Psychology and pedagogy. military psychology and pedagogy (textbook). Educational psychology and military psychology

The relationship between military and pedagogical psychology is determined primarily by the role played by training and education in ensuring the combat effectiveness of troops and naval forces. Firstly , we're talking about about the existing system of training military personnel who form the backbone of any armed forces. This system consists of several interconnected links, including military faculties and institutes, higher military schools and academies, and the Military University. Secondly , the process of maintaining combat readiness in units and subunits is based primarily on classes in the system of combat and public-state training of soldiers. Third , our country has deployed a wide system of pre-conscription training of young men for service in the Armed Forces. The effectiveness of each of these processes is determined by many factors, including last role psychological conditions and determinants play a role. Educational psychology is primarily called upon to study them.

In this case, it is necessary, first of all, to very clearly distinguish between the subject areas of educational psychology and military pedagogy. Military pedagogy as a system of scientific knowledge deals primarily with the study of the essence, patterns, principles, content, methods and forms of effective construction of the educational process. Thus, the object of scientific knowledge is, first of all, a system external to the object. pedagogical impact ways and means. Although any researcher never forgets about the internal plan of pedagogical activity, this psychological component remains in pedagogy as if behind the scenes, outside detailed analysis and accounting. On the other hand, any psychological analysis of pedagogical situations inevitably encounters the need to take into account the specifics of the activity carried out by the subject and object of pedagogical influence. This relationship is most clearly manifested in the psychological theory of activity-based mediation of human mental life. In this case, no analysis of the mental side of life is possible without taking into account the leading type of activity that determines all other manifestations of personality and consciousness.

Thus, the study of the processes of training and education within the framework whole system presupposes the unity of pedagogy and psychology in the object of study, but at the same time requires consistent differentiation of the subject area of ​​analysis. As a result of the coordination of these two contradictory research trends, such a direction of research and practical activity as educational psychology arose. Because of this, educational psychology should be aimed primarily at studying the psychological issues of purposeful formation cognitive activity and socially significant personality traits, to identify conditions that ensure the optimal developmental effect of training, to create opportunities to take into account the individual psychological characteristics of students, to study the relationship between the teacher and the students, as well as within the educational team. Also of interest psychological issues the pedagogical activity itself.

In the conditions of the Armed Forces, the solution of these problems common to educational psychology acquires its own specifics. First of all, this is due to the characteristics of military service as a specific type of activity. As is known, the psychological derivative of any activity is motive. The process of motive formation underlies the study of all other mental manifestations individual and team. In the case of military activity, we have to face the situation of “honorable duty,” the implementation of which is not always consistent with the actual state of affairs in the motivational sphere of the warrior’s personality. Secondly, the means of activity used to solve the assigned problems are special instrumental formations intended primarily for destruction, and therefore, as a rule, have no analogues in other areas of creative activity. One can also probably talk about the extraordinary intensity of the combat activity of troops in comparison with all other types of activity, due primarily to its special danger to the life and health of the servicemen themselves. All these and other features bring to pedagogical process The Armed Forces have their own unique identity, to take into account which military psychologists have to use special means and methods.

The main trends in the psychological analysis of the problems of military training and education are most clearly manifested in the topics, methodological prerequisites and the results of dissertation research by military psychologists. Thus, among the first studies in military psychology, a prominent place is occupied by works aimed at analyzing the psychology of training soldiers in certain combat skills. For example, the dissertation of F.F. Kudreiko (1947) was devoted to psychology preparatory exercises when teaching rifle shooting, the work of P.A. Loginov (1952) on the psychology of the process of developing the skill of shooting from a pistol and revolver, the study of M.P. Korobeinikov (1956) - the formation of skills and abilities of shooting from a machine gun on the move. Subsequently, as military equipment becomes more complex, the attention of psychologists is attracted to larger problems of combat training. So I.I. Malopurin (1971) examined the psychology of the formation of skills and abilities among tank soldiers, I.V. Boltovsky (1973) examined the psychological characteristics of the special training of young soldiers of missile units, V.S. Taranenko (1978) identified the psychological Features of training repair specialists in finding and troubleshooting artillery weapons. All these works were based mainly on the associative-reflex theory of training and had a pronounced practical focus on improving the process of combat training in units and subunits.

Since the 70s, military psychology has developed research into the process of training and education based on the concept of the gradual formation of mental actions by P.Ya. Galperin. In accordance with this approach, military psychologists approached the consideration of the formation of combat skills as a multi-stage process including the formation of a motivational basis for actions, drawing up a diagram of the indicative basis of actions, the formation of action in material terms, the translation of action into “loud socialized speech”, the formation of action “in external speech” to oneself” and, finally, the formation in consciousness of the objective content of the action. different time In line with this concept, studies were conducted on the effectiveness of studying Marxist-Leninist theory in the Armed Forces (B.Ts. Badmaev), the formation of the psychological structure of combat activity among specialist soldiers in the course of studying modern military equipment(S.I. Syedin), increasing the efficiency of assimilation of legal knowledge by cadets and students (B.I. Khoziev), effective study of the primary sources of Marxism-Leninism in higher educational institutions (Yu.I. Sadchikov), the activities of a pilot instructor in developing flight skills among cadets (I.S. Stegniy) and a number of other works.

Psychologists paid much attention to the issues of educating Soviet soldiers. At the same time, of course, the psychological aspects of the topic were considered in close unity with the ideological foundations of military education, and practical recommendations closely linked with organizational forms party political work in peaceful and war time. Among those completed in this vein are dissertations: V.F. Pirozhkov (1964) on the formation of a communist worldview among Soviet soldiers, V.V. Strezhnev (1965) on an individual approach to the education of soldiers, V.N. Klimov (1982) on the psychological problems of increasing the effectiveness of the education of young officers in the unit, N.N. Azarnov (1988) on increasing the effectiveness of the formation of political beliefs among Soviet soldiers and many other studies.

On modern stage The study of the psychology of teaching and upbringing is of particular relevance. This is primarily due to the fact that full-time military psychologists have appeared in units and formations capable of carrying out systematic work on psychological support for the process of combat and public-state training. Therefore, each new study on this issue already has its own executor in the person of these structures, which significantly increases the efficiency of such research. Secondly, changes in the procedure for recruiting the army and the terms of service have raised with new urgency the question of finding effective ways to improve the quality of mastering a military specialty, and in relation to contract soldiers, we should also talk about means of maintaining this training throughout the entire period of service. Thirdly, as the army became de-ideologized, the situation in the field of educational work and new educational structures would naturally be in great need of scientifically based conclusions and recommendations about the psychological prerequisites for effective educational influence.

Military psychologists also made a significant contribution to the development of problems of officer training in the system of higher military schools. Among the main areas of psychological analysis, one can highlight such as the psychological foundations of training and education of cadets and listeners in higher educational institutions, psychological prerequisites for increasing the effectiveness of teaching individual subjects of study, the psychology of the formation and development of the personality of the cadet (listener) and the cadet team, the psychology of the teacher’s activities.

Thus, in the dissertation of G.A. Davydov (1975) the psychological foundations of increasing the effectiveness of training of cadets of military schools were considered, in the study of B.A. Zverev (1975) psychological and pedagogical prerequisites were developed for increasing the effectiveness of perception by cadets educational material in classes on social disciplines, in the doctoral dissertation of L.A. Kandybovich (1982) the psychological problems of developing the professional readiness of cadets of higher educational institutions for military service were studied, in the work of A.P. Skrypnikov (1984) communication in a cadet team was considered as a condition development of the cadet’s personality, N.F. Ilyin’s dissertation (1983) analyzed the influence of the personality of a military school teacher on cadets in pedagogical communication.

All these and other works contain valuable research material related to the study of the psychological aspects of higher military school, each of them differs in its theoretical approaches and the depth of development of problems. At the same time, we can perhaps highlight something common in the formulation of the research problem, inherent in all these works. As a starting point, explicitly or implicitly, it is assumed that the pedagogical system, represented by a particular educational institution, is capable of ensuring the formation of such psychological qualities and characteristics that ensure the graduate’s professional activity for a long time, while remaining generally unchanged. It turns out that the most significant changes in the psyche of a future or current officer occur during his studies at a university. Having left it, the officer only continues to use what he has accumulated, without generally undergoing significant transformations. Thus, from the psychological analysis of training and education, the idea of ​​the development of the psyche as its self-movement and the idea of ​​developmental education, as a system providing psychological conditions for the emergence of such self-movement in the psyche of each graduate, seemed to disappear.

In this regard, of particular interest is the study of the process of preparing cadets and officers for management activities, carried out by V.F. Perevalov (1995). During it, the author developed and substantiated a holistic concept of personalization, which can provide a qualitatively new character for students to acquire the required level of development personal qualities. The essence of personalization of the officer training process is that, on the basis of self-study and self-management, trainees acquire fine-tuned instrumentation skills for fulfilling the normative socio-psychological role of a military leader, adapted to the individual personality, and receive conditions for self-development of abilities for management activities. As main psychological conditions Such personal self-development are: self-government, as the most important determinant of direct managerial influence; self-esteem of an individual based on the totality of the most important professionally significant qualities; individual attitude towards a subordinate as an epiphenomenon of managerial interaction. Implementation of these conditions in educational process In the opinion of the author, a higher educational institution is capable of ensuring the self-development of a graduate’s managerial qualities at all further stages of his or her career. In addition, the author has developed a set of special courses for all types of higher military educational institutions, built using a single technology, having a self-governing basis and taking into account the specifics of each level of basic education in solving the problem of self-realization by a person of his individual character and the development of leadership abilities.

However, the analysis shows insufficient development in psychological research problems associated with the education of cadets and students, with the teaching of certain disciplines, especially among the newly introduced disciplines of the humanitarian cycle, with difficulties in the activities of teachers of higher military schools and teaching teams. Issues related to teaching in the military deserve special attention. educational institutions psychological theory and issues of training psychologists of various profiles. In particular, in our opinion, the problem of developing a special type of “practical thinking” among military university students preparing to become practical psychologists deserves attention. In this case, the traditional “university” model of psychological education unfortunately does not work and a lot of research work is required on the part of psychologists themselves to modernize it.

The development and implementation in practice of a new model for training psychologists is very closely related to the task of improving the methods of teaching psychological subjects. The enormous experience in teaching military psychology that has been accumulated by the departments of military pedagogy and psychology of military-political schools and the department of military psychology of the Military Academy named after. V.I. Lenin, unfortunately, is not always applicable in modern conditions. The fact is that from a primarily general education and worldview subject, psychology has moved into the category of professionally significant subjects. In this case, the teaching methodology should be based on other principles and use other means. In addition, the content of what we used to call psychological theory has changed significantly.

One or two subjects were replaced by new academic disciplines: history of psychology, general psychology, psychophysiology, experimental psychology, developmental psychology, psychotherapy, etc. Each of these disciplines has its own internal logic, which largely influences the methodology of its teaching. All these questions require scientific understanding and resolution.

Another area of ​​psychological analysis is the preparation of young people for service in the Armed Forces. It is usually carried out within the framework of either secondary schools or in specialized educational institutions. Suvorov schools have long come to the attention of psychologists. So, back in 1951, S.G. Krantovsky defended a dissertation devoted to the study of the military ideals of senior Suvorov students. Subsequently, the psychological problems of Suvorovites were studied by A.V. Moshchenko. Formation issues psychological readiness schoolchildren to serve in the Armed Forces were considered by V. Loskutov (1991), and the psychological aspects of the orientation of young men to the profession of an officer were studied by V. V. Aleshkin (1990). At the present stage, the system of training young men for military service is undergoing serious changes. Therefore, the scientific interest of psychologists in these problems would be completely justified. Particularly relevant in this regard is the combination of the ideas of pedagogical and developmental psychology within the framework of the study of one object - pre-conscription youth.

In general, psychological analysis of various pedagogical systems within the armed forces, it is a fairly powerful scientific direction with its own traditions and its own characteristics. A great scientific potential has already been accumulated, which, unfortunately, does not always significantly influence the actual practice of teaching and education. Therefore, the primary task is to update and promote what has been achieved. But life does not stand still, and therefore psychology faces new, no less complex tasks, which new generations of military psychologists will have to solve.

Lecture notes I. Yu. Lepeshinsky, V. V. Glebov, V. B. Listkov, V. F. Terekhov. – Omsk: Omsk State Technical University Publishing House, 2011. – 180 p.

Fundamentals of military training.
Organization of combat training of units.
The essence and content of the learning process. Principles, methods and forms of military training.
The essence and content of the learning process.
Principles, methods and forms of military training.
The military-pedagogical heritage of Russian commanders and its significance for the activities of an officer in modern conditions.
Formation of a unified system of training and education of officers in the Russian army (xviii - first half xix century).
Military pedagogical requirements of the “military regulations”.
Directions of the military school after the death of Peter I.
Suvorov and his “science of winning.”
Followers of Suvorov.
Military pedagogical views of M. I. Dragomirov.
The importance of the military-pedagogical heritage of Russian commanders for the activities of officer cadres in modern conditions.
Organization and procedure for planning combat training of units (units).
Forms and methods of organizing and conducting combat training classes.
Organizing and conducting combat training classes.
Moral and psychological support for the combat activities of troops (forces).
The purpose and objectives of the moral psychological support when bringing troops (forces) to various degrees of combat readiness and in a combat situation. Levels of moral and psychological support.
Main types of moral and psychological support.
Features of moral and psychological support in various types military operations.
Forms and methods of work of officers when bringing units (ships) to various degrees of combat readiness and in a combat situation.
Types of psychological preparation.
Methods of organizing psychological preparation.
Ensuring the safety of military service.
Organization of educational work in the department.
Fundamentals of organizing and conducting educational work in the Armed Forces.
Organization of educational work with military personnel.
Fundamentals of organizing educational work.
Responsibilities of department officials for organizing educational work.
The essence and content of individual educational work with military personnel.
Organization of educational work with military personnel undergoing military service under a contract in positions subject to recruitment by soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen.
The essence, main tasks and directions of outreach work.
Organization and methodology of public and state training.
Organization and methodology of informing.
The essence, main tasks and directions of work to strengthen law and order and military discipline in the unit.
The essence of military discipline and the discipline of military personnel.
Organization of work to strengthen law and order and military discipline.
The main forms of educational work to strengthen law and order and military discipline.
Methodology for analyzing the state of military discipline in a unit.
Methodology for summing up law and order and military discipline.
Basic forms and methods of studying the individual psychological characteristics of military personnel.
Fundamentals of psychological work.
Study of the psychological characteristics of a military personnel.
Study of the psychological characteristics of the military collective.
Psychological techniques for achieving authority.
The essence and main tasks of cultural and leisure work.
Leisure organization personnel on pre-weekends and weekends (holidays).
An evening of relaxation.
Organization of amateur performances.
Conducting cultural trips and excursions.

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The emergence and development of military psychology. Views of outstanding Russian commanders (A.V. Suvorov, M.I. Kutuzov, P.S. Nakhimov, S.O. Makarov, M.I. Dragomirov) on the problems of psychological support for the activities of military personnel. Development of military psychological thought in the 20th century. The formation of domestic military psychology.

  • 203 KB
  • added 09/20/2010

Lecture notes., - 2008. – 39 pages (15 lectures).

The state and prospects for the development of military psychology as a science and ways to implement its achievements...

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  • added 09/20/2010

Tutorial. – N. Novgorod: NSTU, - 2004. – 39 pages.

Taking into account modern scientific achievements, the textbook outlines the origins and theoretical prerequisites for the formation, methodological positions and main tasks of domestic and foreign military psychology and pedagogy. Sufficient attention is paid to the presentation of the structure...

Abstract - Methodological problems of military psychology


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  • added 12/22/2009

TVVIKU, Department of Psychology, 13 pages, 2009.

Discipline: military psychology.
Specifics of the subject of military psychological science.
Methodological foundations of military psychology.
The current state of psychological science.
Levels of methodology in modern methodology and logic of psychological science.rn

  • 427.84 KB
  • added 12/22/2010

The textbook discusses the main provisions of the domestic
new and foreign psychology and pedagogy on the problem of formation and
personality functioning. The author outlines the psychological structure
personality, content and characteristics of its elements.
Intended for students of the Faculty of Military Training NGT...

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  • added 03/29/2011

Tutorial. - Nizhny Novgorod: NSTU, 2004. - 32 p.
The textbook examines theoretical and applied developments in Russian military psychology on the problem of interpersonal communication among military personnel. Sufficient attention is paid to the consideration of the socio-psychological aspects of the officer’s communication, as well as the psychological...

  • 649.5 KB
  • added 09/20/2010

The textbook contains materials on the course of military psychology and pedagogy. It shows how this course can be used to improve the effectiveness of initial military training

Subject of military psychology.

Military psychology is a branch of psychological science that studies the patterns and mechanisms of the functioning of the psyche, the formation of the psychology of the personality of a warrior and military team in conditions of training, service and especially combat.
Military psychology studies human behavior in combat conditions, the psychological aspects of the relationship between superiors and subordinates, methods of psychological propaganda and counter-propaganda, psychological problems of managing military personnel, military equipment, and combat operations.
In secondary general education and vocational schools, in the process of teaching the basics of initial military training, the teacher (organizer) of the NVP carries out comprehensive preparation of youth for service in the Armed Forces, among which moral and psychological occupies a key position.
What does the concept “ psychological preparation"? To do this, it is necessary, first of all, to reveal the essence of mental phenomena that appear in the form of internal experiences (sensations, thoughts, feelings), inaccessible to direct observation and called the psyche, as well as the formation of knowledge about them in the history of human society.

§ 1. General issues of military psychology
§ 2. Fundamentals of military psychology
§ 3. Psychology of the warrior’s personality. Mental processes and states of soldiers in combat, service and training situations
§ 4. Mental properties of a warrior’s personality
§ 5. Psychology of the military collective. Structure and essence
§ 6. Psychology of military discipline of the statutory order
§ 7. Psychological characteristics of service and combat training activities. Psychological preparation of soldiers for active combat operations
§ 1. Military pedagogy and its tasks
§ 2. Military pedagogical process.
Section II. military didactics
§ 3. Structure, essence and principles of the training process for soldiers in the unit
§ 4. Methods and forms of training soldiers
§ 5. The essence and principles of training soldiers
§ 6. Methods and forms of training soldiers
§ 7. Pedagogical culture of the officer and teacher of the NVP
§ 8. Self-education and self-education of a teacher and officer

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Textbook “Psychology and Pedagogy. Military psychology and pedagogy" prepared in accordance with the requirements of the state educational standard higher professional education.

The textbook reveals the psychological and pedagogical foundations of professional training of military personnel, the essence, principles, methods, forms and means of training and education, and management of the military pedagogical process in the unit.

The methodological basis of the textbook is the conceptual provisions of modern science about the individual and the team, the factors of their formation and development; about a person as main goal psychological and pedagogical activity, its object and subject; about the influence of military activity on the personality of a serviceman, etc.

The textbook consists of an introduction, sixteen chapters and a list of used sources of 28 titles. The total volume of the textbook is 332 pages. The text contains 21 figures and 6 tables.

The textbook reveals the psychological and pedagogical foundations of professional training of military personnel, the essence, principles, methods, forms and means of training and education, and management of the military pedagogical process in the unit.

The textbook consists of 2 independent sections: 1. “Psychology. Military psychology"; 2. “Pedagogy. Military pedagogy".

The first section is presented in 7 chapters. The first chapter describes psychology as a science. The second chapter examines military psychology as a branch of psychological science. The third chapter gives the concept of the psyche, creates general idea about the structure of mental phenomena. The fourth chapter describes mental processes(cognitive, emotional, volitional). The fifth chapter examines the individual psychological properties of the individual. The sixth chapter is devoted psychological foundations social psychology. The seventh chapter presents the psychological aspects of management activities.

The second section consists of 6 chapters. The eighth chapter examines pedagogy as a science and academic discipline. The ninth chapter is devoted to the military pedagogical process as a system. The tenth chapter examines education as a sociocultural phenomenon and pedagogical process. The eleventh chapter provides the organizational and pedagogical foundations for training military personnel. The twelfth chapter discusses the basic concepts and pedagogical technologies for training military personnel. The thirteenth chapter is devoted to consideration of the role of education in the pedagogical process.

The textbook is approved by the Educational and Methodological Association for Classical University and Technical Education Russian Academy natural sciences as a textbook for cadets of military universities of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Bibliographic link

Beloshitsky A.V., Petrovskaya M.V., Semonenko Yu.F., Tereshchenko A.G., Ustinov I.Yu. PSYCHOLOGY AND PEDAGOGY. MILITARY PSYCHOLOGY AND PEDAGOGY (TEXT BOOK) // International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research. – 2014. – No. 6. – P. 108-109;
URL: (access date: 03/28/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

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Military psychology and pedagogy

Lecture No. 1

Topic: “Military pedagogy as a science. Contents, principles, forms and methods of training military personnel"

Number of hours: 2

Date: 01/27/2016

Delivery format: lecture

Lecture developed by:Head of Service of the VSPR Department

Department of Defense Affairs of the Karaganda Region



1. Military pedagogy as a science

1. Military pedagogy as a science

Object of military pedagogy are military personnel and military groups. Subject stands military pedagogical process in general and directly the pedagogical patterns of training, education, education, training of military personnel and military teams for the successful solution of service and combat tasks.

Military pedagogy- this is an industry pedagogical science, studying the patterns of the military pedagogical process, training and education of military personnel and military groups, their preparation for the successful conduct of combat operations and military professional activities. This is the science of upbringing, training and education of personnel of the Armed Forces, of preparing units (units) for successful actions in military conditions.

Specifics of military pedagogy is connected with the fact that from the first days of service or study at a university, military personnel do not just study and prepare as military specialists, but begin to solve real educational, service, combat missions. Accordingly, military-pedagogical influences and interactions have the most direct practical, service orientation. That is, virtually every serviceman immediately joins the functioning of the military team, begins military professional activities and bears full personal responsibility (not only moral, but also legal) for the quality of studies, his behavior, discipline, and for solving tasks as intended. At the same time, the subjects of pedagogical influence and interaction are mainly quite adult people, over the age of 18, with their own, to a certain extent, already established views, worldview, and personal qualities.

That is, military pedagogy differs from most other pedagogical branches direct involvement of objects (subjects) of upbringing, education, training in real professional activities related to the solution of responsible tasks requiring high moral and psychological qualities, readiness, ability and training to act in a difficult environment, including at risk to life and health .

From point of view structures Military pedagogy as a science includes the methodology of military pedagogy, the history of military pedagogy, the theory of training (military didactics), the theory of education of military personnel, the pedagogy of higher military schools, private methods of combat training and a number of other sections.

*facts obtained as a result of military-pedagogical and military-scientific research and life observations;

*scientific generalizations expressed in categories, patterns, principles, concepts of military pedagogy;

*hypotheses that need practical testing;

*methods for researching military pedagogical reality;

*system of moral values ​​of military service.

Military pedagogy is closely related to other sciences. Data from humanitarian and social sciences allow you to get a holistic understanding of a person and a team as an object and subject of influences and interactions. Information about the biological essence of man is provided by the study of natural sciences. Practical use of scientific, technical and military scientific knowledge provides the opportunity to simulate the military pedagogical process and its elements.

Military pedagogy operates with certain categories; the main ones are:

*military pedagogical process - a purposeful, organized system of educational activities of commanders, staffs, specialists of educational structures, public organizations on preparing soldiers and military teams for actions as intended;

*education of military personnel - the process and result of purposeful influence on the development of a serviceman’s personality, its qualities, relationships, views, beliefs, ways of behavior;

*training of military personnel - a purposeful process of interaction between commanders (chiefs) and subordinates to develop knowledge, skills and abilities of students;

*development of military personnel - the process of accumulation of quantitative and qualitative changes, functional improvement of the mental, intellectual, physical, professional activity of a serviceman and his corresponding qualities;

*psychological training of military personnel - formation of mental stability and readiness of military personnel to perform military professional activities;

*military education - the process and result of military personnel mastering a system of scientific knowledge and military professional skills and abilities, forming the necessary personality qualities for successful performance official duties and life in society.

In addition to those mentioned, military pedagogy uses such categories as the professional and pedagogical culture of an officer, self-education, self-education of military personnel, etc.

Military pedagogy as a science solves the following: tasks:

*examines the essence, structure, functions of the military pedagogical process;

*examines the problems of organizing and improving the educational process in military educational institutions;

*develops effective forms of organizing the military pedagogical process and methods of influencing military personnel and military groups;

*promotes the humanization of the military pedagogical process and military service;

*justifies the content and technology of training, education, development and psychological preparation of military personnel;

*identifies patterns and formulates principles of the processes of training and education of military personnel;

*justifies the methodology of training and psychological preparation of soldiers, taking into account the specifics of the types and branches of troops;

*develops the content and methodology of self-education and self-education of military personnel;

*examines the features and content of the activities of a military teacher and the ways of formation and development of his pedagogical culture and skills;

*develops a methodology for military pedagogical research, generalization, dissemination and implementation of best practices in training and education;

Solving the problems of military pedagogy is associated primarily with the search for ways to activate the human factor in the interests of strengthening the combat power of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, developing modern pedagogical thinking among commanders (chiefs), creating an atmosphere of creativity, cohesion, mutual exactitude and personal responsibility in military teams for the high-quality implementation of functional duties, countering violations of law, order and military discipline. military pedagogy officer

The performance of official duties by an officer is associated with the implementation of a number of pedagogical functions.

First of all, the officer is engaged training, training of subordinates, improving their military skills and combat training. Being the immediate superior of his subordinates, he is responsible for education, formation of qualities in military personnel defender of the Motherland, their compliance with the requirements of laws, statutes, development of their intellectual and physical qualities. Besides, the officer trains warrant officers (midshipmen), sergeants ( junior commanders) practice of training and education of subordinates, organizes and directs their pedagogical activities.

These provisions are enshrined in the relevant articles of the Charter internal service RF Armed Forces and are mandatory for implementation in daily activities.

The effectiveness of military professional activities is determined in to a large extent the presence of the officer - the leader of the military collective - knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of military pedagogy.

Pedagogical knowledge allows an officer to:

* skillfully organize the combat activities of subordinates, maintain the combat and mobilization readiness of the unit at the required level;

*successfully manage combat training, methodically competently train personnel;

*productively carry out educational work in the unit, instill in military personnel moral and psychological readiness to defend the Fatherland, pride and responsibility for belonging to the RF Armed Forces;

*effectively carry out activities to maintain strong military discipline and unite the military team of the unit;

* ensure strict adherence to internal order in the subordinate unit, organize and conduct comprehensive preparation for duty on a daily basis;

*it is advisable to work with subordinate personnel, to provide them necessary help in improving professional knowledge and methodological skills;

*effectively improve personal professional training and department management methods;

*use a humane approach when communicating with military personnel.

The pedagogical knowledge of the commander (chief), his skills, and abilities to train and educate personnel must be constantly improved. This is due to the fact that the object of pedagogical influence (military personnel and military personnel) is constantly changing, developing, and everything in to a greater extent(in accordance with modern approaches) is considered as one of the subjects of pedagogical interaction. In addition, the conditions in which the military pedagogical process is carried out are also changing.

The Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan operate a system of equipping officers with knowledge of military psychology and pedagogy. Its main elements:

*studying psychology and pedagogy in military educational institutions;

*classes in the system of commander training, primarily in public and state training;

*specially conducted methodological meetings and classes with officers;

*analysis of the practical work of officers in organizing the military pedagogical process, experience of communication with subordinates during inspections and control of classes;

*exchange of experience of officers in training and education of subordinates, promotion of best practices;

*independent work of officers to study psychological and pedagogical literature, improve training and education skills;

*improving the psychological and pedagogical knowledge of officers during professional retraining, advanced training in training centers, and courses.

Thus, deep knowledge theoretical foundations military pedagogy, their skillful use in practical activities allow the officer to effectively and efficiently organize the military pedagogical process, train and educate subordinates.

Pedagogical science occupies a special place in the life and activities of the Armed Forces, in the study and implementation of the laws of training and education of military personnel, in the training of officers.

In this chapter, military pedagogy is considered as a branch of pedagogy, its essence, content, features, tasks, methods, and main categories are revealed.

Since the emergence of the army as a specific social phenomenon essential component military activity was and remains the training and education of personnel. In essence, this is practical military pedagogy - a necessary, mandatory means of versatile training of soldiers for successful combat operations.

Initially, military pedagogy arose as a practical activity of commanders and subordinates. Over time, knowledge accumulated about the training and education of warriors, which was passed on from generation to generation in the form of legends, covenants, proverbs, and sayings. As military affairs become more complex, especially in the era of the formation of states, the creation of relatively numerous regular armies, military pedagogical thought receives further development. Relevant experience is reflected in instructions, manuals, charters, orders and other written sources. Significant contributions to this were made by Peter I, A.V. Suvorov, M.I. Kutuzov, D.F. Ushakov, S.O. Makarov, M.I. Dragomirov.

At the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries. military pedagogy begins to take shape as an independent scientific branch. Works of M. V. Frunze, M. N. Tukhachevsky, I. E. Yakir, experience in training and education of soldiers during the Civil and Great Wars Patriotic Wars served as the basis on which modern military pedagogy was formed. Its development was facilitated by A. G. Bazanov, G. D. Lukov, A. V. Barabanshchikov, N. F. Fedenko, V. P. Davydov, V. N. Gerasimov, V. I. Vdovyuk, V. Ya. Slepov , V.I. Khalzov et al.

Military pedagogical process is a purposeful, organized system of educational activities of commanders, staffs, specialists of educational structures, public organizations for training soldiers and military teams to act as intended.

The main purpose of the military pedagogical process in peacetime - maintaining high combat readiness of military units and units, their successful solution of combat training tasks.

In essence, this is a social process designed to implement the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation on the defense of the Fatherland, current legislation on defense issues and other requirements of government authorities on the need to strengthen and maintain the country’s defense capability at a level of reliable, reasonable sufficiency. The content and direction of the military pedagogical process are determined by military doctrine, internal and foreign policy state, the level of development of military affairs.

The main goal of the military pedagogical process - ensuring the comprehensive preparedness of military personnel and military teams to successfully solve the tasks assigned to them in peacetime and wartime for the armed defense of the Motherland. The training and education of military personnel is aimed at forming and consolidating high combat, moral, psychological and physical qualities in each military personnel and military team and, on this basis, developing combat skill, spiritual fortitude combined with a strong will to win in any conditions.

This goal determines the functioning of the military pedagogical process as a system: as a set of structural components organically interconnected with each other and with other life systems of the unit or unit (combat readiness maintenance system, control and communications system, logistics system, etc.) .

The main structural components of the military pedagogical process as a system are as follows:

*tasks of the military pedagogical process;

*organizational structure;

*subjects and objects of this process.

Tasks of the military pedagogical process conditioned by its goal and aimed at achieving it. Priority tasks include:

1) purposeful formation of a military man as a citizen and professional warrior;

2) equipping military personnel with a system of military, social, technical, professional knowledge and performance qualities that ensure effective practical actions in any situation;

3) ensuring the targeted development of spiritual strength, intellectual and physical qualities of each military personnel;

4) development of emotional-volitional stability among personnel, psychological readiness to overcome the difficulties of military service, to act in a modern combat environment;

5) implementation of combat coordination of crews, units and units as a whole, maintenance of statutory order in military teams, formation of relations of trust between servicemen and each other, mutual assistance, mutual assistance, military camaraderie and friendship.

The organizational military-pedagogical process includes:

*various types of training - combat, public-state, etc., implemented primarily during training sessions;

*pedagogical aspects service-combat, social and other activities;

*educational, cultural, leisure and sports activities.

The tasks of the military pedagogical process determine the interconnected and interdependent activities of its subjects and objects.

Subjects of the military pedagogical process speakers include commanders, staffs, officers of educational structures, educational activists, leading specialists of combat crews, warrant officers, sergeants, and public organizations.

In the organization of the military pedagogical process, the decisive role belongs to the commander of the unit (unit). Being the direct superior of the personnel, he is responsible for all aspects of their life and activities and, accordingly, for the state and quality of the military pedagogical process.

Objects of the military pedagogical process (in the traditional sense) all military personnel and military groups become. It should be noted that from the standpoint of the subject-subject approach, all military personnel of a unit, unit, educational institution are subjects, active participants in the military-pedagogical process.

In conditions of military service, such an object of pedagogical influence as a military collective acquires particular importance. In this regard, commanders (chiefs) need to study the peculiarities of the psychology of each specific team and skillfully direct its efforts to solve the problems of the military pedagogical process.

The military pedagogical process (MPP) is a system of educational activities of military command and control bodies, all categories of officials and specialists of educational structures for training military personnel, units and units to perform combat missions in the interests of the individual, society and the state.

This is a social process aimed at implementing the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation on the protection of the Fatherland, current legislation on defense issues and other requirements of government bodies. Its main components are goals (social order of society) and tasks, organizational structure (combat and public-state training; pedagogical aspects of combat, service, educational and other types of activities), components (training, education and psychological preparation), content and methodological (technological) structures, as well as corresponding subjects and objects.

It should be noted that certain patterns appear in the runway. In the daily professional activities of officers, they are reflected in the principles of training and education of military personnel, which are understood as guidelines, leading ideas and developed rules that determine the organization, content and methods of educational work in a unit or unit. Their list corresponds to the content of the runway patterns identified to date, but at the same time reflects the specifics of each of its considered components. As a result, the system of basic (leading) principles of training and education of subordinates can be presented in the following form.

When considering the listed principles, it is important to take into account that each idea embedded in them, as a rule, is a reflection of several patterns. In practice, their content is implemented in the form of pedagogical rules (requirements) of educational activities - guidelines that reveal individual aspects of the application of one or another principle. In other words, the rules represent specific instructions to the officer on what needs to be done to organize and effectively implement educational interaction with subordinates. Consequently, the principles of training and education are the connecting link between military pedagogical theory and the everyday practice of troops.

As an example, let us reveal the content of the principle of social conditioning and scientific nature of training and education of subordinates. Its implementation in military and naval conditions is currently ensured by compliance with the following basic rules:

When organizing the educational process, be guided by the requirements of society (social order) for the professional qualities (level of special training and personal development) of military personnel; closely link training and education with the life of the country and its Armed Forces (the specifics of the reforms being implemented, the tasks ahead); to steadily implement the requirements of state and military authorities;

Implement a scientifically based approach to the selection of educational and educational material; in the military pedagogical process, consider all phenomena in development and interrelationships, highlight patterns and contradictions in training and education, as well as ways to improve them; include the latest achievements of domestic science in educational and educational materials;

Constantly take care of the developmental effect of training and education; to develop in subordinates the qualities of a citizen, defender of the Fatherland and military professional; popularize military service, show the importance of military labor and its necessity, look for ways to increase the prestige of military service, and actually increase it;

Achieve scientific organization educational activities, actively introduce modern information technologies into educational and educational processes.

It is important to emphasize that in the everyday educational practice of officers, the requirements of various principles are manifested in unity and are closely interrelated. They cannot be separated from each other, observe some and neglect others. This is especially true for ensuring sufficient effectiveness of forms of training and education of subordinates.

Forms of training and education can be considered as options for organizing a specific educational lesson or educational event. The very concept of “form” means a method of organization, an established order, a type of existence and expression of content, an object, a phenomenon, a process. In domestic military pedagogy, forms of training and education are understood as the organizational side of the military pedagogical process, which presupposes a certain composition and grouping of military personnel, the structure and content of training sessions or educational events, the place and duration of their implementation. Each of the forms solves very specific pedagogical problems, while using its inherent educational and educational capabilities, which led to a significant difference between the forms of training and the forms of education of subordinates.

Taking into account the proposed definition, forms of education are combined into five related groups according to a certain criterion.

The list of forms of training of the first group is determined by the composition of the trainees according to their categories (classes with officers, warrant officers, sergeants, etc.) and position (classes with commanders of units, squads, crews, etc.).

The second group reflects the characteristics of the grouping of students and includes individual and group training.

The third group corresponds to the location of the training sessions (classroom classes, field training, training at duty stations).

The list of forms of training in the fourth group is determined by the duration of the training session (short-term - several minutes; short-term - 2-6 hours; long-term - up to one day; multi-day).

The fifth group combines forms of training depending on the approach to the formation of the structure of the lesson. Currently, this group combines general ones, used in all units, regardless of the combat, service and other tasks being solved, and special ones, used only in a specific unit (for example, aviation, naval, motorized rifle, etc.) ( scheme 2).

In turn, forms of education represent options for organizing a specific educational event, its compositional structure. They are always interconnected with the content, as a result of which each of them solves very specific educational tasks, uses certain levers for the development of the personality, interests and needs of the subordinate, and forms in him professionally significant personal properties and qualities.

Taking into account the modern understanding of the essence of education, it can be argued that there are infinitely many forms of education - from elementary forms of statutory relationships between military personnel, individual and group conversations to all forms of educational, service and social planning activities of military personnel. The same GCP and information are not only forms of training and explanation of the military-political situation in the world, the state of affairs in the unit, but also solve important educational tasks. In the specialized literature, the main forms of educational work for officers include a general meeting of personnel, summing up results, group and individual conversations, debates, taking the military oath, meetings with veterans of the RF Armed Forces and parents of military personnel, theme evenings, question and answer evenings, etc. It should be noted that their list is quite diverse and is largely determined by the level of military pedagogical training and skill of military command officers, the specifics of the tasks being solved, the development of information, cultural, social infrastructure region of deployment of units and units.

The effectiveness of certain forms of training and education depends on the professional knowledge, skills and abilities of military personnel, on the degree of formation of their personal sphere, on the methods of educational and educational interaction chosen by the officer with subordinates within the framework of a specific educational or educational form. In military pedagogical literature, they are designated by the concept of methods of training and education, which is understood as a system of ways of joint activity of an officer and a subordinate, in which the acquisition of knowledge, the formation of skills and abilities, as well as the development of mental and physical strength of military personnel, improvement of the leading components of their personal sphere are achieved. they need to solve professional tasks by purpose. Like forms, teaching methods and educational methods differ significantly from each other.

Pedagogical analysis of the features of training methods implemented in the troops and navies allows us to combine them into two groups. The group of traditional teaching methods is based on the provisions of the associative-reflexive theory of learning, which provides for a consistent transition of students from understanding the task presented to them educational information to storing it in memory in the form of knowledge and subsequent practical application. These include methods of oral presentation of educational material (lecture, story, explanation and instruction), its discussion (conversation, seminar), as well as methods of display (demonstration), exercises, practical work and independent work.

The group of active teaching methods, in contrast to traditional ones, involves the direct participation of military personnel in the formation of their own professional knowledge, skills and abilities. These include methods for analyzing specific situations, incidents, and brainstorming ( brainstorming), shuttle, business game, immersion, etc. However, the term “active methods” itself is not strictly scientific, since all teaching methods are initially designed for active working together the teacher and the learner. Its use is aimed at emphasizing the specifics of the means and techniques used in them, which are focused primarily on the active cognitive and practical activity of the subordinates themselves.

The practice of educational activities of experienced officers shows that they also have a wide variety of methods in their arsenal, which can be combined into two groups: pedagogical and psychological methods education. Pedagogical (traditional) methods of education involve the influence of an officer on the consciousness (rational sphere of personality) of a subordinate. These include methods of persuasion, encouragement, example, criticism, exercise and coercion.

The action of psychological methods of education is aimed at the subconscious. The most effective of them are the methods of non-verbal (facial expressions, gestures, posture, nature of movements, eye expression, voice intonation), emotional (empathy, indignation, teaching) and rational (suggestion) interaction. At the same time, the officer must take into account that psychological methods are implemented simultaneously with pedagogical ones, which makes it possible to strengthen or weaken the educational impact on the rational sphere of the personality (consciousness) of the serviceman.

Knowledge of the principles, forms and methods of training and education of subordinates, their implementation in the organization and implementation of military professional activities are the main indicator of the military professional culture of officers, an important criterion for assessing the level of their pedagogical skills.

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