Prague chimes. Orloj Astronomical Clock - the famous Prague chimes

Few people know that Astronomical Prague clock , located in one of the towers of the town hall, are also called the Prague Astronomical Clock or Prague Orloj. The fact is that original name this legendary landmark Pražský orloj, which in translation means the synonyms mentioned above. It is here that you can always see numerous tourists waiting for the action, which is called a real breakthrough of all times - a show when the figures inside the clock come to life.

By looking at the Astronomical Clock, you can determine the three hour measurements and find out the Central European, Old Bohemian or sidereal time. In addition to this data, with the help of the watch you can see the zodiacal location of the Moon and the Sun. All necessary data is obtained from the upper - astronomical and lower - calendar dials.

Let's go up

The upper dial represents one of the oldest astronomical instruments - the astrolabe, which determines latitude and longitude. The author of the Astronomical Clock astrolabe was Jan Schindel, who was at one time a professor of mathematics and astronomy, as well as a rector at the famous Charles IV University. The astrolabe was made by Mikulas of Kadan in 1410, and 80 years later, in 1490, a lower dial with Gothic sculptures was added, made by the watchmaker Jan of Rouge. Only in the 18th century were moving figures and other decorative elements added, which daily attract the attention of tourists to this day.

Complex mechanisms required careful monitoring, and therefore a caretaker was assigned to the clock, who, in case of breakdowns, could always eliminate the cause so that the clock hands could continue to move. However, there was not always an experienced and competent watchmaker-keeper, and therefore there were periods when the Prague Astronomical Clock was left unattended or stopped moving. Between 1791 and 1866, the astrolabe was broken, while the clockwork continued to run.

After the events of May 8, 1945, when both Orloj and the entire Old Town Hall burned down from an incendiary shell, the complete restoration of lost valuables began. In three years, restoration work was completed, during which it was possible to recreate both the mechanism itself and the astrolabe from the original materials. A small part of the parts was replaced, and the clock mechanism was also modernized. Most of changes occurred in decoration and decor of the Prague Astronomical Clock.

Amulets on the top of the Astronomical Clock

In the Middle Ages it was believed that every building could be negative impact, and therefore it was customary to decorate buildings with various elements reflecting evil. Thus, two mythical Basilisks, which with just one glance are capable of turning all life on earth into stone, guard the building, located on the cone-shaped roof.

Under the dome of the roof you can see the next defender of the building - the rooster. It is this bird that meets the dawn that symbolizes courage and vigilance. According to legend, when a rooster starts to crow, all evil spirits run away, which is why on almost all medieval significant buildings you can see the figure of a rooster, which will definitely be installed at the top.

Just below the rooster is a statue of an angel, which was one of the first to appear on the clock. On both sides of the statue there are two windows in which you can see the 12 apostles.

This mysterious upper dial

The upper dial is a clock mechanism and an astrolabe. Here you can see the area of ​​the sun's movement. Unlike standard watches, there is no minute hand.

How the dial works

If you look at the dial, you will see several circles. Thus, the largest in diameter, where you can see large Arabic numbers, shows the Old Czech time.

Just below you will see Roman numerals; you can use them to find out Central European time.

To tell the time, you need to find a large enough gold hand with a hand-shaped tip, and look at the Roman numerals.

Until the middle of the 20th century, the inhabitants of Prague lived according to Old Czech time, the beginning of the day began with sunset, and therefore there were many variations. That is why the outer circle rotates in two directions, relative to the dial. Noon in those days was marked by a cannon shot.

Roman numerals appeared relatively recently, thanks to which we can find out real time days.

Also on the smallest circumference of the dial you can see 12 Arabic numerals. It is these numbers, depicted on a light blue background, that indicate the daylight hours of the planetary day.

If you look closely, you can see that the twelve digits are divided into several sectors, some of which are signed. Where the number "1" is located, you can see the inscription ORTUS, which means sunrise, and where the number "12" is located - OCCASUS, which means sunset.

The night time of the planetary day is depicted on a dark blue background. Between the circles you probably noticed a light brown sector. It symbolizes dawn - AURORA and twilight - CREPUSCULUM.

The blue circle, which is located in the very center of the clock, denotes our planet, around which the Zodiac ring moves. It shows in which constellation the Sun is located. The zodiac ring is divided by 72 rays, which divide the months into days, each interval between them representing 5 days.

An arrow with a gold-plated Sun will help you determine the constellation, and an arrow with a dark ball will show the phases of the Moon depending on the location of the Sun. IN dark time day, this arrow can be easily recognized by its glow; on a new moon you can see its bright side.

Decoration and finishing of the dial

If you build an imaginable circle around the Astronomical Dial, you can see a huge number of sculptures depicting living beings, some of which are real, and some of which are fictional.

At the highest point of the circle there is a sculpture of a lion. If you were interested in mythology, watched movies or read books, you should understand and know that the lion is at the top of the food chain, considered the king and protector of other living individuals. In addition, lions are always respected and are also considered a symbol of death in equal combat.

Next to the king of beasts is a sculpture of a faithful and vigilant dog, which was the first animal domesticated by humans. According to legend, it was dogs who guarded treasures from robbers and thieves. The image of a dog on a knight's tombstone meant the natural death of the deceased.

Next you will see a snake with a Phrygian cap. It's obvious that this sculpture has a double meaning, because the cap meant freedom from slavery in ancient Rome, and the snake is the most sinful and defiled devilish creature. Thus, this composition signifies purification and perfection, that is, transformation from the lower status of a snake to the higher and more intelligent status of a person.

Then, your gaze will fall on the cat, which was also a guardian of treasures, but not as reliable as a dog. The cat symbolizes independence, falsehood, malice, and was also considered a companion of magicians and sorcerers.

At the top of the dial you will see mascarons. These are images of faces with angry expressions. It was believed that mascarons located at a height scared away the external elements, which subsequently had to look for another place to demonstrate their power.

In the gutters of the structure there are sculptures of gargoyles, which, oddly enough, protect the masonry from excess moisture.

Then, your gaze will fall on the familiar toad, which means sin and also symbolizes heretics. Being in a lie, that is, in a swamp, toads constantly lie, making croaking sounds.

After the toad sculpture, you will notice another familiar nocturnal animal - the hedgehog. It symbolizes the protection of the hearth, but is not good, since character consists of three components: greed, aggressiveness and anger.

Under the astrolabe at the bottom of the dial you can find an image of the devil, which is presented in the form of an alert beast with bulging eyes.

On the east and west of the dial you will see two different sculptures that warn against dark forces. This is a face without a shape and a goblin, respectively.

Large statues on the sides of the dial

1. A Stingy Man with a bag and money is a Miser. There is information that previously in place of the miser there was a Jew who made money on interest, but due to political correctness, the statue had to be modified.

2. The image of a magician with a mirror symbolizes a noble spiritual activity - to look beyond the boundaries of the world. According to another interpretation, the sculpture means vanity looking at its image in the mirror.

3. The image of a skeleton - symbolizes Death. An hourglass and a hand reaching towards it means a bell that reminds of death.

4. Next to the skeleton is a sculpture of the Turk. According to one version, it is a symbol of pleasure and sin, according to the second, it is a reminder of the Turkish threat to the once existing Austrian Empire.

Bottom dial - Manes dial

Unfortunately, the original version of the lower dial, which is a calendar, has not been preserved. Today, tourists observe the dial, which was designed from a copy from 1659 by archivist Jaromir Erben. It was completed in 1866 artwork. Having agreed to do his job, he did not take a large fee, however, he contributed significant changes in Orloy. Legends said that anyone who deviates from the original design of Orloy will soon die. A combination of circumstances or a prophecy significantly changed the life of Joseph Manes: in subsequent years he experienced severe pain, against the background of which depression and mental illness developed. After completing the work, the restoration artist lived for 5 years.

The Manes dial consists of two discs. The inner gilded disk represents the constellations, and the copper outer disk represents the days of the year. Due to the value of the calendar dial, it was decided to transfer the original to main Gallery Prague, and in its place a copy was installed, the author of which was E.K. Lishka. Thus, it was decided to protect the Manes dial from natural conditions and keep it in its original form.

Inner dial disc

The inner disc of the dial depicts the coat of arms of the capital of the Czech Republic, as well as the signs of the zodiac and the calendar cycle of paintings on the subject. rural life in the Middle Ages. The paintings themselves symbolize 12 months.

  • January - depicts the celebration of the birth of a child.
  • February - depicts a peasant warming his feet by the fire and his wife carrying firewood.
  • March - plowing is depicted.
  • April - depicts tying up trees.
  • May - depicts a guy decorating a hat and a girl picking flowers
  • June - mowing is depicted
  • July - depicts the harvest
  • August - grain threshing is depicted
  • September - sowing depicted
  • October - depicts the grape harvest
  • November - depicts cutting down trees and preparing firewood
  • December - depicts the slaughter of a pig

Outer dial dial of Manes

The copper disk is divided into 365 segments, each of which contains a poetic syllabary calendar - tsisioyan. It also indicates the dates of mention of the saints. If the day is a holiday, then at the beginning of the tsisioyan the name of the saint honored on this day is indicated. If the day is ordinary, then Qixioyan takes meaningful content on various topics.

Decoration of the Manes calendar dial

The main idea of ​​the external design of the dial is the image of plant motifs and symbols of life, thus the dial is framed by a vine. It was believed that wine, being the drink of the Gods, freed people from earthly routines and brought joy, youth and eternal life.

By right side from the dial there are sculptures of a monkey and a phoenix bird leading a conversation. The phoenix was revered by all ancient civilizations, symbolizing eternity, the cycle of life and resurrection. The monkey was considered a tamed, dexterous and intelligent animal until in the Middle Ages it began to symbolize sinfulness, greed and the incarnation of the devil. The composition is complemented by a forest gnome and birds.

The entire structure seems to be supported by two sculptures of masons from the Middle Ages. You can tell them by their clothes social status. According to one version, these sculptures depict a master and an apprentice, whose works are interconnected.

In the lower left corner you can see a sculpture of an owl, which in ancient times symbolized night and wisdom, a little later the owl began to be associated with darkness and unbelief.

  • Chronicler
  • Astronomer
  • archangel Michael
  • Philosopher

Performance in the style of the Middle Ages

Every hour from 8 am to 8 pm, an action takes place in the Old Town Square in the spirit of the Middle Ages, when the apostles appear one after another in the upper windows and the final participant is Jesus. At the same time, a little lower, on the sides, the figures also begin to move. Moving objects symbolize human vices. Thus, the skeleton, which symbolizes death, turns over the clock and nods to the Turk, and the Turk shakes his head negatively. On the other side, the Miser shakes his wallet, and the archangel with a sword punishes him, being the embodiment of punishment for sinners. The end of the performance is marked by the crow of a rooster.

How to get to the Prague Astronomical Clock

Address: Staroměstské náměstí 1/3, 110 00 Prague 1-Staré Město
Phone: 236 002 629

Get directions

Prague Orloj, as a tourist symbol, occupies one of the leading places among the popular attractions of Prague. Every hour under the clock you can expect a crowd of tourists with cameras and cameras at the ready. Where did it all start?

The astronomical clock was created in 1410 by the watchmaker Mikulas Kadan and the mathematician-astronomer Jan Schindel, who taught at that time in.

Although the name of the watchmaker Hanush is better known, who, according to legend, is the creator of these miracle watches.

At the same time, the entire façade of the clock was decorated with Gothic figures.

The moving figures that tourists love to watch were added in the 17th century.

As for the gloomy figures of the apostles, they were placed on the clock after major repairs, which were carried out throughout 1865-1866.

The clock itself is built into the . Their disks resemble the shape of some kind of mechanical astrolabe (a device that was used in medieval astronomy).

Many characterize the watch as a primitive planetarium, which conveys the state of the universe.

Astronomical disks have four main components, set against a background of the still sky and the Earth. This is the outer ring of rotation, the image of the Sun and Moon, as well as the zodiac ring.

The Earth and sky are depicted in the background of Orloy. The blue circle located in the center is a symbol of the earth, Blue colour on top of it is part of the sky. During the day, the sun moves across a blue background, and at night, across a black background.

On the left side of the horizon you can see the inscription “ aurora"(from Latin - dawn) and " ortus", which translates as sunrise. You can also see a small gold star on the watch. It shows the position of the spring equinox.

Also, every hour four figures located to the left and right of the clock begin to move.

They represent four images symbolizing human vices:
  • death(image of a skeleton);
  • vanity(image of a figure holding a mirror);
  • greed(image of a figure with a wallet);
  • Turk(image of a figure in a turban).

The twelve apostles, who are located in the doorways, go out at noon.

Below the dial is a second disc with a calendar created by Joseph Manes in 1805. To the left and right are the figures of a chronicler, an angel, an astronomer and a philosopher.

In 1945, fighting took place in the Old Town Square area; a fire occurred as a result of an incendiary shell hitting the town hall building.

As a result of the fire, the town hall and clock were severely damaged. The wooden figures of the apostles burned, and those seen in the gallery above are the result of painstaking restoration and repair of the clock.

To the right of the clock, on the town hall building, there is an interesting historical plaque:

It turns out that Marshal Konev was elected an honorary citizen of Prague.

In this panorama you can see a clock with different angles(zoom in and rotate):

By the way, if a review of watches is included, then you will definitely hear a legend that tour guides quite often tell. It says that anyone who touches the chimes may go crazy or die in a few days.

Manes, one of the watch designers, long time They persuaded people not to paint the “cursed” chimes, believing in this legend. However, despite all these threats, Joseph accepted this order.

As it turned out later, last years his life was filled with agony, depression and physical pain, from which he suffered for reasons unknown to this day.

How to get to the Prague Astronomical Clock and other useful information

The astronomical clock is located on the facade of the town hall tower, which in turn stands on. It won't be difficult to get there.

The official address is: Staroměstské náměstí 1, 110 00 Prague 1

If more is required full information about watches, you can look at this Czech site: Not very convenient, but you can figure it out if you want.

The Orloj clock on the map of Prague is here:

Online webcam - broadcast of clock work

Observe the clock and tourist life of the Old Town Square online, at live. (The broadcast may be unstable.) Listen to the chimes at the beginning of every hour, from 8.00 to 20.00.

Watch a video of the chimes striking in Prague:

When visiting Prague, be sure to take the time to look at the famous clock. But I think that all tourist routes one way or another pass through this attraction, so you are unlikely to miss it on your way. Good luck!

The Orloj astronomical clock, or as they are also called the Prague Astronomical Clock, is one of the symbols of the Czech capital. Tourists constantly crowd around them, hoping to see a small colorful performance that takes place every hour.

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The first mention of the Orloy clock dates back to 1402. Since then, they have gone through countless reconstructions, restorations, and modernizations, but they have never left Old Town Square. It is difficult to say what the watch originally looked like. It is known for sure that in 1410, thanks to the efforts of the astronomer and mathematician Jan Schindel, they became mechanical and acquired the legendary astronomical dial. 80 years later, in 1490, the clock was modernized by master Hanush, who added a lower dial to it, and also “brought polish” by decorating it with Gothic sculptures. In the 17th century, they were accompanied by figurines of the apostles. As a result, the mechanism turned out to be really complex.

A special person was responsible for maintaining the watch in good condition, but it was not always possible to find a worthy specialist. Because of this, the chimes often broke down, and sometimes stopped altogether for a while by order of the king. In 1945, the clock faced a serious test - it burned down along with the Old Town Hall. Perhaps this was one of the most tragic moments for the residents of Prague during the Second World War. Within three years the best masters Europe was assembled by Orloy literally piece by piece. As a result, today 75% of the parts in watches are old, original, and 25% are new. However, the mechanism was completely preserved - it remained the same as many years ago.

Astronomical dial and statues

The Orloy astronomical dial is a whole system showing time in 4 dimensions.

1. Old Czech, the outer circle with Schwabacher numbers is responsible for it. It is easy to see that it moves relative to the main dial. This is due to the fact that in old Prague the countdown of the day began at sunset, which means it happened at different time years in different ways.

2. Central European time - the second (if counting from the outside) circle with Roman numerals is responsible for it.

3. Arabic numerals The third circle indicates sidereal time and indicates daylight hours.

4. And finally, the most complex measurement is the so-called Babylonian time. It is indicated by the Zodiac ring moving around planet Earth (blue circle in the center). Thanks to it, you can find out in which constellation you are located. this moment Sun.

The dial is surrounded by 12 animals - real and fictional. It was not by chance that they appeared here, each has its own meaning, many are called upon to fulfill protective function. On the sides there are 4 sculptures: a magician, a miser, a skeleton and a Turk, which are the personification of human vices. The lower dial of Orloy represents the Manes calendar. There are also 4 sculptures around it: Archangel Michael, philosopher, chronicler and astronomer. Every hour from 8-00 to 20-00 the astronomical dial of the Orloy clock turns into a place where real theatrical action takes place. Sculptures of Christ and the 12 apostles appear in the upper windows, and then a real “struggle” against human vices unfolds.

Where are they located and how to get to the Prague Astronomical Clock

The Orloj astronomical clock is located on Old Town Square, right on the tower of the Town Hall of the same name. You can get here by metro (the nearest station is Staromestska), trams No. 1, 2, 14, 17, 18, 25, 53 (the stop has the same name as the metro station) or bus 194 (stop Staromestske namest? - it is closest to area).

The dial is decorated big amount sculptures that are placed around its circumference. Here we will see a lion (the protector of all animals), next to a dog (a symbol of fidelity, vigilance). His neighbor is a snake with a Phrygian cap, where the cap means freedom, and the snake means sinfulness. This sculpture signifies purification and transformation from snake to human. The cat, another decorative element, is the keeper of treasures, and also a symbol of falsehood, a companion of magicians.

The image of masks at the top of the dial was supposed to scare away the natural elements. Gargoyles in gutters protect against excess moisture. Another image of the devil in the form of a beast with big eyes we find it under the astrolabe. The east and west of the dial are decorated with two figures: a shapeless face and a goblin. They are designed to protect against dark forces. On the sides of the dial there are large statues: Miser, Vanity (Pride), Death, Turk.

The Manes dial (pictured on the left, click on the photo to enlarge) has two disks. The gilded disk containing the coat of arms of Prague inside represents the constellations, the copper disk represents the days of the year. The paintings symbolize the cycle of the calendar: 12 sketches are 12 months (pictures of rural life in the Middle Ages).

The copper disk is divided into 365 day segments indicating the name of the saint revered on that day. IN wide circle Christian holidays are included. The red inscription indicates a day off. The dial is decorated with a grape vine - a symbol of joy and eternal life.

On its right side there are sculptures of a phoenix bird and a monkey. The first is a symbol of eternity, the cycle of life. The second is a symbol of sin, greed. The structure is “held” by a master and an apprentice. The sides of the dial are “populated” with the figures of the Chronicler, the Astronomer, the Archangel Michael and the Philosopher.

We watch the progress of the 12 apostles hourly. Some of them are not included in the gospel: St. Barnabas and Paul, which is why the Czechs call them “preachers” and not apostles. Every hour is played big performance. At the top of the structure are the 12 apostles; Christ closes their course.

Skeleton (Death), turning over hourglass, rings the bell and waves menacingly at Turk (a hint that his death is approaching). He turns his head in denial. The Miser jingles his wallet. Archangel Michael punishes him. And only the Proud Man cares about his appearance: he admires the reflection in the mirror. The rooster completes the scene with its crow, foreshadowing the chimes that chime every hour of the day.

You will see the progress of the 12 apostles every hour from 9:00 to 21:00. There will be a lot of people in the square during these hours, but the spectacle is worth it. Borrow good places in advance. The photo below is an example of the crowd watching the progress of the apostles, click on the photo to enlarge.

Be careful and vigilant, pickpockets can trade in such a crowd. Pickpocketing from tourists happens often; we wrote about this in the article “”.

You can take photos and videos on the square; you don’t need to pay for it. Don't forget to bring a camera or video camera.

Going down the stairs observation deck, pay attention to the photographs telling the history of the tower and Orloy.

IN evening time On the square you can see performances by street performers.

Not far from the clock is the Staromestska restaurace restaurant, which was recognized as the best in Prague. If you're hungry, don't miss the chance to try the best ones. The prices here are high, but it's worth it.

Sitting in a cafe near the chimes, leisurely spend a few minutes near this ancient and unique Prague landmark. And although the proverb says that " happy hours don’t watch”, let contemplation of the Prague Astronomical Clock make you happier.

We wish you interesting walks around Prague, and read our interesting articles about the Czech Republic ( links below).

Hello, friends! The Orloj clock in Prague deserves to be described in detail. The famous chimes of the Czech Republic have outlasted all similar clock mechanisms in the world in terms of duration of their existence. Created at the beginning of the 15th century, they still function and show Central European time, as well as Old Bohemian and Babylonian.

But spectators rush to the Prague Orloj not at all in order to find their bearings in time. The astronomical clock is unique. They are simultaneously a work of art, a scientific-historical object and entertainment for visitors where they are located.

It would be more logical before going into detailed descriptions, provide an opportunity to look directly at the chimes, their action, and the many among which they are located. A short video will allow you to quickly plunge into the thick of things:

And now we can dwell on some details - who is involved in the astronomical clock, what symbols surround them, and why they are famous:

  1. How the Prague Orloj came to be
  2. Astronomical disk and time determination
  3. Symbolic images of chimes

Who and when created Pražský orloj

The first chimes appeared at the end of the 14th century, when Wenceslas IV ordered the installation of a striking mechanism on a Gothic tower that would emit signals after an hour had passed.

A little more time passed, and in 1410 the town hall tower was equipped with an amazing astronomical clock.

Orloj was created by watchmaker Mikulas from Kadan, guided by the calculations and drawings of mathematician and astronomer Jan Schindel.

Master Hanush was called the Prague watchmaker Jan Ruže, who was directly related to the chimes of the town hall, but somewhat later. Master Ganush had not yet been born by the time Orloy not only regularly beat time intervals, but also gained European fame.

New facts about the author Prague Orloj opened recently - after 1980. This is how history can lead us by the nose... For centuries, Prague residents believed that Hanush created the chimes, and passed on from mouth to mouth legends about how cruel city councilors ordered the master to be blinded so that he could not repeat his invention. Fortunately, this sophisticated medieval cruelty turned out to be only a legend.

But a document was found that recorded a generous reward to the inventor of the Prague Astronomical Clock, Mikulas from Kadan. The master was given a house at the Havel Gate and 3,000 Prague groschen, which was unusual at that time a large sum. Moreover, an annual salary of 600 groschen was assigned and guarantees were provided for property - in fact, copyright was protected.

The astronomical disk and how to determine ordinary time

For a long time, Orloy consisted of only one disk – the astronomical one. Actually, the mechanism was created for the needs of astrology, and not to tell residents the time. An astronomical disk is a special moving map of the sky, with which you can determine the position of the Sun, Moon, as well as their location relative to the zodiac constellations.

Imagine, this whole colossus is moving, displaying a lot of information, and we, modern residents, look at this disk and don’t even know how to figure out what time it is))) But now we’ll figure it out.

The Earth is depicted exactly in the center. The upper part of the disk corresponds to daytime - it is bluish in color. And the dark circle at the bottom is night. Twilight is indicated between day and night orange. Superimposed on this entire picture is a ring on which the signs of the zodiac are depicted, but the ring has nothing to do with determining time.

The present time is indicated by an arrow with the symbol of the Sun and a golden Hand. The only catch is that this hand simultaneously points to three numerical scales. And where is the one we need? Along the edge of the disk there are numbers in the form of some “squiggles” - this is Old Czech time. It is interesting that in this coordinate system the day ended with the onset of twilight.

The following digital symbols in Roman notation, also placed in a circle, are European time. Now you can easily determine what time I captured the astronomical disk in the photo.

There are also Arabic numerals - they are lower than the Roman ones and are depicted weaker. Arabic numerals make it possible to determine Babylonian time. It also includes that grid of golden curved lines diverging from the center of the disk. Fortunately, it is of no use to us, and there is no need to delve into these medieval indicators.

What else I would like to add regarding the installation of the astronomical clock is to mention the merit of the architect Petr Parler, who created a stone extension to the town hall where the chimes were placed. The stone decoration around the astronomical disk is also his work.

I repeat, determining time is almost a side function of Orloy. The main thing is to track the movement of celestial bodies. And on the astronomical disk, the symbols of the Sun and Moon move not only in a circle, but also along the arrow. The disk with the zodiac also moves... From all this, experts read information. But in the Middle Ages they did not try to determine minutes. Residents of that time were not interested in such trifles.

In 1490, Orla was supplemented with another disc. The disk contained a calendar, including all 365 days in the form of divisions along the rim of the disk. The appearance of the calendar is precisely correlated with the activities of the master Ganush.

Each evening the calendar disk was turned by hand by one division, a practice that continued until 1566. Since then, the movement of the calendar board has been mechanized.

The attractive calendar disk that we see now appeared much later. IN mid-19th centuries, watches needed major renovation. A collection of money among the population of the Czech Republic was announced for this worthy cause. 4,265 gold were collected. And the best Prague artist of that time, Josef Manes, took on the design of the calendar disk for a modest remuneration. And although we see today only a recreated copy, it is close to the original:

Manes depicted the coat of arms of Prague in the center of the disk, and around it the original signs of the zodiac. 12 golden disks with images, which are arranged in a circle, make up the series of paintings “Twelve Months”. Each painting represents features of medieval rural life during a specific month. The day designation, as in earlier versions, is located on the outer ring of the disk. Where can I see what day it is? Look at the mark with a golden line at the top of the calendar. Both the date and the day of the week are indicated there.

Symbolic images of chimes

Of great interest are the figures installed on both sides of the astronomical and calendar disk. The sculptures near the top disk, as you noticed while watching the video, are set in motion during the chiming clock. It is believed that these images represent 4 vices, although this opinion raises questions.

On the right are the Skeleton and the Turk. The skeleton symbolizes death and reminds of its inevitability. Can this allegory be attributed to vices? This image appeared on the chimes first, back in the 16th century.

The placement of the turbaned figure next to the Skeleton is even more mysterious. The Czech Republic in the Middle Ages often used the image of the Turk in a negative context. So, for example, the plot “a raven pecks out a Turk’s eye” appeared on the coat of arms of the Schwarzenberg family. Perhaps in in this case The image of the Turk denotes vicious characteristics.

To the left of the astronomical disk are more understandable images. Allegories of stinginess and vanity are established here:

Vanity peers into the mirror, Stinginess shakes a bag of money. However, there are disagreements in the interpretation of these images. It is assumed that the one on the far left is the Magician, who studies the invisible worlds, which is associated with knowledge, not vice.

Below, near the calendar disk, the Philosopher and Archangel Michael are located on the left, and the Astronomer and Chronicler on the right.

These images of Pražský orloj are always in sight. But if you watched the video, you noticed the procession of the apostles, which takes place during the mini-presentation of the chimes. The windows above the astronomical disk on both sides of the sculpture of the Angel open and 12 disciples of Christ pass in front of us. And the whole action ends with the cry of the golden Rooster.

The appearance of the figurines of the apostles is associated with the reconstruction of the chimes in 1659. The figures are made of wood, so they had to be restored several times. The current company of apostles was created by the sculptor Vojtech Sucharda.

The last of the images to be installed in its place was the Rooster. Prague residents heard it for the first time on December 31, 1882.

In conclusion, I would like to say that Prague Orloj is a mystery object. However, this is not surprising. Astronomical clocks were created with the purpose of displaying information that is not understandable to everyone. And they have had such a long life that they are not without mysteries and legends. I assume, friends, that many of you have heard something interesting about the Prague Astronomical Clock. If so, tell us too.

Your euro guide Tatyana

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