Why did a plate break at home? Folk sign “Break a plate”

Some events from Everyday life, seemingly ordinary, can bring interesting information, if assessed correctly. Sign of breaking a plate with my own hands is in most cases positive sign. To understand exactly what lies ahead after such an episode, you need to focus on the details.

The meaning of the sign

In ancient times, it was believed that loud sounds scared away evil spirits. Therefore, the sound of broken dishes acted like church bell. But the event did not always evoke peace and tranquility among people. In modern times, if a plate cracks, they focus on the nuances to determine the meaning of the incident.

Positive interpretation

In an aggressive state, it is bad luck to hit the dishes

When expensive porcelain utensils appeared, breaking them became financially unprofitable for the owners. At this time, unfavorable signs about the cracking of dishes appeared. If plates are broken due to the fault of a guest, this entails problems brought into the family from outside.

They have a negative attitude towards the phenomena of accidental destruction of containers when:

  • someone drops it on the floor during a family dinner - there will be discord and conflicts between partners;
  • had to break a container filled with food - a person will take on other people’s problems or responsibilities;
  • If a part breaks off from a plate while washing dishes, this can lead to troubles and unprofitable investments.

They try to avoid a man or woman whose porcelain, clay and ceramic containers constantly fall over. Sloppy personality can be combined with deep, chronic bad luck. This person has unclean, insidious thoughts, therefore conditions do not allow him to realize his goals the way he dreams of it.

Circumstances of the event

To correctly interpret the sign given by fate, you need to determine the details accompanying the event. Folk signs about dishes say that such an incident on a holiday can darken the future or give even more happiness. Ways have been invented to avoid upcoming troubles, as well as to enhance the beneficial influence of the sign.

Plates at a wedding

A wedding feast is rarely complete without traditions. The sign of a broken plate on wedding feast It promises prosperity and wealth for two lovers if the container shatters into numerous shards. To preserve the good influence of the omen, the pieces are picked together by two people onto a piece of fabric and tied. The bundle is hidden at home for a year, then the joy will not leave the young family. After the end of the period, it is buried in the evening away from human eyes.

The ritual of breaking champagne glasses by newlyweds has the same positive effect. This promises endless love and understanding. It would be good if the stems of the wine glasses were tied together.

Why does the plate break into wedding table, folk signs will tell:

  • a bride who misses the dishes will attract a rival into her married life and will be unhappy in her marriage;
  • the groom who pushes the dish onto the floor is doomed to experience not the most pleasant moments at work, and will be embroiled in quarrels and scandals in the family;
  • one of the guests, if he drops the container next to a person of the opposite sex, can expect a whirlwind romance with a serious conclusion in the near future;
  • when dishes break from the hands of the mother-in-law, this threatens separation of the young couple, so the man must immediately throw the shards over his left shoulder, collect them and take them out.

There is another belief that is useful for spouses. If a newly-made wife breaks an ordinary plate on the threshold of a new home, it will bring goodness, peace and love to the home. The fragments will hold all the negativity outside the door and will not let you in. Well, if the plate bursts in half, this portends many good fortunes for the young family.

Is it possible to break dishes at home?

Accidentally cracked dishes in an apartment can tell a lot. If they were glass, you can expect trouble. Transparency means purity and innocence, therefore such dishes, scattered into fragments, speak of lost hopes, betrayal, bad news. Folk signs advise you to be careful, value your family and loved ones, and the rest of your life will work out.

If an ordinary plate breaks, the event is interpreted as follows:

  1. An unmarried girl will receive an interesting and handsome admirer. They will begin a sensual affair, which may end in marriage. The more beautiful and expensive the dishes were, the richer and more colorful the realities of the future family would become.
  2. An elderly person will be upset by losses and difficulties if the dish bursts. They will relate to the financial sphere and may be based on unsuccessful investments, robbery, increased needs younger generation. It is worth being patient and waiting out this period.
  3. If a plate accidentally breaks while children are playing, happiness will come to the parents. It will manifest itself in one of the main areas of life and attract luck in others. This could be a promotion for one of the adults at work, which will improve the situation in the family and allow its members to spend more time together and have a good rest.
  4. In the midst of conflict, cracked containers carry unfavorable messages. They accumulate all the negativity, resentment, anger, desire for revenge, and then pour it out into the surrounding space. If you intentionally beat dishes with dark wishes, they will be heard higher power and put into execution. This is an action with positive attitude has a beneficial effect on the house and its inhabitants.

There are folk signs about why the plate beats before the holiday. If this happened before the New Year, Christmas or Epiphany, then good luck and prosperity await the owners whole year. The same event on a day revered by the church, especially Good Friday, will bring health to every household member and success in business. When a dish is broken into shards on a name day or birthday, it promises an increase in income and improved relationships with loved ones.

On what day of the week were the dishes broken?

An important aspect of such a superstition is the time when the event took place. Depending on the day of the week, the shards can bring important news. To reinforce a good outcome, according to signs, you need to be extremely careful during unfavorable periods:

  • on Monday and Tuesday, fate promises an easy and unburdensome solution to any problems;
  • if the dishes cracked on Wednesday, then you can hope for clarification of a long-standing situation, nostalgic memories;
  • the sign on Thursday will tell you about unexpected news that can equally hinder or help in the matter;
  • Friday is considered a bad time for such an action; a person is tormented by squabbles and gossip due to jealousy;
  • dishes broke on Saturday to advice to deal with pressing issues, not to get involved in difficult projects;
  • Sunday promises conflicts and troubles, especially if the man or woman has something to hide from their partner.

Signs about a cracked plate

Think that if the container bursts in someone’s hands, then the person will face serious trials. Magical influence from the outside is allowed, which the cutlery takes upon itself. In this case, it is necessary to contact a church or a knowledgeable person.

If plates that no one touched accidentally broke in your home, the event is interpreted as follows:

  1. The brownie is dissatisfied with the owners, this is how he shows his attitude. It is enough to start putting things in order on time and maintaining cleanliness. You are allowed to appease the spirit of the house, treat it with milk and baked goods, sweets.
  2. A lot of negativity has accumulated within the walls of the apartment. Dishes that broke for no reason, were crushed by the oppressive atmosphere, tried to attract the attention of the owners to the emotional and energetic background. You need to thoroughly clean the house, washing surfaces with water and diluted blessed salt, or go around all the rooms with prayer and a church candle.

Signs advise not to store broken shards and dishes with cracks and chips in the kitchen at home. You cannot eat from it or make jewelry. It attracts negativity and can worsen health and lead to financial losses. It’s better to throw away even your favorite things right away and not try to glue them together.

Neutralization of prediction

Folk superstitions about dishes say that you should not leave shards in the house. They destroy everything around them energy level, which over time can lead to all sorts of troubles. To prevent such an outcome, you need to immediately collect the fragments, throw them in the trash and take them away. Afterwards, you need to wash the floor, making sure that small parts do not remain near the walls or in the corners. Their sharp edges can injure household members and pets, and introduce infections and dirt.

If it so happens that a broken plate has been lying in the room for some time, you can neutralize its destructive effect. To do this, perform a short ritual:

  • collect shards into a small piece of fabric, including small particles;
  • tied in knots so that nothing falls out along the way;
  • taken to a deserted place where no one walks, or to a trash container;
  • thrown out with special words;
  • They go home without looking behind them.

Beaten, crushed, with misfortune, I’ll leave it here, send happiness to the house!

When a container is broken at a wedding, the number of shards is counted. An even number will bring love and prosperity to the family. If, unfortunately, the number turns out to be odd, you are allowed to correct the situation. To do this, the newlyweds throw together an extra piece behind their backs with the words:

I leave the broken plate here, driving away trouble from myself. Trouble stay here, happiness go home.

In situations where the plate has fallen, you need to rely on a favorable outcome. It is best to believe in a bright future and try to do everything as your heart tells you. Folk signs about the plate only warn about possible development events, the final result depends on human decisions.

Quite often you can hear the opinion that broken dishes bring happiness and prosperity to the house. But you shouldn’t immediately believe in all folk tales.

Each phenomenon can have many nuances, and they are not always aimed at good news. If you happen to break a plate, you should immediately collect the pieces and analyze the situation.

The consequences of broken plates

Almost everything folk superstitions and signs claim that a broken plate symbolizes the beginning of a new life or numerous changes. In order to understand the true possibilities and at least somehow prepare yourself for future events, you need to pay special attention to situations in which the plate broke. Situations can be very different.

  1. If you break a plate accidentally, it means that you will have to experience happy life changes. Most likely, you will get a promotion in your career or find true love.
  2. The sign of broken plates during a quarrel may mean that tense relationships in the family will persist throughout long period time. You need to at least moderate your ardor a little and try to change the situation for the better.
  3. Broken dishes on New Year promises the owner of the house good luck in business and a happy coming year.
  4. If you break a dish on your own birthday, you will live a long and happy life. This may mean that fate has given you many years so that you can fully experience the beauty of life.
  5. If the breaking of plates happened intentionally on the wedding day of the young couple, it means that the family has a long and happy life. You need to pay special attention to the nature of the broken dishes. If she crashed into a large number of small fragments, it means that everything will be fine in the newlyweds’ family.
  6. If the plate breaks accidentally at the table, it means that some life difficulties await the young people. They will have to make a lot of efforts in order to change things for the better, at least a little.

It is important to pay attention to what day of the week the kitchen utensils were broken. If the embarrassment occurred on Monday, it means that all your problems will soon find their solution and life will improve significantly. If an unpleasant situation arose on Sunday, then this may promise trouble in family life, or problems at work.

Signs about a broken cup

Breaking a cup that was made of porcelain means bringing yourself a lot of happiness and prosperity. If a single man or an unmarried girl breaks such a cup, it means that in their environment there is a person who glows with sincere love.

In cases where the cup breaks in half, this leads to misunderstandings in the couple. The main reasons for the violation of harmony may be lies or hypocrisy. That is why a newly-made couple should carefully monitor their actions and try to change the situation in good side. Breaking a full porcelain cup always means trouble.

Important! Signs of breaking a cup should be treated with extreme caution. For example, if a cup does not break completely, it means that there is negativity in your home that needs to be gotten rid of urgently.

Signs about other broken dishes

Only the newlyweds should break a glass at a wedding. By this act they forever renounce past life, which they had before marriage. It is important to note that the process must be synchronous, otherwise nothing good will happen.

If you break a glass that contains at least a little alcoholic drink, then such a person will have to be unreasonably guilty of something. There is a possibility that such a person will have to slander himself in order to protect another person.

If a glass goblet or glass breaks in the hands of the mother of the bride or groom, then this signifies trouble in the family. Most likely, parents will often interfere in the family life of their children, which will seriously complicate their relationships.

Before carrying out such a ritual at a wedding, you need to think carefully about everything, because this wedding ceremony cannot always promise only good news. If anything goes wrong, you can greatly change your destiny for the worse.

For someone who breaks a glass or glass, the omen may turn in a different direction and not bring anything good. If you accidentally drink wine from broken glass, then the person will take on all the negative energy. It is a bad omen when a kitchen item breaks in a person’s hands.

What can a broken mug tell you?

Breaking a mug or saucer is a rather dangerous action. Especially if it is broken by a stranger in your home. This may indicate that in a person’s life there are a lot of envious people who, with their negative energy, destroy the energy of the home.

The wife should handle her husband's kitchen items very carefully. If you break your spouse's dishes, it means that your chosen one has a mistress. Most likely, your rival will destroy your family home. There is a possibility that the husband will leave for another woman and never return.

The sign of breaking a mug may require paying attention to the type of glassware that was broken. If a mug or cup from the set fell on its own and broke in half, it means that unpleasant changes in life await you.

Important! You should not drink from a broken kitchen item.

Other signs about dishes

Signs about the place

If you managed to break a cup or mug at your place of work, it means that they will expect you a good relationship with colleagues and superiors. In cases where a person urgently needs to leave and breaks a glass kitchen item, it is better to reschedule the trip to another day. Such an event may portend troubles on the road and possible accidents.

If a cup or mug breaks in a dream, then this does not bode well. Most likely, the person spent a lot of time and effort trying to correct the mistake. Moreover, all his efforts were in vain.

Brownie and beating kitchen utensils

Sometimes situations may occur in which the dishes may break on their own. Knowledgeable people We are sure that the cause of such situations is the brownie. Therefore, it is urgent to appease him.

In such situations, you need to leave sweets and some milk on the table. The brownie will eat and see your respect and respect. You can be sure that after this all the troubles in the house will stop.

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Do you remember how, as a child, your parents tried to persuade you to finish the soup so that you could look at the picture on the bottom of the plate? Every child had a favorite mug, and many, having matured, retained an attachment to certain pieces of utensils in their souls. Favorite mugs, plates, glasses invariably please the eye and warm the soul, but nothing lasts forever: annoying troubles happen and dishes break. It’s sad, of course, but is there any reason to be sad not only for the lost cup, but also for what this event portends?

Cracked cups have no place in the kitchen

Thrifty housewives do not tolerate chipped or even cracked dishes at home. Perhaps this is due not only to a love of order: in ancient times it was believed that offerings to the gods should be made on beautiful large dishes. Cracked dishes were favored by evil deities who settled in them and in every possible way spoiled the lives of the inhabitants of the house. The only way to get rid of them was by breaking the dish and throwing the pieces away.

Look at the shape of the plate: it is round, and on an energetic level is associated with round objects, such as the sun or a wheel. Imagine a wheel with cracks: you won’t go far on this, and it’s good if you remain intact and avoid accidents!

Apparently, this is why it is considered bad luck to drink from a cup with a broken handle, pour tea from a teapot with a cracked spout, or take sugar from a sugar bowl covered with cracks. Such dishes draw positive energy out of a person, making his life “cracked”, shattering dreams and hopes, so it is best to take it out of the house and throw it away. In this way, you can drive out poverty and illness from your home, which even a slightly cracked cup attracts.

Is it a coincidence?

When dishes break, a lot depends on whether they broke accidentally or whether someone intentionally dropped the fragile utensil on the floor. When someone accidentally touches a poorly placed glass and it breaks, the clumsy bungler is consoled with the phrase: “Nothing, it’s for luck!”

And indeed, if you remember wedding traditions Russia and others European countries, a ritual comes to mind when newlyweds break glasses or plates. It is believed that, along with the glasses and dishes on which guests serve refreshments, the newlyweds break down memories of their past quarrels, failures and disagreements, starting their life together from scratch.

Ritual for the bride

In ancient Rus', there was a custom according to which a girl, entering her husband’s house for the first time before the wedding, had to drop a pot on the threshold: if the pot broke, it meant that she had saved her purity for her beloved, and if the pot managed to survive, the girl was shamed and covered with shame for her wicked behavior.

And at many weddings, at the height of the celebration, guests began to break clay utensils in order to protect the newlyweds from the machinations evil spirits. The smaller the fragments were, the happier and more joyful it should have been living together new family.

Breaking dishes at a funeral

It is considered a much worse omen if dishes break at a funeral. In this case, you need to quickly sweep away everything, even the smallest fragments, without touching them with your hands under any circumstances, put them in a thick paper bag and put some treats from the table in it. After sunset, you need to take the bag to the cemetery, put it in a secluded place and quickly leave, without looking back or talking to anyone. At home, immediately change and wash your clothes.

Intentional breaking of dishes

It also happens that the dishes are broken intentionally and not with a wish for good and happiness: quarrels, insults, accusations and mutual reproaches - and now the plate flies into the wall (well, not into the head!), followed by a vase and curses. In this case, broken dishes carry a lot of negative energy, and you need to get rid of the fragments as soon as possible. When taking out the trash, say outside the door:

“I endure all the misfortunes, don’t come back with me.”

You need to get rid of the fragments on the same day that the dishes broke, before sunset. If the unfortunate incident happened after sunset, you need to wait until the morning and only then throw away the rubbish. When you return, be sure to wash your hands, or better yet, take a shower.

Cut by shrapnel

It is also considered a bad omen to cut yourself while collecting fragments. This may promise an imminent illness, not very severe, but rather long-lasting and unpleasant. Be sure to treat the cut, and if possible, wash it with holy water and pray, this should help ward off the threat. In general, it is better to collect the fragments not with your hands, but using a scoop or paper.

What does it mean if a plate breaks?

Think about your health: the plate is connected with food, and the condition of our body directly depends on what we eat. For those setting off on a trip, a broken plate does not bode well for an easy road, so if possible, reschedule your departure or cancel your planned trip altogether.

Young unmarried girls should also be careful with broken plates - it is believed that this way they can accidentally break their future family happiness: the husband will cheat and there will always be quarrels and scandals in the house.

Empty or full

If a cup or mug breaks, the meaning changes depending on whether it was full or empty. An empty mug breaking means annoying but minor losses - for example, being late for work. If there was tea or other liquid in the mug, this foreshadows an imminent quarrel with a friend.

Be on your guard and try to extinguish any conflicts at the very beginning, because it is much easier to prevent an undesirable event than to eliminate its consequences. And the usual banal “For good luck!” in such a situation it will come in handy.

Break a glass

If a glass breaks, it means that a lot of unspoken grievances and complaints against others have accumulated inside you, and thus they are trying to come out.

Think about it, is it really worth hiding everything you think about so carefully? Perhaps it would be better to express all the claims to the offenders in the face and free yourself and your soul?

You will probably feel better after getting rid of accumulated negativity. If at the same time splashes of spilled liquid hit you, then perhaps you yourself are wrong about something conflict situation, and it’s worth asking for forgiveness from the other party, who may be experiencing no less than you at this moment.

Glass tumbler

A broken glass cup foretells a quick death for young people. whirlwind romance. If you still haven’t met your soulmate, perhaps she will be waiting for you in the very near future. A young guy can even get married, and a girl can receive a marriage proposal. If the glass was full, then prosperity and abundance will await you in family life. If an empty glass is broken, then tense relationships with relatives and close friends of the future spouse are possible.

All signs are not predictions of the inevitable future, but are given to us from above as warnings about events that may occur. Therefore, even negative interpretations should be perceived with optimism: forewarned is forearmed! Try in dangerous period be more sensitive and attentive, and many dangerous events will be avoided.

Then you will understand that living in harmony with the world around you is very, very simple. Therefore, if you break something, or in your presence someone around you cannot hold a plate or glass in their hands, just smile and say: “For good luck!” and help collect the pieces.

When something in the house is spoiled or destroyed, it causes negative emotions from its owner. Dishes and glassware are considered the most fragile household items that are most often broken. This small one is unpleasantly associated with a variety of signs that have both positive and negative meaning. Why do dishes break in the house?

Where and how did the dishes break?

Any careless movement in the kitchen risks breaking dishes. A plate or cup that has shattered into fragments is a warning about certain events in a person’s life.

Why do dishes break in the kitchen?

Interpretation of broken dishes by day of the week

If dishes break in the house, you need to pay attention to the day of the week on which it happened.

Why did the dishes crack?

It often happens that dishes stand in their usual place and crack on their own. What could this sign mean and should we be afraid of it?

If no one touched the dishes, but they took them on their own and shattered into small fragments, it means that a lot has accumulated in the home. negative energy, which still found a way out.

If no one dropped the dishes, but they picked them up and broke them, then perhaps the brownie is playing a trick on the residents of the house. To appease this creature, you need to pour some milk into a saucer and place it in the corner of the kitchen. You need to put some sweets near the milk and leave everything overnight. In the morning, it is better to feed the brownie treat to birds or pets.

Chips and cracks that appear on dishes warn household members that financial losses will soon occur in their lives.

What to do to avoid trouble

Broken dishes are not only a loss, but also a waste of time on cleaning. The realization of a good or bad omen depends on how a person clears his home of fragments.

As soon as any piece of utensils breaks, you need to sweep away the fragments with a broom and wrap them in cotton fabric. The fragments must be taken to a landfill or wasteland as soon as possible. It is believed that in this way you can cleanse your home of negative energy or neutralize a bad omen. If the dishes break after sunset, then their fragments are taken out in the morning.

Many pieces of utensils evoke awe in humans. A beautiful plate can be given as a gift to a loved one, and a cup can be taken with you on an interesting, unforgettable journey. Unfortunately, even the most beloved items cannot be protected from damage.

If chips and cracks appear on the dishes, you need to get rid of them immediately. Why you need to do this:

If dishes with cracks are found in the house, you need to correctly perform a ritual to neutralize negative energy. The damaged dishes are placed on a completely empty chair without a tablecloth. Afterwards you need to take a candle white and light it. The candle is held only in right hand and turn it with flame towards the chip or crack. Melted wax must drip onto the damaged area of ​​the dishes. In this case you need to say:

Just as white falls on black, so the bad will bypass and will not happen. Happiness will come to the house - it will happen.

The spell is read until the wax fills the crack in the damaged object.

What to do if the dishes that are part of your beloved set are cracked? Esotericists have an answer to this question. The surviving components of the service need to be hidden as far as possible, but before that you need to perform a special magic ritual, which will help turn an incomplete set into a reliable talisman and amulet.

The ritual of magic is performed on the full moon. You need to go to any store and buy black and red markers. Care should be taken to ensure that their rods are thin. You also need to buy several sheets of colored paper.

The ritual is carried out during the day during the full moon phase. You need to take a wide bowl and fill it cold water and place old dishes from the service in it for several hours. After this, each component of the set must be wiped dry with a towel.

All washed and dried dishes are laid out in front of you. On each cup, small triangles are drawn on the front side with a black marker and shaded in red. Then each cup is wrapped in black paper, with red paper on top. During these actions, it is necessary to read the following plot:

I branded my good, branded myself for good, my enemy for bad, my friend for good luck, my family for good luck. That's what I say, that's what I do. Yes!

After this ritual, you need to work with plates and saucers. At the bottom of all objects, draw a circle with a black marker and shade it with red. The service items are wrapped in paper in the same way, while reading:

I put thirty-three seals, I say thirty-three words, I hang thirty-three locks. If evil touches the seal, it will immediately fall into pieces. That's what I say, that's what I do. Yes!

If there are other items in the service, then red and black parallel lines are drawn on their bottom, and then everything is wrapped in colored paper, saying:

Let anger pass by, let gossip, evil words, human blasphemy pass by. So I say, so I share. Yes!

After all the steps, you need to remove the paper and burn it, while reading Orthodox prayer"Our Father". A charmed set gives the family protection from damage, the evil eye and the envy of others.

Dishes break at a wedding, at a wake

Broken dishes at a wedding are a common occurrence, since a large number of people are present at this celebration. There are some signs associated with such a trivial incident that should not be ignored.

Dishes accompany home life and the way of life of people for many centuries, and it is not surprising that so many superstitions are associated with it.

Plates and cutlery must be stored carefully; these are not just necessary items that we use every day, but also symbols of home, hearth and strong family. In a good family, all the cutlery, down to the last fork, is always clean, neatly in its place, and you will never see dirty dishes in the sink.

The habit of washing used dishes immediately after cooking and eating is not the pedantic invention of neat people and perfectionists, it is also associated with mystical considerations. Dirty dishes only bring negativity into the house.

It is believed that plates clash in the house for good luck. If it is a sign that breaking a cup or plate is a great success, and even at weddings there is such a tradition of breaking glasses after drinking champagne.

It turns out that everything is not so simple, and there are different signs. Is it worth breaking plates, and does this always promise happiness? Let’s try to figure it out.

What crashed?

Of course, deliberately break the dishes normal person it won't. The smashing of plates during domestic scenes is more of an anecdotal exaggeration. But why does a plate or glass break if it happens by accident?

1. Firstly, if transparent dishes break, this is bad. The transparency of glasses and plates is a symbol of purity, and if a transparent plate breaks, expect quarrels in the family. Better yet, don’t wait, but try to be softer, wiser and prevent quarrels.

2. In general, if an ordinary, opaque plate breaks, then this promises good luck in all matters. The main thing is to collect the fragments very carefully and do not cut yourself, then everything will be fine.

3. If a plate breaks at a wedding, it doesn’t mean anything special. Previously, it was believed that this was a sign that indicated the fragility of the union. Although, of course, you shouldn’t be afraid of this - remember that your family happiness depends only on you.

4. If a glass breaks - despite the fact that it seems transparent, the sign says that the beginning will soon begin great novel. There is another, less common belief about quarrels in couples. But when there are contradictory signs, it is better to believe in a good one - it will come true.

5. But if the glass breaks when filled with a drink, then this indicates that you will take on some other person’s guilt. Little good will most likely come from this in the future - so think in advance whether such sacrifices are necessary, and why to do it.

6. If you break a glass, there will be a conflict with your partner, husband or boyfriend. Be careful with glasses, and try to maintain peace and understanding in your relationship.

7. But the cup breaks for good - this portends an unmarried girl meeting a good young man, or says that her lover thinks of her with love. For married women, this promises peace and understanding in the family.

8. It is important not to keep broken plates in the house and not to use them. Sometimes you want to keep your favorite plate by sealing a crack, or use it as decoration. There are even tips on how to make jewelry and crafts from broken dishes.

This should not be done! Such plates will bring nothing but quarrels into the house, and even if you feel very sorry, throw them away - don’t even keep a fragment. Buy a new one, even more beautiful, or find the same one.

9. Shards broken plate It is necessary to collect them immediately so that they do not lie for a minute. Even if the sign is good, the fragments may simply be dangerous. Broom them into a dustpan, throw them away, and immediately take the trash out of the house.

Try not to cut yourself, and check very carefully whether a stray fragment has flown under a chair or into a far corner. Wash the floor to remove the smallest particles of glass and get rid of destructive energy.

10. You can’t swear when dishes break, otherwise you will attract negative energy. Stay calm, smile, and never scold those who accidentally break a plate - even your favorite and dear one.

Believe in the best, know that everything happens for good, and do not be afraid of anything. Then only good omens will come true in your life! Author: Vasilina Serova

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