Drawing fireworks with children. Abstract on art in the senior group "holiday fireworks"

How to draw a bright and cheerful fireworks display? One of the symbols of the great holiday - Victory Day - was the color that colored the sky over the capital at the hour when the participants bloody battles gathered on Red Square to celebrate the final defeat of the fascist troops.

There are many non-standard ways moreover, on May 9 (Victory Day). By using them, you can get spectacular, unusual drawings.

We draw colored lines on a sheet of paper, diverging at the top.

At the top of the lines we place balls of colored paper and foil - this will be our festive explosion of fireworks.

Fireworks can be drawn using the stamping technique. An excellent base for making prints can be made from cardboard toilet paper tubes or disposable towels.

Cut the cylinder lengthwise. We cut one edge into narrow strips.

Roll up a tight roll and secure it with tape. We bend the edges of the fringe upward. Ready!

Dip a cardboard stamp in red, blue, yellow or purple paint, after pouring them into a container with a flat surface (for example, a disposable plate).

Let's put a fingerprint. The results are fantastic fireworks. You can also apply paint to the stamp strips using a brush.

The narrower the stamp strips, the thinner the print. When placing it, you can rotate the stamp a little around its axis - the image will become a little blurry. Interesting prints are made from a fan of chenille wire fibers:

just collect them in a bunch,

and then twist them together so that you get a panicle at the end.

You can apply paint to paper using a fork.

And even more interesting fireworks are obtained if the paint is applied with a round dish brush. (An old toothbrush works well.)

For example, if you paint the heads of cotton swabs in bright colors and glue them onto paper in a circle, you will get flashes of festive fireworks.

So that the child is less likely to be smeared with paint, and the picture turns out more neat, you can first stick cotton buds, and only then paint them with a brush.

An interesting fireworks applique is made from thin multi-colored knitting yarn. We take the colors of our flag as a basis - this will enhance the feeling of solemnity.

To make the picture look more interesting, we cover each “flash” on top with paint from an aerosol can.

In this way, you can not only get individual pictures, but also decorate various elements or a stand dedicated to this important day.

Lesson notes on fine art in senior group"Festive fireworks."

Detkova Nadezhda Grigorievna, teacher of MBDOU kindergarten "Zvezdochka" SP d.s. No. 138 compensating type, Nizhny Tagil.
I present to your attention a summary of visual arts in the older group. This material will be useful for educators and directors of art studios working with older preschoolers.
Target: create conditions for maintaining interest in visual arts.
- Learn to draw festive fireworks wax crayons;
- Strengthen knowledge and skills in using two materials: wax crayons and watercolors;
- Cause an emotional positive response to the proposal to draw in an unusual way;
- Develop independence, activity, and a sense of self-worth;
- Develop aesthetic feelings by highlighting means of expression in images created by other children;
- Foster love for your homeland and hometown;
Preliminary work:
- Watching the fireworks on the embankment with parents on May 9;
- Examination of photographs and drawings of fireworks;
- Drawing fireworks with colored pencils;
Material for the lesson:
White paper, wax crayons, watercolors, brushes, illustrations of fireworks.

Progress of the lesson

Guys, tell me what holiday do people celebrate on May 9? What holiday is it?
That's right, this is Victory Day for our country in the war over Nazi Germany.
Now I will tell you a riddle. If you guess right, you will find out what happens on May 9, Victory Day.
"Bloomed in the dark sky
Bright red flowers:
Yellow, green
The stars are funny.
They go out and fly
They fall spinning
It’s as if they melt in a haze, lying down on the water.”

Well, of course everyone recognized the fireworks.
Who knows what fireworks are? (lights in the sky).
Yes, these are such multi-colored lights in the sky that light up and sparkle, and then go out. Very beautiful!
What colors did you see in the fireworks?
Guys, when do fireworks happen: during the day or in the evening?
That's right, fireworks happen late in the evening.
And who knows why? (so that it is visible, the lights are then brighter).
Tell me, in our city, where do fireworks take place? Where do you go to watch it? On the embankment of the pond.
Now close all your eyes and imagine that you are standing on the embankment and watching the fireworks. How beautiful, colorful and colorful it is.
(sounds solemn music, for example "Fanfare")
"Suddenly out of the black darkness
Bushes grew in the sky
And on them there are blue, red and gold
Flowers of unprecedented beauty are blooming.
And all the streets underneath also became blue, red and gold -
And there's a whole crowd of people. Moms, dads, kids.
Waiting for a new flash in the sky
With every salvo
everyone shouts a loud “Hurray.”
In the heights they lit up again
Stars and dawn.
This festive fireworks to peace, happiness
He’s calling everyone.”

Open your eyes now. What did you see? (firework). Did you like the fireworks?
I suggest you draw festive fireworks. Which you just presented or which you saw at the holiday.
We will draw festive fireworks over the city.
You've probably already guessed what we're going to draw with today? Do you know this material?
You will draw the fireworks using wax crayons. It will occupy almost the entire sheet.
And at the bottom of the sheet we will draw an evening city. What do you think will be the main thing in the drawing? (firework). The main thing is to draw it large, brightly, but the houses or trees are very small and use dark chalk.
Look, I will now show you how we will draw fireworks.
I take a brightly colored chalk and put a dot in the sky as if it was here that a salvo of fireworks was fired from a rocket launcher. From this point in different directions I draw lines with a slight movement (they will be almost invisible for now, but then you will see a miracle - a trick, it will appear like in a fairy tale when you paint with paints). Then, on the legs of these lines, draw round fireworks scattered or in the form of flowers (as you saw during the fireworks) and paint over them with crayons: red, blue, yellow, whatever you want.
How else can you draw fireworks? Show.
After you have drawn the fireworks with crayons, you need to draw the city at night. Night city We also draw with wax crayons. Remember how you drew houses. We don’t draw the whole house, but only upper floors. One house stands next to another. Houses may have different roofs. Let's not forget to draw the windows in the houses.
When the fireworks are ready, tint the entire sheet with paints, on top of the drawing under the night sky. What paint color should you choose for the night sky?
Practical activities for children.
Summarizing. Evaluation of work.

“There will be fireworks in the evening
Everyone will go see it!
Bright festive bouquet
The stars will bloom in the sky."

All children love fireworks and fireworks. Why, adults love them too! It is not surprising that many kids try to draw fireworks or take up crafts on this topic. Before Victory Day, they will come in handy!

We posted manufacturing instructions on Sibmama , which was invented by our craftswoman .

It is suitable for the smallest creators and combines several interesting techniques: this is a drawing of a background with wax, and an original application of paper lumps, using the palm blanks loved by many.

(Click on photo to enlarge)

However, not all children love to cut and paste. Especially for kids who prefer drawing to all other activities, we found it on the learning4kids website an interesting technique for depicting fireworks. Even a two-year-old child can create a clear and bright drawing, and the possibilities of the technology are so diverse that even a ten-year-old child will like it!

So, you will need:

    Toilet paper rolls;


    Small flat palette plates (you can take disposable paper plates for picnics);

    Foil glitter (but you can do without it);

First, we make stamps from toilet paper rolls. if your child is very young, then it is better for the mother to do this. We turn part of the roll into fringe: we cut some to half the height, others to a third, a quarter - all the blanks should be different. Carefully bend the cut strips outward. And p Let's get creative: spread it in saucers acrylic paints or gouache, thick watercolor is also suitable.

The child takes the stamps one by one, starting with the one with the longest stripes, dips them in paint and puts a stamp on the paper. If the paint is liquid, it is better to get several sheets of paper; While the paint dries on one, the child will work on the next one. Then you need to choose a stamp with shorter stripes and leave a mark on top of the first, but in a different color.

On the eve of Victory Day, it's time to talk with your child about the war and make a couple of crafts for May 9th. Just yesterday we talked about a children's craft - and today we will talk about holiday fireworks.

Multi-colored sparkling lights in the dark sky are a favorite sight for many, and of course, not a single child will refuse draw fireworks.

Besides, drawing fireworks suitable for different ages kids, so you can easily select the right equipment for your child.

So how draw Victory fireworks? Of course, with pencils - this method is suitable for the little ones. Interesting idea for drawing fireworks - scratch technique using wax crayons and paints at the same time (you will find instructions below).

For older children, painting fireworks with paints and using various improvised means to imitate fireworks is also suitable. Another notable way is draw fireworks on May 9 on sandpaper. Well, for the advanced we offer step by step instructions, how to draw fireworks in Photoshop.

How to draw Victory fireworks on May 9 step by step

10.How to paint fireworks, video from aljonuwka33.

11. How to draw festive fireworks (children's lesson notes) from the site "Ped-piggy bank".

"Victory salute over Moscow." Master class on drawing.

Master class with step by step photos using non-traditional drawing techniques for middle-age children preschool age.

Bosin Sasha (6 years old), student of the compensatory group.
Supervisor: Sedykh Nina Pavlovna, teacher of the compensatory group of MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 7" combined type, Perm region, Aleksandrovsk.
Description: This master class will be useful for educators and teachers additional education, children of middle preschool age.
Purpose: to participate in the exhibition of drawings for the holiday of May 9, to decorate the interior.

Target: Learn to depict fireworks using unconventional techniques drawing.
Introduce children to the “salt painting” technique
Develop creative imagination, fantasy;
Develop compositional skills, spatial concepts:
Form patriotic feelings.

On May 9, the whole country will celebrate the 70th anniversary of the glorious Victory of our courageous people over Nazi Germany.
It is important for everyone, especially children, to experience the Victory Day. After all, they will have to preserve the memory of a great event in the history of our country. This is why it is so important to introduce children to history. home country, teach to love her, appreciate and respect the merits and exploits of our veterans. Children should know that there is a peaceful sky above their heads thanks to the dedication, courage, perseverance, heroism and faith in the victory of their great-grandparents. Therefore, together with them we sing songs about the war, read poems, organize exhibitions of drawings, and hold festive events.

I would like to talk about a wonderful tradition that appeared in 1943 during the Great Patriotic War. The tradition of saluting the heroes of the Great Patriotic War was born when the Red Army liberated Oryol and Belgorod. Stalin suggested that the high command celebrate this event with special solemnity, preferably with fireworks. “In the old days, when troops won victories, bells were rung in all churches. We will also commemorate our victory with dignity,” he said.

During the Great Patriotic War, more than 350 fireworks lit up the sky. The most spectacular was on May 9, 1945 - 30 salvoes from 1000 guns, after which the tradition of festive fireworks was interrupted for 20 years. The first post-war fireworks took place only in 1965. And to this day we can see this wonderful spectacle, which takes place in Moscow and the hero cities of our huge country.
On the eve of the Victory Day, a competition “Victory Salute” was announced in our city, at which works in various techniques were presented. We had a difficult task ahead of us. How to create unusual drawing, which would convey all the beauty of the festive victory fireworks.
Thousands of different bouquets
Light up the sky on holiday!
In the dark these bouquets
Suddenly they explode:
They bloom with all colors -
And the minutes don't live -
They are crumbling.
V. Musatov.
I work with “special” children. In art classes, we most often use non-traditional drawing techniques. Children enjoy drawing with their fingers and palms. I really like to draw with stamps, threads, crumpled paper, and make prints various items. Therefore, to depict the fireworks, we used the “dry brush” technique, “salt painting” and appliqué elements. The work is called “Victory Salute over Moscow.” The author of the drawing is Sasha Bosin.
Progress of the master class:
For work we will need:
a sheet of paper, preferably Whatman paper;
watercolors, gouache;
colored paper(black 5x6, red 1.5x1.5);
tools (bristle brush, wide brush, pencil, scissors);
PVA glue.

We mark on a piece of paper with a pencil where approximately our fireworks will be located.

Before you start drawing, you need to wet a sheet of paper using a wide brush. Sasha decided to draw fireworks in Moscow and in the night sky. Therefore, we needed watercolors in blue, purple and black.
Apply paint in stripes of different colors. We are waiting for it to dry.

We take salt and pour it in the form of circles on the marks, you can simply pour it in a chaotic manner.

We wait until the paint is completely dry, remove the salt. We got circles in the form of stains.

Since it is very difficult for Sasha to draw the Kremlin, I cut out the silhouette of the Kremlin and a small red star for him. You can make a stencil of the Kremlin and make an impression using foam rubber.

Glue the finished form.
Take a bristle brush and white gouache. Dry the brush on a napkin and draw with the tip of the brush, striking the resulting circles.

We used yellow, green and red gouache when drawing the fireworks.

We draw white traces in the sky from the fireworks.

The result was a wonderful drawing “Victory Salute in Moscow.”
See what drawings the children made for the exhibition using unconventional drawing techniques.

grattage technique.

technique "drawing with wax chalk and watercolor".

technique "application of napkins (flagella)".

"raw on wet" technique.

drawing with soap bubbles

"impression" technique.

spray technique
...Volleys of guns thundering like fireworks
They sprinkle fragments of souls on the ground.
There is no need to choose the right words,
Let the carcass be distributed in honor of the Victory.
V. Kotsenko
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