I dreamed of a hurricane with rain outside the window. Why does a woman dream of a hurricane in a dream, a strong wind - dream book

If a sleeping person dreams that he is walking through the city and sees dire consequences after a hurricane, then this is a sign of an imminent change permanent place residence. The dreamer will move to another country and will experience very strong feeling nostalgia. If a sleeping person sees victims of the elements, then soon his relatives may suffer due to the dreamer’s indecisiveness.

If during a storm a person experienced a feeling of despair, then this bad sign, which suggests that the dreamer will not be able to cope with his emotions in critical situation.

If a person has experienced disaster in the sea, then this is a sign of great happiness and luck

Whirling in the strong current of a hurricane tornado means experiencing strong emotions associated with a new romantic acquaintance. If you manage to get out of the tornado alive, then the love will be strong and mutual.

Seeing how a strong wind bends trees is a warning that the dreamer and his friends will be concerned about the fate of their friend, who will suddenly disappear. However, these concerns and fears will be in vain.

A downpour accompanied by a strong wind is a sign of disappointment and strong resentment in your personal life. If at the same time the wind blows at the back, as if urging the dreamer, this promises the achievement of the set goal and the fulfillment of a cherished desire. In the case when a hurricane blows in the face, this foreshadows the appearance of obstacles in the planned event.

If you dream that you are caught in a hurricane, it means that you will soon experience bitterness and despair because the plans you have long nurtured, which should have quickly led you to your cherished goal, will collapse. This dream may foretell big changes in your destiny, often associated with losses. In a dream, hearing the roar of a hurricane wind and seeing how it tilts the trees around you promises you some kind of painful waiting, which will be replaced by decisive attempts to resist collapse. A dream in which your house collapses under the pressure of the wind foreshadows a change in lifestyle, frequent moves and a change in job. Seeing the consequences of a terrible hurricane in a dream is a sign that misfortune will not affect you personally.

Modern dream book Hurricane

Hearing the sound of an approaching hurricane that is heading straight for you, crushing everything in its path is a harbinger of painful unrest and uncertainty that will overcome you when trying to cope with troubles that threaten your business. If you dream that you are in a house that is being destroyed by a hurricane before your eyes, and in the darkness you are trying to save someone from under the rubble, then in reality changes are coming in your life: you will have to wander through distant countries that will not bring You have neither business success nor family happiness. Seeing ruins left after a hurricane in a dream is a sign that trouble is looming over you, which other people will help you to overcome. Seeing people affected by a hurricane in a dream predicts that you will be disturbed by the troubles of other people.

Intimate dream book Hurricane

The hurricane is a fairly transparent symbol; it suggests that some significant changes will soon come in your life, and they will be associated with the fact that you will meet a certain person who will make you look at the world and your loved ones in a new way. If in your dream you or someone else was injured by a hurricane, it means that an acquaintance that at first seems very interesting to you may bring you misfortune or, at least, unrest. Watching a hurricane approach - you are concerned about the fate of your friend (or girlfriend), who is not very lucky in his personal life. In fact, you should be guided by how your friend treats himself - if he (or she) is happy with everything, then you should be calm.

Dream Interpretation of Miss Hasse Hurricane

A raging hurricane (storm) in a dream - you are unarmed against fate

Your personal dream book Hurricane

If in a dream you only hear a hurricane that is rapidly approaching you, destroying everything in its path, it means that uncertainty and uncertainty await you ahead, which will oppress you and interfere with solving problems. If you see a hurricane destroying the house you are in, prepare for the wanderings that fate has in store for you. If you see ruins that were left as a result of a past hurricane, then a disaster may occur that you do not even suspect, but with the help of relatives it can be avoided. A dream in which other people suffer from a hurricane is a sign that you will have to take on the solution of other people's problems.

Muslim dream book Hurricane

storm, tornado. Seeing a hurricane, storm, or tornado in a dream means a possible accident or other unpleasant incident.

A hurricane and strong wind are a symbol whose meaning in a dream is difficult to accurately determine. It can portend both a serious illness and positive, joyful life changes.

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To correctly interpret a dream, you need to take into account all its details and details that you were able to remember. It is important to pay attention to what kind of hurricane it was - snowy, with sand, rain, etc. If you cannot understand the meaning of the plot on your own, you should turn to dream books for help.

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    Why do you dream about a hurricane?

    Plots with a hurricane can greatly frighten the sleeper and leave behind an unpleasant feeling of danger, but they do not always foreshadow negative events for a man or woman.

    A hurricane from a dream is most often a symbol of dramatic life changes. Dream books will help you understand how positive they will be.

    What was the hurricane like?

    Hurricane or strong wind - ambiguous symbol. To interpret it correctly, you need to remember what exactly the raging element was like: snowy, rainy, sandy, etc. Any of these characteristics can radically change the interpretation of the dream:

    Features of the weather phenomenon Dream meaning
    With the rainA natural phenomenon accompanied by a heavy downpour symbolizes separation from a loved one. It will happen for a reason beyond the control of the lovers. Light rain suggests that there is still a chance to save the relationship
    With dustA hurricane with impenetrable dust promises the emergence of insurmountable obstacles on the way to the goal. To cope with them, the dreamer will have to spend a lot of time, mental and physical strength.
    With sandA strong wind with sand is a hint that for some reason a person is not able to appreciate real situation business He looks at the world through rose-colored glasses and perceives the people around him as much better than they actually are.
    With snowA raging hurricane with snow foretells a man or woman the collapse of all plans in reality. You need to lie low for a while and gain strength so that your next endeavors don’t end in failure again.
    Very strong wind at your backIf a person sleeping in his night dreams only feels a hurricane on his back, he should begin to pay more attention to his family members. Family members lack communication with the dreamer; they want to feel his care
    Hurricane/gusty wind outside the windowIt happens that in a dream a person does not find himself in the epicenter of a hurricane, but only watches it from the window of his house. This means that soon someone will want to drag the sleeping person into a dubious, dangerous scam, attracting him with the opportunity to make big money.

    Under what conditions do you dream of strong wind?

    Important for interpretation are the conditions under which the sleeper encountered a strong wind. You need to try to remember them in as much detail as possible:

    • If a person finds himself in a dense, impenetrable forest during a hurricane and sees trees falling around him from a strong wind, it means that real life a difficult period will soon begin for the dreamer. In all areas, a man or woman will be haunted by problems and failures, and loved ones will refuse to come to the rescue at the most needed moment. You just need to wait out this time and not despair.
    • If a person is at home and a strong wind opens the windows, the plot always foreshadows changes for the sleeper. What they will turn out to be like in the end will be determined by the characteristics of the wind itself. A pleasant, fresh breeze indicates favorable life changes. A hurricane with sand and dirt promises negative changes that will upset the dreamer.
    • Being in a house that is swaying from a strong wind, - to serious experiences. In real life, a person will feel emotional unrest. He may have to worry about the condition of his family and friends.
    • If a building falls from a hurricane in front of a sleeping person, he should beware of ill-wishers: their machinations can greatly spoil the dreamer’s life.
    • If the wind blows a house away- the dreamer in reality expects a move. It will be forced and at first will greatly upset the man or woman, but over time the person will come to the realization that everything in life turned out exactly as it was necessary.

    It happens that a hurricane is not visible to the sleeping person in a dream - he simply hears the loud roar of the wind. Men and women dream of this plot to successfully overcome any difficulties in life in reality. No problems or troubles can stop a person and distance him from his goal.

    The dreamer's actions

    If a strong wind blows a sleeper off his feet in a dream, it means that in reality he will experience new love. The relationship will be filled with bright, raging passions and will be remembered by the man or woman for a long time, but it is unlikely to be long-lasting.

    If a hurricane in a dream takes a person to an indistinguishable dark place, this is a negative sign. A tragedy will occur in the life of the sleeping person, which will knock him out of his usual life rut for a long time. There is a high probability that this will be the death of someone close to you. If the dreamer was carried out to sea, the interpretation of the dream changes radically: in this case, a long journey awaits him in reality.

    There are other options for interpreting such dreams:

    Plot Meaning
    Do not resist the hurricane, but calmly surrender to the windFor the sleeper, this dream option promises glory and honor in real life. This interpretation is relevant if in night dreams when faced with the wind a person does not experience fear or discomfort
    Losing personal belongings due to a gust of windThe plot has a positive meaning. A person will indeed lose something in reality (not necessarily material), but he will receive a worthy replacement for the loss. For example, after dismissal you can expect a lucrative offer for a new job
    Just watch the hurricane comingThe dream foretells the disruption of any plans in real life. This could be a date or a major financial transaction.
    Escape from the stormThe plot suggests that in reality a person suffers from the slander that has fallen upon him
    Hide from the hurricaneIn reality, a woman or man will meet a person who can become a patron and assistant in a variety of areas of life
    It’s difficult to overcome the path, moving against the windIt will also be difficult to achieve your goals in reality. A similar dream can portend the sleeper many troubles and problems that will literally fall on his head. They will arise completely unexpectedly, not allowing the man or woman to prepare for negative changes

    Personality of a sleeping person

    For a man and a woman, a dream about a strong wind can have different meanings:

    • If you dream of a hurricane accompanied by cloudy cold rain, the plot promises serious problems with the woman’s reputation. She will provoke them with her own behavior. A similar dream advises a man to take a closer look at his surroundings: one of his close people does not deserve his trust.
    • Watch in a dream how a hurricane drives garbage from place to place- to waste of time on all sorts of useless things. This is a relevant interpretation for a woman. Such a plot tells a man that he should reconsider his plans for the next couple of years. They have many shortcomings and points that require improvement.
    • If in a dream a person tries to walk, but a hurricane does not allow him to take a single step, in reality, someone else puts obstacles on the sleeper’s path to the goal. For a woman, this ill-wisher can be an envious friend or an oppressive spouse. For a man - colleagues and business partners.

    Interpretations in various dream books

    The work of experienced interpreters - fortune tellers, clairvoyants, psychologists and other specialists - will help you understand night stories about strong winds.


    If in a dream you happened to get into strong hurricane, according to Miller’s dream book, it is worth preparing for the collapse of most plans and hopes. What happened will bring the sleeper to despair. Preparing for such troubles will help a person cope with them more easily.

    If in a dream a person quickly runs away from bad weather with a strong wind, this is a sign that he is well-mannered and has an innate sense of tact. The sleeper knows how to find compromises even with the most stubborn and picky people. It is this quality that allows him to always stay afloat, even during a crisis.

    If a man or woman finds himself in the very center of a hurricane, one should expect dramatic life changes. How successful they will be will be determined by the ending of the dream. If, in the end, the person himself and his things survived under the pressure of the elements, then the future changes in reality will please the dreamer.


    Freud also associated a dreamed hurricane or tornado with changes in reality. They will occur due to new acquaintance with an extraordinary person. The latter will contribute to the fact that the sleeper will begin to look at the world completely differently than he did before. There is a possibility that he will radically reconsider his relationships with loved ones.

    If, after meeting a hurricane in a dream, the sleeper himself or someone he knows turns out to be seriously injured, this person (who at first seemed worthy and interesting) needs to beware. The changes to which he will encourage the dreamer will in fact turn out to be dubious.

    A hurricane approaching a person in a dream is a hint that he is concerned about the fate of someone close to him who is constantly facing problems in his personal life. If the friend himself is not bothered by the current situation, then the dreamer should not try to change anything in his life.


    A hurricane or even a full-fledged tornado, in which trees fall, symbolizes life circumstances that a man or woman cannot influence. In order not to waste your nerves, you need to come to terms with what is happening around you and just wait it out difficult situation. The same plot can predict for a person the destruction of his usual way of life, which will be replaced by a radically new and unusual one.

    If in his dream the sleeper simply examines the consequences of a hurricane on the street, in the near future he will have to face the revenge of an old acquaintance. Once upon a time, the dreamer refused to help this person, and now a whole avalanche of negativity will fall on him. A sincere request for forgiveness, made even before the active actions of the “avenger,” will help to avoid this.

    If in a dream a terrible bad weather with strong wind and rain approaches a person and he wakes up before the hurricane begins, the plot should be taken as an important warning: in real life you need to stop for a while and stop actively moving towards your goals.

    A man or woman needs some time to rethink their actions and plans. It is advisable to be alone with yourself during this period.


    In Vanga's dream book, a hurricane is presented as an ambiguous symbol. To interpret it accurately, you will need to take into account many small details:

    • If you have to walk against the wind and it hits the sleeping person in the face, in reality the latter is destined to face destructive passion, sinful deeds and thoughts. You will have to make a lot of effort to resist them.
    • If a hurricane causes pain to a person in a dream, such a plot can be a harbinger of a serious illness in real life. To understand exactly which systems and organs it will affect, you will need to remember which parts of the body were injured as a result of the hurricane.
    • A storm with a strong wind symbolizes the need to listen to your own intuition and premonitions in the near future. The latter will tell you how to quickly deal with existing problems and not provoke the emergence of new ones.

Why do you dream about a hurricane? In reality, it means experiencing a storm of feelings and emotions. This dream prophesies quarrels, misfortunes, and changes in circumstances. The violence of the elements warns of caution, advises to be alert and prepare for unpredictable situations. A positive interpretation of the dream is to experience strong emotions, a change of feelings, and sometimes new love. The dream book about a hurricane will tell you more about this.

Interpretation according to Freud

  • To suffer from a hurricane is to become a victim of a failed relationship.
  • To be at the epicenter of a storm means, under the influence of meeting a new person, to radically change your idea of ​​your environment, family, which will entail strong changes in life.
  • But watching her approach through the window means the fate of a person close to you is not going very well; he is haunted by failures in his personal relationships.
  • Also, a hurricane is an allegorical symbol that symbolizes meeting a person who made you look at life differently.

Erotic dream book

  • Why do you dream of a storm approaching you? To unpleasant changes in life (personal).
  • Hearing gusts of wind but not seeing it is a warning about an unpleasant event, a misfortune looming over you.

Dream about a tornado according to Longo

  • Talks about life-changing changes, familiar lifestyle will be replaced with a new one, the old one is completely destroyed.
  • Also, it suggests that retribution for refusing to help a person will soon overtake you.
  • To be caught up in the force of the elements means that a new love or passion will completely consume you.
  • To remain intact after a hurricane is happiness in your new feeling.

Modern interpretation

  • If the elements overtake you, there may be troubles and failures that you cannot influence. If you are overcome by passion, then this feeling does not bode well, only destruction and troubles.
  • Hiding from the raging elements in a dream means exercising prudence in reality.
  • Being caught by the wind, flying through the air and spinning is a huge risk in your affairs. There's too much at stake.
  • Death in a dream as a result of a tornado is a danger that promises a possible serious illness.
  • Watching someone find themselves at the mercy of the elements - this person is insincere, he is hiding his feelings.

Miller's Dream Book

What does a hurricane mean in dreams, according to Miller? Depending on the situation in the dream, it means:

  • To fall into his arms means to experience despair and disappointment due to ruined plans.
  • Cardinal changes in life, in destiny. Most often they are associated with large losses.
  • Observing a picture of destruction after a strong wind is a misfortune that will pass you by.
  • The collapse of your house under the pressure of a strong hurricane wind means a change of place of work, a move.

The Arab interpreter Ballater believes that a hurricane prophesies only misfortunes, quarrels and illnesses.

Why do you dream about a hurricane?

Miller's Dream Book

If you dream that you are caught in a hurricane, it means that you will soon experience bitterness and despair because the plans you have long nurtured, which were supposed to quickly lead you to your cherished goal, will collapse. This dream can foreshadow big changes in your destiny, often associated with losses.

In a dream, hearing the roar of a hurricane wind and seeing how it tilts the trees around you promises you some kind of painful waiting, which will be replaced by decisive attempts to resist collapse.

A dream in which your house collapses under the pressure of the wind portends a change in lifestyle, frequent moves and a change in job.

Seeing the consequences of a terrible hurricane in a dream is a sign that misfortune will not affect you personally.

Why do you dream about a hurricane?

Freud's Dream Book

The hurricane is a fairly transparent symbol; it suggests that some significant changes will soon come in your life, and they will be associated with the fact that you will meet a certain person who will make you look at the world and your loved ones in a new way.

If in your dream you yourself or someone else suffered from a hurricane, it means that an acquaintance that at first seems very interesting to you may bring you misfortune or, at least, excitement.

Watching a hurricane approach - you are concerned about the fate of your friend (or girlfriend), who is not very lucky in his personal life. In fact, you should be guided by how your friend treats himself - if he (or she) is happy with everything, then you should be calm.

Why do you dream about a hurricane?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Raging - you are unarmed against fate.

Why do you dream about a hurricane?

Family dream book

If you find yourself in a hurricane in a dream, in reality you will experience despair due to the failure of your long-cherished plans that were supposed to lead you to your cherished goal.

The roar of a hurricane wind heard in a dream foreshadows a painful wait, which will be replaced by decisive attempts to resist collapse.

If in a dream a hurricane destroys your house, you will have to change your lifestyle. You may have to move frequently and change jobs.

A dream in which you saw only the consequences of a terrible hurricane means that misfortune will not affect you personally.

Why do you dream about a hurricane?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A hurricane in a dream is a sign that dangerous things have accumulated in your soul. nervous tension. Perhaps you are anticipating some difficult trials or are too slow in carrying out some important task. In any case, this dream warns you that nervous tension can burst out at any moment, turning your plans into a pile of rubble. To avoid destructive consequences, try not to give in to your own anger and not give reasons for others to show your anger.

Why do you dream about a hurricane?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Hurricane - you will make a risky decision.

Why do you dream about a hurricane?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

If you dreamed that you were caught in a hurricane, it means that you will soon experience bitterness and despair from the fact that the plans that have been nurtured for a long time cannot be realized. Hearing the roar of a squall hurricane, uprooting trees and tearing off the roofs of houses - this foreshadows a painful wait, which will be replaced by decisive attempts to take fate into one’s own hands.

Why do you dream about a hurricane?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Hurricane - you are defenseless against fate.

Why do you dream about a hurricane?

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Hearing the sound of an approaching hurricane means trouble in business.

In a dream, you are in a house that is collapsing under the blows of a hurricane - everything in your life will soon change.

If you dreamed that you were watching someone's house collapse under the blows of a hurricane, you may lose a large sum money.

In a dream, you were caught by a hurricane - a long journey that will not bring you anything good.

If you dreamed that you saw someone caught by a hurricane, you will soon have to take care of your loved ones.

Why do you dream about a hurricane?

Azar's Dream Book

Hurricane - you are unarmed against fate.

Why do you dream about a hurricane?

Modern dream book

Hearing the sound of an approaching hurricane that is heading straight for you, crushing everything in its path is a harbinger of painful unrest and uncertainty that will overcome you when trying to cope with troubles that threaten your business.

If you dream that you are in a house that is being destroyed by a hurricane before your eyes, and in the darkness you are trying to save someone from the rubble - in reality changes are coming in your life: you will have to wander through distant countries that will not bring you anything business success, no family happiness.

Seeing ruins left after a hurricane in a dream is a sign that trouble is looming over you, which other people will help you to overcome.

Seeing people affected by a hurricane in a dream predicts that you will be disturbed by the troubles of other people.

Why do you dream about a hurricane?

Eastern dream book

Hurricane - a dream foreshadows changes for the worse: losses, disappointments, separation; is a harbinger of quarrels and scandals.

Why do you dream about a hurricane?

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Hurricane - It’s as if you were caught in a hurricane - the dream foreshadows changes for the worse, and these changes will come quickly; you have been making and carefully working out plans for the future for a long time, you cherished them, but they will collapse at one moment; your disappointment will be great. It’s as if you hear the noise of a hurricane wind, you see the effect of this wind, but you yourself seem to remain on the sidelines - some event will amaze you so much that at first you will be as if paralyzed; but then you will gather your strength and begin to take active action. A hurricane destroyed your home - the dream foretells you frequent moves; Whether you like it or not, the lifestyle of a nomad is guaranteed to you.

Why do you dream about a hurricane?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Storm, hurricane - strong emotional disturbances, worries, shocks; change. Watch from afar - misfortunes will bypass or happen to someone. The wind picked it up and carried it away - to very major changes, depending on the ending: gently and smoothly lowered - a favorable intervention of fateful forces, a good ending to all troubles.

Why do you dream about a hurricane?

Dream book of healer Akulina

What does a Hurricane mean in a dream - A quarrel with a loved one or discord in the family is possible. Imagine that a hurricane passes by without touching where you are. Everything is calm again: the sun is shining, a light warm breeze is blowing.

Why do you dream about a hurricane?

Psychoanalytic dream book

What does a Hurricane mean in a dream - see also Storm and Wind 1. If in a dream we experience a hurricane, then in life we ​​feel some kind of force beyond our control. Or we feel that we are being led astray by circumstances or someone’s passion, and we are powerless to resist them. 2. The hurricane can represent the energy of our own passions or passionate beliefs that have taken over us. We may not know how to cope with them or what to do with these passions, but we feel that they can be destructive both for us and for other people. 3. Depending on other circumstances of the dream, the depth of our spiritual beliefs may be expressed by a hurricane.

Why do you dream about a hurricane?

Russian dream book

You dreamed of a Hurricane - a strong shock.

Mustache - betrayal in love.

Why do you dream about a hurricane?

Women's dream book

Hurricane - If in a dream you find yourself in the epicenter of a hurricane, plans that, it would seem, should inevitably lead you to your cherished goal will be in danger of being disrupted. Serious changes are possible in your destiny, sometimes involving losses. If in a dream you hear the roar of a hurricane wind and see how the trees around you bend under its pressure, you will have a painful wait, which will be replaced by decisive attempts to resist collapse. If your house collapses under the pressure of the wind, this portends a change in lifestyle, frequent moves and a change in job. Seeing the consequences of a terrible hurricane in a dream is a sign that misfortune will pass you by, this is how what you dream about in your dream is deciphered.

Why do you dream about a hurricane?

Magic dream book

You dreamed of a Hurricane - unfortunately. Seeing ruins and victims after a hurricane is a sign of sadness because of the troubles of other people. If your house is swept away by a hurricane, forced moves from one place to another. Watching a hurricane from the outside is an opportunity to avoid unfavorable circumstances with the help of other people.

Why do you dream about a hurricane?

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Hurricane - conflict; negative emotions that you cannot overcome. Getting into a hurricane means despair and bitterness due to losses; your house collapsed during a hurricane - negative experiences that led to depression; change of lifestyle.

Why do you dream about a hurricane?

Mayan Dream Interpretation

Good meaning: If there is a storm at sea, then many pleasant surprises await you - those around you will be friendlier and kinder, management will make concessions to you, etc. To make this happen, wrap the ground coffee in a small napkin, add 5 drops of wine, put it in a cup and burn . After this, pour boiling water, give a little time for the drink to brew, and drink.

Bad meaning: If a storm occurs on land, get ready for a series of unpleasant events - you will be robbed, you will get sick, there will be a scandal at work, you will quarrel with your family. To avoid this, dissolve in 0.25 cups hot water 2 tbsp. spoons of table salt and put some decoration in the solution. When the water evaporates, eat the salt crystals that grow on this decoration.

Why do you dream about a hurricane?

Men's dream book

Seeing a hurricane in a dream means obstacles.

If you see a hurricane in a dream, it means that the plans you had in mind will not come true. If in a dream you hear the roar of a hurricane, then in reality you will be inactive in a situation that requires decisive actions. If you dream that a hurricane has destroyed your home, then this is a warning that you will have to move frequently and change jobs. If in a dream you see the destruction caused by a hurricane, then this indicates that misfortunes will not affect you personally.

If you see a hurricane from Sunday to Monday, then you will face a reprimand from your superiors and, possibly, a demotion. If you dreamed of a hurricane from Tuesday to Wednesday, then you will soon find yourself in straitened circumstances and experience financial difficulties. A hurricane dreamed of from Friday to Saturday warns that you will have to do humiliating and dirty work. If you see a hurricane in a dream from Saturday to Sunday, then you will have to do things that will not bring you any benefit or satisfaction.

Why do you dream about a hurricane?

Dream book for women

If you feel a hurricane approaching in a dream, this indicates that you are overwhelmed by passions. If you dream of a hurricane, it means you are about to make changes in your life. But if you hear the frightening roar of a hurricane, this indicates that you may not be able to cope with yourself and all the changes in life that will happen to you will bring you nothing but trouble.

If you are trying to take refuge from a hurricane, to hide, then this indicates that you want to achieve peace in life and good, smooth relationships with others. If you managed to hide from the hurricane, this indicates that you will be able to pull yourself together and thus you will be able to avoid many troubles.

Seeing the consequences of a hurricane in a dream means worrying Hard times, your health may deteriorate and relationships with loved ones will not improve for a very long time. Seeing a hurricane from Monday to Tuesday is a sign of major troubles at work, which can lead to loss of work. If you dream of a hurricane from Thursday to Friday, then your relationship with your loved one is in danger. The hurricane that you see in a dream from Friday to Saturday indicates the appearance of a stranger in your life with whom you will have to go through whirlwind romance.

Why do you dream about a hurricane?

Dream book for the whole family

Seeing a hurricane in a dream means obstacles.

If you see a hurricane in a dream, it means that the plans you had in mind will not come true.

If in a dream you hear the roar of a hurricane, in reality you will be inactive in a situation that requires decisive action.

If you dream that a hurricane has destroyed your home, this is a warning that you will have to move frequently and change jobs.

If in a dream you see the destruction caused by a hurricane, this indicates that misfortunes will not affect you personally.

If you see a hurricane from Sunday to Monday, you will face a reprimand from your superiors and, possibly, a demotion.

If you dreamed of a hurricane from Tuesday to Wednesday, you will soon find yourself in straitened circumstances and experience financial difficulties.

A hurricane dreamed of from Friday to Saturday warns that you will have to do humiliating and dirty work.

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