Project wake up victoria rides. Victoria Raidos: biography and personal life of a psychic. What people say about the work of a clairvoyant

At the end of 2015, many sensational television projects ended, one of which was the “Battle of Psychics,” beloved by many viewers. And in the 16th season of this program, as you know, the witch Victoria Rydos won. Find out more about who she is, how old she is and how you can get an appointment with her in our article.

Psychic Victoria Raidos

The 16th season of “The Battle...” lasted for several months and kept millions of television viewers in suspense. The whole country watched the severe tests that various magicians, sorcerers and clairvoyants invited to the transfer had to undergo. As a result, the end of the season was marked by the total victory of a psychic girl named Victoria Rydos.

She received the prize - a glass blue hand - with great pleasure and joy. During the presentation of the main award of the project, the witch did not hide her feelings at all, although throughout the entire season she positioned herself as a very restrained person in emotions. From the very start of the Battle of Psychics 16, it was clear that Raidos clearly deserves the title of the best clairvoyant of the year.

“My family and friends, like many TV viewers and fans, predicted that I would win the show, but in fact I doubted it, since I had to fight the fear of cameras in order to reveal myself as much as possible,” noted the psychic.

How old is Victoria Rydos? Biography of a psychic

Victoria Germanovna Raidos, according to some information, December 27, 1976 in St. Petersburg (the day and month of birth are precisely known, but the sorceress tries not to advertise her age). It is believed that Vika is a master of Tarot cards and various occult practices. Included in the top 100 best healers in Russia.

According to Rydos, she uses a special " Book of the Dead”, which she specially wrote for her psychic works. If you open this book, you can only see empty pages, but Victoria sees a biography and a whole life story a certain person, who is no longer alive.

In the heated sixteenth “Battle of Psychics,” Victoria Rydos won an absolute victory, beating such professionals in the field of secret knowledge as Merlin Kerro and Nicole Kuznetsova. Surprisingly, several famous magicians predicted the girl’s victory even before the end of the season. Thus, Vlad Kadoni and his mother Elena Golunova, as well as the finalist of the previous season Julia Wang, “saw” Victoria’s victory before the results of the competition were announced.

During season 16, Rhydos had a conflict with her competitor, the sorceress Merlin Kerro. The relationship between the two girls was very tense, but, fortunately, friendship won in the finale and both clairvoyants even hugged.

How to get an appointment with Rydos and how much does a session cost?

After watching the 16th season of the Battle of Psychics, many TV viewers were seriously interested in the question of how to get an appointment with Victoria Raidosa and how much one session would cost. However, on the Internet, as is often the case, scammers create “fake” sites and introduce themselves there under the name of a witch, siphoning money from gullible people. It is known that Victoria has one official website, viktoriaraidos dot ru, where you can find all the contact information for communicating with her or her administrator. It is also worth considering some important points regarding sessions with Rydos:

  • Victoria is not looking for treasures or missing people
  • She is against love spells, damage and curses. Doesn't work with black magic methods
  • Does not engage in healing activities
  • Doesn't accept people drunk or under the influence of drugs

What issues does Victoria Raidos help solve? First of all, it helps to decide difficult situations related to family, everyday life, professional activity, personal life, and also sets the client up for good luck and success, establishes magical protection.

Important: the clairvoyant does not take any advance payment from people! Payment is made only during a personal meeting with a psychic. Regarding the cost of the session, this question is decided with the Raidos administrator on its official website or in groups in social networks listed on the website.

Victoria on social networks

Like many media personalities, Victoria Raidos also has pages in in social networks. She can be found on VKontakte (vraidos), on Facebook, Twitter and on the popular photo resource Instagram (viktoriaraidos). Unfortunately, people often come across fake pages on which scammers usually ask for an advance payment, which the witch usually does not do. Moreover, she consults only in person - no remote sessions! Take care of yourself and don’t let brazen scammers empty your wallet.

Good day to everyone who wants to learn the secrets of the universe. Lovers of the mysterious and mysterious will be very interested in another mystical personality - this. It was she who won the 16th season of the “Battle of Psychics” project. From the article you will learn about the witchcraft secrets, successes and failures of the brown-eyed priestess of the cult of ancestors.

Victoria Rydos: Way of the Witch

As a child, Victoria was an ordinary child. For those who are interested in how old the witch is, it is not difficult to calculate knowing that she was born on December 27, 1976. Neither the mother nor other relatives assumed that the girl had mystical powers. Except that Grandma Zina always knew about it, but remained silent for the time being.

Such a time came at a time when my granddaughter needed to be saved. To save her from herself and the painful dependence on the powerful drugs she was using.

Victoria's stormy youth, which began when the girl dropped out of college at the age of eighteen, became interested in gambling, then got hooked on illegal substances and ended up with a criminal record. She was given a suspended sentence. The criminal record has now been expunged.

Here it was Grandma Zina’s turn to show her cards in the literal and figurative sense. She explained to the girl why she was lucky in the casino and why she was hiding from life behind drug hallucinations. “You are a witch,” said the grandmother. She opened her granddaughter’s eyes, and then her life began to change dramatically.

It turns out that design engineer Baba Zina herself has always been a witch. She told her granddaughter such things that the girl’s hair literally stood on end. At that time, Vicky had the feeling that her world had collapsed. But you can't go against nature. Her grandmother helped her discover her gift and taught her fortune telling with cards.

Zina (and Victoria called her grandmother by name) literally “kicked” her out of Moscow, citing the fact that the girl would disappear here. So Raidos went to St. Petersburg, underwent treatment in one of the clinics and began to study witchcraft. In 2011, her beloved grandmother died, but her granddaughter continued to communicate with her even after her death.

However, having become pregnant, Victoria was very afraid that the spirit of her grandmother might inhabit her daughter’s body. After the birth of my daughter, contact with my grandmother ceased.

Now the witch lives in, is engaged in healing, magical and occult practices, fortune-telling and teaching fortune-telling using Tarot cards. Teaches at the St. Petersburg Tarot Academy. She graduated from several esoteric schools.

Victoria conducts appointments where she helps people; you can make an appointment by phone or by writing to her. On her website and pages on social networks, the witch strongly recommends being wary of scammers who ask for an advance payment for her services. Rydons does not take any advance payment for his techniques and accepts only personally, and not through third parties, so be careful.

Priestess of the ancestor cult

Victoria calls herself a priestess of the ancestor cult. She communicates with the spirits of the dead. The main assistant in her witchcraft practices is a leather-bound book, which she keeps in a closed bag, does not show to anyone, and forbids touching.

This is a book of the dead, the same one that Victoria’s late grandmother had. During the program, observers were at a loss as to how a book with blank sheets containing only drops of candle wax could help a witch.

Rhydos reveals the secret of the mystical book. It's not easy for her blank sheets, she is looking for information for the book in the cemetery - collecting memories of the orphaned dead.

The information stored in the book of the dead refers to those spirits who, after death, were forgotten by everyone, or those who had no one left among the living.

They come to Rhydos and ask her to write them down on the pages of her book. After all, the soul lives as long as it is remembered, says Victoria. This is the secret of the book - the witch was helped during the tests in the “Battle of Psychics” by the grateful spirits of the dead. Grateful that Victoria prolongs the lives of their souls and does not send them into the abyss of oblivion.

For the first time, viewers saw Victoria on the screens in the qualifying round of the 15th season of the “Battle of Psychics” program. It passed with triumphant success qualifying round, then without any problems she named the object hidden behind the screen. It was scandalous famous picture. Victoria described the tones in which the canvas was made and talked about its infamous glory. As it turned out, all the houses where the painting was present mysteriously burned down.

The priestess of the ancestor cult at that time refused to participate in the project for the reason that her daughter was still just a baby (she was 7 months old), and Victoria Raidos understood that if she plunged headlong into filming, she might miss the most important thing - the first steps , first words and that time when a little daughter really needs her mother.

Having come to the qualifying test for the 16th season of the project, Victoria, when asked by the presenter about who she is and what she can do, the girl succinctly answered: “I am a witch” and talked about how she communicates with the spirits of the family. It was necessary to find a person in the trunk of a car in a parking lot with many cars.

The witch, as always, turned for help to her magical bag, or rather to the book of the dead, to summon spirits. She used candles and grave soil. Entering a trance, Victoria saw the spirits of the guy's grandfathers hidden in the trunk. She correctly named the grandfathers' names - observers were shocked.

The girl asked the spirits to show her which car the person was hidden in. Here she became noticeably nervous - she said that she had lost contact with one of the spirits, and the other was standing and smiling. She pointed to the car, but immediately realized that she was mistaken - she said that the spirits were joking with her. She went in the opposite direction, walked up to a white car and pointed at it - near this car, according to her, a spirit was now standing. The spirit of the grandfather did not deceive Victoria Rydos this time; the guy ended up in the trunk of this particular car.

Having successfully passed the qualifying tests, upon arriving at the project the girl boldly declared that she didn’t care who she stood next to in the finals.

Spirits of the family

The priestess of the ancestor cult incredibly shocked observers and presenters. Named names, facts, words, phrases that a common person can't know. She assures that behind every living person she sees and hears his deceased ancestors. The witch sat down on the floor, opened her magic book dead, dripped candle wax onto the pages, went into a trance. She could speak on behalf of a deceased person.

What a test it was worth when you had to find out the secret of the car owner! Everyone cried, not only the relatives of the dead guy, as it turned out, but also the witch herself. She addressed her sister, girlfriend, mother young man those words and phrases with which he spoke to them during his lifetime. She named facts, the names of his friends.

However, she could not say the name of the killer, having lost contact with the spirit. But she offered to go back and find out who the killer was, only for this someone alive would have to take responsibility and be punished in the form of negative events in life. The relatives refused, and Raidos herself, for obvious reasons, did not want to take on such responsibility.

Victoria Rydos likes the dead much more than the living, they are honest, there are no lies and hypocrisy in the world of the dead, which cannot be said about the world of the living. The witch always stands to protect the spirits of ancestors, clan, family. She assures that they are the ones who give advice to their living relatives in difficult moments. right decisions, warn against possible dangers.

Victoria understood that Marilyn Kerro was her main rival in the battle. But She considered herself stronger and was sure that she would become a winner. In addition, she admitted that there were many situations in her life that her rivals did not have, and this is her great advantage.

Mom and husband of the girl for a long time had no idea what she was doing. Vika told her husband that she was into esotericism, and a television program helped her mother realize who her daughter was.

At home, Victoria has a special office for practicing magic. Raidos says that her family is forbidden to enter there. After the birth of her daughter Varya, the priestess of the ancestor cult stopped practicing witchcraft at home. Here she is a happy mother and loving wife. Vika deeply respects the cult of family. She believes that the husband is in charge, and only then the children. She admits that if her husband was against her participation in the program, she, of course, would be angry and upset, but she obeyed him.

Despite her strength (and at times it seemed that she was simply a universal soldier), Victoria is a very sensitive person; she had to leave little Varya for several months in order to take part in the “Battle of Psychics” project. Only she herself knows what it cost her.

The girl with tears in her eyes tells how difficult it was for her, how her daughter missed her, and what unearthly joy her angelic eyes shone when her mother returned home.

Meditation from the winner of the “Battle of Psychics”

Some people believe in the mystical witchcraft abilities of the participants in the show “Battle of Psychics,” others are skeptical, and of course they will never want to practice any magical rituals themselves.

And finally, we will tell you about a simple meditative technique recommended by the priestess of the spirits of ancestors to attract good luck into your life and fulfill your desires. This is not magic or mysticism, but a simple meditation that can help everyone bring positive changes into their lives. Try this technique and share in the comments to the article whether there will be any results.

Execution steps:

  • create a pleasant, comfortable atmosphere, sit in the traditional Lotus position on the mat;
  • take ten deep breaths and exhalations, feel the body filled with energy, relax all parts of the body;
  • at the level of the frontal chakra (also called the third eye), imagine a picture containing the result of your desire (as if it had already come true);
  • continue to breathe calmly and measuredly, visualize what you want, combining this process with maximum relaxation;
  • try not only to see, but also to feel, smell, move, touch what you want;
  • record the moment when you can fully feel the feeling of a fulfilled desire, remember it in your mind, try not to let go;
  • While continuing to breathe correctly, visualize for several minutes.

By performing this technique for five to ten minutes, you will soon be able to get what you want in real life.

Video about Victoria Raidos

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Good luck to you and fulfillment of your wishes.

A film about Victoria Raidos, the winner of the 16th season of the “Battle of Psychics,” will be shown on TNT soon. Viewers and fans of the project will see how the day of the priestess of the cult of the dead goes, and will find out what mark “Battle” left on her life.

Victoria Rydos is considered to be unshakably self-confident, and sometimes even tough. And it is true. Anyone who saw at least one episode with her participation could be convinced of the truth of this impression. This woman has come for victory and will not miss hers.

But, as it turned out, Victoria can be different. As befits a woman, she has many faces and images, according to her roles, because she is a witch, a wife, and a mother. The film dedicated to Rydos talks about this, and her entire biography testifies to this.

Biography of Victoria Raidos

The personal life of Victoria Raidos and the behind the scenes of the “Battle of Psychics” remained behind the scenes for a long time. We have seen how difficult it is for psychics to participate in the show, but the St. Petersburg witch held firm even in difficult trials. After all, she is not used to giving up or giving up.

Victoria was born under the Sign of Capricorn, and this leaves an imprint on her character: she is purposeful, strong-willed and ready to go to the end for the sake of victory. In the biography film, she will tell you that life made her this way, because she had to go through a lot. We learn about her criminal record, about drug withdrawal, and about how her future went downhill when the girl was just over twenty years old. It was then that Victoria's grandmother opened her eyes to her true purpose, and it was then that Victoria Rydos became who she is now.

Victoria Raidos is currently 33 years old, she has a husband and a small daughter. Because of her, Victoria refused to take part in the last season of “Battle”. Then Varya, the daughter of Victoria Raidos, was only 7 months old, and the witch realized that because of the project she would miss her daughter’s first word, her first steps, and many other moments priceless for every mother. And she made her choice.

Victoria is used to not mixing personal and work. As she herself admits, her husband means a lot to him, and she cedes dominance to him in their relationship. According to Victoria, if he had been against it, she would not have come to the project at all. Since the witch does not waste words, there is no need to doubt her statement.

The film about the psychic Victoria Raidos, on the one hand, will show us one day in the life of a priestess of the ancestor cult, and on the other, will allow us to see her entire path, which is sometimes quite thorny, but which ultimately gave her fame and success. In his address the best psychic Victoria urged us to take care of our families, since it is our loved ones who lead us to success and new heights. Follow her wishes, value your family and don't forget to press the buttons and

16.01.2016 00:10

This time the “Battle of Psychics” promises to be especially hot. The favorite of many fans of the project, Sergei, has left...

The main participants of the 16th season of the “Battle of Psychics” were determined in difficult qualifying tests. The audience didn't stay...

Victoria Rydos has an interesting biography, and her occupation fascinates people's minds. She is a native resident of St. Petersburg, part of the St. Petersburg Witches company, and was a participant and winner of the 16th season of the television project “Battle of Psychics.” Her fans, family and friends watched her actions in the battle with bated breath. This support helped her a lot.


Many facts of the biography of the clairvoyant Raidos, starting with the year of birth, have not been fully disclosed.

The clairvoyant does not like to talk about her family and personal life for various reasons. But we managed to find out something about the psychic Victoria. She was born in St. Petersburg, where she continues to live to this day. Father - German, mother - Claudia, grandmother - Zinaida.

Grandma had wonderful profession design engineer, but that didn’t stop her from doing magic. It was grandmother Zina who introduced her granddaughter to the magic of witchcraft. It is not known whether Zinaida was a strong witch, but the girl was already young age could in many ways surpass her magical relative. The girl did not stop there, she constantly improved her knowledge and expanded the scope of its activities:

  • comprehended the major arcana with all their energetic potential;
  • was initiated into ritual magic;
  • successfully mastered Reiki healing techniques.

At the very beginning, the girl tried all her methods on herself. At the next stage, having gained confidence in her abilities, she began to provide help and support to friends and family.

As a result of gaining knowledge and practices, a collection of future prizes received the first diplomas from schools of esotericism, which allowed Victoria to begin open psychic and healing practice.

Psychic abilities

In addition to the grandmother, the witch Natalya Banteeva was directly related to the skill of Raidos. Sometimes Victoria openly says that before women were friendly, worked together. But then each of them went their own way. Very often in her practice, Victoria uses Tarot cards, which she is fluent in fortune-telling.

Victoria Riders decided to test all her abilities in a battle of psychics. In that television project viewers learned that a woman communicates with the spirits of dead people. She has a book with the help of which this communication takes place. Signs come to her from beyond the grave, using them to predict the future of people.

IN currently the witch teaches fortune telling using Tarot cards; there are such courses at the Tarot Academy. The clairvoyant imparts to people the ability to correctly interpret the meaning of the cards that appear.

Personal life

The life outside work of psychic Victoria Raidos and the biography of her personal life are prohibited for journalists. Woman doesn't like to talk about his personal life. She was married twice. After divorcing her first husband, Victoria, with the help of her friend, met a man 6 years younger than herself. Vasily Boykov has his own law office, but he did not immediately come to terms with the fact that magic occupies the main place in his wife’s work. The couple are raising a daughter, Varvara, and are expecting the birth of a son. Varenka - very creative person, already reads, loves to sculpt and draw.

Among pets, Victoria prefers Sphynx cats. The spouses have few friends, the witch finds contact with everyone, but family for her is the most important thing in life. During one of the battle seasons, the psychic said that she was convicted and was serving a suspended sentence. There is an assumption that the then young girl was brought to trial by her and her first husband’s passion for gambling.

In addition, Victoria was hooked on drugs for four years.

Publicity of the clairvoyant

Victoria agreed to demonstrate her skills and magical skills only in television show"The fight of extrasensories". From task to task, the jury and observers were amazed at the psychic’s talent. With each new test, everyone could see the incredible growth of her abilities. On the show “Battle of Psychics,” Victoria Rydos fought against strong opponents and managed to become the first.

For successful life Victoria invites each person to follow the rider, which she describes in detail tells in his book “The Cult of Ancestors. The power of our blood":

  • you need to visit deceased relatives in the cemetery more often;
  • V difficult situations you can ask them for help;
  • There is no need to be afraid or cry about them, they are called upon to help the people remaining in this world.

If you look carefully at the surname Victoria, you can find an interesting combination of “rice”. Translated from American, this means “to pass through a sieve.” This is what a psychic does in his work. She in detail she studies the clients who contact her, only she passes them not through a sieve, but through her soul. A woman looks at the essence of the problem. And then he gives advice, because the main principle of Victoria’s work is: a person must change everything himself.

Attention, TODAY only!

Victoria Germanovna Raidos. Born on December 27, 1976 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Russian clairvoyant, psychic, magician, priestess of the cult of ancestors. Participant in the show “Battle of Psychics”. Winner of the show “Battle of Psychics Season 16”.

Mother - Klavdia Grigorievna Raidos.

Grandmother - Zinaida Nikitichna Lidovskaya, design engineer (died in 2011).

According to Victoria, she showed her extraordinary abilities at the age of 4 kindergarten- then she did not take the pills, after which all the other children from the group were taken away in an ambulance.

Her grandmother, with whom she was very close, was the first to notice her abilities.

After school I entered university, but quickly dropped out.

From 18 to 22 years old, Victoria Rydos played and won in casinos, and from 22 to 26 she used substances that almost killed her. Grandmother Zinaida Nikitichna did not like Victoria’s hobbies; she believed that her granddaughter was drawn to destructive addictions because she was a witch. Baba Zina insisted that Vika undergo treatment.

Later she learned witchcraft and received the first book of the dead from her grandmother.

Victoria Raidos has a criminal record expunged in 2010 with a suspended sentence.

Victoria Rydos noted: she does not believe that she is practicing magic. According to her, it's actually the magic that deals with her. The St. Petersburg witch spends a lot of time in cemeteries, filling the empty pages of her book with the memories of orphaned, forgotten dead spirits who want to be remembered and used their services.

In her work, Victoria Rydos uses her own “Book of the Dead”. Ordinary people they see empty pages in it, but for Victoria, each page is a separate story of a person who has passed away. However, she admitted that she does not see everything and not always.

Victoria Rydos is a priestess of the ancestor cult. Ancestor cult- this is an ancient religious ritual worship of deceased ancestors, relatives, veneration, deification of the dead. From a biblical point of view, the cult of ancestors is clearly a bad thing: “ who calls upon spirits, who inquires of the dead must not be found among you, for whoever does this is an abomination to the Lord...” (Deuteronomy 18:1-12 ). That is, the cult of ancestors is less dangerous than many religions, which with sophisticated deceit distract people from the Heavenly Father. Therefore, Jesus Christ denounced not witches, but hypocritical religious authorities. Victoria Raidos is sure that it is not God or angels that have a significant influence on the living, but the spirits of the family.

Victoria claims that she reads fortunes using Tarot cards, sees and hears the spirits of the dead and can communicate with them.

According to Victoria, she has several diplomas from esoteric schools, is a practicing magician, clairvoyant and healer.

Teaches at the Tarot Academy in St. Petersburg.

Victoria said that she is part of a special clan of witches “Northern Coven of Natalia Banteeva” - the winner of the 9th season of the show “Battle of Psychics”.

She gained wide popularity in 2015, becoming a participant in the 16th season of the show. "The fight of extrasensories" on TNT.

From the first episode of the show “Battle of Psychics. Season 16 “Victoria showed that she is one of the strongest participants of the season. Further, Victoria increasingly amazed the presenters and spectators not only with her magical abilities, but also with her revelations.

On December 26, 2015, the award ceremony for the winner of the 16th season of the show “Battle of Psychics” took place on the TNT channel. The three best participants of the 16th season reached the finals - the Estonian witch, the priestess of the ancestor cult Victoria Raidos and the clairvoyant. The winner of the 15th season of the “Battle of Psychics,” Julia Wang (at the time of the award, she was 6,666 kilometers from Moscow) transmitted an encrypted message through the skeptic Sergei Safronov. Rhydos, according to her, heard a prediction of her victory in Wang’s message. According to the results audience voting.

Despite the fact that the relationship between Marilyn and Victoria was tense throughout the “Battle,” Victoria hugged Marilyn Kerro after receiving the prize. And Marilyn admitted that the treasured “Hand” went to Rydos by right.

In September 2016, Victoria took part in the show “Psychics Are Investigating. Season 6”, in which the strongest participants in the “Battle of Psychics” together tried to investigate crimes that the police gave up on.

In 2017, Victoria Raidos presented her book “Ancestor cult. The power of our blood". In it, the priestess of the ancestor cult tells how the actions of ancestors influence the fate of people. She also answers very important question, which worries many: is it possible to change what is written in the family.

In February 2018, the project was released on TNT “Psychics. Battle of the Strongest", in which Victoria Raidos also became a participant. The show's first episode featured a major challenge. Victoria Rydos, who has always been famous for being practically impossible to scare from aliens from world of the dead, during the investigation that took place in the cemetery, she experienced panic and horror - the witch was thrown off balance.

In 2019, she became a participant in the new season of the project “Psychics. Battle of the Strongest”, where the most powerful clairvoyants help ordinary people deal with sometimes seemingly insoluble problems.

Victoria Rydos's height: 173 centimeters.

Personal life of Victoria Raidos:

Married. Husband - Vasily Boykov, works as a lawyer. According to Vasily, he did not immediately understand his wife’s unusual qualities. The witch was afraid to scare him, called herself an esotericist and practiced magic behind the closed door of her office. Already on the third day after they met, she moved in with him and soon married him.

Then the couple had a daughter, Varvara. Victoria said that she was afraid that her grandmother would continue her life in the body of her daughter. In connection with this, she had to make considerable efforts to give birth not on July 17 (the day of Baba Zina’s death), but on August 6. After the suppression of labor pains on an unwanted day, the connection with the grandmother, who had stopped responding to the call of the dead, ceased.

After the birth of her daughter Varya, Vika stopped performing magic at home altogether, performing only the roles of wife and mother.

Raidos believes that a woman should yield to the head of the family in everything, so she herself unquestioningly obeys him, despite the fact that even the most dark forces they retreat before her gift. However, it is precisely this behavior of a woman, says Victoria, that guarantees the preservation of the family hearth.

She said about her daughter: “Varya goes to kindergarten and to a developmental children's school. I miss her very much. I have a subtle connection with her. Varya is a very dynamic girl with an active mind. Now I try to be objective, she is very developed. I would "She said that she is a typical child of a new vibration. In character, of course, I would like to say that she is all like me, but in reality there are more traits from my husband - for example, stubbornness, emotionality. She loves to read, sculpt and draw."

Bibliography of Victoria Raidos:

2017 - Cult of ancestors. The power of our blood

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