Children's drawings on the theme of Mother's Day. How to draw a mother beautifully and easily: step-by-step instructions for children. What to draw for mom as a gift for Mother's Day, birthday, or just because

Congratulating your mother, this dear, beloved, close to your heart person, you really want to make a special impression on her by giving her something special, non-standard and unlike anything else. For example, a “homemade creation,” such as a painting, postcard, or photo collage made by yourself. At the same time, these “torments” are accompanied by small doubts: how to draw a gift for mom in such a way that this congratulation looks beautiful, original and does not turn into a mediocre and cheap caricature?

Despite all the apparent complexity of this process, as it may seem to people far from art, this task is quite doable if you approach it with patience and desire. The main thing is to clearly follow your goal, step by step following the instructions of professionals, thanks to which your “work of art” will definitely turn out interesting and effective.

Choosing materials for work

First you need to decide on the composition of the materials you will work with. You can draw on anything: paper, glass, fabric, ceramics, etc. However, if you do not have the relevant experience, it is better not to experiment and prefer paper or cardboard. The paper for a future painting or postcard should have a dense structure and a good, even white color. An equally good option is white cardboard. As for the format, it is most convenient to use A4 sheets, which, if desired, can be folded in half if you plan to make a greeting card.

Direct “tools of labor” can also be anything. A drawing for mom can be depicted using acrylic, watercolor, oil paints, gouaches, felt-tip pens, pencils and other “tools” for creativity. Choose from them those that you know how to handle best.

Stock up on good things in advance with a simple pencil and an eraser to create the outline of the drawing. The best pencils for this purpose are TM brand pencils, the lead of which has an optimal consistency.

Thinking through the concept of the future film

Having decided on the “field of activity”, you can begin to implement main task: developing the plot of the future work of art. You can be sure that any of your “creative quests” will please your mother, but in order for her to be truly proud of you, you should try and show the maximum of your creativity and imagination.

When developing the concept of a drawing, you can take as a basis the reason for which it will be awarded. That is, if you are preparing a holiday card for your mother for New Year, then its design should correspond to the theme of this holiday. In this case, it would be more appropriate if it depicts the constant New Year’s attributes: snowflakes, fir branches, as well as favorites fairy tale characters, such as Father Frost and Snow Maiden, etc.

If the reason for creating your creative work became March 8, then the picture can depict spring flowers, birds, etc.

If you have difficulty creating a suitable plot, you can use ready-made options, borrowing them from postcards and magazines. The main thing is not to forget that this congratulation is addressed to your mother, so take into account her personal tastes and preferences when creating it.

In order to check how your chosen composition will look, you can draw it on a small sheet of paper, after which it can be applied to the prepared base.

Let's start drawing

After you have finally decided on what will be depicted in the future painting and make it preliminary sketch on the draft, you can move on to the next stage: creating a sketch. To do this, you can use the same simple pencil, but you should work with it as carefully as possible, without putting too much pressure on the paper, otherwise unsightly dents will remain on it. If errors appear, you can correct them using an eraser, not forgetting to remove the resulting “pellets” from the sheet in order to avoid the appearance of mud stains on the future painting.

If your artistic experience leaves much to be desired, it is better to draw the main figures of the future painting in stages. Detailed recommendations on this matter can be found on the Internet. For example, you can draw daisy flowers as follows:

After the sketch is drawn, we begin the process of painting and decorating the drawing. In order to obtain an optimal result, the following points must be taken into account:

    • For greater expressiveness of the drawing along the contour, it can be outlined with black gel pen or a felt-tip pen. The next work, that is, painting itself, must be started after waiting until the outline is thoroughly dry, so as not to smudge it.
    • If you decide to use colored pencils to create a future painting, keep in mind that all dash lines created with their help must have the same direction.
    • If you are working with paints, rinse your brush as often as possible to maintain the purity and richness of the shades used in your work. Be sure to let them dry thoroughly so that the applied image does not spread on the paper.
    • To decorate “your masterpiece” you can use various decorative elements: glitter, adhesive-based pictures, ornaments, etc., which can be purchased at specialized art stores. In addition, if desired, a picture or postcard can be supplemented with a congratulatory inscription, for the application of which you can use a stencil purchased in a store or made independently. This is necessary so that the text added to the drawing looks harmonious and does not disturb its overall composition.

And here are two more video tutorials on drawing a portrait and a rose.

When creating a gift for mom with your own hands, remember that it is not yours that will give it special value. artistic ability, but the sincerity of your feelings and love for this person. Don’t be afraid to show them, and the best reward for your efforts and efforts will be the happy smile of your dear and beloved mother and her good mood on an important holiday for her!

March 8, International Women's Day, is approaching, and many people want to please their mother with a touching gift - a portrait. However, drawing a mother beautifully step by step with a pencil is not an easy task even for experienced artists, and for a child it can be quite difficult. I'll show you how to draw a mom easily and without extra effort - just repeat all the steps step by step lesson. You will need a pencil, an eraser and paper; we will color with any suitable material for this - paints, colored pencils, crayons, felt-tip pens and anything else at all.

Since we are drawing a portrait of a mother for March 8 or Mother's Day for children, we will need to draw the face and shoulders. People have an oval face shape, so let's start drawing by building a base like this. I leave the top open, that's where we'll draw the hairstyle. You may not succeed the first time, but it doesn’t matter - just use the eraser and correct mistakes as you go.

Now we need to draw mom’s neck. These will be two smooth lines, you should get something like this.

Now we need to beautifully draw mom’s face. I always start drawing faces from the eyes, and my mother’s portrait for March 8th will be no exception. We draw two almond-shaped shapes, and a little higher - the lines of the eyebrows. Here it is especially important to remember what kind of eyes your mother has and try to imitate their shape.

Just below I draw a neat nose in the form of just two lines. Look, it's very easy to draw, but at the same time such a nose looks natural. A little lower I draw the lips and a light line above the chin.

We correct the contours a little - do not be afraid to correct the portrait of your mother on March 8th with a pencil if you want it to turn out beautifully. Here I draw the folds above the eyes, the iris and pupils, as well as the eyelashes. If your mommy has moles, birthmarks or other features on her face, be sure to reflect them!

All that's left to do is draw mom's hair and ears. We draw the ears at approximately the same level as the eyes, and the hairstyle will be the same as your mother’s. At my mom's short hair with a small bang, that's why I draw it that way.

Next you need to draw the clothes. I draw a neat collar, you can draw your mother’s favorite sweater, top, top of the dress. You can add other details - for example, mother’s beautiful beads, earrings and other jewelry that she really likes.

If your mom has a different hairstyle - e.g. long hair, high ponytail, bob or anything else - draw with a pencil exactly how it looks. For example, you might end up with something like this.

And now our portrait of our mother needs to be colored step by step! I paint mommy's skin beige and add some blush to her cheeks. Hair is a pleasant brown shade. My mother’s eyes are special - one is green, the other is green with a brown spot, I also reflect this in my drawing so that the portrait for March 8th is more recognizable. I don't forget to make the shadows an orange tone on the skin. I paint my clothes green to match my eyes.

So, I showed you how a child can draw his mother beautifully for March 8 or Mother’s Day. If you decide to draw a picture of your mother and you succeed, be sure to share the result in the comments, I’m very interested to see. If you have any problems, you can also ask for help in the comments.

Drawing mom:step by step drawing for children, step by step photos, examples of children's portraits of mother.

We draw a mother with children

Do you yet have a family portrait of your mother drawn by your child? Today we will draw it with the children! By analogy, you can make a portrait of a grandmother, sister, or a child’s favorite teacher and give it as a gift for a birthday, March 8, or Mother’s Day.

Before drawing a portrait, be sure to have a conversation with your children.

Preparing to draw a mother with preschool children

Discuss using photos of people close and familiar to the child, illustrations from children's books about family:

—What shape is a person’s face?

— What shape is mom’s face? Which characteristic features has a face?

— What color are mom’s eyes?

— Are mom’s eyebrows dark or light?

— What color is your hair?

— What hairstyle does mom wear? short haircut, fluffy hair, hair gathered in a bun at the top or back)?

Drawing mom: step-by-step drawing for children

Step 1. Draw mom's face

Draw an oval face. (You need to draw with a simple pencil; here in the master class a felt-tip pen is used so that you can see the lines more clearly).

Step 2. Draw the mother's neck and shoulders

Divide the oval in half vertically (from top to bottom). It is advisable to draw all lines with very light pencil pressure.

Draw the neck and shoulders.

Step 3

— Divide the resulting vertical line into three equal segments.

— Draw two thin horizontal lines through the obtained points, dividing the oval of the face into three parts.

Step 4. Draw eyebrows, mother's eyes

— Draw eyebrows under the upper dividing line. We make sure that the eyebrows are at an equal distance from the center of the face.

— Draw almond-shaped eyes under the eyebrows.

- Draw a circle in the center of the eye - an iris.

- Draw a smaller circle in the iris - the pupil.

Step 5. Draw the nose, mouth, ears of mom

— From the eyebrow line to the bottom dividing line, draw a nose.

- Divide the lowest vertical segment in half and draw a line for the mouth - a concave line.

— Draw a mouth above the resulting line upper lips two curved segments.

— Under the line of the mouth, draw the lower lips with a more concave line

— Draw ears between the first and second dividing horizontal lines.

Step 6

— Now let’s take paints and brushes of different numbers. Use a thin brush to draw eyebrows, eye contours, and eyelashes with black paint. If the eyebrows are light, draw them with light paint.

- Draw an iris with blue paint. If mom’s eyes are a different color, then paint the iris with the desired color.

- Draw a pupil with black paint.

Step 7

Paint lips with red paint. Mark the line of the mouth with a thin line using darker paint.

Step 8. Draw mom's dress and hairstyle

— Draw a dress, preferably your mother’s favorite one. Draw beads if she wears them. Or a chain with a pendant.

- Draw hair. It is important to convey to children the idea that hair is drawn in the direction of its growth. IN in this case In the picture for this article we drew a bob hairstyle. The hair falls in even strands from top to bottom, covering the ears. Let's start drawing on the right side of the face by moving the brush from top to bottom from the middle of the forehead. Do not forget to hold the brush vertically. Pay attention to the fact that we tear the brush off the sheet of paper and move it again from top to bottom, and not “here and there.”

— If mom’s hair is long, draw it lower, it will fall over her shoulders and onto her dress.

Likewise right side draw hair on the left side of the face.

If the mother has a hairstyle with an open forehead, then as a result of this step the portrait of the mother will look something like this.

Step 9

If your mother has bangs, then you need to paint the bangs with a thin brush, moving the brush from top to bottom. At the top we draw lines closer to the center, at the bottom we draw lines to the sides.

You should watch your mother’s hairstyle: the bangs may be short, they go only in the forehead or from the center of the head. Then in the drawing you should draw lines from the center of the head in the shape of a triangle.

That's how different mothers are! Below you will see drawings of children who drew their mother in this master class. Notice how differently they portrayed their mothers!

Drawing mom: examples of children's drawings

How to draw a gift for mom - the artists' advice will be very useful. Not everyone can imagine a drawing that can be put on paper, beautifully designed and presented.

But knowing some tricks, even the most inept person will find the strength to swing a brush at a piece of paper. And we will help you create unusual drawing as a gift to mom.

To draw a simple picture, you also need instructions - how to draw a line correctly, visually mark a sheet of paper. As a rule, the most light pattern What is considered is not a portrait where the oval face and symmetrical features are visible, but landscapes and still lifes. Until your hand is full, you can try to create several types of drawings using simple techniques.

Sakura technique No. 1

We will draw a drawing of a gift for mom according to the principle - easier and simpler. To do this, we will select the most simple tree in execution and try to display it on the canvas in several stages.

Try to draw several curved lines connected to each other.

Add small and thin ones to large branches. These will be branches, just like in real trees.

Mark the place where the flowers will grow. Remember that the flowers overlap the trunk and branches of the tree, so in the end you will either have to remove the “hidden” parts or paint over them.

Add shadows and hearts in the flowers. Don't forget about strokes and shades. A simple gray pencil has many color shades.

Draw the branches with short lines to represent the bark. Mark the flowers with folds in the form of small dots.

Tip: If you want to make the drawing in color, do not focus too much on the branches - they will not be visible in the exact description as in the beginning. If you really want, you can add more flowers to completely hide the trunks.

Sakura technique No. 2

If you can’t create beautiful branches at all, use liquid watercolor paints and a tube:

  • Place a few drops on paper;
  • Using a straw, blow air onto the drop, directing the air in the direction in which you want to move the branch;
  • Do the same with the same drop in the other direction.

The paint will behave differently - it can go to the side, it can bend in an arc, and it can also go beyond the sheet. Practice before you start. In the meantime, we are drawing a gift for mom according to the planned master class.

Draw a few freehand lines to form the base of the tree.

Use paint using a plastic bottle. Dip the bottom into a container of paint.

Place the bottom of the bottle on the paper and immediately remove the bottle. This way the paint won’t stick and you’ll get beautiful petals. If you hold a bottle of paint on the surface of the sheet for a long time, after removing the bottom of the bottle, the paint will not spread over the resulting empty spaces, and the drawing will need to be completed manually with a brush.

Do the same with the other flowers, but make sure that the paint does not dry on the bottom of the bottle, otherwise you will get sticky spots instead of flowers.

For variety you can use different colors, but this will require different bottles.

In the end it turns out beautiful tree, created in a simple way drawing.

The article contains master classes with pictures that will help you beautifully draw a mother and child.

The best gift for a mother on March 8, for her birthday, or just because is a child’s drawing in which she is depicted with her baby. They draw this with love; the lack of technique can be filled with the help of master classes in the article.

How to draw a mother and child with a pencil step by step for beginners and children?

All little children love to draw, and they draw what is close to them, what surrounds them, what they understand.
Most main man in a child's life it is the mother. Mom is kindness, affection, care, tenderness.

As a rule, small children draw human face or a figure schematically, according to the “arms-legs-cucumber” principle. The most important thing in such drawings is the details. The main details are hair, its color, length. Most often, mother is recognized by them.

  1. Mom should have a dress, even if she wears jeans to work.
  2. At mom's children's drawing some accessory stands out. These are either earrings or a print on clothes, something that will help you recognize your mother.
  3. There is a child next to the mother. He either stands nearby, holding his mother’s hand, or plays nearby. Young children also draw a picture of a child using the same principle.

Another thing is older children. Perhaps they are given the task of drawing a mother for the holiday of March 8th. Here you really need to try and clearly draw both the face and the figure.

  1. Sit down with your child and help him mark a sheet of paper so that the drawing is proportional and harmonious.
  2. By using geometric shapes outline the body parts of mother and child: ovals for heads, cubes for torsos and hips, circles different sizes for the neck, waist and joints of the arms and legs.
  3. Faces are marked with a grid.
  4. Let the child, focusing on the grid markings, draw the faces of the mother and child.
  5. Next, you should choose hairstyles. Mom - with bangs and wavy hair, daughter - with pigtails (as in the picture - instructions, but maybe a son, if a boy draws). The hair is properly shaded.
  6. The contours of the figures of mother and child should be smoothed out, made smoother, and the circles – joints – should be connected.
  7. Help your child “dress” the figures with T-shirts, skirts and shoes.
  8. Now you need to carefully erase the auxiliary lines.
  9. What about the accessories that complement the images of mother and daughter? You can use them to finish drawing bags, and give your little one a teddy bear to hold. Mark the folds on the clothing by shading. You can also use shading to make clothes of different colors: the daughter’s is darker, the mother’s is lighter.
  10. Figure out how to fill the background. For example, depict nature, as in the instruction picture, or the interior of a room.

Mom and child pencil step by step for beginners and children: step 1.

Mom and child pencil step by step for beginners and children: step 2.

Mom and child pencil step by step for beginners and children: step 3.

Mom and child pencil step by step for beginners and children: step 4.

Mom and child pencil step by step for beginners and children: step 5.

Mom and child pencil step by step for beginners and children: step 6.

Mom and child pencil step by step for beginners and children: step 7.

Mom and child pencil step by step for beginners and children: step 8.

Mom and child pencil step by step for beginners and children.

VIDEO: Drawing a woman with a child

How to draw two faces: a child and a mother step by step?

  1. Draw an oval of the face and draw a central vertical line in it for the symmetry of the face, as well as horizontal lines where the eyes, nose and mouth will be. Above the upper horizontal line there will be eyes, between the lines there will be a nose, and below the lower one there will be a mouth.
  2. When drawing eyes, you need to remember that the distance between them is equal to the width of the nose. Above the eyes you need to draw eyelids and eyebrows.
  3. Draw the lips no lower than half the distance from the nose. A few sketchy guide lines may help. Then these sketchy lines will be removed.
  4. The next stage is detailing. From the oval you need to outline the contours of the face, draw the pupils and add contours to the nose and lips.
  5. The final stage is hair, hairstyle of mother and child, erasing auxiliary lines.

Mom's face step by step: step 1.

Mom's face step by step: step 2.

Mom's face step by step: step 3.

Mom's face step by step: step 4.

Mom's face step by step: step 5.

Mom's face step by step: step 6.

IMPORTANT: The child’s face should be more rounded than the mother’s, and his features should be softer.

Here is another master class for older children and adults: a portrait of a mother and daughter in profile.

  1. Draw the outlines of the faces. For this, it is advisable to have a hard pencil.
  2. Draw the outlines of the hair.
  3. Detail the lips, eyes and nose.
  4. Now take soft pencil and draw shadows on their faces. Blend the shadows.
  5. Draw the hair hard pencil, softly ask them dark tone. Highlight the hair strands with separate dark strokes.

Portrait of mother and daughter in profile: stage 1.

Portrait of mother and daughter in profile: stage 2.

Portrait of mother and daughter in profile: stage 3.

Portrait of mother and daughter in profile: stage 4.

Portrait of mother and daughter in profile: stage 5.

Portrait of mother and daughter in profile.

Pencil drawings of mother and child for sketching

You can draw this portrait of mother and son step by step.

Pencil portrait of mother and son step by step: step 1.

Pencil portrait of mother and son step by step: step 2.

Portrait of mother and son in pencil step by step: steps 3-4.

Portrait of mother and son in pencil step by step: step 5.

Portrait of mother and son in pencil step by step: step 6.

Portrait of mother and son in pencil step by step: steps 11-12.

Portrait of mother and son in pencil for sketching.

Children's drawings on the theme - mother

Mom is an endless household. You need to cook, feed, clean, check, wash and much, much more. Therefore, the drawings of mother and child mostly look similar:

  • mother tenderly hugging her child
  • mother holding baby's hand
  • Mom is like the core of the whole family, holding hands together
  • mother doing housework with a child playing or drawing next to her

VIDEO: How to draw a mother?

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