The problem is in the story the last bow. Themes of kindness, memory and homeland in the story “The Last Bow” by V. P. Astafiev




Bow to the native world




"Life-giving light of childhood"


The path to perfection of the soul




At the “bottom” of Soviet origin





Viktor Petrovich Astafiev (1924–2001) is one of those writers who, during their lifetime, entered the galaxy of classics of Russian literature of the second half of the 20th century. Modern literature it is no longer possible to imagine without his books " Last bow”, “The Fish Tsar”, “Ode to the Russian Garden”, “The Shepherd and the Shepherdess”... “He was a mighty man - both of mighty spirit and talent.<…>And I learned a lot from Astafiev,” said V. Rasputin in 2004 at a meeting with Krasnoyarsk students. In 2009, posthumously awarded to V. Astafiev literary prize Alexander Solzhenitsyn. In its decision, the jury noted: the prize is awarded to “a world-class writer, a fearless soldier of literature, who sought light and goodness in the mutilated destinies of nature and man.”

The main and most “cherished” book of V.P. Astafiev’s “Last Bow” was created by the writer over 34 years (1957–1991). Gby herostorieshe becomes himself, Vitya Potylitsyn (Astafiev changes his last name to his grandmother’s).Written in the first person, the story turns into an honest and impartial story about a difficult, hungry, but such a beautiful village childhood, about the difficult formation of a young inexperienced soul, about the people who helped this formation, raising in the boy truthfulness, hard work, love for his native land . This bookreallybow to distant and memorable years childhood, youth, gratitude to the various people with whom Vitya’s harsh life brought him: strong and weak, good and evil, cheerful and gloomy, sincere and indifferent, honest and roguish... A whole string of destinies and characters will pass before the reader’s eyes, and all of them are memorable , bright, even if these are unfulfilled, broken destinies.« A child’s perception of the world - naive, spontaneous, trusting - gives a special, smiling and touching flavor to the whole story.”

In the works of V.P. Astafiev there are several reasons for turning to the topic of childhood. One of them - personal experience. Astafiev remembers his childhood and shares these memories with readers, trying to restore what he once lost. Another reason for turning to the topic of childhood is the spiritual purity of children, their purity. The third reason: through the world of a child, to awaken the best in people, to make them think about their actions, so as not to regret it later.

Viktor Petrovich loved to depict childhood, showing it as he saw and felt it. Astafiev tried to protect children and help them survive in this cruel world. Astafiev’s attitude to the world of childhood is varied. His works show childhood from different sides. And all because Astafiev had it like that. Just as good and bright at first, just as gloomy and dark later. Memories do not give V.P. Astafiev has to part with the world of his childhood forever; they return him to a happy time, when the boy Vitya was happy.

1. Bow to the native world

1.1. Autobiographical beginning in the story “The Last Bow”

The writer recalled: “Everyone, as if by agreement, wrote and talked about Siberia as if no one had been here before them, no one had lived here. And if he lived, he didn’t deserve any attention. And I not only had a feeling of protest, I had a desire to talk about “my” Siberia, initially dictated only by the desire to prove that I and my fellow countrymen are by no means Ivans who do not remember kinship, moreover, we are related here connected, perhaps stronger than anywhere else.”

The history of the creation of “The Last Bow” is reflected in its artistic structure. “The Last Bow” began in 1957, as lyrical stories about childhood: “Zorka’s Song” (1960), “Geese in the Hollow” (1962); "Horse with pink mane"and "Far and Near Fairy Tale" (1964); “The Smell of Hay” and “The Monk in New Pants” 1967, etc. The story in the short stories “The Last Bow” was formed in 1968 from lyrical stories.

The closeness of “The Last Bow” to lyrical prose was noted by E. Balburov. N. Molchanova, on the contrary, emphasized the “epic sound” of “Last Bow”. N. Yanovsky defined the genre autobiographical work as a "lyrical epic".

In the 1970s, Astafiev again turned to a book about childhood, then the chapters “Feast after the Victory”, “Burn-Burn Clear”, “Magpie”, “Love Potion” were written. The writer shows the death of the traditional village way of life in the 1930s. By 1978 common name has already united two books, the two-part composition captured two eras in the development of Russian folk life using the example of the Siberian peasantry and two stages in the formation of the character of the lyrical hero, representing modern type personality torn from national traditions life.

In 1989, “The Last Bow” was already divided into three books, which remained not only unexplored, but also almost unnoticed by critics. In 1992, the last chapters appeared - “The Forgotten Head” and “Evening Thoughts”, but the third book is distinguished not so much by the appearance of these new stories as by their place in the new, three-part composition of the whole.

The autobiographical basis of “The Last Bow” connects it with the classical tradition of Russian literature (“Childhood years of Bagrov the Grandson” by S.T. Aksakov, L.N. Tolstoy’s trilogy “Childhood”, “Adolescence”, “Youth”, trilogy by M.A. Gorky “Childhood”, “Adolescence”, “My Universities”, trilogy by N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky, etc.). "Last bow" in this context can be represented as autobiographical narrative. But the epic principle (the image of national existence with which the fate of the author-character is connected) expands in the three-part text due to the fact that national existence is comprehended not only in the social, but also in the historical, philosophical and existential aspects. The scale of geographical space - small homeland (Ovsyanka village), Siberia, national peace- set by three books.

In the 1989 edition, “The Last Bow” is called “a narrative in stories,” in the latest collected works - “a story in stories.” The designation “story” instead of “narration” indicates strengthening central role autobiographical character. In “The Last Bow,” two narrative centers remain: the world of folk life, represented by the “small world” of the Siberian village of Ovsyanka, which disappeared in the flow of historical time, and the fate of an individual who has lost the small world and is forced to self-determinate in big world social and natural life. Therefore, the author-narrator is not only the subject of the story, but also active hero, character.

The fate of the author becomes the center of the narrative, and the chronicle of folk life is combined with the story of the fate of the hero. The first book tells about the childhood of a boy who became an orphan at an early age. Vitya Potylitsyn is being raised by folk world. In his adolescence, depicted in the second book, Vitya finds himself drawn into a social “failure” (1930s), confronted with a world of conflicting values. The third book depicts his youth (1940s), growing up and becoming a defender of an inharmonious world. And finally, in the last chapters, depicting the 1980s, a modern image of the author-character emerges, trying to preserve the national world in memory. The last chapter of the third book, “Evening Thoughts,” filled with the author’s journalistic denunciations of modern reality, is preceded by an epigraph: “But chaos, once chosen, chaos frozen, is already a system.” Astafyev wrote about the disappearance of wildlife around the village, the dominance of summer residents, the degeneration of the village and villagers. “Chaos” is lawlessness that has become law, a system of violation of moral norms. The origins of modern “chaos” lie in the chaos of the 1930s: in collectivization, in the devastation of the village, in the eviction and extermination of peasants, which the author-narrator talks about in almost every book.

The story combines lyrical and epic principles of narration: a narration about the fate of the world in which the author appeared and grew up, and a narration about the fate of one’s own spiritual values, about one’s own changing attitude to the world. The subject of the narrative plays the most important, organizing, structuring role. The narrator is the same person as the hero (Vitya), only in a different time. The character is the main character, the only eyewitness is Vitya Potylitsyn or an already adult character - Viktor Petrovich - in the last chapters.

The narration unfolds at the speech level of the author-narrator (first-person narration - from “I” or “we” about specific events of the past). “And in fact, in the evening, when I was sledding with the guys, alarming screams were heard from the other side of the river...”

At the end of the chapter, the author-narrator returns to his present, that is, to the future (in relation to the described, narrated event): “No matter how the Levontief eagles guarded the geese, they hatched. Some were poisoned by dogs, others were eaten by the Levontievskys themselves in hunger. It no longer brings birds from the upper reaches - above the village now stands the dam of the most powerful, most advanced, most demonstrative, most... in general, the most... hydroelectric station.”

“The Last Bow” is a bright and kind book, born of the talent, memory and imagination of the artist. Let’s not forget - a man who relatively recently returned from the war (“Pages of Childhood” have been written since the mid-1950s). He, this man, still perceives the life he has been given as an unexpected gift of fate, more often than ever he remembers his friends at the front who did not return, experiencing an inexplicable feeling of guilt before them, and enjoys life as it is. Twenty years later, in the second book of “The Last Bow,” Astafiev will talk about the mood with which he greeted the spring of 1945: “And in my heart, and in mine alone, I thought at that moment, the main mark will be faith: Beyond the victorious spring, all evil remains, and only good people and only glorious deeds await us. May this holy naivety be forgiven to me and all my brothers-in-arms - we have destroyed so much evil that we had the right to believe that there is no more of it left on earth” (chapter “The Feast after the Victory”).

1.2. “The life-giving light of childhood”

In the works of V. Astafiev, childhood is depicted as spiritual world, to which the heroes of his works strive to return in order to touch with their souls the original feeling of light, joy and purity. The image of a child drawn by the writer fits harmoniously into this difficult earthly world.

“The Last Bow” is an epoch-making canvas about the life of a village in the difficult 30s and 40s and a confession of a generation whose childhood passed during the years of the “great turning point”, and whose youth passed through the “fiery forties”. Written in the first person, stories about a difficult, hungry, but beautiful rural childhood are united by a feeling of deep gratitude to fate for the opportunity of living, direct communication with nature, with people who knew how to live “in peace,” saving children from hunger, cultivating in them hard work and truthfulness. Main character- a village orphan born in 1924, a teenager of the hungry war years, who ended his adolescence on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. The writer called “The Last Bow” his most frank book. “Not on any of my books, and believe me, a lot has been written over almost fifty years of creativity, have I not worked with such rapturous joy, with such clearly tangible pleasure as on “The Last Bow” - a book about my childhood. Once upon a time, a long time ago, I wrote the story “The Horse with the Pink Mane” and then the story “The Monk in New Pants” and realized that all of this could turn into a book. So I became “sick” with the topic of childhood and returned to my Treasured Book for more than thirty years. He wrote new stories about his childhood, and “The Last Bow” was finally published as a separate book, then in two, and later in three books. “The life-giving light of childhood” warmed me.”

The book of childhood was written, however, by V. Astafiev not for children. Not specifically for children. There are no usual, specific “children’s” plots here. There are no reassuring endings, where all contradictions are reconciled and all misunderstandings are successfully completed. We are not talking here about a quarrel in class or about adventures on a tourist trip, but a struggle not for life, but to death, even if the person is only twelve to fourteen years old.

2. The path to perfection of the soul

2.1. Family is the basis of personality development

The theme of family and childhood runs through all the work of the wonderful modern writer Viktor Petrovich Astafiev.In the story “The Last Bow” the clear image of childhood is most fully presented.

“The Last Bow” stands among the works of artistic-biographical, or lyrical-biographical prose. The entire structure of the narrative is organized by the theme of the formation and formation of an autobiographical hero. Two neutral images, moving from story to story, form its structural core - the autobiographical hero Vitka Potylitsyn and his grandmother Katerina Petrovna. The story begins with a memory of the first glimpses of a child's consciousness, beginning to perceive the world, and ends with the hero's return from the war. Thus, the central theme of the story is the history of personality formation. This story unfolds through the inner life of a young, maturing soul. The author reflects on love, goodness, and the spiritual connections of a person with his homeland and land. “To love and suffer with love is a human purpose,” the author comes to this conclusion.

The stories included in the first book of “The Last Bow” (1968) are given a festive tone by the fact that these are not just “pages of childhood,” as the author called them, but the fact that here the main subject of speech and consciousness is a child, Vitka Potylitsyn. The child's perception of the world becomes the main one in the story.

The hero's memories, as a rule, are vivid, but do not line up in a single line, but describe individual incidents from life.The narration is told in the first person. The mother of Vitya Potylitsin, an orphan living with his grandmother, died tragically - drowned in the Yenisei. The father is a reveler and a drunkard, he abandoned his family. The boy's life proceeded like all other village boys - helping elders with housework, picking berries, mushrooms, fishing and games. It is no coincidence thatThe first book of “The Last Bow” takes up a lot of space with descriptions of children’s games, pranks, and fishing trips. Here are the paintings collaboration, when the village aunts help Grandma Katerina ferment cabbage (“Autumn Sadness and Joy”), and grandmother’s famous pancakes in a “musical frying pan” (“Stryapukhina’s Joy”), and generous feasts where the whole “family” gathers, “everyone kisses each other friend, and the exhausted, kind, affectionate, sing songs together” (“Grandma’s Holiday”)...

With love V.P. In the story, Astafiev paints pictures of children's pranks and amusements, simple home conversations, everyday worries (among which the lion's share of time and effort is devoted to garden work, as well as simple peasant food). Even the first new pants become a great joy for a boy, since they are constantly altering them from old ones.One of key scenes The story is a scene in which the boy Vitya plants a larch tree with his grandmother. The hero thinks that the tree will soon grow, will be big and beautiful and will bring a lot of joy to the birds, the sun, people, and the river.

In simple life with its childhood joys (fishing, bast shoes, ordinary village food from the native garden, walks in the forest) V.P. Astafiev sees the ideal of human existence on earth.

The main character is emotionally very sensitive, susceptible to beauty to the point of tears. This is especially evident in the amazing sensitivity with which his childish heart responds to music. Here’s an example: “The grandmother sang while standing, quietly, a little hoarsely, and waved her hand to herself. For some reason, my back immediately began to warp. And a chill ran through my whole body like a prickly scattering from the enthusiasm that arose inside me. The closer my grandmother brought the song to a common voice, the more intense her voice became and the paler her face, the thicker the needles pierced me, it seemed as if the blood thickened and stopped in my veins.”

Decency, reverent attitude towards bread, careful attitude towards money - all thiswith tangible poverty and modesty, combined with hard work, helps the family survive even in the most difficult moments. In gto the main heroine of “Last Bow”, grandmother Katerina Petrovnathe writer did not embellish anything, leaving behind his stormy character, her grumpiness, and the indispensable desire to find out everything first and to give orders to everyone in the village. And she fights and suffers for her children and grandchildren, and breaks down into anger and tears, and begins to talk about life, and now, it turns out, there are no hardships for the grandmother: “Children were born - joy. Children were sick, she saved them with herbs and roots, and not a single one died - that’s also joy... Once she put her hand out in the arable land, and she straightened it herself, there was just suffering, they were harvesting bread, one hand stung and did not become a crooked hand - is that not joy?

The character of the grandmother is closely connected with folklore tradition. Her speech is full of poetically precise aphorisms - wise folk sayings, jokes, riddles. The wise adviser Katerina Petrovna was respectfully nicknamed “general” in the village. Often the writer depicts the grandmother spinning or praying, connecting her with higher powers, pagan and Christian in their complex interpenetration.

About the last meeting with grandmother V.P. Astafiev writes in the story “The Last Bow”. After the war, he returns with the Order of the Red Star, and she, already quite old, greets him: “How small grandma’s hands have become! Their skin is yellow and shiny like onion skins. Every bone is visible through the worked skin. And bruises.

Layers of bruises, like caked leaves of late autumn. The body, the powerful grandmother’s body, could no longer cope with its work; it did not have enough strength to drown out and dissolve with blood bruises, even light ones. Grandma's cheeks sank deeply...

- Why are you looking like that? Have you become good? - Grandma tried to smile with worn out, sunken lips.

I... grabbed my grandmother while she was pregnant.

- I remained alive, grandma, alive!

- “I prayed, I prayed for you,” my grandmother hurriedly whispered and poked me in the chest like a bird. She kissed where the heart was and kept repeating: “I prayed, I prayed...”

Epithets and comparisons reveal the hero’s feelings. This is great love and pity for the one who once gave him all her love and affection. And one more trait is revealed in the grandmother’s character. The Orthodox faith has always been a support in her life.

“Soon my grandmother died. They sent me a telegram to the Urals calling me to the funeral. But I was not released from production. The head of the HR department... said:

- Not allowed. Mother or father is another matter, but grandparents and godfathers...

How could he know that my grandmother was my father and mother - everything that is dear to me in this world...

I had not yet realized the enormity of the loss that had befallen me. If this happened now, I would crawl to the Urals and to Siberia to pay my last respects to her.”

The writer wants readers to see their grandparents in his grandmother and give them all their love now, before it’s too late, while they are alive.

It should be noted that this image of a grandmother is not the only one in Russian literature. For example, it is found in Maxim Gorky’s “Childhood.” Gorkovskaya Akulina Ivanovna and grandmother Katerina Petrovna Viktor Petrovich Astafiev share such traits as selfless love for children and grandchildren, spirituality, a subtle understanding of beauty, Orthodoxy, which gives strength even in the most difficult moments of life.

The image of grandmother Katerina Petrovna, who invested deep human wisdom in her grandson, the life of the soul and her home in Siberia acquire a symbolic character. In the global whirlwind of various events, they - the grandmother and the house - become a symbol of the inviolability of the fundamental foundations of existence - love, kindness, respect for man.

Vitya Potylitsyn has special feelings about the image of his mother Lydia Ilyinichna. He is unusual in his “incorporeality”; he appears in the dreams, daydreams, and memories of the boy and Katerina Petrovna. After the death of her daughter, the grandmother tells her grandson about her, each time introducing new features into her portrait. The narrator talks about how, thanks to his grandmother, faith in the ideal arises in him: “... over the years, the image of my mother became increasingly clear in my grandmother’s memory, and that is why it is sacred to me,<...>“Mom was and now will remain for me the most beautiful, the purest person, not even a person, but a deified image.” Distinct external portrait characteristics Lydia Ilyinichna cannot be found in the text, but her appearance is always associated with the emergence of a special tonality - nostalgic and sad. The key features of this image are hard work, caring for children, both their own and others, and compassion.

The image of Lydia Ilyinichna Potylitsyna is reminiscent of the bright image of her mother, preserved in the childhood memories of the hero of L.N. Tolstoy’s story “Childhood”. The work does not give her exact portrait; Nikolenka remembers “constant kindness and love in her eyes,” a mole on her neck, a soft curl of hair, a gentle dry hand that so often caressed him. The hero emphasizes that his mother was a very bright person: “When mother smiled, no matter how good her face was, it became incomparably better, and everything around seemed to be cheerful.” These words contain not only a characteristic of Natalya Nikolaevna. Tolstoy subtly noticed the close connection between mother and child: when mother felt good, Nikolenka’s soul became happier. The hero says that in his soul the love in his mother merged and was similar to the love of God.

It is not difficult to notice the common features of maternal images in the works of L.N. Tolstoy and V.P. Astafiev: the indissoluble connection between mother and child, love and warmth that warm the soul.

Love, special atmosphere home is the moral basis for the formation of personality. V.P. Astafiev’s book “The Last Bow” once again convinces the reader of this.

2.2.At the “bottom” of Soviet origin

IN early stories V. Astafieva more pictures family harmony, portraits of people who value family. The warmth of a family feast (chapter “Grandma’s Holiday”), the undying guilt of a grandson who was unable to bury his grandmother (chapter “The Last Bow”).But a turning point comes in Vitka’s life. He is sent to his father and stepmother in the city to study at school, since there was no school in the village. Then the grandmother leaves the story, new everyday life begins, everything gets dark, and such a cruel, terrible side of childhood appears that the writer for a long time avoided writing the second part of “The Last Bow.”

In the second book of "Last Bow"» The clashes between Astafiev's characters and the narrator himself with the many faces of inhumanity, indifference and cruelty become countless.

Unlike the Potylitsyn family, grandmother Katerina and grandfather Ilya - eternal workers, people with a generous soul, in the family of his paternal grandfather Pavel “they lived according to the saying: there is no need for a plow in the house, there would only be a balalaika.” The author described their way of existence with a biting word - “on the fly”, clarifying - “that means, only for show and good.” And then there is a series of portraits of characters living “on the sly.” Dad, a reveler and drunkard, who caused an accident at the mill due to excessive drinking. “Dad’s bosom friend and drinking buddy,” Shimka Vershkov, who considers himself “in power” on the grounds that he has a rust-colored revolver. Or Grandfather Pavel himself, a dandy and a “fierce gambler”, who in the excitement is capable of squandering his last shoe. Finally, even an entire collective farm, cobbled together in a village during collectivization, is also, in essence, a concentration of ostentatious empty talk: “They held a lot of meetings, but they were little timid, and that’s why everything went to waste. The arable land was overgrown, the mill had been standing since the winter, and there was enough hay to go around.”

The bottom of life opens before the reader, and not the old “bottom” that is shown in Gorky’s play, but the contemporary bottom of the people of Soviet origin to the hero-narrator. And this bottom is seen from below, from the inside, through the eyes of a child mastering the universities of life. And they describe the torment that falls on a boy who has left his father’s new family, because there, without him, they were dying of hunger, hanging around restlessly, sleeping God knows where, eating in canteens, ready to “steal” a piece of bread in a store. Everyday, everyday chaos here takes on the features of social chaos.

The most terrible scene in the second part is the episode when the boy encounters the insensitivity and cruelty of an official (the story “Without Shelter”). From humiliation and resentment, he completely loses control over himself, turning into a frenzied little animal. The child’s soul could not stand not only the callousness and cruelty of some stupid teacher, it could not stand the callousness and injustice that exists in this world. And yet Astafiev does not judge indiscriminately. In the people, according to Astafiev, there is everything and everyone - both good and cruel, and beautiful, and disgusting, and wise, and stupid. So all the beginnings and ends - the sources of misfortunes that fall on the head of an individual person, and the forces that come to his aid - are found in this very people, in the person himself.

And Vitka Potylitsyn is saved in this apocalyptic world not by revolutions and not by the next decrees of the party and government, but by district inspector Raisa Vasilievna, who protected the boy from stupid teachers, and with the head of the railway station Vitka the police officer will be lucky - he, who, due to inexperience, allowed the accident, is actually out of -saved him for trial, and then Vitka the new recruit will meet the “erkek commander” Sergeant Fedya Rassokhin, a normal guy, and his sister Ksenia, a sensitive soul, about whom Victor will gratefully say - “the girl who illuminated my life...”

In the story “The Last Bow” V.P. Astafiev raises one of the most serious problems even modern society- the problem of orphanhood. The writer does not hide all the serious consequences of this social phenomenon: cruelty and humiliation to which orphans are doomed, the risk of slipping up or being drawn into criminal activity, disbelief in goodness and justice, embitterment or passivity, social isolation and risk to life. But, like the hero of M. Gorky’s story “Childhood” Alyosha Peshkov, Vitka Potylitsyn manages to survive difficult times. life trials thanks to the support of caring people, and the moral fortitude inherent in the family.

“The last bow” is a bow to the native world, this is tenderness for all the good that was in this world, and this is grief for the evil, bad, cruel that is in this world, because it is still native, and for all the bad V home world his son is even sicker.”


The book by V.P. Astafiev is wise, unusually deep and instructive, it moral lessons very useful in anyone's life.

Everyone has one path in life: to work, fill themselves with knowledge, be responsible for their actions and love their neighbors. Everything seems simple, but it is not so easy to walk this path with dignity; a person has to overcome many trials, but they must be endured without losing human face. The hero drank a lot in his lifetimestories by V.P.Astafiev, but did not become embittered with people, did not become an egoist, wasting his life without a care. He passionately loves his grandfather and grandmother, who raised him as a morally healthy, whole person, but in his own way he loves both his unlucky father and the unkind Pavel Yakovlevich, because thanks to these people, far from tenderness and sentimentality, he, a teenager, learned about life, learned to fight for himself , gained work experience. You need to be able to be grateful, you shouldn’t harden your soul, you need to find the good in everyone with whom life brings you together.

The events and scenes of “The Last Bow” are interconnected by the poetry of existence, just as we remember ourselves, our childhood. Pages of the past appear before us one after another, but are not subject to logic or temporal psychology, but are metaphorical and associative. You can call the story by V.P. Astafiev's poem in prose. Here, impressions of a difficult and vibrant childhood are closely intertwined with care and concern for the homeland. We are convinced that the writer’s childhood is filled with blows of fate as well as its gifts. From afar, it sends him a shower of feelings, fills the rivers of emotions with a clear stream, bestows him with eloquence and a chaste attitude towards what happened once.

It is difficult to agree that V.P. Astafiev wrote his story for children. The reader will not find children's stories here, nor will he see peaceful endings with a general reconciliation of paradoxes. In "Last Bow" expressive image The era of the formation of the writer’s human soul and the decisive, sincere, sometimes dramatic tone of storytelling, typical of this author, incredibly accurately converged into a literary work.

Undoubtedly, each reader will perceive “The Last Bow” in his own way - with an eye to his own age, life experience, ideas about everyday preferences. Some will draw parallels here between the pages of the book and their own lives, others will be imbued with the lyrical mood of Siberian nature. For a generation beginning of the XXI century, an opportunity opens up to look back a hundred years, to learn the basics of the way of life of our ancestors.

List of used literature

    Astafiev V.P. How the book began // Everything has its hour. - M., 1986.

    Astafiev V.P. Stories. Stories. – Bustard – M., 2002.

    Astafiev V.P. Last bow: Tale. – M.: Mol. Guard, 1989.

    Lanshchikov A.P. Viktor Astafiev. The right to sincerity M. 1972.

    Leiderman N.L., Lipovetsky M.N. Modern Russian literature 1950-1990s. In 2 volumes. Volume 2. – Publishing house “Academy”, 2003.

    Meshalkin A.N. “The treasured book of V.P. Astafieva: the world of childhood, kindness and beauty in the story, the last bow” // Literature at school, 2007 No. 3. – p.18.

    Perevalova S.V. Creativity of V.P. Astafieva: issues, genre, style: (“Last bow”, “Tsar Fish”, “ Sad detective"): textbook. Special course manual / Volgogr. State Ped. univ. – Volgograd: Peremena, 1997.

    Prantsova G.V. “Pages of Childhood” by V.P. Astafieva in literature lessons in grades 5-8 // Russian literature. – 1998. - No. 5.

    Slobozhaninova L.M. Russian prose of the Urals: 20th century: literary and critical articles of 2002–2011. - Ekaterinburg, 2015.

    Tolmacheva V.O. Meeting with Astafiev / V.O. Tolmacheva // Literature at school. – 1986. No. 2. - p. 16-20

    Yanovsky N. N. Astafiev: Essay on creativity. – M.: Sov. Writer, 1982.

(excerpt from V. Astafiev’s story “The Last Bow.”)

9th grade

Teacher: Aksenova L.M.

Linguistic text analysis.

The purpose of the lesson:

    implementation of self-educational activities when working on linguistic text analysis.

2) Development logical thinking, self-educational activities, independent work with tables, reference material, formation of correct literary speech, presentation of one’s own thoughts in the form of a review, review, essay.

    Cultivating a feeling of gratitude to the people who raised you, about the ability to do right choice in a difficult life situation.

Methods and techniques:

    individual sessions.

    Frontal survey.

    Working with tables.

    Working with reference material.

    Expressive reading of text.



    Memo “Linguistic text analysis”.

    Table “Fine and expressive means of language.

    Memo for working on an essay.

    Information cards.

Text Analysis Plan. Expressive reading of text.

    Determine the topic of the text.

    What is the main idea of ​​the text?

    Can this passage be called text? Justify your answer. (this is a text, because the sentences are interconnected in meaning, the statement is compositionally complete. The text is several sentences connected into a whole by theme and main idea, the statement is compositionally complete).

    Text type.

    Speech style.

    Type of connection of the offer. (the sentences are connected to each other by a parallel connection, since each subsequent sentence is constructed while maintaining the sequence of arrangement of the main members of the sentence.

I made my way behind...

There was no paint left on the door or porch.

Grandmother was sitting.

    identify micro-topics, make a plan.

    Indicate the stylistic means used.

    Name the features of text construction. (his composition).

During the classes.

1) The teacher's word.

Guys, today we have a lesson - creative laboratory, where we will continue to develop the skills of linguistic text analysis, we will work on the formation of correct literary and writing and the presentation of your own thoughts in the form of a review, review and essay.

So, here is the text - an excerpt from V. Astafiev’s story “The Last Bow”.

Listen carefully to the text.

Expressive reading of text.

Now let's turn to the text analysis plan.

    So. Determine the theme of the text “Last Bow”.

What is the main idea of ​​the text or the idea of ​​the text.

(We are indebted to those who raised us, loved us, lived for us, we must treat them with care and attention, and, of course, at the last minute, when they leave this world forever, we must be there at all costs ).

    Can this passage be called a text?

(this is a text, because the sentences are connected in meaning and grammatically, the statement is compositionally complete).

    Remember how many types of speech there are in the Russian language.

    • 3 types of speech:




Which type predominates in this text? (narration).

    What is the style of the text?

(artistic style with elements of conversational style).

Why does the writer use elements of conversational style?

(to show the image of the grandmother more vividly and realistically).

6) Let's highlight the micro-topics of the text and make a plan.

1) Meet first.

Name the key words: back, to our house, I wanted to meet, first, grandmother, on the street.

Teacher: The vocabulary of this micro-topic is neutral, but there is one word which tells the reader that we are talking about villagers? What is this word? (backside)

How do you understand its lexical meaning?

(i.e. through vegetable gardens).

What vocabulary does it belong to? (to colloquial, vernacular

What does the hero's gaze focus on?

2) At the entrance to the house?

(door, paint, porch, floorboards, door frame)

What is the syntax of this microtheme? (nominal sentences are used in the paragraph. The syntax is not accidental. It conveys a state of tense anticipation).

3) Everything is as before.

The sentence begins with the word grandmother:

And immediately evaluative vocabulary began to appear in the text.

The diminutive - affectionate suffix indicates the attitude of the author.

A dim kitchen window.

What kind of means of expression?

(at the same time an epithet, because it gives colorful, bright, figurative name object and personification, because the property of a living object is attributed to a text object).

Teacher: and we very visually imagine how this window, like his old owner is looking to see if anyone has approached the house...

What is an epithet?

What is personification?

A storm has passed over the earth! - rhetorical exclamation.


Mixed up and confused...

What is it called (gradation) What is gradation? Give a definition.

And again the text contains evaluative vocabulary, bookish, emotionally sublime. The human race.

And fascism - and next to it is an evaluative verb:dead - rude vernacular, because he doesn’t deserve any other word.

Words with a diminutive suffix. Cabinet, speckled curtain.

Lexical repetition. What is lexical repetition?

A familiar place, a familiar task in your hands.

All language means This micro-theme is aimed at confirming the idea. Everything in the world changes, but remains unchanged Father's house and a feeling of love for him.


Sound recording.


I'll cross myself, I'll be scared. The words are written as the grandmother pronounces them, a woman who is probably illiterate

Rhetorical exclamation - what small hands!

Lexical repetition.

I prayed. Everything is said in this word: love and concern for the grandson, so that everything is fine with him.

Comparison. What is comparison called?

Skin like onion peel– metaphor.

- What is a metaphor?

Decrepit cheek - epithet.

Appeal – Father.

Waiting is common parlance.


Summing up life is conveyed in short, laconic sentences, and the ellipses indicate that there is still a lot to say, but there is no strength. Behind the ellipses are not words, but feelings and emotions.

I wet my hands with tears, I didn’t just cry, but I wet a lot of tears, because there was a lot of love, but the premonition of eternal separation, which is just around the corner causing endless tears.

5) Message about the death of grandmother.

This micro-topic already has neutral vocabulary. But the syntax is tense, flashy.

6) “Lives in the heart of wine. »

7) Syntax.

The sentences are simple, short, like the blow of a judge's gavel. Like a sentence.

8) Writing an essay.

* read the text expressively.

* work with the memo.

* the form of your written statement, the genre of creative work must be chosen in accordance with your internal need, worldview and attitude. And the genre uniqueness of speech opens up a wide variety of possibilities, and you can write using genres of writing, pages from a diary, travel essay, or perhaps refer to the essay.

Let's remember and give a brief description of the main genres.

Review overall rating works, expression of one’s own attitude to what has been read, viewed, emotional assessment personal perception of the work, an impression of it with justification: what in the work caused exactly these feelings and experiences.

Review – analysis, parsing, text evaluation, genre of criticism, literary and newspaper-magazine journalism.

The reviewer’s task is to give an analysis of the work, express his own thoughts and feelings that arose while reading the text, talk about his impressions - but on the basis detailed analysis text.

Therefore, the reviewer does not retell in detail the content of what he read, but carefully substantiates his opinion with a deep and reasoned analysis.

The reviewer must see the creative individuality - the author, the coloring of the work being reviewed.

The relationship between the reviewer and the author is a creative dialogue with an equal position of the parties. The author's advantage is the detailed meaning of the work. Reviewer advantage – high level theoretical training, analytical skills, language culture.

For example:

Feature article prose work, which covers a small part of reality, but in general the essays address any area of ​​human life. In this genre there is a highly subjective authorship. The essayist himself leads the narrative, which is driven by his thought, his opinion. This brings the essay and essay closer together. However, essays often ______________

Descriptions, the role of which in the essay is not so significant.

The essay can be journalistic, lyrical, documentary, etc. in style.

“The Last Bow” is a story within stories. The form itself emphasizes the biographical nature of the narrative: an adult’s memories of his childhood. Memories, as a rule, are vivid, which do not line up in a single line, but describe incidents from life.

And yet, “The Last Bow” is not a collection of stories, but a single work, since all its elements are united by a common theme. This is a work about the homeland, in the sense that Astafiev understands it. His homeland is a Russian village, hardworking, not spoiled by wealth; This is nature, harsh, incredibly beautiful - the powerful Yenisei, taiga, mountains. Each individual story in “Bow” reveals a specific feature of this theme, be itdescriptionnature in the chapter “Zorka’s Song” or children’s games inchapter"Burn, burn clearly."

The narration is told from the first person - the boy Viti Po-Tylitsyna,an orphan living with his grandmother. Vitya's father is a reveler anddrunkard,abandoned his family. Vitya's mother died tragically - drownedin Yenisei.The boy's life proceeded like everyone else's.Vienneseguys: helping elders with housework, picking berries, mushrooms, fishing, games.

The main character of “Bow” - Vitka’s grandmother Katerina Petrovna - precisely because she became our common Russian grandmother, because she collected in her entirety everything that still remained in her native land of a strong, hereditary, primordially Russian, that we somehow we recognize by instinct that it is something that has shone for all of us and has been given in advance and forever. The writer will not embellish anything in it; he will leave behind the storm of character, the grumpiness, and the indispensable desire to be the first to know everything and to be in charge of everything in the village (one word - General). And she fights, suffers for her children and grandchildren, breaks into anger and tears, and begins to talk about life, and now, it turns out, there are no hardships for her grandmother: “Children were born - joy. Children were sick, she saved them with herbs and roots, and not a single one died - that’s also joy... Once she put her hand out in the arable land, and she straightened it herself, there was just suffering, they were harvesting bread, with one hand she stung and didn’t become a crooked hand - isn’t that not joy? This is a common feature of old Russian women, and it is a Christian feature, which, when faith is exhausted, is also inevitably depleted, and a person increasingly leaves the score to fate, measuring evil and good on unreliable scales.” public opinion”, counting the suffering and jealously emphasizing his mercy. In “Bow,” everything is still ancient Russian, a lullaby, grateful to life, and this makes everything around life-giving.

Very similar to Katerina Petrovna Astafieva Akulina Ivanovna from M. Gorky’s “Childhood” in terms of her vitality.

But a turning point comes in Vitka’s life. He is sent to his father and stepmother in the city to study at school, since there was no school in the village.

And when the grandmother left the story, new everyday life began, everything darkened, and such a cruel, terrible side appeared in childhood that the artist for a long time avoided writing the second part of “Bow,” the menacing turn of his fate, his inevitable “in people.” It is no coincidence that the last chapters of the story were completed in 1992.

And if Vitka found his way into a new life, then we must thank his grandmother Katerina Petrovna, who prayed for him, comprehended his suffering with her heart and, from a distant distance, was inaudible for Vitka, but saved him savingly, at least by the fact that she managed to teach forgiveness and patience, the ability to see in in complete darkness, even a small grain of goodness, and hold on to this grain, and give thanks for it.

Lesson extracurricular reading on literature based on the stories of V.P. Astafiev “The Last Bow” (from the book “The Last Bow”) and A. Kostyunin “Compassion”.

“The image of a grandmother in Russian literature XX century using the example of stories by V.P. Astafiev’s “Last Bow” and A. Kostyunin’s “Compassion.”


Analyze the stories of V.P. Astafiev’s “Last Bow” and A. Kostyunin’s “Compassion.” Compare the images of grandmothers created by the authors, identifying the similarities and differences between them. Contribute to the formation of a sense of responsibility for your actions to loved ones.

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment.

2. Teacher's word:

Teacher: There are a number of traditional images in Russian literature: the image of the Motherland, the image of the mother and others. No less interesting is the image of the grandmother. Each person has his own idea about his grandmother, his own memories associated with her. Many writers of the 20th century turned to this image: M. Gorky in his work “Childhood”, V.P. Astafiev in the book “The Last Bow”, A. Kim in the story “Arina”, and also our contemporary - A. Kostyunin. For Gorky, grandmother is the center of light, warmth and kindness, wisdom. In Kim's case, a kind grandmother appears before us, loving everyone, trying to help everyone. Today we will try to compare the image of the grandmother drawn by V.P. Astafiev in the story “The Last Bow”, with the image presented by contemporary writer A. Kostyunin in the work “Compassion”. We are already familiar with some of the characters. We remember the heroes of V.P. Astafiev, thanks to such stories as: “A horse with a pink mane”, “Photograph in which I am not”.

Teacher: How does the heroine appear in situations where the grandson deceived his grandmother and brought a basket not with berries, but with grass; when he rode the slide, although she forbade him, and then got very sick?

Student (sample answer): The grandmother rightly punishes her grandson; she tries to raise him to be a real person. She succeeds, because the shame that the boy experiences says that his soul is on the right path. Grandmother loves him very much, because it is not the one who does not punish who loves, but the one who punishes lovingly. She is caring for a sick child, she feels very sorry for him, that’s why she gets so upset, constantly scolding him, and herself, and everyone around her, because she doesn’t know what else to do to help her beloved grandson.

3. Working with the text by V.P. Astafiev "Last bow". Reading a story with comments.

Teacher: Let's read the story together and try to answer a series of questions.

Teacher: “I made my way back to our house. I wanted to meet my grandmother first, and that’s why I didn’t go down the street. The old, barkless poles in our and neighboring vegetable gardens were crumbling, and props, twigs, and plank fragments stuck out where the stakes should have been. The vegetable gardens themselves were squeezed by insolent, freely growing boundaries. Our garden, especially from the ridges, was so crushed by the dull grass, I noticed the beds in it only when, having attached last year’s burrs to my riding breeches, I made my way to the bathhouse from which the roof had fallen, the bathhouse itself no longer smelled of smoke, the door looked like a leaf carbon copies, lying to the side, the current grass stuck between the boards. A small paddock of potatoes and beds, with a densely occupied vegetable garden, hollowed out from the house, there was blackened earth. And these, as if lost, but still freshly darkening beds, rotten hovels in the yard, rubbed by shoes, a low woodpile of firewood under the kitchen window testified that they were living in the house. Suddenly, for some reason, I became afraid, some unknown force pinned me to the spot, squeezed my throat, and, with difficulty overcoming myself, I moved into the hut, but I also moved fearfully, on tiptoe.”

Teacher: Why do you think the hero was overwhelmed by such contradictory feelings and sensations: fear, excitement, pain?

Student (sample answer): Fear, probably, of meeting his grandmother, whom our hero had loved since childhood, but was also afraid of. Or maybe this fear arose from the thought that my grandmother was no longer alive, because so much in the yard had fallen into disrepair. The excitement arose because he had not seen his grandmother or his native place for a long time. It's always hard to return home after a long separation.

Teacher: Comment on the following quote: “some unknown force pinned me to the spot, squeezed my throat, and, with difficulty overcoming myself, I moved into the hut...”. How do you understand it?

Student (sample answer): “ A lump in the throat”, “an unknown force is squeezing the throat” - this is what they say when they feel that a person cannot cope with the surging emotions, it is very difficult for him, he wants to cry...

Teacher: “The door is open. A lost bumblebee buzzed in the entryway, and there was a smell of rotten wood. There was almost no paint left on the door or porch. Only shreds of it glowed in the rubble of the floorboards and on the doorposts, and although I walked carefully, as if I had run too far and was now afraid to disturb the cool peace in the old house, the cracked floorboards still moved and groaned under my boots. And the further I walked, the more desolate, darker it became ahead, the more sagging, the more decrepit the floor, eaten by mice in the corners, and the more and more perceptible smell of the mold of wood, the moldiness of the underground. Grandmother was sitting on a bench near the blind kitchen window and winding threads into a ball. I froze at the door. A storm has passed over the earth! Millions of human destinies were mixed and entangled, new states disappeared and new states appeared, fascism, which threatened the human race with death, died, and here a wall cabinet made of boards hung and a speckled chintz curtain hung on it; just as the cast iron pots and the blue mug stood on the stove, so they stand; as forks, spoons, and a knife stuck out behind the wall plaque, so they stick out, only there were few forks and spoons, a knife with a broken toe, and there was no smell in the kuti of sauerkraut, cow swill, boiled potatoes, but everything was as it was, even grandmother in her usual place, with commonplace in hand".

Teacher: Why did two pictures of the world appear before the author’s eyes at once? One remained beyond the threshold: a rapidly changing world, warring states, a global problem - fascism; Another picture in the house: everything that surrounded him in childhood, and his own grandmother. What did the author want to convey to us by using such an antithesis?

Student (sample answer): The hero understands that while defending world peace, he first of all defended the small world of his native places, his home and his grandmother.


“Why are you standing, father, at the threshold? Come, come! I'll cross you, sweetheart. I got shot in the leg... I'll be scared or happy - and it'll shoot...

And my grandmother said the usual thing, in a familiar, everyday voice, as if I, in fact, had gone off into the forest or ran off to visit my grandfather and then returned, having been a little late.

I thought you wouldn't recognize me.

How can I not find out? What are you, God bless you!

I straightened my tunic, wanted to stretch out and bark what I had thought up in advance: “I wish you good health, Comrade General!” What kind of a general is this? The grandmother made an attempt to get up, but she swayed and grabbed the table with her hands. The ball rolled off her lap, and the cat did not jump out from under the bench onto the ball. There was no cat, that's why the corners were eaten.

I’m old, father, completely old... My legs... I picked up the ball and began to wind the thread, slowly approaching my grandmother, not taking my eyes off her.

How small grandma’s hands became! Their skin is yellow and shiny like onion skins. Every bone is visible through the worked skin. And bruises. Layers of bruises, like caked leaves of late autumn. The body, the powerful grandmother’s body, could no longer cope with its work; it did not have enough strength to drown out and dissolve with blood the bruises, even the light ones. Grandma's cheeks sank deeply. All of our people will fall into holes like this in old age

cheeks. We are all like grandmas, with high cheekbones, and all with prominent bones.

Why are you looking like that? Have you become good? - Grandma tried to smile

worn out, sunken lips.

I threw the ball and grabbed my grandmother's head.

I remained alive, grandma, alive!..

“I prayed, I prayed for you,” my grandmother hurriedly whispered in a birdlike voice.

poked me in the chest. She kissed where the heart was and kept repeating: “I prayed, I prayed...

That's why I survived.

Did you receive the parcel?

Time has lost its definitions for grandmother. Its boundaries were erased, and what happened a long time ago, it seemed to her, was quite recently; Much of today was forgotten, covered in the fog of fading memory. In the winter of 1942, I underwent training in a reserve regiment, just before being sent to the front. They fed us very poorly, and didn’t give us any tobacco at all. I tried to smoke with those soldiers who received parcels from home, and the time came when I needed to settle accounts with my comrades. After much hesitation, I asked in a letter to send me some tobacco. Pressed by need, Augusta sent a bag of samosad to the reserve regiment. The bag also contained a handful of finely chopped crackers and a glass of pine nuts. This gift - crackers and nuts - was sewn into a bag by my grandmother with her own hands!”

Teacher: How has grandma changed? What upset the hero so much?

Student (sample answer): Grandmother has aged greatly and her health has deteriorated.

Teacher: T This unfortunate fate throughout her life made itself felt - it affected the poor woman’s health. Evaluate what your grandmother did when she sent her grandson a parcel to the front. Why did she become so dear to him?

Student (sample answer): It was difficult not only at the front during the war, but also in the rear, people were hungry and in poverty. The grandmother may have given away her last crackers and nuts, but she didn’t feel sorry for her own grandson.

Teacher: « - Let me take a look at you.

I obediently froze in front of my grandmother. The dent from the Red Star remained on her decrepit cheek and did not go away - it was up to my chest as a grandmother. She stroked and felt me, memory stood thick in her eyes, and grandmother looked somewhere through me and beyond.

How big you have become, big-oh!.. If only the deceased mother could look and admire... - At this point, grandmother, as always, trembled in her voice and looked at me with questioning timidity - am I angry? I didn’t like it before when she started talking about this. I caught it sensitively - I’m not angry, and I also caught it and understood, apparently, the boyish roughness has disappeared and my attitude towards goodness is now completely different. She began to cry not infrequently, but with continuous weak old tears, regretting something and rejoicing at something.

What a life it was! God forbid!.. But God doesn’t clean me up. I'm getting under my feet. But you can’t lie in someone else’s grave. I'll die soon, father, I'll die.

I wanted to protest, to challenge my grandmother, and I was about to move, but she somehow wisely and inoffensively stroked me on the head - and there was no need to say empty, consoling words.

I'm tired, father. All tired. Eighty-six years old... She did the work - just right for another artel. Everything was waiting for you. The anticipation is growing stronger. Now it's time. Now I'll die soon. You, father, come and bury me... Close my

little eyes...

Grandmother became weak and could no longer say anything, she just kissed my hands, wet them with her tears, and I did not take my hands away from her. I, too, cried silently and enlightenedly.”

Teacher: What has changed in the relationship between the grandmother and the hero, what has changed in the hero himself?

Student (sample answer): The hero has changed, not only has he matured, but he has also begun to understand his grandmother better, and is no longer ashamed of his emotions and feelings towards her.

Teacher: Thanks to grandma, she was able to survive the fiery forties, what gave her strength?

Student (sample answer): Faith in God, prayers for my grandson and waiting for him after the war.

Teacher: Soon the grandmother died. They sent me a telegram to the Urals calling me to the funeral. But I was not released from production. The head of the personnel department of the carriage depot where I worked, having read the telegram, said:

Not allowed. Mother or father is another matter, but grandmothers, grandfathers and godfathers...

How could he know that my grandmother was my father and mother - everything that is dear to me in this world! I should have sent that boss to the right place, quit my job, sell my last pair of pants and boots, and rush to my grandmother’s funeral, but I didn’t do that. I had not yet realized the enormity of the loss that had befallen me. If this happened now, I would crawl from the Urals to Siberia to close my grandmother’s eyes and give her my last bow. And lives in the heart of wine. Oppressive, quiet, eternal. Guilty before my grandmother, I try to resurrect her in my memory, to find out from people the details of her life. But what interesting details can there be in the life of an old, lonely peasant woman? I found out when my grandmother became exhausted and could not carry water from the Yenisei, washing her potatoes with dew. She gets up before daylight, pours out a bucket of potatoes onto the wet grass and rolls them with a rake, as if she was trying to wash away the dew from underneath, like an inhabitant of a dry desert, she saved rainwater in an old tub, in a trough and in basins...

Suddenly, very, very recently, quite by accident, I find out that not only did my grandmother go to Minusinsk and Krasnoyarsk, but she also went to the Kiev Pechersk Lavra for prayer, for some reason calling Holy place Carpathians.

Aunt Apraksinya Ilyinichna died. During the hot season, she lay in her grandmother’s house, half of which she occupied after her funeral. The deceased woman began to smell, she ought to smoke incense in the hut, but where can you get it today, incense? Nowadays words are incense everywhere and everywhere, so thickly that sometimes the white light cannot be seen, true truth in the clouds the words cannot be distinguished.

Well, I found some incense! Aunt Dunya Fedoranikha, a thrifty old woman, lit a censer on a coal scoop and added fir branches to the incense. The oily smoke smokes and swirls around the hut, it smells of antiquity, it smells of foreignness, it repels all bad odors - you want to smell a long-forgotten, alien smell.

Where did you get it? - I ask Fedoranikha.

And your grandmother, Katerina Petrovna, may God bless her, when she went to the Carpathians to pray, she gave us all incense and gifts. Since then I’ve been saving it, there’s just a little left - left for my death...

Dear mom! And I didn’t even know such details in my grandmother’s life, probably back in the old days she made it to Ukraine, with blessings, returned from there, but she was afraid to talk about it in troubled times, that if I blabbed about my grandmother’s prayer, they would trample me out of school, Kolcha Jr. will be discharged from the collective farm... I want, I still want to know and hear more and more about my grandmother, but the door to the silent kingdom slammed behind her, and there were almost no old people left in the village. I’m trying to tell people about my grandmother, so that they can find her in their grandparents, in close and beloved people, and my grandmother’s life would be limitless and eternal, like human kindness itself is eternal - but this work is from the evil one. I don’t have words that could convey all my love for my grandmother, that would justify me to her. I know grandma would forgive me. She always forgave me everything. But she's not there. And there never will be. And there is no one to forgive..."

Teacher: What new things did you learn about the life of the hero’s grandmother from the last lines of the story? What trait of the heroine is manifested here?

Student (sample answer): Until the last moment she clung to life, even when she couldn’t walk, she still tried to do something, to move somehow. She was active and hardworking.

Student (sample answer): She always thought not only about herself, but also about others. I even brought incense to everyone I could.

Teacher: Why does the hero feel guilty?

Student (sample answer): He didn’t come to the funeral, didn’t pay his last respects to his grandmother, the only loved one in the world.

Teacher: How does the hero try to pay his last respects to his grandmother?

Student (sample answer): Oh He tells all his friends about it.

Student (sample answer): This is his symbolic last bow to his grandmother. The author is trying to warn us against similar mistakes made by the hero.

Teacher: What is your impression of the text you read and listened to? What thoughts and feelings did this story evoke?

Student (sample answer): The story evoked a feeling of pity for both the hero and the grandmother. I feel sorry for the hero because he is tormented by a feeling of guilt; I feel sorry for the grandmother because she has had so many difficulties in her life.

Student (sample answer): You are amazed at how much the grandmother loved her grandson; now you understand that what sometimes seems unfair to us on the part of adults is, on the contrary, necessary, correct and nurturing. Not everything that elders say should be rejected.

Teacher: Now read for yourself the story of our contemporary writer A. Kostyunin "Compassion".

Let me remind you of one incident from childhood. One day you came home from school. Your old grandmother was sitting in the kitchen. She is mentally ill. However, since her illness did not manifest itself aggressively, she lived right there with you. Despite his illness, it was kindness itself. And a hard worker - which ones to look for. In order to somehow help her adult daughter with the housework, she took on any job. And although it was customary to wash the dishes after her, she tried her best. So this time she knitted socks with love. You. To the person most dear to her! Your appearance is a quiet, bright joy for her. Her native language was Karelian - the language of a small, endangered people. It made your classmates laugh when she quietly prayed in a language they didn’t understand and sang obscene ditties in Russian. You were ashamed of your grandmother in front of your friends. The frustration was building. When you came in, she interrupted what she was doing. A good-natured, open smile lit up her face. Over the glasses, eyes radiating kindness looked at you. Weary hands with knitting needles relaxed relaxed on the mended apron. And suddenly. a ball of woolen threads mischievously, as if alive, jumped off my lap, unwinding and shrinking. Full, leaning on the kitchen cupboard, she rose heavily from the stable wooden stool. So what is next. (this had to happen!), bending down to pick up the ball, she, quite accidentally, touched you at the moment when you were pouring milk into your mug. Your hand shook and the milk spilled. At least half a cup!

Stupid! - you shouted furiously. And then he angrily grabbed a heavy frying pan and, running out of the kitchen, threw it at the grandmother from the threshold with all his might. Everything happened so quickly. (Some kind of obsession.) The frying pan hit my grandmother’s swollen leg. Her full lips trembled, and she, wailing something in her native language, holding the sore spot with her hand, sank onto the stool crying. Tears flowed freely down her flushed face.

Then, suddenly, for the first time, you perceived someone else's pain as your own. And since then, these memories are an open wound for your Soul. I, like your Mind, tried to understand why the world is unfairly cruel? Maybe he's just unreasonable. There is an interesting aphorism: “We think too small. Like a frog at the bottom of a well. It thinks that the sky is the size of the hole in the well. But if it crawled to the surface, it would acquire a completely different view of the world.” However, neither the frog nor we have such an opportunity. And a person is able to see and understand only what the Maker of destinies is ready to reveal to him at a particular moment. Everything has its time. And you can’t speed it up by mechanically moving the clock hands forward. Only the simplest organisms develop rapidly. It suddenly dawned on me that the “tears of an innocent child” in Dostoevsky’s work, and the ironic attitude towards someone else’s pain of your own father, and your “feat” in relation to your grandmother - everything was given solely to awaken compassion in you. Let the fate of the book hero really not be changed and the action of the spiritless Body not be corrected retroactively. (The past is beyond the control of anyone, not even God.) But there is also the present and the future. How to deal with such situations in the future? Someone plays a vivid video in their mind over and over again, consisting of the most direct questions and unpleasant memories. This is a kind of test proposed from above. During the search for optimal answers, thoughts and feelings are formed. And now childhood is coming to an end. Childhood is a dream of the Mind and Soul.

4. Conversation with students.

Teacher: Why does the hero remember this incident from his life all his life?

Student (sample answer): He is still ashamed of the act he committed as a child.

Teacher: How did he treat his grandmother? And she to him?

Student (sample answer): The hero was ashamed of her, since she adhered to old traditions and was not modern.

Teacher: What state was the hero in that he did such a terrible thing to his grandmother?

Student (sample answer): Furious and angry.

Teacher: What words indicate that he was not fully aware of the horror of that situation?

Student (sample answer): Everything happened quickly, that is, he acted so recklessly, without thinking, without realizing the gravity of his action.

Student (sample answer): The word “obsession” also suggests that the boy was not himself.

Teacher: Why did he perceive someone else's pain as his own for the first time? What could melt the boy’s callous soul?

Student (sample answer): Grandmother began to cry, and then he realized what he had done, he felt sorry for her.

Teacher: For what purpose does fate send us such moments of compassion for another person, according to the author?

Student (sample answer): Such moments in a person’s life are not accidental, since they save him from dark side, thereby giving hope for the present and the future. They teach us from our bitter mistakes that we once made not to do that again in the future.

Teacher: Comment on the last sentence: “Childhood is a dream of the Mind and Soul.” How do you understand its meaning?

Student (sample answer): Childhood ends when shame appears for one’s behavior, because in childhood the child does not understand many things, is guided by whims, emotions, the child is an unconscious egoist.

5. Conceptual ring. Associative series.

Teacher: We read two stories, each of them presents the image of a grandmother. What is the difference between the two images?

Student (sample answer): The difference between them is in time: the grandmother from the story “The Last Bow” is a representative of the mid-twentieth century; the grandmother from the story “Compassion” is practically our contemporary.

Student (sample answer): If the grandmother from the first story had a huge influence on the hero, was a kind of authority for him, the only relative, then the grandmother from Kostyunin’s story is an unhealthy person whom no one takes into account, no one listens to, no one appreciates.

Teacher: What do these images have in common? Let's imagine this as a conceptual ring, which will include the main features that unite both images.

(Co-creating a concept ring)
6.Final speech from the teacher.

Teacher: In both stories, we see the image of a woman from the village, a real worker who honors traditions and cannot imagine her life without helping other people, without love and care for her family. Writers in their autobiographical stories speak so touchingly about their relatives, they are so frank with us, they are not ashamed to open up to all readers, because this is also a kind of repentance, a final bow. They warn you and me against such mistakes, because their burden is so heavy for the soul. Writers are trying to reach our souls, to save them before it's too late. Love your family, cherish every minute spent with them.

7. Homework.

1. Come home to your grandmother and confess your love to her, do something nice for her.

2.Write a homemade mini-essay on the topics: “What do I want to thank my grandmother for?”, “My grandmother,” “My best moments spent with my grandmother.”

Full name: Kulagina Liliya Ilmurzovna

Position: teacher of Russian language and literature

Place of work: average comprehensive school No. 18 Kirovsky district of Ufa

Teaching experience: 32 years
LESSON TOPIC: “Bow good people"(based on the story by V. Astafiev "The Last Bow")

Grade: 9th

Number of hours: 2 hours
EPIGRAPH:"I will never forget that happy morning." (V.P. Astafiev)

  1. To introduce students to the life and work of V. P. Astafiev.

  2. Fostering in students a sense of love for the Motherland, the surrounding world, and people.


1st hour

I. The teacher’s introductory speech about V.P. Astafiev.

I would like to start the lesson with the words of the writer’s grandfather on his father’s side, Pavel Yakovlevich Astafiev.

Someday a grandfather will say about his grandson:

“You are happy, however... Not by fate, but by heart. To see something beautiful and good, maybe this is where happiness lies.”

Grandfather looked into the water. The writer V.P. Astafiev was precisely such a person, vigilant, attentive, noticing the beauty of human relationships, the beauty of the surrounding world.

II. Biography of the writer (student message).

The name of V.P. Astafiev is known throughout the world. He was born in May 1924 in the village of Ovsyanka, on the banks of the mighty Yenisei, not far from Krasnoyarsk, “into a working, huge, sedate and melodious family.” He lost his mother early - she drowned when her scythe caught on a floating boom in the river. He was given to the care of his grandparents - Siberian peasants.

In 1934 he was forced to leave his native village along with new family father, was soon abandoned to the will of fate. Having gone through orphanhood and homelessness, at the age of 15 he ended up in an orphanage in the polar city of Igarki. Before the war, he worked as a train compiler near the city of Krasnoyarsk. In the fall of 1942, he volunteered for the front. He served as a driver, artillery reconnaissance officer, and signalman. He was seriously injured.

After being demobilized in 1945, he lived for 18 years in the Urals, in Chusovoy. He worked as a loader, mechanic, foundry worker, and at the same time studied at evening school.

I started writing out of a feeling of protest, I wanted to write about the war what I saw myself, “I cared most of all that everything was accurate, that everything was as it was.”

In 1958 he was accepted into the Writers' Union, and in 1959 he was sent to the Higher Literary Courses in Moscow, where he studied until 1961.

The writer penned such wonderful works as the story in the stories “The Last Bow”, the story in the stories “The King Fish”, the novel “The Sad Detective”, tragic theme war sounds in the story “The Shepherd and the Shepherdess” (the author defines it as a modern pastoral). About the war - a novel written in the 90s - “Cursed and Killed”, the story “So I Want to Live”.

The leading themes of the writer’s work: childhood; nature and man; war and love.

In 1968, the first book of the story in stories “The Last Bow” was published. In subsequent years, Books II and III were published.


Work based on the story “The Last Bow”.

  • From whose perspective is the story told?
The story is autobiographical. And yet, the cycle of these stories cannot be called an autobiography of the writer himself, since in the story there are many other main characters who discovered little boy the vast, invisible world of human relationships.

  • Who is the main character of the story?

  • Think about the title of the work. “Last bow.”

  • Last bow to whom?
(To all those kind people who met the writer on the roads of childhood, who in one way or another influenced the formation of the teenager’s views).

  • What 2 themes run through the entire work?
(Theme of childhood and homeland).

These themes are very closely intertwined in the story, which opens up childhood memories - “A Far and Near Fairy Tale.”

1). “Far and Near Fairy Tale.”

  • Tell us about Vasya, a Pole.
Play “Oginsky’s Polonaise”.

Selective reading by the teacher of a passage from the words “But because of the ridge, from the deep interior of the earth, music arose...” to the words “wounded for life by music.”

  • What was the music talking about? Why is Vitka so anxious and bitter? Why do you want to cry like he has never cried before?
(About love for the Motherland, for the native land. Read the words of Vasya the Pole about the author of the music.)

  • What mark did Vasya the Pole leave on the boy’s soul with his violin playing?
(The best feelings are memories of my mother, love for my native land.)

  • How did your fellow villagers treat Vasya the Pole?

  • Can Vasya the Pole be called a life teacher for Vitka Potylitsyn? Why do you think the chapter “Far and Near Fairy Tale” is the first in the book “The Last Bow”.
(It's about the homeland.)

  • Who left Vitka the most precious childhood memory?
The writer gave all the love and tenderness of which a man’s heart is capable, first of all, to his grandmother. He is the first to send his deepest respects to her with his story.

  • Tell me about your grandmother.
(Portrait of a grandmother from the chapter “Monk in New Pants.”)

  • What role did she play in the development of character and in the fate of her grandson?

  • The grandmother teaches her grandson to love and understand nature, passed on her everyday and moral experience to him, taught him to love the earth and all living things around him.
2). Work on the chapter “Zorka’s Song”. (Brief summary).

  • Which chapters tell how a grandmother teaches her grandson to see the beautiful, teaches a careful and reverent attitude towards the earth, and gives the first lessons in labor.
(4). “Trees grow for everyone” - a condensed retelling).

  • What other lessons given by his grandmother did Vitka remember?
(5). “Horse with a pink mane” - how many years have passed since then, but this lesson of kindness given by the grandmother was forever remembered by the grandson).
2nd hour

    What new did we learn about grandmother in the chapter “Guardian Angel”? How did your grandmother teach her family to endure difficulties?
(Grandmother is the keeper of the home. She supports the family in difficult moments of life. She will find a way out of any difficult situation. Grandmother is a kind soul, she picks up an abandoned puppy).

  • Wise thoughts from a grandmother.

  • The chapter is called “Guardian Angel” - why?
7). The story “The Last Bow” contains many pictures of peasant labor and peasant life. Let us dwell on the chapter “Pestrukha”.

  • What interesting things did you learn about the life of peasants? folk traditions, rituals?
A). - Why were children protected from the sight of blood?

b). Stop on stage as grandparents gather children to show a recently born calf and together come up with a name for the newborn.

V). Evening milking of cows.

G). “What a good evening this is coming! I want to share my bread, milk, salt and heart with my neighbors and all the people in the world.”

d). Evening prayer grandmothers.

8). – What is said in the story “Autumn Sadness and Joy”?

(“Labor is not labor, but pleasure, a holiday. They salted the cabbage with a song.”)

9). Chapter “Grandma’s Holiday.”

  • What holiday is this chapter talking about?

  • How is this holiday celebrated?
(The song awakened good feelings for each other and forever left a memory of their home).

  • How does Ilya Evgrafovich remember the grandfather from his grandson?
(Student message).

  • “The Last Bow” is a treasury of popular thoughts. Let's listen to them.
(Student message).

  • In what key are all the stories from this work written?
(Give the floor to students who have done research work in advance).

  • The leitmotif of Book I is the words: “I will never forget that happy morning.”


“Last bow” is a conversation about childhood and about those people who warmed this childhood with the warmth of their hearts and the caress of their working hands. The meaning of this work is in the emotional and moral charge that can awaken the brightest feelings in readers: the joy of life, love for the homeland, native land, work, people living next to you.

The last chapter of the work is “The Last Bow”. This is where the author conveys main idea works.

(Expressive reading by the stage teacher last meeting grandson and grandmother).


Write an essay on the topic: “Lessons of kindness from grandmother Katerina Petrovna.”

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