Jokes - pictures, video jokes, funny stories and anecdotes. April Fool's Day: ideas for jokes and pranks The best jokes for April 1 at home


April 1, as you know, is April Fool's Day, which means it is a wonderful positive holiday when jokes are not only possible, but also necessary. After all, as they say wise people, laughter prolongs life, and jokes on April 1 - even more so.

April 1, 2018 falls on a Sunday day off, which means that the shock dose of all the jokes and gags will bypass work colleagues, but will fall on family and friends.

So let's go with let's start the day with original congratulations on April 1 and make the life of our family and friends long, happy and fun. So, how to play on April 1? Look for ideas in our article.



This prank is completely harmless, but looks very impressive. Prepare for it in advance. Take nail polish or a tube of thick PVA glue and pour the contents onto wax paper. When the liquid dries, carefully remove the stain from the paper. Such a varnish or adhesive patch together with a bottle can be used more than once with many impressionable people. In the morning, throw it on your husband’s new shirt, and in the afternoon - on your mother’s favorite blouse...


Prepare an unprecedented cool treat in advance. Take several small and identical-sized apples, lemons, onions, potatoes, you can even raw eggs, and generously dip them into the melted chocolate. When the chocolate hardens, it will smooth out the unevenness and disguise the product within itself. Offer this treat on April 1st to colleagues and friends. Now someone will come across something...

Glue double-sided tape to the flip-flops of your husband, mother and children. This joke on April 1 is completely simple and harmless, but it gives a lot of laughter and positive emotions.


A plastic tube of toothpaste has inexhaustible possibilities for filling it with anything using a syringe - from sour cream or curd mass to... You won’t be too cruel to your family, will you?

The prank with a toothbrush may look a little more serious, but it is not dangerous to health. If your relatives use toothbrushes with multi-colored bristles, add a few drops of food coloring of the same color as the bristles. Their dazzling smile will delight many on this day!


Is there a drinking water cooler in your office? Great - there's a reason to laugh. Unnoticedly add to it your choice: food coloring, chicken bouillon, salt, sugar, soda...


If you have a small technical room in mind that is often used, don’t be lazy and fill it up the day before inflatable balloons. Imagine, in the morning, colleagues call the elevator, it opens, and balls fall out of it...


If the “identification” sign on the door to the men’s restroom does not look like the letter “M”, but a picture depicting a man’s silhouette, then an April Fool’s joke can be done as follows. Cut out a skirt from a piece of paper of the appropriate color and stick it on a male figurine... A simpler and familiar version of the same joke is to swap the signs or stick new ones in their place - for example, “Dining Room”, “Buffet”, “Gym”.

Well, and of course, cheap rolls of toilet paper and adhesive tape are the leaders in cool means at hand. So it’s only up to your imagination and creativity - where, what, whose, to what or to whom to wind or glue. For example, at a colleague’s workplace, wrap the monitor and all office supplies with toilet paper, and seal the mouse, pens, cup and scissors with tape.

When preparing jokes and pranks for April 1, you need to understand that they will only affect people with a sense of humor. Let's say you know for sure that your boss doesn't like jokes and rarely smiles in life. Then there is no need to tempt fate even on April Fool's Day; this person, most likely, is not inclined to humorous situations even on April 1.

But your girlfriend or mother is ready to laugh at any trifle. In this case, on the contrary, you need to prepare more jokes and interesting comical pranks for her on April 1st. In general, jokes should not be mean and should not be mocking. In other cases, jokes on April 1 should be positive, pleasant and interesting. To play a beautiful prank on a person, by the way, also requires a creative approach.

If you are working with the person you want to prank, you can try to stage the situation as if the computer has frozen. You can do this at home to prank your parents, husband, or even your kids. You need to take a screenshot of your desktop. To do this, press the corresponding button on the keyboard and save the image as a photo. Then the photo is installed as a desktop wallpaper. The person you will be pranking will sweat us to restart the computer. After all, doing this over and over again, the results will be the same. Until you decide to congratulate the poor fellow on the holiday and tell him that this is just an April Fool's prank.

You can radio greetings to a friend from an old acquaintance or relative. It is important that it is a pleasant greeting from the person you want to hear about. But remember that if you do not expose yourself, then such a greeting will no longer be a joke, but a deception.

A simple joke that turns out to be effective at all times is to glue a mouse, cup or plate to the table. You can also do an interesting thing with a mouse: in the computer settings, change the functions of the left and right buttons. It will be an ideal sight when a person begins to suffer and cannot work. You just need to not delay the prank and be sure to inform him in time about what kind of April Fool's joke was played on him.

As for jokes on April 1 for schoolchildren, they should be kind and lighten the mood. You can hang a bouquet of balloons above the door inside the classroom. Every time students enter the classroom, they will be greeted by a rain of colorful balls: it will be pleasant and no one will be offended.

To prank your loved one, you can prepare a surprise breakfast for him. For example, make balls of processed cheese, to which add a lot of garlic and hot pepper. Another great option– over-salt the scrambled eggs or add salt to tea instead of sugar. It’s important to have a second breakfast option on hand, so that when the April Fool’s prank is revealed, you can eat in peace and go to work on this festive, cheerful day in high spirits.

Of course, these are not all jokes

1. In any city there is either a river, a swamp or a reservoir - in general, some kind water body. So, when driving over water in public transport, you need to look out the window, feign great surprise and loudly exclaim: “Look - dolphins!!!” It will be very fun when everyone, with their mouths open, falls to the windows.

2. Cool prank for April 1: if your city has a metro, you can take advantage of such a fortunate circumstance. Get into the car, and when the electric train starts moving, pretend that you pressed the button to communicate with the driver. Say so that everyone can hear: “Please, a Coke and a pack of chips in such and such a carriage!”, or something like that. After that, with the calmest expression on your face, wait for the next stop. On it, your friend should enter the same doors opposite which you are standing, ask who ordered Coke and chips, and hand them to you. And you have to pay money for the order. But all this must happen very quickly so that the “courier-waiter” jumps out of the car before the doors close. People are shocked!

And now the main joke for April 1: you press the button again and say: “Until the end without stopping!” You can imagine the reaction of passengers!

3. For this April Fool's joke, you need some kind of crowd of people, for example, a trolleybus or tram stop. A man runs past her “in the form” of a deer, i.e. or with real antlers on the head or placing hands with fingers in a “fan” to the head, shouting at the top of his lungs: “I am a deer!!! I am a deer!!!" And he safely disappears around the corner of a nearby house. A minute later, “hunters” run past the same stop with toy guns or with dummies of machine guns, at the same time asking people if a deer ran through here?!

4. If suddenly in yours locality It's already so warm that the fountains are turned on - squeeze some dishwashing detergent into the fountain basin. There will be so much foam that it will cover the entire nearby area!!!

5. On April 1, April Fool's Day, you can do another cool little thing: 2 people who are at least somewhat similar in appearance, for example, in length or hair color, dress the same, at least in things of the same color. And they are located at neighboring transport stops, or rather close to them. For example, a trolleybus arrives at the first stop. Just before it departs or when it is already closing the doors and starting to move, one of the dressed guys appears and tries to catch up with the trolleybus, but does not have time. The transport is leaving. At the next stop, a seemingly out of breath second participant comes in the door and, breathing heavily, declares: “Woah, I barely caught up!”

6. At a family dinner, place a small flat magnet under the tablecloth for one of the family members. And on the tablecloth, as expected, there are cutlery. It will be funny when a person tries to take a spoon/fork/knife. The main thing is that there should not be a plate of hot soup near the person, because it can easily spill out!

7. Pranks and jokes on April 1 in the company: a game is played “Guess the body part using your fingers,” but blindfolded. One person is blindfolded, while the other is intended to be poked. After several successful or not entirely guessing which part of the body the first person hit, cut halves of a tomato are placed under his fingers! The guesser pokes at them, and then the other one, the “victim,” immediately begins to scream that his eye was gouged out! The joke is evil, so it can only be played on a mentally calm and stable person!

8. If you are walking with a group of friends, pointing your hand to the sky, exclaim: “Look, a dead bird is flying!” Everyone will, of course, watch. A joke to match April Fool's Day!

9. In the dormitory, nail or glue the slippers of one of the students to the shelf with something. He gets up, his feet are in slippers, but they don’t come off the floor!

10. You call the person and in a serious voice inform him that you are from the housing office, and warn about the shutdown in half an hour and cold, and hot water. Advise you to fill up all available containers, saying that there may not be water for a couple of days. After the specified time, you call back again: “Did you get water? Heat it up! We’ll bring the elephant to wash soon!”

April 1 is April Fool's Day, which means that on this day it is not only possible to joke, but also necessary. What pranks and jokes can be organized on April 1 at home, at work and in the company of friends - read the material.

The only advice is to make sure that your pranks and jokes are kind, do not damage other people’s property and do not cause discomfort to other people. We are only for positive emotions on this day!

April 1st draws for friends

Who doesn't love sweets? And free ones even more so! This is exactly what you can do to catch your gullible friends. For example, you can grease sandwich cookies not with cream, but with toothpaste. The main thing is to use white paste without a strong smell, otherwise you will be found out!

Or offer your friends your own chocolate candies...with cotton wool! To do this, pour chocolate over small balls of cotton wool and place them in the refrigerator for several hours. Insidious sweets are ready!

April 1st draw for friends - cotton candy

You can also treat everyone ice cream! Of course it's not real. Vanilla ice cream is very similar in color to mashed potatoes. To do this, boil the puree, add more cream or milk to get the desired color. For best results, leave the puree in the freezer overnight. Place the balls into glasses or cups and pour over chocolate or any other topping. And don't forget to wish you bon appetit.

April 1st draw for friends - ice cream made from mashed potatoes

In order not to harm the car, but to use it for April Fools' jokes, use cling film. You can either simply wrap the car with it, or tie it to a pole. Do you remember that you can’t tear cling film so easily with your hands?

Draw on April 1st for friends with a car

April 1st draws for lovers

Here you need to be careful - it is very easy to offend your beloved half, and on April 1 such quarrels are definitely useless. Keep your jokes as neutral as possible. For example, " living refrigerator". In the evening (even when no one opens the refrigerator) “eyes” on all products - they can be purchased in craft stores. The more such “live” products, the better the effect.

April 1st draw for lovers - a living refrigerator

April 1st draw for lovers - experiment
with other products!

Another interesting joke from upside down glass which is filled with water. To do this, fill a glass with ice and put it there any light item. For example, something from cosmetics (only hermetically sealed). And turn the glass over. The very next morning you will receive a glass of water, the object from which will not be so easy to get :)

April 1st draw for lovers: finally physics lessons came in handy!

You can also " invite guests" favorite actors or superheroes. Just print out a small image and stick it on the door peephole. Simulate a doorbell (for example, by recording the sound on your phone) and ask your loved one to open the door.

April 1st draw for lovers: no one will be waiting for such a guest

And very delicious prank(and very good) for breakfast. Fried eggs can be imitated using yogurt and peach. You can't tell the difference by looking at it! And the taste definitely won’t disappoint!

April 1st draw for lovers: “scrambled eggs” made from yogurt and peach, as well as “french fries” made from apple

Draws on April 1 for colleagues

Jokes for colleagues should also be selected as carefully as possible. Firstly, you still have to work with these people, and secondly, no one wants to pay for damaged corporate property. Therefore, you can experiment with humorous "harm" for the computer. You can use regular glue to make a blot that you place on your laptop keyboard. And before you tell your colleague that there are problems with his technology, pick up a carton of milk. He'll love it!

April 1st draw for colleagues: damaged computer

Add a little color to this day stickers. This joke was created specifically for perfectionists. Cover everything you can with them - a computer, table, chair, etc. This prank looks at least very bright!

Giveaways for April 1st for colleagues with stickers

You can add not only colors to this day, but also volume! To do this, attach the horn to your work chair with tape. Every time someone sits there, the whole office will know about it.

Draw on April 1st for colleagues

Smile more often and give joy to everyone around you! Let every day be bright and cheerful!

The holiday of April 1 is a day of practical jokes, surprises, laughter and fun. On this day, they play pranks on friends, colleagues, acquaintances and relatives. It’s not surprising, because jokes and pranks on April 1 will lift your spirits and leave you feeling good memories. And although April Fool’s Day is not designated in any way on the official calendar, it enjoys enviable popularity among residents of many countries.

After reading the article, you will make the first day of April unforgettable. I will look at successful April Fools' jokes, jokes and practical jokes that will help you make a good-natured, but incredibly funny joke, and this is the key to general fun and positive emotions.

Remember to have a sense of proportion and do not overdo it with humor on April Fool's Day. If you successfully choose a victim for the prank, get the timing right and do everything correctly, it will be funny for everyone. And don’t forget to be vigilant, because at any moment you can become a victim of a prank.

The best pranks for the first of April at school

Many people love April Fool's Day, especially schoolchildren. They are ready to play pranks at any moment, because on the first of April no one punishes them for this. At the same time, every student does not forget about attentiveness and constantly expects a trick from his peers. In this part of the article I will consider several ideas for pranks for schoolchildren. They require little preparation and provide incredible results.

  • "Paper Draw". Before the holiday, prepare several sheets of paper with various inscriptions. Notification of repairs, lack of water, or cancellation of classes is ideal. Post messages on the walls of the school and in the school yard. Just don't get caught by the teachers.
  • "Holiday Brick". A classmate who has a spacious backpack with big amount pockets. When the target of the prank leaves the property unattended, hide the brick or big Stone in one of the pockets. After classes, the student will automatically put on a backpack and will not pay attention to the fact that the burden has become heavier. The results of the drawing will be known the next day.
  • "Goodbye, school" . The draw is suitable for classmates who often miss classes. On April 1st, give your peer a letter on behalf of class teacher with notice of expulsion from school.
  • « Fantômas". Burn a dozen matches. Cover both hands with the remaining ashes, then approach the victim from behind and close his eyes. As soon as the target of the prank guesses you, remove your hands and quickly put them in your pocket. A classmate will not suspect that he has undergone a facial.
  • « Soap and blackboard» . On April Fool's Day, not only schoolchildren, but also teachers play pranks. If the teacher's anger is not scary, rub the board with soap before class. The teacher's attempts to write something on the board will fail.

When choosing a prank, remember that your actions should not offend your classmate. In general, on this day it is recommended that both schoolchildren and teachers be attentive, because children school age unpredictable.

Popular pranks for friends

Laughter improves mood and has a positive effect on life expectancy. And the first of April is a wonderful occasion to make fun of your friends and have a good laugh. It is possible that thanks to the prank, life close friend will increase by one bright day. In this part of the article you will find ideas that will help you organize a five-minute laugh.

  1. "Head in a Jar". Invite your friends to get together and spend April Fool's Eve at your home. Before your guests arrive, fill a jar with water, dip a friend’s photo into the liquid, and place it in the refrigerator. During an evening out, ask the victim to bring a bottle of beer from the refrigerator. The surprise effect will work one hundred percent.
  2. "Fizzy". A great way to prank. Invite friends home, offer cola with ice. Only instead of regular ice Place pieces with frozen Mentos candies inside into glasses. When the ice melts, the candy will react with the drink, resulting in a fountain gushing out of the glass.
  3. "It's time to get up." Before April Fool's Day, ask a friend for a phone number to make a call. Step aside and secretly set your alarm for 5am. In the morning, call your friend back and ask if he liked getting up early.
  4. "Screen of Death". If a friend spends a lot of time on the computer, the following April Fool's prank is recommended. Take a screenshot of the blue screen and secretly set the resulting image as your desktop wallpaper on your friend's computer. Don't forget to create a folder and put all the shortcuts in it to make it more believable.
  5. "Prank by phone". Call a friend for any reason, and after a few minutes of conversation, say that you will call back in 5 minutes. During the next call, make sure that your friend hears an unexpected scream instead of the usual greeting.

Video tips

Most of the listed draws include preliminary preparation, but provide impressive results. And the emotions and memories gained are worth it. So get ready for a fun holiday in advance.

How to joke with your parents

If you decide to play a prank on your parents on the first of April, you will have to try hard. In the case of parents, topical pranks are inappropriate, since dad and mom are the closest people who require attention and reverent attitude. Regarding the main goal April Fool's Day Prank relatives, we're talking about about family fun. How to make a joke?

  1. "Dessert with a surprise". Pass the processed cheese through a grater, add crushed garlic and chopped hot peppers. Roll the resulting mixture into balls, sprinkle generously with coconut flakes. The spicy taste of the mouth-watering dessert is guaranteed to surprise parents.
  2. "Sudden Letter". On April Fool's Day, place a letter in the mailbox on behalf of one of the utility companies. In the letter, indicate that in the near future a new cable will be laid on the roof of the house, and during work, fragments of concrete may fall from the roof. To protect your windows, we recommend sealing them with tape. If parents believe, don't let them go too far. Tell them it's a prank.
  3. « Toothpaste with a twist". In the daily bustle, parents usually forget that the first of April is approaching and regularly fall for this prank. Stretch the cling film over the tube where the paste is squeezed out. Then close the lid and remove excess material. When parents want to freshen their breath, they will not be able to squeeze out the paste.
  4. "Bad news". Ask someone you know to call the parents on behalf of the school principal and report the child’s expulsion due to persistent absenteeism. The main thing is to notify your family about the draw in a timely manner.
  5. "Merry communal apartment". Scan your old payment using graphics editor, change important information and set an exorbitant amount. After that, print out a new receipt on the printer, delicately cut it out with scissors and slip it under the door.

Remember, it’s much more difficult to prank your parents on April Fools’ Day than it is to prank your friends or classmates. Therefore, to achieve results, use your imagination and demonstrate your acting skills to the maximum.

Funny office pranks for colleagues

The first of April is the best reason to lighten up the work environment, play pranks on your colleagues and laugh together. IN Lately All more people They play office pranks on co-workers. If you want to join them, look below original ideas, which will help to prank your colleagues and make the holiday unforgettable.

  • "Naughty Mouse". On the eve of April 1st, stay late in the office and cover your optical mice with thin paper or stationery tape. The expected effect will appear the next morning, when, after turning on the computer, colleagues notice the loss of control over the system.
  • "Spot" . Mix ammonia with phenolphthalein. Both products are sold at the pharmacy. The result will be a red liquid. Pour the mixture into a fountain pen and, if successful, shake it onto a colleague’s shirt or blouse. After a few seconds, the alcohol will evaporate and the stains will disappear.
  • "Clerical confusion". A colleague's stationery will help organize the draw. Replace the pens with analogues whose caps are glued with glue, and cover the ends of the pencils with a layer of colorless nail polish. When you arrive at work, watch the victim suffer.
  • "Unexpected Guest". If the office receives many visitors every day, and each colleague has a separate office, replace the sign on the victim's door. The inscription "Toilet" will do.
  • "Top secret". The raffle is ideal for accounting or an office with a huge turnover of documents. Collect a bunch of unnecessary papers, file them in a folder, stick a “top secret” note on top and place it on the desk of one of the employees. Believe me, you have never seen such a detective show before.

Video instruction

When choosing a drawing option, be sure to take into account your relationships with colleagues. Use the most “cruel” pranks on colleagues with whom you have a warm relationship. Also remember that a joke should not interfere with normal flow working day.

Harmless pranks for girls

Girls are different. Some react adequately to innocent jokes, others are very offended. If you decide to prank a girl on the first of April, don’t overdo it. Stupid and cynical jokes and gags are inappropriate in this case. Only a beautiful and original prank will provide the desired effect.

  1. "Cosmetics with a catch". Buy your girl an expensive face mask. Pour the contents of the jar into another container, and pour thick mayonnaise instead. Surely the girl will be delighted with such a gift and will want to immediately try it in practice. After laughing, give the real remedy.
  2. "A haircut" . In advance, get a strand of artificial hair that matches the girl’s hair in color. Having chosen the right moment, take the large scissors, approach the girl from behind, click the scissors loudly and throw her hair on the floor. The effect is simply amazing.
  3. "Request" . Hide a spool of thread under a sweater or T-shirt, and use a needle to bring the tip of the thread out. Ask the girl to remove the thread from her clothes and enjoy the spectacle. The efforts of the discouraged assistant look comical.
  4. "Miracle hairdryer". If a girl uses a hairdryer every day, pour a little flour or starch into it. When she decides to dry her hair, she will be in for a surprise. This prank is very effective, but after the fireworks the instigator has to clean up.
  5. "Feeling of fear". It so happens that spiders cause fear in girls. On the eve of April 1, buy a rubber spider at the store and tie a string to it. At the right moment, quietly lower the creature onto the girl’s shoulder. You will hear the effect in a few seconds.

When playing a girl, remember that she represents tender and fragile creature. So forget about sweepstakes that bring physical or heartache. You will do everything right if after the prank she laughs too.

How to make fun of a guy

In the case of guys, the range of April Fool's jokes is no worse than with girls. And if young man also wonderful feeling humor, there are no restrictions for the implementation of even the most daring ideas. The main thing is to avoid sensitive situations.

  • "Flood". While the guy is sleeping, carefully sew the duvet cover to the sheet. In the morning, run into the bedroom and say that the neighbors have flooded the apartment. The guy, shocked by the news, will try to quickly get out of bed, but that’s not the case.
  • "Good news" . If the guy is not ready for family life, please him on April 1st with the following joke. Use a colored marker to draw the number of lines required for a positive result on the pregnancy test.
  • "Hero-Savior" . On the eve of April 1, tell your boyfriend that you are not feeling well. In the morning, ask him to run to the pharmacy for herbal tincture. Come up with a name for the grass yourself. Get dressed quickly, follow the guy from behind and watch how the young man tries to buy a non-existent product. Very funny.
  • "Hijacking". If a guy has a car while he's sleeping, take the keys and drive it vehicle to another place. After this, wake up your betrothed and tell him that the car was stolen. Just be sure to report the prank before calling law enforcement.

I have listed a few ideas for an original April Fool's prank for a guy. And these are not all the options. Using your imagination, you can come up with something of your own that will suit the guy’s temperament and will not harm the relationship.

April 1 jokes for children

Pranks are popular with many people, especially children. They have a lot of fun when their parents play pranks on them. Below I’ll look at a few ideas for April Fool’s pranks for kids. They will help fill the house with laughter on the first day of April.

  1. "Teleportation". If babies sleep soundly at night, carefully move them to another room. When they wake up, they will find themselves in an unusual environment, which cannot but surprise.
  2. "Milk juice". Offer your kids a glass of orange juice for breakfast. Just serve milk instead of a drink. orange color. To do this, add food coloring to it.
  3. "Products with eyes". Ask your baby to get milk from the refrigerator. He will be very surprised when he sees on the middle shelf a tray with eggs with funny faces drawn on them. I also recommend giving fruits and vegetables their appearance.
  4. "Snow-white smile". To make morning washing more fun, sprinkle salt on your children's toothbrush. Just don't overdo it.
  5. "A pleasant surprise". While the kids are sleeping, take things out of the closet and put them in their place. a large number of balloons filled with helium. When the child opens the doors, the balls will fly out like butterflies.

Children are the most capricious and vulnerable audience. Therefore, make every effort to ensure that they receive a vivid impression, and not another portion of stress and disappointment. Let them have a lot of fun.

How not to joke on April 1st

As April approaches, many people are thinking about playing a fun and funny prank on their comrades, colleagues and loved ones. On this day you can joke about different topics, but there are exceptions. In order not to lose face or get into an unpleasant situation, do not use jokes that mention:

  • Death;
  • Kidnapping;
  • Accident;
  • Mining a building.

Each of the listed play options is fraught with problems. Having heard shocking news, a person immediately contacts the relevant authorities. And for such a prank, instead of fun and laughter, you can get a fine or more serious punishment.

Try to keep jokes and pranks within limits and to ensure that both you and the victim end up laughing. Be sure to keep in mind that not all people react adequately to jokes and gags.

Now you have a lot of ideas for April Fool's pranks at your disposal. Use the options you like in practice and do not forget about decency. Your actions should be beautiful even in such situations. Good luck!

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