Development of a system for analyzing test papers in English

Analysis test work in English in 7th grade

Date: 04.10. 2016

Teacher: Arylakhova S.N.

class: 7 a

Total students: 14

Completed work: 12

The test was carried out in 7th grade. The level of knowledge in this class can be called average. Level educational motivation– average. The test consisted of 6 tasks:

Test results

Number of students in class

Number of students per class

% of progress

% quality

Analysis of a test in English in grade 7

Date: 04.10. 2016

Teacher: Arylakhova S.N.

class: 7 in

Total students: 13

Completed work: 11

The test was carried out in the 7th grade. The level of knowledge in this class can be called above average. The level of educational motivation is above average. The test consisted of 6 tasks:

Task 1 – Degrees of comparison of adjectives

Task 2 – Education in superlative degree adjectives

Task 3 – Using the modal verb should and shallh"t

Task 4 – Vocabulary of words: Translation from in English into Russian

Test results

Number of students in class

Number of students per class

% of progress

% quality

Common mistakes: ignorance of grammar on the topic “Degrees of comparison of adjectives” and vocabulary - ignorance of translations of some English words.

Reasons: consequence of irregular execution homework some students; failure to comply with the teacher’s requirements (get a dictionary, learn words by heart, learn English grammar, etc.).

Plan correctional work: take into account the nature of the mistakes made; organize work to eliminate gaps in knowledge by assigning additional classes for low-performing students; re-checking vocabulary for the whole class; training in the formation of degrees of comparison of adjectives; strengthen control over homework completion.

Analysis of test work in English in 7th grade

Date: 04.10. 2016

Teacher: Arylakhova S.N.

class: 7 g

Total students: 16

Completed work: 15

The test was carried out in the 7th grade. The level of knowledge in this class is average. The level of educational motivation is average. The test consisted of 6 tasks:

Task 1 – Degrees of comparison of adjectives

Task 2 – Formation of adjectives into superlatives

Task 3 – Using the modal verb should and shallh"t

Task 4 – Vocabulary of words: Translation from English into Russian

Test results

Number of students in class

Number of students per class

% of progress

% quality

Typical mistakes: ignorance of grammar on the topic “Degrees of comparison of adjectives” and vocabulary - ignorance of translations of some English words.

Reasons: a consequence of irregular homework completion by some students; failure to comply with the teacher’s requirements (get a dictionary, learn words by heart, learn English grammar, etc.).

Corrective work plan: take into account the nature of the mistakes made; organize work to eliminate gaps in knowledge by assigning additional classes for low-performing students; re-checking vocabulary for the whole class; training in the formation of degrees of comparison of adjectives; strengthen control over homework completion.

Developments for grades 4, 7-11 are presented.

“Analytical report on the final test in the 10th grade for the 2016-2017 school year. year"

Analytical report

item: English language

teacher: Nastich Anastasia Semenovna

The purpose of the test: identifying the level of mastery of students’ lexical and grammatical skills during the course of study in the 10th grade.

Statistical data

% of progress

% quality

The test consisted of 80 points with a choice of answer options.

Execution time: 45-50 min.

Typical mistakes were made due to inattention and insufficient knowledge of the material. Special difficulty caused a grammar task, namely conditional sentences with varying degrees of probability.

Corrective work plan:

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“Analytical report on the final test in 11th grade, 2016-2017 academic year. year"

Analytical report

on the final test

item: English language

teacher: Nastich Anastasia Semenovna

The purpose of the test: determine the level of mastery by 11th grade students of the subject content of the English language course according to the program high school.

tested knowledge, skills, elements:

    the use of active and passive verbs;

    use modal verbs and their equivalents;

    systematization of knowledge about compound and complex sentences with varying degrees of probability.

Statistical data

% of progress

% quality

Element-by-element analysis of results

The level of knowledge is average, the level of motivation is high.

The test consisted of 80 multiple choice items and a written task.

Execution time: 45-50 min.

The task of writing a commentary was particularly difficult.

In general, it can be noted that the students’ work was completed at the optimal level of training.

Corrective work plan: take into account the nature of the mistakes made and organize work to fill the gaps.

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“Analytical report on the final test in 4th grade for the 2016-2017 school year. year"

Analytical report

on the final test

item: English language

teacher: Nastich Anastasia Semenovna

The purpose of the test: to determine the level of mastery by 4th grade students of the subject content of the English language course according to the primary school curriculum.

tested knowledge, skills, elements:

    skill in using verbs in the present simple and present continuous tenses;

    use of prepositions of place;

    using the comparative degree of adjectives;

    the use of verbs to be and modal verbs;

    using the simple future and simple past tenses.

Statistical data

% of progress

% quality

Element-by-element analysis of results

The level of knowledge is average, the level of motivation is high.

The test consisted of 5 tasks:

    write a letter to a friend.

Typical mistakes were made due to inattention and insufficient knowledge of the material. The task of writing a letter to a friend was particularly difficult.

Corrective work plan: take into account the nature of the mistakes made and organize work to fill the gaps.

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“Analytical report on the final test in 7th grade for the 2016-2017 school year. year"

Analytical report

on the final test

item: English language

teacher: Nastich Anastasia Semenovna

The purpose of the test: identifying the level of lexical and grammatical skills of students during the 7th grade course.

tested knowledge, skills, elements:

    the use of active verbs;

    use subordinate clauses time and conditions;

    use of dividing questions;

    usage and modal verbs.

Statistical data

% of progress

% quality

Element-by-element analysis of results

The test consisted of 45 points with a choice of answer options.

Execution time: 40-45 min.

Typical mistakes were made due to inattention and insufficient knowledge of the material. The task of listening and writing a travel story was particularly difficult.

In general, it can be noted that the students’ work was completed at an optimal and acceptable level of training.

Corrective work plan: take into account the nature of the mistakes made and organize work to fill the gaps.

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“Analytical report on the final test in 8th grade for the 2016-2017 school year. year"

Analytical report

on the final test

item: English language

teacher: Nastich Anastasia Semenovna

The purpose of the test: determination of the level of lexical and grammatical skills of students during the 8th grade course.

tested knowledge, skills, elements:

    ability to use articles;

Statistical data

% of progress

% quality

Element-by-element analysis of results

The level of knowledge is satisfactory, the level of motivation is satisfactory.

Execution time: 40-45 min.

Typical mistakes were made due to inattention or insufficient knowledge of the material. Particular difficulty was caused by the task of listening and writing a grammar exercise, namely the correlation of sentences in the active and stative voices.

In general, it can be noted that the students’ work was completed at the optimal acceptable level of training.

Corrective work plan: take into account the nature of the mistakes made and organize work to fill the gaps.

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“Analytical report on the final test in 9th grade for the 2016-2017 school year. year"

Analytical report

on the final test

item: English language

teacher: Nastich Anastasia Semenovna

The purpose of the test: determine the level of mastery of 9th grade students in the subject content of the English language course according to the program high school.

tested knowledge, skills, elements:

    Skill in working with active verbs;

    using degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs;

    ability to use articles;

    the skill of correlating sentences in the active and stative voices.

Statistical data

% of progress

% quality

Element-by-element analysis of results

The level of knowledge is average, the level of motivation is average.

The test consisted of 30 points with the possibility of choosing an answer, reading a text with a choice of specified sentences, and listening.

Execution time: 40-45 min.

Typical mistakes were made due to inattention.

Particular difficulty was caused by the task of listening and writing a grammar task, the use of the passive voice and indirect speech.

In general, it can be noted that the students’ work was completed at the optimal level of training.

Corrective work plan: take into account the nature of the mistakes made and organize work to fill the gaps.

Conducting an analysis of independent and verification work at school is integral part internal school control.

Analysis written works has students great importance, because the ways of adjusting the knowledge, skills and abilities of students acquired while studying certain material depend on its correctness and timeliness.

Experiencing difficulties in correctly and efficiently conducting and formatting the analysis of students’ written work and due to the lack of the required amount of available information in this area, I began to develop a system for analyzing written work in the English language. In this article, I present table templates for conducting quantitative and qualitative analysis of test papers for teachers teaching English in primary school and working with the educational complex “Enjoy English”. I think that each teacher can change the content of these tables in accordance with the content of the work that he plans to analyze.

The relevance of studying this problem is increasing due to the increasing requirements for the quality of education placed on schools. this work helps facilitate the teacher’s work and timely correction of students’ knowledge.

In the educational complex “Enjoy English” (2nd grade) educational material structured by academic quarters. At the end of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarters, students are required to complete test tasks from the “Progress Check” section, which allow them to evaluate the communicative skills of junior schoolchildren in listening, reading, writing and oral speech, make sure that they have mastered the basic language and speech material. Control is primarily aimed at identifying the achievements of schoolchildren.

So, in 2nd grade we conduct 3 tests per year: in 2nd quarter Annex 1 , in the 3rd quarter Appendix 2 and in the 4th quarter Appendix 3 .

In 3 grades – 4 tests per year: in 1st quarter Appendix4 , in the 2nd quarter Appendix5 , in the 3rd quarter Appendix6 , in the 4th quarter Appendix7 , Appendix8. Separately, you can analyze work in parallel classes Appendix9 . In addition, the overall mark for the test work consists of five marks for completing individual tasks: for listening, reading, writing and speaking, for the development of lexical and grammatical skills and is their arithmetic average.

In 4 grades – 4 tests per year: in 1st quarter Appendix 10 , in the 2nd quarter Appendix 11 , in the 3rd quarter Appendix 12 and in the 4th quarter Appendix 13 . You can also separately analyze work in parallel classes Appendix 14 . Test tasks are given in workbook. The overall mark for completing the test work consists of four marks for completing individual tasks (listening, reading, writing and speaking tasks) and is their arithmetic average, rounded by general rules.

The calculation formulas are as follows:


  1. Biboletova M.Z., Denisenko O.A., Trubaneva N.N. Teacher's book for the textbook “Enjoy English” for 2nd grade educational institutions. Publishing house "Titul", 2007.
  2. Biboletova M.Z., Denisenko O.A., Trubaneva N.N. A book for teachers for the textbook “Enjoy English” for 3rd grade in general education institutions. Publishing house "Titul", 2007.
  3. Biboletova M.Z., Denisenko O.A., Trubaneva N.N. A book for teachers for the textbook “Enjoy English” for 4th grade in general education institutions. Publishing house "Titul", 2008.
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