feeling that I want to be alone,” Olga admitted.

At this point life stage she is comfortable working in alliance with Polina Favorskaya and Katya Kishchuk. “I really value the time I spend in the group, despite all the conversations and rumors that something is wrong with us, that we have hazing in the group. In fact, all this is nonsense,” Seryabkina assured.

According to the singer, she perceives her activities in the group not as work, for her it is something more. "Serebro is a living organism and most of my heart. Therefore, I don’t know when my departure will happen, when I will deal exclusively solo career, and I don’t want to think about it,” the trio’s website Hello! quotes the lead singer.

Posted by SEREBRO (@serebro_official) May 3, 2017 at 12:10 pm PDT

Seryabkina does not go on tour as a solo artist. “But I’m thinking about starting to combine it after some time. I’m interested in trying to perform both as Molly and as the lead singer of the group,” Olga noted.

According to the performer, producer Maxim Fadeev is not only her boss, but also best friend. “At the same time, I separate friendship and work. When Maxim makes a remark to me or voices a request, I always make sure that he doesn’t repeat it twice. Max for me is an absolute authority, and I don’t see anything wrong with that,” said singer. “It’s just great love, respect for a person who means a lot to me, who did everything for me.”

Seryabkina hopes that she will never let Fadeev down. "He changed my life. Every time I write a song with him as a co-writer, I approach it with the same reverence as the first time. It still seems incredible to me, and I am very grateful for the opportunity he gave, "for the fact that we create together and for the fact that he always hears me. I am very grateful to him for the fact that he raised me as a person who thinks and feels music," Olga, who has been successfully collaborating with Maxim for more than ten years, emotionally summed up.

By the way, the producer previously admitted on Instagram that this group was very, very difficult for him. Fadeev was ready to close Serebro 10,000 times due to the unbearable atmosphere inside, but still found the strength to continue writing music for the group.

"Serebro is one of the most complex human configurations that one could imagine... by creating a team of three people, you obviously doom yourself to continuous conflict situations in it. Because two will always unite against one,” Fadeev complained.

According to Max, he is grateful to all the artists who have ever sung in the group. “Each brought something different to Serebro. And I don’t regret that I once invited this or that soloist to become part of the team. Some were stronger, some were weaker. But the “triangle” effect worked without failures .) 😩Therefore my nervous system was crucified for these 10 years,” the producer complained. – Lately the situation began to change. The girls are trying to behave more carefully towards me."

The musical trio “Serebro” burst into modern show business unexpectedly and loudly - immediately with international competition Eurovision in 2007, where they showed what high-quality Russian sound and real female beauty. For more than 10 years, “Silver” has been synonymous with sexuality and originality.

They remain at the peak of popularity and release real hits under the leadership of one of the successful producers - Maxim Fadeev. The composition of the Serebro group has undergone major changes several times; in 2017, the news was the renewed search for a soloist to fill the vacant seat.

  • Olga Seryabkina – since 2006;
  • Favorskaya Polina – since 2014;
  • Kishchuk Ekaterina – since 2016.

About the Serebro group with photos

New in 2006 musical group“Silver,” which not only the foreign public, but also the domestic one had not yet learned about, went to represent Russia at Eurovision, a competition of musical performers that every ambitious vocalist dreamed of getting into. The incendiary hit “Song #1”, performed by three girls in original men's suits and flirty hats, accompanied by a complex dance number, brought the country the 3rd place of honor and an immediate rise in the careers of the trio members.

In the first lineup, the only soloist familiar to the public was Elena Temnikova, who once appeared on television in the “Star Factory” project. For a long time Elena did not release her own compositions, as it turned out, Maxim Fadeev for a long time thought over the image and presentation of this singer. Elena brought extraordinary energy to the Serebro group, remaining at the forefront of the team for a long time.

The other two soloists are Olga Seryabkina and Marina Lizorkina, wide circles were unfamiliar to the population. The brunette and the blonde with good vocal abilities did not lag behind Temnikova in openness; together the girls created a strong team that made the viewer fall in love with them from the very first track.

In 2009, the group’s first album, “Opium Roz,” was released, which included such hits as “Song No. 1,” “Opium,” “Breathe” and others. In June of the same year, blonde Marina Lizorkina left the group. They were looking for a replacement for her for a long time, choosing from a huge number of applicants a suitable blonde singer with an energy that suited the spirit of the group.

So in 2009, Anastasia Karpova appeared in the group, who was listed in the group until 2013. Together with Temnikova and Seryabkina, she participated in the recording of the tracks “Tell me, don’t be silent”, “It’s not time”, in 2010 the girls received the MTV EMA award for the best music video“Say, don’t be silent”, in 2011 “Golden Gramophone”.

In 2013 Karpova went to build solo career, and Daria Shashina came to the group.

Until 2014, the group performed in a friendly lineup, took part in group concerts and actively toured Russia and foreign countries. It gained particular popularity in Japan, where the track “MiMiMi” became the absolute leader on iTunes. Bright style and strong lyrics, often authored by Olga Seryabkina, as well as thoughtful video clips with rich symbolism and meaning, have made Serebro the best girl band on the modern stage.

In 2014, Elena Temnikova announced her departure from the group. Her contract with the producer came to an end, and the singer refused to create a new one, as she decided to take up her personal life and solo career. Subsequently, the departure of Temnikova, who had been the leader of the group for a long time, was actively discussed in the media. Many rumors about quarrels within the team and disagreements between Temnikova and Fadeeva were not confirmed first-hand, but influenced the discord between the once friendly soloists.

Polina Favorskaya, who was familiar with the production center long before the changes, was invited to replace Temnikova.

In 2015, the video “Confused” was released, which became a hit on the Russian hosting site YouTube. More than 45 million people have watched the video since its release.

In 2016, Daria Shashina left the trio due to illness. Any girl who considered herself worthy of participating in the team could submit an application to the official casting. Fadeev and his team viewed online presentations; in total, more than 50 thousand of them came.

The final casting, at which the applicants performed compositions from an a cappella group, was passed by Ekaterina Kishchuk, 21 years old, an aspiring model. She first appeared at a performance in Gorky Park at the Muzeon cinema, held at the end of April. Daria Shashina informed the public about her departure and introduced her successor, who is unusually similar to her.

In 2016, the group presented the hit “Slomana” and took part in the recording of the soundtrack of the “Boys” project.

In 2017, the girls became the face of the cosmetics company Sephora; the brand’s products even appeared in their video “Love Between Us.”

Soloists of the group Serebro

Below you will read more detailed biography about each soloist individually.

Olga Seryabkina

The only member who has remained in the team since the first day of its foundation. Born on April 12, 1985 in Moscow. I was interested in dancing with early childhood, both ballroom and modern. She worked as a backup dancer in the team of singer Irakli, who was the mentee of artist Max Fadeev in 2004.

In addition to meeting the producer, even then Seryabkina became friends with Temnikova, who proposed her candidacy for a place in new group. In 2008, Olga performed for the first time as a full-fledged author and wrote the song “Sladko” for the group. After that, other artists noticed her talent; Olga collaborated with Katya Lel, Lolita, Nargiz Zakirova, the groups “A-Studio”, “Mayakovsky” and others.

The main scandalous hit of 2011 was “Mama Lyuba”, also written by Olga for the group “Serebro”. In the video, she also drives her own Volvo car.

In 2014, she wanted a new round in her work and presented a solo project – Holly Molly. In this image she is as liberated and daring as in “Silver”, but musical content more aggressive and goes into electronics. Over time, the pseudonym transformed into MOLLY, and it was under this name that the girl recorded the song “

If you don’t love me” with Yegor Creed, “I Like” with video blogger BigRussianBoss, and continues to release tracks. “Zoom” from Molly was presented at the concert of the “Dancing” project in 2015, reaching the top five tracks on Russian iTunes.

In the winter of 2017, Fadeev’s production center announced the release of a collection of poems by Olga Seryabkina “A Thousand “M”. A collection of 54 poems written by the singer, photographs, notes, stories about life and work, revelations about men and friendship, was released on April 3, 2017. Presentations took place in large Moscow stores and shopping centers, where Olga presented her brainchild and signed copies for everyone.

As part of the Serebro group in 2017, Seryabkina also remains in a leadership position, remaining a permanent member.

Polina Favorskaya

Polina's real name is Nalivalkina. She was born on November 12, 1991 in Volgograd. In 1995, the family moved to the Moscow region, namely to the city of Podolsk.

Since childhood, the girl was fond of music and studied in a folk music club. choral singing, and also painted and danced. As part of a choreographic group, she traveled to Europe. Thanks to her well-trained voice and innate talent, at the age of 15, Polina received an invitation to the Amadeus Theater as a soloist in productions.

After graduating from the National research university, Polina started working at the Max Fadeev Center. She tried herself in the modeling business and participated in television reality shows such as “Love at First Sight” and “Vacation in Mexico” in 2012. Scandalous project, the participants of which spent several weeks in a Mexican villa in heavenly conditions, and brought the girl popularity.

At the villa she met musician and showman Val Nikolsky. Behind whirlwind romance The whole country watched - quarrels, stormy reconciliations, sincere declarations of love and even a symbolic wedding ceremony under the hot sun. Returning to Moscow, the lovers began to live together. Nikolsky planned to become Polina’s producer and begin promoting her, but after returning Favorskaya ended up in the Serebro group, which was one of the reasons for the breakup.

In an interview with one of the portals, the girl openly admitted that Maxim Fadeev literally saved her. Former lover tried to achieve dramatic changes in Polina’s appearance, forced her to lose weight, brought her to nervous breakdowns. After the first interview, Fadeev’s team was forced to take care of their health new soloist, trying to restore her blooming appearance and good spirits.

Unexpected news appeared at the end of the summer of 2017, photos with sad captions about the decision taken changes in the composition of the Serebro group were posted by Maxim Fadeev. Polina Favorskaya decided to leave the team. The girl associates this turn in her career with the need to understand her own thoughts and find her true purpose in life. Thoughts about finding herself came to Polina during her vacation, when she visited Cambodia. Now the girl is planning a trip to India, Tibet, where she can engage in spiritual practices and meditation.

Ekaterina Kishchuk

Ekaterina was born on December 13, 1993 in Tula. Since childhood, I danced and developed in this direction, winning competitions in hip-hop and fitness aerobics. After school, she entered the Moscow University of Culture, which she did not graduate from due to her busy modeling schedule.

Thanks to her model appearance and ability to pose in front of the camera, Katya got the opportunity to get into the fashion world. Her account in social network The managers of the modeling agency liked Instagram, and soon the girl worked with Puma, Dolce&Gabbana, and Louis Vuitton.

Having received an invitation to Asia, where Russian models have the opportunity to receive good wages for their work, Katya immediately agreed. She lived in China for 5 months, and upon returning to Russia, she began to get ready to travel again. But at the last moment the girl missed the plane and decided to take part in the casting of Maxim Fadeev.

Not long ago it became known that one of the lead singers of the popular girl group SEREBRO, Daria Shashina, has health problems. The 25-year-old blonde told her fans that she was diagnosed with “congenital dysplasia of the knee joints,” a pathology of tissue formation. Considering that the girls work on stage with full dedication to the audience, the disease began to progress due to constant stress. Well, two weeks ago Daria suffered a torn meniscus in her right knee.

But then both the bandmates and producer Maxim Fadeev really hoped that the disease could be overcome, and they would not have to look for a replacement for Daria. However, today fans of the girl pop group were very upset by the news that Shashina would still have to leave the group.

“We really hoped that a miracle would happen, Dasha would get better and there would be no need to leave SEREBRO. But doctors categorically insist on operations. I can't help but say that this is terrible news for all of us. We love her very much, she is our child. If she has the desire and strength later, I am always waiting for her, our doors are always open. On May 1, Dasha must leave the team at the insistence of doctors. Therefore, now I am forced to announce an urgent casting,” Maxim Fadeev said on his microblog page.

It is worth saying that because of such haste, it was decided to select girls for Shashina’s place online. Moreover, within a week all fans will know the name of the new lead singer of the group.

I must say that fans were upset when they learned that Daria would have to undergo several operations, which caused her to leave her beloved team. "What a nightmare. What a pity that Dashulya is leaving. I wish her a speedy recovery,” “Everything won’t be the same without Dasha,” “It’s a pity for Dasha, let him recover and return to the group,” wrote fans of the group.

IN currently Daria is concerned about the upcoming treatment. “I just now got from the doctor, out of all the five clinics I visited - this is the only one that put everything in order and the worst thing - the doctor said that I should stop my performances and urgently undergo surgery on both legs, without touching on the issue of dysplasia. Now I’m discussing this issue with my loved ones,” Daria told StarHit.

But, despite the sad occasion, many are trying to use the chance to become part of the group. The production center's requirements for singers are quite simple. The girl's age should be 22-26 years old, weight up to 55 kilograms, but what surprised fans most was that the soloist cannot be taller than 164 centimeters. And, of course, future star must have brilliant vocal and choreographic abilities.

Maxim Fadeev remembers with sadness and irony the day when he learned about the departure of his ward. Elena Temnikova didn’t even bother to explain herself to the man who made the unknown Kurgan girl a real star—the 46-year-old producer learned about the singer’s decision not from a personal conversation, but from a letter.

The singer joined the SEREBRO group in 2007, and in mid-May last year she unexpectedly left the team, after which Fadeev was bombarded with accusations of a brutal contract, frank outfits, inappropriate songs and lack of mutual understanding between the members of the girl trio.

While the 30-year-old artist did not miss the opportunity to remind herself, vying with each other to talk in all interviews about the injustice that Fadeev allegedly perpetrated in his production center, Maxim intelligently remained silent, not wanting to stir up the grievances of the past. Temnikova herself, immediately after leaving the group, completely forgot about the reasons mentioned - terrible diseases, which do not allow me to continue my singing career.

Leaving behind the betrayal once loved one, Maxim Fadeev’s team continued to conquer new creative heights. Recently two projects were completed - “Voice. Children" and "Main Stage", in which the producer took part as a star mentor. Appearance famous composer simultaneously on Channel One and on the Rossiya channel caused a heated discussion - this was the first time such a practice had been tried on competing channels.

IN exclusive interview SUPER, the legendary producer not only broke his silence in order to set the record straight once and for all in the history of the conflict with Elena Temnikova, but also spoke about the difficulties he had to face while participating simultaneously in projects of competing TV channels.

Maxim, it will soon be a year since Lena Temnikova left the SEREBRO group. What were her real reasons for leaving the team?

She just sent letters saying she was leaving. Six months before she was supposed to leave. We were "booked" a large number of concerts, but Lena said that she was very sick - she had bad legs, she couldn’t stand in heels or perform at all. That's what she said. But in the end, we all see that she stands in heels, acts in videos, sings songs, and in general the whole world has already ridden a horse. How to deal with this...

In what relationship did you break up?

Yes, not in any way. I take this as the person just ditching us, that’s all!

Something preceded this event, maybe there were conflicts between the girls within the team?

I won't get involved in these women's squabbles. Of course, there were conflicts there, but this is not a question for me. Ask Olga Seryabkina, Dashka Shashina or the other girls - they will tell you.

In her interviews, Lena says that in fact they were never friends and that it was such a production move.

You see, when Olya found out about this, she cried for half a day.

What about the images of the group members? Lena repeatedly said that she did not like the images that the SEREBRO group demonstrated on stage, she considered them very frank, but allegedly you forced them.

Whether these images are frank or not, there have never been any problems. Naturally, the company offers something, naturally, the artists can say that this confuses them very much. And maybe Lena said that. But there were never any problems with her as an artist. In this sense, she was highly professional and never interfered with anything.

Lena also said in an interview that the terms of her contract with your company were very strict. Tell me, was there some kind of separate contract with Lena, different from contracts with other performers?

These same contracts, for example, are signed by us on the show “The Voice. Children". We have them the same for everyone - simply because, speaking in legal terms, a contract in our country is a piece of paper when it comes to people. Any person came under the Labor Code ( labor Code. — Approx. ed.) and said: I am being exploited for more than eight hours. That's all! And according to the court, he terminated this contract in one second. Therefore, the contract is just legal form, with which we at least somehow try to protect ourselves. So to blame the contract, which was somehow terrible, is all nonsense!

After leaving the group, Lena continues her creative life already as a solo performer. When she was in the group, did she talk to you about wanting to go solo?

We, in principle, discussed this. It was discussed that after the group needed new blood, Lena would leave the team and pursue a solo career.

The songs that Lena is currently releasing are signed with her name. That is, Lena claims that she is the author of these compositions. Tell me, has Temnikova ever given you some of her own for consideration? creative material, be it music or poetry?

Well, I’ll say this: who really was the creative unit was Nastya Karpova ( ex-soloist of the group SEREBRO. — Approx. ed.) And what I hear is that I think it was written by Nastya Karpova. What Lena is trying to say is that it is her.... You see, the person does not know how to play any instrument. Well, how can you compose music when you don’t know how to play any instrument? Even at the most primitive level. So, naturally, this is just a fantasy.

Let's talk about your work! Two TV shows in which you took part simultaneously on two channels have just ended - this is “The Voice. Children" and "Main Stage". On Friday you were simultaneously present in the finals of two shows. Tell us how it really was?

Well, as the TV people said, this was the first time in the history of our television. It was very hard for me! Because on the “Main Stage”, for example, there is one message - there are adults there. A “Voice. Children" is completely different. What I experienced emotionally was, indeed, very difficult. At the same time, despite everything, it seems to me that I did not let anyone down, which I am very proud of.

How do you assess Sardor's victory in the final? Main stage»?

You know, Sardor is, rather, a victory for Kostya Meladze. Believe me, at his age I had exactly the same range, and I sang in exactly the same way: both low and high, and my falsetto was very large. So I don't see any uniqueness in this. This was given a certain gloss - television, our same statements about the uniqueness of his voice, but in fact it is an ordinary falsetto. He just uses it well. That's all!

In the middle children's "Voice" you said goodbye to Sabina Mustaeva, and and a week before the final, the organizers of the show unexpectedly announced that another qualifying stage would take place, as a result of which Sabina returned to the project. Did you expect that she would become the winner of the music competition?

When she returned, it was obvious that no one but her could win. Many people may rightly ask the question: why did I remove it then? She returned thanks to Kostya Ernst. I will answer! I've always judged this moment time as she did it at this moment. And then she did it badly, so I didn't choose her. I chose those who did it better, naturally, according to my subjective feelings. And when Sabina returned, she sang all three circles brilliantly. Yarik, for example, touched tens of millions of hearts with his song. He himself wanted to sing this song. He's such a guy, he's like that real boy from Russian epics.

Do you have plans to further work with the mentees from your team?

Certainly! But, again, it all depends on the parents. In this situation I am a hostage. I can advise parents on what to do, but they will proceed from their own interests. Let’s say Alisa Kozhikina and I have a desire to work, but her parents don’t want to. Because it’s hard enough - touring and everything else. They want her to finish her studies. That's why we no longer work with Alice, which is a pity.

Your song premiered as part of the “Main Stage” show, can this be considered your return to the stage?

Can! Well, as a return... I, of course, will not tour.

Again, within the framework of the “Main Stage”, a television debut took place solo project Olga Seryabkina, which is called MOLLY. What are your plans to promote this project?

It so happened that the Universal label or Sony music in Tokyo want to work with Olga solo. They offered us contracts for Olga, so we made a completely new brand called MOLLY - coming from "Oli". This was created so that Olga could work solo in Japan, Canada and some other Asian countries. Now we are being offered contracts by Italian and German labels. We are currently preparing a song called “Zoom”, which MOLLY will sing for the whole world. It will be world premiere. Olga will be separately as part of the SEREBRO group, which is currently preparing Kiss song, and separately Olga as MOLLY.

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