Relatives and friends of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). Brief biography of the prophet Muhammad

Quotes: 1. Faith is witnessing with the heart, speaking with the tongue, and confirming with the deeds of your body. 2. A Muslim is one who never harms another with his tongue or hands 3. Every part of a human being must give charity, every day from sunrise. 4. Do not commit violence against others and do not allow violence against yourself. 5. If what I do is for the benefit of me and my faith, my life now and then, my task is easy and blessed. 6. Treat your parents sacredly, then you will see grace from your children. Be pure to your wives, then they will be pure to you! 7. Only a noble man honors a woman, but only a scoundrel humiliates her! 8. Respect women, they are your mothers, wives and sisters. 9. He who knows himself knows his Lord. 10. He who knows the Truth and follows it is safe. 11. Those who do not show mercy themselves will not have mercy! 12. True wealth is the wealth of the soul. 13. He is not blind whose eyes do not see, but he is blind whose mind is blind. 14. You can neither cause evil to people nor compensate them with evil. 15. It is truly a great joy to be sincere and honest.


Social position: Muhammad is a spiritual teacher and prophet of Islam, a political and military leader.
Main contribution: Muhammad is the founder of the religion of Islam. His great achievement there was a unification of Arab tribes. He created a new powerful state, the Arab Empire or Caliphate.
Deposits: Muhammad is the founder of the religion of Islam (which means "submission") and is considered by Muslims as the messenger and final prophet of God (Arabic: Allah).
He was a religious, political and military leader, moral and social reformer who founded the Muslim community. Muslims believe that he revived the true, original monotheistic faith (Islam) of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and other prophets.
Muslims believe that Muhammad was the last prophet and messenger of God, "The Seal of the Prophets". At the same time, Islam traditionally recognizes that Muhammad received the final revelation in the form of the Koran for all mankind and for all times.
According to the Qur'an, God gave Muhammad six virtues:
He was endowed with the gift of laconic and perfect speech.
He won complete victory over your fears.
He acquired the legal right to all spoils of war.
The whole earth was named as a place of worship to him.
He was sent by Allah to carry His Divine message to the whole world.
He completed the series of prophets.
The main tenets of his teaching were: There is only one God, people must obey Him in everything and always, in this world the nations were severely punished for rejecting the prophets of God, and heaven and hell await the current generation, the world will come to the Day of Judgment.
Muhammad's teachings stated:
Five pillars of Islam(Sunni) - 5 main duties of the religious ritual of Islam:
1. Shahada (faith) - testifies that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger;
2. Salat (prayer) - performing daily five prayers.
3. Zakat (almsgiving) is the giving of alms, especially during Ramadan.
4. Syam - fasting during the month of Ramadan.
5. Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca, where the Al-Haram Mosque (Holy Mosque), the most famous Islamic mosque, is located.
Muhammad prescribed frequent prayer and almsgiving as religious duties and prohibited usury.
Ethical system of Islam includes several basic principles that enable all people to live in love, peace and harmony. One of Muhammad's most important contributions to development social relations is his affirmation of the principles of universal brotherhood and the doctrine of equality of mankind. According to Islam, all races and nationalities are equal, women are equal to men in their humanity, but simply have different responsibilities.
Muslims were ordered to respect representatives of all faiths and even atheists. Hatred towards other cultures and religions was prohibited.
Muhammad taught: Respect and love your parents, even if they don't treat you the way you want. Help others whenever you can, giving to the poor is a must. Thus, Muslims must respect all living things (including plants). The killing of civilians is strictly prohibited in the Koran (“the killing of one person is the murder of all humanity”). Robbery, fraud, breaking a promise, lying and prostitution, alcohol and drugs were strictly prohibited. It is recognized that Allah sees everything that people do.
One of the greatest life lessons that the ministry of Muhammad gives is the importance of fulfilling one's destiny and the importance of constant effort and right actions. “Truly, God loves those who do good!” (3:134), “Allah is on the side of those who do their duty and those who do good deeds.” (Sura “Bees”, 127-128.) and “For those who do good, there is an even greater and more beautiful good” (Sura “Yunus”, 10:26)
In 632, after completing the pilgrimage to Mecca, Muhammad said famous speech, which was known as the Last Sermon.
In his Last Sermon, He said: have rights over your women, and your women have rights over you... You are all descendants of Adam, and Adam was created from clay. And an Arab has no advantage over a non-Arab, and a non-Arab has no advantage over an Arab. And there is no advantage white man before a black man, and a black man before a white man, except perhaps in fear of God. Truly, truly, I say to you, the noblest of you is the one who fears God the most and does good deeds.
“Today I have perfected your religion for your sake, completed My favor towards you and approved Islam for you as a religion. …” (Quran 5:3). One of his last words were: “We, the community of Prophets, do not leave a legacy. Everything that remains after us should be given to charity.”
Muhammad was also a successful diplomat, merchant, philosopher, orator, legislator, reformer, and military leader. His great achievement was the unification of the Arab tribes. In Medina he built his model of a theocratic state and from there he ruled his rapidly growing empire. Muhammad created a new powerful state from Atlantic Ocean to the Indus River, which later grew into the Arab Empire or Caliphate.
Main works: The Koran, which according to Islam is a collection of revelations spoken in the name of Allah by the Prophet Muhammad. The Koran was written down from the words of Muhammad by his companions.


Origin: He was born in 570 in the Arab city of Mecca. Muhammad was the son of Abdallah ibn Abd al-Muttalib, a merchant from the ruling tribe, and his wife Amina.
Education: As a child, he did not attend school and had no teachers. However, he possessed the highest degree of wisdom, understanding and was famous for his eloquence and purity of language.
Life and ministry of Muhammad:
Dissatisfied with his life in Mecca, he would from time to time go to one of the caves in the surrounding mountains for meditation and reflection.
First revelation (610). According to Islamic beliefs, at the age of 40, in the month of Ramadan 610, Muhammad received his first revelation from God.
Archangel Gabriel appeared to him in a cave on Mount Hira near Mecca and told Muhammad that he was the messenger of God. Gabriel ordered him to read the verses sent by God and told Muhammad: “Iqraa”, that is, “Read”. In addition, Gabriel ordered him to begin preaching the Message.
These revelations continued for Muhammad for 23 years until his death. The collection of these revelations formed the contents of Islam's holy book, the Koran, which was memorized and written down by his followers, and compiled into a single book shortly after his death.
Preaching and Resistance (613-621). Three years later, around 613, he began to preach publicly, calling on the rich to help the poor and demanding the destruction of idols. In the early years, Muhammad converted many people to his faith and attracted disciples and followers.
In 619, his wife Khadija and his uncle Abu Talib died and this year was called the “year of sadness.”
Night travel. According to Islamic tradition, around the year 621, Muhammad experienced Isra and Miraj, a miraculous night journey with the angel Gabriel. Both of them mounted the white winged horse Al-Buraq and set off on a journey to Jerusalem, where he met Abraham and Moses. They then made a second journey beyond time and space through the seven heavens. Most Muslims consider it a physical journey, while others say it is a spiritually metaphorical vision.
Madina and the rise to power (622-630). In 622, the Quraish rulers decided to kill the prophet. Gabriel informed the Prophet of their plan and asked him to leave Mecca immediately.
On September 24, 622, he and his followers who remained in Mecca moved to Medina (then called Yathrib). This flight, known as the Hijra, marks the beginning of the Muslim era. This year marked the beginning of the Muslim Hijri calendar: 1A.H. (After Hijra -English, after Hijra).
In Medina, Muhammad united the conflicting tribes of the Arabian Peninsula into a federation of allied tribes with its capital in Medina. During his stay in Medina, Muhammad took several women as wives, mostly for political or humanitarian reasons. After 8 years of fighting against the Meccan tribes, Muhammad strengthened his position in the region, conducting several successful military campaigns. His fame increased, and in 629 he made the pilgrimage to Mecca without hindrance.
In 630 he marched against Mecca, who surrendered without a fight. He declared an amnesty for past crimes and converted most of the people of Mecca to Islam. Thus, he won control of all of Arabia and became the ruler of the Muslims.
Main stages of personal life: Muhammad's father Abdallah died almost six months before his birth. He lost his mother when he was 6 years old and was left an orphan. Muhammad was given to the guardianship of his grandfather Abd al-Muttalib, and after 2 years, to his uncle Abu Talib, who raised him until he came of age. Muhammad grew up to become a successful and wealthy merchant.
In 595, when he was 25 years old, he married Khadija, a wealthy forty-year-old widow. Their happy marriage lasted 25 years and he did not have another wife during Khadija’s lifetime. He had six children with her - four daughters and two sons, who both died in childhood. All of his children, with the exception of his two daughters, Fatima and Zeinab, died during his lifetime.
Muhammad is one of the most influential figures in history. Islamic tradition emphasizes it exclusively human nature. He professed the most simple, strict and modest way of life. He spent one or two thirds of each night in prayer and meditation.
They say that Muhammad was strongly built, with a prominent forehead, a hooked nose, large brown-black eyes and a pleasant smile. He showed great tact in communicating with people and, if necessary, gentleness and even tenderness. Muhammad still serves as an example for all Muslims and is perceived as supreme example imitation.
He made his last trip to Mecca in 632, establishing the rite of Hajj or pilgrimage to Mecca. A few months after returning to Medina, Muhammad fell ill and died in the arms of his beloved wife Aisha, on Monday, June 8, 632, at the age of 63.
He was buried in the same place where he died, on the site where Aisha's house was and where the Prophet's Mosque in Medina is currently located.

This article presents the biography of the Prophet Muhammad, the most important figure in the Muslim world. It was to him that Allah handed over the Koran - the Holy Scriptures.

The biography of the Prophet Muhammad begins around 570 AD. e., when he was born. This happened in Saudi Arabia (Mecca), in the Quraish tribe (Hashim clan). Abdullah, Muhammad's father, died before he was born. And the mother of the Prophet Muhammad, Amina, passed away when he was only 6 years old. She was the daughter of the leader of the Zurkha clan from the local Quraish tribe. One day, the mother of the Prophet Muhammad decided to go to Medina with her son in order to visit the grave of Abdullah and her relatives. After staying here for about a month, they went back to Mecca. Amina became seriously ill along the way and died in the village of al-Abwa. This happened around 577. Thus, Muhammad remained an orphan.

The childhood of the future prophet

The future prophet was first raised by Abd al-Muttalib, his grandfather, a man of exceptional piety. Then the upbringing was continued by the merchant Abu Talib, Muhammad's uncle. The Arabs at that time were inveterate pagans. However, some adherents of monotheism stood out among them (for example, Abd al-Muttalib). The bulk of the Arabs lived in the territories that originally belonged to them, living a nomadic life. There were few cities. The main ones include Mecca, Taif and Yathrib.

Muhammad becomes famous

From his youth, the Prophet was distinguished by exceptional piety and piety. He, like his grandfather, believed in one God. Muhammad first tended his flocks and then began to take part in the trading affairs of Abu Talib, his uncle. Gradually Muhammad became famous. People loved him and gave him the nickname al-Amin (meaning "trustworthy"). This is what the Prophet Muhammad was called as a sign of respect for his piety, prudence, justice and honesty.

Muhammad's marriage to Khadija, children of the prophet

Later, Muhammad conducted the trading business of a wealthy widow named Khadija. She invited him after some time to marry her. The couple lived happy life, despite the significant age difference. They had six children. All the children of the Prophet Muhammad were from Khadija, except Ibrahim, who was born after her death. In those days, polygamy was common among the Arabs, but Muhammad remained faithful to his wife. Other wives of the Prophet Muhammad appeared to him only after the death of Khadija. This also says a lot about him as an honest person. The children of the Prophet Muhammad had the following names: his sons - Ibrahim, Abdullah, Kasim; daughters - Ummukulsum, Fatima, Ruqiya, Zainab.

Prayers in the mountains, Gabriel's first revelation

Muhammad, as usual, retired to the mountains surrounding Mecca and retired there for a long time. His seclusion sometimes lasted several days. He especially liked the cave of Mount Hira, towering majestically above Mecca. It was here that the Prophet Muhammad received his first revelation. A photo of the cave is presented below.

On one of his visits, which took place in 610, when Muhammad was about 40 years old, it happened to him amazing event, which completely changed his life. In a vision that came suddenly, the angel Gabriel (Jabrail) appeared before him. He pointed to the words that appeared from outside and ordered Muhammad to pronounce them. He objected, saying that he was illiterate, so he could not read them. However, the angel insisted, and suddenly the meaning of the words was revealed to the prophet. The angel ordered him to learn them and pass them on exactly to the rest of the people.

This was the first revelation of the book known today as the Qur'an (from the Arabic word for "reading"). This night full of events, fell on the 27th of Ramadan and became known as Laylat al-Qadr. It is the most important event for believers, which marks the history of the Prophet Muhammad. From now on, his life no longer belonged to him. She was given over to the care of God, in whose service he spent the rest of his days, proclaiming his messages everywhere.

Further revelations

The Prophet, receiving revelations, did not always see the angel Gabriel, and when this happened, he appeared in different guises. Sometimes Gabriel appeared before the prophet in human form, which darkened the horizon. Sometimes Muhammad could only catch his gaze on him. The Prophet heard at times only a voice speaking to him. Muhammad sometimes received revelations while deep in prayer. However, in other cases, words appeared completely “randomly” when, for example, the prophet was engaged in daily activities, went for a walk, or listened to a meaningful conversation. At first, Muhammad avoided public sermons. He preferred personal conversation with people.

Condemnation of Muhammad by the people

A special way of performing Muslim prayer was revealed to him, and Muhammad immediately began pious exercises. He did them daily. This caused a whole wave of criticism from those who saw it. Muhammad, having received the highest order to carry out a public sermon, was cursed and ridiculed by the people, who mocked his actions and statements. Many Quraysh, meanwhile, became seriously alarmed, realizing that the persistence with which Muhammad asserted faith in one God could undermine the prestige of polytheism, as well as lead to the decline of idolatry when people began to convert to the faith of Muhammad. Some of the prophet's relatives became his main opponents. They ridiculed and humiliated Muhammad, and also committed evil against converts. There are many examples of abuse and mockery of people who have accepted a new faith.

Migration of the first Muslims to Abyssinia

The short biography of the Prophet Muhammad continued with a move to Abyssinia. Seeking refuge, two large groups of early Muslims moved here. Here the Christian negus (king), who was very impressed with their way of life and teaching, agreed to patronize them. The Quraysh imposed a ban on all personal, military, business, and trade relations with the Hashim clan. It was strictly forbidden for representatives of this clan to appear in Mecca. Very hard times came, many Muslims were doomed to severe poverty.

Death of Khadija and Abu Talib, new marriage

The biography of the Prophet Muhammad was marked at this time by other sad events. Khadija, his wife, died in 619. She was his most devoted assistant and supporter. Abu Talib, Muhammad's uncle, died that same year. Namely, he protected him from the fierce attacks of his fellow tribesmen. The Prophet, stricken with grief, left Mecca. He decided to go to Taif and find refuge here, but was rejected. Muhammad's friends betrothed the pious widow Sauda as his wife, who turned out to be worthy woman and also a Muslim. Aisha, the young daughter of Abu Bakr, his friend, knew and loved the prophet all her life. And although she was still very young for marriage, according to the customs of that time, she nevertheless entered the family of Muhammad.

The essence of Muslim polygamy

The wives of the Prophet Muhammad are a separate topic. Some people are confused by this part of his biography. The misconception that exists among people who do not understand the reasons for polygamy in the Muslim world should be dispelled. At that time, a Muslim who took several women as wives at once did this out of a sense of compassion, providing them with shelter and his protection. Men were also encouraged to help the spouses of their friends killed in battle and to provide them with separate houses. They should have been treated as close relatives (of course, in the case of mutual love, everything could have been different).

Ascension Night

The biography of the Prophet Muhammad was marked by another the most important event. In 619, the Prophet had to experience the second amazing night of his life. This is Laylat al-Miraj, the Night of Ascension. It is known that Muhammad was awakened and then transported to Jerusalem on a magical animal. On Mount Zion, over the site of an ancient Jewish temple, the heavens opened. Thus the path opened that led to the throne of the Lord. However, neither he nor the angel Gabriel, who accompanied Muhammad, was allowed to enter the beyond. This is how the ascension of the Prophet Muhammad took place. That night the rules of prayer were revealed to him, which became the focus of faith, as well as the unshakable basis of life for everything. Muslim world. Muhammad also met other prophets, including Moses, Jesus and Abraham. This wonderful event greatly strengthened and consoled him, adding confidence that Allah had not abandoned him and left him alone with his sorrows.

Preparing to move to Yathrib

The fate of Muhammad from now on changed decisively. He was still ridiculed and persecuted in Mecca, but his message had already been heard by many people outside the city. Several elders of Yathrib persuaded the prophet to leave Mecca and move to their city, where he would be received with honor as a judge and leader. Jews and Arabs lived together in Yasrib, constantly at odds with each other. They hoped that Muhammad would bring them peace. The Prophet immediately advised many of his followers to go to this city while he himself remained in Mecca in order not to arouse suspicion. After all, after Abu Talib died, the Quraish could easily attack the prophet, even kill him, and Muhammad understood perfectly well that sooner or later this was bound to happen.

Muhammad arrives in Yathrib

Some dramatic events accompany the biography of the Prophet Muhammad during his departure. Muhammad managed to miraculously avoid captivity only thanks to his excellent knowledge of the local deserts. The Quraysh almost captured it several times, but Muhammad still managed to reach the outskirts of Yathrib. He was eagerly awaited in this city. When Muhammad arrived, people flocked to him with offers to settle with them. The Prophet, embarrassed by such hospitality, gave his camel the right to choose. The camel decided to stop at a place where dates were drying. The Prophet was instantly given this place to build a house. The city received a new name - Madinat an-Nabi (translated as “city of the prophet”). It is known today in short form as Medina.

Muhammad's reign in Yathrib

Muhammad immediately began preparing a decree by which he was proclaimed in this city the supreme head of all clans and tribes that were at war with each other. From now on they had to obey the orders of the prophet. Muhammad established that all citizens were free to practice their religion. They must coexist peacefully without fear of the highest disfavor or persecution. Muhammad asked only for one thing - to unite in order to repel any enemy who dared to attack Medina. The tribal laws of the Jews and Arabs were replaced by the principle of “justice for all,” that is, regardless of religion, skin color and social status.

Life of the Prophet Muhammad in Yathrib

The Prophet, having become the ruler of Medina and having acquired great wealth and influence, never lived like a king. His home consisted of simple clay houses that were built for his wives. The life of the Prophet Muhammad was simple - he never even had his own room. A courtyard with a well was located not far from the houses - a place that has now become a mosque, where devout Muslims gather to this day. Almost the entire life of Muhammad was spent in constant prayer, as well as in the instruction of believers. Except five obligatory prayers, performed in the mosque, he devoted a lot of time to solitary prayer, sometimes devoting himself to pious reflections most nights. His wives performed night prayer with him, after which they retired to their chambers. And Muhammad continued to pray for many hours, falling asleep briefly towards the end of the night, only to wake up soon for the pre-dawn prayer.

Deciding to return to Mecca

The Prophet, who dreamed of returning to Mecca, decided in March 628 to make his dream come true. He gathered 1,400 of his followers and set off with them, completely unarmed, in robes consisting of only 2 white veils. The followers of the prophet, despite this, were denied entry into the city. It didn’t even help that Islam was practiced by many citizens of Mecca. The pilgrims, in order to avoid possible clashes, made their sacrifices near Mecca, in an area called Hudaibiya. Muhammad in 629 began plans to conquer Mecca peacefully. The truce concluded at Hudaibiya turned out to be short-lived. The Meccans again attacked a tribe allied with the Muslims in November 629.

Entry of Muhammad into Mecca

At the head of 10 thousand people, the most big army Of all those who ever left Medina, the prophet moved to Mecca. She settled down near the city, after which Mecca surrendered without a fight. The Prophet Muhammad entered in triumph, went straight to the Kaaba and performed a ritual circuit around it 7 times. After this, the prophet entered the shrine and destroyed all the idols.

Hajat al-Wida, death of Muhammad

Only in 632, in March, the only full-fledged pilgrimage to the Kaaba, known as the Last Pilgrimage (Hajjat ​​al-Wida), was made by the Prophet Muhammad (a photo of the Kaaba in its current form is presented below).

During this pilgrimage, revelations about the rules of the Hajj were sent to him. To this day all Muslims follow them. When, in order to appear before Allah, the prophet reached Mount Arafat, he proclaimed his last sermon. Muhammad was already seriously ill at that time. To the best of his ability, he continued to lead prayers in the mosque. There was no improvement in the illness, and the prophet finally fell ill. He was 63 years old at the time. This ends the biography of the Prophet Muhammad. His followers could hardly believe that he died as a simple man. The story of the Prophet Muhammad teaches us spirituality, faith, and devotion. Today it interests not only Muslims, but also many representatives of other faiths from different parts of the world.

Everyone knows that there are only two holidays in Islam: Eid al-Adha and Eid al-Fitr. But the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), although it is not called a holiday, is more valuable and significant. Because the one who came with all the holidays, mercy and all the benefits to humanity is the favorite of Allah - this is the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). If it were not for the birth of the noble Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), then there would be neither the night of Predestination, nor Islamic holidays, nor the night Journey and Ascension to Heaven, nor the conquest of Mecca, nor the Battle of Badr, nor even the Muslim community in general. All the best that we have is connected with this greatest personality. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is the source of all great blessings.

Sheikh Muhammad bin Alawiy al-Maliki

Rabiul-awwal is the month in which ﷺ, the last of God’s messengers, the seal of all prophets, appeared on this Earth.

This happened on Monday, the twelfth of the month of Rabiul-Awwal. lunar calendar, which corresponds to April 24, 571 according to the Gregorian calendar.

Abdul Faraj ibn Jawzi also gives great appreciation to those who show love for the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and says: “One of the features of holding Mawlid is that this event is a protection and a reason for the speedy achievement of the goal.”

Who first exalted the birthday of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him)?

Gratitude to Allah is expressed different ways: bowing to the ground, fasting, giving alms, reading

In Sharia there is no obligation to perform the rite of aqiqa - sacrifice on the occasion of the birth of a child - twice. This action performed by the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) is cited by Islamic scholars as an example of his showing gratitude to the Lord for himself and the mercy shown to him.

One of the advantages of Friday, which came to us from the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), is the legend: “... and on Friday Adam (peace be upon him) was created...”. It also follows from this that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) honored and exalted the time about which it is reliably known that one of the prophets of Allah was born in it, peace be upon them all. In this case, how necessary it is to honor the day on which the best of all prophets, the crown of the human race and the most worthy of all messengers was born!

There are countless such examples and arguments handed down to us from the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), his companions and the great scientists of subsequent generations.

In conclusion, let us cite a verse from the Holy Quran, which obliges us to express joy and gratitude for the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him): “Say, O Muhammad: “Rejoice in the good and the mercy that Allah has bestowed upon you.”

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Prophet Muhammad was born in 570 in Mecca. His family was not rich, but quite noble; it belonged to the Hashim clan of the Quraish tribe. Muhammad's father Abdallah died during a trading trip shortly before his birth, and the boy found himself under the care of his grandfather Shayb ibn Hashim al-Qurashi (also known as Abd al-Mutallib), head of the Hashim clan. The climate of Mecca was considered unfavorable for small children, and at the age of six months, Muhammad was given to be raised by a wet nurse in a nomadic family. Muhammad's mother Amina died when the boy was six years old, and two years later the Prophet Muhammad experienced another major grief - the death of his grandfather and guardian Abd al-Mutallib. The boy's guardian was Abu Talib, the son of Abd al-Mutallib, uncle of Muhammad and new chapter Hashim clan. Abu Talib was a fairly large merchant of that time, he led caravans and often took Muhammad with him on business trips.

Around the age of twenty, the Prophet Muhammad began to teach independent life, without formal guardianship from an uncle. By that time, he was already quite knowledgeable in trade, knew how to drive caravans, but did not have enough funds to conduct business on his own. Therefore, the young man was forced to hire himself to wealthier merchants. In 595, Muhammad began to manage the affairs of the wealthy Meccan widow Khadija bint Khuwaylid, who was so captivated by his character, intelligence and honesty that he offered to marry her. Khadija was 40 years old at that time, Muhammad was 25. Khadija gave birth to Muhammad several sons, who died in infancy, and four daughters: Ruqayu, Umm Kulthum, Zainab and Fatima. While Khadija was alive (she died in 619), Muhammad had no other wives.

The Prophet Muhammad was prone to solitary, pious reflections and often spent several days alone, and once a year, a whole month, in a cave on the slope of Mount Hira, at the foot of which Mecca lies. According to legend, in 610, when Muhammad was about 40 years old, he had a vision in a dream, and he heard a call addressed to him: “Read! In the name of your Lord, who created - created man from a clot. Read! And your Lord, the most generous, who taught with kalam, taught man what he did not know” (96:1-5). This marked the beginning of a series of revelations that continued until Muhammad's death in 632. Around 650, these revelations were written down and compiled into the Muslim holy book, the Koran.

Initially, the Prophet Muhammad was frightened by the revelations that had begun and doubted their origin, thinking that he was possessed by jinn (evil spirits), but Muhammad’s wife Khadija helped her husband cope with his doubts and convinced him that the nameless ghost was the angel Jibrael (Gabriel), and his visions came from from God. Muhammad became convinced that he was chosen by God as a messenger (rasul Allah) and prophet (nabi) to bring his word to people. The first revelations proclaimed the greatness of the one and only god Allah, rejected the polytheism widespread in Arabia, convinced of the inevitability of the Day of Judgment, warned of the coming resurrection of the dead and the punishment in hell of all who do not believe in Allah.

At first, his fellow tribesmen perceived the preaching of the Prophet Muhammad with ridicule, but gradually a permanent group of supporters formed around him, recognizing him as a prophet and listening attentively to his revelations. The Meccan elite felt the danger of these sermons, which threatened to destroy one of the foundations of Meccan trade - the cult of Arabian deities, and began to oppress the followers of the Prophet Muhammad - Muslims. Muhammad himself was under the protection of his clan and its head, his uncle Abu Talib, who, although he did not convert to Islam, considered it his duty to protect a member of his clan. Around 619, Muhammad's wife Khadija and Abu Talib died, and Abu Lahab became the head of the Khashim clan, who refused Muhammad protection.

The Prophet Muhammad began to look for supporters outside of Mecca. He preached to merchants who came to the city on business, tried to preach in other cities and became more and more famous. Around 621, a group of residents of the large oasis of Yathrib, located about 400 km north of Mecca, invited Muhammad to act as an arbitrator in their protracted and complicated inter-clan conflict. They agreed to call Muhammad as the prophet of Allah and transfer control of their city into his hands. First, most Meccan Muslims moved to Yathrib, and Muhammad himself arrived there in 622. From the first month (Muharram) of this year according to the lunar calendar, Muslims began to count years new era according to the hijri (relocation), that is, according to the year of the Prophet Muhammad’s migration from Mecca to Yathrib, which became known as Madinat an-nabi (City of the Prophet), or simply al-Madina (Medina) - the City.

The Prophet Muhammad gradually transformed from a simple preacher into a political leader of the community (ummah). His main support was the Muslims who came with him from Mecca - the Muhajirs and the Medina Muslims - the Ansars. In Medina, the house of Muhammad was built, the first mosque was erected near it, the foundations of Muslim ritual were established - the rules of prayer, ablution, fasting, etc. In the revelations that visited the Prophet Muhammad, the rules of community life were explained in detail: the principles of inheritance, division of property, marriage , prohibitions on usury were proclaimed, gambling, wine, eating pork.

The Prophet Muhammad initially hoped to find support from the Jews of Medina and even pointedly chose Jerusalem as the qiblah (the direction to be followed when praying), but they refused to recognize Muhammad as a prophet and even came into contact with the Meccans - the enemies of Muhammad. The response to this was a gradual break. The Prophet Muhammad began to speak more and more clearly about the special role of Islam and its independence as a separate religion. Jews and Christians are condemned as bad believers, Islam is declared to be the correction of their distortions of the will of Allah. In contrast to Saturday, a special Muslim day is established for common prayer- Friday, main shrine Islam proclaims the Meccan Kaaba, which becomes the qibla. The Kaaba is a stone building 15 m high. A “black stone” (melted meteorite) is embedded in the eastern corner of the building - main subject worship at al-Kaaba. According to Muslim legends, the “black stone” is a white yacht from paradise, given by Allah to Adam when he, dropped on, reached Mecca. The stone later became black because of the sins and depravity of people, so that they would not see paradise, which could be seen in the depths of the stone (whoever sees paradise must go there after death).

One of the main religious and political tasks of Muhammad was the liberation of Mecca from the rule of polytheists and the cleansing of the Kaaba from pagan idols and rituals. The Prophet Muhammad began to prepare for the fight against the unbelieving Meccans from the very beginning of his life in Medina. In 623, Muslim attacks began on Meccan trade caravans (gazavat - mi. ch. from ghazwa - raid). In 624, at Badr, a small Muslim detachment led by Muhammad defeated the Meccan militia, despite the numerical superiority of the Meccans. This victory was taken as proof that Allah was on the side of the Muslims. In response, the Meccans approached Medina in 625, and a battle took place near Mount Uhud, in which the Muslims suffered heavy losses, but the Meccans did not build on their success and retreated. The military defeat was also associated with internal difficulties in the Muslim camp. Some of the people of Medina, who initially willingly converted to Islam, were dissatisfied with the autocracy of the Prophet Muhammad and maintained close ties with the Meccans. This internal Medina opposition is repeatedly condemned in the Qur'an under the name of "hypocrites" (munafikun).

For several years, the Prophet Muhammad gathered forces for a decisive struggle against Mecca, strengthening his position in Medina and securing the support of many nomadic tribes. In 628, a large army moved towards Mecca and stopped nearby - in a place called Hudaibiya. Negotiations between Meccans and Muslims ended with the conclusion of a truce agreement, according to which Muhammad pledged to stop the offensive and abandon hostilities against Mecca. For this, the Meccans gave Muslims the opportunity to make a pilgrimage to the Kaaba. Exactly one year later, Muhammad and his companions performed the minor pilgrimage (umrah) in accordance with the agreement.

Meanwhile, the strength of the Medina community grew stronger. Rich oases lying north of Medina were conquered, and more and more nomadic tribes became allies of the Prophet Muhammad. Under these conditions, secret negotiations between Muhammad and the Meccans continued, many of whom openly or secretly accepted Islam. At the beginning of 630, the Muslim army entered Mecca unhindered. Muhammad granted forgiveness to many former enemies, worshiped the Kaaba and cleansed it of pagan idols.

However, the Prophet Muhammad did not return to live in Mecca and only once, in 632, made one pilgrimage to Mecca. The victory over Mecca further strengthened Muhammad's self-confidence and raised his religious and political authority in Arabia. The leaders of various clans and petty rulers came to Mecca to negotiate an alliance; many of them expressed their readiness to convert to Islam. In 631-632. a significant part of the Arabian Peninsula in greater or less to a lesser extent turns out to be included in the political entity headed by Muhammad.

IN last years life, the Prophet Muhammad was preparing a military expedition against Syria with the aim of spreading the power of Islam to the north. In 632, Muhammad died unexpectedly after a short illness (there is a legend that he was poisoned). He was buried in the main mosque of Medina (the Prophet's Mosque).

The symbol of piety, innocence, patience, kindness and faith is the mother of the Prophet Muhammad Amina. This woman's life was full of tragedy and happiness. Her person deserves respect.

The secret of the name

Around 557, a beautiful daughter was born into the noble and wealthy family of the leader of the Zuhra clan, Wahb ibn Abd al-Manaf, from the Quraish clan. It was this woman who was destined to become the mother of the great preacher of Islam.

The ancestors of this family, since the 3rd century, dominated Mecca - the most sacred city of Muslims - and did a lot of good for it. In particular, they distributed food to the poor. Subsequently, the family split into several tribes.

One of them settled in Medina, where the aforementioned girl Amina was born - that was the name of the mother of the Prophet Muhammad. The name had no specific meaning until then. Various versions of its interpretation appeared after the world learned about this woman. Based on her character traits, dictionaries give different translation. So, for example, Amina is “she who lives in safety,” “reliable,” or “quiet.”

Due to the fact that the family was wealthy, the girl received an excellent upbringing. She grew up educated, kind and submissive. Everyone who surrounded her admired the beauty of her face and the harmony of her character.

Fates that connected the skies

There were many contenders for the heart and hand of the beautiful young lady. According to tradition, the parents married the children. Amina's fate was united with Abdullah.

The full name of the mother of the Prophet Muhammad is Amina bint Wahb. Her fiancé also came from the Quraysh clan and was very close to her. distant relative. He was distinguished by his tall stature, unwritten beauty and good, kind disposition.

But the couple might not work out. One thing is connected with the life of the Prophet's father. Muhammad's grandfather, Abd al-Muttalib, once swore that if Allah gave him ten sons, he would sacrifice one of them. God fulfilled the promise, and the man raised many beautiful boys. But when the time came to “repay the debt,” the lot fell on Abdullah’s favorite. The father was sorry to kill the child, and his brother and uncles sympathized with the guy. In the Kaaba, where the ritual was to take place, the relatives persuaded the old man to cast lots. On one side there was a son, on the other there were ten camels. Each time the sentence fell on the child. But when a hundred animals were already at stake, God took pity, and the young man remained to live.

Happy marriage

The groom Abdullah (the preacher's father) was 25 years old at the time. Amina (the name of the mother of the Prophet Muhammad) was barely 15. The ritual took place in Mecca. All sources indicate that this was a wonderful couple. Their marriage was harmonious and happy.

The woman said that when the time came, she was awakened by a loud voice. A moment later she saw a beautiful white bird. She lowered her wing onto her. The fear and anxiety are gone. Later, Amina became thirsty and was presented with sherbet, which quenched her thirst. While the angels were busy with her, the world was filled with light. Everything around became white. Distant lands opened up to our eyes.

The name of the mother of the Prophet Muhammad became blessed. Amina gave birth to the great messenger of Allah.

Inaccuracies in the interpretation of sacred texts

When the boy was born, he raised his eyes to the sky and bowed. He further clearly said: “There is only one god, and his name is Allah, who will spread his teachings through me.” There are sources indicating that the child was born without a foreskin and without an umbilical cord.

Many holy scriptures spoke about the coming of a new preacher. Including the Bible. Muslims claim that there are errors in this book. According to their explanation, on the pages that talk about Christ, they actually talk about Mohammed. One of the main evidence is information that the last prophet will be the same as Moses. And Jesus was conceived without the help of a husband, while the second has an earthly father.

Today there are many messages about who the Prophet Muhammad’s mother was and what her name was, how conception and birth took place, and what miracles happened during the process itself.

Long separation

When the grandfather was shown the child, he was very happy. The old man gave him the name Muhammad, which means “worth praise.”

According to tradition, the child was given to the Bedouin tribe. This was done so that the baby would grow up away from city diseases, harden himself, and study Arabic and traditions. For a long time they were looking for a milk mother for the orphan.

Nobody wanted to take the boy in. The nomads were told that there was a young widow in the city who was looking for a wet nurse. Everyone knew the name of the mother of the Prophet Muhammad. They also understood that since the child does not have a father, there would be no one to generously thank them for their upbringing. A woman, Halime bint Abu Zuaib, agreed to take the boy. She had little milk, but as soon as she held the blessed child in her arms, her breasts became full.

Amina rarely saw her son and therefore suffered unimaginably. Nevertheless, she did not break the traditions.

End of life

The separation ended around 577. When the child turned 5 years old, his mother took him in with her. Amina decided that the baby should visit his father’s grave in Medina. When the family returned home, the woman fell ill. Feeling the approach of death, the mother told the boy that everything grows old and dies, but she, chosen among people, who helped bring into the world such a miracle as her son, will live forever.

The last refuge was the village of al-Abwa. She was buried there.

Hundreds of years have passed, but the world has not forgotten the name of the mother of the Prophet Muhammad. Amina became a symbol of humility, kindness and love. She still inspires women and helps them in difficult life situations.

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