After q write s in suffixes. Vowels after sibilants and ts

Lesson objectives:

    introduce a new identifying feature - the presence of [ts] before vowels, with spelling ы-и after c;

    learn to spell correctly;

    repeat the spelling o-e after sibilants in the root of the word, unstressed vowels of the root,

    develop attention, memory, logical thinking, the ability to compare, classify, generalize, instill a love for the Russian word.

Equipment: cards for self-testing and checking the material studied, a poster with an algorithm, a table.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

2. Phonetic exercise.

    Guess the sound from the “passport”: [?] - unvoiced unpaired consonant, hard unpaired consonant. [ts]

    This sound is special, it will be the guest of our lesson today, but for now let’s repeat what we have learned. 1 student will go to the board to work on the card, and we will check homework(Ex. 165).

3. Check homework using signal cards e-o.

The spelling of words in which the children made mistakes is explained. We pay attention to the pronunciation of the word chauffeur.

Words to check: grille, brush, driver, highway, chocolate, black, yellow, rustle, cheeks, shuttle.

4. Questioning the person working at the board using a card.


Insert the missing letters and explain their spelling.

S...things on the...r...drain, r...drain of go...s...sweat, s...sweat, ra...h...slow, (h, s) run, (h, s) health, vy... layer r... wall, in.... breathe , be... whole.

5. Lexical work: (include an element of surprise: the appearance of Dunno).

Game "Corrector" or "Correct the mistake."

Dunno gave lexical meaning words, did he complete the task correctly? Correct his mistakes.

Hockey - professional holiday at the races, races.

A juggler is a circus actor who skillfully and deftly throws and catches several objects at the same time.

A millstone is a stone mill wheel for grinding grain into flour.

6. Physical exercise.

7. Studying new material.

Creation problematic situation.

Let's move on to studying new topic. To do this, let’s turn to the observation material and determine the topic of the lesson.

(The observation material on the board is currently closed.)

The teacher reads a poem:

Chicken in performed at the circus,
He played the cymbals
Rode around on a motorcycle
And he knew a lot of numbers.
He took it out of the cylinder
Carrots and cucumbers
And there was only one thing I didn’t know
Where do they write qi, where is qi?

(cymbal- musical instrument in the form of a flat box with metal strings, which are struck with hammers when playing)

A note appears on the board:

Mill tion

cucumber tsy

Qi rk

Sini tsyn

tsy films

And look how it’s written? (Tsi and qi.)

- “Spelling s-i after c”

The teacher writes the topic of the lesson on the board, and the children write it in their notebooks.

Teacher: According to the rules of grammar, I is written after C in nouns:

1) in words in -tion: lecture, section, revolution, documentation (oral examples);
2) in the roots of words (compass, circus).

Cases of writing Y after C:

    at the endings of words (tit, bird, young lady)

    in suffixes –yn-. For example: sisters, kuritsyn.

Why the chicken through s?

Because chicken is one of those words that you need to remember: gypsy, chicken, chicks, chicks.

In all these words Y is written after T. Do you remember?

And so you don’t forget, I’ll read you a short poem that includes all these four words. And listen carefully to which of the four words is missing.

The gypsy saw the chicken
Played the violin
And the chicken heard -
Danced on tiptoes.

What word is missing?
- Yes, chick. Now it will be.

Tsut, guys, don't make noise,
Otherwise the gypsy will go astray
The violin will stop singing,
Our lesson will be disrupted.

Well, chickens, do you understand everything?...

Sounded for you guys
Our lesson is about qi and qi.
Those who don't understand are the chickens
Well done to those who remember!

8. Reading theoretical information (p. 85).

9. Consolidation of what has been learned.

1. Commented letter.

Assignment: write down, indicating the conditions for choosing the letter Y or I.

Ts_trusovy, ts_ganka, ts_ferdlat, ts_kory, from the streets_, sisters_n, for martens_, scissors_, ts-nkovy, akat_ya, from behind the doors_, lecture_ya, peers_,

2. Task: form adjectives from the nouns marten, lioness, tigress, marking them with the suffix –yn- (children write down only adjectives)

- Remember , that in surnames formed in the same way as these adjectives, s are also written after c: Kuritsyn, Lisitsyn, Kormilitsyn, Turitsyn, Sinitsyn.

3 . Independent work according to ex. 185 followed by verification.

The teacher explains the lexical meaning of words that the children do not understand.

For example:

A delegation is several selected representatives from a group.

Conference - a meeting, meeting of representatives of a state, educational organization(scientific society).

Illumination is bright lighting arranged on the streets on the occasion of some celebrations or holidays.

Sanding – leveling, processing a wooden surface with a special tool.

Stepcheritsyn is the stepdaughter of one of the spouses, who is the natural daughter of the other.

Diction – clarity and distinctness in the pronunciation of words and syllables.

4. Complicated cheating.

Exercise 1. Fill in the missing letters and complete the sentences.

Birds sat down... on the page...
They know true stories and ..... (fables)
The sage settled...
In glassed ..... (palaces).

Task 2.

Insert the missing letters and talk about the connection between the sentences.

One summer, grandfather brought c... plats. The living lumps of lumps squeaked loudly and troublingly.

9. Result of the work.

What new and interesting things did you learn in the lesson?
- How will we recognize the new spelling? What is the identifying feature of the studied spelling?
- What do you need to know to correctly write Y or I after C?

10. Homework: pp.85-86, ex. 183

Subject: Letters Y–I after C

Target: 1) consolidate spelling skills Y-I after C;

2) develop attention, logical thinking, speech hearing in students, and the skill of graphically indicating a given spelling;

3) cultivate a love for the Russian language, cultivate conscious discipline, develop control and self-control skills, cognitive activity a team.

Planned results

  1. Subject UUD

Introduce students to the spelling “Letters s-i after c”

To develop the ability to use spelling depending on the morpheme

Develop spelling awareness

Develop the ability to find information in text

Learn to analyze, compare and generalize based on facts

Learn to present information in condensed and expanded form

3. Personal UUD

Build relationships with people

Lesson type: learning new material

Forms of student work: frontal, group, individual

Required technical equipment: multimedia projector,

Lesson structure and flow

Good afternoon guys! Let's start our lesson. Wish yourself success and say: “I will be attentive. I will succeed! I can handle all the tasks in class."

  1. Repetition of what has been learned material check homework.

Five-minute spelling test followed by self-test (Slide No. 1)

  1. Insert the missing letters and graphically indicate the conditions for choosing a spelling.

Working with cards Slide No. 1

Form new words by adding the necessary suffixesForm new words by adding the necessary suffixes

machine, teach, drum,

hare, lead, finger,

snow, cat, nail, house

Self-test Slide No. 2

Machinist, teacher, drummer, bunny,

driver, finger, snowball, kitten, carnation, house

  1. Learning new material

Objectives: Students should

Know the conditions for choosing the spelling of the letters I-Y after C;

Be able to master the method of action when choosing the letters u after ts in words with the same root.

1.Preparatory stage (And now I will read a poem, and you listen carefully)

The teacher reads a poem: slide number 4

The chicken performed in the circus,
He played the cymbals
Rode around on a motorcycle
And he knew a lot of numbers.
He took it out of the cylinder
Carrots and cucumbers
And there was only one thing I didn’t know
Where do they write qi, where is qi?

The chicken didn't know. Do you know?

Vocabulary work Slide No. 3

(Dulcimer is a musical instrument in the form of a flat box with metal strings, which are struck with hammers when played)

Cylinder- geometric body formed by rotating a rectangle around one of its sides.

A note appears on the board:

The teacher says the words again.

What sounds are heard in all words? (tsy)

And look at how the words are written, pay attention to the morphemes? (Tsi and qi.)

Our task is to figure out when to write s after q, and when to write i.

What is the topic of the lesson? Formulate it.

- “Spelling s-i after c”

/The teacher writes on the board, and the children write in notebooks/.

- Formulate the purpose of the lesson based on its topic./ Get acquainted with the rule for writing the letters I-Y after C/

2. Working with a supporting outline slide No. 5

In words after T it is written –tion 2.□

- Look at reference summary and tell us about the conditions for writing the letter I-Y after C.

Let's see if we formulated the rule correctly.

Working with an electronic textbook (reading rules from an electronic textbook)

What new did you learn? / There are exception words:gypsy, chick, chicks, chick, chick/

Remember the offer! The gypsy stood on tiptoes and tsked at the chicken: “Tsits!” / Slide number 6 /

Physics “Wonderful tree”: pick a wonderful fruit, read the word aloud, explain which spelling needs to be inserted and why.(each student gets up and goes to the board, on which there is a “wonderful” tree). ,a)ra,february(b),z(a,o)lot medal

Teacher: Guys, what events are these words connected with? (Winter Olympics in Sochi). Correct. Guys, Russia not only hosts the Winter Olympics, it is rich in its cultural values. Unfortunately, these values ​​have been lost over the years, but we must cultural values keep. No wonder 2014 has been declared the year of culture. Slide number 7

VI. Reinforcing educational material.

Objectives: consolidate the learned rule; remember the method for determining the spelling of the letters I-Y after C.

1. Explanatory letter. / Slide No. 8 /

Write it down, explaining the spelling in these words of the spelling and-ы after ts

Ts..fra, ts..rkul, ts..rk, ts..gan, ts..cowardly, aviation..ya, traditional..ya, sisters..n, birds.., finger.., chubby. .y, marten..n.

2. Letter dictation. /Slides No. 9,10/

1) birds...n, palace..., lecture...i

2) c...films, c...linder, sheep....

3) ts...clone, ts...bug, ts....ferblat

4) section...i, police...i, c...whip

3. Test control on the topic “Letters I-Y after C” / Slide No. 11/

1) In which word is Y written in place of the gap?

B) stumpy tail

c) turtle shell

d) akats..i

2) In which word is I written in place of the gap?

A) fair-faced young man

B) c..kick loudly

c) pickled cucumbers..

d) oil tank

3) In which word is Y written in place of the gap?

a) ts..ferblat

B) new cylinder

c) church performance

d) fluffy

4) In which word is I written in place of the gap?

a) vaccine against influenza

B) birds..but a feather

c) small grains..

d) stand on your toes

5) Which word does not have Y written in place of the gap?

a) construction of hotels..

B) ts..geik fur coat

c) beauties...

"Editor's Minute" (cards)

Dunno's letter to Professor Spitsin.

I went on an expedition. Unfavorable weather: cyclone. We managed to collect a collection of insects; we even found cicadas. Birds interfere with work.

Working with the textbook ( Performing exercise No. 355 - textbook, ed. Shakrova)

V . Summarizing.

  • What rule did we learn today?
  • Remember the method for determining the spelling of the letters i-y after c.
  • What exception words to this rule should you remember?

VI. Homework assignment.

  1. Learn the spelling “I-Y after C” learned in class
  2. Complete exercise No. 354, ass. to ex.


A dulcimer is a musical instrument in the form of a flat box with metal strings, which are struck with hammers when played. A cylinder is a geometric body formed by rotating a rectangle around one of its sides.

The chicken performed in the circus, He played the cymbals, He rode around on a motorcycle, And he knew a lot of numbers. He took carrots and cucumbers out of the cylinder, and there was only one thing he didn’t know: Where do they write Qi, where is Qi?

In words after C it is written И ы 1.͡ 1.^ 2. na – tion 2. □

Remember the offer! The gypsy stood on tiptoes and tutted at the chicken: “Tsits”

Vladimir Putin signed the Decree “On carrying out Russian Federation Years of Culture". The culture of Tatarstan, embodying the rich traditions and spiritual identity of the peoples living on the territory of the republic, at the same time personifies human values and is part of the world cultural heritage. The uniqueness of the cultural heritage sites of Tatarstan is confirmed by the inclusion in 2000 of the historical and cultural complex of the Kazan Kremlin in the List of World Cultural and natural heritage UNESCO. The Bulgarian State Historical-Architectural Museum-Reserve and the Sviyazhsk Historical-Architectural and Natural Landscape Complex are nominated to the same List.

Explanatory letter. Hurry up, explaining the spelling in these words of the spelling s-i after ts Ts..fra, ts.. rkul, ts.. rk, ts.. gan, ts.. cowardly, aviation..ya, traditional..ya, sisters. .n, birds.., finger..,, marten..n.

Letter dictation I or Y 1) birds...n, palace..., lecture...ya 2) c...films, c...linder, sheep.... 3) ts...clone, ts...bug, ts.... ferblat 4) section...i, police...i, c...whip

Answers 1. Y Y AND 2. Y AND Y 3. AND AND AND 4. AND AND Y

Test control on the topic “The letters I-Y after C” In which word is Y written in place of the gap? a) ts..nk b) short tail c) turtle pant.. d) akats..ya 2) In which word is written I in the place of the gap? a) fair-faced young man b) cluck loudly c) pickled cucumbers d) oil tank 3) In which word is Y written in place of the gap? a) ts.. ferblat b) new ts.. linder c) ts.. church performance d) fluffy ts.. film 4) In which word is I written in place of the gap? a) vaccine against influenza b) birds..but a feather c) small grains.. d) stand on the c..kidneys 5) Which word does not have Y written in place of the gap? a) construction of hotels.. b) ts.. gay fur coat c) beauties.. d) tongs..

Vocabulary and semantic dictation 1) Stand on your fingertips 2) A type of gloves with a compartment for thumb 3) Systematized collection of any objects

Thank you for your attention!

Today we will answer such questions.

· When is u written after q?

· When is s written after q?

· What does the spelling of i - ы after c depend on?

We remember that there are always solid and always soft sounds. We have already said that the sounds [zh] and [w] are always hard. And [h] and [sch] are always soft. And there is always a hard sound [ts]. These sounds essentially have one problem: some vowel sounds after them are not distinguishable.

So, after the letter c, any vowels are pronounced firmly.

For example, price, ovation, accent.

And it turns out that the letters And And s after ts they are pronounced the same. We can use the letter i or s. But this combination is read as [tsy].

Motots...kl. Indian... T...films. Repetits...I.

How can we write these words? We hear the unchanged [tsy] in them.

First of all, you need to find out which morpheme the vowel after c belongs to.

At the root of the word after c it is written i.

Hyacinth, patient, compass, number. In all these words And after ts stands at the root of the word.

However, this rule also contains exceptions. These are the words chick, chicks, chick, chick, gypsy.

In all these words, s is written at the root. They are needed remember.

And for memorization, we can invent the following phrase: “The gypsy on tiptoe tutted to the chicken: “Chick!”

We can even draw this picture: this will make it even easier to remember.

Some words that were formed from exceptions will also be written with s.

For example, adjective Gypsy. Or a word chicks, indicating a rash on the hands. Chick. And even the name of the dance is gypsy.

What if the vowel we need is not in the root?

In suffixes after ц it is written ы.

For example: Sestritsyn, Lisitsyn, Kunitsyn.

In all these words s is in the suffix.

More precisely, we are talking about just one suffix - -tsyn-. There are very few adjectives with this suffix.

But s after c in endings is more common.

Well done. Wrestlers.ы after ц is written in endings.

Chubby. Kutsyi. Y is again part of the ending.

As we see, ы after ц appears in the endings of nouns and adjectives.

The letter and after c is written in the root.

And in suffixes and endings, s is written after c.

But what is it? It looks like the spelling police are going to arrest us for this rule!

Let's listen to what comes to us over the loudspeaker:

But have we forgotten anything? Look, in all these words it is written after c. And all these words have something in common: in the initial form they end in -tion.

This means we need to add one more point to our rule.

The letter and after ц is written in words starting with -tion.

These are words like section, action, diction, punctuation. And so on. We do not specify which morpheme it includes And in this case. It’s easier to remember that words end in -tion.

Now let's return to the words we know. How do we write them now?

First of all, let’s ask ourselves the question: what morpheme does the vowel we need belong to?

Motorbike. The vowel is included in the root. After q we will write i.

Indians. The vowel is the ending. So, after q we write s.

Chick. The vowel is at the root. But we have an exception that needs to be remembered. We write s.

Rehearsal. The word ends in -tion, so we immediately write and.

Interestingly, in other languages ​​this rule is not so complex. For example, in the Belarusian language after ц only ы is written.

But in Russian there is a rule we need to remember.

To better remember all the points of this rule, you can make phrases to remember.

And, of course, you need to remember our phrase, which contains all the exceptions: The gypsy on tiptoe tutted to the chicken: “Tsuk!”

Subject: Letters Y–I after C

Target: 1) consolidate spelling skills Y-I after C;

2) develop attention, logical thinking, speech hearing in students, and the skill of graphically indicating a given spelling;

3) cultivate a love for the Russian language, cultivate conscious discipline, develop skills of control and self-control, cognitive activity in a team.

Planned results

  1. Subject UUD

Introduce students to the spelling “Letters s-i after c”

To develop the ability to use spelling depending on the morpheme

Develop spelling awareness

Develop the ability to find information in text

Learn to analyze, compare and generalize based on facts

Learn to present information in condensed and expanded form

3. Personal UUD

Build relationships with people

Lesson type: learning new material

Forms of student work: frontal, group, individual

Required technical equipment: multimedia projector,

Lesson structure and flow

Good afternoon guys! Let's start our lesson. Wish yourself success and say: “I will be attentive. I will succeed! I can handle all the tasks in class."

  1. Repetition of studied material - checking homework.

Five-minute spelling test followed by self-test (Slide No. 1)

  1. Insert the missing letters and graphically indicate the conditions for choosing a spelling.

Working with cards Slide No. 1

Form new words by adding the necessary suffixesForm new words by adding the necessary suffixes

machine, teach, drum,

hare, lead, finger,

snow, cat, nail, house

Self-test Slide No. 2

Machinist, teacher, drummer, bunny,

driver, finger, snowball, kitten, carnation, house

  1. Learning new material

Objectives: Students should

Know the conditions for choosing the spelling of the letters I-Y after C;

Be able to master the method of action when choosing the letters u after ts in words with the same root.

1.Preparatory stage (And now I will read a poem, and you listen carefully)

The teacher reads a poem: slide number 4

The chicken performed in the circus,
He played the cymbals
Rode around on a motorcycle
And he knew a lot of numbers.
He took it out of the cylinder
Carrots and cucumbers
And there was only one thing I didn’t know
Where do they write qi, where is qi?

Vocabulary work Slide No. 3

(Dulcimer is a musical instrument in the form of a flat box with metal strings, which are struck with hammers when played)

A cylinder is a geometric body formed by rotating a rectangle around one of its sides.

A note appears on the board:

And look at how the words are written, pay attention to the morphemes? (Tsi and qi.)

- “Spelling s-i after c”

/The teacher writes on the board, and the children write in notebooks/.

- Formulate the purpose of the lesson based on its topic./ Get acquainted with the rule for writing the letters I-Y after C/

2. Working with a supporting outline slide No. 5

In words after T it is written –tion 2.□

- Look at the supporting summary and tell us about the conditions for writing the letter I-Y after C.

Let's see if we formulated the rule correctly.

Working with an electronic textbook (reading rules from an electronic textbook)

What new did you learn? / There are exception words:gypsy, chick, chicks, chick, chick/

Remember the offer! The gypsy stood on tiptoes and tsked at the chicken: “Tsits!” / Slide number 6 /

Physics “Wonderful tree”: pick a wonderful fruit, read the word aloud, explain which spelling needs to be inserted and why.(each student gets up and goes to the board, on which there is a “wonderful” tree). ,a)ra,february(b),z(a,o)lot medal

Teacher: Guys, what events are these words connected with? (Winter Olympics in Sochi). Correct. Guys, Russia not only hosts the Winter Olympics, it is rich in its cultural values. Unfortunately, these values ​​have been lost over the years, but we must preserve these cultural values. No wonder 2014 has been declared the year of culture. Slide number 7

VI. Reinforcing educational material.

Objectives: consolidate the learned rule; remember the method for determining the spelling of the letters I-Y after C.

1. Explanatory letter. / Slide No. 8 /

Write it down, explaining the spelling in these words of the spelling and-ы after ts

Ts..fra, ts..rkul, ts..rk, ts..gan, ts..cowardly, aviation..ya, traditional..ya, sisters..n, birds.., finger.., chubby. .y, marten..n.

2. Letter dictation. /Slides No. 9,10/

1) birds...n, palace..., lecture...i

2) c...films, c...linder, sheep....

3) ts...clone, ts...bug, ts....ferblat

4) section...i, police...i, c...whip

3. Test control on the topic “Letters I-Y after C” / Slide No. 11/

1) In which word is Y written in place of the gap?

B) stumpy tail

c) turtle shell

d) akats..i

2) In which word is I written in place of the gap?

A) fair-faced young man

B) c..kick loudly

c) pickled cucumbers..

d) oil tank

3) In which word is Y written in place of the gap?

a) ts..ferblat

B) new cylinder

c) church performance

d) fluffy

4) In which word is I written in place of the gap?

a) vaccine against influenza

B) birds..but a feather

c) small grains..

d) stand on your toes

5) Which word does not have Y written in place of the gap?

a) construction of hotels..

B) ts..geik fur coat

c) beauties...

"Editor's Minute" (cards)

Dunno's letter to Professor Spitsin.

I went on an expedition. Unfavorable weather: cyclone. We managed to collect a collection of insects; we even found cicadas. Birds interfere with work.

Working with the textbook ( Performing exercise No. 355 - textbook, ed. Shakrova)

V . Summarizing.

  • What rule did we learn today?
  • Remember the method for determining the spelling of the letters i-y after c.
  • What exception words to this rule should you remember?

VI. Homework assignment.

  1. Learn the spelling “I-Y after C” learned in class
  2. Complete exercise No. 354, ass. to ex.


A dulcimer is a musical instrument in the form of a flat box with metal strings, which are struck with hammers when played. A cylinder is a geometric body formed by rotating a rectangle around one of its sides.

The chicken performed in the circus, He played the cymbals, He rode around on a motorcycle, And he knew a lot of numbers. He took carrots and cucumbers out of the cylinder, and there was only one thing he didn’t know: Where do they write Qi, where is Qi?

In words after C it is written И ы 1.͡ 1.^ 2. na – tion 2. □

Remember the offer! The gypsy stood on tiptoes and tutted at the chicken: “Tsits”

Vladimir Putin signed the Decree “On holding the Year of Culture in the Russian Federation.” The culture of Tatarstan, embodying the rich traditions and spiritual identity of the peoples living on the territory of the republic, simultaneously personifies universal human values ​​and is part of the world cultural heritage. The uniqueness of the cultural heritage sites of Tatarstan is confirmed by the inclusion in 2000 of the historical and cultural complex of the Kazan Kremlin in the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List. The Bulgarian State Historical-Architectural Museum-Reserve and the Sviyazhsk Historical-Architectural and Natural Landscape Complex are nominated to the same List.

Explanatory letter. Hurry up, explaining the spelling in these words of the spelling s-i after ts Ts..fra, ts.. rkul, ts.. rk, ts.. gan, ts.. cowardly, aviation..ya, traditional..ya, sisters. .n, birds.., finger..,, marten..n.

Letter dictation I or Y 1) birds...n, palace..., lecture...ya 2) c...films, c...linder, sheep.... 3) ts...clone, ts...bug, ts.... ferblat 4) section...i, police...i, c...whip

Answers 1. Y Y AND 2. Y AND Y 3. AND AND AND 4. AND AND Y

Test control on the topic “The letters I-Y after C” In which word is Y written in place of the gap? a) ts..nk b) short tail c) turtle pant.. d) akats..ya 2) In which word is written I in the place of the gap? a) fair-faced young man b) cluck loudly c) pickled cucumbers d) oil tank 3) In which word is Y written in place of the gap? a) ts.. ferblat b) new ts.. linder c) ts.. church performance d) fluffy ts.. film 4) In which word is I written in place of the gap? a) vaccine against influenza b) birds..but a feather c) small grains.. d) stand on the c..kidneys 5) Which word does not have Y written in place of the gap? a) construction of hotels.. b) ts.. gay fur coat c) beauties.. d) tongs..

Vocabulary-semantic dictation 1) Stand on your fingertips 2) A type of gloves with a compartment for the thumb 3) A systematic collection of any objects

Thank you for your attention!

Today we will answer such questions.

· When is u written after q?

· When is s written after q?

· What does the spelling of i - ы after c depend on?

We remember that there are always hard and always soft sounds. We have already said that the sounds [zh] and [w] are always hard. And [h] and [sch] are always soft. And there is always a hard sound [ts]. These sounds essentially have one problem: some vowel sounds after them are not distinguishable.

So, after the letter c, any vowels are pronounced firmly.

For example, price, ovation, accent.

And it turns out that the letters And And s after ts they are pronounced the same. We can use the letter i or s. But this combination is read as [tsy].

Motots...kl. Indian... T...films. Repetits...I.

How can we write these words? We hear the unchanged [tsy] in them.

First of all, you need to find out which morpheme the vowel after c belongs to.

At the root of the word after c it is written i.

Hyacinth, patient, compass, number. In all these words And after ts stands at the root of the word.

However, this rule also contains exceptions. These are the words chick, chicks, chick, chick, gypsy.

In all these words, s is written at the root. They are needed remember.

And for memorization, we can invent the following phrase: “The gypsy on tiptoe tutted to the chicken: “Chick!”

We can even draw this picture: this will make it even easier to remember.

Some words that were formed from exceptions will also be written with s.

For example, adjective Gypsy. Or a word chicks, indicating a rash on the hands. Chick. And even the name of the dance is gypsy.

What if the vowel we need is not in the root?

In suffixes after ц it is written ы.

For example: Sestritsyn, Lisitsyn, Kunitsyn.

In all these words s is in the suffix.

More precisely, we are talking about just one suffix - -tsyn-. There are very few adjectives with this suffix.

But s after c in endings is more common.

Well done. Wrestlers.ы after ц is written in endings.

Chubby. Kutsyi. Y is again part of the ending.

As we see, ы after ц appears in the endings of nouns and adjectives.

The letter and after c is written in the root.

And in suffixes and endings, s is written after c.

But what is it? It looks like the spelling police are going to arrest us for this rule!

Let's listen to what comes to us over the loudspeaker:

But have we forgotten anything? Look, in all these words it is written after c. And all these words have something in common: in the initial form they end in -tion.

This means we need to add one more point to our rule.

The letter and after ц is written in words starting with -tion.

These are words like section, action, diction, punctuation. And so on. We do not specify which morpheme it includes And in this case. It’s easier to remember that words end in -tion.

Now let's return to the words we know. How do we write them now?

First of all, let’s ask ourselves the question: what morpheme does the vowel we need belong to?

Motorbike. The vowel is included in the root. After q we will write i.

Indians. The vowel is the ending. So, after q we write s.

Chick. The vowel is at the root. But we have an exception that needs to be remembered. We write s.

Rehearsal. The word ends in -tion, so we immediately write and.

Interestingly, in other languages ​​this rule is not so complex. For example, in the Belarusian language after ц only ы is written.

But in Russian there is a rule we need to remember.

To better remember all the points of this rule, you can make phrases to remember.

And, of course, you need to remember our phrase, which contains all the exceptions: The gypsy on tiptoe tutted to the chicken: “Tsuk!”

Lesson objectives:

    introduce a new identifying feature - the presence of [ts] before vowels, with the spelling ы-и after ts;

    learn to spell correctly;

    repeat spelling o-e after hissing words at the root, unstressed vowels of the root,

    develop attention, memory, logical thinking, the ability to compare, classify, generalize, and instill a love for the Russian word.

Equipment: cards for self-testing and checking the material studied, a poster with an algorithm, a table.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

2. Phonetic exercise.

    Guess the sound from the “passport”: [?] - unvoiced unpaired consonant, hard unpaired consonant. [ts]

    This sound is special, it will be the guest of our lesson today, but for now let’s repeat what we have learned. 1 student will go to the board to work on the cards, and we will check the homework (exercise 165).

3. Checking homework using e-o signal cards.

The spelling of words in which the children made mistakes is explained. We pay attention to the pronunciation of the word chauffeur.

Words to check: grille, brush, driver, highway, chocolate, black, yellow, rustle, cheeks, shuttle.

4. Questioning the person working at the board using a card.


Insert the missing letters and explain their spelling.

S...things on the...r...drain, r...drain of go...s...sweat, s...sweat, ra...h...slow, (h, s) run, (h, s) health, vy... layer r... wall, in.... breathe , be... whole.

5. Lexical work: (include an element of surprise: the appearance of Dunno).

Game "Corrector" or "Correct the mistake."

Dunno gave the lexical meaning to the words, did he complete the task correctly? Correct his mistakes.

Hockey is a professional holiday at horse races and races.

A juggler is a circus actor who skillfully and deftly throws and catches several objects at the same time.

A millstone is a stone mill wheel for grinding grain into flour.

6. Physical exercise.

7. Studying new material.

Creating a problematic situation.

Let's move on to studying a new topic. To do this, let’s turn to the observation material and determine the topic of the lesson.

(The observation material on the board is currently closed.)

The teacher reads a poem:

The chicken performed in the circus,
He played the cymbals
Rode around on a motorcycle
And he knew a lot of numbers.
He took it out of the cylinder
Carrots and cucumbers
And there was only one thing I didn’t know
Where do they write qi, where is qi?

The chicken didn't know. Do you know?

(Dulcimer is a musical instrument in the form of a flat box with metal strings, which are struck with hammers when played)

A note appears on the board:

Mill tion

cucumber tsy

Qi rk

Sini tsyn

tsy films

The teacher says the words again.

What sounds are heard in all words? (tsy)

And look how it’s written? (Tsi and qi.)

Our task is to figure out when to write s after q, and when to write i.

What is the topic of the lesson? Formulate it.

- “Spelling s-i after c”

The teacher writes the topic of the lesson on the board, and the children write it in their notebooks.

Teacher: According to the rules of grammar, I is written after C in nouns:

1) in words in -tion: lecture, section, revolution, documentation (oral examples);
2) in the roots of words (compass, circus).

Cases of writing Y after C:

    at the endings of words (tit, bird, young lady)

    in suffixes –yn-. For example: sisters, kuritsyn.

Why the chicken through s?

Because chicken is one of those words that you need to remember: gypsy, chicken, chicks, chicks.

In all these words Y is written after T. Do you remember?

And so you don’t forget, I’ll read you a short poem that includes all these four words. And listen carefully to which of the four words is missing.

The gypsy saw the chicken
Played the violin
And the chicken heard -
Danced on tiptoes.

What word is missing?
- Yes, chick. Now it will be.

Tsut, guys, don't make noise,
Otherwise the gypsy will go astray
The violin will stop singing,
Our lesson will be disrupted.

Well, chickens, do you understand everything?...

Sounded for you guys
Our lesson is about qi and qi.
Those who don't understand are the chickens
Well done to those who remember!

8. Reading theoretical information (p. 85).

9. Consolidation of what has been learned.

1. Commented letter.

Assignment: write down, indicating the conditions for choosing the letter Y or I.

Ts_trusovy, ts_ganka, ts_ferdlat, ts_kory, from the streets_, sisters_n, for martens_, scissors_, ts-nkovy, akat_ya, from behind the doors_, lecture_ya, peers_,

2. Task: form adjectives from the nouns marten, lioness, tigress, marking them with the suffix –yn- (children write down only adjectives)

- Remember , that in surnames formed in the same way as these adjectives, s are also written after c: Kuritsyn, Lisitsyn, Kormilitsyn, Turitsyn, Sinitsyn.

3 . Independent work on ex. 185 followed by verification.

The teacher explains the lexical meaning of words that the children do not understand.

For example:

A delegation is several selected representatives from a group.

Conference - a meeting, meeting of representatives of a state, educational organization (scientific society).

Illumination is bright lighting arranged on the streets on the occasion of some celebrations or holidays.

Sanding – leveling, processing a wooden surface with a special tool.

Stepcheritsyn is the stepdaughter of one of the spouses, who is the natural daughter of the other.

Diction – clarity and distinctness in the pronunciation of words and syllables.

4. Complicated cheating.

Exercise 1. Fill in the missing letters and complete the sentences.

Birds sat down... on the page...
They know true stories and ..... (fables)
The sage settled...
In glassed ..... (palaces).

Task 2.

Insert the missing letters and talk about the connection between the sentences.

One summer, grandfather brought c... plats. The living lumps of lumps squeaked loudly and troublingly.

9. Result of the work.

What new and interesting things did you learn in the lesson?
- How will we recognize the new spelling? What is the identifying feature of the studied spelling?
- What do you need to know to correctly write Y or I after C?

10. Homework: pp.85-86, ex. 183

Try to guess about whom S. Mikhalkov wrote these lines: “Peace-loving residents do not sit idle: in the morning soldiers run to the post, and nannies run to the kindergarten.”

These are ants. In ant families there is a division of labor.

How are the words residents, fighters and other words with the syllable tsi written?

In the Russian language there is an unpaired hard consonant [ts]. When writing with vowel letters after it, even under stress, not everything is simple.

The sound [s] in some cases is indicated by the letter And, and in the other - s.

In what part of the word is it always written in place of the new spelling under stress? s, and in some And, That s?

In place of the syllable [tsy], the letter y is always written in the stressed endings of words, and the letter i is most often written in the roots.

In some words that you need to remember, the letter s is written at the root:

on c s kidneys (walk on the tips of your toes),

ts s p-c s p (exclamation used to call chickens),

ts s shouted (shout threateningly).

Show this spelling like this: highlight the ending or root, put emphasis, underline the spelling.

How to proceed when writing words with the syllable [tsy]?

1. I’ll listen to see if the syllable [tsy] is stressed. 2. If it is stressed, I find out where the vowel is.

If the vowel is at the end, then [tsy] is written with the letter y. If the vowel is in the root, then [tsy] is written with the letter and, except for exception words.

Now you can solve spelling problems in a poem about spring.

So many sun rays!

On old linden trees the cry of rooks,

Funny starlings whistle,

There is a singer on every tree.

(E. Trutneva)

Starling s, singer s - syllable tsy under stress, the vowel is in completion, write a letter s.

Let's write the words in the plural: palace, father, fighter, end.

The vowel is stressed at the end of plural nouns. Tsy spelled with a letter s.

Let's observe the basics of the words: palace-, palace-, father-, father-, fighter-, fighter-, end-, end-. Do you notice how often in our language Are there letters of fluent vowels at the base of a word?

What letters are written in place of the unstressed vowel in the combination [tsy]?

Here are a few words in which we hear a combination close to [tsy]: pál[tsy], rán[tsy], [ts]rkkovoy, [tsy]plenok, za[tsy]pis. This is how these words are written:

finger s, ranc s, c And rkovy, ts s films, zats e sang.

A set of words shows how The task of choosing a letter in an unstressed position is not easy.

A combination close to [tsy] also occurs in unstressed syllables. Here, in place of the vowel letter, there is a double spelling. It is better to leave a “window”. You can write a letter if you know it exactly. Here's the general rule.

Remember words that have a letter at the root s, Suggestion will help: The gypsy on tiptoe tsked at the chicken: “Tsits!”

Tsyts is a shout indicating a prohibition to speak, shout, or sing.

And in words with the same root the letter is written s: gypsy, gypsy boy, chicks, chick-chick, chick.

In the word zats e I tried to check the letter of an unstressed vowel using the word hook (root tsep-). This word does not apply to the rule " Letters i-s after c."

Let's learn to apply the rule:

Read the set of words. What do they have in common?

Ts_ganka, ts_rkvushka, ts_rkachka, chick_, ts_rkull, handsome_, ts_nitel, central, motorcycle, ts_na, ts_lindr

These words contain a combination close to [tsy]. The words are written with “windows”. Let us prove the choice of letters.

Gypsy - gypsy, these are exception words, at the root of gypsy - the letter s is written;

church - church, the letter of the unstressed vowel e in the root church-, church-;

circus is not an exception word, in the root circus we write the letter and;

chicks - at the end of a noun plural letter s;

compasses is not an exception word, at the root of compasses we write the letter and;

beauties - the letter s at the end of a plural noun;

connoisseur - appreciates, the letter of the unstressed vowel e in the root cen-;

central - center, the letter of the unstressed vowel e in the root center-;

motorcycle is not an exception word, at the root is motorcycle - we write the letter and;

tsená - prices, the letter of the unstressed vowel e in the root tsen-;

cylinder is not an exception word, at the root is cylinder - we write the letter i.

Let's explain the meaning of the word cylinder. A cylinder is a geometric figure. And earlier this word was also used to refer to a headdress. It was a tall, shiny hat with a small brim. It was worn by important people, gentlemen. Now you won’t see such a headdress on city streets. The shape of the cylinder is similar to geometric figure. That's why it got its name.

Let's guess the words by meaning.

1. A jumping insect with transparent wings that makes a characteristic chirping sound - cicada.

2. B ancient greek mythology: a powerful and evil giant with one eye in his forehead - Cyclops.

3. herbaceous plant, from the dried root of which it is made healthy drink, similar to the taste of coffee - chicory.

4. In the old days this was what they called a hairdresser - barber.

5. Exact verbatim excerpt from the text - quote.

6. Evergreen fruit plants, which include lemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit - citrus.

The letter ы after ц is written not only in the endings of nouns:

If you want, remember. The letter ы after ц is written not only at the endings of nouns, but also at the endings of adjectives and in suffixes.


Roundly tsy y, ku tsy th - the letter y after q is written at the end of -y adjectives.

Sisters tsy n, Lisi tsy n, Petit tsy n - the letter s after c is written in the suffix -yn.

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See also:

Preparation for Russian language exams:

  • summarizing the material according to the writing rule S - And after C
  • develop students’ horizons, thinking, and creative activity;
  • speech culture
  • to cultivate mutual respect, love for the Russian language, a sense of beauty, creative imagination.

Equipment: multimedia projector, laptop, lesson presentation, cards.

I. Class organization. Determining the topic of the lesson.

1. "Surprise" technique

(goal: to tune in to a fragment of the lesson, to increase interest in learning)

Sounds song from the program "Baby Monitor"

The chicken performed in the circus,
He played the cymbals
Rode around on a motorcycle
And he knew a lot of numbers.

He took it out of the cylinder
Carrots and cucumbers
And there was only one thing I didn’t know
Where do they write AND, where is it Y.

Guys, which of you will determine the topic of our lesson. What are we going to repeat today?

2. Work according to the table (on the screen)

II. Summarizing previously covered material

Presentation of new words from the song. (vocabulary work) (on computer)

(goal: to develop independent work skills and creative activity of students)

Cymbals are a musical instrument, I strike the strings with hooks. A kind of small harp.

Cylinder -

1. a body bounded at the ends by two circles, and at the sides bent in circles by a plane.

2. gentleman's headdress

/show pictures/


1. interpretation of the word (working with a dictionary)

2. highlighting spelling

3. make up phrases

4. make a proposal.

2. Working with tests (on a computer)

(goal: to activate mental activity, control over acquired knowledge)

1. The letter is written at the root And

b) c:cory


2. The letter is written at the root s

a) ts..tata

b) ts:rkul


3. A letter is written at the end s

a) white-faced

c) wide-faced: th

4. The letter is written in the suffix s

a) tits:n

b) martens:n

c) nieces: n

d) sisters: n

5. In which row should the letter be written in all words? s

a) incisor:, hare:, sisters:n, long-faced:th

b) kunits:n, kuts:y, Grets:ya, ts:ganskiy

c) wrestler:, highlander:, portion: i, pepper:

d) doors:, dikts:ya, merchant:, ts:frovoy.

3. Creative work"Programmers" "

(goal: activation of mental activity, control of acquired knowledge)

And now we will become programmers. We need to encrypt the text with vowels instead of periods.

Young ts:gan, short ponytail, big ts:fra, clean streets, sports section, went to ts:rk, ts:rkul in a case, ts:ts to everyone, durable armor.

4. Working on cards(self-test on the back)

(goal: stimulation of thinking, formation of a high level of mental development)

Ts:lenok jumped on ts:novka

And there he stood up on his kidneys.

And a ts:gan walked past to dance:

Ts..p - ts..p, - ts: film he called.

Mat - a dense film of straw or reeds for bedding on the floor.


(work at the blackboard: they write down words from dictation; if the child makes a mistake, he passes the chalk to another.)

Ts:rk, medical:na, ports:ya, ts:gan, well done.., mittens:, ts:fra,kuts:y, pale-faced:y, fashionistas:, ts:kidneys, beauties:, ts:Sterna, cucumber :, Ts:olkovsky, ts:nga, girls: - beauties:,operats:ya, akats:ya, national:ya,merchant:, fox:n, tail, delegate:ya, tenant:, plantation:ya, prince: ,stuffed cabbage:, bread:, finger:, ts:clone, ts.yu..ryulnik, drunkard.., wanderer:,singer:, ts:films, pant:ry.

III. The result of the work.

They sound final words songs from the program "Baby Monitor"

You completed all the tasks successfully. You have a certain amount of knowledge. I hope that you will complete your homework successfully. .


1. Create a crossword puzzle on a studied topic.

2. Task on the card (multi-level)

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